Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1888, p. 2

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ekv 11 rl cjrrhmdtintnioi kilns i u ui aprq w vut i hbottro daughter o r 1 1 no r bteff jtmz2 lrflloaetojiw lic lh vlril wilfred frmttk- tin wtaat tool win iw aprd oar month wcuarai uotor of months pttdpli april srj aiiufi maud f cxtclcao o0 1 tt and 10 cije jiftoit jfra ffriss f day ap1ul 12 18m sanlilxmllkntk tbe eatni insanuice companies have pvon notice ti mcbrcvtftof dubuque low- that ther c u no joivc aio risks upon their preporu i l it- as ycl il i j no jnovn when thocroola act will cook hito force in this county aid it may- be th ti it will rot come into fort nntil may 4k- one of the icousionsot the new govern- meatmessan forjhc rcpilaliou of railways makes uy pe rson who seus or cites intcii catinc liquor i jarauwaycmplbjec while on doty habc m summary courtcliau o a jwnally not seceding sjo or cue months timpriaoomen tbe female lcachcr it radaally crowding the male poda ioc out while during the last ten yean tbc uuriibcc of lady teachers tnthvootaric ruutic schools has increased jftam siv l icsirihc number of male teachers jfas vctoaldecncased being uow croly 272f aiinst 270 w 1ssg the povenimcnl liarc agreed to free rdeitiii the raited slates in fmils and irranpaqenta arc already being made to de velop the eusiiess of tnsnspprting that class of commodity a kingston despatch aa- bounces hat jjcaie entcrprishi citisensef that place intend to put a fruit steamer oa the route berrrcei charlotte da the sotrttrade of late ontario and theprincipal porta on the ontario side h m the master iinojcdiflarj has fixed may lstu the data forpajtaenccdihctlrbi din- dead to creditors of jlhc central baafc xkut3ibeu percent- a second diridead it a aitnilar rate wilt si beanabneed 1 and a third aneof lesser amount is w3tf nigh a certainly a nemlctcf additional chums foe- sdwjff have been filed -tue- tqrk of winding op andcr the perocai raperintehdenecf the tiuicatocf is pro greasing satisf tctcrily ihe canadian fishennen sear that can- adm surrenders everything to the american fshenaen by the net cshcry treaty and mtfiey aire bowhng at the dominion govetc- j meet tq reiect it- the american fishermen swear thai the cniied states ill surrender everything tojtfca cacadiac sshermea by tha treaty and they are hblic st the senate to reject it the lodpcal inference is that the treary must be aboutrrit and thaiifihouidlcratiiieh- from the cmtai a hlrh old thuene uf ij tn pin lbdnjrtrltfrlprrai jyiid- tlit rnucll fjeeflflq chat ortas cohmiftf frbtn our onti cyjrrrtimitiicut r i ottava japril 10afttr jrhapi tlw longest ilrtffiht dehaui id the history of the canadian hoaie of ccmtnani a division on he reciprocity question vii reaehedwter four orclocv saturday moiuinc hwvkw taudfog tor unrestricted reciprocity pl actititt ut there wcri 191 raerabcn voted oat of a total membership of 12fi roartcen members had paljred four seatsj were unwproaeuled two of which hadre- turnod gbcrtb misaisquoi juid lauumu- tfon and twafuomcll and kent are still pending a poll mr moncticft nu an ab- cntoe froui the goverfarfctnt side and messrs blake yeo aud qeansoleit from the opposition thejdivisija wsj on mr joaca amendment to the ajntndmcut and when mr fosters araendnut waa put it was declared carried on tbe nme di viiiion wiuiout actually talons it second vote sir richard cartwright s oninal motion was not therefore voted oaptrectly vtlien the cheering of the f icjors fell on sir rich ards ers as he waadeavinf the chamber at the close of he volej he remarfeod toau reverse that vole within a twelve month- mistt oy1 n r there were many tceuwutho ohambor ftjtlhe vote was rcaciiod when the whips went oot to drum op jbe niemben in re- sponseto the peaicra eteat- riau command call in the meuibera those who were- already in broke out into i on solo and chorubes mr ftior of yici ocio bcrrhaa a ppleudid voice and his rcn icring of the midship mite brought do a he house auldlang sjtie and son e french songs cenduded with god bare the qaacn and at fire oclock mr speaker declared the house adjourned when hn peter mit chell roa6 with the intention of denouncing six john uacdouaui sileuo in the debate but mr speaker would not itaud upon the order of his going but trent mr mitchell then shook hii fist and remarked aodibly qownuca april 10 collator cayeu of blritford and offloir orowti of ooqarlob elrtd ftu llliou itllltoday idtlntownihip totfiunley tod had lathek oallaghfr the owner arrested iriod and nteuoed to pay llw and bo imprliontd for one month i the amenctqenta to xhi ubd law asked for by- the deportation from the canadian press association w ilch waited on the uonisier of jnstice- the other day are i a pub- liaher not to le tka foe trial ootdde the prwvincoin w3ndithis paper is pebiished- 28ecuxii7 for cosis ic be given by the per son entering tiiciajt 3 the publication of reportsof c juti- frcceedirgs sndpuihc meetings the rivilegeuindi ample op- portunitylto l give pchlishers i or the re- traction of any itateinests they might make the third amei daent cleariy in the pab- iic iqtere5t i as 1 the oihers are only asking fair treatment aor tlie netspapgrs on all hinis we lear t enccoicms i passed npoa lir- ifarid henderson ml p since he has acpreseniai ktlixxi in the commons- aircadt- las be exizci mzch aptitude for- qiinieg a fitcrable hearing frota the ministers in fne interests of hi constituents jkot only so but ttpee he v represents fini thafic attending promptly to their hitereite he does not neglect to n- temtheni of the result of the ecquirea baade of him and his candid opinionof their merits fthe result is that hajtoa- v ions of whatever political partj may safe- ly address their repretenlatite in parlia- r i ment with the isfuraiioc that he will spare j do effort in the conduct of fiie pcb besi- ness committed t hia cfiare millon sun ki m tha scenes in the house of commons on eatoxdimornnj when ihe division 6c sae unrebtricfed reciprocity qtiesuon was takeor rgninded one forcibly of those of less than a year go when the goyerxmenlg 1 duowance paicy wac sasiiircd in pai- i jfr iy a large majority there is also av stmiig probiliihtj- that the history of korunrest monopoly will be repealed witii regard to the question of unrcstrictfid trade r withibe itniiedi states ten njonthsago fbe soasc at oommoa afgrmed by a majority of fifty that if vras the duty of the government to mafciaur railsay mod- oply inflie korhprestaiid id disollow local railway chartered bui in less than a year fije ministers though sustained by pariia- meat have been compeliod by putli opinion tb abandon their policy at considerable cost ttbi comrtry ottawa fru prut kever fniad ill give them h 1 throagh the licrafyt tomorrow thecijlr the tcrmfi under which ithe canadian hacziic agrees to surrender lieir monopoly are not semiontcially known the go vernment willr guarantee 15000000 of c p r hind bonds as a nrotectio the government are gcarantcod ia thirteen raitjidn acres of land held by the comfciby to be alnihiistered by- trcn and the pro- ceedsof the salejlo go towards the liqui datian of the bond issue in addifaod the company will be responsibk lor the s in- tercst on the bonds whidh wilf becomo charge on its surplus earning if the land sale rovfc madequatc the postal receipts are also to be given in pledw the govern ment will no doubt shortly 4k the hoose to confirm this arrangeuion rnxexran rx nijm there is a warrant oat for the arrest of mr david creightoh mpp as managing director of the empire bewsj apcr sona- tjr peletieraa sollaior for premier mer rier had the iwaripant here oasaturday be lieving that the editor wis ii otuwa he was not here however the lotion is one foe criminal jlibel and is jkkeu by premiee mercier of quebec on acoouit of an article thatrecenuy appeared ia the la pin which he claims a be libellous j the present action istooefoflowedroy a jciui soit for damages ifthese actions cj e pressed no doubt they will tasteti iegi lation during the present session to preven a defendant in a libel suit being tried in any province bui the one he resides in it is very easy fa quebec to convict ol iilelbat mach harder in ontario aad sii ntario news- ipsper man has a tht to t is protectioa alirded by ontarios laws j is dctttesr is rar n rsc yhen mr ives made eome emarfcs about loyalty the other day mr- soc ervilie of the dqndas better said he wa reminded of dr johnsons saying that ioj iliy was the last refuge of scoondrehl mr speaker immediately rose and called c a mr- somer- ville to withdraw his eipreas onv mr e said ii was dr johnsons e pression not his bnt dr johmson not fceiu within mr speakers jorisdiccicn he ins sied on the withdrawal of the offensive ej preszwn aad mr bomefville had to cave n tlientexxarxglicriitxr according to the annual t pcrt of the minister of apicultare the ni bred catuerlis imported aiber6f pe iss7 was considerably lesa than in prkvioas years and there was also falling off in the num ber of sheep importod if or opodicg pur poses there were imported 5i9 sheep 262 ewme the ciponi cattle g53 were 19061 m unrestricted ileciprocityailtr having been debated at a fcngth somewint commen- urate with its imparlance has ucn voted down on strictly forty lines ly a majority j of pver fifty votek this does net mean much in reality so far as the vestricttonists iare codoerned icisdoubtfalwhrther they iate any real convictions upon the subject which they would jabfde by if for instance shr john macdooald or even- sir charles topper were suddfenlyto command right aboutface thart was made plain by the governments somersault on restricted t jeciprocity sir i john macdonald one week declares to the govctimcnt is a dst light of his fohowort thit the govenrment is do going to injure canadian saierests by cartying oat restittei reciprocijvand the next week siraiarlestoipef snnoucer i that thetlovernmett has grante restricted remprocity and thoa same followers ac quiesce without i nlnrtner wluuc i ejfoap cohlvgj t ttro tjiuuni to titart from jiaud ti tijiredj uiiredj i t 1 ixw uor april jjthis week will cee large emignaion u canada the allans i health- dispatch- the sardjnian and siberian on horbcs valued at 20000 citue ugeq rained at w521320 sheep lafis value hazflqo the figures for horses and sheep exceed any other year cliujjj gjjerra tbe number of applicationk for palxnt last year 267i was the largest on record- tbe amount received fox fees pesigna and trade marks was vil ecctteqcir tmxe among the articles placed m the free list when coming fa from the oiled btatea in response to similar action b tlie bepob- uc are bananas olives- pineapi les apples blackberries cherries cranberr cs peaches plums quincos apricota me berries raspberries and strawberries sad the following plants trees sad shrubs apple peach pear pram che ty qutsce and all other fruit- trees also gooseberry rupberry blaciherrj currant and rose boshes rape vines shade lawi aid orna- jnental fees shrubs and plan tj crsseii elorrtos the writ for a new election in rassell has beea issued firing the votin for may 7th mr w c edwards th j ensealed liberal candidate will be thei standard bearer again while it is sapposo that the conservative convention at dan amiue to morrow the 1kb will select m msckn- toeh the proprietor of the oitava civori whom mr edwards defeated at hn general election by ahoqt l50 autof th couantoasj the bucket shop bill has bee qj read the third time in the senate sir charles topper is well agjin tboagh not strong on dit that hon j h pope mjijo is wtill tick will be compelled to retire by ill 1 l 1 tharsday with 20d0 seals a large propor- te haying capital while others are on- ibg friend equally large uambersfoi- jow duriuguieiieznl few weeks atuoiice- awc feaireof lic spaons eraigratioupro- mnestn be hhalj the contiueut tboagh the scawh iaspulyjust begun tbe i jjujnbers who have already proceeod to usioitoba have ioprcascd 157 per oent hwf4ffvk and- 70ppcedt oyer isscand pects for this season and ihbi frrtspeoti u cretlneaiujratm 1s5 ifulore pros- are most- gratifying of the annually in- com ireland k rocmdit4of ihehkiu bnami mples kruptioi and prjrflowa sfllphor am the hill of fare or the reniaiaerof llio session includes the disallowaute matter the fishing treaty the korthwe t govern nint bill the admiaflion of new randland the badgot imperial and tobi ial trade relations and four or five new gi vera meat measures a deputation will be hero to4orrotf to urge furtfcer appropvitiou for j dredging belleville harbor all uie committees of ihehoue are id fall swing do hot forget whsa you intend purchasing trgidorpiawlogotojc mclean of the guelpb tnpls or mmic ajfent but b ays his goods in urge a kqu exhaxkek cittex a0a1vhku1 th1al ex- banker w h cutlen of ouelph wu on monday oommittod for trial on th two chargoa laid by wuiuni kay ono luo fraudulent conversion to bit own aaaf lill givcncalteu by kay to pay a mort gage aud tho other bbufnlog 18500 by falso pretence bail was accepted in both case hutu of a f0utvx1xer belleyiixk april jowilliam j ty lor brother of uie late sheriff taylor died today at h gibaonhouse aged 70 yean deceased was one of the most prominent figures in the- california gold excitement lion he made 300000 he bequothed his fortnoe to his niece mrs charles tay lor aud her son of sidney r mills at dooxljestuoyes pooxonl april jo a fire took place here yesterday afternoon about i m in j 4 b bears carriage factory the building was destroyed ooiplotely with a saw mill and some other adjoiufng bnjldings the cause of tho fire is supposed fe bavebooa a iparkfnim the smoke stack which caught on the outside ol the roof the toss will probably reach 120000 insured for 7000 j tho old hey bhtxt to ueatif buuux 6ot april 9 john and david bowman aged 82 and 6 yearsj living together in midhartt were barned to death on saturday afwrnodn ithey were leeo talking around in the morning in the afternoon the neighbors discovered tbe house burned to the ground and nothing hut the charred bones of the poor old men left the origin of the fire will never be known i riioxotipx miflunoxs the following is a list of the pupils who have been promoted in the various depart ment of acton public school reoir seooxn ro nasr louis orr milton henderson ernest ebbagc lioie mclam diana kennedy beaty perkins minnie morton maggie mcleod clara moore flossie campbell berth ryder rnok ramp vd sucoxn sarah mccare i anuie foulkes jennie kennedy robert bennett fred smith awua ktlly arthur pearson f wiuiegaroey herbie phillips allie henderson freddie hunter afflie brown joba mcgill wuhe lowry wilhe hay t charlie lowry tessie phillips august bell- maggie ramsay edna thnrsion raou rocetti to nmnj gordon henderson roy llcln tosh arthur moore eddie loveya roltie perrjiian xfaggiefyfef mabel cook octavio leaveui edna miller ettie laird aanie wallace charlie dean allan campbell geo hqder brand kcllie cobban sfcuirj mcpherson jennie lambert annie hynds kelha camnbell magjpe wallace ajofoxutld bread ammoniatcd baking powders that is baking powders in which carbonate of ammonia is used as an ingredient and which exhale an odor of ammonia when leaied are cltssed by- many eminent physicians and sanitarians as taperior to all others professor hassell of london who is recognized as highest authority on the subject of food hygiene commends in the strongest terms the use of carbonate of ammonia as leavening agent stating its great advantage to the- in its perfect volatility which permits it to be by the heat of baking entires thrown into leaven ing gas whereby the bfead is raised jthe experiment with heat would seem to in dicate the superior not the inferior r value of aach baking powder the little beat that is imparted to it when held over a gas jet lamp or fatovfi suffices to resolve the carbonate of ammonia into leavening gas and throw it ofl the first heat o baking therefore will effectaallr develop all the gas thorougliiv leaven the loaf and dissi pate the gas producing ingredients of i powder of this kind and thi is the highest testof a perfect baking powder where other alkalies alone are used they- are not mfreqaently retained duresoivedv through the whole process of baking and remain an unwholesome ingredient in the finished lrcad tho carbonate of ammonia cannot be usod as a substitute for cream of tartar a v yiy frilwac first clas pe is no nantfties t rock bomom fiiore only u wgh 3s3 at cndmarst handled i t tptwo itu ktoru of ax ecthaohblvajir offer to ill wirrcrc cirrlorjovt j we wantlive energetic agents in every county in the united states and canada to sell a patent article of groat merit on its merits an article having a large sale pay ing over 100 per cent profit having no competition and on which the agent is pro tected in the exclusivvaale by deed given for bach and every comity he may secure from us with all ibese advantages to our agents and tho foot that it is an article that con be sold to every bouse 6wner it might not be necessary to make an ex traordinary offer to secure good agents at once but we have couclnded to make it to show not only oar confidence in the merit of oar invention but in its salabilitr by any argent that will handle tt with energy our agents now at work are making from 150 to 1 300 month clear and this fact makes it safe for as to make onr offer toafl who are oof of employment any agent that will give our business a thirty days trial and fail to clear at least 100 fo this time above all expenses can return all goods unsold fo us aodvwe will refand the money paid for them no inch employer of agents ever dared to make suob dffett nor woqld we if wo did not know that we have agents now making more than dotjfeto this amount oar large descriptive cir ca ars explain bar ofior fully and these we wish to scud to everyone out of employ meat who will send ni three one cent stamps for poeuge send at onoe and secure the agency in time for the boom and go to work on tbe terms named la oar extraordinaryofler address at once njinpjai notcltt co 1 fiu smithfleld st pittsburg pa hiklvii kakkst8 ii ploofolliin wuiotuwi jtodwomt hprtin ullkoitl hwtor 0tii siv bsiie wood t ijow eflffi por dosou i uuttrdoryiackut uuttcr rolls cbocso ivputocs kt 1041 aprloii jprk lamukitii lolu hidos wool ttmollij iowi jwr buiii clfltorkod alklko 4lbio u si i 10 to 8 i i esbiaon oku to hi duo ov fii 0 a5io0 i 0 s 110 41 o m too 4 ik too o uo to io si 3 to i 4 oo to ri fl i m o i o n to 6 i i li to 0l4 o it to o il ii w lo i id ii if c kilo 7 11 o tj to i aj u i o i1 t m lo i d o a to o i a tjio a 1 o ty j j t- c u ti o wallpaper laiies kindly road khyurw aivi t tee meat i tho largest aaaortticnl ol ikcmi- cvc sbown it at kelly bnul gcntlemou kindly cll atd ikmhi kelly ros spring sutthigx and piijlgif bitvitnkhth airilaucliki ealr rr lv lot in laacvicv acuiii aum vol iirlblor bald ali ocicl win vi- aucliouocr 11 tt alaba8tine mm iiiiisi k peuchens pefarjed paint3 cutta percha srushe8 childrea ory for pitoho rooaetori wiloullljy vbslck wc aii iit ci wtmuillo tim cliim ilif cut4frjcjoi wtioaiuo ueiua mlm fllocii lo m whoa iik lil cliimrv icjwl lixu c jfefliodist cluiith itkdav i tveavkxmv i ciil john rclarke the kloqimrruiutol jlvd bits zzd hisses 3 cents cikisu kl aicnttor d laul cmefeepa t j llttiiljoii fj litvwl io k and iiciiint vcrniicvprilitnrnjn alton ttamivt tiiun iuijioom msinohotiii t kauufujom for ulobn a lie ft tall line at hlmiii ikrrdcivto wsv 1 j lodiftltcni an j dutluot iiaiteras lo cboo 4 from l8p pet roll lad cpuio ami pm oy ssmpfcs boforc jurchfsllis hantiijfi ntw linulv liodlffuroni am t rnnl ic the ltt uiiifioat oivwt abcaolifal tiard ttln41nul tvdl uot rub iff u nil mpular bsdos and wljto hlxknimifntttlntiio market ready for um a fiill hup of ala- ijrj- colon oil tcrjioiiuno and varbiabbs t udiuguhiti wasffhalftomixkiaiktvahlshbt mtuvk boot h9khe and cloth t ife ife j ial vlliy o iho kav1tuiv vsh0tojl will food lppor tvllritofici in cornjaii in iimu ioaimeti iixkm vei1e1dv 1 ji b learso angeo perfected spectacles magnificent dislajy- mjllincrv mantles drcss goodif carpets purtaijs etc mckav brothers cfpaiiidiiflir no 8riw drcs ooodi 25 toe ti iivtj iyi94 ct- cham bra yi 10 12 tsaoo tiewav it caritutjc 100 6110 ew wool carpm hlfl iliiislmk new scrim haircloth l-vfl- c dcruy jackets citrs viiatj ifsjo iewvm lu slcfwujakiaf mckay bros j 6 js 48 kin g street east hamilton n drca ooodf jo tzi j01j1 nntnatn- m7jciuxj wid ni is u0 jil pgulopoltfm 75c jlflu roil thrpogb tlie removal of bav drbmmr oglt to 811 pnnoiwo vhmo mdhd in tba itrght frabykriu clinrdb in cnid sod it ii repovtojon prettrj good wthority tbat bar jdtdgo fnuen knox clioreh nmilton i likely io be alibi to tk clitrgo ol tbe oooitrefittloi iho jndaesroeiiu held oat ra m000 jemr apd s free tfaa 0qdfrpttlod nombert adoat 1000 froenuufa worn foirdersdeftroy aud remoro wofpii without injury to tdalt or y- drjpwe pleasant ffomi syrop an lifltpntf agreflirojlfaaftiand ecidua foilcncinccrircfcijit vviik i jalbaktikyi jdui r cjlce hasloarnotl uic secret avenue of the hamiu eoul umjf jija i bay city micze koflunghteit since cioj1 wm here 800 people heard him it iia series of brillianl transitiona from urniin to rlhy ciij tribune hamtltokekt to and fro in londoa isfrc2 nd easy racy and very eloquent at times clarke is witty keen student of htyasn natnrc jfauiua times lokdon okr itr john it clarke who cntertiinri tbc large andiehoe at qaetfas avece vtetho- dist church is a jmstci of mimirry and possesses he art of fushin a plctaro ot the bearers mind in a wordi fr pn i hoceestph jf y ecv dr cashing cflfkhcctc- c y says i want to say co yij u that your to aud pro hi lojc of wit hamor and instruction ojt j m- trodnoe jbu to the best aujieiks all over the country i hare uveld all over the ground you eo vividly delrrilc and e sc uo reason why it should cotbopzt besmo mr p best efforts in oer best lecture coarsest i stcateaernsokt this is iha ith liiae i invo hon callod upon to deliver to scarlvo i lon don in america vos john e cazbz opening fiontcace last evening in the well- and aveichurch iidbre the eitorlaia meet wascoocladcd the amliencoirts folly sailed that this great cfiattwic worthy of traqucnt rcpetitioa per over two hoars he bfld the close attention of his hearers as he discoursed eloquently on sccres ftud incidents connected with the greit city- such powexfol cloquejcc ttakr pithoo graphic description and rich burner hav6 ijarcly been heard in ikis city vtr r tlmakt principal wiliiams liina keminiry x y bbjb tha esort v to and lro in london given by john ii ceiu college hall on fridiy evening lt before the faculty and uiadciu and cttizenej cf lima was one of the most eitisiactcrj ever held in this place 1ic pathos and humor aliketfer fine descriptive aid ecjocut iarscteruatioa jfx ctirje jvervtdiy stands in the rst rink tivj ui of it a is- the pore andjofty morl toe of all the speaker says it is such su effort thrft tends to kinajc high hojts ftci cnn it5iira- tious in the hearts ol voki men ruii women toronto ont- john k clarke appeared aifc hu evej- ing great audiences have jirccl hinu his theme was a very attntcute obo to and fro in london nuic handrul iovjde heard him w kt andrtws llnil his humor eangsclotiaai ajidthxraciovwitii bits of old country life were richly cajoxd bj the-aadieiicc- every ihau womu and child should hear this nua of toauicac uail john r clarke the pojitilzr orator held a large audience in the central mcodist church spell bound last flight under the in- fiuenoe of ihls magnetic tluchoc hu to and fro in londoa is il nasicrpiece of historici instrnctivc and tulertaiuing oratory tcufjni m btffalo- aflbory church wis filled last evening by people who bad come to hear john it clarke repeat his to and fro in london it is a very flnortaining effort in song fun pathos dash descriptive passages stones of real lffc uhs of autobiography sketches of groat mop ell i strung together in a way to keep his audience delighted with his bright and racy dtorty john k clarke with the worlds njoms beforq him is almost- charming dpaker a verj entertaining part of uy ellort was lie dialed recitation of bdinuca cuddle doon in fine scotch brogue while tlie negro song of tho happy old man was fnimifahle lint if mast nut ie- saposcd that ibis is more than a bit of one side of tbe looturo the f raid of etoriea hits at all sons of people and pictures of all sons of lives especially those of the street kucji as bis own hjulbcen scorned iutiliaastiblc to and pro in london os given by john iv clarke is a delightful kaleidoscope homing ytprrt fancy goods stationery c i n eccarvins i i oco i i novvoststyles very cjoao i consisting q- v toilet cases i dtmising cases uewel and odor cases in plush j writing desks r work boxes scrap and auto ali bums in plush and leather photo albums latest designs hand mirrors whisks and whisk holders jtoilet bottles for covering shaving cases and mugs magic lanterns 1 dolls in china kid and rubber trumpets mouth organs biljles liof itlmtjid k rato hair brushes and- perfumes- i koya aud gitu own annaal band of ko brilisli workman iictcre urcrylhii ttorlh ivitjttjl l- fouijj at just openeefj out u light spring overcoatings tx worsteds and eltons 1 beautifdilesgns aud yarief jof slices ifade up hi flie j latest styies i- v shaw grundy merchanj tailors cijelph i iatpoeted dieect ee03 6harles w geiara2st to elly music store opposite post ofcca- onelph il the largest and most complete consignhient of atosicaj oxcrchandiee that has ever lceu received in gnelph j the stock consists of doubr basses viqlinoelloejyiolas full three gnarter and hnlfsfze violins guitars banjos cases 4c6rded j wceolos flute clarionetes hzrmolica banjo strings tamboorfnea cymbab bnes baaadruinssnire drums silvtrand brass trimmings j ji l these goods are bought for cash and imported di a ct so thfl mnstc loving people of xctou end viciuitymay look for bargains this fall id 1nter my btorens stockeol with a full line bf the i i bell organs- lansdwne piams r be care to call and get the foe which i am sole agent forgaelph and vicini priocs of new organs beforu you buy second hand onre the lanscoinie piano ietaiin the lead leadinfnofucians arc selhbg iheir old piacs and baying this piano a f oil and cxircine my stock no trouble to show the aheet j mat trade j xjcwkiwi tilt widonfma ktr ell a llul la tjc a rniir lijtiu- waln iujki-v- i 0ko1 o ash fjjjr jliobs i rtllundanlcnnl blurniia x on haqitlrl- toj rr fur 11 lldej mlo7i2 arloiimardiktujlhw shinqlbii anbiplcjjjw chixolkhiisb ncss o flrsttlalu joilitfw ii klrlnrimiji viinm in uoctoj it bwtlutood mdrclllib tycaaisuslfurtlit hivsuly milliiit kfet uf llitu mrl r storfcdw folj bale obtoi thb raijn a ajw ai l iirnu oectml ly mr wii atliou cicn 4u ltv lit jui ikirikulars kijjy id joiiki m buildimh k fob8aml th i undcrclcnnl btf itmi ncilcjttuiljidrlot fr unuy- tiitijocauun unroijc noiikrbdcfitrtblem tcnri rirfy ifplr w it i wan ldcaunb ttltvejju6io to mll our choice vartorte of cltbcr orr salary or commiaalonri jilojincnt to die rial rrien en n ono urishtrjidlodbstarfltn looilnsfor aiflreawltl4reftr uaiehotheb5- tjni sen j j coo 3 aw a3cl i iitirmvb si v omf a sit efr- i m vbtlngwy ojiiiy jiko donjiflif l rirr kirflova i br ipujn o u jjojlol c rffllmrjp iibe csfci qormra t2erejjf tbeibcviw v l t jrcbj i ril tw fod 1 yja- the anncal eri infii il siee53fen we are ia autrlfw bobsk tii runtflas for tutale j ra nursery kjk tadsa success ot thn inncuv oul w or eoinuiifhtoij fmd cirripdrmamr vhar ntauviiflwaaeboief jn- tbe fruit aiijoruatnecta liaesfi klttiolhtiuiiai apply at aneei was nam pf rasacntka e flserij vbermrjljj jr4hdifeii tempfilllncl fosjsazjbyi 4aifral sails siiltimj o iital plevjjai ftoji tht us6cit gned is aathorixed bale by t oder the tejb crcffaoub carpers the fcr jargi rjqantatyqfgooddarflbei ot varioas ditnrlrsroujl door aod afid aaah kc luid ecsl souielli scaled tendem miu hi rtcclred io to the is da j o mar 1s8s th tender npt ncce thtruyaoeepted hpjiooee- for die gra ul dirfon soaaoftcd 1xerlif ih6eofa ibiock ir qer- ropaiy jffilloifor5700 j2 iublic heal3 vdnce u licfebr glvwi that arfr i acton are rcquirodtorqrviifaitod rcllkrs- drains jards pie styes audi othfront bpildiiii thaffrefs ie tberdrom all dirtalth maia ttaito trhicb tasjr eauiuicerlj health and to hart tbesanieoonv try pie wh day f may next on i itay inspector till oamnianjj auj fnrther taksf scvaioqof do public satlm aeljp the keeping of bogs utvecn the tudxhtw otkqvcmlieroietptlflp to ert from any tlwehing boaaoana i tnyslreclor uh nidi flooifiki4ft ttandin water and jkfgnlarly claawed ssi uilccic1 till bffbtricujr fcriloreea vf j d aotilrats jbecrctarspoaiio braleditmth kve local hews w i inr hoiiv iiciaembcr the place to veils clock opposite p i laoani i iaj vl ofporitj h un mtimiodoiof low tci ah6rt rtofrthfpliktora olgoiiir saxnra fawn u co jofl wu it- s driis aud stafiouen- sfore acton ont tpking g department furniture departnient 4 rtxe sixectej fitock of parlor bejdroom suites sprtag i i beds mattresses 1j8bleschairs etc btoietc i speciaraltcdudn paid to ofboe i costfte witu1a beactful bpi a full line ofgoods from the leading st makers always an baifd nlwny illicfcs reasonable jspetghtson it t as i 1 ntario wlijitual ife asjs head office will cure or relieve bluousnbs dizziness pyspepsia dropsy kdigest10n fluttering aundirx of the heart ipysipoa acidity of salt rheuh the stomach eaitteurh- orysess eadacke of the skin nd owry cjeci3s of ilfsccsi a l stoldacs xiowzls or blood ircprlstora milbupj 6 co xistsxtb rathfl ur4jnce corrpany waterlflo ont note it prjdgrjss r slvaajrajicos j aasuranccyln forto j ieituu lucouiol intctist income i i dealt claims t profits paidl asaets l surplus oa hand 1 isra sum 61k saj0 j639 11611 p ljkt50 mmi tjni pns h p moore aeift fbact6n rmouai jmprtat lmmngale riht k eery weok lnroo sliipnidnta of boaa if al now and fuhlonabli drou ooodj miuioer y haul harriots and iiau6afurriihiuc goonvwmlow gautina ia hvx obenlle oalparadlari 6 iiu oi r tud ftaiilo goods ot tulhtnda arajrriving slramt ercrjr as3 booftbi u the vry lo et itinliiltonaoia crotrdes daily as tho fadto motr avhero thoy oq jost nloflnew fmbjoitabu ooodg 1 1iko it of qirl flu jierior colored ui nirffe fltrae at half prioe lou of two buoo gd glo carivraandlldtiae fnrriiehinff uatcrftli t e suxla bt thorn are enormoni in imnuiiin vari sty aodl utinc ofktrood ralioauy walfiut ctio ry antiqno aih add ebooy the frtdobsiaili aad oof m widtv 8o i muroljerid muslin buitlniji aro mwuifioc it tho nor strlci of 811 in aod bauruaro chi rrnlnj-i- m1 uivj r cut niukca tlieso droia goods iip in ho ery beat stylet aud perfeovfia jjaarriral poor lantlg clofbi colorrd caahmorci a case o jbinaohed ootlpn a lot of pouijhubl bibsoai ti ombti onoan tweeds oostaiiio cfotlisra case ot pable ouolothe ohilhneoiituatib abd variao ee 1 im printed drosa moilin tidioi silk p oah work stayd oturikbje ooren silk ploah mau aju c lollicstrjoed hrslan hose ajpil bleora il npiorter gplnamervtalin bluu in colored nidfoltororabclotlua rasorbllli flfqyj uelmlioooitlacfajkeaalbaua braid orri i alba cameta laoo ourlaiui latnbrtrjriini flooriolng arid frtilbils fane iti iks dncas 6htini lonjilalo ckmbrskwrani6itrlil hind jibe lianes on ihe wiodowb are be ilvtboqioiandv jljmuwiij apriliiy is 88 i i t iprprert v iviortgage lj valuable iarm propebjl i ixthe j j towrship of ispi tlipeii aitiby vnittnio o eonuinrd la an unerir tbeip will be pered ldfajbl i taevfflaijbofiaiirtoi i toc saturday iytril a thp hour of t wo bjclock in thefaftesm folio ftiiig vaiuallt farm jtnniertr r- 3jid and premiss in thatovnshiprf beioc comhed ojr tho vrst au2jmj two ig th itiikl coaccsalou cl tlieto oc erin containing j admemufsmeblqi dfed acres ippro orlcui r foctnnbarparticbjarxsndtcnaiifm to a bldtk soiwtbivtoiio mm attfl im tin ifa ttejj oi the 1 hate of thq- vuxagk of spi fownsjijpef tjueinir w t mmm tmoj eabythalbrre lii m nrjpja yaiatorl ijad rdji p ai s lojadeb cit ulrii i7ril iiipi tismo k m otide itiy juj i isie iotri- u rfciln fansli k iwiinpiiii ifiwh ij iio2i irrir jiwi decoasbi- ksx mm ivotioe b licrtliy ctrei lbat t a stalotea it eneb caao tuado ap i juuo cblev ivoolf lif i63j70 lli wc lllxdl tsuo 9u16 t33ihu sano 19933 7s fis7m ftt73t joiw 1mw 31010 taiuo i ol fcici sije in the ootmty ol hyteaii wno dukl on or abont tho airtn day a b lt5ftvq boreby reottiml 10 baycra speyaidak o ont tbotd ntulcptiie ttllbf tbesaid jammc ou er before tbonrcotf fhrrddaybf lfs by peal prepaid a statexned adr tsc wltbnll particalara and claime andcttanienu of lhob curilleilfjanyjjieldbyoieoi and botiooi brcby given tliatattev klnl day ot antil 1 lifi the jii sam the acting oavutir aa afontaij t oletrlluto tmfkks of the nitldi tbe partimonlltlii thereto barll to the claims ttf- lihitl hcahall hat and tho aai1 adtidg executor vrallao for tho assets or ply part thf rwf vb lelcli or iiertons o vidael ialru of uijaittaa hare ha4 notice aft the timoolauelt i tdxwszjit soli tbjorjeiootltol dated at milton i lelotb harchjm all cartios tndo tod to theiat jaah are- boreby notifl ki thatijnlelit 1 loruiwithlo t ti t htxrysayebs actios exeetflor cndetaaritoilai9and oloveafor both ear io all sizaaai- qamuk sladru priental oto tablo andpfaob covert trt poaaible for tbocawl down and an selllb t p9 verylc ipeat odd pairs otcartaioa trrll bo sold at 10 per centbr at we isoo firojlf raroe brosaelx carpeu only 1 jf e lateat strlev a brj stock of curtain pole mnortodtliu i wid8oiijjo6k cbarrblng too f on combmi mlsii biebamtou who h foreman opu iq thiifircskniakioji 4t veryj samjaoai faraepla aod um b xllas in croat 1 sfwciawoltiljadioa an4 miaaoa uat fancy kliar btrtpod curat kph borraalet curtain mo linicbarobreyi siiltsrjtlfni jtrfi towels stair lihenajj oylelj morlaa f rfaejutal satin locbece sboi ileuaiasaike cgwflbeadrobadlifcl ateimii ftr kidwojroaltwliuirigi drew bituma mi 3rar9iv dw- vert hnaatcu at odt onikio s rrrt i t uawlplj feuolioli lor fcontjo tj to lloni tirla jji hebhi i gs

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