Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1888, p. 4

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thobsi ay ajpwl m 1888 jt goun jfout5 lavvunot ati 1 parttmlar to keen his pa iwadfusr toqt hmutii u r bs cither iltund ur jnmpi flsiteodepoc ikhoadawbltlor ad vben be i eot to lcd kvhqf h aon iahlsi icpfliott wbicb ho thcmfcd bt wreripoult jcbt tookenoii hv btlucad pa i keep rtill k bit thought uiont 4 ear the kitten brocoi ueecg an ii revtvrd 1 j little hall oh mrs jroo i hire tia did tout t ui trtpcrinj totfehns vol aerially 4faeiac pray tfasdlui jjmity ntmtrrq ihtxlihmuiitj- n to see him tlide ih banisters o rush bat jmtm on th it xahiitny while trying pjbagcui ha ttpml bit calami twit with craa and since that tad disaster bshisgotmslotltin plaster sot of parts uki inieehlimcr j bctthiikiadtj doctor um x wbeu the ban ps tad cats and brakes orwcome a utt repuir ltw boy 1 jinglks asd j0kelet8 half at how with thn wise 1 milthtrirttphiof ten the wits he day tt lows pleasant won i- byrnthan agreeable tale and tfftotoa move all soda of worms wtiedj toe- for rtfofth oodditiodt of th skiu boam- poning lira bead imnet bkin diseases ok prof soap eruption ind idwi solphor i frcenfaii worm powderi deelroy aud rttuovcvortns without injoj r to adult or infapt obstruction ot the stoma h liver and dowels are prompuj reffiov d by national piua imrv6ov call vim toxxy i for having been it good boy tenoarlyanloor mrs whjte took her little am tom ny with her the other liter noon vfaea ahi vent io return a call ahe hadlongowtd mrs qrwne r lira greeni had a little boy of about totnmyxage bathe wasbr no means a boy to fertile n expedients iwhen it came to getting tntc mischieland making other ceople misera lie a raaaur wteak dear8ir wobive used 1 agyatda loir oil for sore throat as coldi aud al ways can depend on it to c ire we alaq cae it for son shoulders n oar horses mrs wnyhorhly wilbcrk r pbqnl james h gilmoor of tigflmoar oo wholesale grocers drot grille says i hare osed tamarac eliiir iir a seren cold and ooogh wluch it immediately relieved and eared i lulrrcrl j bow rnsuy waarjf br ien down invalids thste ara to hotp lift is bordinioms and whose prospect is tad iu iteat the oerrous dobllltr and nentral rtakneat ot i those afflctod with lingeriul sttm tl belt fsrot- died by the inlgoratfnjf aud rmtorinr properties ot b d d aileaukua jtaeeeaa it is the duly of over person who hi used flei orrmaa i tnp to lot its won detfal qualities be knot n to their f hinds tn curing cousumptiqi severe coogbs croup asthma fueun onia and in faot a oat and lung di eases no person can use it without 1mm diate relief tthrae doses will reliere any oi ae and we consider it tht duty ohdl drukf iat to recommend jt to the poor dying cot lumptitc a least to try one bottle u bi 000 doten boluos were sold last year anij no one case srnere fairly wu reported 8 ich a medicine aa the orruiaa sjryp canaot be lop widely known aikyoordrurk itaboot l bam pie bottles to try sold at t m eeiila hcjalar tiae 75 cenla bold by all drorgiiis and dealers in the united llatea and canada preraulac sirkal it rheumatism kralpa bire throat in- uamationsandctmjeations are most preral- itthissoasoubflheycar hkgyards vellow oil is the best external and iptcrnal remody for all these and other troutlcf greenewas out when the caqersfirtt anrired mrs whyte said jroene iltivery glad to sec intended ij this ioo m- t theeilriotdinfciypopalirity et ayeri cherry pectoral is th nstarsl rcioll ot itt um by intejhgmtpeopkfofbverfortxyeilrt it hu ptoteaiuelf the tor ooldfi coombs and pi plaiuu- best specifio moaarj com- timo bat resj y could not boodct t liope yoall tucost ae toe brimming my little tommy vilh sk he why oo tainly cdea itw greeuc rm delightj 1 to s yoa both it eoems omqhlen formal to hare yoa just rua cn this way i itt yoae tittk boy eur do yo3f da iny li itle mxit shskq hi ads with the lady tommy dont yn it to says tommy hanging bmckv- why to amy i km ashamed a yoo go tad speai to the lady n ant to j toare a afraid of me are yoa my dtiir uk sirs gnxnci- i like little hoys- had nil be in presently and yott oinjilay wit t him aigl 1 11 siuie hands with me i know said lei whyte ifammi neter i whltam yo l any place aain nave ai sttq honj0 yoa ido this winter ifrt preeoc 713 aid that tommy id that hoik alooef he won hnrtthe boot vat qciie wejl ud u cxiriau little boy that small 4ftfalejxpsci easily totnmj go rway from that uhle r tcs i hesjjl that fon had beep quite hi aaajtomii r tommy pat that vise down i ni fc bat i woaldnt rock so fax blirttaairsutueboyrvapioter eftifly tttnmtjfletoataf that ofiairryes i knevthat- p m tommy stop dramming oalbrtpist j yye jj wis afraid at nrst that t vqaxdatr tptlctl screen my dear itfku zailb- 1 yoa why t anmy what are yoa doing dont toach that scrten again mamma is aoiahamea if yoa i did yoa really hire a stolen of tys idid feter i heard tommy wbyfe whs t are yoa xlairig palliasthat tauedawe- cat let it aloae i had typhoid fert r once land- tommy whyte what do yen mean by btaadisgoa that ploah chair wiik yoia dirty boots j get right down there orer goes the chair i ddaie t- aa 1 was saying lfrx greene when i wu nek i dont whirl around o oo thai piaji o stool tommy itasterbj li here appears and the faabe gins in earii st their ibdoclie perfor- maoeei brt th call to a speedy termina- tiobfuidrthi kdies pari each agreeing that tfaeotherall oy is the rery worst yoang- terthat ewriivedand breathed dtfnti jvoe prtu whoezing rasping g aff roceire qaick and perman boathcrn asthma care from asthma t relief by asinf ild by all drag- tgists or by mail on receipt of price utklms rari there are many people who adopt health and diet rales when attacked by disease of the stomach liver or bowels thisisqoite right bat those who 41 to this treatment the aw of b3- accoxdinfila dircctionsj- make tare of being qaiclkly and eashy cored aincc to motszu- 4are yoa disturbe at night and broken bi font rest by la sick child roffering and cry i with pain if cat- ung tooth if somn i at onoo and get a hottlo of mn winalo pi soothing flyrnp forchildren toething ita valoa taj inoil- calablc it will relien the poor little kaf- erer immediately d pend opon it mitb ers there is no mistai i about it it cres dysentery and diarr icea roguuto itb stomach and bowels cores wljd colic toftensthe gams red ices laiusiaiation and give one and dicrgyto tho whole kystm mrs win lows soothing by- rnp for children toot ling is ploasani to tlie tasti and u the pi jacription of one of th oldt and best feciale physicians and uarscs in tho united s atei and u for sale by ail druggists thrt orhoat the world price twcntyfitccenti a bottle be lore and ask for 1r toslovs soonnxa staci and tko no ohei kind i m- 1888 loooi sprinq rbjgrmyn noted dry goods millinery house actok the ooaghing and wheeling of persons troohed with bronchitis or the asthma is excessively harasaing to themaelvos and an- novfng to others dr ttkjmas eclectric oil ohnstes all this entirely safelj and speedilj be aw towr curd dont allow cold in the head to slowly and surely ran- into catarrlk when yoa can be cared for 25c by asing dr chases calarrhcore a few applications cote in- sipient catarrh 1 to 2 boxescares ordinary catarrh 5 to boie w guaranteed to core chronic catarrh try it only z5c and sore core mother grates wjorm eiterminator im pleasant to uke sore and effectual la de stroying worms- mtiiy hi fa tied it with eicellant results n washingtoh jumps eminent throat a id lang burgeon will next sit acton xhmmktmu some gme ago being very greatly troubled with colds and coaghing i went to the drug store and got hagyards pectoral balsam in a- short time i was well i hive found it a sure core and am thankful that i used it and sow would not be without it e- a schaoferyberlin ont 1 roedof wisd03c baaaonac i experience both forbid us to inppofe it personal morality can be m without religion or national morality to the eicinaian of the religirai ptineipal-f- wtukhigtoa casejkffect when onehas his he is told to look natural posetwy th t is why so many photographs aeem to bt oortraits of nainrals bokoa tvawchj waters li iiy rise ashigii as theyfall whatsopri action hath god for its author god a s center a areolar line has ita ending b here ii and its ending where it hidiubeaiciag ughnesa h the right gori is a kind of fceaaty it has some of the oetqaalilies rf faeawrty-t- i at observation and tls the memo taa fugzhir the popt tar idea if an anirchirt is tfiat oi a mian rho is lishle to lake any thing ralnable q at comes in hs way except a bsiiu ii rittand f he rut dyipeprt i is dreadful dif ordered live misery li digestion is a foe to no good naiare the ham in dlgcstire apparatus is onevef he most npllcated andwonderf oi things mcxistenci it is- easily put out of order j greasys od tough food sloppy food bad r nisi- worry late hoars irrega- rurhtbfo ad many other things which onghtnot 1 i behave mode the americin upl n ion of dyspeptics jbhtgro i angiwt flower has done a itjofiderful rork in reforming this sad busi ness and c aking the american people so heauhyihit they can enjoy their meals and be uarj bemerot it vio happiness without h j b it greens anguit flower brings health an happiness to the dyspeptic ak jfun ruggiat for a bottle seventy- stc clltfl ov ii isvrotm chan madness to neglect a 5oaedl4 which is easily subdued if iakni in time becomes when left to ittelf tsstnrvranoer of consumption andpremt tiljitjaj lituinniaiion whenittittacki theijfoate tissse of toe lungs and bton- j cmlatiobea teaveltsrith perflons rspidity tjswevlnos delay ert a bottle if bickles aticiluumiptire byrcp the medicine that graspa this iormidable foe of the human body ahd drives it froa the system r ibediouu promotes a fri and easy jbfotra sobdues the cburb heal the r pirn and exerts a most wonder fcotirhiiieiieeui curing caaamiti6ri and ptiwrdisetaesrf the throat and longs u yt tssmwurirish tojswthjwet of thhr j rahhrmj ana tfitosel res from moch rsibykmbuan4yasc lei them pro j bctsl bottle ofbicksjiconsuinpum h 3jrirpiujii a thildfrias takes i i tdcvbst a iijugl bosrieoeaf tjlfe ilm f h earl west sheffo i p q writes i i hare been troubled tith ciret cora- plaint for serersi years aid have tried different medicines with lit ie or no benefit mta i tried dr thomai k ectric oil whir4 gate met immediate relief tnd i wodld say lhat i have osed it since with the best effect ko bnefifcould be without it i hare tied it on my horse in cases di cots tftovas et aad i think it equally as good for horse as for man ii jhwttt sare vtssier alwsyslthebestbecaaiseitutlieclieap- est fn the end and not only is bordock blood bitters the best medicine known for all crnri ai of the bicnulgh kidneys liver and blood but it is tealiy the cheap est as it needs less to euro and coremore qmckly than any other remedy sleeplessness is due to nervous excite ment tie delicately ionstituted the financier the- business cau and those whose occupaiion necessitates greatlmental strain or worry all saner lesa or more from it sleep is the great restorer of a worried brain and to get sleep cleanse the stomach frcm all imparities with few dose of farmeiees vegeubupaisjgeiatintl coated containing no mercury an are guaranteed to give satisfaction or the mooey will be refunded oar best ffarifefcuu ad chcwiwi certify that imperial cream tartar bakiag powder is made froni purei crystal cream tartar and english soda lad u by far ibe best known soidbyajf the lire wears a yellowish hoc dimples appear opera it sick headaches vertigo morning nausea and pains in back side and ihoulder blade are ei perienced when bile enters the system dd poisons the bfood expel it from the circoutija and direct it into its naar j channel the bowels ith neribrop lymans vege table discovery and greatjibiopd porifier which has widely superseded mineral drags having a dangeroos reacth n lidigestioa constipation imparity qt ib6 13iood and kidney cjmphiints are eutireiy overcome by its wie beutcimfrt hesaftcrtatt browns household ftnace his no qual forrelievingpain both internal and xtsrnaii it cdres pain in he side back or bowels sore thma ilhcamilfsin toothsebv lambagd ind any kind of a ptin or ache it will mostiurcli qu entheblpod aod ileal as its acting power is wpnderfol brownshoaseholdpaa acea- being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable tb ttrength of any other elixir or llnlmecl fn the world should be la etefyfiomiiybandf for use when widtd is it really u the best remedy in the world for jcrsap the stomach aod pains and adhes of all kiods udijforaalebralidnigdstkai 25 centi abottle k oastccrou co stal rfrts coantafffeitii are always dangeroor more so that theyabrays closa4y imitate the original fo appearance and name the remariublesqccess achieve by nasal balm as a positive care for caur h and ccdd in the head lias induced hnpi incipled parties to imitate it the pablic a eeaatiouednot to be deceived by nostrnnis miulingnaiai balm fin name and appe ranee bearing socb hamff as naaalcreatti hasal balaam etc asmorkaai balm jid dd not take imitations dealers may irgi oponouor ja jratfhuiffraj kpttjww reptotpteaiiill yjareatiif s- to msjdng our bpriiif announcement- we do with pleasure knowing that wo are now in a hotter position than over before to nllthe wants of our rapidly iseroaalns custom ijiowlne the bait market and with a thorocj knowlodjo of the lines of goods wo handle ws i can oonfldentj sajr that harinc bot our spring slock which for variety and elganc3 is unsurpcwedlin tho bst possible terms ire vtll inv tain our old reputation of soiling comet goods st prieoajerjrmoeb be low other bouses tntbiavlelnitt dress goods in i his uau wa haro nerer had anrthiug like tbjo aimrtsioaail good vtibe which wp uow thow koarlyerery make of doth in ilain and fancies and tn all the vari ous colorings will be found on our shelves asd counters they range from 8 cents per fard op donl fail to gtre i this department t careful insvpc- tion- pnnu aeersuclten drlletu and muslin ta lovely designs and tart colors dojohion hotel tuesday s4tri april one cat only j cataiuta thioat cceed afwof thobandredi who hare been access allr treated j dr wu h hi new method itfrs jno ifeeeltt k jigiton oul catarrh andcousuniption j john uekfqtt kingst nobtcatrrh un a- hopping ngiton out- bioaebo consumption hr bcott eiagitc a quu catarrh bead aodihrocc ursjbabetramiian 3wsnillhoatcatirh urrah bead and throat f frandf berlin c at caurrb bead and throat hisskeike ebyberlli out enlarged tonsil fwincpucoruaia out catarrh head htmrrseott berlin otuijtiiida berlin oau cmtairrb a onl catarrh head iinpvtagerneari bead and throat levi lurches st acol andihroat colia campbeu pt ward oat asthuu junes btaeeydutton onucaurrb wjnbhoemiiajreod ey out catarrh joseph fimikylfort ira lot c s csurrh bad form r v v h storer- e btorrr eos glove iraaufactarers aetonoal dr washington is tbe only throat and loin sargson in canada uiu uarya bombburg centerrule out catarrh head and thrbtfi un godfrey henna t b jacobs onu con dr chase has a world vide repot tion itilborv his mandrake a trlampnof tnedical eases of the kidney aud liter aaa physician and 3sadelinu iirer care is curing all the dis- b3dney and pains in tbe back the bladder and base of urine often obstractod ate especially tf night hot dry kln pale com poiiis dropdittifless tion piles urenlcal sw 1 ltveb complain t blades jaundice sallo tirodieelingno life or pepsia indigeftion how uandrake and dace cures and when dies as in dr chase i positively cure all act like aebarm strengthening the i spoil i combi led kidnf rs wbblebodf bold by al nt- tru jg ye edpt book which kidney dtchasei liver neyliver pills gently- talon durlrig emoloj liter trooblcs beat ess ac one pula prieiis cents t edmakd ok sylipti ius op 00 mpl a nt distressing aches i doll pain or weight in tbe abdomen scalding frequent desire to orin- among aged persons ixloa red sad white de- sbr stomach eonstipa- llipgs arc 8 0f pain under ahouldir complexion s- wearys energy headache dys- ptnfples tte cjcegd are natures ltver with kidney reme- liver care will most- kidbsyuver troubles it itian latlne tbe clogged liver- and inticorating the dealers at tu with be- is worth the money puls sxs the only kid pius made they act cffoctuallr may be they curs kidney- biliousness obstfve- 4 con bubfobdontcuanfs 0 p wood engraver 10 kim- se5t toronto tjnlocki aothjc gad atmturl ot tht bowels kldneyt utdziitar oajn ingoffgradnaljf wit icrut weaimingth sxstem- all ti k pnritlm ind tool bosun at tao wen loast u tb tine ume comattng aoiltty of thi btonueh carina hhonmaiis djb- vltionlliaaaia belt tbe searuwifo itien i ana jmmxt ji flwtoiha -bag- bttaihstconij aiir staple depatmen laciiowdej witu coiins somtiags ticlongi linens tal unas shirtings tack denims lei from tbe rerr best oaken suit at prices at kw in rlui u tremendous bard times 4 trk m headquarterc iwulll jea 1 v i have the largesf sto k and neatest patterns ever shown jn ajton embraqtjg ceiling ftltchen bedboom diniiirglioolii with beautiful gilt for parlond also a bphinu pamflbs now hbady different and diklnot pttetn to choose from at 5c par rcjjl hd npwardfc oo ne and tea ay samples before purohfuljig agent for b laurances i erfeoted spectacles small wares and fancy goods ik profusion jut hfav a talrlj- cood ganet far so ceixu i tlie from h to st better woes for ai b 6s 15 s5 u us andjljo say sis4 from 18 to si here 15 cen s folding bostles sse price olsfvi kidglormfromt5c vte tbov a big linja of bilk tailetta sad lisle gloros in 1 blackiand colors ask to uk than tnetr exceptional j- good rafn i millinery we have a well earned repu tation of beingthe leading house in the count for fashionable head gear t this jtfkr we axe determined to excel eren or former aelrea and hare bought a larger taautitr and uner quality han tisual we inite the ladies of actoji and vicinity to the open- ingofour show room which takes place saturday march3iat 1888 come whether you want mil j inery or not miss hartley will tie please i to meet you and show you through house furnishings carpet floor oilcloths curtain rings blinds boots shoes and gro ceries very cheap cheap themotto i rtjjermyn acton 1888 the new spring gcoods we s ish intirnate to theipublic that we hawe received and placed ljct stock a full assortment of new spring goods our rangfe dress goods is vety completf in all jthe newest si ladeijand fabrics i a feature of this department ii onr excel lent assortment of black and mourning goodsat very moc eratstrices a fine t and pattirns jet or iamef s and j trimmings of ie latest lands that mo t only the to 40c pr yard r sprinc to the ladle8of aotun withiithelastfew getht r i for full line of elegant borders tjmatifh t m- j b if barson ow v otoasr nent of i display pring coatings in the ntrtfest shades iorth a special visit to seek t fronts and a full range of dress i stacks jf shiitings qottonades fla dark prints hosjery and gloves op all kindb toweirlgstowelslirtans muslins embroideries laoes edgings cocssts and tickings be rtisbed off terr qqlckt and art conaeqaeotit niarkad at prices to ut the drcumstaooea as well aa tht timet vebychbap our stack of mens felt hats both in hard and soft is jjot best assorted but the cheapest in town baiiiwiyj osvtkfem- 001x0 llliedxj eipress pasasjal toroaati y p acqsaif tsfxi trunk v zstr titts awajdll lowanl j tibl oitmir- 10 kl p i cblsagorsprefidiierahi and brsmplon tlkeovruptutl doing ttettto 15 1 a sal f qotog aslf10 amand 8u timehtj palaoe bt -j- f- arsrtpsperl detbltltmaclpfs 1 ijaj- ttoai drrff6fiwdic tpaeul mdasrlpltl oor mmstrattp fi atsto taftter to7earttkst 6j oetrth rewuast agfcs erla wc0ua csfh mat l cleveland stetiei ocrnorr itot the 60 vvanz oandlijjpi ehirmir oo hamilton lgy no chin air ed fttitlte is sonferlostiw b loias any grade iorfl ererylanlp gtuustilteed aglj vttfattiellj it asjt pat on satsti rs beatsrater jouftogsmakessks attwtta jj lgmai pums 1 strotsobs m cohtain ho alum alluofflji live 1 srtiikaf i ew ksstti ci mihlijmia how bist hovwjlllti jntt pnbli bedja nesadltj well oeli trttitt etatejr we aie offering just now immense bargains tin tweeds which w are clearing out at cost and under to make- room for other gbods i t j j- j- f see outpile of 12jc remnants it contains goo -0- i wdrth 25c our millinery show rooms j e h we placed at the disposal of the public jlhis season what is dmitted to bethe finest and best assorttil stock of y milliner ever shown in acton which vith the welljknown ability o our staff will be a sure guarantee for its success i j- full li les of boots shoes groceries etc j l i i- ladie and gentlemen we ask you to give us a calliwhen we are satisfied tve can senfe youfto your entire atsfactioh show you through mcrae 4 co sufferer do i iat may cure ix ittunansattii bptsmat rrm ot i ucess or eai lyibdisenu tba odelat astkfliai essay cltarl datoasttbtiip sbooeasfoi- 1 netted dafttk qaeucmoic xlj4rraria itfai rj poiutiof on alholnp et ratthhi le hmo itbcmhs ponth and ur ery taaa bi um bent onda bfusl in- a idrea on r oipt of roi junpa ad irbtw tio c olttrwelli rrr we ai always willing to henderson drhodders ipfcuiai burdock lip parol tve el jleataotllb drdonifeasicd take do th ml ccntapebo tlei dk couoh sold trj4h pruuiooet pel jjotue pn ritoran otl proprl itarsitor tit sprinc spring and surrounding country will you le sb kind aa to pay attentat to tht oiiowidj retoarkswjlare to mi ke ritb refereooe to oar spfing txrivtlt ol oovton goods u ii tstbtolioteretttoyodh well at to duatlnt ii ays we have ireceived bales of wnite aoughtiright f orriithe millatthe lowestjpossibldiij iilrecivplespiitntdjeewijtq alotoibedsjttuyjotl nd it tdtheirihtejrest tojbpk througbj burstocittfqinso -it- 7 f t- 1- -t- ljqrayicottmsl we kave to- l- t- compcuttc land thi m ml tr uristscui is cajcd over loostiyt jtaycales grain dklif farm scaler tea scalejs lyffioved show uses wb j mkwers itetcbfun msiaitt ansaeea n 7pu 1 c wllaon 60 esplaiiade stftatc j j tcphr afamkmuilpnteto7ilje breadmaker in jt l mw jirfcrrit- t i 5 inc isil- l i i adr r6jlinie j 1 viiin hfetfiu vrs l cns fits for ebnl sn till ottcebl r- luielsoaitt 0m auihjtui i leit dido ss i jsrlr mmtitilltebi jjj r iw mm irpiritc ii lyn a f honsdlasspitti ll i i vifs lh jwhi a i fiee ini leanoimfeoial isssgi aylna e dajrua cal5pji4 wwl ipmut and teja os 3oal latde i rfeii jenl rtearsvf for oooem ozder left aft vandal lolttl nunej i andal 1 i laaool cttttebat llvlmf -li-

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