Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1888, p. 2

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pspflil sh7h fe suv ipla 12 aoan the i reskxt sitci 10x 8iicrti flic rej lit if twioetion kt bo rmal omrhattt8uwxof fcge uintwiohc wo of the 8cou art u th p van oooaue cthrjclmtiiiwiv j i uhlch voted bit tliuredi j rsa like ulo j majutas j rwult in ualton dlaappoljiui u in uw ei eblinoltsiiuiimah imijmwo tttrtic to iho tcmjwrajim ppoj lc of ille do- itvffiortl minion orally the ba he hi coue gc42ukru ot am3 died k rn tht crt iriu mwy lr lucarx jibulvw joksitcv it txn jane ibird rffc u 4l ms yarv wmrtit 0 ci ttanie ari 2 lit iwmlm hvmi nirsj u iv h ivmiu- tctof tht- icitnir wj strjrinttujttiwini- t6noa6a aflajijh lbe vib jvu cfbi f ijctort vrrcrrsi v tuclstuyariulw ls ithe orrftns cllu liucixl victulien of london uittrc exult iiu ovxclhc tstlc jtttiafi tfial pcvuai cq3luii ontario hid pfoaoiweed for ixptaj v the scott acl the irocu now iricticail jciirrcncy fortlic tnitcd slalca seems to be meeting with favor the sujjatioti is to it sue posul notes iiutcliascablc it fostofllocs aid tcdcciublc tjifiv tlic notes could ht specially conveuieut fur miiiicg it is qciu evident thiv what liuje hope that has becu hitltrto ctitertiiloj tirc emperacci germanys kcocry is uac utwndwd the disease has made rapid progress of late it is evident cow to all that gennaor will toon hive to mosra uie- dcrtlioiitdatbcrcepercr hzi oae cut oljin the rritccoliixc thiit6criicu frm which so mcca wit lni jl3 eipocled tccu not htve cppcctacily cf doiru tlc wort fprtitrmcy acd fcr tie world which eq mtnjbeliqvedhc iatuidcil to do and which he wuso tipihieol doing kh phydcums at the outside give fciin a ibiiaihl to live feat btate his deatirtccxesgicafewi mir occq at ur tactaaiit i j kr tiossiau bcccniuii mire ard rre tc- telctiaf it ht pcrsorulcl tl jers crcd- ly indcowit has cczceiced cjxritids titsjthcbie societies the kcu and coportc3t of ike asericin bbe boecty hare ua orlildca t ciredtte any more bihtis crithiu tie coirs dcx- ioas and it is wpeeiei twt he decree wu tt soon k extended to tie british hiblc society which lis ucn ctfcin- in ccscirt with the iin ccascisxtik the actios clthe hrsiixa aiithsrities in this matjer has becn i ccnnlex- srrrirs- 2co wainiiy w iven to th societies and the reasdu p the ialerfsclnce wih uirvcrk iistiuactyfrv uox thomas ttute tead asfccrtinw- l txisi aril3 hcsitlccaxs tvtite died at 10 oclock list nhit surrtacded by the mtmbere ci jhls ficily tcett toi thai thfece wis cotcpe cf his recorerr the ho gen ties- an ssidte ts ceslrnei to lis tatej asldrvvhjtfellhk cud dxswxash he ha each cf his dea rents aieweil i menqeg with h devoted wife th paslner iji his joys tcl ecrrcs lor thirtyfive veare ilhekcew wls en eneciientlc add s5ect- jiog -obc- etsfiitiua wasfeisccitlhs dying re ihcicfore cslr 4y word or two grafp is taii he hard of wife ttras anddacglter givijg cca a ibad lock and then passed away mr vtlrite was bcra ia itcstrcil ca thi 7tillicns 133j hii ftihar was iriac i coaiity jsan azi his raolher bcotch haio tjcen bora ia ediacaih- mr white et cirriedon laiiacss as a leader nerchait ia lira trail fee many yean ffe seirtiiis- kra tftointf fo the 7 bh bcbooi at hontreal where lerecei red the edacation which ia ycart he wes deatidcd to tare to tech excellent acccaat having left ethcol 3d while tnptged fcr eonie years in ircrcaalils partaiu hut ecca made np his ciiad to tbaaden the cauiag and accsptcd a position cu the edit c rial jj5 btfije inehec0czftk whicli iposltian was offered to ham in eoceeaaecce d an aidreeadeliteied on teinfertcce hy him in tha gty of qafcec aad which attracted mocb attention i ihjls53 heestahllihed ia ccrapaay wili iiis brotherinlaw iireobert ecniaine th pcierboro becker with which he was cennxted cntil 100 thee be catered oponthetndyenawie the cjt ci the ffep sioecrj smith ec of ccbcarg con- tingletadierdcrirgthefcil terra of fbar years- fiading that hewej net cat 6nt for the leal prcfesrica aad h icind f orasunlly rrerlin to his eld lore joar- naiiim be entered into pricerefcip witir i brother ireciiard white aad joiativ hey purchased thehamioa rfcu which thsy ran saccesfdlr fronn hc4 to the two lrothcre then pexchased the i montreal gazsjie ia 170 and ly enerjry aid perseteraace hive raked it to u pree- i enibhigli position as aieadiirewspaperia the trorinoebf qasbec i j lii 1ss5 hevetenai chieftin invited ifr iwhite to join the adaieiiiratizn asitinir- iexofthe interior and ia coieec honored not oajy the recipiect cf the cficc lat the prciteeeicti of which he was cash a eai- nent ineaiger jlr white his proved bini- i aeutobeone of the bet fidcsajstralers j cicada faia ever had tn his rekiocs with the cfznxsk ot ins departmectrirr jvbife was most happy laterally of a geaial temperaeat and a nerry disposition he estabiidied from the be and maintained to theend the warmest personal frieadshiu with tliose wxtb whoa his departmental d sties brought hiininto clote relatica l 1 fel- r vaja m i liefidt ill iwxgthe1lve wtffclcy wicidefilrflylathe feri tij tulrk xiitfit ca ott act tltzl dia rewlt of ue voting pa the repeal cf the scott act ia the pevea ciaaliea list thnrsday was a follows- j j blilcoe jrepeai cf tlic kccft act rax carried in ekcoe eoanty fcy hjqq majoriiy csrce- leeptal carried by 100 majority jf houfqlf jeepeal carried by- 700 majority cemtcw jtepeal carried by iw majority iirccv iajority for refjeai 600 wiilisfeteral jjlicei lo bearfrom ninxiay one huudd and sixtyseven for repeal tberepeai waajcamed by a majority of 2 vu aad boy bi3oid john ajjdu ve ildcntn xew ork politico for iy fekni aod to mo ibu kyi been iowd tncoiiiprliedpibl yei i jog uni bcrt in ing now yon tail i nbtijirowidibe aatuof tolitic ivgcu- aitntl tcnn in cvtry wanly bul while cnrpriic and diiappo ntmcut bao been felt thcrt ji no real ciqsq fov dife curascmcut aad wc very n ucu rtiitakfl tile tcbrixr ot- uioo tittttcd j ihc tiauiditncut of uhitkey front iftrfalr land if ihcy do iot te to greater activity and wilji all jxissibjc klrcogth a idmake the deftal just uifferod iho advi oee agcut of entire irolublttu for which b4 man jcin bccniudirt lly working tigxcsulioflhc voting on lie scoll act dots not by any moans settle lh temper aiicc cjuetlioil the scott art wu hot the nitasuw detievd by tlllpctjje when i wa cuactcd but it waa thi bct cu tailing ot the liqcor huiiucm that parliam ut wouldgive and has been dfccdai a tempi rary measure by thartctupcrancq people 1 waa a well- meaning law aad the campa pi ia couuec- lion wtlu liietnlrodacoq of the law and the volroa rtpcal in the varolii comlitu- cccie throajihoat the dcm nion hasre- e ailed in iucalcalablc good in tlie education of the peoples to the henioi sneaa ot the traic bat politics and d plooiacy- the curse cf the present day ha c cast heir thghl ever tlic lax itself ai d the people have become dissatisfied wit it teaipcr anccsentimcnt has ia no sen c diminished ta haiton nr we believe i any of thjo conatic where rcical has bceu carried rcaied under the ingaencccf the tempera ic sitam which has been carrid o doaucdly a etrecgct desire it d there is cn- thc mind4 ot the people today fcr lot 1 prohibition than there crer was btfere a feeling i general that lime ecocguh i been spent in preparing the way it pre ihitioc that the coantr- is tot ready for it that the people desire it audth 1 th government mast give itj kctwiosticiirg the defca act thepriaciple of temper in intact and the caly pror esppcrteftpew is to clcscvp moe forward agnafor ab ticn ii irapereatcptope vulcaiteand pit this aeatioa before poii ics and party they can mike their incccnc felt as never before and will it no distant the object for which they ha i working and thes sacceed i i shaking eft the greatest foe that liberty nd happiness ever had th trasc in etron dri she c0 xt ft1e tcrk sva fracti ally cxcliimc to the cnicn tu kc- that canada cast come i crstirve cni ia ifcecoli tli k very fanny even ipr the sex ciaidi is an ex potter cf tliryonhkcjiscttl tltq llnrket phap pcnt uednlnm fb0hthbkap1ta1s -eirjohttilhbr- 31 laditorro sessional tt itinos lfity have for ofj the scott uijc remaina oirse fcr it he ranks aci izale eprolibi- dile achieve e so long been i it ueceisanes cflife she la- ils i at d timber i he ccasomes vheat and vet fcaa he united states nearly i503ai bnshels cf is an expxier of this prcdn t d the farm she nail oan raiie u nac4 wheat as the united states after the has nsed the bs iey potatoes eggs pcultrjf mutton and e ft ccal she re- qciresjaflerlier wellfed wc lclotfced and welihoszad ipecple are fall the products cf the farm i ad nuoev the sends a large qainity of eac to this coon try i canada is neither cold cor exiifcnee doe act depend oa tioa of anyicf the catnrai rodects cfthc eepafciic she coali do witksct a yet lelire well if americans will cot se her prodects of car worfcrhops why she great marfcst scrosi tle au ir cell lltn in 4inim hcnjrj her tee ccosamp- of thm aqd in go to- that jilic acd fcny acd sell theie lo ai vintage canada is wann andcoaaics a warm hearted pecjrte who have i warm admir- atiia fcr their relatives li the united states nolwithstaadidgthe r tviius of snch craaks as txe kew york sua cldraqt omahas jf tirfcca actus spekg d thi flt ehorta ssrteu ix t- of tl trfcc wtaners acd hi ajhoci ts tlfr ecceied the first spring show for 1 ctoa waa held on tcesday acd malted satisfactorily alike to exhibitors spectator anddirectors the weather was bright and pleasant and large ncmber of farmers and others gather ed to inspect the ctalhoca h jaght oat for exhibition i the camber of animals w s xnlly op to the aaticipaiioas t cfiiceri a nd others in tcrested andrthe camber of e itrics was ex acjy the same a that of the 3oanty spring show held at sfxitou last week a cnaiber cf excellent shown bat others tf a verj- a lifferect char acter were also exhibited prizes were awarded as follows nceoetedaivt ctattirr fort prize s inxj eform loha dcaieverlon second prize 5300 j ly a fjhief j d a j carrie oepringe exsifcus hzsiaut first prize1000 hsncit tom brockewackhamer estnes ig eecondpri3w55iwglai stone argjie brown and brather eramc jgrseiui ecfficsi firstpria 51000 toai gkorseman wm hell eric fifecond prize 300 lojin hard for- taffe wm willis erin cleelfccic first prize 10 00 shallow john williams erin second prize 5500 orphan boy doncan campbell osprioge coieetees first prize 1000 imperial henry crozier owen sound second prize 500 bit ht eye see j gohop nerval -rjjrcom- best animal exhibited fyozm john dcft evertonl jcwejsl ilessre m b si litfa toronto l rrankdalby w b j c mokotv fergis and dora btjl huxictpal brlaws i ornit april 23 the by flcxjoby fiebentnrea for i ie purpose of completing the electric lie t sod water works sjstetn was carried to lay by a ma jority of 52i gr sfaevv out april 23 the bylaw 10 grant a bonus of 30000 f r the removal of the maxwell manafactori ig companyi wdrtmfrorajparifont el bt maryi waa carried here today by im majority only 31 vot i being polled ag dnst it joraeyyillc a village of so fifteen mi lea jrbm hamil ton no tave n nor uj tstere one trifhin six mjles of it thfi u where ihelraaitkmof mrwhiicieufonoerii of acton is boris were tit kid r mk i f besahin oil it ict bl icq oi vrom our own cbttwiwtl omvimprll 21 liament liu been ma qgbt between tlia twa porationa tho grand ti pacific tlio occailuu charter is railway frorji tlifieoquilcaof ton to uie boundary fin ucctiug with iho italo tbgrand trunk o waa proreiotoi by tho c scored ilia first victory i mitim by a vole of ji lo trunk appealed to iho lobby waa entered into idntrioaty did thej member thai col 0 itjiua ion minute priv house oq thursday ibomotiou fottho ur berriq moved the and a dirision vvu qrand trunk olcs and sir donald smith and patrick both director i uotxilo there waa which hessoa of perth of kent figarc3 keith on the question and aj each thinking the other the chamber kept hia trow called altenlioa i staining from the vole meet thai he had pajrec caused shoats of iaught newed hcn xfr hessoi stammered over tl and asked sir landry how i ot coarse vote the other iray was grand t inn kflcnrwcot paatwoekinpar- by i itaodup i rest railway oor and csqidisq wu the bill to montreal uirough and hunting tttdandcocon- ot new york the bill which ml the cj 11 i iho railway com 54nd iho qrand tome antcllvo f bolh sides and so ballon hole the complainrd of q ictalou of the friday night on of the bill lix months hoist reaalting in 57 c p r votes ion g a kirk- tuocvp b did a fanny so no in oct and landry r dcairod to tote reed lo pair bat was absent from at so whoa mr mr hessoa ab- uic latlerv btato- witli fr landry r which wens re- rote to vote and rbcivmr speaker io voted bo said other way the unk third reading laki n sir charles tapper resolutions esnbpdjing mccl the q p lheime ax noted ia i several weeks ago in abxndonmcnl by the monopoly privileges ihi lo guarantee interest worth of the company forojcirs secarily o criccipil acd jclcrt the lanl of the coca pan such lands to be ailmn ooe a cabinet hicistcr the ealcs ct these lands towards the repayment elipalatd that if the which the company is is acid the proceed i fund there is lnucns will be agreed lc ths hocsc tha rfiulh eace ccataias ha i doa t smionxa to mr g ren way of the oaly cow given to the p wrote as yoa art ottawa i take this 0 there is good prospect a li which will ala removejle nalsonsfcr power of disailiwacce legishilian with regard great and aceipected con tinned proved that for transporting grain quired and while lbe will make large expend to handle this increaset istraticn will col adriat bill simijiar in pnacipli valey riilway act branch to emersoa b by hamioba no legisl be rpjaired from 1 ports the govsrnmen baying the emersoa coed with the eed eivi it by jcly 1st tee ntcexts ii h ls given notice- ot the new arrange- the terms arc it corrcapondence i onsideralioo ot ihe mmpacy ot their govcrnmeulagrce cnaaft 15000000 land grant bonds or the repayment t is famished by remaining enfold tered by trustees the proceeds of ire to f jrm a fdad if the debt it is pembina branch lo gpt rid d go to this same that thcto reso- by a majority of liwance correspond- ihe ettee 3rd starch which is blicthc premier obliged lo leave ppbrtcnily of aaying icgisialion bypar- t if not entirely exercise of tlie yoar provinaal o railways the janes the letter additional facilities autward were ra the c p r are to enable it traffic the admia- disallowance cf a to lha bed river ioaldliiecpr bought or leased will i aapposfc test manitoba if- doca not fatcid br jch bat will prb- r road completing ai on i ihe biliinlrodnced i c abbott is te altitude of he ru undecided antil the fiecand reading 6 ia the senate by eon fixed fortius aftemoci in the hoase of commons the miuhper of jastioe ha the bill ha charge and govemmdut towards it satorday when the trcj sore was considered ia coaccil thoagk the d sasioa reached has not tranipircd the 0 poncal of the bill were rigorously lobbinj against it and a ilrocg effort is to be mj de lo get it referred to the biafciagaadjco amerce committee where the bucket shop n i hope to so amend it ax tojreader it comjaratfvelyiiarmleaa the backet shop people have legal counsel at work hra and are it iking a determined fight as the passage of he biliin it present arm means death to tl eir pernicioas basi nets whuuvis oq a par silh farogambheg aad tighjyjdangejoa 1 1 the yoath of the cocntryj a nrvonci cocr the port dover wh4c led ia a demand from the establishment of a cases suchcoartaex provinces and in britis i tormcinnes of britis t that before next would introdace legmla senator poirier also all joined ia deploriag by the publication of ti i divorce case ha 6 ivcral senators for aart to try divorce t in the maritime colombia sena- golumbia hoped i the government ion oa the s abject advocated a court and he scandal caused e evidence a teat rsrn hocse afijum lawfor raising at eiioclock frida recess when the hoase of the whole en the peter ilitchell asked postpone farther cor measure till tuesday lerested members sir hector langevin refused to do so and m chair iri mitcfaeu sir bcector langevins g if yoa dont fight and i can fight wi topper joidtmr were couched ina too mr hitchell pare way acgec and shaking his i dont give ad a fc you pm able for the h on with similar charles tapper said u wjih sir hector lan mo3t impadent things this uoase i wish d tlen post xroe mitchell bessiosit raxosv ill sot the intent balaries of the coanty the iasurance combfce gated but it i not odd the pabhe a largely attended league ineoting ia iho satorday evening was niembetfe of parliamen a society to secure of tboxprdi day by leuuti wise ha been formed a lie lorn it hi a eorbndmavbmreiptiog of sfaipslatid bneo arapnd act willj be introdfloed the ftjov aeijwppal ufisodiormayl ttwljtiiibu evening jost before was in committee ostoms act hon the government to of the todayj a many fn to leavo for home eading the house speaker left the crossed over to leat and said by this thing ill fltoo sir charles that his requests defiant tone then to one of his flu of iatalofl exclaimed the whole pack of of yon and went language hu he left the chamber evin that the ever baw done in vio ent ontb inoreaio the joart jadges haqbeea iovesti- rearing hard upon i nperial federation opera hoase here lddressod by eight better btervanoe ion and other tlw safety the franchise his week void lubuintead inereaietfdaty ou stcro typed plsut whloh now py only live w rflotit tbo go em me tit iiaw revived lo gfvo io more railway subslaka tho iortliweit members prcttntod sir jonnwllban clogs ut lair of boflalo horns tho ulf prcinlcv ihjnka ilicy aro typical of uuf horns of a dilemma to ofleu present ed to lira raisu mrw of iisov it is tlmo that respectable morchanu cotnbincd with consumer a for the suppres sion ot all gill prize and lottery schemes in connection with ilie itila o articles of merchandise these schemes aro cot only do moral ting lo ultimate buriuou und to lbe nioralb of iho community lot in the extent in which they arc uing carried in lbe snlo of articles of food 1iac bteemo a soorce of great danger to the public health they are no matter i what fjrra ihcy ap- pear nothing more or less than devices to swindle lioness and uuiin pec ling people it is grnitifying tolcarn that in some in stances tbo officers ot flic law have lakeu hold of the matlcri in new york and also in chicftro partleu who in thin way offered gifts to purchasers cf tlicir pack ages have recently be arrested awn iudict ments for lottery swindling tho latest candidates both for public ciccrstipa and criminal proecaliou arcthe mannfsclur- en of tho alum baking powders who are both by means of gifta and lottery tickets disposing of largo quantities ot llnir cor- rositely foisonoas compounds which are so wall known lo be dqtrimcntal to health thai no housekeeper will admit thcin to her kitchen knowingly this form of ewindie is not only being iddled from house lo hoase bat under the prcmic6 of largo profits lo bs realized the irilnfoclarers are ientrenching lhcmscles behind lbe coaolcrs of many grocers by pelting them to offer ihe alcm goods with the gifts or lottery ticket attached thereby shifting the liability to profeeation hi part apou other and perhaps innocent parties every grocer or dealer for instance who sells or offers for sale any ot tho prize or lottery baking ponders ij a criminal in the eye of lha uw and liable upon conviction to fioc and imprisajmert while those who sell the gill goods arc mcrajjy as respon sible for they ere offering an icdaccntiit7 cr prize to hcaackccpcrslouse a food that contains a corroaic poison this is a pre- icaulent in which it is net poibicbur grocers will care to place themselves when they coma to lluu seriously of ihe initlcr it must be borne in mind that every ctc cf these gift cr prize baking powders arc aiam baiuig powders tnese owdtrs cost less than four cents a pound lo produce the gift or jinza oosts but a fewceuu mere they arc sold at the price of a firstclisa baking powder so that the swindle ia a commercial sccse is ccormoas but the chief iniquity cf the bsiincs cocsirtsin selliag as presanib3y whakscme an article of a positively injariocs character and by means of gifts or bribes inducing servants jr ucsaspcctiag eonsekecpers to purchase and use it in ocr daily food there should be ronic prompt method of reaching these daccrus practices and paniihing ihn parties eycaed in their pub- motion if the present laws eru uot ample wc comtnead the mailer lobe consideration of oar slate board of health for recem- mendatiou cf rcch additiouxl legislation ax shall be effective for the prolcciica ef pablic v inventions clctbalzt rcvolstbaiic uurid darli the but half ixnttrr net lecfl auun lie ym- derscf itcctir jtcctcm ii a aetiod and irw icm ot orle ihil c be rfrtd ctl crrr the coaauy littoai cpantic rbc workerit from theirhoraes ay liberal say oac ctalo tbc work cicrseriaanecrcijiotjwciaiboiy reqaircd apilaikct neuded yes are ictrtm reo cai this oct od rclsrn lo u tnd wt wth med yoctrctj vijae acd ici- hqrunee to yti lint ill fcurt yea in badcms kkich rill fcnjrvca in mere icjeiv right swsr lhtnaaytilcac la ihi crd gnuozizt freo addr tclt co aanra jiia richly gfflj are those clo asdlbcss ily trill find liccorablc cuiiiioyracatilit vii aci uie heta troci their hoist aiid funnies- the prosu arc irp aiii sere for v err ialastrio- pcncnmanyuavcniide cid arc coir mkhii several huuorcd dollar tmoch iltftcaxy ftir any on ta uuic jandcjrkrirdi jr day who t willing to rtrt- tiucr ti jtsacc old caiiital col ecoded ut flirt j bz ttcrythirj zetc ko ajkcial ability ttqtiirrd t3a reader cio 0 it u wfll kly cse wrluo tit tl c6 for tell particaun which wpccilfrce addrctc btiason 4 cot j jricjht tb the front of all coiipetitiok wcrlice octt elegant and substantial goods spleadidic qaslify 1 i complete in assortment i t overfiowingia generous bargains 1 meks woiftks akdcuilduexs boots and- shoes avbbsas ovsasaozs s at pric bat ajiays lead to t pecdy sties lowest prices j cossiatent fitu j cood quality duutom work and repairing promptly attended to mill street acton ut oikinj ior i juaivim tka miltiu sim mortphmrlutti ji i tortvu binaa wm xi 32 ma millinery laihtles dress goods carpets curtains etcv evorrtmdr well plouod wlui llwc sew cbmi droi oo di cnu a no a to ts kv lmt clltuioi upod sloo siji p1jo m xow klulinoct vjf ry 3imp mi 46 3e3e illceiit display j mckay brothkrs diiui diailir kw strfjn dnu ooob c 4 aoc sow puio prth loodi 10 1jj its 2c voir chunlinti 10 ii is 80c now rrinu s m jp hjc- w tipeittr ibnl lam vi ow mjuth in iu i qtv saw hirtalq infltfioftc 0100 lstwa jlai xvw scitahiirclotb 10 1 u 90c jfcw curulfl folrtto c tuo iwy sorjmrkkombitjvlocja nobtrlciliilwmtniinj mcay bros i 48 kiiig street east hamilton the sry in tape alsb lasgciqyae ikcton ouse furnis ladies th s is thfe time of year you want a new carpet a- new set jf lace curtains or cretonne vurtains with nice fringes to match before buying it would ba to your advantage to inspect our large stock of house furnishings panctrfcao oakflm rc cru in wl ul call and ioojietii csipctn 1 t moticje to the lulltic ii ii oi j vltbout the wrltuu ccdadj do t tl thfffr enrn riit 1 j wtlt bjj p0use and lots 9 pub nm j tnd l proitcrtji if ccili fo d tfenco offer 1 lou ttuebta o- nu fcftcal tttd j panicolin ppir jobs i i property pol abo ct etn acre of uad in woodlipon vbkh ttmmu 1 c4md be reburu or rebuilt m imqk u ujosdullm 18u00iad iraoic tiererbluoi on the preiiuci tell prtlihrfmili tilillctuoi to me8 stt cash for hides akd i iuk unilercfiracd ha remci on main street next tobn where be will eontinne to piy i luiee for all bide ulf and abei aetonllaitb llfh 1m x oils shingljes akd pj cxhtfl j ihrfol s asd picket nt taa id noalitr tola j at lydiardwo wagon aod lulpill lfaich6tb 1809 sa t andjtiien ts 1 tbekt oi the skating any t esjien m 1 k 1 fortb sale of satan pal apply ttoss rpi i hashbbqtbess way tot iho tmrtfcn s rinktnildltlxl ot docaaariljr a carpets 1 r v and hemp in good variety and newest designs at exceptionally close figures asplendid range of floor and table oilcloths lace curtains by the yard and sett and a very large rane of cretonnes and fringes to match ottr dress goods department is very complete not only as regards closeness of prices but in general style and quality the comprise allwool jerseys albatross cloths- self checks combination stripes plaids and tweed effects i i i a special our assoitmfent being heaps of tltis department is our array of black goods prjsirig jerseys soleils fine allwool cashmeres j- yards witje and a lovely silk warp hen- i riettaclotl at 125 see these y goods and you will be f delighted of coatings is very complete aspecial feature a irange of english broadcloths in light shades f prints shirtings ginghams- qptto hades 1 hosievy gloves etc in millinery this depiirtment is just in receipt of the latest novelties to be had for the season fresh goods being opened to-day- i iforstyle and cheapness we are away ahead- a splendip assortment of boys and ouths ready madc suitj i 1 just to hand store dwjeli or bailor 0 3 the aoacrsicn wih ieli j oaa and ihellmpin kbe vinkw pt ai irniiratbccapdri brmr hrm kmioneida onthi uwrn iarticalix4 anily tol bu ldin r fobs rentai- excel enrbaildbi ihtttjy 1 there are terms eot we are toe iptabir ocatimt la tey i rjnv dcbifabjlo ktiosl sa1esmm wi awantotwfewc nxui tqr tbe x stock to tnb success or b boaineu we e oreommis lonanjgiteiietffl w have n any oev and chcr n ttie mil and raamentajjll donbtbantll apbly at on r aut 1 kcaaxatjttkw saiesften of l itawfttai totekqardexsfof atftdetncloi iint to befiaa balollaanbl 1 uaiedalls arithbriiri otcboclvniobtwtf w leniloi ccua lewuarifj ia randdhuonetoaol our boot shoe stock is themargest and most complete in town groceries fresh and cheap lenoemper our famous 50c tea v henderson mcrae fc co h8priiicl spring to the ladiesof aotiiri and surrounding country will yc l x io kind u to payattcpuon to the blowing remirks we laro to lqae witli reiuailc6 to oar epriog arivala of cottbo rooda ttbich j mnbt tw of iotereal to you it well aa to ourselves within the last few bought right j getl u r spirlnc- days we have received bales of white and gray cottons om the mill at the lowest possible figure we htfve also rfjc aved piles of prints sheetings tickings to- rwfthalotof bedspreads every lady 1 find it toitheir interest to lopk through our stook- of cotton go6ds i it tjectioa ictior of to fact fron ay street aaxiecaa y the 10th ruy ot uhvd4xt bb i banlujry it qweua will oqeih sm tie keepina of bojn between afldtblstofli- koycniber asoept any awellingboflap r i r lane witbfionn 1 etandlng wi ter and regnjariy d iiifeeud w u be strictly enlor jiejilqabm secretade hlal dr cbi hooktuid lbe mojioi forf25ii oil doui ealiel itli tbe rwtlon did com pili a dew boo bopxtbal tboaind iu nearly united l tu enrope kind of a b cbotkwo yean of i tho book 11 moat rail pubitibiagj blrtstcbi ioyr iseceipt i 4- t and crowmris 1 ia t3tiialt and ti lonscboia pbysieljb ayj l oootaioa etlt to clotb blodlbg and x- le eibjo- tod ti the pawning work o atoforeiabaitacjl f and axrawlenos t3 ooojltftloriijarbiioaa u yean ajolio wjf i ba4 a aalc oi ott lecasabailnaoi verjmui lawtralia audscmlbv t oculaoroold h jdltional practlea laelf aaweritba qv la lnodontlwr in u caution j llom and pltattm r ibialsekl rrjjf it ork room ibr cwartliau k itbwajfrspfibmi utaciuni tetaptioat 14utaoa csoiplcta dbiaodfn tiai3ro tbeutjlil xalnt lok biufi inateivj iliiotw ij lay wail c ariiw ijofl r ii waaneji plirldtjnum l edpottw wlj i otmiwiijipi iiii atff coart ljumjyi- f sudjf aujil j jmtjtlioniii i aonaweifinijp and kid aniivriwil v ttieoitjijiorojfw ajroajwfiol maytojauifftot tbeatretiirai i win in au prodaqu i tc iltfrn i hatorei pat op- v htbav ihiudw iab loiatr w l- babotdm jjv crdu i r iv leitfolvijj mb p iatnal ftaobi luirtaittrpo oontutjeaibaill wareinf hsetjl ivibiried r-

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