Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1888, p. 4

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m bg asbjffpl pv i 1 m v if iwlait ira jjwsh ibbdatsekr 10 vosa rats aoo w v svwittuitfiniav j bfcuirauitttwl w frolic i tomitopfl0 nr- iic1iftjttiiciaijuw r han ouijftv j iitidiiiwrfiljilitj com a l ijm tljuc tra two eye had kith i ill j rlilfccktsaftloc lonjj umcigv i tear irt hauituc lfitt r ivn iti uiivtv ind tt cauu the iittic luviwc i bong iow long tiiacag tvhinliccetnjitl ylirlr uilcsiecrictt our lvt jr f lukpounxvjsav araonn the yankees there is occasiouuy man wbfc socms to dud it almost impossi ble iflinttrccy qacsticu with i plain yes or ptcjie has a way pi bis own otci- pressing the aainnauv or negative which nee finds quite is njtcclive si a hal yes a no one diy z a icsng np- wwritry farmer who had tbisi peculiarity o onaking ihsiroct answers appeared before 4 miaiitcr tobe married to seraphim ii comely and welttodo young vominhooibc had long wooed tad n- uy jfobi the minister bzi hz ecia3sy daoo jlphrii tiki ilis trcmaa 6criphina to beyoiir uxfiilkilc epnuai crinncd waiiie hj i cs i jo biii epli- rum juiitrct cj vk tiid the nuclttctt qoietl and thea he repcaitd do joti ephrtia tike this- irataia- seraphita tplk year litld wife t wili cpat ejv lint piracc tba wjll not do siil the nririster firmly viswer at clicoriil wjut jtciclalxed eplrsizi iiignint ly hfiwcnt like cy crd fcrt eh j hera the jtuej wqeie becih ta cry nd etjuaiei wii esiuy udci to siy tes iaiusttcrlt tiecmsu5 sose o his frietds think h was the ccly time he hd ever sail it rifct ozt yslvt coixpanii 1 s astw xjlv ihc warner family drkipatod fn ejifiiana jihn warner biahoitdf uoshulv 16 the mramteoitk century bj0rone o tlio nost prominent tneni- ber gol beth warner of itovvlu tioniy tame in ibis cotinjrv and capt- sclh lvartier v valiant mu ia the rar of 1m2 and eight dijtinaishtoi nbyaoians mark the 11 u waracc line in america ii h watficr was born la van uurvn oaonkaff co x v jan lnh 112 after an edecation at ir wrights acad emy at elbnig and ociuinug the tin amilhi trade at memphis n y be vcnl west forlvtt years in 1s70 he rvlanicd to rocbcstcr as general agent of the moier satca olcinciniiati 0 and for ten yewfl waslheprktsaoecsstiil tafc dcikr in the wumjy7aadaifeska forluqc ia179 jic was proatratcdby a fcxcrc discttfe the lst physicians give him no hope of recovery it wa at tliis tiae thxt he hksf what is now kxowa ils wancrv safe cure und waa fully rtstcred to hcilth lhehv realiuuf that the world cycled each a gpeciiic for kidney difcoaic he luiue a row whe sick that if it airii hmi he would spend his days proclaiming ilsucrils to the world oa his reeorcry hc4j at once toniaastactcrc asiloday there arc avea labonriorica aci bracu hks ia scven difcrcnt quarters c the plobc in 1ss3 the warner astronamicdl qbrv- tor- erected tad endowed by hr wamer was completed it au eliritcd xsc ol k0000 itisitc3on east avenue and is the finest frivatc attroadailcal obser- vaiorj in the world the telescope east f 13000 sines 1st ulroaociical prises lo the extent cfk000 ha vebcea awarded jinglijokelets shrttueriwltbibfjtiftj nauotitil 1illi pre sogarcoaled mild but thorough oud arc lliobt jiobiaeh ud liixrlill in use ufieirpf iw j- ileat kjttl6 batli8rifcyi3njftloii itch and ah- iliscatcd conditiou of tho skin f ilflcifchtsbipao hoitow cliecba and prcciricui appetite indicato worms freciimns avorm rowdefli wfllijdiomy and effectually reirovc them i sutcwm uimit brs i was troubled for five year with ijticr tomplftini 1 uid a great flea i dcctorn medicine which sid me tio good i wai pltinj worse all the wliile until i tried uurdxk uiooi iiilters after taking our bottci i am now cll i can also rcccitioknd ilfor dynvjiia miss ii attic eswck st williiuti 1 0 ont whiciiiik caplrgsultcwrifrora aslhcu receive quick and pcnuiccnl relief by usiij saaihcrr asihx gore sold by all drug- cuie cr by mail oc rcctip of price fepiiiig 1388 priming ajid liu t cocdy vouliiki irc iats faint s cue j i tiry doariptioji iaig knives id tiiftwioijoiiu cuiiitliitri aji iii a countyguperistendent hi lowi yisadies fobrthe folhiwinf h- the teachr of aschool who kiidevoiod- ly poshing irtlage lessons gave est a hst of words to be defied and to show thai each pupn cnierriood their cse the papils were reqtarwj to write the wards in sentences aisssgthe ward were pcei andtirvi one bpr whom no pent cp i cupi conli restiiq wroic- pent cr ill tfarobyoti- the tisacher curked the ex ercise cero the boy kickad and told her to prrtirtfi her iihxieajy she opced- iat nplnfarcv to nark that in lllizwi y mr watuer for sciutin discovery in issi he was elected k pcsiuz of the ameri can association far the afnccniat cf scienx in ls0 u ii warner it co pt jv4mcr safe veast cpon the mirket aiid jc 17 warners lo cabin kcmeiies ds- iaei to peach diseases fr which warners safe iteaciics are cat stieciscs- the safe ntmrlies bstuiiirf o st licl st with iu for aui a qcarttr tcri lof doarin is cce of the basics t and mcx iinpisln etractares of the kind is the wcrii in is7 h jl warner wis umi- mcasly elected rrcsilent of the ilochttr cnambcr of conic erce a contplhneat tuat the city ard all who knew him ccnfciiei was me than well deserved his in- aagaral aiirois to that chamber was tqz- able for its radical views and thoroch- foing sensible recommea dalions ee is about six feet high has iron grty hair efleadid phyeqe is a man cf pxat caerjy and is one of the dkt thcronh- ciinr and phliesplrited cithxns at hoch- cster uiu waitiisantuti mr itohn l cirler ol ccrbelloc oat wnice as fcoe hjltus yellow oil hs ei03d the ietl cf ten when all ethers failed our hotiio u never without il ani i will alwvi nl a wdecme spcl on the shelf janice ii gilcpr of t gtlmcnr t co whoiceiic groctw liroctville ujfe i have died tarjrac eiixir for a severe cold and conb which id in meuutcly relieved and cced dc en lourcaartl dout alw u cu in the hcii to lowly and cnrcly run into ctrrh when yna- can to cure for jv by ms hr chcccs catarrh cure a few arjdicatiotrs cmcin- sipeut citkrrh i to 2 ujicscarut ordinary catirrft 1 to hoics is jarantecd to enre chronic catarrh try it only z and enrecare jicob ii itidrner ef virfime ky write dr thcnas izjectrio 01 cured a lidjy rcld thci tni throit en ny fa ie fcrlyciht hoar one- appicition alo temovel the puti fron a very sore ioc my lifes foot w lua much icflttcci 3 mcch 3 that ile cocli nit walk aht the hon she spjkd the oil cud m irrc-ly- fonr hasrs was cntirdv ccrtd7 and form beat- how oi at eh langggc lei oiooi jtvraal t ikestejpudikletoffee t j ajoii tifmx- txrvdocejt we want live icergetic ants in ertry couniii the uiiud slaxs and canada to sell a palext article of great merit on its merits an articfe having a large eie pay ing oreruoo per cect pront havicg no competition and on which the agent ispro- tected hrthe excinsive ale by a deed given for each and every county he may seenre from ns witt all ihe advantages to cur agents and the fact that it js an article thatcan be s3i to even- hzse owner it might cot be nscary to matrc an ex- traordinary xr to secure bod agents at once felt we have ccncluded to mate it to 1 show not only our conpdence nr the merits of oar invention but ln its salabillfy by any agent that wilhfcandjent with eaerr oaragcna nowarwuri are ackizg from jl501o f3w a aicch dsar and this fact bakes it safe for ni lodzkcozr oner toil who are out of employment any agent that wiltgire osr bnsfness a thirty days iriii and fau o clear at least 100 ia this time above ail eipenses cm rerum ail goods unsold to as ana we will ref snd th monry paid for them kb ezch tmployer of agenti ever dared to maks such oilers nor would we if we did- not know that we have agents cow making more than double tbls amount nr large descnptlre cir- culaxa explain our o5er fully and these we wish to send to everyone out of ernpoy ntent who will sqd us three oner cent stamps for pmu send at once and i secare the ajreacy ia limefer the loom and go ta workon ih2 term j yarned in our extraordinary offer address at once kin vtil xqtfxtt co su snuthficw st jittshurg pa fa eriet i ad lo ffae fofstt dpepsia is dreadful ditcrcered live misery indigestion is a foe to no good nature j the human digerjfe iparalcs ih one of he most com lie ted aid wonderfnl tihuga in existence it is eastly put out of- order greasy food tough food eloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hoursirrega- lar habit arid many other things which oogt not to behate ioade the american zpeojle a notion of dyspeptics bat preen x august flower has done a wonderfnl work fij reforming this aid bcai- ness and making tbie american people so healthy that they can enjoy thffx ineals audi happy j i lieraember xo happines3 iwitlout health bui greens august flower brings i health and happfeess to the djspeptic aafc your irasskt for a bottle sevehty- five cents fi- a trinity cf eils citiousnetr consti pation and lytpepij acailyciittogeths by discipiining the liier end toning the stomach emalisuvjddy thiv can be eradi cated the promptitsfie and thoroughness with which korthropi lymans vegetable diwovery and gaeat wood par tiler removes thutrfnity of physical evfhtfs a fact widely appreciated tlirouglioat canada daoccroa cnarrcui iconaurfeits are always dangerous more 60 that they always cbsejy imitate the original in tppcartmce and came the reatarkable success achlevedby xasal balm u 4 ppeitive care for catarrh and cold in the head has fndaced nnprjncipled parties toatoitateil tbe public are cantioned not to be deceived bydostranjs imitating kaaal balm is naine and appearaocfl bearing eachnamcj a kaeaicreamaial balsam etc aak lot nwaj ualtn and do not take imiutionideiileriinitoreeapodyoti for y idle by ftjjdraggini or wnl potpaid on receipt of price 50c and tl fcy ddrtesing tnund agot brooitriile oih- anricxro morexns are yoa cistcrbel at night and brefcea of your rest by a sick h mcnttcc2niphorrsor cxili enaericg and crying with pain cf cut- liar y tin teeth if so sd at once ani get a bottle cf mrswinslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little euf- crer immediately depend epen it moth ers ticris no oistkeaboat it 11 cures dysentery and diarrhaii rcgnliiea ths sinach and bowels ceres wini ccc softens the gums rcduccaingammiticn and gives tone and enery totbe whole system ilrs winsjows sothng sy rup m for childrea teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription cf one df the oldest and best icmxle physicians and j carxes in the united slates an by aij druggists throcrhout i st bc ulleir i efercl frctr a hard cough contracted by damp fett htving consnlted a local doctor without cfcccti thought i wouldtrr ntgyards petctal daisam asa list resort defotc ijiad ahej the first bottle my cuga hau entirely disappeared and today i enjoy better hcillh thin ever i did befcre i can ccncientidtly recommend it ch east rlki jte eilrriiuan- popularity cf ayere cherrv- pectoral i the natural result cf its ciefcy intelligent people for overfocty years it las prjveaitf the very best spccicc fcr cjids couije end pulmorry cozi- i is for sale the wcrli pnce twenty five cents- a bottle be- sure anl ask for ilnsi wiselovs sootsg smct and take natfther kind thite vha tads re the- tsrtnriug psngs cf xcra eheumiiiiri sjata ltiiii- i bgd lnd similar pilnful complaints are 1 severely tried bit there ic a fpeedy relief ia tiiis hjsfjs vtllow 01 as thous- aeds wo have psediijayfnily tcitifyv- it lzsius piia vii jrjcsi quickly it is the duty of every penon who his used borjicrt ccnzcz srvjt to 1st its wcn derfel qualities be imown to their frlenii in curing consumption eevere coughs croup asthma pseumoma ana in fict all throatand lung diases ko person can uscit withsutirnmediaterehcf three dases will relieve any case andwc coasider it jit duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consamptive at kisi- to try one bottle us 3000 doeu bottles were sold las year and no cue case where fairly was reported- such a medicine as thsgtracn sjrvp case of- le too utly known aik your druggist about it simple bottles to try sold at ten cents ilegalsx size 75 cents soli by all draggists and dealers in the united states aid canadz- eetajkctntartt tbc iacfcrtnjr browns household panacea has no qcifcr relienngpan iutcrntl tid rttrca it cures pain id the side eck or bowels sore throst pjeamattm tocihiche lumbago and any kirdcf a fain or ache it will mostsurelyqaicu enlhebfond and ifexl a its sctc power ix wonderfcl browns ilgusehold pan acea hcine acknowledged as the great pacn nelitverviudof daube tce strength of any other eliifr r lictmcut in the world ihoah be in every fumijybzniyfor use when wictcd as it really is the best remedy ic the world fyr cramp r iutle stomach acdfaic sad aches of all kicdf and is formal by au druggist at 25 cents arboltle urbara beec tron rbi wfcr ifycnare languid and weal and our appetite poor my beef iron led wins is the tonic be sure as an ioijgcratiag tonic it u rccoglued by the medical profession as the best strengthening medicine thus far prodacci it is inviluable as a hloand-rnnfcli- maer erpecialiy in those cases where weakness is ttc result of impekcct cr in- foodof waiting fevers or excess of any sort it cohtoins he natnraeut cf beef the etimalani properties of vice and the louic powersof iron and is admirably cal culated to baild op the emaciated syeumi there ii lithitgciatl together cravef vcru eater initiator for ticl of ita kind la cft roving wcrms civld such ezlls- fiion bxlioliiats i eliould not think it right did i net give my testimony cf what i ktow to ho the vales of bzizcc- wood bitters being a sferer from biiigujnctf i took cue settle b b- b and it gave rac- immediate relief i recommend it us a cure- fcrhiliouenesc annie mclean wood vile ont xn family living iq h liiioscmntry should te viithoitt larilelns vcgetibe pills a few doses taken now anl then will keep the liver active cleacclhe stomach nd bancs from rlililiazs uiattcr aiid pre- vcat agusi pirjllpncc shak martin coi ihd write i lavs tried a lor cf pannclces pills ted tul them the best qjtdicitie for fever tod ague- 1 haeever csed i ltaom tutiicr i aac ind tjttri sfaoypersons wonder at the tired wcrn and weary feeling that oppresses therewith- out any apparent cause it re jy l povert if the llood or a disordered etomach in either cae the stomach fclood and liver arc not performing their regular fnrctions end with cuny jersonf they will felly a- a dull heavy headache nausea ahd many olhe symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyfipcpafa7 purify the blood cleanse the system of the dogged secretmns by csing meachams mandrake mittare prepared by 3vbmeacham 123 yonge street u chemist of nfoctccn years expenence j- al1tbmbt- last summer ays wj james ley 6nt i felt very raiserble with paint ovec ray kidueyt fluttering of the j heart and nervoosnesa afttr taking differ- ent iinds of medicine hearing of b b b i tbonght x would try it one bottle com pletely cared tne lean highly recommend it toothers trmerwij 1 aailirrciru aid s mzlrlztxe vtzitetsn liver fare i tnfifiitu1 lux ccrin all the dia- cjc of tlc kiuuit zi j vupraus or kiblfsy couplvint vittttwii whet u j inias iii liie iik niclj palnpr titgot ia j tli tr tj cmhe iwjeiu tcsliiac cnitotutitltracij frjfjacct dfsireto ynt- etiitfiijj tt2il rcs ix tcrtoas lorjiuiittecoirjtxjaiic3aajirijiite- joiit itjvirrlfta four iceztcli cui evilptohof liver c06tplintri crcr thour ija acv tomvltiica a weary tire- niir co jjle cr cjvr bricucii djs- lrsa iiijos tickt c ic aottcckeu 1lnhrcxhti l diutrliot an- nalrei hivcz cr aii lc roaitetj will kidney rutae- jct cs is dr c- uvtt tlzrc wilf nl lmvily t2 sji kilrnyllxeclraihu il at lite tilirvliizvl3iruz tlp copswi liver ttrultcnlr and iattsorettas tha vloi uly si ur all tleilaf ti kl villi lte- tciil ijoottiiijiejt it vcrth uc uioucy etdkez rjitciitis pcf arcie czlr tlid- livzr iicj liver vivt ni tley act pills cuiy yet ffeeiuallr mar 1 tclc szriw taifiyiiictl 1licy aia laxc-j- liver ho irlrr wirl blli5f cvtlive- ccsa it ocllli s uq soiillv all dealers lyircijceuts t teduakd30kco v intvurdltoouu jltnfa breaqmakers yeast itave yodever tried iperiai cmii tartar balcifl powder li bo llullw purest ifiaiwt alwayrclittble john m bond gtjenlfe spwhs 1888 ior ccvalielijits co iel koi gerjlvxy to charles w mnsii slorc- opposite potit oses quelph kellys tiialrtgcit aalinoii compile configncxiitcf mtwical ifcrchandiw that has er been received in gcelnh j riijstochccnslctf ct djabubaas viet a lie villas full three quarter afcd tialfti virii juitr biijci cie accccjccns lilc fiutes clarioaelei ilannonicas bat jo sirns tubjurinei cymbals eoui basa drums snare drain silver aodbrasi trunmilg- i i l taesa goods are bjaght for cah and imjwriel dircct so thfl music loving people jf acton and vicinity itiav tezk for bsrxtna jhia eilj and winter afy store is stocked with a f nil line of fli i j j bell organs lansdowxe pianoft eor which i am se agent for gcclph ayi vicinity be sure to call and get tie prices ofnxworgans before yea buy ijtccad hand outs t tha lansdawi vixuo itxkirg the lead pianos atd- buying this lulo i call aiid exmio my itti kt trouble the sheet mcic trade bememur tjc plies tortllt tiick opj3ite post ofice to call and gei leading maiiciica ire selling theirld a tho- goodc special attention paidto 0w eellt merchant tailor mill street rtshhcrcitlis l tr far sitricr t the hewest worsteds firsttciass tweeds in ireat viney much of tin and other excellent lines i hich is shown only by the city tailors hiring ltd iriiy jearr cf prcicil cs dar wcrkmitihip nrjd a sart si every time spswal quality sptzizl e22e0acble price g i riencc 1 cnierc my ccttomericfat- special nice fit j special ia style- a call is iuvited whether icu netd clctiiing at prcieatcr iisi to a will be pleaied with my rocknd know v here to come when reaety for tew eul come to theoujy practical tailor ic town for year clothing one whs is hiswa foreman and who gives personal taper visioa to everv- crder m brennan mgm spring- oifercoatiiigs beautifpl iteignii ami variety of shades- jmadeiii in the to fjarmers and jtbreshere usaon vourmactiinervonly the wpufcriowti imtxtia tr livetvtwujcuinlanisllitiiulrcc vents msajuajjcs tn al rar ajje otcaso for at igjjoui ami horse powers thcfe oiis are utxi aij hghlv recommended iltliemodel fwm gaejph farmers iab far them uso iocief l irnilcsiircd at que en city qu worfc e v y samuel rocers co tpronto enormous importations sc irriifnense sales at the right fioiise every vek laice khipnstats of beifulkew and ftihionable bress goodi iciiiiery atantle underwear hojiery and glves for loth sczes ia a3j sizes and prices carpet- ind eu rumishitsg goadf wirilow cirrlainsm lice cheniie gfifpnr dartj bwiss crete damask lladms oriental etc tabic ancf piano covert in great vtrity and fcuple goods cf ail hitd are iirriving rlmctecty daybought at- thi very lowest pnces dcssible fcr uie cash down arl aro teliii 03 very fast the tlight house is crowded cailv as the- ladies know whuethtv can get xice kew fa ihiooable goods cncapcst odd pairs of cartairs wiu ufecma 10 per ceot on the price a larpe lot of girls finperier ccjt7d ctimere iiosl at ualf price- lots of tw batuja kid gloves at 10c xice fire frame brussels carcclscnly 51 fust se tho carpets hd heuso farnihing ittterials tlyj ttoehs cf them are encrmons in imn euse variety and the latest 6tyles a big tccv of curtain bolts ircperted this wte etn eistias of rerewood malcinv wahiut checri antfqce ash aoclebony the fret oh binele and dobie width saitingb lookcbirtnlg ftlie french gonibinatiml and embroidered sfaslin haitisgs tru ilauincimt the iccw bvlcs ot siiki and batii 9 ae qfaarmingind 3diaj richardson wdd a foreman lotj in thg dressmaking depart ment males thcc drees cocdi up in u-etcrv- best stvlcs acd perfect fits la e arritals foac cases of verv hardome parviols- acd iirbrellis in preat xaridiy mantle cletu colored german tvcicotu hama printed ia ifqiiir tiaies bilk pluh wcrh stand and table covor8 si k plush mats auver embroideries towkn3 and totc stair lmcns dxyee cheese cloths etripctl iitsian uosc and fileeve uprorttrs gosaamcc eilings silks it colored pongeej6urah mories l satin dachc4 that eeuasaiice i- chudda acdfetcrnbci3tia case of silk glares elastic corset lic3 metal belts i raid ornaments land trimming girdles beaded grenidtao lwn ttunw flaiinel sit bilea carpels lace cc fains lambreqaicf floaccing ind frillings fans io jap rie feather tps and satin kid gloves dress linings dress buttons prima tick- lonsdale cambrjcs wraps curtain llings dress bteel etc hoase and red chmeres a csrc efblcichcd cotton a lot cf delightfol iiibbon in ombra shades four cases cf lsflies ard mjssts hats fancy dresa poods itume cloths a cisd of tahlf gilclithf childrens gaazeanc merioo vests itadrass 6triped canvas and bcrmeeeturtiia mnslirs chambrey8ging ings sheetings ifiud the names oa the windows are the pic hamilton apr lvtb lvs for infants and children 3 qaatotla is so ma adapted to chflirea that 1 nxmaead it as nrperiorto asyprcscrfplioa 1 tawralomc ft a- ag j w bo oxford st biwalyo k t cacterla cures cohc ooastpaun t jonadi diarrhcaa erueiaut- r civug tlecpj and promote o 6onrtfitootitdi durrhasa- eructation kills worn wlaout lojatoai aediorkn taz ccftioa bovtjjt tt if urraj- sijxct k t f a grand opportunity for canadian printers 37j- jkeaj irai cf tui vtaiti wirjji r vc ovr iccrotilictfcivp vrritlcn vjita earti j it ij6mls any ycl ci tt iihctt wtttrt zl itu ivl biiia tad twaiitt juiicajx jlrit nearly crcry tcxii la frice five cents i forgo days i will ufnish pointers with flne grouty jprihtmg presses j all duty paid andnart o the freight wood engraver q king s erst toronto irt i ir- come and isee a new improvec proiit at work in ouroffii if oo aeu oec worji yon will wuit one in yom office atouee wo hatoosod t proety proci fcr yearaeud laic nit cablbd beaten bciiiocecvcf iiuforo offrivd tbo caimoiui hrlntera t socurctk ifrstclaat cylinder prcfl i t i i a vekv low rblc v iff p mbore agflht for caiinda v f sflffiteb itt otqi pintahic bemember the stores are curcne deer wcj ol hciitce strcttu kir btreet east furniture un dertakustg rofjl furniture- department undertaking periartment cdlotete witjlvilearrrtl i nx sllzctli stonr parlor bedroomsjttes spring beds mattresses ta6lescbairaetajetcetc j a fuiniiic rtf goods from best makors alwavs oulidnd pllices heasovaulc jspeigktson heuess coflinf casketsnhdburialbbbes 1 of all sizei iii elock ondiuis rnoartiv tuart u spgfqht son speight nsdt-a3jiala-fii- blauraceco- wholesale opticians ko- 246 st james streefmpntbeaij wheimcitbrledpebtlleiuidbtliet specticlea ocltj011iiee etty town in tbe pominioii tfaey aro recoicrrieiiclc ij and tciim0nt4i batvft ixen i kelseo troin tlepreiident vici1residcnt ksfrrtidtirtadd ej vioe ol 1 1 1 medical aioebttim pt cauada tie president c tu qolieb i jtijaioiana and i ojtbeona ot qubeo tbe dean of rbe iledieal facaltj- of tnm tlnlrenityj tie tri- c spvaui eitireaideata of lbs steilical 0ranciof nbifci bcouai 4e i jiiwpline faqrt afiot ot tbee exosjlept gootf will be fotina iytiit atofe eti tvu iivi mivj i- 1

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