Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1888, p. 3

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ip tend tn c paior sttsimer pw61 m xtmt ttttlksday v vlf dttxra 6u60ij cfasod6wctdbxui ml dialfe ittritea ad ttritot i alwaya irvltom ii- tn eilre 1 tpr u p hoow frafjris may s 1888 lardrrrihotlriltl mr alert fire fimifitlwrtot maxy mjkwr locals w a j celebration t arbor 3 day o- uorxbw arrange to the street spnailer should soon gut dawn to business artic mnyau ushcdjawiuikleiow storm aflacrauodimcittions i drinptpgrbu fcgnad celebration on- tap baasis ifor the qeoeas birthday slrj aflim cooks sale of lota tkoa pu it aja botei to-morrow- evening the first of ml y has eqme but lhe licences lo walton co inly hotels hare not iieisri wcnleo bros have put in a ecu jo cl fine new m rrors into their barber sbep there trilljbe u i swimming allowed ia tlc peal isiile the driting park this racaier f j tic arctics qhcoronto and the pas- u3f arfoir willpky a match in the s on siturday afternoon r d0 marshall urited acton carps 6 i en sunday steve always re- ccti a hrlv in acton those who preapiuously jumped out cl their ansneli oii friday or saturday were ckd o rcsui5e thiem on monday j fccwcisumm money on mill street- tie cwaet can h aw the same by prorieg jkpcty and fliyicjt for this notice lm j the zjbervice last sunday evening b tae ifetlodist chfrch was one of interest tti cinjnis o th choir tas thoroughly apprkiaiefl- t t vta4 cares how for the chilling wizis tic oft repeated showers since hie star has ccmeat last and kissed the cfcis to cosrra i thai some of thcsebase tilrvi icrosse flayers mufinddt the wnatmterest ia arbor day and iy pereiacia their ball throwing ca lit sihets mr james kcbiason of borlingta his fceea appoint jerk otfbe gth dmaim ccart ol this ojanfry in place of g c bas- dtcctsed- tee pastimes of aden were re- orxiahiast week their team is said ia be rcjs thahjerer and hey are after scalps cibbiirtrt mfsstt beard aore j co havepurr i ind are now doing their d ifcdonald holdi the i dseda tne team j there be a- general movie in alw vruehireltoitlt of t6flchtnwir u j xuutermtlnj- u swnfictapreiat6d oi jptedticday oruidgot last wek witsepuia doyf uowkn mclnnu wm made the rctpieiit ol aiiurae o f ico by the mctnberajof knox chirob ia rooog nittoto oi herttrvtcci u brganiit for eo- maojryeanr miltdafcyrmcr quartartjr oomlnajuwi sands the lut aadramftntal nervioo for tho preaent conference year which ia also tho iwt dortar the paatorate of rcvr phillips wbow ithrwytart term expire next month will bebgki in the uediodut church dext sao day moroiuc an inter oitjag aerrico u anticipated aaathtr idea oxtniae happiness the loctnow sentinel man deli vera hiui- wuufbuowtthoman who can itand by the aide of a trout brook with hi debt all paid bit buatnet reaaonablyprospcroui hwifandfiiyinfiood health taid deep pool in light in which a dozen speck led gamesters are wady for a tusalc ha in aight oinetenthb of all thehsppineta which any one gets this aide of- heaven rectal paxul enctmonts the latet postal lawi arc tack hat newspaper publishers can arrest any oue for fraud who takes a paper and refjiscs to payforu under the law the traan who allows hi sabacriptiou lo run along for some lime unpaid er takes three papers from the post office and then orders the postmaster to markit refased and have a notice sent notifying the pablisher lays himself liable lo arrest and fine same as for theft alltevttrata good idex the teachers aad papils of georgetown public school will give an entertain rneatin the town gallon friday evening tlkusy sfisa r gertrude hart proceptitss of elocution in voodstocfc college has jbcca engaged for the evenig the programme will coosist of rovdincs humococpaiiictic palriolfo etc ail will lc wei worth the admission fees jadcus 3 cents children 15 cents proceeds fee beautifying the bchool room ffaiw a peel ctocatj- bigamist a mac named vcm shields alis jsmes sweet was antsted and taken to altca on satnrdayoa a charge of bigamy the case tas heard by justices fsttulla and stcbbs bhielda first wife whom b married in 15 onderjthe name of sreejt was prcscut with hervtwo childreu and- also wife nc 2 with whom he has been recently living lie pleaded guilty to the charge and stated that his real aaroe was wn shields he was conuditted for trial and seat to brampton jil we have no doubt our dtuess will mini tows b tfce matte r sd effecting iunprote- ciiiatobusb69 places and midenoes pah is being free f used george gfibbs a gcotgetown hotel- u berhisbmmtfadfbr trial an a charge ob perjory iaxonnection witk a caae d as3pu of the bcott act the first hxse hall match of the season j waiciaytd in the park on saturday afjer- nacsbettreenlthegloteiand trunk factoea -sccv- i3to13infatoilot the rfores j the j iladid corrects onr statement whh ref ecence to georgetown high school fees list year the amounted to hli this year already 628itba been paid jknr josv johnain paaior of hornby ipnsbyrian church- occupied the jralprt i iz the methodist church here on scaday i j j evfriiwiihtmich acceptance ckernpkir tnemndwaaoot on parade monday tight an ihe citiiins enjoyed the music i the band intends to play outside regularly j drih ihc eumaier evenings milton jler juruzr i tceucction depot at georgetown has leen repeedand all trains of both roads jtfcp thjre as fdnneriy mr the j spcigaijof acton has charge of the jtmc- ika at present itftyrs w d skaitncfc of the ameri- eanhotfci guelpfa darid martin of the welhagionand thoablanchneld iwere escb fintd 50 and costs for violalua of the xtt abrlistweek i frisy and saturday last were the siraesit days ever experienced by the oiifeiohabitant in the month of april the uknnometet registered 87r in the shihke inixiitoa it appears the town connal- digs dhnhes fordrainage and refoses to clofe ihe ditches nnless the owners- of the properly adjoining will f archase the tile iictasr for the- drain bimcj coulter waa found drunk on ths itrgrt oh monday night and lodged in on tnesday morning jie was fined 6- barnersaidihe had not had such a- drunt f6r ei teanj milton uefartatr l tbl fine new illnstcated catalogue for lolmesarij e- mcgarrin cov ha been if oed from the faxrpezas job de- psrteut- it contains w pages and is said to refct nuch credit upon this office r jfcz haa been more evidenoe on the etreelfi d- acton jot the consumption of in- loutiiin liquors since the defeat of the y scott act than during any two yearssinoe- hha scditact came into force in this county f- 0r liiik duct and iko attrvy miy j to handjind as bright and welcome ea iee spring this ia a- model djiiiie for the children 6end for a siejpfe copy i raasell publiabing co bqromefie m- tbcxaa agoew has parcbased frpia mr patriok kdly the premises lately ctped by mrj f e webber- mragnew ii enlarging the ishop and will arrange a resiecc abovej jheintradspottujk in a i tocc a boou atukaboe y i the pahaefston ttlrgrapk has entered npon ixs thirieedth year of publication v thereisnoiraier in the profession who j gives jzore time and personal attention to bis business than lirxftey and as a recoil lha ttfrjraplt u lucceat may ancceaa aiwayji follow tpe bheppard publiibing company tnrodto hav publisbidmreb skep- pard ncvstciry widower jpnefhleh ien running in stuvrdajt tfigid tor 5memoiithaiirjjeokt tkia u n ngstoif of rural life and has- met nneh favdr u ia or i by all book- 6ronk plant a large number of trees on the streeis since arbor day was instituted hundreds ot trees lave been planted an the streets and their attractie tppearacce and ggriiil spade render them objecls of admintipn and beaury lo- the town- at usual liie council has arranged to supply trees fxtc to citizens fo planting oa the streets axi a f nil assortmoat will be found on the town hall stuare on eridav morning zhtmljgraa t children far aioptica mr- john t middletore the founder of the orphan children emigration charity london out left liverpool oa april itth ur the steamship lake ontario with a partyof 50 girls and 120 boys between the ageanf candls years who are brought ect- tocthis country for adoption on hire chiefly among fannera they are expected to ar- ri at the guthrie heme near the city on qriboutitayatn this wol be mr mid- dlemores fifteenth annual visit to these shores with jnvcmle emigrants from bir mingham england rxce is7i- already many applications accompani wiihyxid references have been made for the children expected to arrife but more are required further parficulart may be- obtained by addressing mr h gibboes manaerof the gpthrie home london ont aiaicil tmttxilahle 1 with hia usml enterprize mr- c w- elyr of the gueiph music emporium has arranged for a concert bj the mendelssohn quintette club concert company of bos ton to give one of their inimitable concerts in the cityhall gueiph on monday even- ingttthinit the mendelssohn company hthemost extensively and favorably known concert company in the country jdrricg a long and successful career gf nearly two score- years they have given almost ten thousand concerts in this and oihercountries lk order to make their concerns both in structive and entertaining the programme will contain numbers which ire calculated to please the general public ls well as he most fastidions of liitecfers tin the selec tion of a vocalist the greatesf pare has been andm the young and handsome personality of mis anna carpenter the clnb has secured a singer who will create 0 genome sensation and be a decided fei- tnre in their concerts mr kelly has arranged for the convenience of visitors to fee concert from acton to have a special train leave gnelph for acton at the close of the concert and it is hoped that a large otmber of our citizens will embrace the opportunity john b cjsrkes lectures actons citizens have been favored at various times with the privilege of hearing lectures from many prominent public speakers under the acr pices of the differ ent organizations in town but never was a lecture more thoroughly enjoyed or more universally appreciated than was mr john b clarke the bootblack orator in his effort to and fro in london and hits and misses in the methodist church on tuesday and wednesday even ings from firstto last his addresses were inuof interest and the attention of be aodience was riveted upon the speaker without the slightest effort upon their part homor pathos and eloquence wereevinced every moment and moral teaching per- yaded every expression to which he gave ntteraacc he s master of dialecj and his character impersonations were true to the original in all particulars his fiudience whilebeing pleased and edifies were at the aametime imperceptibly receiving educa tion upon the topics and scenes in course of review mr clarke puts his whole sell into hia effort and this is no doubt largely his secret of captivating an audience in iu probability mr curke will again visit iactou and when be comes we feel confident in predicting that very m uch latger a udi- encefwill greet him pemwai paragraphs berpertluj tuuiralo audtriw actun avlth whom vrrcfnts iteaders awmorroffehi arqiatntcd mrwra towokiiiid or uarkdau artoti ion saturday 1 mrs thoraaa simpson ofdcrlin ii visiting acton frieudj mui iliunah staftord o berlin vitiicd hcrom homo this week i editor wsrrcn wifo andlitir ol george- lowu were gycata at cedar fcrcch farm conpio of days this week j mr richard ewodchoqse of toronto uow occupies a position as j bookkeeper in lbc office of the canada giovo wghn i miss m walter of walters porii wcr- bcrsvulapft visited her old homo haro ih week- misa waller has kindly feeling fcr actou still j mr jolm carau d c l of the frm ot badgcrow carspod co toronto a forqicr eittzrns ipoot ft coiple todays tliii wce with acton frierds mr asa hall has returned u acion with his family they have taken up their res idence on the homestead oor eitizecs cor- diauy welcome ihemjioraei mr and mrs hirrj- blake ad mr joseph and miss jcssfc perkins icayc next monday for a trip to england wc wish them a safe and enjoyable cyagc mrprcctor dean who for sevctul icon tin bis been dr mcgarvins asiisuit in the drag store lfft last week io fill a city sit uation the vacancy hasbeeu egaia cillvl by mr john v kaunawin whsc cciil face end obliging- m tuners hie always bee n appreciated by the dr s customer e0ckw00d sews vreta cur ovra ccrr pondcsl jaa oakesvho for many years hie kip hotel at oustfc and was well knpwn milis neighvothood died last vridiy froai ia- fiamation of the- lungs people in rockwood hie jio lioed to be cold this spring for vht- of lects c2i clothing as we have tlted stcs cciy selling tlicse goods at aiid in- tome quci below wholesale cgurtt j dniel strkchan who has jpiicd ic- cessfnljy the examiaalioii thh ytir tt queens college kingston will prccch this suiamcr in metz garniram whore he vrts stationed lisi year i the utiockwood adcance will mike its bow to its palronfl this week eerv thi comes to him who waits bet wc hid almost got tired of wrjtbg for the dcat bat that will make it none tie iois vcl- comc r ai farewell oyster supper ws given to mr john bailey by his ycang trie is htl friday evening john has gone to st paul micaasota to belter his fortcnez aad where a number olltockwai boys includ ing mac and robt farriah tho dunbar geo and will knowlcs and ethers are dole excellently well seedless to aiy be vrill be nsed by the boys bat mucli more so by the girls with whom johnny wis always a particckvr fitoritc x y 2 tub h bc rinraiauunjrvujtlsforllilmoutbjfipru ult bc hcxioii iji thoa ryder 26s liird its inc ramsey 255 tmimritrcth tho tdopheil herb litidcfiou 2aljnoperkiiia3a fiknij itrid liella btcphensoti anson biultlj 210 mamio masai as jlmoij ijl louis orr 370 heudcrsbn ilio erncat ebbage bcrlukydisrs l ko c markg possible 300 thojs t moore tvxcicr j taiokii iieihitwtiit simoi flco mrlonnan 239 moorr 3cc jobn nickiln 1d9 istiuijfrriitf ressio cameroo fred ncu2k frank clark 223 jcnii aliio henderson 830 tharstpl lli magrie ramsiy 210 ko c uiurks possible 300 csssii piuilticlitr tiifcicjlitkkct fctsiir jtraebrcuaao 300 i 1 j-jdwardh- george mann 2s3j itinicklinnelliq 6tanaer2wj francis 210 johaednards 80 jlettie mccicd cs- jrkilj mible cock 283 rollfe ferry manii xoiue cobban 2g3 ko it ljltks pcaablc d codv feachsr 250 itilton 2b0 200 edna mc ada igan sjimci utn -ci-iarufkt- eu acdertot 23 hcme 20 lens- holme 230 i biuclan 2o0 iyir uri maggie clariieltowvw 221 edwin jci iddie moore 215j creech 200 jobn moore ii xo of maiks possible 300 leaaj dor- land tiicser mid die dsffenn laird j 210 fcanci 220 lizzie ir ncjilitr a graduate of the arcl iiicc left town this week jfciiion of foreman on ih ad- rii it toon torotka its ji i pear rszkwol is ciiuiciy nvpart i pipcracdeiptrieucc lseoii to the i wo floated the w atee in re ton zzii iv wii ted csritiui sto iutcd cntorptoirn if- j if yavit ttittiyor ttll afinn ad vcrti2jnihitoronto urwa jcjf that piitr irrcht- 1c0coj fsrracn jhomes every ich in1 yncr advertise sent mould esc the tyc o mrtconc who wacia a pur- ci advrriisjiticrl c this class ire in- fcrtfd in hi tooita hlj hail u r five cents a tuj esvh iirlion or twenty ccjts a word for fiie insertion address th mjil tcrcnlo canada 1 ertn a meeting of those having reutives boded in the old cemetery will be bejd in the presbyterian church on saturday the 12th inst at seveo oclock pjn for the purpose of devising means to inclose it with a aubeuntia fence and to appoint a committee to take charge of the mo messrs jatoos marks and george lowry of naaaagaweya have been to much aonoyed with the promiscuoni yhdis of nabermen from all parts that they have dc- nd toptoaecuie au who pas epto their pretnisea tbe pririhsge of 4hipk ha been entoftoinboijigfeijb ii onwp5lora cotiaideraiiodj tlw memb ir of u club daxtedorsfood auultekinos tjio frimiiloit uc cfunicsad llue in t bmi- baklflcpywjrv if consumers prefer to cay an adaucraled article otfood because ii can be hid st e bwer price they nndoabtedlyuivctke right to do so provided the adulterants are not of a character injurious to health if such articles are not falsely sod as pure and the customer is liot deceived asnilheir real character the transaction is not illegitimate eat the great danger 1 in the traffic in adulterated food arises from the deception that is practised bymanafictcrcro chilly classing each goods as pure this is tlmost inviriahly done whea ih4 adulterant is cc thit is isjunvus to health for metance mannfactuiers of alum acd lime baking pawefers cotonly fail to inform the publi of the real chartcterof their goods tut carefully cdnxal the fact that they are niide from these poisonous articles jlosi ct these manufacturers alsociiim that their articles are pure and wholesome while some fio still further and proclaim boldly that they are cream of tartar good cr even the genuine eoyal baking powder itself ko consumer will buy alum baking pow ders knowingly for it is well understood that they are detrimental to health the sale itfiime and slum baking powders- js pure and wholesome articles is thereto criminal and it h satisfactory to njx that several persons engaged in rah sale have already been brought to justice ia the courts the cficial analysts hive recently been active in the pursuit of thee dishacit erticres the bakingpowders of kveral states have been carefully and critically examined the officials are surprised at the large amount of lime and elum goods found it is a suggestive fact that no baking powder except the jroyil has been found without either lime or alum ard many contain both dr paces baking powder has been found to contain nearly 12 per cent of lime i clevelands 11 per cent bf impurities lha- phosphate powders ocr vi per cent of lime the chief service of lime is lo add weight ii is tmeftat lime when subjected to beat gives off ascertain atnoantot carbonic acid gasbutaquicknmp is left a caustic of moatpowerfuidatare a small quanlity 0f dry lime upon ihe tongue or in the eye produces painful effects how much more serious most these effeit be qntbe delicate membranes ofthestonjach intestines and kidnfivff more particularly of infants and childrcn when the lime ia taken into the system pay after day aiid with almost every meal tbiiis said by physicians to be one of the pauses cl in- dieelion dyspepsia and those painful dis- eases of the kidneys pov w prevalent adnlleration with kin e is qnite cs mack to bo dreaded as with alam which has heretofore received the most emphatic con demnation from food analysts physicians and chfrnists for th reason that while alum may ho partially dissolved by tlw heat of dakingit ia impossible to destroy or ehauge ihe nature of the lime so that the entire amount in the baking powder passea with all its injurious iproperties into the stomach the large profits from the manufacture of lime andalnm baking powders baa placed maoy of them in the market they are to befound in the stock of almost every retail dealer and are urged ppon customers calf- iug for baking powderi upon all occasions because of their weilkoown delrimental cbafacter it u desinlbjo that prompt means be taken to soppresa their manufacture pore biking powders are ohftol tbejebief aids to the cook in preparing perfect and wholesome food wboe those axe to be obtained of wwltabpbhd repaliitipnltltc the boyal of wboie phrftjrthere haa never been a qneetioritt is proper to avoid oil other i 1 i fier obm hi spuibaon bm rejoined the bapurtjnioii uootnjpromise kaving been effected 10eftajmim- it is jwonc thtn madness to neglect a bsukr ccm vbich u easily sabdued if taken ib tine- becomcs when left to itself the friiriic ifr of consumption and prema- trro iccit irixnaticn whenltaltacki dcitits tiueof he icnga and bron chial ttibc travels with perilous tamdity fiita do mzl dtliy ctt a bottle of sickles aniccnnmpiie syrcp the medicine thit griite this fcrmidable foejofthe humij boiy ind drives itfromthesystem thisaedicine prorcotes a free and easy erpecjrajen subdues the courhhals the caeas4d pir and cicrw a most wonder ful icd ucrci in curing cccfiumption and othcrjifeaf ta- of the throat and lutjgs h pirct vcisli to save the livcs oj their cmiirati ai thcraselvcs from j much auiiejr tnsubh auieipecte let them pro cure i ljfjs of bcies anlicousdciptve syrup j sci wlituever a child baa taken cold hi a cough or hoarseness otretlie syrcpjaccordiag to directions aklh absolutely p this rowiler ccjct raries a martdl otpartrj- strecith rn i holrovencts liorfl economical tiaifcr- or 2airv kinds and cannot ikj ioldln ccji3 rtiitho multitude otlotesl short tlaa cr rboqiliau powders ibold only irai ljlsivg pownni 0 100 wall intiu st c jior worcestrlrs unabridged qrto dictionary uith i- without dealsons patead index epetios4 of i 888 enlarged 31y ibe nddition of a kew pronoi nchyt biographical oiptic nary c qwry hsi pcnonagce and a new pro- couaciug gazettpspof the world zclicc aiilicatlng otct uo0 lacca contalalns dq over 12500 new words rjccsujaddad together wi h a table of 5000 words gener al use with their synai ymes iixcetnjtry wirn wood errs ixp rclirfaoe pitss tilt kauoniil smdnnl of araericanjluentiare cten- edition oi longfellow houi be bryant iric yliticn end otbor emiaec awerjcmn nuuiors follows worcester u ifru tfsanta the usacdofal preat english writot it la the alhontr oi uie leading magadnei and newt- rpr4 enta coamrj- and of the j aoonal de- larticeuu at washington j pic tuuz bv ill 8q0kbklu j jb up rtxcott c03ipavy pi willwrl tt5 and fltoiaikei- street phlu lalrf- dlshers jrfila the latest scale wflfiks in canada over 100 styles of hay scales grain scales i fftrm scales tea iscales impboveo show cases cipers i 1 ahb butcheb h1 b i roii y tiff boots shoes e stoberkehkev brosr aihstij actohi h vo no on hnud a fine slock olnow spring slip aensj rubbers c oftlrebest manutaoturd j the ordered work tut usui recti ilea personal attention repairing promptly exeonted- v a good line t heliable trunks and tablse always on baud we give the best value obtai able for citn give us your cash and well atisfy you a to pricea keneybros formal opering 1 1 scow booms the- gpldien lio1sti0 i of guelp lias taken plae and praises of ourmiiikebv and dress materials ire heard on even hand the most com plete stotkin both branches ever seen in the lion is now on exhibition misa todd wbos vdl cfcmed reputation draws tnde rom 6qfl end of the dominion ta lha ctber is coir r died sttili ordtrbund wo would urge upon ladies who ire decirotx of liyiih work done arly tapiacc their orders as scon m powible 1 our range of silks- satin merveilleux duchess argon- ants and all ot ler silk material as well as dress goods- of woollen texti re in the newstripes puids andplain goods ia most complejte ve show beautiful range- of the new drap de bargent in all shades a 15cj a beautif d range oftrimmingsin jetted goods lace founcingsb aid moire satins j d williamson c co 1 1 f 1 r r 1 r v 1 ladies gcj i come direct to upper wyndham street gueiph j fortfoutf i dry goods t everything eutiralycr choice and clieap finest jrints in theaty elegant patterns j gentlemen suitir htfuiliuber j aai showing the tiicst ranges of imponod gs worsteds and pariftiigtn the city our st jim sro correct our prices no tfle choapcstj oor rl and workmanship sxe uasurpad i tho idaso 99 upper wyudham bttwut r nelson i 1- thes 3 kke hard times i i 4btfe 1 t 13 hmfeinsro- m allji street iacton is iully prepared 1 1 snpp tho weds of all who require pure and frosb grooerie fiprepjiingpdps millinery m atsou and lor ph ire vhat u and la the k afr u otir ncce- in the spring the l juesilaney umj fliou8ba ol a new sptttg coatioiiifii wiflr this act la ytei vefbhro 8fecrcd fchf eethwtrieaoifarldljl4de sign and in a lthestaadaroolol and n nreaianadetr oftmri laajncoatonwrs j ij tvijj dit do uotfaii t i brea gooda ou huj ugfilomna ucan saro in60er by imnishol ii ihouef wetshqw a tive stpc kof cuttarls in i almost 1 v ard make 1 aak to see oor c rtiiai at ipet ak pet oenl m ohl wot iilr- ruos- every adcie 1 j j trorthfl laistsj i ouolb orejionneb cirpefa mj x good ncsi v 0 rerj tin r it l mili we open and puedta jtocl tcday ujotho of the latest that b lh this deplrt uani n lead and we ai deltrmined to i leretlf ourleadlirafclcnableooddsatjdloy u rw ate not alt ad one 01 our 1a andxoari w uutlsnoct i klbbons i large andiittnf- rhery clve us a trial and xot are ann uulian h iim 11 aik tov if olo i hosiery i kwreeti i bturtjot labt 1 conalri2idv parasolso every dechpti in ll jww n sibt qha ci iue- wtoi oof arotur bkkrinpiiom i boenuolait prt iu i zoihjasin kew pa msand jitil trs ifyour 4ulre auythhl- qottom bhetl ji tlpwn8 poltowle tioilioa tal r ziaiojit in iootbuy wlthpnl cotnparinj -i- other attlb shstents the 1 nwt qehtsrurn shirts ti 3s collar biptsd4tt fis i if m k r ftirits ic u 1 everjthlng plee in lqj lino tot uw times cheap a special si ock at from ss milliiiery so o al iscjcery and dishes are shovvrt in sou isotoo tea 8es 5 worth so class 8ets 50tl wtjrth 6bc lamps si60 worth 2ikk vegeta iled sbes fruk dishes cake stands ftc otbaf cjoocii proportionately cheap v ubtotierkntwiw ns piioe jtre low ud ahy aatiataoory and lowonea ill be jcoiwuifea y eiliog cooo tuijni teem flood ohoap t h haideng p ixell imglay m han jterbwsfi gpq garpetsj curtajnsj tc iv 4r- mckay rothers brmooo4el 1 i i sobbj ht to selt id scra i nbba iboop saqes fiuaunwin groceries- veby cbeaf anotier u ehi taotittia i ponbdjlor u4 tea just to i wi bjjnwmher li is i nod- nealstpnjiiilabdw u j twdwljllnlytakbiek it riusl4r if j- i cinsnlt yot r be4tltreits andftite f u t m ii

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