Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1888, p. 2

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sltiiisljls borjl ft mttwvfa arionnhfte utit autiucisrtfo of jjv via tiiflj ci uf a af ctatucaflip3jti5rtcjipllio 11th of ikjtkt lo artancmtnpjivltiluo wife ol up w h uvrj ri n ou u- cfch mr dnymo oi cpil lirivr oor0 -v- irlrt uc ivwiott rl-vi- 1wu- iutuiitm tt 4cur if tc lite ii i yxnpi died rttiiirlit tiijftj r vrril hi it frederick fkqm thecapltail he fcl 1th the crtt trail ottc counto-tufswttacitoaitteta- llomsne lefllstloa chat of tiikcohiudoss m h j4f xujeiol i iniiiu uouc is i mrirj vs itsriabe nijiiiiy insert inri ri i c t j j sr ccit is report l rii ir iicuittr ry hti rrlt 15 3 5 y lc ccucrd ecn- the ctir vj ciii ci zsi jr cfui ruiiyvcit the ccc- cid drxd vf i iv cuiw it isefc- rtcicu 1c ttid lr iivicti in jlircc cirstlrs ilicrrtitor xc iiqtijttcrs eat l tlis cslu trf tvy iiur ntrcccl an 3 tossiby lirc ody trffiynco ajilriicc hive lwa fcida ia tbr cultr fir lrrr nccdtcs tht la yecj criirio ictrjuciici c the ecot jcz licrc trrc f jtty lioercs ksocd ko fcspicitrhss yet bxs a cpciulii cnier tbsurbcacttat ii is fcntnliv cspo ed liu ir troijrs xrc f ci ihaif pojnt- msntf f 1v tiio arrcit cf sir crvhtci caraiefi editor of the jiizjiro for an allcci libci 03 the em ilr sicnrivr cdkisbeic tahen to jjitbcc io ac5tifir ir hlftceaic mtli ontths orjksiuiifty a feibtiorto nrike ciiple ef the iflfacticccffiitfcrhbci intlf dosuuira 1 hcc j tix kltt iefsjkcfiil iidcr r it islha icx2lc cf ih- grvcrcaicii to ia- troictilcplc iajilaa tafaist die terj atduii srhjirr rp iastimicd isto the vhcai birkic syaist tvsvtfjg whit tiaendiaiu ta ile ciiiu isw are 45ce3sirr h r f xgis criiest lit it the ircuuitsp hcim cciiilic ck 7 gtllcbtrcdusit onrereci eliic cf tl jein miry secaet ilcyil- ihcrc rri bitrosire the frctestfet- llir1riilidritca ted ike evmgciicll alliirre titcfccji pretested dicugli til th j icthcrit crlil ik aiiid to iitcrtrc the erlrt cf tiic- ttatae qa plciprcijcnysihjdinoi be penaiticd teis fouoirfr- lire th5 qitarsijj prtikts hci litre- crirlc rccrrcciiy of the eercztx act bxa plcri c the lx lis uietir biiliif clires ciccaples ptaliuiuiiltrijss tickjjenics xaiiril4ir3irlrricchr rtrjcrvrttif crclcldiis etarlkcljiiif frcl i6cj tyixo jiantsjrtrfrar clit atp- feich ivhr plsiri cbl-y- hjcc trdteil other ixcit irgr jbciccrt7 nrpbary uiici- barr cztrlrttoihppsrbes nd pkhte 1 itirti ti reqrecd thitcrarcs tai lenoasjjirriicticiafe lkjths free pdnaiioa cf i k httr ftniiis interferes fart ani trei tl- lsih cf the p deqatd lift they be njig ts chesj cs pssibie m iki- ocecf the uii irvciczf thit hire hfen hsd jpr- sexri yeirs eilloa tiij as5iitii fisejxicet 5iihoa laisi thzrjdir ii frliij- a kzuih ii the invcl3n ii prec- l- lisal cianstcrfsrii cici z5ikh tbs pfb- oeediiiftricf irtereslt diccicn open bbrj hnaizicg ip ihe pccerel ererr cuyitsrkxtlft esbiizhsimls tee firri ets32 wruhca np rith the resdiiyjofthe minutes cf th isst trfiei odctespoaitcc iibrariicfi po treasar- ers rcpcrtaai lepjrf of cefafii imiyrotfi- mknlt dors tvth lis irdsii aidrcsij la the- ikcrrooa ifr vv ffotajjq hjl of ttftcntcgiva as cicchait address cs grpirirvrhch tte falipwel trith pro- fitabje dhkisd fcr ip iiirks read a piper on vantiejic end stirs ahsie il oampbcij jinbher cd qztsticaicj a cja in literarore aid ttiih sir ifoas- tdpjtilk on fhiloioy the- iftcmooa tefcsioa ro3 es plstid intbe evenisaurgeaiiencciaeeemlied idtlie cttij hall to iar str houstous lectora n lalaitral enitol which eiblrriccd oilc pots of krkt the anneal election of cscccbcokpiac fraycraisiriih redu asfcote ifteinari hspjgiiy 3l2tdo vke tjxi tjos t ifcte aclca- i feccnr a k hirrison georgltvn cchxitti- sfeak rjstcgrctor h- hrctiire a ifioiiircar id mle he leia tddijruuitelh- i a papeewifi itid is- e- p jrclajjifo roiv ifcs ittccfiai pow eaffyqtzobzrz l is a3ltjt dais in thsftrcts ty2 wis cccttd to en ahrfoc ly jf hqci tardiaocti lcilie scliaj coraccr ciicmnbyi iseta if grorce- t4wn bts evs e tlea izufcrfi verc a3y treated h- 3jc watfitoa c czi fray evenirfi nd u-tcach- rtei fcr tler vavbus j fids of ubcr fttir itit thtir visrt to ilfiaiatftito ibc coevecliia icd btci bsthptxiint fii iroiule lroui our own conwqtonjont omvjl aprfli 17 xbo dqiittttto w hi kxccllcncy the 06crnor goner it to luiadeuiooccuiou of clctuooitrtliou id diis city kbcot mny solh in thoihipo of bu ojxit air ptcftcnutt6a of ill addrcu to be followed by a cnqdtinqoet at the kai- wit hoaw aud drwiurroom rcceplioa by lidy litiftjorno to the ltdica tberttra to l 250 fqt who will each pay 110 for- the jrtvilpc ivord lundowiio hit ljee acotislitqttoaal governor and faiqded hii crcctihauaefti that i what h in canada mean byn ooottuutioual fiovcridr and we uvuieui 50000 a year not loldteitero wii ua both officially and ixially hit excellency has performed llicf dntict m- vqcd to liiin with tact and gri 00 and nn- dotibtcdly won the alecm of ov ayono with silrora he camfc in couticw a nan of hit distinnishcd ability will cod t ettcr icope iti the discharge o hi eieeotiv i dntiea j in india tin icalnmt the cr n the qotnmcnt called a eati ni of their suppcrtera for thepnrpoic of njbmittuiii to ihcra the term npea which the canadian ttcific ajrrce to abandoa theic korthwcsij cicuopilyandu ii btated theiq were con cidered wtifilactorj- at officially stated the tcrte are the came aa wcrci outlined iu this cjrfes pondeace in a pretiooa letter vt araniitoc by the oovenimeot of the imerwt on bosdt ainoanticfi la 13000000 to u iaed by the company irhe iatereat will aiikhml to w260o0- a year tecorod by the remaicin lands belonging 10 the com- panyc total of over 14000000 aem it is d aitned that the work done 1 ot the gov- ensment by the company in ied year will- tuahc a bill cqaal to the amount of the in terest the sales of the kttio000 acres are to be used to rcdeeni the bond and wziiccs one of whom shall be a cabinet slinisttr areto look after the pale the proceeds of these bends are to bo applied as xchovs 500000 for the lorchaie of 5000003 asocmai aiiu iii ilia jli j bacxs rr- hjrit a iorthc jitw icifc pii ue- jftbgtrjtisjjivba tiix jialt rolhnc slock and equipment fcr general improrements iriladinr the criioa of detators and grana ries on the main line and 5000000 to be applied to wards liquidating the floating lebt of the company rrcr crrocex cxt the attention of the senat has been occupied with a petilion for d voroe from sfary matilda while of port i over on the grcani of her husbands malfo inalion and iccapacily this groand had 1 icver before- fccen set up in canada and ti xs referred to wo medical senators and n their port the senate dided that mrs wirite had not established her case an i dismissed thepetition j ihx teide cr iee coci- et in his speech in moving the idoptioa of the fishery treaty which has seenraiified by the house of commons sir charier tapper referred to the 3dxiis ta ff bill now before the wasbiugtmi coniress which proposes to place on the free 1st lumber salt and wool if sir charles said that bill paced it rocld admit iree exports frora cinida on which last year we paid dutyhscoooo viz 315000 ia lumber- 1s3000 on wpoi 00000 on copper ore i2200 on salt the opposition joined with sir charles in hoping thai this meas ure miht piss congress usiok wtth srwrocxiluaj although by a vote of three to one the assembly at kewfoondland rejected motion to send a delegation to ottawa to cqsfer with the governrnent qn the pro posal to enter confederation it is stated on anihorily thai the kewfoundlahd gflvern- tcczl wiuoaiif owtiresponalhity send delegate in june to discuas tije question it will be strange however if the govern- mect acts in direct opposition to liiaj aa- finblr j tin scott icr covtm on thursday voting on petfttpni for the repeal of the scott act will take place in incoe eenfrew dandas slormont glengirry anl heron thwte on he adcptioaof the act in ilstoojithus rjc far aciifliv lajfar ficccc 57li cm ilia hsroc sxt t ifis esfnrr i7t3 101i 730 vz btotgcai j glcnprry 15tj 2t 17uc here then in fotrr contests are scott act rcajontiea totaling 527 2 which hare to be revereed if the petitions are carried the roiein stansted que will cot take place till near the middle o hay tex fiihetss of the fcixizsi atlas attention has been paid to the long standing complaint of the udgea that ttey are underpaid the minister ci justice has on the paper a resolution adding 1000 to the salaries of each snperior court judge in cacadai there will he less reason now far fintclisa men declining to go on the bench on the plea thai they could not afford it toe salaries of the chief jostiies in ontario and quebec will now be eqaal to those of the cabinet hiflisteri hntireixcislinox the eouse spent all of tharsdayin dis- cussing protection 0 life and property a motion that was afterwards withdrawn hrooghf up the dangers of the great lakes dr wilson advocated the plimabllptohibi- tiob of loading a vessel below a certain mark many were of opinion that over loading caused frequent disasters the sf mister of hafine said the inspectors per formedfheir duties well andhe had asked hiem to watch old and ansea worthy tesseu thelwofufelyejarwi lew than in ahyyear since 1870 in this connection it may be stated that the hinister of marine has inutfdaeed a bill providing for the granting of certificafes to ecgineers ior vessels tinder 20 tons plying on the minor waters of caoada ii 1 the protection of railway employees was brought npby tbeintrodnctiot of hr mc carthys bill thenccessity orlegishition on thesabjectu shown by the fact that last year 210 accidents occurred from coop- ling alone some important statements were made by hr shaoly there u at present a convection of master mechanics of all the congnetrtal railways discussing improved appliances and they havf decided to apply the air braka to the freight trains thiswpiddo away with the brakemen rnnniugjjongthe op ol the cars at all hoars and in all weather it had also been decided to apply an automatic ooapllng to jill cars hoo j h pope has a deal- iag with railways which it is expected he vill move as soon as bis health permits caiivir srwipirs h return to an order of tne ipusei shows eieellency sallin from iebbti thosbth mr bpeakor o linolu end toviiit the ijrloili cojomwa tlui korthwtat udd ahramer the bucket sh flnt time in tho jcualo tiip rollllrlau lm 81atcock vtiio ipbljllmbdeu read tho rhomnitujs aoak siiklvkd c ailotljrr rsliort uainc uf w libit uid hit fulijcct iliimjilsicdiu untal ortatfi aliril 1 grmr jamicson8 pro- hibttioq rcaoluttoji avtno p thiiaftcrnoon at an unlortau to tin on any other monday it could lavo lx a debated until the hour of adjournment but today off uig to special arrangctuents v itli regard to tho fishery treaty bjll it ha i to be dropped at six oclock tbejhmitcd titno at the dis posal of tho roernpers- wr wore ready to discum tho question inad tho debate brief bat ii did not det tct hi loligbtost degree train its iprigk linen mr jamie sons speech was a slio f but nanly appeal for the principle ii thobidinary course of events it should iave u n followed by a deliverance on t ae otlw eidc but this timo the regular irdcr tf s departed from and the house wi s enter ninedby mr mills with a criticism f the it jtives lufluonclag the mover in his irocoodi igs in parliament in the intorests 0 tctnpe unco mr hills charged mr jam eson w th preferring the interests of the c mserva tve party to those of terupcrance ai d quotf d as a proof his vote against be 1 ant of nfidence motion proposed some weeks 1 go in whicfi tho gotornment were practi ally censured for not taking charge of a till to amend the scott act mr janii son parried ithe assaolt as skilfully as he could but in doing so came into contict will mr fisher the seconder of his prohibit n resolution who questioned his statement with reference to the arrangement 1 nude ist session on the subject of temperaoce e islatlon aplcas- ing feature of the disccsi ion was the inter vention of cdx macktaxic during mr jamiesons second spe xh the boo gentleman in saying a fi w words betrayed his old fire he was for the moment the mr mackenzie of ton years ago the debate was adjourned ai i as a result prtf hihition goes to the bot om of the order paper whence it will in 1 u probability not be exhumed this sessior the little dis cussion has done no good for the cause hut it has shown what mt- be apparent to- everybody by this lirie that in thelold parties the friendship foi prohibition is not waxing warmer and fur her that nothing in the way of effective p ohihiiory legisla tion can be hoped for 0m the politicil parties as at present com titnted iockihuxicipai tha buxinea they trunk tcd at their jfcct- ins last jcondaj- evcainf i ii b3 j6rmyns nrixks council met on honda j- evening members present w h storey reeve and messrs w fenoud jho eenney v e smith and w p bro vn the minutes of last 1 iceting read and confirmed t a petition was prese ted hy the mer chants qf acton requeali g the council to pass a bylaw bringing i liq effect the act pissed by- the legisla ire assembly of ontario to regulate the closing cf shops and the hours of labor therein praying thatall shops berijquirot to be closed at the hour of 7 oclock pm each night except saturday and nights pr xding holidays a letter frombeardmc ce go request- the council to grant or cnre permission to erect a bridge from the east end of willow street over the i hey to their bark yard and further they 1 etitioa the coun cil for a renewel of eir jplioa frocn tax ation for afurtherperioc of ten years from the expiration of heir resent exemption uilj3- the firm stale thai this request is made in consideration cf die fact- that they are at preseni deba ing the question as lo the advisability of making acton permanent location fc their besiaes further irnprovements are proposed io their works and if the lbove concessions are mad by thej council their business will be continued permanently here otherwise they will feel obliged jo remow to a point where hark can be obtained at fruch a figure of will reduce expenditure in this department by something like 10000 per annum the admit that acton has advantages in its pcoximity to toronto and their business headquarters but this does not balance the huge ucess in annual cost of bark to any appreciable extant if exemptionis withheld the council decided to eet in com miltee of the wbsfeupon thelnalter next wednesday evening the finance ccuftmilb e presented their foarth report recommein ing payment of accounts as follows j c hill rcpitrfcg sttwjl l m pa tbos eaflon feeding tram hart co sutionary bev b b icook tender d his resignation as agent for the sale of ots in fairvkw cemetery moved byw p brown ismond that thomas eu ton beappdinted agent for sale of ios in f iniew cemetery in place of bev p b oot resigned carried i d kennedy asscsser opphed for au advance upon his salary c wing to the ex tension of the building cp rations in town moved by john kenn william ismond that the three dollars be paid lo 1883 carried j- moved by wm ifmond seconded by w e smith that the regular night of meeting of- the conhcil be i wcdm sday- and that council do now adjourn tolnieet on the 2nd of maycarried j seconded by w iy seconded by further sum of its assessorfor s 2w- tiij hotel biibo of aoiid lirick lidcoihflr5vroir3 amtsili isryjtra am- vebieiitt usin irenitiialely j init civii- iu rexl esdlc 1uifylpqpfjte htiutu aii during tlio lutu ihtco 3- tiilin or sgnjc tinie ire- ii2jybbl u ftpk4ii5ur sluiy 5jaiif jiviftj iftsxlf ssnl3 k e iks iinj his tbiiit ismlhom htslixxa ioiodfor eorotf 0 qitn j jly mlwiiie m88w000 u wbicll ilrtly ti 852000 sewi brumkick h82000 ntfva soolii ihilifloi brilahglaih7wl thi is ejelutive o c p b tnutiiction ciht op tuec0ceimb8 is morriws liohaibidi la tlie penalcothrj tot bieoroj ii bona grlnlcd dirorpo free oill cuarkm- j ponjj h for will am orjii home io take reat aitor ilia long iwquti tlej ulkorparlianiprtrbsljii i- jav m iult0x i coxseb ihves ifecluf of lie cuilral col millfe-sauisic- lory awoiuiu jlaros april ic a meeting ol lbs central committee of the l boral-conserra- tite party of haltoo waa ield hero today in chiauolms hall for tin transaction of general bnaineu ahecting be partyi wel fare the meeting wa t rcpreicntativo one and the best of feeling aod unanimity prevailed the partys profij ecu never were brighter in the county hie treasarera statement showed abit i iter paying all accounts there ie a surplus n the treasury and the fact the members fi r the county in both the local and th domi lion hooses for the fi rst time in its history sro outaiiaqut coniervafires would seem to assure liu future success of tin part lo the county amongst other tilings the protest against- ihe return of air bende son m p at wbicj by tho way jevuyc no is lai came up when it unaui xously decided to fight it out ai tlie con orrativea ij4ve notbiu to feartampir death of iiawuew lrtetrooi eng april icmnuhew arnold the great eojliili riter ired and- senly here today of heart i iseate matthew arnold wjas ibt eldest sou of the latceletirated dr annld of bngby mndwaabqriiinl633 fie vasaduun golshed poet and crit g and was ojlnsptof torof eiialiirioblrcbouoo s feotu 187 to iaj7lie oocinsledli echii ol rolesior 30fqrf tel wrttiirofl pgaiiui i anaijapar ojfryitoifora ohwyooiiflrieiuj noted dry goods millinery house acton an overflowing 8lock new spring goods houett dolling truthful representation and low prices are ha l tell and ii the kr lo our iucccm in tho eyrie the- ladies fancy lightly tarns to thoughts of a nrw eprlug coitnme sod wllih this fict in ticir wo liato gathered to gether a series of isbriet lovely in do- sign and in all tho standard colors andnoweil liiadca when ve cay that our dross ustokals are the tory novest vo bill rcpoat tbs eschunalieus of our many eustouiers 1 j ladiexdo not foo to insect oar liig display of dress goods you can tare money by j boring from lit i h8pr np to the uaciies of aoton ind suwpuriding couhfcpy will yon be i kttid lo pay atteiiilou to the folliwlng rarflarka to moke iltli refofcuce to onr epring arrival of cotton gooda whlbm nit it be of intercit to joh ai well as lo onrmlfw within tho last fejjaii bought rightji r plso recei r gether will housefurnish1ngs we show large and attrac- j tive stock of curtainsmnj almost ever- shade v and make aakloseeourcurlainsat was per pair worth at least 25 per cent more oiloloths cifetonnes carpets btjq8- we gaaranlcc good hanost yilae i etrtimc ttfhhjhvt willi nttry we opca and iiimc ta tocktadar autlier cit ot the iatst ibape latliil durmrtoont ve icd asdrve ixe dctermiood to lucroua our lead ii faalilonalic goodi and low iiriccsaroaay iaducomeat i ifyoa arc not already one of our cuitonicn circ us a trial aod jiu are iutc to be well uuified special diuves ix i o lores hosiery i corsets bnsiles luces ribbosj collars and cuqi j i parasols of every description l hew nobby 4 cheat ladies waterproof circulars dolman 1 baejrjalipiioes j seersuckers prints dnlletu chambrays zepbyrsandmustos j ker fatterox aad fait colors 1 ifjoaroira anything la cottons sheetings tickings shirting oottonades denims tibhngs linens fta dont boy milont eempering oiy prices with other cibluhmailm the benefit irillbc mutual gentsfurnishinq8 shirts ties collars oitfls snupeiidera kobby hata in felt and straw bobber coilafron 325 10 11500 spring mt0 0 i mm s weihave received bales of white and gray cottons the mill at the lowest possible figure we haye- edpilesof prints sheetings tickings jtp- vith a lot of bed spreads every lady fnd it to i their interest to look through ourstock of cotton gobds kelily r08 butter andeggs wanted kelly bros i 8- white and gray cotions sold very chaap by the web 1888 ew 1888 glagow house ctoisr j new spring good we wish to iritirnate to the public that we have received and placedjin stock aefull assortment of new spring goods our rangi of dress goods is xety complete in all the newest shades and fabrics a feature of this department is our excellent assortment of black and mourping goods at j very moderate prices i j- a fine assortment of spring coatings in the newest shades- and pattern a display wortha special visit to see l jet ornaments and jet fronts and a full range of dress j trimmings bf the isitjbt kinds stacks of chiitingsjjcbttonades flannels dark prints h08iery and gloves of all kinds towel ingsjtowels linens muslins embroideries laces edgings corsets and tickings- that must be rushed off very quickly and are consaraendy marked at prices to suit ie circumstances as well as the times very cheap our stock of mens felt hats both in hard and soft is not only the best assorted but the cheapest in town we are c ttering jusf now immense bargains in tweeds which we ar clearing out at cost and under to make room forother goods see our pile of j2 jc remnants it contains goods worth 25c to 40c per yard ous llinery show rooldk f we have placed atthe disposal of the pufilic this season what is admitted to be the finest and best assorted stock- of millinery evi j shown in acton which with the elljkn6wri ability of ou staff will be a sure guarahtee for its success i- full lines of boots shoes groceries efc ladies and gentlemen we ask you to give us a call when we are satisf ed we can serve you to your entire satisfaction we are always wijlingto show you through henderson i mcrae co boots s shoes fina lfaca in utas yoathi wcmem mil and childrens womens knodtauoata for 95 ccnta er pair aftkolv groceries very cheap another 10 cheats of that 1 pounds for tho dotar lea just to hand bcmember this li epod vaiao at 25c per poacd and wo will willingly taka it back u yon do not and it jtutuvesay t consolt your best inwnau and patroniw rabermyia noted cheap store iasfifiisia tin 0 ood mm ii otjwawdjblwi n 3a1u takes w- asted aplly to retsjierfofgiit lfijteb bodsb ftoenild add two property is wl tmir forjs dcrtff ava ok at sta aala lattchmoollotsi eqeofj and th aji tleolws ily anftt john aiiv lea wetlfi phoi irtar rofe ftux awolhani wocb apo i eonld be revalr d pexlse m it coor iramew there wav w i ioikndiiiitmrirr whleh ftajnls al orrebtifuat as qsjikdofin atkatal ire isltoa nocsbsre luoi yes oashfolhides he nodenif icd haarcmoiuiltoti a bl rest next to jvoamslj lljct ntlnue to pa lbs ft htadaltlfodlomji jeemj pickets i ohlhouks aid pickets th in j o fut-elitotilinjaiilr- d il bjebardsoas vsgon crjl lekotkl i liockwood urlb ftti stoeeidwellii ie uie on totbrs iedwill jellor icasi t dcinthcrvgftsjo u arpromnfrftjrtrtidby idncklfl wojqe jarso ath iii wiy pahlcuiaxijiajfitlj to building lm r o the undcretoodhu till a urge vosfil excedcut tullding lota foia3irtjj arrcy the- location 1 rnyat there arp no men desirable lots oa terms easy- ajplyto i anted local api mitipw to icil osmcboiee ys4iwof rnn either on rxltfprccmhaiaiun peni ploymeat thaj riniticen tia ibesbjji ones upright and hdnettatetfcsr oaea 1 fooaincfor address withrdbbe uat beothers i j xuildrjtnen salesiewmtblg we are in tact of it few moniq to eanraas fr tle ule pf t ofnorsery stock to fnenitiic snreeas of the boalcou vna cwi paj j oroommijkionajhlgirtjrriliaaoaii we nte many ntrw and choice tr btbefruft aa ohuunesal llaei donotbandle ariilyat oneo t may bbqthf kroaxht tebpceeajlp forsaleby zbh- the nndcilsnttl i anthtsjxec sale br lender the teniei cremoni ccpiera the bajuil large qqantity of pood lntafrcrnsnefaad- ofi tenons djmeniionsdoor and wadem t aad lash ac and cost tyfnvuanlom sealed uoden win be received for qatm totheutdayoflutia the jbittt ara tadinbtnseesartljacepte- 3m bkaidobe v r for the grand ditisiispsf a tg iroclaatiollil tkcoiai a met ewaaaimolotioaptsaedl of ihicoujiejlortliaiiil heiwiy appfilmantlftpclaan prioav4th 4 isjabbob day aodrerrhwt cnlktnj generally i ataebytlantinslhde and t arranceiocnts ak tcic madeffcr m for tlaotiq on tlie treoti aiwti named 1 tree for maotiok on tlie streets 1 a targe quantity trill be oa hand jp y thow deeittng jilotin makeuicitaelcctieuitaad also ca prorement and of oration of nipta vr a stpiteti ac too april 18th publii notice nrberar tiwn that actoaare n nired farvn cellars drains y rde- tu and other oat but dings more tbexefram a i dirt substance whlcn may health and tqblt s the sansi fcj tbe lothddfkj next on troitata rki ii these are hard times i btjt t a hjeifjpinsra- ma n street acton is lolly prepared to tup jy the needs ot all who require fore ahd freah qiraoerlee od ororythidg else in that line for th times cheap a special etock of crockery and dishes are shown inisots at from s2so to 2000 tea sets 5 worth 6 gtass sets 60c w jrth 63c lamps si so worth 200 vegetable mshe8 dishes cake stands c ji a it olbr qooia proportloruttclyipheapi everj ctiawmer kijowa that mjr rripei are lotrtni alwayt taiiotcfyi aaj uwoniihb con vi cod by calling jdomo eariji and oeigc4i3pk r c ir il f a if f 1- i vi m who a d- mb art bajersispe under the vi oaortwforcthe ttunw srssffinii cuunm and- static tent of eectiritime afaytt jdby ord day oi anro the aetuiff axeepto jiotige tq w t i thejaa teibyttrjtal it at the px harejv township i bram couityosb jecaarti and notlee u hai iqv gtvratl lapto 1 the s xaettui aaaioreaa uieasee sot tbe sal i entioec uianjlo elaiinsotlwl leahia- and the sail aetlni eaesnitnr vijlj tfosll for theaaaeta orai fpatt tbpoiy- or aersons of vhoa clalnl oxjeu halo bad notice at 4o uaeefsi j 9- juflrpjtr ctoiia tarjbri dsied at uflton th lottfwrch w il parties uideli ed toltw lata l jbrnh nouflo i that liarfacalttla benf ytjabs i f r- v valuabl rlntbs township oe tt ndkb am by ntbtuetf r ut contained tn an imtentort ofnj thofoarffl be ogarftt for sale bjjnbtei in thi vlllagei ofci lthv satnraav31st april at tbehoirol two rfflock in tcfloirlasanaiile lavixle t fimfgx l ibdj janaj kv- tsstlllafi- lpaw j i jirwviai pyoaftyis ljjtstmimbj liidmt ujeqfiofrjtr teri iciisoojtfin itlxninldi tro lahotoroi shunts jhjaciirftg 1mtbeaiejthodiltx i4i- tbajjts3aias faodia nfberi i adirifi cars hrt drvaiiiiiuitolil inrscpicisafetjjf 1 ntizt jeciaitg hie fcfiera rajrineatf bwitjeli it- vi jlrwaridpsina rah ahlhtariaamitj vmtkc wa ejanpleted tiioftrapa hoiueiiiqooh puswthti losilirandl i where ahirajpg vrotf injanewi ilt oil on t e bet jsn j 27 and ciisjojf eirt mi ansuudi ft h nily 1 f mb4l ujupe w ohkmr i jbiaal

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