Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1888, p. 2

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mm mrnwrn j dm ai jult w dctoasal s fiws ifek in n tin wrootmi itantetoi fdijl dr ctflcklt ktllirttit otlhcteurt t uter ikw t iwanc aufm ra tun blnfiwil jbysryluibillllmrjjli darta htauln stet 0c 10 mel j vuutbualt mjuten zsd napril8lmal hfarv lluagle awl yraw iltvcttli ci tlicfthmvmaile mnvd mil ts v ou anil c uwnlus hcp utter i uj rr granting mytxhvfitjn vmcthallcr fffm ifr n lwi y ijn ji p i m jc jj uh mf rnropuoahia xemodlava qwatloii- ftc uw of iubtmfcuiitusrc- vilrnlimaum8r esx mi profwt inthe ajbillforoulo tb ouc of sortt t barber to whtth a bessiumamsog l owb bu btfcw ottawa may etbe clow of tho tcsionj the last eight day wore mr jujtlco uid uic depurturc of uio aorcmoi ocqwm fcrffoma mt orgoodd iu11 w decided arc eyuonjnioui atlcist tint ii ijbsy yesterday afternoon la favor ot the imu- iindcretandmg between both ifdw ot ihof tot two sonsy tfrederiok and walter jlhi houm audit uolhiog iulrvenw proror executors ounod in the will the oasfl strjohtjdbnahl ii credited tfiih lha staltmcnt ihi pcorettici or the houwcit ipipertutt- iiqettici is rupidty com- foj jo the frc itruj ndten cay for any rcal length iiuic unifier its cuward movement 1 he attention the subject is yvingtram xuchcrtliuitlaitc makes- it plain that c ecaivc action cannot be lonjj delavod toralo ytiv tc iaea4 rat j to lu ikvr of hbel in- tromitwl la th house ol commons bxg tu uie fifjht cir ion aud j nic distaoce lo phcu publishers on a sir foi- ingjlther gr jt ia aa apjarealy a5ecite- shsm the prie nji noritts astci ut f by thecauidiia nis association z 5ci r i vtik za 1 e h- to r- mll m r jwc arect jnutafccotrabloas timta i store jo tbe pjiticttcs who trim on i issues la ccestioa ct pejlclidtioa u tly loouii a qp ma m this isjao oeat- is irapo isihe auj dcuhle faccddcss drtejt 1 ii is ftnaaipicioar fact is bcqoality i ocr coming stttctniensiiip ht exccc aiqr the gotcmcrgacrtl unliivly li csiovnic anived ic toronto jlonday i loraicp ih the af lerpoon tbestct idcre1 pubic recspt in th ttlioa c usictiill it triiich addresses wen presents tobis iiickncy by the city cojl ii tad b maralert nd other gocieues tl o lit o e ajfcr closing tarxs aai -il- iige embraes gccrscloin clialoa pmiioyjtbja chesjey bnisds diarille ilul iro6k a ihburafcuy witrtoo aad sbemnie laje cili probahy fco tlaily addiiotts to com ootat the iacmi o vfli icid tie ccnliact iriy cioai a btovecieilt t4t there ucci for vjt erartxrfcere the better in the fact vheit a net wonien tnada ahifilbeibtai 1 were saved i cnot bi ioo numy appli- etviejria cse cf rcs is xcoaid- and the nore 1 cprml c thla ii rcsniffiied irit tficailty in nsir xbrk ii made aa ci lor people to jttmtinto fra the upper wirdoxrs dr the vesifire iroca a conadef- h- ll pr btoreii doomed in ifti riilroid casieissioers of thjrtjstaichii in orcered the rcilway ccni- ptnifiitonfetralqce a belter eystem o hoi- ibrte ho oooincnceefit el nen cipher 4 ikt decidtdfa favocrot fcny pyerabct rccammeeded stcim hjitb eooncniicskl and prxctie- the ftiiue lozi of liwuich ins bc3sdh dnrehit riiicayaceideats be affsct c ore by ovcrtcniai es fd y jasiifes the decision oilhe and ti 9- cseci o ufeir exiirplc wili tt ettfjjd- to ether pirtz oi the coon- i ditiioa bet c rvlv early- 1 jcsiij byiaar rcnturieg the jcfalj etait dry gdis slorc penis dps ffliliiiicry doihiag bouse boot it shoe asd fntnitcre sboi frobx t e bar of sc-vea- crclocif p jn of ehch lawf u dcy v the bocr cf 7e oclock auat f ibe ceit liwlol day cioept npo satnrifc rs sd the days inuncdiately preqsedias f uc jioliisya defined by u the iatexp aalioa act cf oatirio on which days s ch sfcopa ety remain open upti aad fihs i close at cferez oclock p-ffl- adshall rear lie clcsci abii vo oclock a of the d st liirfsl day wa3 pissed on rfoaday eiin eg bfr toronto city coancjl j philt not exldinf jj triil be imposed r infraction at thefcyhr j thcmelhcc ifl audpresbrteritc chcrcbes axe airing pr xxicil su for a temteriaj en thtna cl iboe tectiens of pom try wbic j tre to fptrseiy eeued ih loot to be tw tofioitilncliircieaof both idem nueiticc u a bciiiir rrcnsneat to real curlsihu ey cccid no be- iei cp than aethod chsrch ctj hskbytcrian jsinciioh or j preibytcriic lisrcayriih metfodist sanplioa unks sne kind of a nfiitfi church c alc ionderifhicbar prfc vt p jxa hlnk the khataey 5cr thzsx dii e5 f crsec a resiona i iiiccty weald 2 in c meihodift chdrch nlaorily vrodd not fed trebyicrlan church t rccizriax guvunl ami biir ma 5 the prinfeipil cascaf ho a ttizes ioh ay frts that of wmj-jlass- ord or mansjj aglitor theeasc arosront ifrecent i uliy jicciicnc at severn lanjfjterekihfi flue dsccdaci wx the eondictor of he lilialed flcotpbugh ewj the prosi ccttoa the crora failed to tihluh a cafe and h lordihip directed the jnjjr to ret era aver diet of not -oiltr- in add tssiogiht jcry hii lcrd- atopiuled tba the action qf the company inharin2ttitiibatjva6ho and severn lirida twon ties apart with onlfone atoticraigni raa adisraccfnl ttate of iffaina and one bich oasjii net to exist the defendant wftiw acqiueil of a charieof vilfu dcllma ih conoixuon with theeairi accident ttecasa of qoogc foster vaarfiriiilar to the previoae one tibia defendiijgfjnavins been thecdginc druef he ira acuiued iiftt ithf lateutaf rthoneinirt0vraentn f osn ed fcy w f1 cochriioe 61 dnndjis and k ftth hamflwd nave jbcen capft jizrf in krciuzaba ilich for 5- fifjso ct ltf of incb rosgoefl td mi cothranc end fdier at fle meet iijg 6 the bomj anj1 hild ai eitaba latt wm eir cchrclc aiijl fluerwere hqdi reeled to lio bccd of 3 icectofs and oeotjy mi fnljerwasolected profi yaoiit and mr loclirane vico resident of ttie c tnpauy he hrw utickhomer sod- j hmcqnafd a rinkiodars of ofiefismjaba cl msalfsolieuteiiautgover jr othettteji jdichigk mm ovadj i-p- tx- x sley i lift giasowexhib titywlopiedjayfjy tb4 ffiricv arid fnti wirf flfaie tle westhcrms lovely g msiim ex iibdin charge ofaptsin wr the trttf 0ajznj inclodea ii j umlieran jhita ijciurar1iistory gi and rjht towels ti exljipi- toleinoaiwmaytrfaietcr uou will uka place on ilia mud why the boaincm ot tbo ooautry aliould dq ruibod to suit lord laosdooei departarc few will bo able to discover thobgh any courtesy within rcaun to tbo floparurn viceroy will bo unjjrodgiugly eitended by all the kkwonoilisd qrsstlos a dcipitch jatt rtcoivtd by bir charlea topper itatea that the legislature of new foundland has pused onanftnonsi the bill ratifyiog the fishery treaty amonn the i billi aascqtedto oo friday by the dopoty ootttiior at ottawa u the fiahery treaty bo that so far as british america ill con cerned the treaty is now the law ox the laiid t bough it has little chance ot pasiioft uie amcrirau senate oils bcssiou advices received by the 1 povornment from ncwfoandland stato tliaf no time has been fltcd for the departure of the dglefia- tiou for ottawa to discos terms of onlou the feellag aiinsl uuiou is said to be growing and from the altitude of the rovernmenl of that colony its oousumma- tiap is yet in the distant fatore a local paper iu kctvtctindlaud has counted votes and foond is of the assembly for and 21 against iucladjng sir ic tborbura fro- inier r acttlfraccs cxbt 1 ths imprisoucceut in frederickton kjb et john thawae editor of the slonctoh traxscripi for contempt otooartia to be brought to the attention ot the minister ot justice by thejpress gajjery and also in the itogsc aah bids fair to become a celebrated ise in he history of he cana dian press t will rtco the facta u they oc- coirod the election ot mr wood of westmoreland to the house ot comniona tu protested andthc hearing of the peti tion wisfixed by jodge fraser oi the scpreme court at a date put jthe six months limit and conhselfor the petitioner qtged that this would throw the petition oot of conrl jodse fraser said no it wonld not bat when mr woods counsel before the f olleoartprosaed the six months limit the court threw oat the petition the reformers trwc not unnaturally incensed and ilr eawbr cponea fire on jodge rur in bis paper holding him up as a tooh bah became in chambers he had al- bwtdthe pctitiba and in tho full court consented to its dismissal he also charged that jodge fraser w intoxicated on the bench at havkea trial the sopreme coon refused to go into the question of intoxieauoa bat held thai as pooh bah is one wiio gives derisions lor bribes it tras poapphed to judge fraser thai ilawkes design was to bring the court into contempt and they sentenced him to three- sooths in priso and to pay 200 line a meeting of ottawa journalists took the giounithat i4 is not contempt to criticize a court or jadge after tie court has ad joarned and that if hawke made libelloas statements jade fraser thooid have in- diciai him for libel and he would then have hid a trial by jury and if guilty been properly punished we expressed no opinion on the merits of the caae bat on the method of conviction the accusers and the fudges being one and the same persons the sense of the meeting was j against the iic that an editor in canada could be thrown into prison for expression of opinion on pshlic matters on the mere motion of a jadge and without a trial by his peers tee utr or ltrci- the itiaister of justice has already paid attest ion to the rcpresentniions of the canadian press association and his bill to amend the law of libel stands for the sec- ocd reading it provides that a pahlither cannot be taken oat of his own province and tried and punished for liboi in an other curccet kecossterctlos it is of coarse unquestioned that- the cabinet most be recoostrrrted before next sesrioa bat the qaeslioa it ihos going to get there the men in the house wbosc names axe mentioned as possible cabinet candidates are brown whyle kirfcpatrick patterson of essex and outside lieat- goernoricwanexof the korthwest who aight be makoitinister of the interior l lotlc 6cxse- afx darin arced in the house that the rebellion medal should be given to the afognted pohce this led on to mr mc- kefll reminding mr edgar thai he had oppowthe striking erf these medals mr edgarsaid he was still opposed to them and mr mcneill twitted him with suggest ing that her majesty would award medals for an unworthy action this created an iiproar and mr lister sprang to his feet and said mr kcxeiil considered no one loyal hat iiimself and his conduct was to odious he should be expelled from the house this increased the uproar and finally mr- mckcill got a chance to aay if mr edgar came up to bruce with such eeidimecfs in his mouth sboufr the medals he would get ducked in a horse pond mr lister denied the right of mr mcneil to- lecture them onlojalfy and then the hon gentlemen cooled off and the committee of supply continued to vote supplies to her majesty r oct or tuz ilarrr mr kale of carleion n b was elected by the reformers of that riding but adiange hugradually come oyer him the hook and finally the other night be voted with the government on a motion of want of confidence the opposition will in futare treat him as an opponent- cmui iiorioiunot boxh in committee aud in the house the question of juvenile immigration has led to the stafemcnl by both conservative and ikform doctors that as a general rule the children brought out by miss rye and mis macphersoa taken as they are said to be from the slams of the great cities arc tainted with syphillis which only developed after they grow np a little dr ferguson openly charged miss macphersoa with de ceiving the people of canada aud with stating in glasgow that she only took over esch children as scotland hod no use for we may expect a reply se6siosu arrvtgh j the combines committxecoodadedtber labors today l i the qaestiou of railway anbtidies will be tuuoducedby tbegorcrpmeo this week- til e new loon alladcd to in be budget proved to bo a 4 per cent loan of 125000 ooo j tbe amendiugof die fr4hclfise bill so- peods the optratiod of ike actfor aootber rtssi tbeboctet shopfbill ha been read the miiiii mmfw wu atry curloat qd aad full ot inleroit tbo will wa drawn by otorg gtbba a qcortptowu hotejkeeper asid tbo last daaap ot it u it itood originally wu uioraaidog of my osute to be equally divldtd- tbe two abovenamed executors the word between was written above tjhft space between divided and the and oh the margin were xbe initials u giuppoed to be then as autheoticaung the interlineation ot the wont betweep someef the other children ot the teautor brought tots action to have it deolarad that the wiu shonld not be admitted to probnte in this lb ape with the word between uvere and henoe arose the cod teat gcoreo gibbs although he drew tbo will and wai pment at ita ex ooqtion wu not a obaoribng w i to ess and o von if tbo initials had been uodispatably his uio qtertlnoatfon would not have been properly authenticated as neither the tes tator nor the subscribing witness initial led it and it wu not noticed in the testi- monioni clausti in additkin to tlio sus picion thus thrown upon the alteration gibbs himself ratified that ho bad not written the word between though it looked like hit baudwriting and that the initials gg were not written by him curiously enough the word in question was spelled betweniwhich wu shown to bo a peculiarity observed in gibbs ordinary spelling und there wu uo caret below he omission ofwbtch wu also shown to be an eocentricity of his style the learned judge io pronouncing judgment specially discredited gibbs as a witness laying that fom his demeanor in giving evidence his contradictions and so fourth he wu hot to be believed and his lordship wu aue to come to this conclusion on tho evidence of gibbs alone without considering the evidence contra he however believed the evidence of mcxinuoh one- of the sub scribing witnesses who related a conversa- tion which took place just before the wur was executed from which it appeared that the word between had been supplied after the will had been read over by thei testator his lordship without throwing any discredit on the expert evidence as to the handwriting of the word and initials in question came to his conclusion without its aid ha also said that althoagh it might beupposod by many persons that the testator should have divided his pro perty more equally among the members of his family there was yet evidence to show thathis intention had been to benefit his sons frederick and waller he compli mented the members of the family on the way in which ihey had given their evi dence and he regarded it as entirelytrust- worthy his judgment accordingly was that the word between wu in the will at tho time of the execution and he pro- noodocavlhat the will with that word iu it was the will of joseph barber and should be admitted to probate a discussion then arose on the question of cost the plain tiffs contending that all the costs should be paid cut of the estate and the executors that the plaintiifs should pay the costs the result of costs being paid oat of the estate would be in fact that the executors would havo to pay therh as the residuary estate is left to them on this question judgment wu reserved out ij5few v to i i fi9o0m tato 044 to a to o vo0u o id to i o w too 0 m to u 7 0iniolo 3 00 to 4 co to ft 0 ii to o i 0 itu 0 u 0 lit to 0 c u i to o i 1 3j to 1 3l 1 no to 1 m glij to 7 14 0 70 to 1 i b m tu 1 a o a to o a to iuiwaxtixo iinviiivi want live energetic agins in everj j county in uioxuitcd bttrx and ciiitja to ell a patent article of great fnirii u itt merits an article haying a jargeetlepay ing over 100 per cent jiror haviny io competition and on which thu ftgcik upro- tectd la tbo exclusive eaio y a doj pca for oach and flvery county lidnuy tccirc fronjas wijjrsll these advuitaci to our sgcnu and the fact hat it au article that can be sajd to every hse owvr il migotnot to tiij36i ixr traordinaryjoitci- to secure jjool acru tl onca but wp jiavo cojjclujtd uk it to show not ouly oiiccaufiltueoii le merits of our inventiou bat iu its cj1 jiy by any fcgeut that will hauolc itiwiu cucrgyl ourngents nowo work atxi iuauz frora 8150 to 3c0a month eleir jtud this fact aiaktslit safe for uf to inc pr eifcr to ai who a jo out of cujpleymc any tgeut that will givcoiir biiuc3a tlitty cays trlal4nd fail to clear tt ictifj i thiti uma above idl cxpea rii uurn all goods ansold o uafeu wc will rdj the moiiy paid for them kostth crpiovcr of agents ever jntd to mike rcch- crs oor jroald wciif wedid coi kjav ut wt have agenta ub nakiiig rrri tan dut thisi amount oar l rcivc- cir- colars explahi our ocr uiycld thess vt wisli to lend to everyone oat clcxij rnenj who will fiend ra tlirlc cro cent stamps for poatsjic send tl czzc and sec are the agency in tine ftr tle loca and co to wotk on the terms jiid in our extraordinary oiler address at once kiriooiti-acvziri- ca 511 bmitbficfd st httburg fa boots shoes ordered orl age we give the beat valbe ob qhlf i i mm actflw v boot i shoe store kehney bros nvc tow on liaiid a dro tlocli of now iprinj ppeifs rubbers oof the beit manufapfore si si f akother dylvo empeeob mniv may 8 the emperor of brazil is suffering from pleurisy the physicians attending him say that his condition is serious ouu xew floveexouckxeiul luxkjj may 8 lord stanley of prcs- tonwas today gaxettod as governorgea era of canada- the minister pf justice is credited with a desire to replace the late mr justice hemy on tbe supreme court bench and the premier with a desiro to keep him where he is if he should retire mr ab bott of ike senate will replace him the treat i toned through the cascade mountains on he kortherh pacific was completed on friday it is 9ww feet long through solid iock and cost 2000000 the sutz canal is bo crowded with bus- ines thkt small bgbthooses are to be erec ted along it so as to enable it to be used during the night which will increase its capacity fifty per cent v they please both the dominion government and ontario government are both adopting the improv ed wihion scales made by c wilson son toronto the quality of the scales must have some superior advantage when both governments agree that wilson scales are the best mccansland son of toronto are be- yoadqucstion tbe easy leaders fn the orna mental stained glass trader in canada their vast business extends from nova scotia to british colombia aad thousands of public and private buildings bear testi many of this firms ability to execute bean- tifal and durable windows of every descrip tion ifyoa want to buy or sell j farm ad ycrtise in the toronto weekly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and y oo r advertisemcht should meet tho eye of someonawho wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto wtclly mail tor five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a wordfor five insertions address tbe mail toronto canada second ttwe without opiaitioii in hw commons r a till liesbean introduced j jtlw mia aster of jcarice to prtnuit he jsbo sfid pitting ot cpnntrrfatotoijtr rj v 3pqnn trtrtik wtfaiptij trier the souljiwsugn llilw llu the beosasdwij cfcisbiltlie rxf it is worse than madness to neglects couehor cold which is easily subdued ft taken in time beoofees- when left to itself the forerahner of ooniumptibu and prema ture death iitfummatimj whenitawaoki he delicate tissue of iha lungs and bron chial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do cot dejay pat a bpttja of bjckles anti byrqp the imedieine that graspa this jformldable fsoof the bunau body andjvesitfrbmth system this meoieino jirootsi aieb and easy cxpectorauoh suhqoes the ajurb heals the diseased parts and exerta post wtnder- ful fuflaence in ciriog eciwiirjptovnd other dieesof tbe throat sjd j jgjp if parenu wislr tojaase thsiits of uielr oliildren and tiraselve 7roinpluch anxiety trouble aiid ejtpense wtbejmpp care a bouls of blosles afltiieiowppiirs 6rup i4 whwjsver cliw has aasn hmepthjjbt bosjsenesgire 4bs 8yiaccotdlnj sy df rectloji ofiuualfoocivesfersonai attention itepairfn proc rptly exeontod afiojilreof ittjiawatbunks and val6lb always otjliand r stnable for cash givo ui your cash and well aiiafy you as to prices j kbifeit bros ladies i ccojo dirca to 90 ujiper wyndham street guelph- tdky gogds icrtturilirtri sc tliufccud uaj fiucst 1iutfi ill tno city elcgacl iaticm j gentlemen h fasjnaiijif liiefincatnuesof iiuiortod tiite worsteds and pantingrun the our stales are correct our rricci arc the cheapest j our fit and worviuausliip ate ukssriseeaed juriifl ilaco cpirr wjiijijoic fiufect j ke kelson tie formal opening sfeow r003vcs qf the 4golden jlioi absolutely pw j this powder ifvcrvariei a niiiytcoiyzrlty itrencvilaiibialffotiiif w icoaui tbaatberdicsrj- kld tirl cactc i iua in oompctitioa witlitbcixiuln of jvv u5c- weigbtahitn ctlpcjr 4 0 ineasniteotal lxeino ioinittci 1 vjj1 sumy j 1 h p gpokohtov stone attziilor dzcoba 70s i leibd clakes wrf3vkvirtiliivii ordn m irc dreasd to ih- k l h g stoke uinarldced qrto i dictionary ha taken mater place and praises of pur millinery jind dress alsare heard on every hat d the most com stockin both braricheseve seen in thejlion is now on exhibit jn j i jliis to whose nc11 ciraej rcjlalion drnws tridc rem ouc cailio tlio dominion io tlio otcr is ow rushed wifn orders anil wc wcilu irfo upon ladies iwlio ara derjous of i rori dorc barly to nlsce their crdcra aasoon as possible anij and a wiiollen 1 in ill i shad flo editio op 1 838 j bnlaeged by the addition of a yitr lycacaici- biographical dictionary of nearly 130x1 iktic- uil t iiv-l- gazetteer of tntrwond uotiag and locaiit- cur susj i- i coelaiiili over 12500 nov vtcvds i recently addfd t i jcrwih a table of 8000 worcib gebec- al ttae witb their sjuopymea itlastiutclj lu vocu cjys xia i jxi jjji i niiei the ffquoml uliiidviiii rmrtrica4ilrinre eratf odftioa of frityciicv iiouv jlrvat irving whiltier mi i cher uuiiul aitrj aottiors follows wcrcvfcr it i-4- ih nsacoaf sji treat erjsj vtiri i j tit authority of tic jtatlir lt -z- al na papora pf tlie coujiir bjij cf ic miblui do- ikutmctitb at wesiuiiy roeailkitair3jlrli rfillippixcottcujiravr rubifem turand 717 market htrect iliilt jtljciia- the urcfst scale work ir ganada grain sca over io t yles 0 k hy scus lee ihm jioales scales juni bt rcates sap vtrwt write toi itnu in80m sou p1jinde street caft tigtt j steam laupw mhalliiiali i our nnge of silks satin merveilleux duciessargon- other siik material as well as dress goods op exture in the new stripes plaids and iflafhgoods is most complete wesljow a beautilul range of the s at 15c i new drap dc largcnt abeajutiful range of trimmings bffiid and motre satins iliamsqn- thei5eare halld tijmjs t street acton is felly iropara a special at from sets 50 vegeti ble evcrv qew onea ill jetied goyds lace 1 btjt l to supply the uocda of all who rag fcc and everything oiso in tliatliht tiro poro and for the times 3 2 4tock of crockery land dtfehes 5i to s200o tea set orth 65c lamps dishes fruit dishes vll other goods propartiooatiy vf mionificent j millinery- mar otbribofly wolia witli jaic7rrchoaou coivotissihstoxna kc 550 a07sowjmliniyytox 5 cuuciucr 1 nows that my prices are low bq con vf need by calling cooio early les dress g4odsr carpets gurta ins etc at- i mckay brothers go aq rs rdb grolcrie cbc p t are she wn in sets 5 worth 1 161 claas- 1 50 worti cake stands c cheap i ancl amaya es and eccorogoodchi tier hmtdlsgr mcky s200 isfivctory and cap ml il ljjijkilotfcaiiilrajattll ittfc ffiilrtmbshlmaio- hvitmnri bnoi jctrptbijiiioaio lis woooirps6ti euj ssa7ia iaj sp4 lnajftcu cw ifetiia halrclct i a 1h5e nm huilijwi80i3fej etift f hj j nbflfdeil iwli iinery him r f niw spring i iitijtr trulhfulcja ltd u iiie ki54oat 4 p ii tlio ojivhift tho ulitejfair uiciqjtaftji a mw syriagpa lim ik in vic rtcharej gt- a ukiei of flbr f tirfiaadidiithett aad oowot d vaojn ku say that oar diiss 1 vrncv tve bat topostti of onr manytrt laqiic ho ad fan u u3 octo dtizs gccds jon a d u9jn injinfiii tw ial t housefur ipt sishi wo sho a lar e ajicti tjve 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