Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1888, p. 2

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aosir fcbatjut1rert0idoltm the afa may the tttfl at xr xvuui in kbew ofe dangmor maw jnartobdathc 11it4iv h wifo jlr dctrhi liana of i diasuter kuulutn artokn the ifch fcttho wife of mr rvtor maaelak ol fcc6st4ln actori an the ui may il ot mtwjjt koub of a daoshlrr 1 ifaiwifid- bllktamirlikiiattiprrlticfe0 mr j thtmwitwubhrfiiurbcoa the sth liwt by serkgi uookv mrosuttll jolly to ulai aura andrnoa dasjlrr ot u inched an- drawn of melanijuior iax- m wafdtttlte ocu on the 10th may jam lamb f 3 ii tiro late tlcuj thomas white tu terrpcrancp maaj did uol ore tobacco ani bad doi kittt in toxical injh liiuor lot tyhtccq years before ins death i oue of the cooa effects of tlic lite tcasfca u ihal frnitbod arc kept back and soirti issk licmc i to- infexy bylatcjiprcg frostti unless uicctfortliifflde bsvo been hurt by he winter liter is a fair chance cf oar having another pooi frail crop this jear vessels cxtriiedcaviu chicago for btrffalo oo mondky iiclt atd the greatest jriio fleet ever kuovivis aotr oq its xrar dobq the ale j the fleet consists of vessels wlio cargoes segregate i43i0a boihejft tbts is a splcnaid opening of ihci lake trade bis is a the death 6t archbishop lynch of toronto removes a rrermncut figure front canadian cdcsitiitical life and one who did mach for the advancement of le cause otais church xbe late archbishop was a very able man ho was active ihdastrious fond of controversy and always ready to defend his oinfods the pulpit or the press i it is estimated tiiii the artiest cf goid and stivec taken from the earth it the past- sewntecn years itgregales 515cs0000cqfutsberore them that the extra expendi- thk bkaitlwork exkvtt10k prcvioni reference hu boon made in thtmooloniqttofhebiattorbf tb rroeat of hew ikrdmore co to the munlcu lad oonqcil to irran for tho rouewl of the exemption of their tannery baiincu and plant from taxation for a term of ton year from the expiration of iho current term of exemptioain 1893 and ooniidcrabte interest ba botn manifest and ipooulatida indaujodiu- by ratepayew and citiraiit generally aatothc oourw the council would take in the pretmsosl id their letter messrs bcardmorc a co explained that they intended to largely in crease their capacity by the further exten sion of their works and the introduction of new machinery bat before making these improvements in view of the extra cost of bark when brought to acton 10000 per onauiu they wanted some guarantee from the municipality that exemption from tax ation would be granted for another term at the expiration of the present bylaw it also stated that if exemption were withheld they would in order to be able to compete with other manufacturers urthcif class be obliged to remove their works into the im mediate region where their bark is obtained and where xrce site and exemption were nowofftred they admitted that as an offset- to the heavy extra cost of-bark- they have an annoal saving ottjoo to k00 in freight on icather and hides as well a the eonvciiienos o having their works within easy reachjottneir toronto basicesa but this wouldj not compensate them foe the disadvantages named it the municipality required ue payment of taxes upoa a fall assessment of their business here the council took- the matter fully into consideration at their meeting last wednes day evening alter doe deliberation of the subject from all stalpoints havmg the last vear was i the greatest prodiiclion- icoxccoooia all the slates and xcrritcr- ies west of karsas and minnesota f of this som cjlorajj proldcel 52jooo0oo while ban fraciisco shipped sltuogq silver lotheesi kinging the beiu ofiocrqtit by steam jiot- effected iy an ir genie spparatns coosisung of a e aiali etcara cyhnder placed tt one side cf the beil frime and resliugon the boflir tfce ixececting rod which ccn- necu the pistca to x three ich crick on the bell is so ciastrccied its it will vay its length aecoiijing to the swing of lie bell thus removing any liibihty of knock ing the cylinder cut by the piston ccming in contact with v the presbuerijla synod of toronto and kingston at itslate meeting in jn bdond voicedtscoiiiiction very neatly and verypointediybirihe matter of prohibition in the folkrwicgj resolution which was car ried nnaniniqnsij that ia xicv df ihe rrsrifod svils tfluch lileiidtiifi maaaixrc 5 talc o iaicticatrng driita u beveaisc 1 erod rcccrdf i coaticacalhat the ltirt- isroluvitics c the traffic byiai eoccs icginiancly dihia the kope al tic iorjtriili hich god his endowed the govercicct te the good ot the people ad tha tie christiac camamiitr thcid be ta- co to esc all isftluc ccra to riisc the tone olpnblieoiihien to as la secure the eaaet- mcni tad the ixxc cnforccoicct cf is effective ijaiiuiirj linear iit v 1 thereis a great muddle alilctcr bre county regarding liqzar liceils says the tar lfddrr the councils were of the opinion they iisa tig fixing of the totah sains to be paid and placed cm at what fther consicered fair gsre xara was lioedat fliu viartoa h3c fort elgin 9lwlncknowi and aoc it cow turns out that tht gotrcmeat rejairea the the license mdstissyitra to cdi a sotted sum co in ifagt aiii f5g ia tawns to the amespt chtrprd by the municipal ooooeils it is too- late ioxmecd the by laws and there is bo getting over the law the hqacr rcec wiiytherefcre hare to pay from g0 to fso inore for liceni than was conicmplsitd 111 lcxeot the price will u 10 for this rear ktt casalillvljthkselssociinok ffitjiajjti tleale gcu btiocicr to the i ceajtllljhrrlrtwinrijj- j i- the schedcje cemmittte cf the central distriel of the ccaizn lacroe axsocia- tion jicct iii week at toruntcji those present were sl e ilitchtl olympiea ifilkm chairman d eexj excelsior t brampton w fparks yossg toroctos torudto f ew liiseg ontario to- romo w tl carbraith tnas cecrge- town j scccinadiy recc- gacadiacs richmond us and dr stacey crescenta acton aetoa ras admitted ia the dirtnct the tchedale izr the season was tdopitd as foiktwiv i uar 15 tsiac tcrci v f mice oeitrics at ttjrocic j i iuju itc2 r acorraoyi tt gccrsewtni hutca vur5jcituiki drarcptn jtme 2 yc33 toronto r eitid hill at uichinoiid ecu 4zzz quuais v ityloc at vpml jane s fichiisri eireicttlirac- ob i jane 15 jaaieroctriosv artec at ldaa jeorgetoirn v vct tcrctocfttgeorpetotc jnac23 brusftctvoccreetctc a gecrge- torn j j jclr i gocfgetotrh t3fitc3aiilijea tcz tcarcbrfsvaciii jcwra outarios r luchaoaa hg at efchincad hp jolr i vccj ccrvscs v iirarliptoc at jbrusiion jnljjl hclcrfi riiiiczsi istlicu has tliojaizax v7caicroctarictbraap- wcaicliccdh2ltictcn ax ires ang i5j5ichiaoid hill r g corgstnu- at gwjnjetows- r ahs jitoipig torpti r ifcai jujloc a og 23 bnunineq r akoc it aeoar sejrt ijoites v iiichm6td hei tieichmond hal f bqit kjxzr cfearis r occrgctawn at gearpu3xj j tcre which this era was noder by beic located here would be sufficient to enable them to build a complete new tannery at a point where their bark is immediately accessible within two years that if the tannery was removed a large number of citizens would be thrown out of employ ment and the thousands of dollars paid ihem far waceswoald be lost to the town and that eueh recnoval would be a severe blew to the present prosperity enjoyed by acton thty unanimously agreed to the resolution which appears in the minutes of the council to be found elsewhere in this issue this resolution it will be observed contemplate only the partial exemption of the business- j the new hylar will pro- ride for an additional assessment otjg0q above their present assessment for residen- tal property and the firm will then be among- theiarfiest if cot the very largest ratepayerstia town stesets bcardmore co haveaccepted the terms at the resolutka and in apprecia tion thereof have tendered the municipality a very acceptable donation to enable them to accomplish the work of improving hill street the following letter from them fuhvpipiaica this tennis kr klh las to the liccvr ind corpcrauca oi the villas of aetoa- i gtanxtmes we ls to aefcnaicde yoert cf the ifth icjt cncladsz ccit resolction ijeiiodityocrutc3ctic asri w tczcv ihcttfriidoq tiom ftiwi oa ocr aciaa ttn- einbashressforaforher period oftcc tctk itgzi the ted ot tlie precct ternj arccu to an amesenefit of sijbo est perkjaaliiy dcrrcc the icrct ot rcccira lc rrsasec of this c shall proceed with the inifrdvetaeaw tad cn- uxccacct cf tiie cweii ct ocr vraasj etferriac to the matter of uie itrccti jtjll tad ccarca oi ly bs in tamiir o arc jiriops to see theiy iiiprcved ejid if lie coih- ctl ift- tec their y la male the iirnrcivcajtu ctrriilia to assist and win r urxd the coctof it the sozi rf caehandjta dallirc t veer fee the ccxt five rears or xill eonztcie ticte ittlieiit it ccc nrwtt payment cf fosr hcidre4do4ri while of course ifrould tlt cs hf to have the ii3proveaeiits iide ca cbrth ttet tft c csdertjid thit lh ville u tdom rst of til to get mill streit dce tad if vot ill caderiate to thtozlr tacxdxiniceit frca the utica to itiis or wil low street uds year we tie thinj tltt ersr pxj- cctehold be tnh thi r radca tfeit ncr yetrthe catc2 will tcra ii attcttica to chtrdflrcel trcjy voair lintiijxuii co vhea tiij matter is fully endersioo we have no doabt every thoughtful ratepayer commend aid endorse th actxa of the council as jroposcd in the resolution referred to by this item of legislation they have insured the continued operaiioo c one of out mcst irapcrtact manufao- tcries they bate made the municipality tlie recipenteofa liberal donation which will assist very materially to pat our principal street in first dais condition from a firm practically exempt from taxation they hare made beardmore co contributors lb the municipal treasury to the extent of a f 5000 assessment thev have secured the con tinued employment pt citizens whose wagts aggregate 12000 to isj0o0 per annnra they have encouraged the firm to make id- diiionai improvements and enlargement of theirfttmisesin actonjwtich will give profitable employment to a number ef oar mechanics for a considerable length of time and they iiave grreu builders and property owners the assutaiice that will warrantthem ia extending their building operations and thus improving the town the council deserves credit for the man- nerin which theyhave arranged this matter for the question of thexemoval of the large business referred to is now settled for all time in favor of the municipality while many ether towns and villages in the pro vince with fewer manufactories than we poise are cot oufy giving complete ex ec ptiiafrom taxation but are making liherailoani and paying heavy bonuses for the manufactories- they have acton is particularly favored in tint respect it his nererpaid a bonus for either taaaafictory or railway and it never will fcoaud if eurcatios arjrljti t eaelctohkg in compliance with the petition embrac icg over threefonrths of the merchants in town the municipal council has passed a bjvkwreciriiigthc stores to close nt seven oclockin the evening for the caaxeni- epceof tile farmers and others who cannot fuways make their purchases dariog the day and neither the merchants nor the council have any deaire to conflict with their requirements exception is j made of wednesday and saturday evenings on these days the stores- will remain open until customers hcvaxheir wants supplied the crranjistjteiu is reasonable and rwmw situation or the j 0 tbe for thoseagsged in other depart- order u ahow hr to ilieud the uienis of life conclude their days laborsat tufltfcrcv trinartd at the sfaj if octiiiir j the board of trnitsof acton pofilic inool met oti tcesdsy eveinr members prc6cf hrlfntlcis chair man and jdessfs ijr lcrry geo hycds aoda- e sictli j t minutes of pretous meeting read cd confirmed uoed byirldwry eccodcd by geo hjxds tltsi ue aocccutrf gcc havill of ziq for wjujertla ani rcpiirsbe paid carrwdj j mis cajtaieslphaj tiacher of the jecotid df jiartjxjcrt sppiec o be releai w- normal school with a vkvto obtairuig a high r grade of certificate ifif itcphail rfqoeitcd that- her ter who holds a sec- class certificate le engaged to fill the vacancy ptdxcd biur lowry sccdistied by a li kkjin tjut ifiss csaiie ucllaif lie granted lcfii of ebaeuce for tlie list ljf of th year to attendtbe kormalflcliool nnd hit wifisllacgic utluil beengigod a skftitato dariog liembwimo ypru tuoliitl tlic jtanvd adjoarucd rladps kiudly read kjj tin aavcr six oclock and there is ho tenable reason why he merchants and their coiployees should not be allowed to cease from indoor labor at seven oclock for four evenings each ktckat least it is to be hoptfd that the public gener ally will enter heartoy into the arrange nicnrithaf have been madfr ad com p fete uicir putchaacs an hoar earlier than nsual bothaitbereiiefdlw no conflicting with the provisions ol the act the bylaw will oome into foree on jdoh- day ot 21si may fh0m the cahtal tbe couuact oimiiilutlmmitrt1qu t cflimdft-snbuiirljexplwiihih- at btrottllnvilemnnjf yet tnrouitdrtrd omifalleitv q0ssu frout our own corretiioiidout ottawi mayl5tliewaythdcotumoni is ruining basin mi now makes u look ai if prorogatiou would bo reached at tbo cud of the woek for the- first if mo uicy sat on saturday from 1 to 0 tlieconimiiteoi are about all through except the frauds or far mers coraniillce the evidence before it should be published in pamphlet form and distribuled broadcast among the farmers 11 makes one wonder howfarmor shrewd euough tu other matters allow themselves to be gulled by almost every hay fork or seed wheal swindler who has a plsuiiblo scheme why one weat worth jnrme paid 115 a bushel for wheat ilia swindler bought at eighty cents they invariably take notea but the fanner should remember that notes mature and generally fiiid their way into the hands of uote shavers who take care to get their pound ot flesh tilc couuixcs colckittti tho report of this committee will bo presented to the house in a few days thero has becufc slack of evideacc takcu of a most interesting and instructive nature the chairmau tojd me yesterday that he thought the combines in cofiiu abouttho worst thing wc strtfek as he put it they have it in their power to excladc eoinpeu- tion juit whertrver they- choose their prices are most exorbitant fcr a bass- wood coffin coveted with broidcloth they cl jge 200 to the rich relatives they take charge of a f ancral and for everything charge 8 1 coo ethiukihe least intirious combine is thefire inaurauee assbciation as there are very small profits tntde it is essential to the trade of tlic coantry that insurance rates should be on a eound bssts the total prtmiumsfrom 1sg3 to 1bsc wtrc 03732000 and tlie losses paid were js 17- 2jo or 1i percent it you add u per ccnl for working expenses you willceclhit the margin for profit issmsll as a matter of faclmany coarf anies close iheir year with a loss iiiiuinoj to ctivirix the cabnizatida committeehis hid 3ir lowe the hcadof that lracchof immigration before them and he declared thxt only seven per cent of our immigrants were ot a bad and ascltsx class as noted last week conjplaint of the character cl ocr juvenile immigrants was uadc and a cable despatch informs us that the new iscal governnjent bill ot england empowers cocnty councils to appropriate funds fcr the exportation of pinpec children and alsj pauper adults it behoves thcgoyercmcnt cf oanada therefore to prescribe such re gulations as will compel all steamship com panies bringing over these degraded paupers to take them back to the ccunly of their origin i ivcuuixc eirlfoxp before the senate committee which is now investigang the deposits of sawdust from the lumber mills into the otuwa river the 6aperintcclent of government drcdghig made tbe startling statement that from the gtsgecerated ender the river ic this sawdust an fcxplosicu may occur and wreck excursion cr other boats that miy be in the vicinity that this is no mere theory is shown by ihe fact that a few years aa suclrau- exposija did occuc opposite hell in winter and broke the solid icefcr an acre around then this beauti ful river celebrated in verse by tho poet sfoorc is disfigured by the sawdust nuisance and made dangerous to navigate tbe commit le is rendering rrcat service m ttfc- mg the matter np axoteec caijgr lvijit avhcn sir ellis the member for st john kb and editor of the st john jlu returns home ho is under bond to appear before the supreme cosrt of xew brnn- wicfc for sentence for contempt of thit court and he is in danger of being tent tb keep mr hxwfce- company in frcdericktoa gaoh xlr ellis is cot a very old man but hd has silrtry hair and bngteurdlo mxtch which girts him a rather venerable ippesr- acce he is a kr en eyed vigilant listener in debate and a cenciee and pointed tpith er vhea the ccuatyyadge ordered iletini- icgoscer pann to tppcsr before him fcr a recount of the ballots cart jn the quectijj eleciicn jug2tcck of the saprce court ksgcd aninjaactin restraaing the county judge from proceeding wilb the recount idr ellis eaid ia his pircr that when everything else failed judc tnckvris call- ed in or eoffelhing to tint eect and i was for this he was held guilty of contempt he appealed to the hay term of the sup reme court of canada which however was not held axctiycurtc a raanj gabled gray stooehoasestandiog afcte on a cliff overlooking the ottawa river has opened its hospitable doors every sttcnjay evening daring the session to many members of iho hoase this is earnscliffe the residence of sr john ifac- docaid lady hacdocaldv reccptiona arc among he most popular of the cession the premier is seldom in attendance thoagh occasionally he dropi in acd par ticipates in the edibes and gossip of the five oclock tea the vicereamady of hideau hall is tome times one personality someiimes another bat her influence ia transient and limited it is the mistress of earcschxte who is the social autocrat cf fashionable society at the capital wliose steady permanent influence has given to her will in the drawing room the same force of absolute law that is possessed by her lord in the coancil chamber jteascexa tet rscoxbhieliep before thehonse prorogues tlis follow iog matters have to be disposed of amend- meat to he franchise act giving prince edward island manhood suffrage be over loading of ships bill acceptance of the berne copyright treaty rearrangement of judicial salaries tbe korthwcst bill and tbc matter of tlie boundaries of ontario ctccmtt gossip cirdwellhaa selected jf r robt evans ia send to the house in place of tko late hon tiim wtiite in the convention he got 7f votes andyoang bob white of atontr- real 51 the last conservative majority was iqq the quebec legiutute opens today mr mercier has a decided majority in both houses senator ifclnues will movo to deprive civil servants of tho right to vote or can vass in elections j ifr mcdonald of toronto is here he will accompany hon o sfowot to england in the case before tbe privy council as to xh6 timber and minerals in tho once dia puted territory the attorney general sails on tbc 23rd in tb sanjb vessel with the governor general and the bishop of ontario dratli of fiyiuhsh the unrlirfcud bfeuui pf the puudgnlinwl rrelatctfuul by coiifrestfu of thij lnusft tho wght itecrud john joseph lyoch arfilillihop of tnrouto dlod at ono oclock ou batufday morning hia death wasuoexpcctcd alihoagh h had almost icacbcd the limit of tbo span of 1 if o allotted to morlau lie remained la comparatively gjod health until afcwanyi wo on tnuddy hit grace ililed gtcnlhar iocs and presided tberc over a couferenco of the clergy wbilht in slcalharinoi be eagbl cold- from acctjcntly geuing his feci wit on tvj ft jay morning hflheld conflrmifioa at mrritkii and returned to this city ihatcvouiug he took a chik shorily after his rtturu and dr wallace was summered j it was found that he was suffering from a severe attack of congestion of tha luggi dts cameron and hccon- uell father with dr wallace were in ciuiqlitiou on friday and as evening ap nrouaucd discouircd that dissolution was uat froil- at one oclock he passed away us ifiato n pcaat slumber it may be said truly tint bis race died il harness tlicarchlmiop was born near clones ccunly jfouigbaii ireland on feb0j81g part hi lif education was received in ire land at the age of 23 ho left for paris whert his educgi was extended ho became archbihop ot toronto in 1570 ata preacher his grace occupied a pro- miuevit place and ins pistcral letters have beca ividily read tbronhout the american couliaeul ajd tuiny parts cf europe di wasnixtitoxs visit ja lviv rsrtnuefiruciuiirivd lit dr wasiringioa is the only throat and lung scigcca in the dominion devoting hii wholo timcicluflivfcly to diseases of the air passages j 2na lie hs voted seven years to his ajtfciiily 3rj he rniius monthly visits li he represents hisown specialty cth consults examines sad treats all casej personally aad istlnlly responsible gth ho dnouncci doing basinets by proxj- 7th he fxcsj testimonials of the most rcliiblc iid rrorincnt cluracter ot resi dcrls of ontario hi the mist wonderful curexevtr record- and with whom a large number cf the pvle- of acton acd snr- rouidin couttry ate acquainted fcthl lie itc the came itrfullandpo address not tbc mere initials which might refer to any toa dick or horry and in vites ruy pcrton interested to write for full ptriiiiilars ith his icitiit is on friday hay 10 tli kow is the most favorable season to cdaiicccc triatmerit for catarrh and all its kindred discair uhich if neglecjeed willliid to consumption asthma or chronic broncaili etc j nth dr waihicgtca is a native of this province ontrno gradnilicg in toronto with bosore ia lttj tn ls0 visited kew york cal dooa taking special poloclop- nic cdurac of disoasts cf the throat and lilies 12th leoctfices in toronto cossullation irte the thiidpjt of the toronto dally mail is noted for want advertisement ifjou want to btiycr sell anything hyou want r tinitioi z tiicchanic a boiiness mtlcblcery loiiipe if yea have lost or found cj t3ing br if joa want to find out vrhera anyone s advertise in tlie toronto dvmj mci aud rttd the idvertiseinenls oa the third page aft bat piper tbe charge i tocctits a word tach icterllon ad dress the- hail toronto canada geuilcm kelly brq s kindly call and examine n suitings and paulings jlilliicry rppreniic vrinlel stonce hcmcifj5 mfiuc-a- cg salesmen wanted rro i-ck- i st a iajy lc of sl-rrttj- kctl f jlothf- cohjczzc tint iinnortaut to frmers ir irvrs mehire iito tie at cat- tl ttr kraery jicwcr tes ltottees peiekd in ojc txilik with jcj can reijrdiaiaged fctisa kairlvinitsckcifcwithcatnnicvtag it froaiik it rili sate ya inaflj- hojrs liiil frs lz ths rril atae lcsfd vtln- tl3e tiaie infict t u wenh itswciglit hi gold is every cwcr cf a mewer cr narivr if not for tlt in year to- ifc4xjccitxaad wc will tend yoa cte lf aii isu je itid areata mated cleilekt co 48 wellington st east toronto old de chases kew receipt book hii last and cioyrmng life -work- dr cyzhf tirj irt ula cmiilcte ueicha iojiesihtu3ehajihjciaicrc boot for tue iziliu ccitcjs caryftw ies aid idll farizsuzdisli liciis itd s hi imiortd oil clctli teniae ttic fltid justly by hha cael i rhe ciowrif wcrk ct my life it u the retail c over a half a centurys obser- viuocftudyaaiciiierucc vet thembodiea no copilslioa cf his fenac books it is wholly n cctt nyj if zi ytars ta he caold irrocloeo booh tjist has ltd ti mjg of over cita haadred iicndcciiihladebtnamfuilhar in nearly every rheuhicahi3g homo hi the lciud httjs canada jad thciuands of homes in rcroixranjtrajiaaad boath america wbst tiud of book cruld or weald he produce si htf crowvi fjirr wex vilh mire than thirty vjirs cf tidtciiirmctieo tiid crijcrjcuml ilc boh itfilt afyicz the question and if the cicst vtiiublc prcdactica lit the hlstocv of book 1abiishiig caotiok cusctoimojsisiiunjrpiblilliiirt ire at- tcaptiusw ecpytbifi book by lafcffic portions of il cat tadpalumtit iff on tho jiabllc ai tho complete ntrfc wcoitn the manuscript pnr- ciivl froai dr charts hdn see unt jou get tlicgencixk boclr sec that it hc our name on tho titio page ald ia coiiyribted by ut agektji maxteij hig tehitbf p fl dickeeson co ifafa giles detroit iflch vtjdior out mm b a patuehs ia0 jolltxltr brtiitford may it tbe body of win lfaeauict drowned in grand riier ywtprtfay ias rcctivercd this morning his father arrived iicre this morning and tookdlie oodytollraibptoiibylisoveuins train l f der absolutely pure bjiiirl irnjvorvailoj a mirfel of purity ucth o wbolesonu uo ir mote eeanouileal uilhoord nary kiuda aid cannot bo sold in jofllite i kpt tbu strati tidlw v com noli soil wclfiht alum trill tbo uisltttuda of lowtmt abort i or phoiihste powdera i bold oolr borar uixjbq powpw co 106 van mmk s- spring isi iiv spring spr nch nding country to the ladies of aotdn artf aurroiir u will oo bo to ksnfl u to pay uttcnlioti to alio follow iug remirki vrolit to mnko witli rooreuoe to our bpriuj srrivau 6 cotton aoodl which jmoittjooi interest to jtju m well h loourmlvei within the last fewdayd we have feccived hales of white arid gray cottons bought rightijom the mill atdie lowest possible figure we have also jrectited piles of prints sheetings tickings to gether with a lot of bcdspreads every lady will find it to tlieir interest to look through i our stock of cotton goods i 1 kelly brosi isw butter and eggs avantcd killy bros he and gray cottons sold very cheap by the web the glasgow house acton house furnishings j ladies this ishe time of ear you want a ne- carpet a- aew setdf lab curtains or cretonne curtains with nicij fringes to match before buying i would be to our advantage to inspect our i artre stock of house furnishings -4- in tapestry t 4 also a s lace curtains oatrpets oql and hemp in good ariet and newest igns at exceptionally closefigure w wl panot aio oamt i tfe undanlcd baa a ntnlai cwpjfi toi u call aadtmlbfein carjwtas the andvlciid ohen fcrailik and two igu stwhed uz repair for irtictilait apjjy to johxr pbopebty poh about an actt of land to t wood upon which uqda could be reircd or rebuilt at a ri gate u h eoqtalni 13 doorr mat l use there are ahw a oambat e tm the premliea foil r appllcauonte mlts vkbteli bhinales andpicextn chingles avd pickets l ij flntlm laouallty an4u l at hchardikmi wagon and 0 uockwoodj i ltalfhfii rockood march 6th 1368 notice the poblk is liereuy vtrluo tor on tbe landa beloojaas signed fa tho unrabipoi nuug ing thootiog or otherwise alll be proeecated to thsfull extent ame nassaeavcya we are tu van t of afar muiu to catrraaa tor tbe sal ot h of knrsety stock to me sncceai of the baslaeuira ea or tommhwlon and gltcbenoab we hare many ne and choice the fruit and orpamepitaj lines do not handle applyat once kuaaemx building i01 foe sale rphe hnderttened has atill a 1 excellent boilding lots turrey thfi location- is there an no mare deairablo tcnni easy apply to torn very lotao ysi plants fori ivyish to loiortn th ptablle tl tb ormboow of mr lha i un pnyttol to funiiih i tomto celhr cmfis hit tdinffttid tno popn 8aca i4lb oiinr citifnjoi wtbv eny lliextme- ifr iofi 5 xtlw notn 1 lie ibhtrtl tationib iboj agt0i jmying 1 triexul uitbalfmu tncklf l the hu is u 1 is fijit- for jpmdinf or idt dtlrfion but tlcfcel on tb meg emon thixi endid range of floor and table oilcloths j y the yardind sett and a ven- large range ofv retonnes and fringes to match roj- oue stress -0oods- department t is ven- complck not only as regards closeness of prices but in general gtylaand quality they comprise allwool jerseysj- albatross clotrfe self checks combination stripes- plaids and tweed effects i f a special of this department is our array of blatk goods- comprising jerseys soleils fine allwool cashmeres i yards wideand a lovely silkwarp hen rietta cloth at i 25 see these- goods- and you will be delighted- i ourassorument of coatings is yen complete a special feature being- a range of english broadclotiis in light shades heaps ol prints shirtings ginghams cojttonades hosiery gloves etc ii millinery t noxlties to this department is just in receipt of the lates be had fir the season fresh goodsbeing opened today i o 01 fir style and cheapness we areaway a splendid ahead assortment of boys- and youths readymade suits just to hand- j our boot ttshoe stock is the largest and most complete v in town i groceries fresl and- cheap j remember our famoiis 50c tea l hgnderson mcrae co housekeepers attention wall pape n i hftvo tho i cerlkg kitcil iwcor its alabastine otoo cmbracimj igijtforlanlobs en bebltoom uislsuittjoirwiui hoanuftl ala a fall lino of eltpant uorders to match sirlnfi samples now 1 ady 10 dlffoicaii and d it unci patterns to cho o from at ss per roll and ot wards come aad co my hictplts before furci asing j a kaliomiae the best ihinfi ont giv ahcaatiful hard whlaiot rub off in ij popular ihailos aodrjito peuchen8 prepared paints 6 cutta percha tho two most popular 1tjxeu abth u iho marjici rcadv for urc filll hue f all colon lost la ai o dry colors odterpouciiio and varnkbia brushe8 a toll hue indllunj white wabh kalsolllvk paint vaekibh stexcli i sovesoothorbejtailoloth i cleajfop kowlitbeflmato tla otirrorit iru klvcwvcmliliioni lmiml lbs 1esui agent f b iraurmtotfal per ta i wctfuoeb pint ttlii qilik uid from soap tdlaabdeh babe siikr u ttbinil uosbacmlrroro soap to kqaiidi otlli banimtty disiectoll wluioon aukar be thi1eaot ifcassifc j ji fli w vvhiii m ttcaetbold wj0 fot t 1 kji ca be had i tioa to i 1 we smith f aew kay lit ipeb i1vventiqj has rarolhttoaiaed the world l last half century notleastai drs of loreot tb prtgrca is a met tm of work 1 iat eaa bo performed a country wittuiit aeparstlne thef their homea pay liberal anyone wort either i bitthmiofold roqnlrd ca iitnot i five vutthh cratmd end you freelioniething f creat portenoa to yt a that vul start whiib vlll bri i yoo in more than anythini else- in the vr fre addreaj tstni 4 co c0tjet of aie dwiilii j jtteciipio loafitie iudiffqe t 46ai oil ilfte h ii ii b aulixo i bcui die iaitatliffs ot ie c odtafil i m salejjlj w edward o qrabam tbe known ktmez bial boebcf to make arran teaaeatawith oae ox ercetic man tc take order lor biski he has achoic 1atbctn411dhslfl his lndncemoi ts io oegt are adrantaffous heliillulsaab cnanuiecs tc umiah atrfttly he oan dye iutb ettusre roaitlons aatl deatresto ec lev tuchmea with aulflw sbrtieea vfrl etokhnaf soon thii for terms ad fnljavtict onlyaqoarede ding men seed edw ooaahj n tohxfriidaii the court o betuioii ment eol for tho village pr rrcn far the yaar 1 67 will bo hold in i le cbapber in said vihajfe bn tr7ednftspay36th xk at e ght oclock g m rw of which all j ertons intercetcd an kfireb 21 onirod to take otke and goier tht iuclteif5- ocmihly t oj- datad at artn this 10th da of ila r adftrxrising i gri mill street lho t ited np to isth 1 isti pteiiijj lytotltjntb torn the ql tlanolhala perrod oontrieton tlooaotauls let ikimrii where it a trunk saili and e whentt uitemetion of xaln street lhms and sfeclfloauona niar b rglleation altte rwddenco of too no uonday the slat tftstanl a deposit uraltnt w qtapcr nt j tender for thf wh 3f attheeluto oil ubijjwjfpi ui11 itrift tbeue j at the ceitro lf i w fflf 3t iu u af ofpsald tht we to an j 1 ljfeih contract most accompany sttn qp when aatufactoi odneralfulioiaftof thecoutractj loryaicarity will be forfeited to tbe oorioiauob th lowest or any tender not mpw ibilonp u oomvlnlwtntsuidpiu acton uhui 1b86 ftlaf taregnlbte uie clqsinb otsm in the wttiicipioiiy ttef l villagfl ofaoton whebea3 hrn act ptcdlr jj i sbop bojobblmi act ol 1868 muniolpilconrtlooto reetiuto of ibopintbcirmnnlcllllti and irbanu pcltlon ipmo w ol urn uiopuettn ot odittti pmcntedt l gaassspssri bylaw forttnuuoie clownj w wl- fivl- ibrtudeomcoajbli ofiocilji gdph liilh f jj sst 1 vj ritig jliichaj ijj nrenoed reia1dl ran es cl biijldt ijonn coarois joe oi b ibcfjui ot m wil arc jjrfej rater ttii w wipoitoiii b y ii ahjjaiy 4mi jolinw j feral vjdaaij vpfe jjg s f r ml lit tbaliniiribercatrutt- tb coming la rbrco o tbudlla u riiopabiinuodwa in tto mlbwl remalnclohdatamiartoruicbpnra i in eaeb evonlnj lf fa wulr day and ckcaubsaj lm any tutntdnr ofeaunnjcllal bpuoay pt ipldlng ofl ansroltnrtl rsblwiwa iy o oodfl boota sboc vluufl ij intcben arnc wiaacrlaiidiw loa hoptlajreiwimlj jjjl r ofl fe tojfi v for e ml i fetwpjauky if j tion bl mi ty totuji than ta dpi melt o rsmjdaimtoatpos rsr3 in dalanlt o lv iini pi tbc h 1 ooaavublnui lino llinlwl or a pamnt to b c pflucd in- tbo cc tho counlr f uiy iri r tbtf tk eoduinlmdrce al i i faa44illll khroabvb o- l wtm33sq wbs

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