Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1888, p. 4

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tmi if 1 8cm-fctbcsfi- ingles andjokelets thrildu jlsh 7 iss i 1 vr c i o iij kit i ocr irsv tin- i tciruiiicicc il 4tii tiiillu t iknitlit 11 ituvivd v llsvijliiaucrcvc atnyliy aaisircru cvtwr tit iitua hnlf an hour willi h wit men uic ulu aadthepahyrtiiiliiofibc uajy xftiiaarpitu will not jiripo cr taclica ycl atria uiorough cathartic ikiuthtuse i ytz uetr d saxustce i -i- iki oc my private parujl xsl wilur grandly i dgt o oari iuicmimi whenever i have to ay i t7t cts lond is x little tlob il ohjit 1lic ui a torr c fine- if van utcii tuiv irif cr is i yaar tfrra- per or iii c octcu clttcr fhoc- or put roar jtvc5 on is toi cr mt yoar ttixju yji the dria tcomcr intarnpifld it coaversafhiayoa were need according to the cccn sunj veerd cost jua t fifth j ciiclttjlcc bicp tnper l whole cent bit tons cit a bit rest and so en i the fuc lanoy s very irnpcrtaat- it ras to py for chris teas dinner in hcy- wirl street cc o itce days the hey- wdsttiorlid they lt tcon itjid an interest ia ihisfctry girls clcb xue walters lab eloyt flciidsoo in i slagzie enrtis hal in iuwhw and ytre qatfo bitftcajmil la conssjacccc alice iejjcdm citen gaii ihe did cot need in aiiotcsn tlitlhs to do tit to ask her fitter cttu she wanted anything he never jrie her las than i qturierj tnd if she crest lolia tfitr dinner anijsatou lbise csciily tniis it i ciur xot t girl i tij choci spent ed nrcch for ciocotate criirtf zzi hid so many ncir rfsbcif ici e3di bvey dainty knots of visvsi tl tei rrc est cf sea sen 13 iiloe yet sicrtftcs crxa fcr bcr sees in uie tcirrcr vi oiiei to den her siin ind a jiic ml ib- cever seemed to htra icy cosey to pvetsay pttttiifiibscnlyprlis the ltce bzci who rtilysjieidcd hsrb to piy 1 fine end chitcrti vrlcu there came iii eilcs de- nacifcrfcnitxricsssyjo5s jehs did so fcite loftftiir ceu and lite some elder pecpl ceywi dcclnt nonl coarse mi djc jc tlsriys ely it once i csnngt vzcri icfthea 2ijug wis beyend her dss- eiy kdt tcrrt de diy after i kdlier srcfc ctttrsinia ts tik iti her mcjr ilinihsrcosldn hap her no- faccy die cisli ihu ls certis j i iozzn tl-rini- itrs joss wodd hire 1xn tpj id 10 eire the child osc hid ie txr hi1 l mirgu en hrowa er- pirc- el l tltso csys trheri so msuy pkipie-pih- 24 cisy embrgher the rairis ii epgtircrdwded with prsiij ce- jxriiive rcrhu istsitleeisitetltijiei m the ttcrli o eilrtia end miih ire aai shelter cliihe- tuoce ted ciscstion from r the joint coaoiiitle cccdlc cr crea ose pijtte ini coiorbci xo assy crjiitasimsa rscre rs hc fcietr jrrt hnir nach lirs vis e utri tros i piy f ar thil plni pcrtiere t hich isimrsi- ts now tr1 preside rfeat hidcu polhoon woild pve fr the diisty emhtoiderj- which wis to b roaht opoi- the trcuaac cf est i iiiz hues jnvite ih5s4t i- f ii i oslw ulrei for tcy jtstee ill to xy i in the ci frei tpirtntcntcotse with sssylivsi seicru other finiiiies which were compcd cf rore oj kss bssr people asd ts ssiv retscsei miny isdtswbo are n vcrrseydjzhhe bewick cnibsitocs needing elochr wisettiri pitches all of shjeh ir s2yiid acqeired m perfec ts ler imtrqihintin that tgirloasfct to tscr h 3t u ui eves if she couldnt csiii her jots ts there tc e hihiht iiik that even- isgrin thr hppy bei entimc iwhen it wiatoodirioktriid ytt too early to light the lisp stsv feat on a jhafisocfc ksz arm throirs- cireeiiajy over aimmt fch jhe ccfchjai her psn wkkhmet witb airsrrjis ippratil 1 osjy my phili is ii nst io mttrfere in tieieist vlth ycr radiei they ire ts iniportiin slid miijirna in cocclsoa zs the doch elmer eix tsi ten miid ap- rirfci c ti uc im asd ths teathiss ahiy or 10 literios hiss etrc ihc iicrilherho lived in the faerth flit asd fnalein von hulst who occcroea over dr jc- t room jot big eaoagh to hohia pliso alirdcagi a iosna and tt fernery nvre eiifisj it thedoari they we spprosched insdastly by sasy frislcls sri ili emcrj pjaae dont he rsgry hi ive heard yob both ay how ctidlsheteisesd npfcd glore and to rar bsttens trsyasr hooia woctiyoa let- ctoitfor yo2th letp them lis order fcrt tsestycve ceitta month land iii sim jcrsr iocias jost baotknlljr for tvrocestsapscrteieeceuiflfnroish uic dimiixiiod j we cot torsthe i bnj t eliry that w the kfirnalfl cf hwys private perse it rasift ics before the hid all ahe- coald diu alive crdcrs foe her cjufomcri fa the fco3eni she did her worfc tbaroably never hxtlnz rvdi pjiccs ia the stocking u3rlkse ltuj from the battoss tichuukf condii a creit conveeiecce o arploy h2r iir uncle francis- hearicgof ut misery llihct to ukcare of hs eendiej tt fty cents arnoath and from that tiiiic- fisiy dlt prl who hsverjhto pay ler diu jive fiotneihfnic clarity anafive a ijuto for ri t re rsiny cay is reahy ai rich as 1 l ncels lo bzffarpre young 11 it fat ftfi ibe njtes of ircpotlind ion of tor oclo ishlirecji otsociited wilij he best eiiioed vteae in alie coanlry there ere iei aslrfhyte worn his veteran hooe lot tipcriii ulii liie ule their bjoip- inedtb and pereouaj knowledge muke hem peex nithe ornftmental cut tin i suined ojsue nd we ire ud lohmr of ie flttjgiatjujfir mttrtj lr- ln the put forty 7e4rs it citi to uo tiarof la-lrj- jrccnuns worm leader whcayoar chtlju oilinj fcvruliocfretfol l low fialphac soap is a dcliglitful toilet luxary u wcjl at a good c unlive for ikia diwaae thos- sabin of edlinstoa aaja l lnvc removed ten corui froht my feet wflh ilolioway cotn cure ikader poihoa aud do ijkcwue at awect aa lioocj it ur lows llflaaant worm 6yrup inrc to destroy aid ci- tcl woruia terrcct deallh g41 only be attiined by carefully atleudih to the lawi of nalare wrmcprewod in jtbo mats of the byitcra to do this saccess ally rtqaircs u10 osc of bardocfc blaod bit ter occasionally to aecjre the rcuklin aad trenpheaiag effect oftfiii spjcndii aiodicice jamci u guaoar of t gilmctir i co wholesale groocri broekville eayt i hive used tarnirac elixir for 1 severe cold icd cooh wliich it imtnciiateiy relieved asd cared uew u trks tbc mode of otxrntia of burdock eiood biftcrs it tint it wocks at one- and the same lime upon the stociieb liver boc- ds and blood to dcinae rtgulate and strengthen iiecce iu almost csiversal v l ih chronic complaints wheezing rptng saercre f rora asthma receive quick asd permanent relief by usiiij southern asthma cure sold by all drc- cisls or by mail on receipt of price tc dcap hear after eight- ears bnfterins from deifuesi so bict that i trai enable to attend to my baiincsfl i t cared by the we of har- yarda fellow oil with pratitcde i make this kndwn for the benefit of ethers afflict ed ffearyiychariotoroato ootj joseph rosah percy rrites i wis indaceil to try dr thomas eclectic oil for a laraeneat which troubled me for three or four years and i fooai it the best arti cle i ever tried it his been a jrcit bless ing to tee be l tear caartf t afitinst taddeu coldi imtitins cochs and 6oreness of the throit keep hag- yards pectoral balaam at hand for these prevalent roubles of winter and spring it is the iestaaferuard dyspepsia or indigestion is occasioued by the want of action in the biliary dccu bss of vitality in the etornach to secret tte exstricjuicesi without which dipeatiaa can not go on also beta the priccipal cause of headache pirmeicev vegetable pills tafccnbeforcfoingtobecj for a while never fail to give relief and effect a care if r f w aihdotrn raxhsown oat writes pinneieee fills are liking tle lead xgarcst ten otlwr makes which i hae in stock i cod orrer is made by the proprietors cf halyards reqbroil who hive long offered to refund every cent erpended for that rerredy if it fails to give sitisfaction on fair trill for rheumatism kecralgia sore throat and ail pa is fed comphultafor which it ii reccm mended ease by day aid repose at cijht axe en joyed by those who are wue enongh io ap ply dr thomas eclectric oil to their ach ing muscles and joints a quanity easily held tn the palm of the hand is of tea enough to relieve the most exquisite pain hw ajbaord for people to ruin their health with un wholesome food the food prepared with imperial cream tartar bakias powder is wholesome the vocal organs are strengthened by the use cf ayers cherry pectoral clergymen liwyere singers actors and public ipeakcrs find this preparation ths most effective remedy for irritiiion and weakness of the throat arid icgs and for all affections of the vocal organs he ob vaor guard dost allow 1 cold in the headto tlowly and enrely run into catarrh wben yds can be cared for 2ic by using dr chases catarrh cere a few applications ctrfein siptenttcatarrh i to 2 toies cares crdiniry catarrh 2 to 5 boies is guaranteed to care chronic catarrh try it only 25c and sure care i rbfted power burdock blood bitters unites in one com bination remarkable powers as tonic btoodparifyicg eystemrenaticgaed cleansing medicine it has no equal in its powerof curing all disease of the stomich liver kidneys bowels aud blood ifr henry graham wingham writes i was in jtprui dakota last ifay and i took a bottle of korthrop lymaas vegetable discovery with me as i did not feel eife without it- while there a lady friend was safftribg with indigestion biliousness and headache- i recommcoded the vegetable dikovery to her imd she tried it and the result was- that it did her so much good that i hid to leave the btjince of the bottle with her perhaps it is a proof of a mans inferior ity that he mast be managed a little noth ing annoys him mora than to be eagerly questioned when he comes home tired give him a neatlyserveddinner or pair of eajy slippers and a cap of tea and let him eat and drink in peace and int time he will tell yoa of his own proper motion all joa wish to know bat if yoa begin the attack too soon the chances are that yoa will be rewarded by auruyspofcen monosy- lables it u worse than madness to neglect a coach or cold which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself he forerocaer of consumption andprema- tare death inflammation whenittackg the delicate lisae of the longs and bron chial lobe travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get bottle of eicides anticonaamptivo byrop tbc medicino that griapf this formidable foe of the human body and drives ftfromthe system thii medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the coarh heals the diseased- parts and exerts a most wonder- fci inflaence ia caring consnaiptioo and other diseaaef of the throat and longs if parents with- to cave the lives of their children and thfimselves from much anxiety trouble and expense let them pro- care s botde of bicklesaatl- consumptive bjraf and whenever a child hislakeo cold hu a cough or boaraenosi give the feyrup according io directiom atoiuhtdi itioffia u i llio duty it every troii who hoi uswl tlvscfitti triptdn hjtrtljixti let iuwoq detfuliiualilici bo known tn their trfeodi m cunng coniumptioti etro coughi croup athita pitvumotiia and lit fact nil throat ani lung duoatai ko tcraon can tiie ft wiclioui immediate relief three does will reuevevt case and wo coniider it tht duty o3ill 0ruggit to recommend it to u10 ixwr djiugcomuidptive at least lo tryone bottle as bqoqo dozcu bottlcf were sold last ycar and uo duccujo where fairly wa reported bach a roedicine as tho german tiyrvp canuot be too widely known ahkyoardruggtstabaat it sampla battles lo try sold at tta cents llegalar aiai 75 cents sold byall druggisia and doojcri in tjio united states aud cauada- in llrlcf auu q he iola duff 1 drcodfiil disordered livo misery indigestion is a foe to no good nalare 1 the human digestive apparatus 11 onof he most complicated aud wonderful things in existence it ireasilyput oat of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hoars irrega- lar habits acd rainy other things which ought net to behavo made uio american lcopc 1 notion of dyspeptic hat greens augcst flower hw done wonderful wort in reforming this sad basi- ncfs and making the american people so healthy tint they can enjoy their mcala and be happy ikmember no happiness without health but greens aogntt flower brings health and happiness to the dyspepiic ask your druggist for a bottle seventy fivq cents tfceuain beef iroa and wlae if yoa arc languid and weak ici yoar appcttiq poor my beef irou and wine is the tonic be tare as an invigorating tonic it is tecogtiucd by the ifedical profession as tle best strengthening medicine thus far produced it- is invaluable as a blood -and- muscle maker especially in thoie cases where weahniis is the result of imperfect or in- food of wasticg fevers or excess of any sort it contains the nutriment of bocf the stimulant properties of wine acd ihe- tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal- calatedlo build up the emaciated system urttaadcaaifortta he srteriff browns iioqieliold pisacet has co qcai for relievics pain both internal aud rtrnil u cares pata in the side back or bowel sore throat rheumatism toothacbc lumbago aud any kind of a paia or ache it will mostsarclwcinich en the biod acd heal at its acting power u wonierfcl browns itoasciioid paa- tecs being achaowlcdgcd as tlie great paic ikhcvcr aadof doable the slxcacth of any otker elixir or lfaimest ja the world should bin every family tin dy for use when wiatcd as it really is the 11 rcmciy in the world fur cntnpf in the stomach acifiics and cites of all kind acd is fictile bv all drcgcilfiat co cents a bottle nanjcmm cotattrreu cjantcrfeils ire ilwajscuugerouimore eo that they always j closely imitate the original in appearance and came the remarkable success achieved by natal balm as a positive care for catarrh and cold hi the head his induced unprincipled parties to imitate it the ptillic are cautioned not tote deceived by nostrums imitating nasal balm in name and appeannce bearing each names as nasal cream nasal bakanj etc aek for nasal balm and do not lake imitatiges dealers may urge upon yoa for sale by all druggists or sect postpaid en receipt of price goc and 1 by adarcasing falford i- co brockville oat cause xad effect ifiny persons wonder it the ired worn and weary feelinglhitoppreses them with out any apparent cacse it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case the etomach blood and liver are not performing their regolir functions and with many persons they will follow a dab heavy headache niasca and many other symptoms that prtoede a well developed case of dyspepda parifythe blood cleanse the eystem oaths clogged secretions by using ifeachams ifisdnke ifittare prepared by f b if ea chins 133 yosge street a chemist of nineteen years experience j arnce to if omens are you disturbed at night and broken of year rest byiisick chili esffcriag and crying with pain of cut ting teeth ii so sind at once and get- 1 bottle of ifrs winslows soothing syrup for cnildren teething ilff vslae is iccal- cakhle jjwill relieve the poor little suf- erer immodiiy depend cpoa it moth ers r there is no mistake iboat it it cares dysentery and diorrhcci rcgnlalcs the stomach and bowels cares win4 colic softens the gams reduces inffamrcation and gives tone and energy to the whole system ifxt winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one af tho oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists ttirooshoat the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs wrkelows soonnxc srrcr and take no other kind it requires very little ability o end faaltn thit is why there are so many critics t ify daughter wss greatly troabled with scrofula and at one time ft- was feared she would lose her sight lajcrf saraiparilla his completely restored her health and her eyes arc is well as ever with not 1 trace of scrofula in her eystem g king killingly conn theikty to health tjcjoeka allthe closed aretnioh of the bowel sidneys and llyor carry ingoit rradualjy without wesienjng thr setem ejl the impurities and fou bttnorsof ihc rjcrettona at tho eaai timo- corroctiag aciliry of ui stoinaclt cri3j eillocmees dyc- pcpsiii headjichos dtezinosa hoartbani ccnstipatlon brjiicse of the skill jjropay dimncas a vision jcnndloe salt bhctim erysipelas benrfhla fiatfrinr the heart hcrvoasneaa and gen era debility all theto and t- oiior simikr copphiata yield to f- jiappy irfloe of buhdool blood bittehe i eamk l co pntnr trratc 5s4 toroifto 8team uhndry 100 fork st toronto 8hirt8 c0uar8 and cuff fbl cl asiwintr out of town wot ujuil promptly aucnded to and retume v per fnstructlona g p sharpe proprietor f est door to palmar house bandy to unlcf pepou ng- diboaaes ara cured w bloc tho faeraovorlnff ust of acers sarskpariluu thil medjclae i an heraifvcj canscia radical change tu tlmyi tern tlie wocem 11 sonic iii imy u it be fluhovo rapid aa in tljrn but persistence the rosull is certain ucadlbcso lestfiaoalali furtwo years 1 tifftvd from l io vero pain in my rfylit jmc mid other trouble cuuxed hyja torpid aud ivspoptbi- aficr jiiliig scivral medicmes a fair tiinl witltoim a care i ixganj tu 1 inkti ayvr irnparfll neliud livt and tic wb grvratly bneliud hy tic firnt bed and aljcr taiiti five- lcjlf v was ioni nlctclr cured jiiu lieuaoi 70 lawrence dlowch mail laiiofy a urgo catboiicle brok dut oumylarai tbc usual rctnedles uml uq effect and e wucdnfiiuidjlo my iwd foe eight vivuc a friend indiicild me lit try avcri sarnanarflla ixmiliao tlme bottlei ikafed tlie sore iu ail ruy eatpo- riencelwith mediehu- i uvcr saw 0100 wonderful results anotbfrr marked efftcl of he use 01 thi medicine wm the struiigukjuhi ct my flight mr carrtu adauw lly spring tccut j f i lnd a dry iiy hniiir for yi irs andsitfrod crriblyftiidi lay broth er and siiurr wen- iiiitajf iimlctdd i presume t10 milaly h ueaiwtity last mute ur tyna f fenian fna fiaj vintieitui me io take a ers bamaruirilla aud cmiiiam ii fcr a tear 1 for fi moatj i tik it iuily i avo net hid a liitmioi up ji mvbj ly for tlie last tliree maiiuit t wiley 15 cbanibcrs st newvork city last fall and whiter tva troaiiljd with ajdal licavv pitu fn inv kmi- e did nil notfee it timdiht firt bjitlt graduiliy crtr wmhtitl it beiiatue almosl unbearable darin lie litter jiart 01 his time unorders of the urom- acliaap liverlncreid iay troaldcjt i beganjtaking ayer sarijpirilu bud after talthfulh- coutiitniag the ue u tills medidue for nonie mouths thcpiu disapitared ond i was coraplvtely- curedj mrs augualaia furbush havcrldll fass ayers sarsaparilla rarriurn nr j dr j c ayer k co lowell mitt frtal iiiutlvi j5 wori s i utu i dr chase hist viic rryslatica as a ibrim m and miliar itu uuiittle uatdtliea lvf irc is a tricsitni of trcjieaj till curium all iff dis eases ct ihc kiiccy ni 1 uvcr j svwitons or krdkhycoirplint nifiael aaj iriiin ttielik a dull snr cc jlil ia ifce lltjicr ki taio v the tbuo3 w aldics criccoftb olstrkti friiftdcirxt ale tciilly u tjflt tctj bijljnwas hot dry t-iu- iae coalctiarciiridrhic- olitis iriiiicriutjf tour tocirb-cmtttlj- lioii jilit intaic trelhtr j kvliltojts 01- liver- coidplainti ualjr jooldtr llnicmiiaiiw lilv eaiiitioc a fwry tircl fctlic tg jc cr cttirr tealiel dyt- t ulijis iielfiios iiuila j now cuiiu lft3drtc aui ueaidoa trc mtcrvi liver icne tai it lea comjicol ciji kldrct mcc- iliet as li ur chiles itcr ccic trie ooct lwitjrer uro all kuncvliecr irccbfcej it asufccr fjjarc ftiulatic- uicclad llter etlphfafag the ladccrt and icfionlln the trholc baly rcld tiralllcalcrc st 1 wfth i- ceit hat khicb alolc ii vrartn tbc eonsy ktdlfet dr cbitci rillc e ue only- km- l1ye1 naunr iilh laide tliey act pillsi ctr jt effcctaatir icar kc- takecdoicceiiioymeat itey cure kidney- urcr ireullec bcaiaclic uilissntcta oostite- cet ic one iill a doc sojd by all dedcrs iricc s cccii 7 edl1ahtjs0k co iiradf0rd0llsftfs w barber bros paper makers j gecegetown ont nine l irccultt or macbne finished book paprs i jlvd iirtiii guade wihlv newe the pfl uf in t- iosmil is the above mills from wil bahbes 4 bros- sprinc spring sprjnc to the ladios of acto wttlyonl lg ual i and surrounding country i k kind a o iaj attention lo the followinj rcrali liavc with reference to our iprlnk arrival of cotton rood which nust be of interest lo you ai well ai lo onnelvca wliilili the last few bought riffht fr alsorecti gcthe wii kelly bros lb 1 j eight to fthe front 0fxltc01ireptcixtrlace0uk elegant and substantial good splendid in quality complete in anaortniclt 1 querflbwing in generous figans meva wouekaaxdcuildrexs boots and shoes et7b3ees 0veese0e3 fee at prices that always lead to speedy sal lowest prices c00d quality 1 oatitom work and hepairinp ijroirfptlyattencled to w williams mill street acton the warm weather has eomebu clothing is stiil kicissiiv mbreimaii merchant tailor hasjmtrt in a ftal lie cf cld f ime etre cis hicis he lur a 1 allrfavorabltflriera mi vtl uu jalc tfvicj hucixrccn liebcrcit be vul bacrifice them forlbe kcittnrct6 at uclariot fjv rcf forcaiu f3w rt loi tbaa ct w turcra4fl clievbcrc beautiiul black worsted soiu 4 s17 to si8 wfflch cost else where s22 to s23 fcisrrrlri aorrtt at ibv l zz al itrrricat ibecaccilcarccitber i calliiwceiiniseuicktlcri alrayi- c- plcaitre tailirtktta hrenaia ultars ir veicc rirh i da cj toaursaadtrilfbe loaai tha clk- y oitn m brexnan worcesters v y qrto dictionary ffhishmbtohhdlrcps emhient throat- and lnagsarreon will next visit actor dominion eotel monday june fc8th j one dat only jcatiluih throat cured a lev caiy of tbebuudrcds ci wonderful cures by dr waihlcgtcas szvc kethod d la- balatios ichronle bronchitis cured an ecslsb cuarch clergyman sraaa i unctoav coaxwiix osf dawxfbtxgtos i dew 8nt i am glad ta ba sal to fafona yoa thetisrflacrhtcrti qolto veil again as bls is the soeoki time tbc bas been cured o griro broochiil troubles aajsryoar trcatmcni vbea uie wait rcxodioi failed i iiih to eirrfla hny cratitsda ilwa tccupt my timers tbaifci voars trnljvrflictirt mrs jajr ifelielrk kicftioa oat catlrrti asd coefjcplioy john mckelry kisstos oct catarrh lfrsyi hopping kingston oat hroacho conaowftlon- t mre scdtr kingiton out catanb btod and throat unijiibotjaniiiarrotsmitiioiit catarrh tbronr f i csfjflttfaows plfastcr actoa ontj ca- l bfad and throat f ivtgacfa berlin ont catarrh boalaad tliroatjt hist kufe ebrilerlia ont efllargad tonsil f wins p m comnna out catarrh boad hcarr scott berlin out asthma i- urslrvagnr oearj berlin ont catarrh hold anq throat j levi kercbcr bt jacobs oat catarrh bead and thro l i colia atnpboll ft edtrsrd oat asthma jaincs 5ucojdution0al catarrh wm6 iocmakorrodaeyoat catarrh j joacpli smuoy fort qra jot tj b- catarrh bad foni wn storey esq f storey son giotd llanntaictorci acioa out dr washmfrton la ae onjy tlroat asi 1usr iinrgbon la caaajia itiid larj- a- jtonivourg ceutcrvtui oat cotanbbradaad throat j urs c odfrey lcbccm 8 jacobs ont cob itjmtitio j titai t aider bloomflcid oct catarrb bead and thro il l with or witboa dea ions patent index edition of 188 enlarged biogfaphioal dictionary of caariy iicco peniizs ci a ccv i o ncuacirs gazetteer of the world acting and locati ov r sjtfjo rsci coctciianfllfo over 12500 new words rv ccctly addcd tolhcr wiji atabeof5b00wordsidgens al use wittt their synonymes iltcrnuroj wintfrod errs itt mxrn pljlixs turkaioualtxiidanlofani p every odilioc of lcniiiiat- ifolmus jjryaj t irricp wkitticr ted ticr eminent amcric a astlcrs tollow vorecrtcr it limznts t usage cf all rrcat eiriub vrtilrs it is lie acjicruynf tiie loaaiirr cjpiiinfs and cc s papers ottha casnin- al cf ibfl natictal i laraaca at wtsliic cit ron rlln bv all zhcukzluuii j ilj urprycott cmrantl tls and tit uarkct btrt fliiladehh walupapers have t chuikg k alabastine the two ajoei pspula brushes clhax u ko is the time kemembortbe ges agent for b laurantfes prfepted speotaolea h i h ays we have received bales of tvhitc and gray cottoiiv im the mill at the lowest possible figure we have ved piles of prints sheetings tickings to- t with a lot of bed spreads every lady find it to their interest to look through our stock of cotton goods buttdrand eggs wanted kelly bros while and gray ootloni aold very cheap by the web imported direct from irebmaxy to charles w kellys music store opposite poht office odfelph the larijest and iqost complete consiniident of ifasical jferchmd hat 1 been received in ggelph i tha stock cocsista ol doable basses vioiiallos viclas- foil three qaar hiifiua violins guitars bacos caaes accordeons riecblos flts cia earmouicas banjo striata tambooriaea cymbalf bcces bass drums saarc- eilvar and brais triraminfs thsaa goods are boaght or cash and im ported direct so tlimusic ijvin of actoa and vicinity may look for bargains this fall and yviater my slcre ii with a fall line of the ter anl nraeut drams i fcoilc evcked bell orgranst lansdqwxe piaxps for whiti i arabole accent for gaelpli and vicinity besarc to call asd pot tht prices of kep organs before yoa bay second hand ones the laasdownc piano itakingtho lead leading rcasiciicsara cllb their eld pianos and baying this piano call and examine my stock ko trouble to show goods special attccticc paoi to the bbeet ilaidc trade ijejnember the place tpvclli block opposite itjst ofce c wkelly b savage gfeiish you come to gxteernw ask tor ovkrzlrs dollar spectacles a nevy stock just to hand b savage guelpk just opened out- liclit vspring otercdatings in avorsteds and keltonsv beautif dl designs and variety of sladei ifade up in the i i j ir latest styrjes j shaw csruridy i i merchant tailors cuelph astoria for infants and children vmmwrim jcaivs vxaiz wu- xracoiameiidhmippgritgtftantpmktriiition 1 sop stonbeh dairtfacpa eructaucn iaowntome h a jcmiu a f ki aioepaad pxoaotos it lllbac164ankl7nkt wt lrahoas nwdicutcn f m5iatoriusoajiaptirfoehfldrbathal i oastotucaros colic conbtfjati- l soar btoiueh dirrhtea enictaiicn i tmcurrann coxpixr fiurray strwft k i ij luir grand trukhalsw riit- i tlnrtclxrmhija llanj33si acil to ijmlidzsjkjt- rcmneofijrcifcdcenaithm aijj ilrniiiptoii vixr otcxiftivoiuju i gfs meicli a inland apjo ini last ib to ajuaad 5 tbptg atftaribv f end rdj tr a- from rji kala e tii iijiicu iiid iiii urn m pvtpctrria or bfcgestja ftlifa i ttadacbi hbnra cicity f mb ehetgiatita loss of ap ffifias ycrrons pebujity i7asa ert nitfasjisv a cjictldliicrcmb nt tuuda dvnsliii t 1arc ivottlcf 23 rcnu 3sb a poor mans one that will rarsdayspf aid a dollar in liac and doeaviliil near at hand ready at a i tricdd u itlexiltia paink ta kes tsterxilltil cbcien ljiirrbasi craijfpaiml ptcmscii iucl corflftaiow lis ltrvpif r ldiefln tbrcatcoahiac csed extlexatlt it ei cou itami ccaldji inj spralnj tbfl jotau tootiacbc paininu rxiruacdluieuinattinl js in iamijy jlcdiciiieitba wodd 25 com kx bonu serire of cwnucrttiis ami the great blood i drchannip ltni rnfcitf pirtm aula ft itimt rf profcb rjtl niitmt kni3tl as- rriiji1 cf 1 cr er jmj wii all uur nnilt ijv fit til ca vtioxamu fcr jr sanapariutt- fcic no rtiwr davis lareaca co ecli astffts digestive or aftea diwjtji tablets ad f uxifcioa ct lite i tufrjsfreimmwiiate rrttrft ami lndicijiiioo tlarcnisf- ri wi i tin- urn irfma rtai jjfh ti4 ml trrr dini ti u7pflcc co uooti hikds uokiy aitd alhofi 3 cgejulix iirii- i ni riii itj- s f1 ifa r j frfaaiy t lft iaisrtei anpe- pflwbs 6 3n- allrfjiiijtf cist l bki jtir isusa brricbs ri pyntqiqlftttj r mm authors gqx jlaiinfaqlanni tt v aitlrtciaii vb lad arpliaortl tor tlv i tonsitlc 117 church st pplian lesoitasucidttbotr stlual diseawbm j dirca diseases otlkli and an kjc knock kaa b01- lcsa club fett ttc fj errors 03j yoltthi srvrs dcbiliiy seujlbal 14 sildpwsbs tori iccay jroaifly aatl rcncaotatljrtrsip spermozpne- i dots m idterfeictttbdielbrasqalooibsmb v caj iy restore lost ytjjor aad raiara ifbo- miuibood stat lo any iddrtbapoatailtl nccvlof prlcp onctdnllarift hot sojtlwijyt acharield ukuii stoile elm strnj- how lost how rdstorei jsit iumiifctdancwuuon of dr sb cu9 ccdobratcd iaaajr ca tbs eadiealtsfj c percatoitboja or iccapeeity tadoeeo w excfs or early iojiktpticn the celebrated aathor ia tils ailinwg tsacy clearly demonstrate tram tdart akcfsulrractieetht the atarttiaf qcoree of early error day bo rtdieadj tbtsa ioiaiiug cat a ictxle jf care at one sf ccrtjiia and effectual by taeaaaof njdehfnjl- secret n cater rrhat hii contaboa loargf trr re buasclt cheaply rritsujij 4a4 t eilly- j rstwslocture fiourdtcfntheaandssirtii ypcth and drcrynjaaia tholsqd t seat uadfirsaalia a idaax eatope ad jcs ca recejfi of taar cents or to posh itanipa ajdress i tio oultenvell hoilcftl cov- u asx st sbv xdek k t p 6 bf cures jn housekeepers attention lithl bttot gickhe kldmi indolli aftmblo wiaitrw m the great spring miclnf j prcjtx u till sii tfer j dr lf itle eiyb plwf koorlpinb no kau8bi- r the union mepjobjjb 0- pxoprlbifi tortmlp oht t larccctiwctaad neatest patinis crorthovn in actoa i chex hedhoolf dininghoosxvltli beaatitnl gat for poil0ks aciifi also a fall lino of elopint borders to uatcb eitinj samples no ready ho difforcnt aad diitlnct iiatteraa to choose frpai at cier roll aad unrarua come aad ice my pamplc before farchasiqg rn htltqsi nace it cretin llll cofiti cliamu tekta lis t vear- w u oaisti oalt icrta ff bljjarti aififii ilarat icsijenct t3d 1 lo terft mf rinoacj ltd 0 llxfeal jsdcca stg ofgesai vk2a toofll ycriasiiiahof o salitaeatlti vt el no cliij hj ital e iii epj tcj a tt retiaiirt- flc dap at i u gd tetsiiifn j lartbjx iitifeciti pfistsifcaa moatay val sp nnal kit voc itocsamiruot otlic kinds tit un co nc7y aitlffh mm adoj tjw pt 4 rr ki miac v the beat tblag oat gives t beaatiiul hard aatia aaisbaad vbl not nib off in all popular sbadee aad tbite s peuchens prepari dpaint8 cutta percha ildced d padcts fa til markol ready or oifl a iall jlae of ail iolon just iii alio dry color oil terpentine aud varnuhea a fall lino iodiuj white wash kalsomece patxt vu1x1sh btenctl stove boot house and cloth lo got in roar work i can civ everything neooury from soap to a oardk iuke alraizol tie 61vitakv dispbctob fill loin appear beyeyeady j b pearson t ii alumammcnia umtlphosphwj maojinlilrlavaaultrw dlsbst e wgiuettt vsr huvttiiitciujuiiiniiin riii5 1- 11 re n

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