Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1888, p. 2

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m bfbcr i 5- ill in will vjouo bojur canott ot ft aabgnlfc i lb tt t bflbj gfi is uuuccr a lieliihvixllnafioonuijd wih uihh lula ttt lsa pimbtft t j e fefltrrin raqontst nfckirood ea the ash starch the ffe kotett iwunoc bee joet- i n rear bibtitittclld bfctuttiaavoi u lnh march jviborpuci df urwoi liwtii bowmaavfltc tin the rife march ktumariattttasmrtuttfrjom lbj- forttfarir tfl aruto aginl- jt and f mouun hexafcaa- dkvbianivmt jautioaol htfvhc heuden ptstur ol the mptfcmutkiiutchefj tvcril mdath mod ii day j tisxntbt jt uicjpuatfs tittpolct cn fri- i stare at tfcc iwiroewa hwpettr tbors jifc ukrch 13th douglas ucuorln- ivvftvnitoti cc4daiktcrrllctkcnhoadfrt pallor d thq methodist ei od rt day 4- akti lull eliwu tlkrctuc r jiailor torch apod 4 rcr months y jjjc jkxisn jfrit fjrcss thcttedit ma1sch so 1888 mites avd coltlexts tne deposits fa tb govefqineu tarings bink in canada amount to nbool 21000 mm l- i i- cpfsr after thfr blawli i the wosfand the prat stortr iakcir yorkvpoopky n thi side slioouceasc talkh aboat thei severity of the dialers in canada co- itarfidx i ihtnjcitaaiirt jim ppoinfcd hon t allan of iforoato la thpiitiiao spraker crftbe sjuaie readercd rftcuit by liadeaaot hon j li riomw 2r allii h icoi valaod- member al qe upper sopsc eiott coafedeiilien anotoke oscttos eb0tkct ix hattcn ii reowftujtbeiltod ihh uienct dinilnioo tnd soott act tltctioni would pot ux tod id uw election bpilucra in utl- 1m for mot limejuilbtt nt pwplp hid hetrd the cud ol irotttu repetli nd eltctloottor the prmcat t lent such ffiievw ktrai not to b- qilloitt good oooc il tbe oiiowiur pininpli nhicli tired in jtstordajs cw it to be rolltd aoti luuw kfttdi pilje slwuon ofdnrtj itmdcnoa uf or tultou bti boon ttoutd 1he fotluon wu tiled ettcidk tt otcoodc but thttbobuuie list dy tor enteritis tbo nme the bftrrba ere eorrapt irftctl4t end tirlber dtif todd of georcolomt u tbo nott- uontr i i it ii oftrtatly to be hoped ibit jiothins orill come oliliit protect for tiise from ttfoirier oonnderitiods the pecple of the coonty of eeltoa kre heartily sick ol elec- tioni ud their attendant excitement and interference viuiiill bosineas and social relations foot protincial and dominion lectiona vilhiu abont fonrtceu months i oeruinly fsafcient vithoat huntini up another i n xanltiilm oitfiiiolswnealn lislion jr sen fouudianilatiicutlma story of two cuat of tlfk xwriuobs i t united slates natoejim pissed thtj y the kir far the ooajfttlsortednitauon oi ixituaa childnin it males it the datyof jm scmtaiy of the interior to estiblifih ui indiistrixi bowrdiog cchtolbn terf indiin reserratfonpoi which thert mif be located se haodreior more adult lai tue jxgisutnie tuoeogrld 4dlsuli taper ibis j viii root be detrcr or chmper this year it- the inlaresioj inqmrofijiengliih comftmpprkttjijtec an ckfaorate welgh- iogtiltiw cbaicpsit oomes to the sage oon- dosioathai if nothing ooean to bring it down it mil- go np or if to diitarhances ia the market it will prottij- re- i whewit is 11 is interesting lollfifcrastays thejlondon onu adrtrtifr out caxkda frota a tempernaektaidxiiit ur ic advanoe of anr christian eommfiiiitr on the fte of the t globe great britain anntillt doosomea j3 gallons pf strto drink per heed of her jwpulatioa thtqsiiied states li and can ii list yer caljl gapona canadian ternperance papers consider tut one c the mostfiatisfactorr reports ifisned from otum this rfeooiiirom the inland retenne difpartmenl it ahoira a decrease in the oonsamptfon of spiritooas niiioliier liqboa in the year 1s3ct of 6k- om glllons ooenpared with thecontinnptioa of 1835-6- in the earlier year 30j000 gal lons rere asnided last year hc eon- awpian was6m0t0 the teoiperence morement is etitje mating itself felj 11 owc the border chic go graasa3mcri- oii ty 1 hie best reforms of this earth came through -raste- and storm and doubt anal buspicioa the snh itself when iv rises on each day uraetes the radiajiceof the moan abdbljt5 the stiriigfat from the akaes only tafnnlock the earth from theelup of nictandplint the etrs snevin the open iog fknrers behind that san u behind this movement wewiy be snre their stands the lard god almighty master and maier of tiitmiterse from whose hand the fpheret are rocep to their orbits and whose viice has been the harmony of hfs world cnoe the morniiij stars song tojtherrffejiry cradjr on prohibllion the rate ofdisebijnt at the bank of england wasiast week redaced 1p 2 per cent chis has ha hitherto ft lowest rate the decline has been rapid at the beg cf the year the rate was i per a oa january ii it wasioirered to 3 per cent and then there were snecessije rednctions unlil february lfi it fell to 1 percent the rate remained at that figure until erset tgtf when it cams down to iazdjan 4yearthe bank otr gland mejeameddfra from 2 12 tos per cent on aphl 23 and continued aftbar law figure fqrrarteeu sreeki lie specie in the great b iaereased ejnce the beginning oi theeir verjcoiiaderablj rrcm january the 12 to march 6 it enaascilroiil 6 102 w000 to iu5h7s5 being a gaio of g 3101555- for eight iweeks thefiold in the tank of eogiaqd iiicreaaed at fee rate of f 1637744 i week f- the ontarib legialatare km otrms prorogqcd lut hriday afternoon after a session of nearly wo months during that ime a good deal of usefal lofuliviou win placed on the 8ltntc there tvas thehsaal nambeof billa relating 14 the houieinal act ud a liberal amoonl of private bill lefiituttoo the pnbiic ac opacta hd aqnaal rcporu of the public in itiintioof ten abb cmtinized with care by mr meredith and hi follower the chief debate otthc session tookplice on the ijiterprorincial confcrenoejnjsola tioos i mr mowals mkahood saffragabill his become law and- trill be in forte alter ahc 1st of jan aary next the retolatioa of the government to ap point a royal commission la investigate into thernuienl tcsoarces of the proricce with a riew la their detelopment was the act to brinj yoang persons employ ed in stores coder regulations in a degree timilar to those eitendeii to boys and girls in factories is a good measure and its com panion provision giving local option to mr c in the matter of early doting of store if care be taken in caixying il oat wiu prove highly beneficial though objection was raied to mr balfourt bill prohibiting mumcipaliues from granting bonuses to manufacturers the measure as finally passed providing for a tvothirds vote of the ratepayers and net allowing competition with an established industry get pretty near to being a prohib itory enactment the result will be to giva the natural advantages of location for particular industries their full iveight the measure for the iippointnfec minister jif acrcullcrc vdr meet with general approval fromnhe tanning cnit m unity ere passed at from wroucartmpotaiit prtairi march 37 death and tlliouq are bosy cutting down the members of the sou to otcauada senators beuooal plumb aud iottandliava reeeouy died aulbctiilors trade aultliiboaudeatt are very licit tlio former teing in a loipjtal here with heart dmcasc tilt uavltow qtifsttos the government held a confensnoo oh saturday with their tupportert lu the ilonio in regard to the pfopowji for adtuing tbomsnttow dicuetillr tlcnur otthe proposali are notyet known mrgroeq say wlio vai brought back to ottwv vu m montreal yesterday conialtlngwitn- the c p b amhorittei it is now an opon secret that lucgovfrumoot has reiolvedto terminktc the monopoly not only in mani toba bat in the korlhwcst as well bo fac as manilcba ia concerned disallowance of local railway chu ten lias been oxflrcisod asa uiitrerof wlicy and not at a right andec ceo tract in regard b the terrl- lories however the c p r had legal right uniet clause 15 of thtircontract to en joy a compete monopoly while therefore noncompensation could be asked for the chic in public policy regarding manitoba the cpr cin iay with reason in respect to the territories that il they surrender thrirctl rights they should receive com- pcasitioc tlie decision to throw open the eq tire- kcrlliwesc torailwaycompetition is ticibetidoa in its effect aud alreidy w junetytwo billf in all this session i radrytse phesext texse is rx the objfxrrnx case to tin editocof the fczr aasa i notice iu your last issue a piriirsph taken from the streeunlle forictc cd com mercial union to me it appears evident that it wuon the constnictfan of the iait two lines of the item that the writer expect ed to make one point- to do josikc to my self i think it proper to let your readers know that my opponent orthis particular occasion was noess t person than t j bell editor and profrietor of the btreets rflle ectxv thoc is a good speaker but c ui not his fort if he thinks he would be more saccessf ol in the fad business i rill try and stay with hira a little while and be nay posfiifcly wake cp to the fact before hi gets away witfi me hat he has anderesuccitad his man i ab weiost acton ia4cii zttlx 1sss eft iftok booh t the canadian route is now fawred by american cotton manufactiiren who ex- pout to china andjapan- k kew engjand- compady ireceiiify- shipped 3000 j lialet of tuonj cloth from the bosfon lowell roi4 over thecanadian pacific and thence bjf the cfb fiteamers to rokohama and hong kong theshipnjent making a train oi 26 cars theadvantages of the canadian pinte are ihat goods csjx be laid down at i aiy bhangiaaiin 30 days trhereas pie time bythejish pez tanil route a s3 days thetgodds can be iafaippai without the special dreering and packing necessary on the canal ootewhere proriiion has to be made against the intense heat ad the freight rates are also somewhat in favor of the canadian route i kow the qi estfon ebjanldnaaray occur to canadian sottou mannfactctfers if these conditions are in ifsror of tfe americans why cannot cana dian cottons be mtridooed into jap 3 and china at tke i lin time 1 ex tell me not in mounif al numbers thit the town isf all of glonni for a mans crank that slumbers in these bustling days of boom life is real life ts earnest aud the grave is not its goal every dollar that thoa tumest heips to maie the old town rdc but enjoyment ami not wrrow is our destined end or way if you have no money borrow and keep thatnarkeis up each day lives of great men all remind us we can win immortal fame let us leave the chumps behind or and well get there jast thesame in the worlds broad field cf battle hi the bivouac of life let us make the dry bones- rattle buy a corner for y o or wife jet us then beup and doing with a heart for any fate still achieving still parstring boniib early booming late it j axibcsetoibecoebkted aprofesiidoalccaiiemun in town sends thff following paragraph jfor pobucaionin these colamna ithers i cooaiderabie common tcnte in the ivettioii it contaius and presumably it voice lie compiaiiu of his good wite with reference to her greeo groceriet bat we wonhf have uenjmore mpresaed with the originality of the para graph hm we not read it previooaly n the iloitreal skir and agagi in the t ronlo me emte alady anl to sar ft fear words tothe grocery uerchanti and rally iu a dejicate sobject to handle yon know it i near fbe jlme whe4 dor grocery men set tfcfcfr yeecttbles ouusle on the aid lialk nd do ybo jtnwthere if rrapy tal jjogs mtokdaud ism mr edit joj innat know haij mean to aayiaud i yen twuhsipovdiit oa trill do le pa lie a jreat for wht on want a the lege- itbiw ifthdjes or iu ikfler wbnu ho0 hish water imrk f the anl j the aoliwn and muaind ht grocan will jleate alliinltq it tnojewfre ac eeiu they ao4r lukets ivt hitreu a not tfatertjjht this a dellcao mt hot yoo knzw khes lady mmmim fin lot cvbbsjo md htfh tlja doaatjifa a be owjajed to act pejrjiiiiii jb diapoaomij the idelahje blackllilleiu orjfarci 23 ihe trial oceev iadjottmed from hut friday was to hare taken place before police 3dagf tale kobfe at btxathroy today ihnt as before the reverend blackmailer disappcant- ed his friends and faxledfto appear a letter from a port hnroir ofbcer receited by the high conafaheherestatea that stonehoose was in pdrf hnfon this week being detain- eibf fbu onaineaa of ejtting hiseffects throngh the ctutomk de then expressed rds intention of residing pcrmanectlyin the united states bnt said he was coming back fat trial a xetlv dez83ed lucaztxe ilelihrary fftflarine for march comes oat innew dress which is highly creditable to the higbclaas literitdre which it m- bodiea it ii certainly a reryextraordinry ddlars worth of literature the nearly 200 pages per annum which this magazine gives to its subscribers those who see it are not surprised at snch very emphatic -eixlorse- ments aa given forexample by prof perry of williams college in a recent letter o the publisher i do not know when my sub- cription o ithetibraryllagaane cipires please renew it i donot intend it aludi expire at all so iongastam able to read gckipithaekefs vargk jffl8 sii ii i r ii i in i inr i ibij tti lnspeotfon of th hdlli fltlpoi fsjtouiry to tp tothjprsoobific for amwdmsnt at un libel riwvi minister of jofioe said pswapapor oan ahoulj iot he jarimcd from ope prorlnoi to tii other j sir kiohard oartwrlglits pecoh is bsing ptlntod in pamphlet form reorultitie or the n w mounted pjlioe will begin noit week at ottawa pottiiope whitby and other plaoea the speaker has issued hit warrant for a writ for a new election in kent oonnty eilsa nloolsof toronto applio for divorce oa the granud of the tnbdellty ol her husband bryan niools capt kelon is here looking ft is said for tiio nomination iu lineoln should mr kykert go to the red chamber mr w 0 balfour mlp or bouth easei wu hero a few days last week the press gallery annual dinner at the bnsaell hinte satnrdny evening was a real swell affair i j mv i i k boar of several projected unci for- wliieh charter will be sougnt tbo canadian pacific arodesiroui now olmaking a tale j of theumerion branch which ran to the boccdary to the manitoba government h7evnuk the nocfir the debate on reciprocityii noteipected to end in a division till tomorrow ught tr i rather the early hour of thursday mora icg ttong speeches shave been the rule and the fibres used woold fill a big book our past present and probable position in future his been thoroughly threshed out the close of the discussion will be marked bf speeches from the premier and mr iliaricr x thefunaiest speech was made by mr wclihcf priuoe edward island a farmer kith boihlhacdsjin his pockets he would start ia- with god bless my soul mr speaker aniat another point but law lie mr speakec once when mr mitchell interrupted he tamed to him and said ia ms quick jerky answer shut up dealing with honmrfofitera reference to marrying and being given in marriage and to the ministers mathematical pefciaion of statement mr welsh remarked that a certain rumored matrimonial alliance which coming event cast its shadow before would take th mathematical precision out of him mr foster le ifknown is a bach eor and this sally bought the bl ashes to his cheek and set the house in repeated roars of laughter echoed agains2idsnlnin which mr foster pined kicholas flood darin thouh not a ser ious debater ii an- erudite and ofcqoent speaker in the oce breath he charged the opposition with rinsing the changes on the old set of tells and riding a new horse some one maliciously said the horse was spsrined this alluded to the name some times jiveh in the northwest to the mem ber for aiaifcoa nicholas blood spa via in speak a j cr risinj t3 jpeak twice on a bill reiatirg to the upper ottawa improve cent co eon peter mitchell was opt of onler and in spite of cries of order from hicitterialifls le was proceeding rhen tie premier rose quickly and took the point of order mr mitchell called on some ceetd move iiie adjoorrxhent which mr mcmcllen did this put it in order for mr mjlcbell who had kepthis feet to go ch but befcie doing so he looked fiercely ever atsirjohc and said ix the hon genuemac tliiaks to choke me an be will fad est lk muuke befcrc ibis session closes the leader of the third party is almoi siways irritated prhen opposed by the icider of the hcnse mr famicssue prohibition motion will cot be reacted until about 10th april soise 70 mlmbrs eupported it last year but itjs cxpectc4 that themsjonty against itvrili be even larger neat month atrciow effort jl being made by mcctreol 12 gt the gortrument to assume the lake 5t peter channel debt and to jcfuld to the harbor commissioners the vxlooo paid out in inlefestvn the debt a rogud robin in favor of ie proposal signed by over ico mec7terboi the honie bis been haided to the government and yesterday a petition signed by over c000 montreal citizens in favor of the same pro posal vras presented to the government in council- nn irrrv iramcc rou- wxst eastctcs daring the veei sirohn and hon mr bowell presented mr h iorby the newly returned member for west hastings to the speaker with jvtiom he shook bands and took his seat mr corby k a distiller who resides in belleville he was chosen candidate on march lith ind had a seat in plifp pai a week later tt is an open secret hat drday the l beral candidate on his arrival in belleville on nomination day found mr ciste a leading reformer and mr carman the proprietor of thv re form paper so friendly to the return of mr corby brotherinlaw to both thatjhe naturally wfthdrewfronvthe contest idh to the disgrace of the reformers of belle ville- kswricsnuxd ixszxjfnox the legislature of newfoundlaiid is ft is said favorable to the proposal fromottawi to sends deputation to the capital to- con sider the prbjeot of annexation hitherto we have known little and cared less aboni this itte colony it haa a population of about 200000 of whicl 77000 are roman catholics the annual revenne was in lsfl 1078000 ant the expenditure 17b8 0jo the total trade with the oauide wcru is f 11000000 iisfi being the chief exportisnd dour the prfnerpal import they are governed by 51 members and two iloases if a union with canada is con sum mated 30 p ember a and one honse will likely be soggpsled j stoir of two ittilbtebjb when it vils reported that 3on j h pope minister of railways wafj dead the premier rapppsed lie was terjj siok and hastenh to pee bim ffn enterinfl sir john snidt ope yoti look riiif jbaj yoo should barooneoftnercitwstifior gotsr rvr- 59ss j w- ii bprlniuloi o boiolo 60 1 ilryjimuorod rkrrrir ssss s j nit bys- i j wo wo m caaii ithink hay 8 msloo atntw i uj wood iwr cord i iootqtho erdozen uri- ilim to 0 is dttrruaoked i oi7toojo oils cir 0 jijj pstetpesdwhsst ii o 18 to 14 j 0 so to 1 ib 0 70 tit 1 op tiii 0t01 7 00 ijiiiii- sm i 4ii o oh fl havojo go j ohfection the aiiar pf m riifisfflr iiotatpag fc iikobjakoja injd fio tbe ofitnll tote tlietatfda ivinrmell inwto ietmeriirrl javeoree ifueholsk xkw3 vjvh hefftfaters fo wiil f11b ki so a prom our own correspondent mr johu wheeler of rodickville spent a few days with his pareau who bavebeen ill for tome time mr duncan edmoodaon formerly 01 limebouie has been spending seraf weeks at hii hqrac he returned to bpau- ish river ou the 30th ioit dancan wu right hand miji at his brothers weddiug oldkiug harry potdevin recently returned from a trip to england ireland and fnmce- he made quite a collectidu of oddilier uicladiog a bundle of cabbage- stalk and blackthorn ciues which we un- stand- have been dis tribe ted among bis most intimito friends harry has some interesting yarns to tell the boys ictne of which are doubtless original he was pleased on his return with the resolt of tha two recent elections held in this county more especially the former among harry a lucky friends la squire hogg who was the recipient of a fine meerschaum pipe wbich ha appreciates l tho toronto lifhe company are in full bjasi again and kings bombs can be heard reechoing among the rocks that sar- round this hamlet tlie residents of duck street will live in terror for the next six months the arus have it going that the editor of the fttrfcpekas has been getting a new steam engine with the anticipation of bnsi- ueai being brisker after the 1st of may mr dand coventry had an auction sale on the 22odinsf and sold off a j his stock etc at goodfigures j mr john iferritt has rented the farm recently occupied by mr coventry from p m rowe of georgetown he bought thi finest t team at the sale on thursday mr andmnmsnlhvanqfgeorgetown spent sanday with mrs sailivan of this place ifn g salt who has beenvtsiling al martins retarned home last week tbps moore esq of acton was the guest of his brother mr ioeetcf thii place hut week k chu moore of acton has beenlhome for a few days nursing a bid ebdooatract- ed best knownlo himself turn vara 3 newton fc scus are doing k rushing busings in thewoclieu lineal present cms limehoase march 27th i3s i at i rth m w iv i have the largest stock a id neatest paliefns ever shovfniii actori fjmbradng ceiling kitdh3n belibom jdiningnbooit t i j wwi ftautifjil gilt for parlbk full 6 of elegant borders to match sp jinli samples no w rhant i 1 j i 140 different and disunc t patterns to nhpose frim at 5cj fcer rtu a4 narda come and ee my sample before pnroiadri i j fe pearso k0ckw00d sews from our oru comaioadent a very successful basket social was held last tuesday evening at the residence of rctdstrachan r we are sorry to notice that mr jchn orrae and faniare moving tody from rockwood to oracgevilje mr hooper who boughtoj bchultr stock of dry goods t has rtflp it to a mrcole from ottawi v neil btrachan having parchased the stock and trade of fames 4 strachaa vtil carry on business in the store lately occu pied by that firm mrs bobt pasmore a highly- esteemed resident of rockwood focupwards of forty ycars died at the age of seventytwo on sunday morning her funeral which took place this afternoon was attended by a very large number of friends aaifneinhborfwljo assembled to pay the last tribute of respect lo the deceaseii w i christopher irvine ol the town line erin and formerlvjof kriinosa near rock wood died very suddenly from heart dis ease on wednesday last he had got up in his usual health and gone out of the house but a very short time when he was found lying anebnscious and expired a few minutes afterwards miss faine organized a wctu last saturday in the methodist church and on sanday afternoon iehvered a spirited ad dress on temperance and the evil effects resulting to humanity from the abase of alcohol to a large audience in the presby terian chdrch resolved that woman has equal rights with nian politically socially z formed the sobject of a public debate at the tpa meeting last night after an interesting discussion it was decided by the chairman mr- john barns in favor of the negative party j rockwood mar 27lh 1888 children cry for pitchers caetoria wfcdn dahy was ifctjwc gar e her cstorta iien slie was a child she cried for coitoria when she became uus the clang to castoria when iho had chlldran ilie gave them outorta doaoirorget when yoniintend purchasing a first clas organ or piako to go to j c mclean of the guelph temple of music he ia no agent bat boys his goods in urge quantities at r bottom figures and only the high est grades are handled l wbedxingi gasping srifferetafromjaujma receive qaick and permanent relief gating southern asthma care sold by atrarag- gists op b mail on receipt i the the ientific l of price i americah a tin paper in ibe orld zrrabyldnrf w wmkly tsvo a year flsofot itufe nrthja tmrirshed x potolibrfbt inon fotvcessuuea a ici which has mill tnrlrnt agant for b laaranoes perfei ted spectacles 1 1 ij i i 1 i i 1 1 i 1 riv ul i kejleilbee our grand millinery -and- dress goods rdiaplay v when we will tshowto the public the largflat and best apsortment of these joodtii ever displayed in acton- come one and all v i- v j rt buskzb nobth amerioam ashing machine atentod in canada 1865 in vaitoqbmmumi toflmotlerctw as tiiagw in tho wbfld h take the losd w cbinpatiuoi deflod 9800 e6mpetitioti by fay other w invented on earth twenty apwinajo jbruy niacjajnj hmifepov -r- iteevar inlrodaeed ftohsjingft for machine ever loaifnd machines io give impohtep djeect flom ee5ian y q mnaio store opposite pot office pnelph i tlia largest and moat complete consignment of musical merchandise thatiaaivirr baeii received in onelpb 1 u i bid stock consists of donblebaaaes vii half sin violins qoltars banjos cases violas ian three qnarter stud t- teoo pico ic flotea clariooetei harfootdcalcbanjo ftrraw tamboorides cybals bines b us drums bnare dme silv and brass trimminki iiem qe4ssrebod4bhct caah eitdlm jol attottanj turfnity may look for bargalnt luatflli 1 jwitli svtpiiiuoilit jl fflnjsios pian oit mssawjfc ijauepamrto- ifeiw w l tfivw direct so die tansic lovlnr boo is fall and wi iter jky itorei stjbl ivl i ihi spaindi a- bbrj iloted dry gt i i millinery h6i lafcton in making our uprlsf uutotinjancbt i j 1thplompretdoinstltirelani tetter pofltftm than etobtfortlolj vaots of oof rapidly tacxgla kncrwiaz the belt marketaaid wttk a kpowleflae of hs lines xs slods n da otmfldoaur ar that istfac iwkji bprtdftbiocktwuieh tor ruty elegance la nnsnrpimifl ik uh btstpomibl tehns ivlqsas tain oar old iyiittleii of txlhiwccrrwfoodtat ptistitymflelbe- f loroterir0 lnthiitkinltj 1 dress goods aaajtulbf 31 m is this line we have never had aasortnient and good wueti j uig show- nearly eifkt sj plain and aneka andin all tie fi v posroleriiicswafotnaflmoiii aheltes anamucteia 1v- range irotswatiperiaip up dontfadjspcits j this department a cant ol tntpee- l tion prints seettuckersdrfletta tad in lovely designs sad fast cokns i staple departf4l3 is oaowded innjj cottona fiheietlrigi tiasdgifiimm lings bnirtiligs duck denlnaj fljy troro the very best maaen aad si ifihii i 1m ing with thv tremendoos baia jiaaif t small wares and fancv g in profcjsioki tt u- s just ttiltk a lilr7ocdctitlprl sin from s to blrliiiosfar s t56iu144smialf i stofrbnltlsv -i- yl oldinr bustles s5cv priee ewewijras 41 kid oloves from jsc no tte anowia w k ofbihtirtiulsijjgloiiosii black andpotora 1 j i i atoi parasols 1 t i i e bepttobally good i y iiliniry vife have a vtzll eafned rtpoi tafiorl of being tittafiill g jhouseiri he coiptv for fa v this year we are iekfnkkut 1 ormw mltmaimahtbooti quantity aboerimauty 1 thi psuala c wfe inite tne adiesjoa tpi i and viciiiity tothe oj j ingoforshqvjtooiil i whicl takes placed satijjttla iflabofarsm 18stt ijf m m gome whether viisintn m i j iintjrybrnbt- miss hartley jwill f plea to cneetyouahd shpf j you throirghvjiti house fuinislungshf floor ioilclpisj jqiteij rings blinds batrisj- shoes iand ghj- ceries veryin cheap chfiap the mottai r bjermynac m iy btjiter akd eaosjfajb mmm ii m jfajaros jjjfis fit cj cobatedw i fconncfl mareht looked fw jagtofifl f bfttesjtlis arapotehii rltorilgbl i itnre 1 fpiaw jtettoprfaprw pod tnesdy if pilisi i josephs cli tsrta ii f6 joaepi8 j atnicfiactib 4rgwu ji his borne fm ouoidofhe wwiil i uai ihi ii i

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