Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1888, p. 4

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mm r ftot8jss tttorsdat jialtc it ap sljr dung birjubonil iax k1 ure will m8 xi mmrilt to a iwvtty link luur holunf uivher lvlatv 1 8ftcl u tw ixm lb jdbf vvfll whco tlvoldf u- ajid he pulwhcr cl en curl rui kw oldi iciii 41f frul watlcs wsviu tmit kl lim- lost- pghpig i klr iunki s jfolhs oswojfc 1 m- 1 1 rtaem fjuiily ialidt trju u aril itu ki uic erect v totiimucboptituicuriiic tuilaoomldoutuulon 4 4 how 831 ttas salie w see uuisiir p r fcv ulntct emvll vu not a more ifcpejcss helpless dniukard iujtoorn tbiui bid sol hossoll everybody hid quite cneti him up in d- nsir in fat be hadqnite circa himwu jkousc lo try cavl hell- ced him to c v el rh- lif -m- fc v t if would ay trhen pccwe arced bratf to give up the drink which liad brought not only 61 oat ail his family dotra toahc lowest depths olmisexyaudjhkarty aid to do him justice he toallr thought that he was quite helplcfimq tho mtteri alfred pertca wis oat iultho garden one flay pbotortphiiy the lfciaw from various paints witthe earner l thit ihad been hi cossrghtbtmisgiu 11 had become qtjile in expert aamu ar jiholoprtphcr by this time and wis utrsysjoa the lookout tor good subjects or pictures suddenly his lips parse up and he gave a lonfi low whistle he nki his camera in k good position and in another moment the sons bright rays were indelibly im- printing cpou the glas the saddest most pithetic htijc picture cneccald see in real h 1 j lean my apuaat the fence jost axross the stseet wv- old sol liclpleasiy drunk g inii and wirerinj perilposly whenever hefct go ol the friendly fouce- clingingjn one of his arms and iryias witli all her childish strength to eoppart and guide hr drunkea if ther wis pocr hltle sac shirer- erinjwiti he cold wini that penetrated hv littered garment u5 beting pitifol- 7 vo broken iriiifoba j plse come bomefatijtr- oh please d5ry to come home urctt- the boys ad jrbjt i v per tjrfclentteadcs dd not tetm to peeping the etopefied intelligence of the idrtmkard and he held ttafir to the ftace without making any effort to go home d at last liolfl saegare cp hereforts in de spair and fitoodtqaieiiy bciiie him holding his arm dp its if she coi4 keep him from fxfline j v j eiie nusfct fcre been izch a pceuyfittle girlif sh had beta the culdj of bring careful parents bat now the was so sadly oegtected thai yon forgot td notice the soft qoe eyes aod the long golden hair that fell pi x ung mass nvtr her ehonlders in iyoor sympathy for the di5lresshat had staina4 her ftoe with tcair and thv ragged dirty gaimehu that so poorly protected her from the cold- mpoprhttie seel uioaght ijfrkas the child- stood beside her father in toachxns fagptesnese he knew what wodd hap- pen iieit as well as sl presently old bdwonld lose his hold jofthi fesa and wodld fall in the sno- aai mud to become the bdplesa rkiifii of any mischievous boys who might cometeat way j w i savj sae whats the matter cant yod gst him uome the callpd i kbliejroatgpiorme im so afxrid lie bs will get wier him sue answered jiir j 21endyouahtndthen giving qieetnpid man a xoagh snake aiid hpl mm firmly on one side whilejlii tie bae irfnng 4 his othecarm alfred heed the drunken man rel unsteadily to has tome m the miserable jiltfe cahin at the end of the street where the siefci wife wis ahxioos- lywhinham a few days later inajae of his rarely sooet mpo3s sol started out to look for woticj and alfreds mother unions to ea roirxge him in his spasmodic industry gave him same wd to cctl si worked steadily for a time then with a sfgh- of weariness vtodoxonthc porch tc resl alfreds windowgost ai6r his itead was open andamipchievpns liule treeze caught tip- a photograph that was lying there and dropped itright at sols feet he took it np and looked at it ccrioudy not recogrir- ing ft at- first poor little gal the sdiloqoiigd then i he looked it the siapid face of the drunken fatherland witfa sadden recognition saw thit it was himself andlrftfe sne- 1 great tears not of mandlm emotion but bfretl pecilecce fcndremcrse filled his eyes and rblled down his cheeks as he ioofc- ed athhe gad little picture and the poor miserable drunkard was himself that tearful ragged child his little gae the daughter he had been to proud of once i it was his own work this sorrowful picture ms looked at th bleated stupid facedfthe drunkard wilhj a ehadder of disgust so that waa how he loied when hfihadteen drinking ko warier people did pot want ohtzuict6 6o with him and would not give him work vethe had not always been a drunkard 2e could jookhadreaj remember when he 5 a comfortable home with a happy wiie and rosjheked ctly clad chihl- red he might have had at uow if he had ab bartered away his manhood for the vile lqiorwhichhad dragg him dawnw fow could he win all diese things back again there mct haie been a faint iptuof znanbdod bidden uwaf somewhere ia that urrelched draafcirds heart j for tpringtogiohiafeetie cried aloud with and den determinaton l j ivilj j httjeihaa hot had to wi but he foasht i esbly ifriend came to gijt liim a ttrocrg helping hand wfaea they tvtjuile bj trying to free iiimscft from fa degrading hbitanj he never forgot td iajtreal divicc help tppptr be won st hut and now all that woqid the neat com- iling little sae ajlirs greets lertofaerjwith a smiling bis childthefuctore which first ssade old bol see himself as others saw urn vvjjljii- mmmtkl ior tto iiimmolt p wfcloi r woipwd in liquor ol sret oouiiooti och oorouiuooi etc at bt nltbra tloti ot thl qomdi jobllw itapendmii plr vu baked oien id4teridqpto t eroinl ol people tbe pit ru mide of t nrjetyol tneituidhenlldubeii vreljlied over tn toni uid bidto be biktd to x pniitl onfti uken to the park where it eui to be ptruken of on n cart drawo by tjecl lioreea tbe rigaotlo pie ai eijjlil feetlu diame- lervand twrfeet ia depib it contained one thooeand efjht uoudred and blly poonda ot beef one hondrad and eiglitj poondt ot mutton one hondrfd and tixty poonda of tal oue haodred and eichty poonda o lamb r two hondred and fitly ponodi ot pork one houdred aodtventy ponndi ot lard flftj poande of batter thirty two coapioa o ribblu uireo har fortytwo fowla forty pigcooa twelve grooae tvenlyone dncka foot plovera one- tnrkey nre reoae and one hundred email birdf together with thirty engi and forty tooea ot potatoca- forty poonda of beet met iod forty poonda ot dripping andlie makitf of the paate or creat took lixty- loaritonn ot flour ttie uarjcheater paper which pablehe the acooaat of tbe coloeea paafryayi that a similar piewaa made in commemoratioa of the reoovtrj- of george third from e- aevereilinetain 1778 the laat before tbo present waa made in 19 bat none it fi taled were eqoal to llo1ie jaat deeenbed pwu yl vtct foradiiif tuwt af erwl- ln njoo the ay fdhlubad tea miiala reitardlbl northrop 4lyraana egaahu dlacatlry aud uyaptjijlp can ea iaoaror ly tall to perceive uiartvideodo a ppaltfra and oounrnni could not bead ttll in belialf ol a romady nf doubtful wie facta proveu by audi ovideno it motl ont imporitlea iof the blooi dljfeatioti cnrichea tbe circulation and revajaiea tho botrela and lirca w m df loffv bulpliur boap it lilghly ro- oomtnctided for the euro of 3 r option clufei chapped hatidi pimpjesjun etc l old bit good nttle fanny looked latently at her mother for some time then she said mother you aint a girl are yoa r 1 xo fanny r whit are yoot i am awoman you were a girl once werent you rles fanny i well whereis that girl uowr la brterikd tke rlal dyspepsia is dreadful disordered ie misery indigestion it a foe lo good nature i the human digest re apparatus is one of jih niotcomphcted and wonderful things ia existence it is easily putout of order greasy food tough food slopjiy food bad cooiery raeuld worry late hours irregu lar kabits and many other things which oagbtnot to behavemadehe american people a notion of dyspeptics 1 agreeui august flower hu done s wonderful work in reforming this sad basi- ns and making the american people so heafthythtt khey can enjoy their meals indw happy kemember ko happiness without health- i but greens august flowfcc brings health and happiness lo the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a bottle- seventy- five cents k keliuai rails j 1 camcroo of webtuli4aiuilio caps iircton had id ft a minatory rheutnr tlitn which 1 votlovjoil carl aflcr all other trctlqicuu had fall d hag- yardi yclljw oil i gold by alt cealeri la mcdlclnt ofcqaoy at that rtatorm r rtrutft opened butri light spring oyrcoatiiics in worsteds ian meltons yeantifnl designs and vaiieiy of shades made n iu latest styles tho medieiua for liver and kidney com plaint mr victor auger ottiwi writes i take great pleasure iu recotimeoding to the general public 1atmcleei pijli as a cure for liver and kidney complaint i havu doctored for the last three jjeari with loading pbyiiciaos and have taiea nqaay medicthea which were recommended to me without relief bat after taking eight of parmaleei pills i wis quite relieved aid now- 1 feel as free from the disease as before aa before 1 was- troubled j shawcrundy t merchant tailors queuh sr he mwfjsw i mi jl geoat cdra mr william why ii a drum without a head like a model w4 mr croaa a henprttod hbiband be- caosc the ii mute j mr williams right now tell me why a m oscular wife a drum without a head a turnip a iamber and imperijil creamj tartarbaking powder are similiar v j mr cross trfamphanlly becauie they cant be beal j- j jtaattenu coaacrrfelfsi counterfeits are always dangeooas more so ilhat they always closdysfliiute the original in appearance aud name the remarkable success achieved by kiual efalm as a positive care for catarrh and cold in the hed hu induced anprincipfed parties to imilateil the public areeaukiouednot to be deceived by nostrums f raitating kasal balm iu name ind appearance bearing such names as kasalfcreamktal balsam ak forkajatbalm and dp not take imitations dealers may urgeoponjyoa for sale by all druggists or seat postpaid on receipt of price 50c and 1 ba fuiford 4 co brockrille jixgles ai jokelets half an eour witk th wise xestfe wit andtheparatspttxofuiebty vfreenians worm powders require no other purgative they are safe aad sare to remove all varieties of worms james k gilmoar of t gtlmour fc co tttholesaje grocers broefcrilie says i have used tamarac elixirfor a setere cold and coogh which k immediately relieved and curedv conqaering his remind yon of bid times inj 1 finable home where so0 tibercare hours when tie jnost inning a moynnces assume tie j iropartiou of jd laitrophe j cbayictiiu were it nevei so excelleltit is htew till jt convert itsi if into conduct i p 1 t j j fs 1r r- m v t v which one can i iiere ascertain errra en ijfei ontiof ironi fe toj 1 innat not employ ill oorune is h li acytbe r thinsiirriiaodoeaiot ofttd forgit lore ub ijj tint ejpoke i ariii rfeqoire all js hot ovcriile prof lows worm syrup has removed tape worm from 15 to 30 feet iu length- it also destroys all kinds of worms cau jbe excelled i hare pleaeure in aayinthat hagyards pectoral balsam cannot be eicelied for cox ing coughs colds and loss of voice it cured my brother completely so says ira hexead of poplar hhi bull ouu regarding 1 popular remedy popularity the extrjaordinary popdlaxiiy of ayers cherry pectoral is the natural result of its usebr inwlligeat people for over forty years it hag proven itself the very best specific far colds coughs and pulmonary com phuntsi f strsrfkl- l al hanson of bowteanville cjnt says he has found burdock blood bitters to be a good medkioe for liver complaint dizziness headache and dimness of vision bbb improves th appetite aids diges tion and gives renewed strength to the worn out system unfitting boots and shoes cause corns hoiiowiys corn cure is the srticle to use get a bottle at once and cure your corns cand 11 baaddi ockrille ont fl hesarrlrli 1ake you going to jbuilid thiyear u i we vvoulcl respectfully draw your attention to the extent and variety of diir ftock we carry the largest assortmsut inentral ontario and cafrydo as well for you or better tian elsewhere buying for cash in the largest markets of the world or from the manufacturers direct we can offer you jn- equalled advantages inprice and selection if you intend to build weithink it wll be to your advantage to give us a call when we will place you iiycharge of an ex perienced clerk specially adapted and well posted irj jjiebu ld- mg trade our an willtbe to give satisfaction in evry particalar please call or write us john m bond fc co direct hardware importers have you securedybur binding twine yet preaeht iodicatioat arc until will be acaroe we bara bonjiht larccly of um best and will btf happy to book order or rive information 1 00110 kaft- uhbi i tliroiitiikiit r i a itni mift 4io j 9 51 no i llla cblcacorallhtflsrrmlati- audllrujjli j c f 1 ltiluj iloi lolufl tvsiiimiuvi oalcriuittsorjuuiaj s lade r 0rand the feat dry qdcds palace oi j d kn and ctmfrl the safttriax brownt household panacea hasno qeju for rclieviutr pain both iolcicn and rurtul it caret paiu in tht bide back boweli sore thrnat rhijaoialsin toothache lumbago sad acy kind of i pain or ache it willmostiuelyqaick ealhe blond aaj fteil as its acting power is wonderfal bra wnlious boldpsu- acea beicg sckuowjedgtd as lie gfeaf pain reliever pqd of doable the strength of any other elixir or liuime it in the world ihoald be iu every family iscdyfor die when win ltd as ti realty fi the best remedy lurthe world for cram e in the ctomach and gains andachesof ilikludf andiiforialebthorugtnstsa cents a bottle asfanlkfeua sweeeas iljs the dttty oery person who has used bctelzti gtrmax srvp to 1 its won derful qualities be known to their friends in caring uonsamption severe cougiis croap asthma pneumonia ami in fact all throat and lung diseases no person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consiaer it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the pcori dying coniamptive j at least to try one bottle as 60000 tiozm botes were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported each a medicine aa tha cernttxa sjrvp cannot be too widely kntjvn aifcjoor druggist about it sample bottles to trywld at tea cents regular sire 75 cents sold by alldrngiits and dealers in the united states and canada be tsir cward dont allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into catarrh when yon can be cored for 25c by using dr chsses catarrh cure a few applications cure in- sipxenf catarrji 1 fo 2 boiescares ordinary catarrh z to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cose chronic cstairh try it only 25c and sure cure statiopai pills act promptly upoa the liver regulate the bowels and as a purg- tive are mild and thorough j- te tbne t id j- if you are threatened with headache constipation bilioasness or weakness pro- cure at once a bottle of burdock blood bit ters and use according to instructions prompt action is necessary in order thai yopr trouble may be cured before it becomes chrouicv wheezing gafipingsuiterersfrom asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using southern asthma cure bold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt of price x ftialueri opuf j i have great pleasure in certifying to the usefulness of hagyards yellow oil writes d eavanagh postmaster of dmfrs- rillev jat having used it iorsoreness of the throat coldbcmr etc f fivdnothiiig equal to it j a mhamllton warkworth writes for weeks i wistroubled with a awelled ankle which caused me much pain and an noyance wrmaydeeof this place recom mended dr thomas eclectric oil for it i tried it nd before one bottle was used i was cored it isn article ot great value jrr sesifw jrews i had scrofula on my neck very bad for two years had tried ill remedies and doctor bnt did cot get any hejp until t got a bottle ofyour burdock blood bitters which cured me of it entirely james cochrane foil biver cumberland co k8 aheglecraghtffmgsncaisumjtion the most fatal and prevalent of all physi cal ills thit iflesh is heir to to check the malady in its early stage before the deadly taberclqi derclop themselves lo the lung ns dr thomas eclectric oil which also annihilates bronchius aatbrn oatarrh piles kidnef btym amifu rf iw anviceto ifornias are yea usturbed at night and broken of your rest jy a sick child suffering and crying withpa jj etcul- tingteethl jf so snd at once iind get a bottle of mri winslows soolhii g syrup forjchudren 1 eetiring itflvalue is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- erer immediaterj- depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates th btomach and bowels cures w nd colic softens the gums reduces tnfla nmation and gives tone and energy to t ie whole system lira winslows sco hing sy rup fot chiidren teething is pi sint to qia taste and is the prescription sfone of the oldest and best female physii fans and nurses in the united states and j a tit sale by jail druggists throaghout lid jrorh price twenty fivecenis a bottle be sure and ask for wntaxows sorraixj siiirf and take no other kind j i l it is worse than madness to lcgject couch or cold whicn is easily sabdeed if taken in time becomes when iefto itself the forerunner of consumption aod prema ture death inflammation whenjt atta the delicate tissue of the lungs and j bron chial tubes travels with perilous fpady then do not delay cet a bottle of sickles anticonsumptive syrup the mediant that grasps this formidable foe of the human body- and drives it from tbe system this knediciue promotes a free i nd easy expecsoration subdues the courh beals the diseased parts and exerts almost wonder fulinkuence in curilig tconsamp ion and other diseafics of the hroat and 1 mga- if parents wish to gave the jives of their childreo and themselves i front much anxiety trouble and expeose let t lem pro cure a bottle of bickles anticon umptive syrupi and whenever a child bis taken cold has a cough or hoarseness ipre the syrup according to directions l p j wood engravflp 10 kwn 5 east toronto t o a burdock b l 0 0 d bluousnessl dyspepsia indigestion dizziness drorey i flutterins opthe swni et i riaja castor i a for infants and children i l 4lltbwatoredloemalraoll10rtirkotmielrim fncomdettaaaarertotoaatpreaaisieal 8o buxuck piantaa eroaauoiu r tl m wooaa fin p aad promo dj i vlsasfoa nedlcaaao- to cdttlca ooxraitt tt murrar street x t atoioe- qilasbab 01 so oitatf ea brooalja h t furniture u5dertaki furnittire department undertaking departme couplete villi jjieautfct 1 risc selccteu ktocs of i j parlor bedroom suites spring beds mattresses 1 tables chairs etc etc etc k afulj liueof goods from the beat makers ilway s diikand pkices eeisqxfele j speight 6c son 5sl2sts32ujz coffins casketsandburial roies ofallsizes iu stock- obdebs rnosrrnt fillei j speight son asibeiiefcq atjptlgejil- these are hard times -but- t hi bcrdinstgr- main street acton la fallf prepared to aopply the aceda oflall who reqalre pora and fresh groceries hraiia ic and everything else in that line for the limes chean a special stock of crockery and dishes are shown in se ts at from 250 to 2000 tea sets 3 worth 6 glass sets 50c worth 65c lamps 150 worth 200 1 vegetable dishes frutt dishes cake 8tandsc ill other gooda proportiooael- cheap ererj- customer kaowa that my pricea are low and always satisfactory new ones will he convinced by calling come early and scenre gooda cbeapl 1 t h jiahd1 bargains to has annolnqed his winter slaucjlitr ot i williamson co guelpri has been clo sed for one day for the purpose of marking down all theg jods in the house see iu sd bill eoe jpantlorlaks right bargain 3 to left bargains before bargains behind the cajuxival xqw ix full fligi j d williamson c6 ik the j t ontario mjutual life assurance obmpahy heb office watferl00bnth note its progress xir aitsu h5arauiccit in force prticitjiii incoua ialttlsl lacouie dcatii ciaias iid profits piil f assc u soriins onliiad wljhentry man2ger hp jot iklra 41930650 kijia zohmt swit9 s3 1m 3x 1g3jt0 01 cfj7 jjijss 5390 lijo 37111 jvb elxj 1300 liib j7ti5 toj 1 js3i i 29775 320j6 is6i 61c140o 7sl301 q7n 2zjl 1963 62uw l 16 tsjk5h0 sttlfaj srapos j3 51 3ij10 9q9js0 1j33 wseiddell secretary moore agent for actop lqd g ijiportil dieectfrosr germany to v- i a 1 mu3ip store opposite post office guelph a- creal purest stftomts i cpntaiitavai alum aumoki ume oranjialarioeaat e wjgilutt thew eeoadlbh ej kaaytoiloa imjmtmismi koglliiunet so lilcwj kq pofitltc lj xoetji ft llt i cd enmslaarpadei bti7labirtaatild hilh ibe iilii caapot job x- brat traiertrtil trgg njaicli stevetc -iv- lc4ma ol loltroa mroa ifot aneff powscti m rta andlat ttkot o psu test pepih on rpedpt fulfobpapa t r vmlifh how loslt how joirt pnbllsbed a m elirqcelebated tfortljixa ctmariciitr i qillscreliaa use ol 9 joiir eaulrial4scrctiqs t tit fcelfrtted atior ia fttilsj e3say iucceslurpfmucvuiat otoani fluencekof cjjj eitof may boiali polniiij ow kifcfiaificr cnieaic cerfaujiidj efijpemkl 1 y mtn af i tuffercr ndm4tthwlithu may cjiiasvmajij x ah- t- rt o pthi ifctuti ttonhi u luitu y0 li and afrery taan i ihe tend stqtaodcrs2aicb raia 4ssl sldrvss on rrceiitaif6nreentiiitis stjuaps aidrws i thocolvcttfcllifft uassmj sewtowin y v- i v f the larcest and aost cowpjeta coosipnment oiuasicalslercbajidiba that has er been received iognelli j j the btik coasist i of doable basses yiolinoedtu violas lotf thrw claartcr halfsize yimmsgui are baops cases accordions tiotolos flqtes clriones harmonicas banjo e rings tamboarines cymbals bones bass drapwfioartv drams silver and brass tri3miopj i these goods arc ought for cash and impohed direct bo the masic iotidr people of acton anj vicinity nay look for bargains this fall anil winter 35 y store lfl blocked with a fuluine of th i i bell organs akstjowe i tor whicularo s jjeaentfor gailph and viciitj beienre to call and cellthe pric3s of ke organs dore yoa buy second handones 1 f the laiiardovme t ano itakin the lead leading moslciiins are selling their old aod bnyirjnthi piano j l i call an ti examine py stock ko trouble to ahofr fiqodp 6peofa atteutiob pudtc the sheet wiic trade j j remember be pltjca tovells block opposite tost office vj i arwibtiiiij3r dyodders burdock vifi compound to farmjeii and threshei i tta on your machinervonly theweliitnpwn 9 gold medals hare becu aardcdjtduicr lli latitlirto y ara try alap 8 ponrj axlo ctbitt tor loot waggoua and horse powers these oib are ased aud highly recommesded at tbem 3c farmgnelph farmers ask forhem owmo other hairdiactatedatqaeadltyoll vorklty 8amueir0cer8 cotorono i f 14831 yards of dress gooes afrfvec at the r ght m ie great sale 0 erlgoods reranaota ol prints drew goods winceys flaonelsind carpels nt greatly edicdifri4 alotoflajieijohoyti mostly oil spriibniarhedi raeraber tbo llantlea mantli and ulster oleths knitted shawls aoi clouds wove i bbawle iltllinfry etc are 10 linioflrtimoiotimly redi ced pittes laat season an aelllnr off at lass than ocat a isrko lot ot carpet dordera enlng at tall on hand jnstaeetha porci linen daroaaa tturda at fie tho8iiiolilijcand i styleaof fresoh aodgerraari ooraett tadlw vlll please call at klox street out ine i tfri ijs-r- 1 niiivjil m laurancesrco wlijlesale qjptiieians no26 st james strebft ontfeeal v whose celbratcd etrj- tjactjiii ilse dual i rtceil fromiiic pres the medicalassoeialio o id other speclaclm eytre recbuimeu d by mml ltimotiiuls bfive been it t yiceprt4deirf ex pr aideut audlkx vjce presidtnt of snrpcorisof quejc tie can otthe medical faculty of laval university fl the- presi dent audf presidents af lie medical council pf no aficotja ac a complete assort ment of these excellent go ds will oe found at the etfrc of jbriearsofmgenacton sliipmentb- tliarewere ajnlaffialotof these drwa goodi are 45 mcbw wide this importation iafioobul td make 1230 idroisea fot 1 di is besidesflua weeks rprevfons arrivals of veryhaadsotoe french anabritishjreab goods a farce ahi mint of baanulu f re och st ks saiins satin tjnhesi i alio erveiuetu vaill cisemaf oelioe acd luitrinb arrivedthii feek alsd colored florentines debe m nans yerint black ao c ilored cashmere fatjcy dress goods awtriai bnttogj print llegatu bhirtings oretonw ribbons ladies and misses straw lalfe- new stlei of keck fri lit ci ecnbroidary chntillj laces nirw balei of i union tapestry ahd brnaseli carpetfjwindbw poles brass trimmings bras rms a bale u very prett 1 iblaiojl cloths white tpltinci grey cottonsja acaseof baperfiiie blankets etc bepeu bales of phnta a inuiisortment of very stylis boo flonncinfts for evening wjivr files of other oewff eds ajriveu list fretkr j ce intapestrv brusw h iitpo r wet of hashmpit iaj tons tiveboiicl g canada tlfc president f uie colles jlveglasfeas orelo be found in x vce of ph byticians and at and ulilderieost will oonti la mdavllfoq full j- cottons at 5c j heoaqiea nnthf t ilsiiiwftaliiiij icnta ol bot jo b abr ag s arnirsrylotr bo- ovorifrom unjt gocida i thenw i rate and exoals wtalmevsa ao 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