Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1888, p. 2

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r makbjtp ttutt fcwilfctfai um1dotccof the lirid mmtlur- ctntitie w hi 83rd may by licrltaf rr i r tink trwui halt to tl mna mhiii uthtcroflac w jehi kai r 1 cfiil itlb ktv fiiiait lu tofih finite ctrl waj died iiuitirp iltjtt mm at to hi- ivffv f a the itttffjtjprct flrcss -r- tiufly iv mi- r 1 v aiciaiv bccti appointed e onuru- rcri tiuiivi at tke coutcan- ui rililii lo ik itciii t ciociuqililhw fliiumcr mr aticift is ncimiltcdtoiock ililktoclivc ksepe wis cor nclod last t voiicr oc2ciy is it robsery front the gru j trzzl uoa m moutjwil an a sea- lcni j ti ydits iz to rruciittary djrir il o hsvci the trie rail be tried at lbs 4 vfl lean of ifcccocrt a ixt ii jiuv3 ever 1s7 a thflrn rt c tin rcscfw derailment for the j uiri uvci c the current fiscal year is jjeslfciii cdix v 8vrcily looked for aci u tlccorv r3 all ibe more ecctjiilc u lisreruacul circles and to ice f d pnliy tlij in xitcaiia5 bivd txayccttol tit- 1jc rcj archhhoi rersioo because tlifojvc tri arcbbishcptcriico bovedtttfd iccius d itxlid for boycotting the idlorci csi il luxlzonl agents trfib baaj ucieiuc xiiiccalists the drclt- ol itcct it ccr cgmletc tkc sciii ty s rjccav3t cclr allox esirjli u l ni-1- fcr limner is scott act ccccwu the csyaac bit decided it wai qzw jircpr la giwccsioasoaiis the poxer to treii izto the prctiscs ot mer- ucts ia6cirli cl fisiejcrcaiti- nedjsoif lt arr time in t whole itccij- fjtx bew t a hs2g tcrpp vns ttsi lt wciics- lcij- by aicltaiiija io ue sat in uie lgihiicre rc3cni vicaat by the rcsitna- tiqabf br wlidificm 11 dins is ku1 ti prote t zizl ricsbercf lhkoscie he hu esteivi ezafciral c3eriecce i cczairniivc gcaveat fcc cisajiiad n can- diaie tococtc lbs ciutsacjbathe v 3 1 t ottira evss iicstrics j re- fcru rithcr uufiribty c thccheit crop oltiileprcvirce the dry actulai tai the taldmjiry jriaaivc bosi figiiastue vttti ci tbc- pi act it has however rastaiaeilittietiei- fron fnstrial if ihc teatljr for tte next f ew tceefcs is faxor- ate to rcpitiun ti6 prcpeucf h oa- tihsflcbi- cro kiy vti chi2c5 for vr tlrr re lcaty ara irr ru rfpttti bsi itttiirulcarii thtt sir charles tlrvcrcrll triia asfzriclhc dutits c thr c cl egh cclinbcr fi caaa- da it iicr la it craiat rcaeruiir cx- pecjihaiecl gecic fkict jiliciiter of jlarh tai rkhttie tcosu take ids fiace a the riaaace hiiiisicrsliip this is thsartieieaieatiiiitbjls bgencoae ta iiit cjieacd a dcor fez a nev man to step iati ihc cfirc vacaici by 2ir foster it iraslcajjsai apca as setilei thai- goa thcaias tthis ntqoliha7clcoaefiaance 3iaiferafir- tic ieaiioa had he beea fparwiiatems ilr- tester made tfl depeitmeiiia head ia the ifarine and fiaheries aci rsl ao doat tahe good rani as flaaiw iliaistec- fahiltrixlto eixscowke ints ttnuounmfca at h ctiiltal ofraci 3aj 2i the dexoartctioa to day oa the fieirttre si lcrd and lldy liajdasn iris ens c the rraase eihih- tfcas erer eeen u tha city parliaiaeai ajareikdmsiiy- fdfy -10- 090 cpe rirc ca fhc proaads aadj aloa the has of jrccespoa at 2 oclock the cine addfk tras read ry jtayor strffattr b trhich eu eicshcacr rnaae a short reir alt trhih tfie ideloaes froa orer fit csjoaii and ctlier eocfeiles dabs aad cliii oigiciziiicniicrere preseaifia to tti eicelicaci the piocesoy thia fpnnod and proceed- oa totlegiijidit alactic depot where a epecui car hai bsca lindfiajeij on- mentfd frsalcciteicocffft thedecorafioa beiag thieagaiacect floral ecun 1mm 1 the qsesas owa ji-cfis- ia imrceifce crowd assembled at wis gtatioo and gave round after mad ofjhiariy xheezt as the train etamcd cat i ciiiii ritac jtle dotaiaioa gorcraaxeat rcakf riapple toaoewith the postage naestioa aad be prepard to propose at the next rcssica of uciiiajca zajilp ol the aaaericia rate vacas hecjj aear oar aiishbora la the crliercitiiseirtronfx vfcea they r- dax their lateraal rereane laaca its mart aa a matter of self protect iaa redece oars lteaa maybe calle that the aaieri- cijstcscaif eftaihiaff aad that oari is lot vte eacliot lidpthat there ierefjvregarhtcterorbiirip5 hat a rtdoctida iz tte rafe of ptarej will be titer dd ay taircrtase ia the namber of utiers carried ihi therefore an increase of reveaa the boardof trade can very wl dlsctl theqactoa aod then memori- aliae the covcriaeat rifoa it nvmj vewmixistdior j ottawa tay 1u isooderbtood thst at ihc nieeiii o the cabinet held ihii ftenoon ifr c il- tcpper it p for pitcol s tras apxcialed hiaijter of ilariae sad riihcrer in f ism of hoo itr xostcr sppcjii4 ifiauter of cnaace- he ia a poiihcl tad effectir speaker and his early traiain u a ilariae province iraa ts aha for tiie poitioa io which be his bc euei pofitively he is the yoacmt man viw ever eat su the domhi ion cabinet cad 6ir 3dm ia appoint iof biai iim tamed he gralitadeof the yoane men of cahadanifortuifieebythe aelactlon cf sri tapper tfaai hoy bate not to wait cntil past njfddle age before they can arrire i political disifction qieex hricroaia pauk omeiy kuqtiu vii4s onl may 2i tfca niacara ffciia quasa victoria free park was opened up to tire public this aomiofi no uceeonstratioa of mifcind taking pcj hie fonacl opcnii will in ajj probability tite jjuce ou 3ulr lt tiwcb evedt will be celebrated in a right royal manner from the capital nohincua fttg mir60eforliit sia- paa hitltlie kctr gtfrernor ig i aut a omi may t the cabinet rompos- xd of her majesty miniitcn ii complex and carioua bodyv although the changca ta it arc ntuacrou jot it rematna one rt- bponwble body and tttt the cabinet thit time sir ciiarlei tapper disappears from il and the portfolio of finatioe it haudod to hon 0 e foatcr next to the premier the minister of finance- it the moat import ant member of tha cabinet and is sufficient cicoae for a sketch of mr foater albeit already a xcell knovn public man ilia age it l and ia appcarttice iimore of the pro- fcasor than uio politiciau after taking the degree of u a at the uaiitrtilj of kew branstickv h sacoeaaivcly became principal ola poblie bchool of a baptist seminary of a ladies high school and ia ls7laprofesorof ciasalca and history ia the unitcrtjty iu 1685 the k s arcadia college made him a d c l he did not enter the commons tlntfl 1883 when he de feated the conscrvatfre nominee col doai- vttlc nmning as an independent in l5 he became minister ol marine and at the last general election he beat coj domvillc by i75 majority he has been an jurdeat prohibitionist he is a plaasiblc epeaker and very ready in debate it is thoarht by those weu informed that mr c h topper the member tor ticioa will eaooced mr foster 6ir charles tuppere return to kb gland as high commisaioaqr vacates his seat in parliament er attorney general pipes is the itanding liberal candidate aad the names of arthur uickie soq of the senator and hon hiram black a kova cooneihor are mentioned as the coqecrva- tive candidates in cumberland at the general election the conservative majority in that riding icaa ggs a ma axnrac i heard yesterday that the cusiorai jvpt has 13000 singer sewing machines under seizure it seems that as the company were about manufacturing a new patent machine to nm without the dotty ahuttle they redoced the price of their od stock and shipped 12000 into canada invoiced at 12 bo the customs sewed for undervaloa- tioa the company have now their ma chines out and offer to sell the seized ones to the customs for 12 i piece eet0ex it untie kill sir john macdonald- agreed with sir richard cartwright when the latter voiced the opinion of the pahlic aecouat com- mitfee about extravagance at rideaa hall to be phua about it the grossest waste and pleader of the public funds by the officials of hideauhau are veil known to many and especially to tbfe tradesmen of ottawa whose bills for goods furnished would btartle a governor ge oars if he was allowed to see them the system has been to groat any and all requisitions made on the gov- eminent who have beec called npcu to pur chase crockery liaea vid such axticits as oaght to be paid for outof the governor generals salary of 50000 whii is intend ed to cover everythiag at icvery change ct governor all or most of these things dis- spicax mysteriously and when anewiriceroy arrives a complete new outfit of household effects is furnished aad much of the furni ture used by the predecessor is replaced by something to suit the artistic taste of the new con it i learn that it ix the govera- cegts intention to try aad stop all this apon the arrival of lord stanley the servants at the hall waste enough every yer to keep ten canadian households in comfort and luxury do rosiro the cumber of domestic cigars maaafac- tcred in canada it registered ia the dept of inland revenue aad amouated list year to g3s70j or ahoat is far every rain womaa and child in canada of these montreal made w000000 hamilioa nearly 7000000 sod xoroaio cearly cfioqfloo etisixt jjuavu- oar aet governor general will reach qaebec ia another tea days where he will be eworn in by the administrator geaeral sir john hoss the new cotaroander oi the british fbrces ia america who has jest arrived at halifax lord stanley will come on to ottawa aafi be officially installed ccpadc his gripsack hang his new uaiform on a nail behind his bedroom door aa go fishing it is not as might be thought- to provide hia own dianer bat to ascertaia a our oew saperiafeadeat whether any of the salmon hatched at the hatcheries at the castle live long enough to lite at the anglers rod j the coioa cf tec 10jtz ezchtdl the other evening the original colors of itlie ioothjeegimeat canadian were deposited in the library of parliament witfa military pomp by geaertlmiddieton ol the officers of this historic regiment there were a dozen survivors occupying high positions today in canada the regi ment was raised in sir weeks to go to india during the mutiny in 1st75s the colors now occupying a honored place ia the most beautiful building in america were presented by the frince of wafcs and they were sent to canada on the occasion of the presentation to the regiment now in india o new colocs by the coantoss of dufferin last year amii aur on dit that mr baker the senior mem ber for victoria b c is to replace senator macdoaald who takes the collectorklup of that port r hon wilfred laarier is to make a poht- ical tear jof ontario j hon j hchapleia will this turamer deliverpolitical addressea both in the mari time provinces aad ontario l over fifty rooms ia the house of cnm- mons bnildfag are occapted by officials in april 7s2o0q dutiabje goods wero imported the minister of luilways is well csoogh to take exercise 6andfbrd ficmingcmxi has been elect ed presideat of the eoyal society which met here last week themarquisoflorno has been delegated to represent the society at anedncotional centenary in bologae france- mr blake has recovered his wonted health and will it is believed resume bis- old position next session mrlanrief has a popular leader during tue session jast closed lansdowaes departure was the occasion of a demonstration bal there waa not a spark of enthusiasm a kkw thotobjfb ox wm axd 1t8 tflibo hdltor oj tatvrsu vnu fiiur sm wo adroojtteuie uccoitlty o caurcprqhtbitiooiaaltwuibo found that domiaiure short bl tlitt will be of do- tirabu avail human untiirewub all its ihrcwdncu ftnalng plauslblo exeutotior wrong doidgc4titl find any oicaio for neglecting to guard tbo public again the evils resulting troni the liquor traffic it ii true a few are made rich by it and many beastly appotues are gorged but for etery one mid rich a thousand others are mt do poor and for i ho modicum of pleasure gained by gorging these brutal appetites uucuding sorrow is inflicted upou countlosa numbersj iu the end it will bo found that the opponent of the prohibi lory law arc tha opponents of uearly every thing else good ii there one who ft a de- voted fhoad ot anyone branch of reform i will venture to uy that moo oat of every ten murders tjtnmittcd are the direct fruits of the liqqor business let any oueit mau look at thexd of blood pobhahed day after day in our morning papers dearjj all are committed at night and iheu lopport the ruui traffic if he can without a burning cheek what fcorlul whit darkening crimea so many are trainforme4 into fiends so many bauds arc stdiucd in huinau blood and their eouh with crime staici that nevercaub- waaucd ost have been cf- fixed to so many nwuc toe peorlc hive frici aad puuuhci all thcic auiaoaie the burden of the taauou and whit beaeiit hi btca roccuc1 froai the traffic which has caated all tliis foe sge blojd has drippelfroui rcmii sacrificial altar tho gallows and the duugoii3 jrc as ceecsiliry to the rum traffic as pcsthoaics to the pisgae a healheii people might plead aa excuse for tins infernal sjitetn lat ii chritim people jhavc uoac with the shadow of these tcafialds darkening the laud pohucians siind op and wail about the value of property iq vested in tbo rum busiacss god leaches qs that maijtof more value thaa many eparrbw politi cians try loleiehf us that rum is more lacredthan the ihterests of two worlds homes hearts and human life mast ail be sacrificed to feedjlhe cocsumiag fires of thec hells aa earth such are rums doings therecord lr ap palling but what arc these cad items which have resjkct to the oalcr man only iucouiparuoa with the blighted hopes the withered lutellcct tie debased propensities the brutal appetites the dc- moaiacpiasiojs the defiled conscience fn one word the frigfatf al spectacle of uii fni- morul soul ia ruins a seal deserted of god possessed by demons and from which the hut lineament of its makers imaehu been effaced a seal scathed riven and sunding already as it will hereafter stand forth frigaual in its ruin a monumetit of wrath aad a waraing to the cni verse cijada new pairrv fosthill acais visited kv fhee welujd ont mayt 25abont niaa oclock last evening crc broke oat tu x j savignys store in fontbill and spreading eastfrarfi oonsamed gambias shoe store and grtcety paoffngs paiot shop and bines stove ind tin shop suv at iho stocks were saved oat otll the places btrraed the store occupied by mr ffavigny was owned by mrs thorne atl the other buildings were the property of ld everardo- all uus buildings wore intared and all the stocks except gambles tho fire it supposed to iwflf been the result of carelew boys attinftoft oraoenckers k platforaau address ta the pceilf of the fjaucioa j the exectire icommittee of what is known as the sew or trohibitica party which rs crganued at toroalcv march 21 has issued an address to th pcopje the hag it hsx adopted is the uaioa jack flanked with the arms cf cnadxani ia- ecribelogoiilaioaccguntry the partys platform it as follows r wdzi is itinle btisi tid cq eoiitoeiise ectl rigzis ft til crccii clii tci rnba- i cidiivoiirivilek to nzzm a ctlioilictiaet inliocai liienttc sad is an natters oc paliic rcuryoar eecctri- i xlx i2z2l rsd thsolzie proiabiiica of tie lirjusrlraiic salth laccet aid vioroai cs- fdrccnea o5u1u fcrt3 rprtesis vie tiidiateaiiienai j etrc2fcnt sd ecoacwy ia pliie cr-ci- djtcrt viih tie ricv of rsuaaeg ocr cijsnsos citisaii dclt j 3iaalood ttgrapilh l3 cdisatioil oaali- ecitke ilhstis a vsie to inezy rrcliaaorksil sfl vha i read tui vtiii flue cxuizsiyu d ujc ixszhisz to kouxb xn clecttc tca cirj tcrxict rcra jthe address poitt out the iutalcicucyof tte two great poliucal parties to promptly dei with lhu- questions refers to the ciils of the party system and miiuuins liat the remedy consists iu scustitariag a reia of prbciplcs for a refga cf corruptioti for each a moxemcat the hour is regarded tm propitious the tigai of the times point to the fpcedy diiatetaiioa of the old par ties and the cf new alliicccs aroaad hviag issass it is claimed that th general ayoptioa cf the platfcrm will prodnce aa entire revolution ofpolilical dethods and aims the address continues jlc rraaiins- tie jlatfpnn lif is low ib- ijittm uro ejects kerc tcil lc rtcw vizt to grarad the utr irtr ea prineiittes thxt tmid aliow so sltnaizg- room ur crooktl method oeh tlnn a3 wroad to deil oilj- with tbosa icci5c fijcstiras whicli ict dirccufiozch ic wclftrccf the people at the present time iturcrtbfsnfasostbatuic ico- liiltioa ot tlie uaar traisc holds a fortacst iiltec other ficestions rrill arise freia tce o tiiac and cas be deit vfth c ther ncriw bst jttijerefcnsideciialud by this plautarm can hi ccccjipuihi tha cczziry csi vtli ilsari to will a wiiie for the tcic eacat ot lets important ifee i j ttx yka fott sajisi msaiiccik pnyu- tofday t nicnood t0 lgor inthaponl- tcnuir forjihou by judgemkenalo on april lttlait tb- franklin houjoat torts ras durued the lames cotnmnnl- calod a bo dillon house doing more or less damage an inquest was held and cook wis arrested govcrimcnt detective joseph hogers was sent to forest bj the attorneygencral to iuvosligtte after careful work ho learned that cook who had been convicted 61 steal ing and had served a year in tho central prison hcrcfor had threatened to bo re vengod 011 the village whcu his term was out ho returned to lcrtaad told a party that hok bani tha own that hod set fire 0 tho iwuklin stables and whoa everyone waswal hiuguic dames hed kt tho dillon house 0 i flrcc ho was ia good as his word the vidoucc was straight against cook aad ttw jojgo accordingly gave him tea years trusted tcruslly ifckkt davis ralvkilleu the aiu killer ia the wttqtried nud riead of all who want a sure and safe uicfliciiid which cau le frcelv ued iu- nl citernaliy without fear ot harm and vitn certainty of relief its price br ugi it within the reach of all and it will a maally save nttiy tiaes its cost iu loctori biu j the pain- killer fihouiufhvy a place in every i- ictry machine shop and mill on evtrydurtn aad puntatioh and ia every ilouaehold ready for immediste ase not oulyfor aactdeut cats brcitef sores c- hat iu case af tajdea sickness of tny kind cau ion some thopkcepcri vita aalied fcr a bottle of pjiakiller find that they rc jail out but have another article just as good or better which they will cell ul same price as lviu- killer c pr bottle this pays them four cents more thautha genuine ail wich tlicj- hive abthiag ia with ii12 laiu killer and are gotten mi to ll ou the reputation of the pailki3er see sj vertifim ia arolhcrcolimn vir three or rcfoso co aim uixfiiivfd orraiar kecogxitiov akxcahuifle katci1xs thoaaaaal matches cf the 20th blualiofl tnzne rifles will bo hedoa the rtage in gtorgeiown on wednesday aad thursday jcae 13 th and hih iss3 when ihc follow iiv prizes will be awarded jliich ko l xll comers range 200 yards rtdndicg or kaeeling sdiderrise c5si e3 aad gvefj si kndooc each ko2 binge 200 500 and goo ydci slider rifie f f i 3 and five 82 l and meach ko 3 range s3 yds snider t h 3 and five f2 hand 50c each ko i the kerns match called after the liectcoh open to noncom officers and men oaljr 3 and five 82 1 and 50p iweh u range 200 yds stand fog of kneeling boeder riae ko 5 binge 00 yds martini rice 55 u s3 and five 62 f i and 50c each ko ocpmpaay match to be competed for by fonr pre viously named officers non- com officers or men from any company ia the battalion ecofes in ko 2 match to coant lit 85 and mecraney cop 2nd tl and regimental cup 3d95j lib i aggregate latl white cap score in let 2ti 3rd tied 5th matches to cooct bue entrance to each milch 25c seven rounds at each range all volun teers competicg to appear in uniform ex cept ko 1 kbae allowed to compete ex cept in ko i except bouauda members of the 20th batt rqlcs of the ontario bide association to govern firing to com mence at 10 am oa the i3lh mirtici nces fnrpishcd to competitem ammuni tion served on the grounds at 20cls for 10 rounds rounds snider and 25cts for mar tini no sighting hots allowed i 1- j- chudren cry far pitchers oastoria ichlm whcu jaby was tiel vbea she was a whan sbe locamo u j wlioa sbo bad cbildsen wo rsvo bor caitorta be ertsd for pastoria u sb clung to castoria sba bavotbem caatorfa lril officially ifiioried iure the rtportscftha goverateut analysts as made pablis from lime to time in the ogical reports of the cotdtnitsioqcr of in land revccue form uieful subjects for study li gre ilal of atujiilioa is devoted to the cximiaaticaicf taking powder f and very properly so for they arc articles cf general ae andj rriny of them being go grossly tittitcrated all possibla information should rt given to enifclc eoasamers to disiiugtsah between the good and the bad a larre namber of these articles have beea tauysedj tho eamplct being collected from deajers in ail eeetou of the domia- ion the impcrities touad were prin cipiily ahia aci lime both unwholesome the alatnis cisd in placeof crcaraoftat tsrheciose of iia ow cost the lime both tirtralciaad silphate being found was present from tlit use of im pro pcrly refined cream of iirtirj the inaljttsfoani and rcpcrled tbe royil biking ptfwder to be pare fm from hme alnm aci phsjphitic acid stnd of high levaiu etrcath a ojrnplete analy- ets woala uudoabtedly have shown no bak ing poweer creep the royal entirely ircc frcm same one of these objectionable ingreaiett thir we presume acconnts for the lick of leavening power in the other powder as sometimes complained of by thu cook and fcr lh2 bitter las found in the biscaits so freqneatly complained of by oarselcei but as d from the inferiority of the work dole by these powders the physicians assure ui hit lime and alaca taken into the system ire lajcrioat their physiological effects arc indigestion dyspepsia or worse cus- tlic qacjtioa ailurally arises why do these cheap hating prtvrdcr makers use the things alum is three cents a pound lime slii cheaper while cream ol tartar costs thtrtycve or fcrty the reasons for the cheiel parity of the royal baking- powaer vero recently iven iu kew york ttmct oi sn iiilcruting- description of a new milfiod for rcsuind argals of crnde cream o tartar it tiemi ths1 it is only cndtrlh iprcccs that crcim of tartar can be f rva pare that the patents aad plant for this coil the royal baking eowder conpra about hilt a million doijarsacd that the- maintain exclusive control of the rights this sal recoguitioa of the parity and valoc of th koyd riking powder by thegoycrameat will add to the already wide popularity of that article aad deser vedly so this hiking powder is now used to the enciuioa of all others by the united states government its tdvcrtisecients for supplies calling for it by name as the con tinuedtests of ihc official chemists show it to be much higher in strength and purer ia jnility than any ether brand ladies kindly read klly bros adver tisemcat tfee jargcat assortment of neckties ever hsown i at kelly bros j t r spring to the ladies of aptoi and surrounding country will you 1 1 t io ina within the last fuvv 1 bought righl it also tec tret be va thuilbo coup6mu1 iulcai st s v wder solutely pure dcrnffvervartei a raarvei of purity idwbolesomoness mors eeouoaiieaj diaary kinds aad cannot ba sold ia a with tho multitude of low test an ort or phosphate povden sold only it1l liijasa fowdra co 100 wall f kelly bros important t farinas do not fend jmir iwvhr sli ii- ceu vitiful wiu lr lry it the iiowess frielvd inlhtftoc hex willi it u tie ret-iyi- wcti ajulilaqtcntrkiuic si stfli n it frotu tho taacliat- it irii iji- botirk hirdiecrlc at tjrpril tbleuiiio intact it u worth iisvul i r tocyirriowiifr of a iii-t- r or u 4 j tr it aaictaiotirtfsnitti5fmiliwll yes cue hf mall ccius- iil- ar- v r clemektco 48 wellinetonst eaattoront i ll liftn aikftis pring spftllwc aqents vfahtxdhl iot4 wtera svifevoilittij ii h hehiilck co nitbt- iliuvtrwvn if j kiidm ojijiitiilni lollic moinn rcnnrkif wc liivc 0 willi rtfcltticatmur ci arrnal olcouoncootl which nist b of inurca to cu s ucll nsto ourtclvw i i- avs vc have iciicd bales of wiutu and gray cuttons im the inillal the lowest- possible fiffurcywc have- v ived piltof priiussiiccunfis tickings to- with a lift of bed spreads even lad 1 find it to their interest to look through our stock of cotton goods i rrilk buiocu tockiorknwsifc 2 uajcnlniol ha irb fludtsi sk- i irtt mcv iwirlll nu3b1tiijse litvd fdcn me uttu taavllttit fancy 8a0 cahpets fob thk onamtwiet bfc ft mjujlw rf rbiirju lor ale ttlrrtwjia tejund wo tuclj cr buttcrrd wiiiiiljcfyciicv wanted kdllvbuos 17 hglstonpj gkokgitow interior szcdzatox pajxtza house sign and cracmeatau ta tha latest eye leas0a ik ofc ialvrlx claaos widadajcviairrtuarii savjriiyaicrrwcf orfdr left at trc prc oc avk cr c rrotart atientija fuci hgtoj the warm weather nes come b j clothing is still neclssvry m brennan merchant tailor i has jar rut la a teril lic r czca otaafittf sulu ticnlc lcjltti allr favorable jirices aid wilii vc r giving hti cnstoeacn xhc ixrtcst he ril i sacrifice thefil for tl next four tceii alcutif l- forcmiijct3i itis tixa cj ic irl- clacrucrc beautiful bacfc worsted eaii 17 to 813 which cost ebo- whero s22 to 023 imiuutki viuect h tehmjv v to i kcsic store opposite soil oftice gcelpli- j thi i-rr- raiciicr dsriciiitrjiijrillju ever uvjfciuimtiiii tii- ko5 en ip i iule iklrx viiiclh vilu lbk quillet aj i klj virgin- lii-rr- ui cic a-crjnl- iij j iiiitw chrfcactm j llniiti jinjj klrcs ti13b3ri1ti cij- liebie dcairs eaerc pnims svcr jul jri triiti- thcj ooh j lmi fur cish ji iirirt j ire- to flhinaic iyii pccple of ac or ui -1-v- miv ih for uirai- li- iaxi tj vintr- my store li ftked infuiitoili i i bell organs lansdjowne pianos lor vhiih i 3m slc atrt for gcpb aci victcfiyi kc sire to call ard gcmhe iirit ofj lvoriili i 1 uy sccozi hand out teiij icia lzaicg mancnihi arc eeling their om oojairltenirehyetosih icitroahicto shswgkd sjxcial attetin paid tp every fktkoa vhtlisn civri- has cqtf4rvi fftciiisiticitm i arpric cl ihc ciccllcace cf ic ilcdisro td dlov tiicui brcaan rjirayf r t toucxi aad tru c fjl io tottll i m brexna wordesters unbridged qirto dictionary r smzmaira jsm powders amp eeaittot4a ctetahittdrotrn fu z it n taft ki bu4 ottoctnoi cemtrofife ef wimla ciiudron orjadcdts willi or without da tuc piuii iric r edition of 88 enlarged i j ertheaddiuoacfarccrlnuc- 1 biographical dictionary of ccailj 1133 r0nffc rui a i l gazetteer of the world riattag acd lociti over r1u iisx oontairfn alto over 12600 ne vqtqs 1 tscently added tcoiaer fu a table of 5000 wordsm gene al use yni h thetr ssnonymes cuxstaxkd wtthlvooa ctts avfl ftllti the xitjoilil slantlinl of arac riulitt r evcrvcdilionif loae hccc isri- ipftng wulttier and oticr otcsncili acjrlc tnihotatjohovrt yczcscr it irvsrji tl oaaeabt aircreffr fnirili wtitcrs i is ii aatfioritvof tha leodiac uisiins aaj m pa pert of ttio eoubtrr n4 o tv cacl3 d irtment at waabintcn ron aiu irr xaa cojseklli j u uitixcott coitraxv ralu tuaadtltliartct etrec iiilidjii hous waul papers criria mr alaba3twe tlctrq thsnt l0 bru8hes claeasep xov itic liuukjmltcrllic okai agent for b laarancoo pc c w sied liist b sayjlgce qttjelphv iiex vol c051e to ghelitik- dollar spectacles a new stock justtoharrd b savage glelph jl just opened pulv-ra- igdit spring overcoatings in vqr5teds ad jueltons ijoaiiiifilllcsimisaudvarifctjtif sliadti ilado iip iu the latest styles 1 -ii- shaw crunpy merchant tailors cuelph r- cft3toriih30ieaadaptaioehjidnthat i cutoha sorts oollfi ooaaupaikw t rccosjnesu it as nrricf to lit prescription i 8 btomich eiftrrnta erucuilloo tezctsrinj coacpijtr v7mamttptroelk y essasseeesss sbtuebe 3keepers attention ui iiuuo ljlmsaaoijwtii uantifi oilicor lahlolia j r f iit d yncivfiz loch iiy i cuf revet iiul j uteres c cot frca lite cr rcl fvar- cr j t lliv tivs lorc iarcatkieg cr liv- ttijiji giw nusnsiud ln tlhi ultu 1 ili il ruif cs it uj xtrsiidiaaic ulitc peuchens pflepare 3 paints cutta percha idckp aints ia tlc v ivti roalv xr a full lie u al cc3tra jtia aip lnccrscitvrituiia au1 varihl alias vnirn vsniu sotcalpuxtvanmhfitexcii bt0ve0othplhitidtlotu n-fi- ia orr rc-l- 1 rv uivr vrniiilrff nwcfiirvitkau om to ft clanpen uxkz liilirtkajtti isfliclolntlisronnfiar be ix ilkibv 3 b peaksoii feotea dpectsolea v hduse and l0t8 tob baliw- tiucaltfpejciefor tlif tal two ltt atvlea co mldsrt iroiwrj i cij fcnc5d ud th ijcmj rir tirrtcaojivljtoj john- luihrrjua sh3holz8 ahd picket8 i chinoiea ifi lirabts ij4a tii o lrvlcla ia qsii and at uuxsss- a lcjaj-ilayii- wara ted crtac8ass jiaiph lilcbibaot v iciidiaclicth 1 wr yi cat ifh iffee cr ma to ctb ftrdopa ii ijtarrowisl teidtntjl- lf vfii salesmex alvtil- 1 1 1 iij aii t orm ittiev2 ciiasl biornkiib ccitoiiiiji house ic m for xm ir al ut oj iri funx ii uiludisj r rfj uirjj uu1 rent ta 2- v jf caat eu parlxd oat- v- ftiyv d nrndctson atir i geogajuteltantillaixt il salesmeantefc wi ire la ff snt tf a few jaore ftrrthiofci o canvflj fur die falocf chmtatirijs cf vurnt stock- to men who waqim succcii pt ilia imipcu e cy patboiafi orcctnttisio nod sntwmmntsj enpftlpjas wc have litany aiw ri cispce pwbjn v3- ii tho fruit aiittniameittal lien mhvh w i do lttiiutlavarflvat osee vlth rttt v vax ubothebt t7 ncbbrpiukltcciestyilfj i obuildlm iqtftl foibalb r tc the aadeniened li335l i larj jdttot j tlcllvntljuiidlsfirb rafi uatiaaj larrey the locatic 6 tery ttuvtita a thcra arc aoiacrc daiv3o ibta oa um taadct tunas easy ajltj to y i li tails w tl jir plaktsfor t 77511 io liifna ttr llie ta x fix grccflbott cf mr l herkctl iaci ifftirf w nraish all lomitoteiftt cajldce uid liic icidiae and mst popular eiclilt i aiwte caulifbt jrtjh hue acton dritpfff sbajbonlb8 tub cxccllea half mile sjwi t uic season ji is in ftrslcl for ipeodinj qt for- trakiine jaitk this date done but ticktl boliicn en the tracs- ecacda tieiit- l ijororttrohcrsos sichc tad t tico tu i igion hay ut lia inventks has revolntiouixcd u orlt iwliatr century kiljna loojl den of icvttiivb ioerem is a tnet dod em of work qiat can ba perfenaet all fttt- coantry ititboct acpariting itiro i oa m v thelrhoracs iarf iiufril y eo trork citlitfrats tonaflorold cot fwcialal reciulrcd capital not ilede joi arc tt rco cat tiia o4 nd rtura id a aod yt v n icad yon freo bofstfuiiaf of 1 v 4ae a pcrtasce toraatljat ihatsn yotj ip tabh v v winchill brins yoa is pe pat tiian wjrthing cfce la tb wcf4 fne adonsa tbue co anysu radfeitj b riceily xv uttirtlrtl tbstwu aotuld v avkdebarpthosotfarrad m kill had iart- j idthcmlroti the 3feetoi lotdffconl -iioea- a fron asi nuj itli psjlratiap i ajnbljcmlsb aitbei v oc t jaf p isjp ing ianp lower jjbl rife fc ijl li i ospii idlfiatel iar lie st cjihrcbi r naet3etfi9 itilboavl i irul had iioaaniblet3pijypeu scqta w families tho rtctt r urpe ked oajkr every inaoetrious lcro raacy balu nailr aro now mating bevral hondrdl fl month itiffcjisy cr icyocoto w rrhardipcrdjtv tfcoiinriilicgtost sw tea yyaegcroli cartte corded yon everylwncnijw ko ipccilj tbilityj qqircd youremcrcdoi5bsaliaiayeoaj writa tp uutoamforflailpvtlcnlir tottgtt mail tioe jddxai athaoii c rnrcim mtica 4s salesmen oaivlreiv o graham ldoaru o grthau litpopulrr 4 to aialo arrangoaknt willi tfit cij tvo lf- h ljes a choice sucfcitsjbucg jjc htttndoeeuieiiyi to itcteott aro ojvantasooua llejuiaus tl he ii ruiriuit8 loitamilli aiaicjy uxst c he can glvo aclh- arrearo nprichl qi pomtiunt and deaircslto cosaraiiicajb rmmw ctf fcuchmrn with ajticttol fetm fl itcrviors writotohinlmcodnasyollmw tail for only i old dilh chases new rocedpt boc hi3 last aad criiwnieglife woia dr rcuet third la and coinptc jt jlooinndjiouaehpldl tnlimoriao p- the mllliou contain n driywd yepo aaiig or iii in cloth bindm g and ti5u in ugporm of cloth nmiie lg y and j jhfuj blw- caaial i tecropmiiff per oajoj his thcrobultofovvn haira intwi vauonstndvfthdticiicaec j i t liaonr no compilation of tii ftnacr b iaauu a iiew boot if coycah affa he con 3 pre iwjok tbathaahad taloqf over fltcnhi- hcasandcbiicaadhainvjehinjaartfaailw hi nearly erevy enpllmvoajuas on tnttf tufted fitaica cojiwlc aad uiccmi lafll 3st in eyrci aobtralui aril 8tci 4ctieataw ki3d of a book could or adh l cuonlnvotam wots- vtib mcp tban-tun- veanof additional jwctw td cl tha loc4r iteoli ant wrj tc qatatir i ad w t mo- vinwoprohictjuitathqtl rj w pnmuhiaj li rnulhodin both tklam gt man t- caution til rnicmjnlona and iiimsiw poblii o52s i tanitlns to copxthis i takft ik i our and pajiuincit tfl cm ibe p p aa wje- mmplotp work wo olo thrpaaii scrir j chajoiirronidrchasevtlsrtr so thatyoatj- tbfl qorcca book sihm its mwbf lhe title pago and iilcorjrisfckd by or ftf- agexts vaxtjtp ig t lluif i jl 5 bdickl5bsbk fi 00- mala onlcc dotrait lllcsi taeegnlate tu cloang- t wufrf in the mnnicipality if toe village actoc tvnrilils in iia vt ift l tur ot oatarf- jt rwnla sluin liecnlrjeu act ot its if pvb3 nahillconsrtioao tvplitt wtr o5 ahoja in tlnrir muiijijiuifi aad 71ore 10uu uht a m u0 ixikki juitiuht t5catod tottlx-ia- cc ab5-awtortjult- tlj tsinb mohlfttility vjwiult- vud wboroas it ia litacd auvualiop with tha vrmyer ot iaidlhutoa bo u taerctorc coacl4i jig 1st titlnimuiaiokimura uie cojuiao in ore ot ltd iilf hiisr bolsshril kof loed li oil rvaiaia cloaodv araaliat tho fcojlaa ia tcli eyenusj esoiuedmniaj dayi aad acopt tllo day udiaodta wir atatutory or uitaklu holiday i- itoldlns a iericaltaiil cshiulijotp bry oooiv lloouaslijtlaiaiiiej liiachcrt htrnciiiakii1i aadlallop aid thatatiy erao9 la these eltf the prorilpiia ct ui sfrilsi tj uoaof soeljfoflnchjero any j lwwo for tlfeaaid lanatdlhw 1ij penalty ot not les thaa wo doiurw tventy dolltrt lyitlt eetfa lor ub f inalty ot not lesa enty dolltrt lylti la doljtnltot jiiiccl jud tlino litiiitcafcy ttij infiijht ih0fen52 coat idthiq jaymaut to bo tho county ior toy w davni vl k 3rd ithatihic py-lo- idiau m eomoliito force eft wid tatnlte- paiidthlahtadeytlilray j e lcoalil- r- wis hescciyi hnafoi aaontjtjij bbibiti p lilr p4ea tlitenixifff itotpfi unfee jlii iiortwi peleot foraptert- raibtio evirsrefcl 1 on sufaii if otcreast mlacb riswuttp lb 6miprilim rcjertt tijsopii mwprsbjttepa it dorm bmin ptrti 7jpsxmg 2fo cbt a iltla motte to ibpienfprt- fbai ire tfewi spolottcj itstjoa sxi kfinoa ehtltciit ftc ki dtseoftf utvpo adovetshl tueile it-ftetg- it release licraltl1 rib i bto d en wi lovj stree ranije fitmlmriol i neant red aborejt vtlisay cbarei on satos tended tfftbnqtz nkacio kavnlr i ated ib sintsriorb being r ipainteji bloaej otji done k iiq vet i work it i aitoni iho-woik- vt bare n feznpaia ftrfi jtend i t ibiit aaiifav brobtl oijintjif thonld ptjoiibttif tbakialj j ot 5nbaj jtrlj binnyi atttpn yalter cbxil aoas he finlcwiftl tbe cq pertk cartil ooetw a bmaahetll worth iepairinjr st i likat pltbeinil coa nicaitjaa mn e ennkttoy pawfc ioiu niatl ibero w htwf h3i arjmi lij s jiti efiace briostoaiaris y broihad i ptatj ot recino fcboirc tlcrjill i tril cito beovi haltab tfyns ihefaisi toitt the e cferil 9rtitlitp4rj bsbwllblt3 ini hin taaaj f iaitoij tttilkcrviojf berel tinbi bev uii rlitf walnipl noon ajco bjj tncfi v avj to hut tfcj ty iintiljlfel mmttjit rfojt h fell w4 loherrt -tu- 1 mia ii tii

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