u boat r i i n ciliev iec w ivt ot hdaofihlcr naxrixd utrvmiklsxrl virtue tttlr mkyj- lie it turnout at litrvlitik ol tilt lirtdc fai r vr-srl- r tnrvlii r t jjim man j biiui i1tmv vkrituv ii va7j in ill urthmiil uniyrtlirj oi tlc ti ma- lcv h 1 v lit- rriiiti v tfrtrw il lac rrio r 1 1 i v tril- iulvhw iviv vclac j vh vurr walk- iiiu j- 41 uh ki cbrevi lut- rt1iui d-wiiiiaiiw- am itiliirt1 5tlvw6sj llkl u- jioi uv icv sit icrn ik linasrt t- nlav ir i til km- rtv jvl troll ittirrrlb u i- liiijjjh wul rcccic ihz jcrtc ct ikc l ui ilc ijroiciirs convocation ivtjjifoni i nxvon vthii eccvict as gcrcrxorgtiicral olciiiads the cos tire ujf the canadian pacific bond iu lcsdoa jwas a rttr irkalile socoess ten litres te mrpnt aslicdvtts suueribod by eleven ocziciid the leis war after- xzr qccci s1 irtoium cf jj tcf manitoba arttrcr rcjcroin uirch- ix cjxruots whaat lctt now worth ttcttjcicua icshcl core thin it was last jaj otrjttto- ihls incrtase the wuuiuipcbitc raiitsuie price bread sciicr sjxjqrd u iniucrily tor uie eiatemcaluit ibc cacidlac pacific cam- par y will iti at cucc the wrk of stating est its- new ixecasi ol bnrlizgtcii to the xiijra frontetiand feuding rill be com- mgflcod next ycafc ey an ordcfinccdl wiilfim e ijsttcs c kothav htsbccii ajipamicd eolicc itiistrikte tic cqcliiv afwcii- irfcq it baliry ci sfco poriaoctnmid l3i0 f r tnrj ckptctc ssdiry to date frona jim lst15 t tcrczlo hss iijthcr i maz bocdle kaa- dil in cc2rct0u ch tlc oontnetieg for i slrcct jlci iprcent2ts itaroscoat cf chirj c ciibcgccty lraut uaicst ccryorujart rtrtt ccntrict ovrer lactie ujclni ajiccci to be klilc ccnincts sjid ttueccrthtjzrcirciiy to eu li vicatlv a nc icij crated ihlht qzi2 c1 pnillcui 4st noltc hr rixlibliiaisu te il- cot alwirs eclcc nadxys fee impor tant ad rehponiifclc pcblfc piiftioni a finance 5iiattr i neeiel for tie dotnia- iouasd thi diirlcd prolubiiicniit of lhe irtiig i- fester oe eelectea coliiaci posit- nuriq govcraacni jprut cne cf the sjiad- the local legislature se- the ciierte iirpcrwc position cf iisiivict treinrcr is vacant indde ciaerct ce c icoi retire usd cctlins- iisti prchifctifiu plrtxcrpi irkere cf vefterc otirijv is ippauiiii tee ecn- sliinalitof xcrtfc ycrfc loses iu tc-preseci- ttitcjiikhs lccil leilitcrt j anl the eefcrtu pcnjgrts tccethcr picks octcne of the socidciitcintoriccfi rnei the coacty mr j l diir acl heroes into rthe uiihcct cppocitidq tor- hull aqa1n 1h ashes tm unndrru urn fifty uotms nd sorunu tllk vto of a cigar ortjiwa jon 5for ttia third time vithio eight oart hall has been purged vtlh fircandfcurge tocttou iwcpi off tho rock on which the city is buill about sio uii aftcrnooiit while the city council waa iu b6aaiou gra brokeout under the italn of uc city ball ivbich wu in the ceutro ol markcttqaut and uptin oer the hjarlxu the fire is supposed to la been caused by the etkmp of a lighted chjacfall inktindcrthe btiirf some vutc a btrcuig gale wii blowing at- the time and the lc ijircftd vfilh fearful rapidity and tit a lew minute the city hall was in qahies and tparu were ahoweruig on the small mjodca buildings in theviciuity thowiml wac blowing from- the lierthwcal and the crc fnirly flew along the streets running nolii and caul and within fitloon minatca forty or fitty tenements were ia flames the fire brigade was practically uicless the tmili mains beingwholly inadoqaate to supply oie uumerous strcaxas laid on and the fir merely laughed at the sickly squirts which trickled oa it some of which scarcely went twentyleel beyond the ucale the wind hlet directly towardethe mag- nificenl roman catholic church the largest edifice in the archiepisoopal diocoee of ottawa cicepl the basilicaat ottawa and the interior was soon iu names the clurch was of solid limestone with a theet iron roof which held the fire in splendidly and had there beea anything like a suffict- eat water supply the building would have been sivtxl as it was this beautiful struc ture valued at over 15goq0 was totally j destroyed together witli other church property in the vicinity estimated at 100- 000 more the fire swept along totally beyond con trol and hoon caoght the convent a quarter of a inilc distant totally destroying it by this time the conqueror engine had arrived from ottawa and had two good streams on the couecc which was cstved and the- eddy and union steamer had several streams on eddys psing grounds sooth of the fire the lumber piles in which were mostly saved only the fence and a tew piles being destroyed it is difficult to get at the number of hooscs burnt bat a moderate calculation pats it at 230 which k more likely to bo under thin overestimated fully 1500 people arc homeless most of whom are poor the loss will eieecd toooooq oa which there is little iustixance except 0000 on the church 000 on the convent and 3000 oa the ciij hall this is the worst fire hull has ever had actons tv twidfr tot onhlnit annlusfluu loovernors jstrcvt atadntnlihit sul tawnhwl cousciliak kexbirvfl suxtlay liell btftpixtf council tuetfou vodnisday ovctiluat f 15 oclocx as court of ltvistqn mpmbors nil preitiu reflkc in tlc chair i there bctn none otbvr irirttbl ni puis against lite akcssfini it whj moved by w e ttuiiiltj fccoiulod by w iimond ttiat the lime fur lutktng com- plaints bgainvt errors in tiascsvnicnlln ex- lv tided for leu dsy and out court uf rf- vitiondo tinw aljtru until 13h june j court then adjjnriit i j council theatnc fc regular huiiiics- minute at ut crviitijrid and con firmed j the couimiiut w fiiilicu ireattiud their with report recommtudiitit pynctil of accounts us fotoi xh fianley trwi toi cvtuctcry and plaining uiuq ai 467 60 ii i uoore jvacikiulit for uarci april and uay- 1 iju wnilaui binllb iroik j oa strceti and henry bell drawlcc ortvel 0 00 win smith slanting twc c ta t i 107 53 moved by v p brown seconded by v e smith that the report jml read be adopted carried the commissioner a streets and side walk presectodtheteedcrsfor macadamiz ing and gravelling mill street as follows nir- canndu ilock it kath o jamk yalitifr wfllkiiimi isrwipapfr ivbipiuip d mjr ja um fahoyotioot tho brttknowu and clonrctt liowtpipgr pjunfapbcrb ih dijl sutonlay nuh uv eight t hi lto rvioncc in- lufjar street mr ralioy wu jl but two days an acuto attack of pcun juieunviuiii carry iiu hmj off in tint luri iwriod mr i frhcy fiis trin tit i inih vihe in c cutitiojl wtytiijtu bout lrttoight j cars ai llo leivtb u family 6 seven cliurci in wry o ir ciruiilicui mrs fiilv ilij i cmif k link- oier a yaarjiu lit tiic thrd u uw jjnju ijjihi j juul i liui tar wnrl advcrneniciiu i it jui ii to luy gr iiaiihiiltjou want a ijtuui a inthiif u butiiiets iuciiiuciv lyltun if yjj liuc lost or faiij jj ifiil a iiti wil u hud out where mioie i6 adtcrti- iu tlc toronto lh maii axix atl ilt- buictt4liiicila en the tiiirfi ii of that ptr tie chargo i two cfuth a word each iusuuu ad- drtis tht- mtil torynw canada ec2i s itstgce iloirtiiit jcfi c bex22 the hrgiar rxiiicemsi wsy tight fosnd gnilty byithe jcry ificr an ibsze d titeez micstes and was ssnteccel iff evtn yesrs is the ptmitn- tiarr ttejry reconmeni him to the mercy of ihecoirt j alei b whghl for the whole work of a fceetfv factoar blilved t j4 2 the allies hicdac- tcrieg cocpieya lsldkwis dtroytai byre between iiand lths meming- xoi loss about lic05 dinsrzrja 5000 x targe qcantiiy of viiacz s soois was bincd afr althes was way from tots kott act ktcejx lv staxstealt coicoxice2iay33 tha result cf the cticg car tue repeal of the scott act in taetexdcogctyfto is a lrkiorityof ijji against tfceact tie act iris earned jnihis cortfy liqciotr ii py s mijor- ity of 323 on itrrst ssbaiksaan in jane i8fe0theactwksdifeitcdly ill korjruik fixmni j mcrlrcii y3l zfosjarnjicmcr died thir evyih eon after irociocil pemucrfcrrfyriui been a cdnspiiioos and isnetai fcr xo twa- gencraiocs of cifisilin isiilicmlethcilsl cfccxch in politics in tincauceil asairi ad in hus- izezz u ictiru was for felly fifty years great- sxd beseeiel- almost ap to the fcnief lk vcryiieitly lif he aiiended to eis bciiuariocs ilcliss with adi ecer thil hlibaie bi disuectiy ftltjia sever al depanraeils piifcl uleed to ieitlt kj1 centre ost l vshe gvocdin fcnryeiroi soil of altr grou- 4ib izzul uiin fiixct eevtn miles from litre- wus this jimoor bmc4 to death ieaid two othtr children were playing with ri in lz licrgi whhethe tqofhec was out andiisoxiwty iris clothes- cioht fire wild wiih lenir lit rui ozt of yas house and iria iiinett wis enveloped ih dames before nissiace reached the cjrild ne was to badly harsed ihil he died inkboutac hear the nxihera hinii wuta eevcrsiy barnei while trjin to siethe bey xortfulatripto tjtk lixd of ia- ittolnr and flowfxs three 15 to be tnkrecri3j iarty to rfinfrardeci ra jlichigan cectiiilbcr lictoo asdqcfccey aid central pficics eailroaif rtyljjh at c5 half the regu lar rau- tickaw jvi to return fcr 0 cuys any pscca watffc to ga before erciirsian daycac co iny time after the 13ii june at eirtx rate- pcnonsj wiihing to ariul lhenit cs cf thl rarcj chance ihtold stu3 to iltv dfiviri ifuut ifiltgrove oct for posters and all par- ticnlak hedaixi rate5 ly the eips part to hcxiarud salt lskfccity i death 01 t f silek ifpj tl utficuiiirrforeiijitkt ff y 1 r hum- jul jane 1 thomas m jsairu slfpjfgr the ccuuly of filgio died at bis hoiifc i ere at sereu oclock this mornicig of heart disease aged mtyjsven jearj eleven motths and fijueodayf for llepaft two or three weelrs he hid been nodertbe doctor to al appear- auoes wm itbcoverinii and only a iev mo- ueou beforft hp death bq arnse torn hit tied fie becctcc ancooscjont and bu wife fearing he imdjaiutcdalfcd for hlp dr hindauvaqiea his bedside hot tod eujetiul4rkhbi3ukcuitjiljt f 1- i seafoetit 0xt the annual meeting of goclph confer tice of the methodist church being held hi the town of beaforth this week brings that town into more than ordinary pro minence anda few words respecting the place may hot be found interesting scafortii h a flourishing town eltuatod on the b of alb and godericli division of the grand tnmk hallway in the county of heron it is twenryooe miles south east from goderich the county seat and 111 from tacpnto within the boondaries cf the town are expensive depositt of pure rock salt of great thickness and value and salt isone of the chief products for ship- raent from the town the blocks of the gray young and eparling salt vrotfcscbi is the most extensive in the town and their annual shipments are very large it has woailen fiar saw and planing r a fosndryand isthe hcadqnarters for the largest eggcollecting business in ontario cf which mr d ih wilsonweilimowti as the egg king is the proprietor the mercantije interests of the town are well n sin ijd as is demonstrated by the excel- lent stores which line the principal streets rseaf orth is a very pretty place and is sur rounded by a prosperous fanning com- mnaify- it has nicely graded streets good walks profusive shade- trees and many attractive jucbnihings and pri vate residences the congregations of the presbyterian methodist episcopal and catholic denominations have beautiful and commodious church edifices there axe high public and separate schools wfth ac commodation for nearly g0q pupils the mechanics institute has 2400 volumes there is a town hall and a public hall with ample capacity two banks and two weekly newspapers the uroa erpoktior and z7t 4 tut the former of which under the able management of messrs mclean bros has earned for itself a dominion reputation as being one of ontarios best and most ex tensively circulated country papers tbesnipmcmts of tbetown comprise grain salt eggs lumber live stock and general produce its population is nearly 3000 its assessed valuation is about t600000 beaforth is a prosperous and gradually growing town eespecting the hospitality of its people and the business of the conference which opens titnorning we will probably ave eomethmg to siy in next issue kuots atjalxst g11a1xlv milk iuodic- t10n ittlui uowk ruorcsson or icuicrimu methodist axvtal coxfeeesces the annual conferences of the method ist church in ontario and qaebec will te opened as follows toronto conference at the metropolitan church toronto on tharsday june nth niagara conference at norwich on wednesday jane glh guelph conferenca at seaforth on thurs day june 7th london conference at the queens avenne charcb london on thurs day june 7th bay of quinte conference at lindsay on thursday june 7th mon treal conference at the dominion square church montreal on wednesday june 6th ber dr carman genef suporinten- fient will open the n- andguelph conferences rer dr vv0iiamr general superintendent will open the london and bay of quinte conferences while both general super in tendents will be present at the opening of tbe toronto conference the montreal conference will be opened according to the provision of the disci pline in the absence of a general bnper- tondqambytjiepresidentofthenfcrence revjw j bhawddof montreal l0kd gtaxlev hews he hot an adequate foueeiitfon of caaaaait kef kegarcrt lie cn the bights of eesioriilile govennnent lnslxis jane i lord stanley the newiyappoiniedgovernor general of can ada was interviewed today it moville ire- jnd where the steamer barmatiin on which he sailed stoppod for mails and passengers lord stanley said that be had acquired iu his experience 10 the colonial office an accurate knowledge of canadas vast resourcer he said that he was greatly impressed with tbe possibilities of canadas future uhe didnt go be safd with any preconceived idea regardeg the government lord stanley expressed his confidence in canadas ministry and be lieved diet they would cordially cooperate with the governorgeneral he was ar riving he koew at a time when troublous qoestions were likely to arise but he felt no anxiety on that account grading macadamirinand travelling mill street from the gtr depot to mainj street to find all gravel and brokeq atouc and perform au work as per phsus and specifications for thceum of one thousand and sixtyfour dollars tha work to be eompieted by the first of august william lnndy tendered for supplying rohgh stone for seventy cents per load and gravef for fort cents per load delivered on the street i theniattor was fully considered after which it was moved by william jismond seconded by w p brown that the tender of a bi wright for grading macadamizing and gravelling mill street as jpcr plans and specifications foe the lum of one thousaud and sixty- four dollars be accented mr wright having dcpoaiiedhrs marked cliuuc for five per cent of wndercarried councilor kcnneyjasked what wai to be done about the ringing of the town bell on btradsys he stated that the member of the churches fcr wiose services the bell was to be rung were willing io pay for the eemces of tbe bellringer and felt that th council should honor their proposition the matter was csscusscd from various standpoints and councillor kenney pre sented strong claims for the 6anday bell ringing it wts however laid on the tabic for further consideration j council then adjourned i i actox pciiuc sciiools i the sowfiiirnpujit oh- lis j eixiuiaattytii and their strndinx thd follcwing is a list of the pupils who took the highest marks in the mouthlyex- aminatiods last friday mr moores de partment is not represented because his scholars are specially engaged in high school entrance examination work 1 ezcostj setletxrrx sexioe robert sinclair 2tj chester matthews 252 frjd ryder 27g istrxanuit frank mcintosh 2y2 bessie cameron 28 rolue smith 2w jjrxioz annie toalict 239 herbie phillips 231 angubta bell 230 cmcphaflteacrier 1 scnoctminnieedwarus jfo jennie brennan 215 berte mann itvt istnurnute ifoun edwardt 203 charlie mccann 153 hettie mccenn ug jcxion arthur i moore 210 allan campbfifl 2t0 roj mcintosh is5 nettie cobban 13j dcorrigan teacher roceth ietijltsixt bcstqs boxrie i storey 230 russell camerot 230 john bobioo 200 lnxrtt3iirn charlie tuwerit 270 nellie holmes 50 george eobson 20 jnaoit s ltxzie creech 25 mabel craine 230 mcintosh 200 lena doriand tacher i cojpeeatiox l the lhssion field i moyremr jcne l the question of co operation in the mission field between methodists and frresbtierians was disccs- sedthis morning in jthc presbyterian col lege rev dr shaw was appointed chair- mac and prof scnmgcr secretary the chairman stated the object of the meeting prof scrimger advised the members to take up only such cases as were supplied them by the courts of both churches ts the ob ject was to prevent juocecesfary waste of 6treugthl and money itcv mr hcxtable proposoda ecbcomtcittec cf four to collect evidence fcr the entire district in which ihej were sappoacd to work rev mr hastie wanted to know if the land or the property owned by missions was to become the permanent property of the church which took up mission work- eev dr williams proposed that the ttvo charches should jave turns in taking charge of the work a motion by prof bcrimger vs adopted that the cotnmis6icnwa5 now ready to commence work and that the courts of both churches should be invited to lay bcforcilgcch cjjics as might come under ooticcwith all pos sible particular it wuadecided to have a secretary reprctuddg each church and prof bcrimger and dr williams were ap pointed and the place and time of next meeting left to them wht uakivg rovvukiw aite liest fran irairajocnaiotkahiil baking powders properly compounded and containing jiure cream of tirtar are more convenient than yeast andbrrqd and pastry made with them are just as whole some and far more palatable we are ia entire sympathy with the manufactorera of the royal baking pow der twho commenced and are vigorously i conducting the war against the use of adul terated baking powders before commtting ourselves however we made tests of a snfuciect number of baking powders to salirfy ourselves that the substitution of alum for cream of tartar iu their compoiitich has not been overestimated while a careful examin ation of the royal baking powderconfirms our belief that dr mott tbe government chemist when he singled out and com- mended this powder for its wbolesomeness did it wholly in tbe interests of the public we do not hesitate to say that tho royal baking powder people deserve the gratitude i of the com muutty whom llieyare endeavor ing to protect if yoq want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise iu the toronto wtelly if all that paper readies 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meetxhe eye of someono who wiits to pqr- chaac advertiment of this class are in serted to rtie toronto witlty mail for five euuftword each jiusertion or twenty 6euu a wdrd for five insertion j address tbe mail toronto canada it rxbjormyiiii noted dry goods millinery house actonv j we hate made leu with t roots against grain fof milk produclioa within the last fivu years but never so thoroughly as dur ing the pas ninlcr our objects were 1 cheaper production of winter milk 2 to gt niilkthjual at lct to the average on- urio summer records 3 tlc use of a largo quectity of roota withoct taslinjr and f to mainiin milk flow and condition- of cows witioutjirain the plan adopted was to feed one week oaeacu iation previous to exact testing during tic ccond week and thus changicg every two weekt through march and april ordinary shorthorn grad werediandltd milking twice a day whit arc the facta so ur 7 i the reel ntin daily consisted of 12 lb cut hay timothy and cloter33 lb mangels 3 lb swede turnips and 15 lb white bel- gim carrots all sliced and mixed with the lay the grain ration was 12 lb of- simi lar cut hay 7 lb ou 7 lb pcisc aud 7 lb- barley aji grjnndaivl mixed dry with the hay fwdiigalg am 1130 am and 530 pml trcnitriitve calio of tlic root diet is l7f audof tc grain l-i- thus 27 per cent higher for uic gniu raticu i tlc daily milkier head- from roots aver aged 200 lb ever the- whole period and 2 lb from griin thedaily cost rf feed per head was 191 cents for ihe root alid 31 cents for the grain ration that being fl milu tor the ouc and 133 mills for the other per poend on the milk prod coed cr9j cents and it cents per gallon respectively charing the average prices of the proiik duritig the last twelve ypr on roots thiivniras1 weight wa reduced iilhaad on the grain i2 lb ever the period jpraclicallj nothing in tlic scaling of ccwi j tor hid vre to credit any left food after each ftdin neither was niilksdoiled by root laste now whit trc the practical and scienti fic dedccicns from thete cple facta i that 1 lb cf a mixture of roots an unusually large quantity per head per day with i23b hay gave almost as much milk as did tbe unurcally large quantity of 21 lb of a pixture cf grain sua 12lb hay 2 that this result sas accomplished 1 without spoiling the milk 2i without re ducing animal weight i tit 30 per cent less cost and even tltough the root ration was scientifically 37 per cent lower in nutritive value stlms food of a succulent character four tiroes more bulky and much less value proporuonately than dry grain demands a very hijh place in winter dairying the root ration was pitted gainst an unnsually large quantity cf ground grain enough io fatten two store cattle which al- eo represents with hay the acknowledged scientific and practical standard 154 of a ration tor thd best results in animal growth and thesr prodacticui bat even though the roots were foar times more in bulk the cow had nearly twice as much digestible materials per day from graio- 5 the large relative percentage o water in rootiteeem toposrsss an inuence la the production of milk which if not exactly understood ye kiasio depend for its effect epea the fact that the natural food of milch cbwi contain a larger proportion of water than ik fonpd in the more highly nutritions gainr c tnirtythzec pounds pf swede turnips per day if fed whole and separately will taste milk but when sliced and mixed with an equal quantity of mangles or when i pulped imd mixed with hay will cot give i bad tisvor 7 tit manure values scientifically rev bulticgf from the consumption of these rationsilre aboctjfoerccnta for roots and nine cccls for grain per cow daily thus in balancing all the points in this experi ment that of mmuxe meet not be lost sight of h r take to sudi cows as wo have had in this jtxst over a winter of lio dayi one upon each cf these rat cue and all ether conditions being alic vo ubtain thi fol lowing comparison hcoti milk s7i2 iu valaeof milk 617 cost of food 3j itiauure vslae 7 netgaia 1 grain milk i02i lb of milk tvoeoit cf fooi 56 manure value jig net gaib uo oaecorjingjf the diiry world has yet to he taaht lint the ei tensive use of grain is oris riot correct economically that a large qcaulily of a miitore of roots with hay folcr is both economical and cafe for milch cows ficd thai osstbly there ts bet ter healch with roots through a slightly inferior jnalily of milk remembering at the ciric ttne tht wc have to wait farther toitff as this is only our first systematically con ducted ouc- an overflowing stock new spring goods hone dealing tru tiiiul liircsentatioa aud low prices arc what tell and is iho ley to our uceei jxtliceiirinthi ladies fancy lifihily tarn ti thoughuof a uidwsiirhig coftumo and with this fact lniov re uavo gatiicred to gether a series of fabrics lorelyln de- tin and lu ail the itaudard colors and newest iliadc viliea wc lay ihct our drv llaierial arc tin ttrj ucweft wo bnt reifcal the excanatioels of cut mitjuitotncrs laatw 0 not fail to insna cur b dfsjay drcisgooaji youcanttc uoncj- ly j buyfns from us housefurnishings wc show a large and attrac live stock of curtains in almost ever shade and make jaaklo ecc oarcartaiiis it m3j p l woctli at icoat 25 per cent more oilcloths cretonnes carpeu ruos- c guafalilcc ciood hocest vale j ktcrjyiiae ttlhtmtfuhiht millinery- wc oicn and jilace in stock today another ca of uielctlapcs a uiu dciaruacst rcj j lead snd we arc dctcrtqlncd to lccrea 7r carltdftfashioaatjegpodiaadlow jiriec arc izy uidawcicui- u yon are not already one of aiz cuiicdcfs give ui a trial and you arc inrc to be welltaiaseil sfccial diuvca ix giotei hoafery corsets bustles laces ejbbons collari and oofs parsols ofeverjdescriptioij kew nobby 4 cheap tliisu htrjjitstt in than th 0wder absolutely pure wtor nevfir torte amarrolof purltji in1 trliolosomeikn more economical ordinary wada aadeunot ba m in romnotaion with the malumdeoijow short woitint ium or plioipbale vawhett- sold oolw j botai lasjjta fowzfisv co j00 wall ladies waterproof circulars uolizaji backj all prices seersuckers prints dnlletts chambrayi zephyrs and moalins kcw ritlcrns and fait colors i if roaronturc tnjtliagtii cottons sheetings tickings shirting cottonades denims tablinga j linens c dcct lsy without cccparins our niccs otncrcstaliiishmcuts tbe bcnct will be tactual tt- rothe ople qf acton an f tsi pt m fitto jjmtrhtr wool wool plik jtlohtlst iricels tsi 1 wlljltiurvqi3 aobnts wanted na fmaufiiinay woi 4jui- tl hburick cokdbjt t fic rnoy riooasttii h l t8crmljj uv jtftuanasouuiuii ctrilr3g i irhia aousi ahd lot6 roih 1 rijiejf lija jl rr inlctliai jiyi bosikschajqt13j fviy lcinms fiircwcre cinjiuaifcsa vvjtt mcvaj wlifi 4 ill codicil j j bin fiivcu mo ibeir tfenue favcrby p3k liiln uttir jrtej 1 dulcj j bo die will cafeaj a i b lion of lauelph rjjisa word to siy to all vhoard aniious to know where g tilev canlniv to the bst advantage i j during the month of s i i will jiay tlic fare of an- one from acton orrockvpod who buys i5co worth of goods from us on saturday or r 1000 worth on any other day of ujc yeelj now for afew of the bargains the lion is offering rrtj sli ujijr tiia h-c-j- i xf il 1c r j v cnfi 1 i- j avjkuiu i v ciitha n ric i fj iklvr giil it iv vctii life ij tf a vloimic icio isbui to lis ckival it kcchi ic wcrthttsicvev i c- wc jjcicnc j r kjrcjirc in cloves crd hiiury i ciiem j co gents furnishings i shiijs ties collars cufis i suspenders i kobbjhiu in felt tod strav iiabli coatrotr t325 to 1 1500 lvdie3- cv liiit- 00 upper wyndham street gueljih roi voni 1 dry goodsl nt truj iz l c v k- ji raucms g1xtleen iilsif lvn c nc3 suitings worsteds and pantings in the city o i- i- rrj c7rorirrjtj cx j- 1 ji vcrlilj- in ut trxiii r k e nelson furniture undertairling -on- i furniture department i undertaking department cjletpwraiadeiltrit e i f parlor tbcdroom suitevbprmg g beds kattressec fjgfffjyfffeyilea tables chairsetoetceto m jr v j boots k shoes ffcciliae in lfear youtlxv woincns ilii sndciihdrcnf wow ens kuocktbguts i for so coats lcrair j groceries vert cheap afloticr 10 cbcsu of tlat pcaaj fcr the dollar tea intt to hand kcmcinber this is rood j valae at s3c ior iound and wo will willlnsly take it back 1 if you do not find it v fast as we say consult vour beat ntcresu and pitroniic rbjermyn noted cheap store gillette powdered lye 99percen pubibt tronqb8t bwt bs4jr tor use lit mayoairtltj vm wyiklny boap softeztlitt water dlalm totting and hobdieftotlur nses a can qnalt m poxtni bl soda jpold br au orooew and drvggutfc vauxt somkbb ud qdcuh kbaese- a full liueof goods fruni ihe gcfliuicafketsandburial robes of jill -sizes- in stock clujhlis molirily fiuied j speight son jj speight son best makers always on liand rrcts uniiokaiiir shjnoles amdpjoebts shixoleb xnd pickets u-f-a- trtdaai lu riaalicy and at botti5 athitiiardsollaiiagoa ad tattlaj tf iucwoc jlareli 6tb 190 salesmen wjjl rcasvasj ot the tilij otnurscrj ady eiiitilojtnent fmaratttaed c aud iiciiaiawi apliycodce bai ilwrfdr to this paper i 1 chasbjlkotheesjcc house i l0te0b hovst sad lot on c hcnsi in good coao tfolt wata- rood fsrdeu jvr cent un purchijw moi rplt to 11 hevdkusox aeokiiotett actoar i45i salesheiv 7e arein vanttifatew f to can rats tar the sj of ndiserr stodd to m tuctas df the business we or coiouilivtlon and it peri wc have many ncwandcli w a tha fruit tad qmanicats lines nccvrhh jbotae lanic doaothanifo aptirat c kltbseetk plvntsfr iwxsh to infonn the jojyie tlio greenhouse of mr 1 am prepared to famish tomato celerj cslkej the leading and mcif popo ss rftta as- 3h i l tbstllktii lluuinlla iaitanu irssfi 1 i sv dii iien i hxh rotclatioajted tw iait half century nof dcrs it latcntlvcitogrt tcm of workthat can be pi can d try without stmarmti their jjom pay itwral work cither sex yiiiiotor veqnjird capitalnpt nee- fre cot this opt and rer send vou free sanethins c portsincfl to yonhthat will whfti will brn4 yon in mi than anything else in the free address tecc a co jsalesken edward t on knbwn nnrsoryman of 1 to make airangenlmita wtut one orj ergcucxucn to tai orders ctiiuj he bfls a choke stock inch ung tli nil indecemenu to bciiu era fctf adva4taceoos hfi fnlalil ill b j rnarantoes to fnrnian strluly f he can gire actiro sqoarnj posiuons kqd deeires to fonutial few snehmen with aviev oft s urtldrs wdtatohimsssooaaaroali this fpr mams andinll pmrticularr only rjdarc dejln men need ap gdw owjuhus adjour couet oe feyisitell j th r v- tne muiciralcouxioftbbtaisiisir actonvill bold aii ftdjoumed bicttltpf ttc coan o llcttsion cr tc year 13iv la 9t coanril chanyber ion t wednesday joksii conimencineai8eccipia 1 appeals tmt ctocisssbjent may- laadotiiaothoritulcs fs itcgabvdi- jr inasraedfcv iftjr june 6th iscs iff j- aspbight wltagrbp s haled signed and end sajinlies ill bo hjci noou of thubsdayj l otlcdin ji ryeb fendhigtotb jnps ii ner qroeerlm aui coirs liillls acrictiitaral imp accotylpdd atwitriobs points la j and tooowmt territories pnns of tender wntaming fall i rclatiw to the suinuw roqmred date j livcrjvic may bq had br sppiyits tolli vm dcrtfcafcd cr io llto indist cwmlsswnqj llrw orto tho ibfilin ofle wtor rallies may ux for oach det roofin for lot any iwhictn of ich da cdf j uftfcjtrately ft rbr all tho snodst iu tin ecbijdiics and uio ucparhnfcasn to iuclf tho right to rrjrct tho whole or si of tendor- j eafhtendpr njnst lo bcrompanlea 1 cwpttdchcoooin f ofgio 8bprf genial or indian affpjrs oit a isu for at least fire pr ccyi fit tno- tmpt blauraxclefrct wholesale ojiticians- id 246 st james street montreal whose celebrated ielllc nli otlir tpectacks and eyeglavrreto lis ionnd in every town in the doraincn tiwy arc rentrr ended syafld tcstimouialb have leii received front the tresidcnt vitjeprcidtnt eitrctidcnt ard ei vise- president o lle medical ascealicrocaiani tle rreeideit o the coleee of vhysicians and barjfeons of qacuce tbe dean of the medical tdcnlty of xaval university i the presi dent and exnresiaccts o the medical council ti nova sctia b a oomplelc assort ment of these excellent ood3 will be fonud at the store of j bpearson agent acton to farmers and era osfl on vour mactuncrr only tha iwellknovn pmelsssoil 9 qoud medals tiy also oarca vggonannd itorac powers laiejc oils are nwshaiti fftrmqficlpli rarhtcra ash fortlifni natrnoollicr maanlactnrtd at fjuocholty oil utotijhy it dm higuic last ttree ieari rlm 4s0 qroaao for vonr lifillily nkoinrocndca at thfldodel mi eadmoktiidiluoitotli of tbi tmidtj ipitfl ty two bays25 al4eitouiodclmutojcptfoj ibfr inwpwww tuicaoftliaconthct ili tlwlowmtpxhjr tniffl not ncmwflj tlii d i not to v y bh1 ail iiinwajiapcr willlipt uio aotrnt 3 qufocs imntcr ad 16 claim tf psjjhsr- anv6cwtiapcriot tiaviu had ttkp mtbal will c ktiiiiuej v iivakxoohs tjri bonutr t tie biwiiotr idomipr doiiailniciit of iuolaa utan- 1 ottairt mat in i samuel rqcjers fccq toroort r old dr chaaste new pfsceipt book ni lmt ana ctowins f llook aail holuolibld lhyiiaii ci 7srsfe ibaimiipn coiilasi ucjm so lsj fftsjri lor jijli in doth liudins 1j ifjwbbif i oil clotb martilt cjsc imt 4 ip f ts catlel x i v iai tie crowtlnf wyitbr it u tlis rcsuit ol dtct a hit a ntmlji vaticil mud aodieaitrijit- u j compilation o hi lonnw loo ekfifrf v anotuoot umjoars ai b book tbat baa bai a alo ol 0vm8imj tbouaaiid cwiiaa kud baf mtevibbsz in noarlv ovorj- gplijipeahwl bfi tcltcd state cmada ana 0p1j iu enrope aomliaaeil south nlw kind oi book ccniit or flould hp u cnowxixulmoti itb vn trt ot additicrjarirncue nai tlic boos imll aiim h mrvaluibejrmbttioiotheta3tjggjj pnblubcd in dtb ensllll hd 6wa3t uciwoimlpv turf pinticsrnbuiijjjis tmini uionythi iwk llb uonviiljnijtiloli bntbr 1 eomjiatc trorlh- wo own 1 tbt jm a chaanl from dncbrjua hcirtf tre tbegilvrrjikwicft tevthiittjimc tho title t and i co agnntswantklji slot f b liiokheso itain 0c detroit mitn tnt 1 dcatoe i itlie isfrtl t rtahilba ujajjtljittjij sr owrj rea4 lawiktotwtl jt btickpff tbeneii siistit y lawrrm auadi g oands tia i jncibtlfetocl 1 oiriii3 ftle held lilt ejmi5j- iufpif i much jo fofcaw 1 liteatott jjbiiifik fethlr jhorijawfollff v 01115 lftsj tojw iufljot eoitp the only workr tith3teatii cipt pcprpsjiere m pai retnotmlnbt ecl jftyiqa force tn joqelsj cjfivaj otfaarr ami arjother r i c j a wntnaalb j fioo j l bodilj irjoiry fir ndinriit fi llottnir l ifk x ivki fek i iftjio iosi iiiik ij tieirjl irorio cimmoxt it is odpod jjvi bright dew foilji villi pajp clil ricrewjji jitmd tj- tenil htajjoaliie ti jndin iispla im bcott4tf ii otwhstel pi abonlmi il elrrakjjdtiiil 6fic tltftil ciij tltev vreiio- dmrj todliillij ofidjrs6eaol i 4oiii onli bxw aijlti tort tirmit f4 ifcii vitbjiciiil ktit r ujvrdli caieiiij hile faditido jtilitiliaoj pakoi t ir b mk pouil a tlie ti iotfu ii tortlo vtticr vpaoiil jciitndiliqo jiii 1 nes wtjt -uililsbli- ti- fj cars li pirvj iai d t m t06wfe