Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1888, p. 2

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tesi sififv m notcsfclf you writ feia ioiilhvistoiet v rtt k atp i bojuf atfin snnatv on tt it taat the twot leu 0 rtctaw of tt km 1 wo ouoltld acton on the iist march tbe ift if thmuu oemble of ii4slit k i kllbmsd rnoxrostotreu raeilanmtat hantm church toronto oa roan nerd by tier cl a c mr hunr jttnabon oftoronm formerly of uraebonif wma maeffo trotiw ol at xmxd owofcpkx at acton on toe igth kuali bella a wawnhrtihnfnltoluii l frnsnar vrordea jl e jtrv t lunula and u dars ifcenoxvii sacinsy uitli oa uj jittjj jmif uuauxdtaat xemdrea man b lllhuio fks6ayinh lui atfrmnati maty uolmfeljruc ot joihua roans icxvtomiobrtilrwytottonthc mhlnk lralldiarlwol james lane lb lblohsd i jvaratd iyh p ii m t rfcfr jtrti lcss 0ttte- 1 rtohtb ra issif axmialmuimoo ntlil to rinn aethmtiy wlilrfa adbni rndilbwou tftltfunltortrafte ih be secured the obttrlohtiucii of the dominion al liance oplcood its annual tsmlonjal the temperance hall toronto ou tuesdsy mornlni president whrrlowliiid occu pied tho chair che esecnlive cooirnillee thronrli ill chairman jjmadarcii qc prcntoted its report 11 called opon all lo pill emperaooe abort tjarljf and contiu ned the increasing nroruioeocc givcn to the prohibition question 4t election limes males clear thtfttct that the fniiii iu- dependent sentiment of out elector is bc- itgrtcogllitod by politiciaal aud iwgrs id tbii coanwliou ire would ntm tfrjc oir irieodriuevcry locality to unit lrardlcs of panr iu definite actirt ofiiniritioni 1ipiri0aehai ioraa ricd lmprecilitlit conbldd w veiijtatloiirnjffaiiiiilereoii ylirt niplujllialiblull chat of the colttjldous wrote itvdutf 1 vefotmtii win lotrrfao rdlljtlboiloi for tiiettrritorlei which wlufnoriui nniribr ql um nortliwett cornell i and order a general election for la i tin thewoerjtvoi viohlbltlon or lleehie will m thcrspatmabchw 189s s notes axdcohuixts t yjtc for tbercpetji uiosocitl act till iukepkce oa ibc lkl ajiril ja btooc btcnn rcclrow simp stonsbnt dab- oal tlld gicaplt i i v v f-i- k- j etnpldyccs o thebeutcldibnetyomiay vjscctc lined 510- urf costs ech ia toronto usi woclior destroying atnovtrw oa church street tolepriph id telephone companiecandot cnfbnjicbe8 oil ttqejfl itritlipat ikrmission c the owner of tjia bprpoxwtiou if the life be the street here is a pomtct for the mttieipl thew hfacton r hereafter the rejeetntioa feeon letters 4o the ciute states ill bettro oehts instead tit svel the pratl post srotcmbunilho roghe oa the first of the present month theend of the parcel mnk be left open tor inspection ind piroelsisentetcross the une wffl be sabjecf to castom regaktiong theriteof postige irill ot one cent for ewry four oanccs sir john imiodcinalwhoqld notrua the tiik of going off the stkge vithoat girihg cajidnuiihoodsnrage pk the ballot in the hands of ererr yoani man from thje ijjaiticjathe pacific sir john and tfaey will not betray rfhe trust b voting for any tzucanadian- poiicjy mostly bom and hred in fhe country they hive pride in ita- ftrtnreudvoold scorn to dance attend ance mxm wiishmgtan every time thii eonntry noeded aehacge of tariff jtcwi i grip devoted its front pie last week to 0astaliiofe the recent repeal of -the- scott act in this connty jct pctfircsacorpalent mis seated- on a jrhiskey barrel planted the sihds on the hors of the lak in hiff bands are black- botues hit attitode- is that of one convnlsed yith langhtjec i yhort disfancti axay tnkndij a toman rs- prisentingpabucppinion- heroatstretch- ed left arm paints to the ritdng ktm her right hand rests cpon thej iboalser of a tinriyheadei boy vx ffrasps an anchor which is reared at his sije the wavet bare ebbed mrfscicnriy to dtfdose the void j ha ton and beneath tois picture rnni che legtcfi- the tide hii ebbed that ifl before ion the crea cnrlinc wave bfpnhhc opinion xill rreep along hat hore and saixecerge peer bammy and his brarrel beyond all hope iet him kngh while hecanr acrgyrirxicipja cocxax tie basinefs tiiey trtnsartad it tidr utt jtortins xctr- koxidrtl offieers council met on wednesday evening uth d members all the eteve in the chair aii present- j the minutes of the poevioos meeting were read and confirmed abylaw to appoint a geitonand care- taler for faixview cemetery was intro- dooed ireadthe reqtrired ndmber of times and pasted wra smith being unpointed to snch office tta salary of twenty dollars peraimsm ad the pririlegtrof the grasi op the iicsnrveyed portions v tbefihaxice ccmmittee pretenied their second report as follows j jobfistooit ucta bfosnce in full for tmetaj mil lffl7 1 fiaioo thtt will make them wires felt in every electoral oonteal we know that by uch plans tcinpcranoc vistcri cogjd hold the poliucal balance of power and secure every whew as represenutivci uica in harmony with onr views it is jpceiallyrdcsiraue that ia the appcoachins canipiisns there shoaldbeporfectuaiou and tjetcriuiuaiioa noarranki tbejeiocntivt also sugstcd the sattit of a rcprtseulatiie ktional prohibilisa convention to bo held at sonic central point daring the coming bummer- to coa- aider put progress in the uutorj- of pro- j iubitlre legislauon in the country the pre sent position ot our reform and toplin foe farther ageres3ie action the convention oordiahy endorsedthj nropositioa and the alliance ww proceed to arrange for a na tional convention- an encotiriging raviear of the work doce daring the past year was presented caxadux phessassocutrax eeetluxof the executive oiiniiutw k coin- mluecaiiiatalediovuitotuwit kecanliitf iliiki the executive committee of the ciua dian iss assbciatioa met last friday at the koain house toronto the president mr j j crahbe in the chair there wrc present besides the chairmio-ifr- e- ckmie secretary and ilessrs h p meore acton w watt braclfoaili- battalia woodstock hjhoagh john cimsroq dr dewart and c kr bohicson toroiito and boy y sohiervilie dacdas the first matter discassetjwvuthaalterji- tions to the libel law whkh it was uudcr- btoodweretobembpdied in a bill lo 1 bronght before the dominfoa eassc thik session sfr- cameron mentioned the chief pcints to be aimed at txi that josrnilistk khoold not be taken from one province to answer far an alleged libel pabiihei in an other and that the dominiaa law shoald as regards opportaaitiea for eorrecioas etc be assimilated as far as paasible to that now ia force in ontario the committee m ciiciinoss in its resolvi lo urge the needed rcforaeforward and it wasfinaiy motcd by rfr a pitt alio and- seconded by ir c bucctt eobiitea thatafassrs7ofci cimaron w watt and jb tjayes he a committee of tie canadian press associilicn to act ia cca- jnnction trith joarualislc in the houfe of commonx and other pressmen to presi cpon the minister of jtcatiee in uaecdmcct of the lawot libel and the iatrodaclioa ci a bfll daring the present session of par liament as was promised refrcsenlatives jf this association last year is an- interview with the afiaister ot joatice the cocu- mitieewiu proceed tooitiwa at clcc anf present the views c the association the adrisabihly cf holdii a winter session of the sssociatioc was then debated and the following resointion vts pissed moved by mr sotaervilk sccoeded bj mr a pattnllo that ia arranging for the annnal trip it is tnggested that it be made a point to have a stay of several days at one plate ihe timebe partily occarisd by programme to be arraayid befo with a view tfi both baains and pleasure after revising the list ofmcxbers tte meetiog docrnedtri pi- r tw -y- p ohnstxm a utlexn be jlarphy ii- mi iui fphmioaxkltttjasinz cemetery uo jjaihdrlymailz aonthc uiaff l i 13tol easton feeding tnmyl 0 tlr butey itlinding riefc pciim j s0 l e ilcgirrifi btistzw jof irthi itarriiga and bcatlu sl i tllj3 juppnniouon of w e smith andw p i brown the report was adfjpied- y i the beere referred to the necespty for the appointment of ihe liccai board of health aa reqoired bysutsta for the car rent year 1 upon motion of conncillars brown and ismond the following ratepayers were ap- pointed as board of health j in arojahction with the beeve anov clerk who are ex- officio memlers r h p mopre james kc- iandjwbehneyarried x meeting of the board will be held in the gcxncibcbamber on mnday evenicg 2gthinst for organization- 1 moved by wpjbrwrl seconded by wm ismond edward nicklihhe ap- pqinfed banitax y inspectorlor toe carrent year at a salary of s20 csanied movtd by- wmmoqot seconded by johnfiiniiey lhatdrstaciybe the medi- cal health officer for this mcnieipalitt for the cnnfeiit yearkutiefli p the matter of issuing lieetlses nnder the cioofcs jlctvras referred to j the feeling of the members generally was in faforof t j coosiderahly higher rate jt jiao that pre- riiycliaiondernicensfe the dog ddisance ru referred to and a bylaw to- require ell dog owners to tag fl eir canines is likely to be mtrodoced cpon motion the conoeilj adjodrn to meet on monday evening 2n4 april- m j bebxar ifarcb 13 the jietona block ballt bv mr jolm amackie iirfy4wo jei and one of the most sob itantial build- ings in iut heart of toe town t was coniaml edby fire ra ostardsy nigh the hlock r was occarjied by jx steina ker dealer in pictures and frames job a maciio er and b el us lerk kt the eipreai office the tables of the commit ial liotel and tljifre5e presie bo5dg adjoined the block both frame tiuildings 1 at were ciyed mi jl latiid lecond storey over mr iiiackers attablii amenta where thfire or jsutaia was reaco d- with igreit idifficdlt kr ijbiekies lot u eeiimated at bfxteicovere bjim imarance as foljows in the rconomicaj 100 com 1 coiodtl000 weill gton hfloo jtotiaon lcwrr keller saved jrffunltie and stock batg eatlydama dld6tfllnickeraddmi ellueffecu are atrial loss to iuiarano hie caaie r faetp ma jefectiw tp e t the largest swrudejiio dtakilet siib- kinemlm the jllvtos assizes the spring assizes were held list week before hon- jasgce street there were three civil and three criminal caes on the docket- the graidjjary returned the fol lowing true bilk eegiha v lyons crimi nal seduction under the charlton act begina r t hope aluu hoover false pre- tence r begins- v e bennett penary of the civftcases hopkior v devine was by consent of coaasel transferred to the hamilton assizes and simsoa v ader- son also by consent wis transferred to the toronto list far the assizes commeacing there on tuesday next t case of cree r lirtieiohn wis hen taken op it is an actibii to recover the amount of a mortgaflr made in l7l which the plaintiff alleges that he give ia the defendant to register and which was nevpr done the defendants deny jhe ex istence otlhe mortgage and allege that if there- was tnih an instrument they never had possession of it the case was not concluded and by agreement of coac the further hearing was trausf erred lotoronto wnl laidlaw c sad d mcgifabon ap peared for the plaintiff and j s faller- ton and j w elliott for the defendants t the case ofeegina vs- lyoca at the close of the case for the crown the jodge held thatthe ccmpaintatc evidence hsd not been corroborated tad directed the jary to acqajt the accord which was done thomas sope ahaa j p hoover was placed on trial on- a charge of defraading it several transactions the crown failed to establish fu ease and the jade directed tv verdict of notghtliy i exjbert bennett was iiexf tried for par- jary alleged tohayvbccn commitud in june 1830- the inry after hlf ao boars absence returned with 4 verdict cfoot guilty j w hbowibyqc berlin eon- ducted the prosecution v jmegibbba for tic deft ortiwi march mtho debate on un- restricted ueeiproeity canljot bi brought loaeicwj before tomorrow nlgbt unless tho- gotxremtut ihoutd decree that tht house ail all utrbtto-nlghtv- the debato btsuaou wednesday so tint my irtfdlctioti ol ith uuiiig at loasl a week has bocuvert- fled in mbnittting thoi rotoliiuon sir kichird cartwrfglit vook four hwn to itatoluiciai hii speccli oupies m columuaot hansard aud wqlbctorao ihe new tcautocot tlial will farnuh texts to the ulcril ipcttsern in fatbro campsignti the ihoaj trciitlenisu flrat undertook to iwovetlre ficcoseily for a chsugo jot public- pblky because the country wasjobt prol- grcsstogaailodgbla bricflv aaromarized his srgumenli and flgurepicqtslwtro as fpijaws canada hid cat been able to keep dtbcrhcr fmtatgraat or native popd- lilirta av there were oiooxl native jcaaaj diauiiulho sutoi ad tlireeoal oloor of erur immigrants left canada for iba iame country the popafiticji we lent to the korth west were not there today still there had been an increase in panadas potaiatioa and ytt a decream iu bur total trade from m 1700006 idj 1375toj t202 aiitiwas ladiy qui farmecs were suffering for need of a larger and wealthier market he proposed u a rtnv cdyjcsr things i reform ijf w pre scat rystem of uutioa 2idle1iou of oar coastiiution 3 tlieabolijiou 6f jtsilffsy moa53yin manitoba 4 the obtaining cf perfect free trade with the united stales the americans were oer best customers eves as it was bat nndir the ipropomd pohcy our trade with them would increase in a few years rotn eoowooq to 1300- 000003 at preseatwe soid 3g000600 of oar naiarat prcrlccu tfc ihcf americans dealing with the sentimental considerations sir richard denied thatve otfej anything jo euglvnd except to forcira her mefffor their blunders iitnegiitialitig in behalf of canada and wc liad a right it ye chose in oar own interest to admit araeri can cod f- in tax british roads he wiscoaancxitionisu j i the orjectioics i2jlte1 i 1 1 hon the white in a speech of in hour and a half replied on behalf of the govern- meat enling at midnighlj he rallied uie opposition oc no knowing whether it was commercial uuion cr reciprocity they wanted under either canada would lose ejtiotjoooq iu easterns revenae which woafd hive to be made up by direct taxation both parties he declared were in favor of reciprocity iu natural products but free trade in manafactarcs would sacrifice oiir mane facta rers our trade 1 with the united stales was caeof cempetiiion not lone jof etchacse- xot more than 10 per cent of the 1 prqicclsj of the farm went jto the uuifcd sutc oct of hioocoooo worth we seat only shod tocqodomo the eo- iarkm3t cf the home tairket was the best dicy fcr the farmer using bices sres mr while irsmed that fanzcrp cf cacad were proaperoas aid incrtaing ia wealth- as id populatioi ct canada had increased faster than the new ijci pxngiand stilea and canadians were new reaving dxtots and rctcntng to manitoba cicada eid ths minister w always ready tonntcr iatb the freest commercial relations with the state so long as the poficy cf proitcuoatb car own industries wis net abiajsaed kexi day mrdadea of rrincc ejwird islacd supported and hen mr fosler of xew brunswick re plied many of the afgctrect m both ej were repititiocs mi it would fill this ieittr to scramariseone half of thn in reply to theeharge of ducoyalty ihe up- poiitioa tar ltgreal britain u hart it docs not matter if canada is benefitted the ministerial ists siy it is an cpreeedeuted yng lotax thepoodscf- uie parent itaie and airait these of a fcrcirn econtry free sir charles topper has eioce wednesday been coufiaed to his room with a cbid and isnt expected to be able to take part- in uiedtbate i l ccrcrnxki utcxuiexxr before sitting down hon- mr i foster moved au amendment setting forth that canada was desirous ot cultivating and exleodicfi her trade wilh the united states in so far as that may not conflict- with the katicnal pocy if is expected that the opposition wilhike the vcjte oh an amend coeat totheamendtneat ta be moved j rna odiniixxs trjnujtoy mr clxrk waliaccs committee to in- quire into the existing combines has been eittihg almost every day and brought out a good deal of evidence- in xelation tosngar clneflythooghalso tobaccn watch cases acdj cqai montreal wjjolesale grocers sliowcd btrmwhen they refused ttfjoin tjie gaiii the sagjr refiners charged them more fcr sugar then he prices quoted the members of the guild andpade tham pay eash irf u days the president of the canioa sagar refinery admitted this to be tie cim he citified it on ground that heretofore tfec grocers had been selling sagahafcosl members ol the oeld testi fied ihtlhc trade in sugar a had become so tjnpcof tbe that atotnun it ion was neccs- saryito conduct the trade on bosioeas prifl cipes with a profit i has also neon brought oat that there a e combinations controlling the prices of matches pickh lbs do- be a olilel luoe and the policy of piinlon ooveromenl will be igaldi 1 by the remit j i mr fleet of kjmonikl waste a ipeoial oomoillloo lo inquire into the qtrtatiokof qcatanilno the bill which mr charlton will iptro- docb rivet extinjed poffeb lo ihomtrlume court otootaio and llio richt of appeal to li4 supremo court j the canadian frcte aiaoemouiwill ofgo ou uie ovenimont the amendinj pf the law o libel thieaeulon pobllc policy demande it tho miciiler of juitlco liae pramited to look into certain proviiioni of the seaoiane act laid lo be unjuil lo tallore j petertoro wanta a uew drill hair and the oowrunieut will build one on lie uiuil terms j hatnillou ia lo be made the hca quarteri of a new 1oetal diviiion with an nipectcr who ia pot lt appoiuted j the illocai of 8tr charlci tuppi r make ihe date of the introduction of thl uusgot luilhofilhcrj trcatjr bill uncertain rumor crediu the government with o intention ot appointing mr uclelan lieut- governor of kova scotia mr cm topper bccouiiag xoetmaeter gcneralr boaedoreillcatios the jfanrli jfeeliflffof liie oiorwcri cf bur poblit school the board of tnuteca of acloo public school met on monday evening members present mr t- frincis chiir- man andfessrt geo isyad tliomis ebboge and a e kicklin minutes of last meeting read aoi con firmed the finance cooiffliuey presented- their aecond report recomaiedjiinfr payment of accoonu as follows j dfeankm insurance j 13 50 h p tfoore adt annualrepon h ebbafie school scats i moved by geo eynds jtccon ted by a e kjcklin lhaf the finance kcport be adopted carried moved by geo hynds seconded by thomas ebbege that property committee proenre lor the use of the school nel7 mdps of enand ireland and scotland carried upoa motion the board thetiiadjourncd when yon intend stifchuuia a srsi claa organor piaoo to kbto j c mclean of he ooelph temple blknsie be is bo ftni bot buys his gdmi ialargcquantitjes kl rock bottom trnt and only the hiih led bating powder whatever may be argued from t tiie facta b tjoglit out tho eviitnee certainly of fire a public interest 3care5on eicxieeiffrhear xnportant to farmers s the evidence before the committee of the hoase on agricaltarc prof saandara of thootlawk eipcrimental farm eaid the resolta of his cxrcriinents with russian wheat showed acawragoyiefd of h bosjicls in ontario taking cc days on tbq rfvirige to rfpea in qaebcc j2 bahelx in s3 dais some of the wheat showed rast in both provine in macobatne average yield wai 7g haahels and bver the dominion 38 bashehr es perw differed to- the quality of flodrjfrom liasiao whettevery varixty ofwbiat the proftissor said tended to run oat aqd new varieties ahocld bs introduced wherever red of c beat coald he sowofhe recommend- edite cojjlitaadce tberof was leas withrllnssiaa than with redfife and the russian wheat would grad very close to the best quality of redfife mr waiaoa slid ie had never known redfife to jrostfa mnitoba l titz ttlxitani htrntclit before this is read the result jof the tiegotiations bctiveoti the manitoba and doniiaiou government nify pswsjbly be aunoanced but at prrteaviothitig definite is known it is romoredil at tbeop b havtrsxptessed a njluingj to sell their monopoly in manitoba tjmo irjyxor 5000000 olhcna000000 at aueveou almost daily conferences between the fed eral fnd maiiltoban tniciiters and tha cauadiad haciflo officiiu ai bfliitg held v ichworrnz conntiobs iif j disegssion of the c vil setyioe it was s atod officially that ihe eattnor 2000 yo jog morr who lave paste the examina tions thefflare2p0ppli itkraf for em p- i 1 1 iy mp jbef ib u u mm fa s the folk wing arc only a few of the farms sold last year by juo j daley a co the well known real estate dealers of this city the purchasers of all the farms jthe firm soli with a few exceptions took possession on the first of march 200 acres in the township ci paiiinch the moooey home stead tovm g aldersonof saolt ste marie for itt50 all cash 100 acres two miles from gaelphfor alfre to bolt m lindsay ot oneida township in co haldimand for f6500 all eashuofl acres ia eramosa township fcr j do taylor to james mcgowan of collingwood town ship in co grey for 500 one half tssb ho acres fa township ot peel for eobt hawkins to hagh mccalrum of hkfrid township in co middlesex for moo cash 100 acres in west lather towpahip to mr 7 patterson ot saltfloet township in avventworlhfor 31 cash loaacres near arthur in west girafraxa for mr robert barker ot gaelph to otic david henry for 3500 part cash 100 acres in peel toirnship for hugh ovens v s o mr win backle of gaelph for 5000 89 acres in grey co near holstelu for mr robtbrown to one mr john smith for m00 part cash j 160 acres in axthor township for mr adan sojder to mr james pickard f pickering townslup in ontario co for 7000 all cash 350 acres ia township of cjiarlotlevilleinkorfolkco for mr adam laing to mr alfred coaling of gaelph township lotojfi 100 acres in west girafraxrfor jts cannon to mr henry dance of sauit ste marie for 16000 all cash iis acres bash land in peel township to mr a eaio j of acton for 3000 part chmtaelph 1rrmrry pavcakes ix vahieft on cold winter mornings pancakes of all kinds hold an important j place at iht breakfast table the buckwheat jcake tht most eheriinedj of all when properly made this is the most delicious f all the griddle cakes but it bas been against it when made from yeast or risen overnight that it was difficaltto make light and sweet mdlhatdiugr eeableeff ecu rreqneot- ly followed its eaung it u found thai by the use of the royal baking powder to raise the batter the objections have been cntirclr overcome and that bock wheat cakes are made a most delicious food light sweet tender wholesome that carl be eaten by anyone without the slightest digestive inconvenience oace tested from the fol lowing receipt no other will bo tased two caps of buckwheat one cup of wheat flour two tablespoons of royal baking powder one half leaspooofall of salt all sifted well together mix with mdk into a thin batter and- bake at once on a hot griddle the purest and richest syrup is made by dissolving sugar in the proportion of three pounds of sugar to one pint ot- water many persons prefer the flavor of syrup made of orleans sugar to tist made of the white rice griddle cakes are very delicious the rice is cooked antd perfectly soft drained dry mashed with a spoon laotil tho graihe are well broken tip- fprleieh cupful of rice lake two eggs one pint of milk ooe heaping leaspoopfnl of royal baking powder onehalf teaspoonful of salt and floor enough to make a thin batter for hominy cakes lake two copf als of cooked hominy and crash it with a potato- masher until it is a- smooth mass i add one level teaspoonial of salt two teaspoon- fuls of royal baking powder and oca cap ful of rloar stir together then add by degrees one quart of milk and lastly three wellbeaicn eggs bake in thin cakesj very delicate cod delicious cakes are made by allowingtwo leaapooaf ula of ftoyal baking powder and onehalf teaspoonf uj of salt to one quart pf milk and laffjcient corn meal mixing all into smooth j tbio baucr no eggs or batter reased for the the cakes bake quickly to a rich deep brown and are extremely tender and ighi a vjery delicious sweet pancfko is made by taking one pint of sweet milk four eggs two tabiespooalalfiof powdered sugar two tablespoonfuli of melted batter ono tcaspoanf ul of koyal baking powder and flour enough to make a moderajely jthin batter beat the eggs whiles and jelki separately until well frothed stir the bat ter sugar and one capful of flour iihto wliich the bakinfipowder has been mixed into the yelks then add the milk if ietd- ed add more flour bake is small cakes butter each one as it comes from tae fire place locrjn a pile with very thin layers of any kind of sweet jelly between and powdered sugar over the top thoysl ould be baktl very thin and f oar served to bach person one of the most jingoiarsnd patheliff results of the late blizzanl in new york was the embargo it placed oil funeral pro- cessions j in a great city like that mora than a hundred persou die every day and so the fact remains that before the storm sabiided nearly or quite six hoodred bodies lay uobi ried tho picture which this tog gesumi y safely bo left to tha imagination handra s of hoasehoids werelmsde doubly desolate by the howling pf tjtc winds and theapprentiy merciless an df ruthless des potism t the elemenu f rev it w wilbarxuohoauslmiw ter of t aterloo whilo on hii way to gait tneaday night to hoax the jopaiioi mis sionaria rev mr hiraiwa wsta lit sting some hwies off tha trajo at deon when he luppedi ad teu bresjtlmt lmthicstir of his lag below his knee ha ma jtr in and brought to gaiaxkajten shotel where n fstfdoo he will bs time fttafiiilaii a i- w j i rh i v 1 sj i 188 the ra ttii unjmlp italnlhreev comtooajotii edi bmall promrt apply k small orchard tutntiiac- taroa ej j pol shim aueg ajdfiokzl d nrstejau ltf ifnsllif ajeio halpa itoekwojodmarcuoi iflsb 1883 ow hotilsa aoton new spring gcoods i we wish to intimate to the public that we have received and plaqed in stock a full assortment of new spring goods oiir rjnge of dress- goods if very completeiri all the newest shades and fabrics a feature of this departrient is our excellent assortment of bfack arid mourning gcnbds at very moderate prices j i i a finel assortment of spring coatings in- the- newest shades and pattjerns a display v orth a special visit to seel 1 jet ornaments and et fronts and a full range of dress trimmings of the latest cinds a stacks if shirtings cbttonades flannels dark prints i m r hosiery and oiovzs of all kikds towelings towels linens muslins embroideries- laces edgings corsets k ticking that mo t be mahed off very quickly and are consequently marked at price to rait the circumstances u well s the times veby cheap our st cwf mens felt hats both in hard and soft is not only the oest assorted but the cheapest in town i wdare offering just how immense bargains in tweeds i which we are clearing out at cost and under to make room for otherfgoods j seeouf pileof nc remnants it contains goods worth 25c to 40c pir yard -ii- qur millinery show rooms j willbe open to the public on thursday march 9th m miss smit hwill again have charge and her well known ability in its success this department will be a sufficient guarantee for i 1 i full lines of boots shoes groceries etc ladies and gentlemen we ask you o give us a call when we are sa isfied we can sepe you to your entire satisfaction we are always willing to show you through i henwrsobi merae cd tr- gs3is afte5 g8ef -of- nlsvir sprinq pods being openeidi up at r b jisriayns look put fo our spring announcement nextweekl ftt 1 1500 tb pnll uincu tmhivlihua worth fo cents rtrtc- bpfc uszsf tniaionyact ortb tuxotsnlsx forbsraesi tit by wall te causs co 170 klnjj ht toroljjoaaojlhr 11 i 1 741 stoirki tprjudfo 1 thb nndrrsificcd will sell tjrw and aituig laiti viluci rfl atjirescut octyijitdbvliv wtojk- seailon given on hv ilt fafi partlcofart aiiivly to t vs buildlnglhl f forjafe tgg phe untlertbsiwrd bar atid alatistfc a exccllcdl bctlftins ociiext3sm sonyy tbv4tien u iytjz there arc 00 tobre dtnrabla iattolfx term eosjr ippljto tsn vanfyeij u- otal id tiufcelid ihet on talarr or eoin plormentto the richui cnm upright tad itotutaratitt iwainnfor aalrofs withrnennms may biothehs- i nnrmrjtnthb r jjoticfto irm xotaejfsfterotieil lite of the vwge oi ppejk toymshsfi oxsijtie5inima t cpadty6tmaltoal- vfoticeu bcreny given tbu pdrssai jl tstutcc is each cte mada sad fesafl trie creditors of jennys conky lit ofti of gpeystdc in the ccontcaf haltasv- irtio du3 on or rtxrot tbe tlxtatuy d 1888 axe bortby regolrefl to st jot epeyaide p o oat tbe aeoa tinder uw ru of tbe laid j ames conwj on or thjforeifae twenty tnirddjafa 1b8b by poit prepaid a staimeoix of tt aaircsk nth fttu pwtieulara aodp clahni and statemeau of 5helr eeoritimnj any teld by tin jcjrddayoiaprij 189s the ja the aetisffmotora aforai dltribnt um mets of tbe btui the parties entitled tfcfrtoj iaianj it to the claims of whicb be tbu tubfltsj and tbebal acting exeqaterprib xnt fox the assets or any part tbiroahjto or peraonaiofbaw tftiio esv hare bafl tistice at tbe ticl j c solicitor lor m- dktd at hilton fbe fttbltiifca iii ajliieiliidebttotbelatejd are heretrtfiiotiflcd that pirmenjis rortntblo 1 pexet iuyfs f afcting mi sciehtifh the most jgdpujlrl paperiin th sworid weekly 300 sxeu- this tmiitalld pcrlc pubusbed by mens t co j forty year cjntinu to tnaintaiailis tation for exeelleuce and enjoya tnrlf ealatioo eter aitained by aay ad tioo etery ppmbegoootatijaiir beantifally printed tli eanfirkfc cats tn popolar style s llcstnpui most novpl mtcttsttiif and impertinll in fcienee arta and umnifaetiira progroo of tie world in rweeuo kf eric atkhmprovcpituita tcbra mechanical worka knsiooozlnf cbemiatry metalurgj ictr j architecture domosuc vsatarat htatory 4e r i tpe stntlac americsnwoldn eriffy duelline tbdp offlcef workman f vnta ijirectcf toi iple ia opery flk end p rsltlnh blj workman foreinch esj sdqi 38 will dritej4ifetion jph bd parmtrarc readlnc of the beienttl vadlnct trytt- it will bring yob taloabl crilie ot your sons it wit and sek rchant anhsi wul pteaae ad asaist iurrriendt whl vtical lift inuic lleniif by munnoo ubliaher3tu u j o z 01 ul z hi hwashin610rrwd ecniucit throat aoil lopgsaaamji will nextlyisit- ddmlxhon hoireii 0 tuesday 27th kfll a cvebim tinibnrbmfe k lei of tbebwulreai toiovbltts jollltreateabyltiuwmli trf urajno mtriirj- ejnatpjoisff and donfumpooii- j l- sp john uckcltvklniitm oni 0 1 urs a uoiiping huncstonj c consdmphon ur r scott knsitonnn and throat 1 1 ursjnobtrani janetatibspaa4 tarrahbeadwid throat 1 jr yranci bififn oat catarxb1 tbnw t rt- ivt uim allldpbrilsrhahle iplinfrlljoliniarqilt urfwa6noriiieatljllb uti kersj stljaeebvpnl t aadthroati- 1 oolln canjliball vu edwarj oouj jbmea staiey dutton onubfcanfll wmjbboeisaherbodneythlkcens joasptsniilqrfost an ictylw w hu store cso ot stsreji ilanofoknrert aden oau svw heonlytbroetalxilinajsiier i iilm uaj ai ttonibonrsjtl catarrh head and ibroal r- mra qodftoj lelibosfl 8iml snmpuon tltassdlderttobmbedoemcsl adthroat lj i tjjs 3 t yr tah p iv j rafeb8pati v sprjpgli iewal iicooilisaati irlftopcni fl3ntailu pf4 jihpattvile6j ju proieciiin for t thfiethodtttl next thursday r foesajev chpi jtova jlpjdy 9tpl sftosih io sheep riled by do 4alliterestcii i qndsted to meet inl tonmrroir ereningl msia arile each in the noet faanionthiaireek- theiaw pillsj i torieji hifreaboata vi ioa fdaysjindvrll viesiltiatotii orth reb1eriali mwrayotbtrejif ua sleal erpijr jordipaasea vhronfi etontrtfotha l tbaharsea edinb ontehejnt hip lsy rot iwei nimerstapol 1 jiiojlisi iawisff atthjtoreri at j frtdaysigottik l iberconuliuinj is ihdwnthi uvi bis yei to j bl ara-wjh- p tto tannery ob j i b juflay for uicl mjli6y4mtl jmjtba j4ratotilw 1 1 hanfijlbiiu j kanjirm rneeil tmrettijemonl bv vphdril tofeiieraifj t onaiin j bb- hacvar yellow oil- lm ryj

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