Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1888, p. 2

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m rv otstn artn m lite ijtth tn1 i stab cu ot a dsbghtlr notice if you watif to make a tlicwitecfwr married uiebtmin u 1riacv albeit iocrrctcti lvttrhrtk ivllrj tbr he- jnic v khcr h a uisitotte iillct dsushtroc vzrtftslinpwin jam si liilit church i toronto ou the- ptji llsrcb uy hot dr 1 thomas mr tv p vriv i iljludflphi to siaa l enti tiillro ur ltiitottttiliwu j acton hnxmtlc7 at llicivuic tf urst huiivlrrt nsttiircvl ia llw fchid khtcpi irvcnja 0zv ur 0lr j ilr3 iilviu skubluiiiu daufiu- lcv cclkiii- sacf svui acton tl ftcf of tlcev mvicm tiul akctil from the capital good inveattfttotgj to kelly bros and orde our spring cjotfanit they will show ycu the finest finey ffliti ported sfritfeiga and pantos jrfejtt diss llixinlr airuaailliflsjildu wiry fc ftivt at u ku4 it lct r f wlm ou liio sutl- j a kiruatrl d siyvrt- i j i tuv -hill-nciiiu- iu-v- 1u iaitiiu ton cf it cilcy cl h withi- gtjjc jlrintt jfrri rrss tfhrsuaa ilircic j 18ss mic and tjxurir tu kocal lepilifcn will probably p roni suiit the csd ot hcjt week fsrenoe ot ur btlhbarjri aomimmtnt id tin matter of tht fbhtrjrfrumoli hi wu llaultoha rallvshit fishery tiiuvilie almost unable to rim and being la dancer hbju comiutalontbklii prohibition oununi back into till cbjilr mr charlton la ike hjv lttuor i pmi to ul thil ybrelhlss stillness ot hi attentive house ilia enfeebled rau made his remarks the incident created a profoundly pilnfnl i hcxt a dcrii frcx berlin will riot gitwi -ljttli- t is n cj fcocn the govcruca trr th enacttoati line of ri iwlvirwji ikrlic to thecrcdilviliej- birrli o ihr c lb 1 wk tie nonunion vcsl lists ot 1s53 flhiili will bo rnl tt tbc stt act repoil crlcf vcx piiril rketon lud iw vptfirs- 01 ti icivr 3 ire uniiaauble j til italkcr t ftcead this is the largest iicriixr cur tlcrelxfore kcirly every crc of lhctz cs lis loa of liberty to liie ciiipa cf liif scott icl london a sosihtccsi kissoari tltcrney is report- ei to live triae liietollowirig- remarks ia clasia case oricg to the prcjory of witnesses va icomice c the jcry and the prejaiice pt the jaie i expect to lose during last year ilroar cfsatl j ux crii serri terftscpersniiaitei while jeti received prttnit xht annaal pay- s rntu ruich tle scpcraincitians involve j agreciic 52ti3 anlilie total acocat of the prxttuues tcast the govcniae his refnsed the request olihe oxenscacd tcl c3caiil to late aoenscs of the tawii foe the purpose of j gtaatisgnioreijotei licccsei the number of hecrises ia oec soicd kill therefore be the sjag ss lerctforf twelve thii manitcha i fcickics cp hcc leds ia the esjoyiner cf heif ccrtrcraeat aid raakfsg it hoi cr the federal kzihitiiss at oara ter ifcit dcr ceighlxr datota tritfc 630003 inlabaits hasto be coatcrit cith raexitcrriicrtiljrifihulccd a voice- ihat i cxtinliy sliced 12 ccarecs chicago c2f 1ji jmk- lit ilcxpccttd ihatihe debate in the soasicf c32 cc sir richard ctrt- wrislitt rveprocity refelatioacruich btina oa eineiy next iliciteyi over fifteen days aai thai ctirly even- memter in the hooee trill talc ptr iu il- ttifcsssiaa it wil tit the mst iipolial dehite that pirltmeer1 lias kr oa lor nc ycar j- j k3ts sti prchibiioijits have latent nrw deinrttire aid jclrate3 themselves from tf5h political pirtiti li convention cf the deliates fros all the ccantiei ia the pioicce is to be held in tm32 on the 27th of ifarch for the- psrps- orgaiuiiiig a prohfbitica party plodded to vote only for thse who rih vote against theliqaortrtejc v h tee society fcr thepreveatjonof crcelty i arirrxl it txyiz to uocs popular sen- himent agaicra ihe use cf the ihfck rein on camare- hic ibii modern meansof tartnxe which keeps the poor jbniiei head opin an ccnataral position sxjd does not improre ita appearanoe ia 5e leaat haa been aimost entirely abilfjisd in the united ste aui ehoaidyixs done away iwiih hre m ine scinitiir of evocation has stt s gxi erantl- to oe fejiotred in other cyatrss by firliii thj cee in the ii csttrhitriirectioa of certain gcr- cin tsd cher foreign echai hoiks oti accoant of tlieir bid prist the alarmicf jocreis off cit cf the i eye amcs ichoolchiiarta cajis for carcfal attention tothismaterhy those in aathority the earns thingwiii apply w nunyefosrnews- papere the ontario educational department h iisaed the following notice regariiys tfn inadon for teachers jklif caies thivd class frrsncatiocs will ixjieid from the 3rd tothethof july eeconi chus from the 3rd to the iqth aad first cksi grodec from thelothlto the hth of the same month the eanliiates for the 3rd and 2nd class csrtifoafes kill bo held in the linh schools andcouegiale ineritatcs throsghoat the pro- tisce- caiidaus for fides 4 thlleetilrhinedttorouto umversity and cindiiifor5id ctt gozlph hamll fnn einici lczdvu qitzwa and toronto candidalccmast ubtify tcthoritieaof their irteniiocfwritiuirjt later liaa the uih otkav i nit mlrcf ih- fcejiit chliilr cipfre isritiliflvilar l2iton jb piamb spcakef cf re senate died aid- dcly uu- mjrlbg at his rpideace at hiairji his sciectyseojnd iear the deceased -ebuciaaj-ivca- to fouiwa to attend to his gcties ct ihijcpeains tftlte cioa oa fridin- isit a mc6xge v receitfid here from hr piaml by his bdjase- iisepcr ta kn3 hii ciieiimia tjstcatha- nneeoafcitliy to rate the afiernoou ilrsia as he vau cirliii irty toiuara lie ttrove his lirsca from st- cxlharilcs and isculentli op leuatt onui march 13th parliamoiil it uotr cntcripr on the foarth wk of the tcnloa sad bcfciui to telu dotfo to hard work larg bodies move ibwly a atari liai ben madooqthetumate hawvrwhtcu uarreatlhlngloc the ooromcnt the week closed with two roaturt ooucptcuaat ta ike political tky th fiibery treaty and uic mini lob uegotiatioht i wo old have tddfd the invitation to newfoundland to cnlet cotifederauon only tho matter it cot before uihoatc and cannot oatue to apytiiior uiit twaion the mailer ia of first interest however for the cooianima- lioa of fhd tcheme would ccotralire at ottawa the tdminiitrtuoa of all british north amecica thoe who know uy ihe proposal will be rejected by the people of newfoundland whose lariff it ouy len pec cnf while oart it s3 at all evecu pre mier thocbara of newfoaudltnd ii at preiirin eoglaud and it will be some time before matters can come to 1 hiad sir richard cartwrtgut on friday accased the government of want of cbortesy to the hoast in not diclosiug the negotiations with newfoundland immediately parlia ment taatembled the first mhmter made no reply j tttc juxitonaltittrjl ti government it undoabtedly mi ioat to end the railway difikalty in sxani ibba iseriont troable is feared if to tr rangemeal with the flovernmeat pfthat promnce ft notcotne to accordinc lo ur watson the negotiations began here a letteriwax tent by a malaal friend from sir jfthn to sfx greenway who wired ifr walton for advice ur watson taw s- john jtad the resalt thai mr watson wiredipreeawiy a coracon he tad hit attorccygencral martin are at the time of writing uill here bat mr mtrlin told me yesterday lhat calejt an uraagement wat csmelo quickly they wodd retam to ifanitobs at occei they have had two or three interviews with the ottawa cabinet and in addition were closeted with lord lansdowne this revived the statement that imperial pressure it being brought to bearnpjq he question in the hoase iix kitchehlfadrr ot the third party de manded to know if laasdowne was acting at the instance of the cabinet sir heeler laagevin said the igovernmeat was pre pared to take respontibtlity for all the governotgeneralv acts the leader of the house entering at this moment having been absent and sent for said the gover norgeneral ooold send for and talk to whom he pleased hr laorier inrmedi ately rose and said whether his excel lency was acting wilhbat or with advice the oppositiqa wojald hotd the government responsible for anything that might come of it the contention of the ilsiitobi delegates is that the dominion government must icrreader the right to veto acts- of the legislature chartering jocil fsilwavs tec flihclv tcein j sir charles tapper gires notice of a bill respecting the fithry treaty it isoa the second rflavting of this bill which wis introdaced today that the debate on the treaty will tale puce the rnach talked of protocols htve been reoeived by the government and prove to cpnlain nothing sir chttles regretted that they did cot give the proposals laid before the confer- eace he laid on the table a supplement- ary docameni containing his proposal to the commission far freer commercial inter- coarse with the ucifed stateswitha view to the settlement of- the ushery dispute the american representatives replied that trade matters were qotsfde of their jcris- diclida to dkeztt tal were for congresi to deal with this concommittal proposal and reply are considered here to amoant lo nothing bet macfa cariosity is felt and many efforts have beea made in the house lo learn on whit groands sir charles tap per sapported hit propotali tad whtthe said in regard to re trtie sar charles talus the position that he cannot divulge more withoat the authority of the other commissioners there ere of course the stenographic notes taken of the pro ceedings winch if prodaced voald thaw what was said this is thus far the posi tion of this matter rtte sjgs coibrrxnoraesiar the ofposition articnlarly jtessk mills and cartwright were kniioasto know when voting the nxoeyelher sir charles topper the caaadiaa pooh bafe was going lo divest himseir of the office of high cammessioner in london or of ihe osce ot finance sfinister sir richard cariwright did not object to hid as fin ance minister for he thought hint a very good one for his side of the house bat mr mills pointed out that he coaid not reside in canada and discharge the duties of representing canada in londoa sir- charfes contended that even residing here he could with adraatsge to canada super intend the london agency but he inli- mated that he wpald soon require to be relieved of jae of the offices eir jbhd dwelt on the saving of the high cammls twners salary and described sir charles ss two gentlemen rolled lfleb one he wanted sir cbarles here ft to fight my battles tor he is a terror to evil doers but continued the premier i may be able to spare him to go back to england if hoc gentlemen opposite continue as mild as they bare bgun this wu all tfee in- formation vouflhaafod hon peter mit chell referred losif charles as a man with plenty of courage and plenty of cheek abd the only man ia canada who could hare carried nova scotia for the government sotlieknigfci from cumberland came ont of the discossioa with his vanity well flat tered and he certainly had a right to take air eichard cartwrights remarks as a high compliment- i te3tpeeaxce qcsbttoxs there ere few more vexed questions than that of ptohibitibu it was brought dp bj mr mills on a motion in amendment to supply it declared it to be the opinion of the house that the duty of the government was to make the scott act as perfect as possible the house rejected tli is by a majority of 43 id a house of 163 mr amied lereoi8turdicrcaitg he dil sil i- j- i r mills was charged wrthlxiag indiscreet in uqujtwtotftnu itttet ijgid ar- l itjdl uijwn to- relcn to 0taw aufa today oijjuiiy mr plsmb dd not feci j vrtil lzd ssiit for ijr aaaersan who lleftliiii iathc evening cppaxeatlycom- ifttrubie tan acrziils arose tud while tii the ec cl drsiii irl-nielf- fell on tie inrjiva errired liuclitf srrt ic prd tt ihe losstliatr iistuftsiltd iy las fcfcrtotjr death mr kanjiijeaies to eoasfindlbreedaugbters none cf whirn wert at homeal ihe lime mjeb anuie piarb witsotottaira as was jrdmicanpoi mr ijred plarab ii tp cf cr i many sir ilambv cusi divjilee feitrrd toiirckobin- f2n ci of trniu3 aurjiiil second ucyiittr i- rrrirtl to mr ch- litoae ol i gft2ktr ky mr- plombirj been a wldotur for ivcutv yciri- ladita eiudiy read kiy ijfcs imeat r adver- not waiting for mr jamieaons bill but the opposition took lri ground that the act would never w amesded a the alliance requires it until taken up by the govern ment and reffred to the scott act itself vhich under mr mackenzie was made a- goverument measure t rsr dctecests or ukoc messrs dry of toronto coliii of harnfl- tou and redmond of montreal have been here as the legiautive committee of the knights of labor and interviewed sir john who said the dominibu could not pass a factory act until it wu settled whether jurisdiction wai vesud in the provincial or federsjaatlioriiy he told them lbil the pjtcy of paying asyited pssstges to imrai- u rants bud ccased and un more taimigrsuis wttld be unooglitjo canada this way rxciiiixts or ueuxre when uon afcxaader mackepxtft roseiu bis place to pfoteh esdljiig tor the ioter- improstion many remembering when alex a oder mackenzie- was not equalled as a debater iu tie commoui of canada slrjohu mtcdoutld haviug tried to set mcttrc carlwrigbl and mills by the cars llio kingston knight recalled tht time when the premier had the htbu of flaltcnng the vsnityot one member o tb oppotitiou to the diipralu ot another and then turning muud and fltltcring that other to thu dicpraise of the first all with a ticket makingawamoug his opponent sir john joiid with the house in llm laagh whfchl llowod pcchapt no feature of the session is to striking as thfcproraincnl ptrl sir kichtrd cariwright takes in the proceedingt he is a readier debater lhan most others aud htsagreatfandolidlortnttion sirlueliird and hon peter mitchell whosiu etide him are ever ready for t brush with ihe enemy j gevdul otes canada will exhibit at the glrsgow ex- hibilioa now open mr lyncli ihe daicy expert is here he will read a paper in may befort the british dsirymeaassoeialion a grand militarj banquet to the gover nor general lakes pltce lomorrowetening halton r i teac kaltvjn xdiperakce assoclitiox decd to work with a view of securing tletioral rrohlbltlauof the liquor i traffic a meeting of the general executive of halloa temperance atsocialiou was held al milton last thartdty the alkndacce wu very large tha fiaaaotai statement was submitted which showed that the ex ecutive was in good financial condition the executive expressed its grateful appre ciation of die liberal assistance reoeived outside ax well as inside the county and gave special thanks to the w 0 t u and other temperance organisations and private tubscribert they hold ia high apprecia tion the prayerful sympathies communi cated by letters from over 50 womens christian temperance unions and vklu able services of a n amber of gontiemenwho addressed public meetings the question of the advisability of taking legal- steps towardt voidingcf the recent election on the grouudt of serious irregularities iathe preseutatfan of the petition for repeal as wen asin the petition itself was fully discussed ia a vote upoa the matter it- was decided that notwith standing- the fact that two of ihe ministers of the dotaicion cabinet have declaredthat there ire fatal objections to the petition to- action be taken to est its validity in the court j the meeting tlso recommended that rtipsbe taken by the proper oalcuis to en force the scottact in the strictest possible manner up lo the last day it remains in force in htltoni j it was the united delerniiattion of the executive to continue public discussions and agitation and bath moral and legal suasion with a view of securing general prohibition ot the traffic the following resolution was adopted after a careful review of the operations of the scot act en htkon it it the unaai- moss jadgmect of the executive that the act has decreased drunkenness- crime poverty and suffering in the o3ttuty that the utility of the act though defective is most marked ma satisfactory and the county has never enjoyed greater business prosperity and tbtt the policy of this ex ecutive is for enforcement ot tbe act wiile it remains oa tbe statute j it was further resolred that the defrat of the act it nt regarded as a defeat of the great temperance reform and that more earnest ffarct be put forth and necessary changes adopted including a well denned platform by rhich to secure ia the near future a general prohibitory lax alfonhibieocteage lhitoftlntvaclcrt oroutoiubtjr with thflf t lomtlwmndpo a ureases through tha kindum 1 ot 3 8 deacon esq the public school 1 1 spec lor for oar countyrwvre enabled 0 present below a list of all this public iohc a teachers engaged n haltoni public eohoo a u follows actos j t t moore trincipi catiic mopbail daisy corrigtn and let 1 i dorund nculrsoips j haddaw fell prflofpsl annie mo quarrie alice g rtaot itrtuotft misener grace cisrko od miu campbell okobneto rx r e hamtoa prftoptl itabeju h priugle bertie wilson lottie m foster and hannah loan j jfllto model school hgrty trinaipti jcoule patterson h w bcilj oiiso kelly nellie pauiason and barbara mclean 1 oaxvn ej h hatband princifalj maggie gallie minnie b timer minuit lucas and mrs slroel i j csirtsiid no iir n shorlui 1 aasevrood no a4 a- mcclehah lo maniewood no s h s mcliogul in and maggie for est athgrove i koi sflemfag llorval no 5-j- 6utijie scol ih block no crd 8 moote ei iaesiog no 77j m malcolm 1 ud annie thomp i ton corral no 8ij irving actor xo obella a- gordor limehouie no 10 annie it cfai man speysidc no 11 t morion tad laura paige glea- i williams v 12 jeaonette mel tsn actoo no 18 f m worden acton no it sarah j mocc ilura ballinafad no 15 maggie mclsai s sftlmonvillir no ic j agnew geoi geiojrn u no a e annie mod jweh hornby i xissadii rvi no l annie eulerbi twk campbellville noaidaggie mcphal tnd h frater i campbellville j i no 3 r meade naaat gaweya no i d d birks ntuagaweya no 5j strachan ed n wllx no c r irving kelso no 7 d fitiflgle nauigaweya no 8id a kingsbutj nauagaweya no 3 lr mcgregor ac ioc rtud l no 2 mary annis ne sou no 3 wv mccienaatao appleby no iw m campbell freeman no 5w h gee neh ouj no ghsggie moakhoi te no 7 jeannette baste lo no 8 e dorlanc t pjalermo na 0 w f patterson lawnlle no 10 w a- gilchris- ammiosville no i l r coates kilt rid no 12 r walkin lo- rvole no 13 henrietta mcm aswr miltqo textllg s no i helen young b lyne no 3r h walton altrmo no 3 emma giles tr ilsigar no jv c ford traf jgar kofi jl h- bradley c mtgh no 7w m mcgoire milton no 8 j h stingle li gar no 9 esther a norrii drumquia no 10 emily house i reeuville no ii mary sammopj sheridau no 12 martha lean oakville no 13 woi davidson iud maggie curtis bronte no if maggie mcdonjldiomagh no 15 a mcgiuivtaj merton no 16 bessie alien p jerrno no i7rj w chtpmsj ash no 15 alicie walton jronte ifobnibi e 01 ittemirted doable hu der try a hired jfsn the wouldbe jtnrdertr a goal beucptgs onu march 10 a diabolical attempt at murder was committed yester1 day afternoon mr karetteri a farmer living near bolioo was proceeding to the bush for jrood wlieu hit hired maa named preston attempted to murder bja employer by striking him on the head several times ffuiran axe after competing the job of murder as hvtuiposed he left his victim and proceeded to the house and attacked mrs forester and as far as can beascer- tained struck her sereral heavy iblpws on the heid with a large iron poker itis also reported he tried to strangle her with a pair of suspenders and then endeavored 0 maketit escape at soonaxtne above facts became known he bolton constable wu notified and securing a- clue of the direction in which the murderer had gone he gave chase and overtook hit man near tcliarnbre and landed him safely jail here this morning particulars of the murderers object for perpetrating such an offence is not yet known hut a farmer in lojrnioday living near bolton reports that the accused attempted to ravish tie woman and oeing enable to accomplish his desire attacked her as tbove described- hopes are entertained forthe recovery of mrs forester bat- sir forester is very low and ktest reports giie no encoaragemeot fori fiim j l the prisoner appears rather a smarts coking person aad hateeu in mr forest ers employ i for upvirdtof two years which would justify the impression that ba- was a reliable man i fob ibm sprinc sprinc r spring to theladies of aqion artd surrounjding country u iffniyonlieikindtoryttiintlonolhofollowlnreibrkweuv to ikc with rptcrence- to puiprinrrivot cotton toodi wen j ninil libointcrtilooafellutooarilve within the last fe days we- have received bales of white and gray cottons j bought right from the mill at the lowest possible figure we have- i also received piles ofprintsshectings tickings to- v l 1 gethcr avitha lotofbed spreads every lady i i wilffindit tnjheir interest to dok through j j our slock of cotton goods villaoe profxty taj tl i wifnt5t4ohl3f shikolbs ajid pickets 1 vjiuxouik ami ilthfrtb u1 i o luklnk vltr iivt t v jfl t ulcarustti wurija hid ctl liiijujnl hmiml tith us 1 kelion iimley bikixg rov death of ptmojl w1lllut gerauij vmcrable ilonjrdi ww hi j urf hatinr pumt 11 bchjs mwch 9thbmgmor wuium otggrminjrdied yeter4jf ittursoon t tuenauce in berlin iba dcceai ed tnpn- ucfa sno wan a ton ot frederick tillfara 1 and ot frincmi looim o it klanborg slrehlz od brother of tilt ult ijudfot prustji was bora jiarcli 22nd 17 w hti he lived two week longer he iro ildnia been naietyne yean of ae he ttm cinciuia ioldfer and took pan fa tbe campaign of 1313 and 1315 wbiobranlted in tua oferufrpw of napoleon 3iipart william firit parnedjnne jhthj8i fto prinoeaa adrdiu dannhfit of cbarny frederiik orand doke of weimar they have tiro children the crown prince frcderiok william jiowao ill tith throat diaeaaeaod lo jmnceai lgia ldary- tbo latter born dec 3rj 18m ru mar- rial sept 20tbfl8s0 to frederick wiluaoi grand dake of dadcn all arraryrnenu have been made for the regency of jprinoo william tha crown prinoea u i i f i a ner rale- for retnovinit it euider in the eye ia given by an engineer it ia let tbe injaredjeyearoneand mb the other one and the cinjler trill he ont in two minntei itia a simple remedy thongh itaottodavn- ita latnt ofietal tt to their eelatirr rarity the recent official teal i in the stelea bf irioai artida of foqd b it aftraoted mnch attention from the pal hc andcaaied a wide dlkouioa in the newipapert the frandfin the manofactc re of baking penr at and tbe determine i effort to force various brand of aldnx xrdcrt npon the marfcet hare caneed be anthoritiea of several of the states to look particolarlf after thia dajf of gcodi the ohio bute food commimion has eximlhevl thirty dirterenthrahda andof beae fonnd twenty made from alnrn sac i l htrje namber wu not inspected nor f siitsnpposed that some of the cream of tar si and phosphate powders whose manafa trert are repre senting them to the pi bfic aa pnra and wholesome had become to deteriorated u they werefotind to be fr m the me of im pure ingredients in their componnding as many ofthpse sdnlteratt 2 brands ire sold in the loninion the epbrt local interest the ohiajcommiuioi made tests for strength and purity s 3d j declared that baking powder the be itjii it waa ot coarse the narest whid befufr of effective strength contained resit utrm in smallest quantities in the beku g powders named the following ptrcentagi ol raidatun or inert matter were fonnd xixr 1 reacrjrtoi lawidumr fcrw i swdeil tjs llua eoyal cream 6f tartar ctavalamf zippi crystal alum bterliks drprtcae jersey lajpnil toreit city aloml guver startalam- de iadi efortfohts phoaphatel- kcatoti slum rcmnsble and north trying oentlemen kindly call and- kartino kelly bros aprins suittngs tod pmlings tbe nature of the reeu anni bean direct ly i upon he- question of health that la royal ia declared to be p rfeoilyiarmleai in the case cf the alnm owdert li it oon atdered hurtfol yet the arnotuit lonndm three ol the cream ot tartar powders- clevelands dr frioe ajkd sterling averaged more than that in the crystal an alnm powder tbe importance of the infohnetlon oon veyed by these ngares oa i be beat under- stood by a simple oomp irisoriu take for imtince ihe twobrst nai lid powdersthe boyal and clevelands hie inert matter orresidnnm fpondin gle rejands ia seen to be about 8 in 7 more tha i the other njbion i s difference of 40 per cent theboyal beinxpnrer than clevela ids by acorres fiondiug ngnnir the rein live purity of all thenrands can becornpnl bdinjllke manner ddaot forget 1 when you intend pure lasing a nrst clas organ or piauo to go toi c 3dclean of tbeneph tempie of it qsie he is no agent bnt bnyilis goods i a large quantities at rook bottom dfitires si d only the high est grades are handled the largest assortment of neckties ever shown is at kelly brca acctiov sa zs t 16th uarohaelajo if farm atoek aod lementj tbo property i hn kellia lot 0 8 xaaeagsweya bala atuveloek wm wmar 16th uaj laiplementj eon6 naaat heuutroet anetionoer tatmsnattlnduarch saliof itock and lin- seuenta tbo proiwrtr of 1 larid corentrr lot eon 6 eaqnesug bale nmstroot anstlenecr warojtsrmtr mth tlareklalo ot larni stock abd lmplemonta the prope trot john arthur 6t ia cc esquestor also of the farm sjuo al upcloek wm hoi istroei aoofloooor ttrtbflat tltb uancb sal of fann- st kx aw iqiutapolih ula property t ajoicrtl pa lot tcoaiama- at4jd43ii ous bisx keuly bros gutter and eggs wanted kelly brosj sfwlrtc tnd gray cblioa sold very slicap bylljc web r v 1 how is it done how can you sell so cheap uuiouucttfju oflojaikod ui ljourcuitocierf we will monlion leie s few ot ihe rcfljton hr vc can icll w eliesp lslvo badarect frcai tbe insaaaeturen fu mest easeil lad ha vc print ii j- cr cah vcsa buy tajwboto waiioas j iffi t n fd fffdf iris lsaritsit mnnrrtr tolllidtxilol hlotll mc itoiiorty tjv lo ihcii 4d ibfc diittbttifi tuatn s a t itvmcasr vtrfurqh yi asbotojimooat hji baiti t 1v pqlgkmj tial i cti tta4j rfliilo ffbot it j for bale j t7rifj thv 3itriiiiuatwturf tjcirut luikljnsjou forui uney plj joufil it tr llicrir sre pt ijtnrc d ku ttnntctdy a isj lo iiliuyinsiuiitj fiuialin cnatiti c loget ttie lowoft mnugprii uh miantcscc cl tnerclvcc jean luitiig tor cn of tha lawrt tncajiiala enslici ui lo hij our gooat in ihe ctieaicst marxsu evcrflilcn jean lujlxve tor en of tha lariesl lioici hoosw li st s tmall marulu of sihrdoiiu t itrco trade wc are m i ikition ic tell g ircftl to covcrcriwnrt i mckay bros 46- 48 king sireet east irami 4rhorseme leave vourordersfor i rptita bills 1 v fabtilaud pedigrees i i and show card leave yobridrdafs for iriktivg route bills tabulated pedigreea and ssiow cards j j t of 8yifd6in the ctaaty of csvj who iird ou or tlxmt the liithjcuj of a d j rs hereby resniiedtoi yfa sjefbsil 1 0 out tbt uader tbe walof the laid jwietf on or beforq thctwenty third ie by pt jtffepalava cutcmct adtireftct with fall jtartiffliun sod p cltiuu and sutcioentsbf their tearities it any held bjthem and notice lijerebr given that kttjkfm s3rd day of april 1 tbe safal e my f he ictlng exestor ifcrwald 1 jtsa distribute the ttu of tbo taiduec at4a the nartiet entitlnl thereto batini issw to the claim of bieli bo ou hsi us4m ana tbo il acting executor toi i ot k fortkcauttt oraajmrt tiered t u ot persons olwliose claim or elaim be if hstcbsd uobcsrattbo ttuwofiseb j jqhx wl oxcitor tor larjta dated at mlljab tbe 13lb lurcl ue u fl auirtlesiudbtedtdtbemawfiirs rc hereby kotiied lb payraen tesbmit- rortbwiatof tft jhert avebs- actiag exeeni t9pttil ifree press offiee actop tbivo t urge svsortcts cltie fluost horse cats lo eboote from j tnj do cze ctt tt luuccby lticcc it w1xl tay ctptj- hckcssi botf aclc is la the county of j hilton to advectue the route ia j the acton free press h p mqdreypziliihir fancy- goods stationery mm llfc sub aus n mccarvin -xew- s newest 8tyles very cheap coksistina op- tollet cases dressing cases jewetand odor oases in plush 1 writing desks work boxes scrap and auto al- bums iri plush j and leather photo albums latest dislgnsj handmlrrors whisks and whak hholprs i i i toilet bottles far covering shaving cases and mugs i magic lanterns oslnialnakui- i and rubber trumpets k mouth organs biblsbotlioxfonlt bagstei i hair brnslms and perfumes 1- boys aod girls own annual band of hope british workman eictorc 1 i books 4c 4c everything worth having will be foccj at mcgarvins drag and stationer store i i aqtojn ont breadmakera yeast rtlead nuub of tlilq v um jij -h- lrizes ui orui ial nun r- 7 t vituviokdialiavc wium to iv it- a it riurn- auy lundhytswii i tiui ti lijht v it kvli rial imjvl iii ui hjr lti iati rwnrau- 1 lii in mtrvi cm tfcjiii phlceflvecnit9 titry lo wuiixj 3pjlljdnr for- this season the finest and largest stock ever shovvn in giielph is now i ii l v -at- v days bookstore cuelph 1 day sellis cheap i j tbtese art riakd times 1 but- main street acton j is fully prepared to supply the needs of all who require pore and freeh grooeriew fruits acj and everything else in mat line for the times cheap j wanted ocal and tkaveabfo 10 ell cur elioitc rtriciesof cither on liltsy ax ic rdmimknx tvv l irycioait w ihelriitt mcifc binsls one- lrripb id bobtar tb e aoovingitr asilrczsailbreferei iijjitrr aifrcssttiibreferefc itifli i waylothkbs sj t ar f notice to cre la tamattcrofthemt ukl 80d latffcrjff vultsqm sp7itjx towofhlp of sqveiihif tftssii deceased jcotlct ifc beruby gircu th ii itaiate in tneb cjc m4 tht creditors of jtmcs conuyactelsxi the sdlehufic al s popalar st tentiao5 ti7 l the par itr tiie wot d t tjjuaxj i5 weekly 3x0 byetr 15 tor q this unririllm periodic vblcb ti4m obllibm bv moan cor fof raortdsip jorty yoars ccbtcincwitoipsiduln s tation for rfcllcne sna enjoys i cuitkkfvrstiiiiod hyafiy di tfoa vtry dumber conuijutlxfee benotuavy iwiutcd eu sutly illnr uiiti in popular style a descriptive most tacrrel totrtwtiflcnd import at science artis4sswmfctixes it jirofcworrtjswarr eriessoa inffrortpw jiccbaijical worn enuftric jo cbf mbnry iletahorgy ly4xic- architocfwrqj dotoric lonopiy a nttnral history c ithesciesutac aaitrritaii should b itj ftrrr dirrlliiig filxjtiw scboo wbrkmaif formuoa enbiticr equ ijlnatonc prenjdxetn offlciail t farmtt ta lsarrrrmliiys i mm lfropc iittnizynailaiidi7tf csiab wiudrritesatufsctionahdbentntf rau readinc ot the rcihttlsr amcricat try ltitw brink jotftalaabl ida scribe tax yrrorsom itvil nuis ben abd self reliant tttbcribc fear yobr n willplcroanaisiitbcjrllkrn 1 it jour rierififi will be uicly to ixt practicaluftla uo ikjait by pes al theek ri 1 ta munnj0 ljs pliusbcnsalllraidifiyvjy- fboojcs bib the fiwugtirijwid via if ifmjnfs sjrt d lrtb8 ih tollatpd bbaxtfc unfcdoi tttseriogsed even bowtd55eteej3 end ingoflpailejisyoilliout ayatem nlli imptiritia laamorboi ttvakfctitna ht tjmeconeatjr aolijt7 stomach ci3bbiiciyf a 07- li x ioaxtlnrrri ccrrfpatica of tat smoi 1ixpayf to ineti vision jicisbisp biitj- bajtiialtt koi tin hoirttijtarrjiaeoasl i id aah leobiltlt i t vj a id other ismihrr cefltuita yi happy ipfiuaac c bl elorjdnt 1 hwoblrhm0jrgps i a speclatstock of crockery and pishes areshown insets atfrom s5 50 to 2000 tea sets s3 worth 6 class sets 50c worth 65c lamps si 50 worth 2p0 vegetable dishes fruit dlshea cake 8tands it all other jgdods proportionately cheap j i every knt ws that my prices are jow aod alwayssalisisctort abd ncwcacswill be corivin ed b- calling crae early and sccare goods cheap t h habdixg a grand opportunity for canadian printers vaiw nefi visit 1459j emihettthroatnd iiinffj will 1 dominion scibl tuesdatt 27th irif okhdayonlti- catakljl twioat cw a ew of the hondredc bo ltaro folly nested b- ur wash q i sp llrsvqo uckeltj ktoston t andconsuamtfon johoilekelty klngitoa ontcs sh llri a hopplhc kiugston oe qomamptiod ntr e8 and throat ej scott uihcstod ont botxaqif hrfoiriciith0 l itk jiv awh4b4lf u4iv twt rj throat va ajii james mattlikr master acie tu jt tanuh head in threat tfranel tjerlin out cstairj throat 1 miss nui eby berlin ont ebi f wtnr yu comnusv ttat c heth6- bcoitbtrliil onu asthma airsl neui iterliooi bead slid ttlroat j teri ksrehcrfkitjsepbs oat andtbrojit h colin gtvuinl 1t ejwani onl ijsmei htieyiduttoil ontic4tar h wm slioeihsiwrllodnoroiifs jcsepli hailey fort gra iot v bud form 1 w m smfcv f4ie scrcy usqafactartrai out vt wi iw i the calv threat 4n i ltius tirfeoni wfi8 jirr vanomocrs contr catairh head aaa throat mri godfroji ihncsa s jacobi suulliiiod k titus snidcriuminaeldont- ca andutroas j for qo days i will furnish printers vitv f fine mew prouty printing presses all duty jaid and part ofthfe freight hut niunici p hty i pi cc i d of edu coancil liamber tv utyavro jfjjii scire a imtl t bill hes a a pictel zsi iph city jraitrj ii vili srs wq shlppai fiftxeuilj week fvti tjrsu j iaffo lefalsoaj mf- wi lphbolrd el toji irgoi poil koyil ririontb j li piahtt special t will tnefdi pfti iiul xso u stuiof mil h dw conl tliors yandfri tj ijirioall teach ialeeii ton- on hnrsdayi iwl r iofl jatoiliel leyv ot spcyiadej fitrift jpijiitetj rbrijlijr 4 syj oatprtlosi v yilhse wills das s fiiwarrf u rtllelin4 ho wclllcr otln nontbjtk lamb fprat itifcndj the basis ecboo oca p 4 jcfi shelwtti siafj- jtar death jsafj- j bijeqlkilljiloul j ahillobrbr3 of the irqgen elcouncillol the farm of sir ahnjfbrja8ip f raombs in tn- h4 thiiticbity m morrow tbpuii weifihljig frbniflll f ajmeetirjj jcanadlai prtte j icio it k lb j i betopin hoh i- n- s1 1 sfethojistchiih rod inrsihiy inst an exoeiiej thecanaaci at fie toot tf fcllnipi is beinrincrenl tja pxetiiy ol hof icv4nipd d tvilju- hfld 6uacfdaive iterolorgajiyjn brojionj ll xi perfrctionicii f praitirjj he i h i i iiritrpkn r 4astnrj petijai vruoidaj come and see a new improved prouty at wtk in ouriqmce h yon tco cue work jou kill wtiil one in your omcoatonee wabavo osotl a- pronrji irft for year and know it cant bo boatn no luell chance ever before offored tbe canadian- fzliitbri to sacore vjrtua cyllddcr press at j h p modre ageiit ftr kmda wrtoiorcattosuaprieec wood engrp- 10 kinc set tor me stock rorfiirta frtnrk jitss nrri jsh ttlcslm pi fr actdii ontario ttf w i bit3tt taatkki

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