js1 jjutfj ill u 0gjj riw -ili- t0lume xiiino hii acton xntaeio thuitsday junfe 2 ifljrittott jfrte rcss ik rccituikp fiverythcu3day morxlkg riftt frss- power printing houscj actok ontario subscrlptox rates qcc tej-b- ma kit uomu joeri tttblskoxtiif ict t4rutviitvtnce tnotpaminaitrane jis per jrir villi charge 1 so rmihtrlicot viail til h arrvar am paid except at lie tr aqyertlrlna ratep likrvi i in lc kll i kiyllraj jtkvsv wfvnoi ftujo ifw f trio lflajnil- wio uo iufjj i- jo ctifcltrtfliflaus cents rr itnetar llie ant ibrti3tt aai 2 walfc pec hoe or each t ar- a caah the ccmber of ms reckoacdljy the occiiiimciia red br i itueclicui nonpareil ajttcrtiscrnest without tnxsc directions evil t irjerit till forbid and charged accord iirlv tnsktortitcrtikaicattecasl be pall lninmc i charge lr contract tjiwrtiscrsctts nrnet l ia tb- office bfs li on tucsiayr aibcrwic tier till be kit over cstil the f ajowic weekj e dcr artiprorie tar asfou liaukiiir company stoefit christie co axkjsrs acton ontario unsiitrss fiiraftrm itt h lowry ml b mct st if s gradiuic of trinity ar el of rhrsciii ind scrpocss 0 21 rtsi iccc ai tic faeid cl ft eirici erect ars j joek lawsox uelabltite of oaurio vcxiany callczc toronto vc- criotit 5rtca aciso ost oflcc i q kraj f br3boaij3l coj ilarc ivcjcaceic tiio rear kacscs ciiiuisoj as to idssiaca ad wrtiscis iied ip l beskeit ldis dentistj gcoacirrctcx cvticji tohxstox 4 leeleax eirrjtcre stictorfxotirie ccvct4rccrs t- pritx ttdl to ioi ef b joassios wic a liclciy a uowit bxrnnrz scucrror 5ot4ci pctuc omcr dltt trcsfarid eitsriiy omrc utrcxiiljcfe actas cjituir s hiltox aixax i- baird birriias soiicitcit qscga orecnt elock gcorgxtggr ted kirxstre cist tcroslo tldgerovi carsox i co haesilsteea solicitqks i kotaeies ccit ctiltr ccrchcrcii tad adtilc ete telerc so liti ctbe adlrefie luicrctc iozopbv r i-r- utfcri i hov resjii v- tiaittfoa 1jn ditests- secured foi isyextlore i eesrv crjst ottiki cisnu kowr- xttm heiistbeet fee tt- cmatis ef w j j oristekfttt lie fees pjs orc act tt sir rcsiimze iaidor hi berosri lefsitsi tttic iotccx rxuc of tcicrq 3s of 3 ail p r johxdjlt r i abckitect j grtusdrr qmcel qcii ucul dlct litzlet sqzxxt f rakcis kukax sacor to t chitrartul bqoiojlxoec lzcrzzt hoote cf i1 tirtf fcic to orcsr rcriii3lu of ctcrrdcscxirtidn ciirrcll j- losd kali2sntiiiriditomptjjiiocc qnhe hakljlx barbee 6hop hill srct kcibx an easy fill to etyiitii bsircs t s rcoq5fqm ls cxialitnuin tktmyoo tlmjt ccs llaiirr bonel uiifctin cnicim cocailios liec lid c lait i6itil7csl- i j 6hwbubstcsorlaxtstt ti t7 17 p sea wonders ailjjir il3dc3lficsbat eiiit ia then i bat trctarpaawd bf the eitrrii of lsresiioa xsicac vha art ia bjrnfyy- t ft bedone vruhe lirinjufccreeiiioiijditoacefcsdvfceirftdiltese tohtilcttt co pottlisd iltisc aud rectirc rt izh ictoncatics henr eithec ir ot th tf ct carr iran ij to c23 ixrr dsr sii qtrnl wfcercrer tiiey live tts tre naitad lre cj- uai nst rtqiiedl sane lire cade oter 51 ia 1 tsaic dw it liiii tctfc ah rzzcted- i gaelpk business colleg ggelph ostaeio tms fofuiae crstrrcnok sow ik trs torti veaxit asfcrid wort iorthj edcaiiit c voang c y tozies ia tiose ixlacisa trawiedgif cf wiiici u so eettxil to ths isiiifit asd r3ccscfsl izitgctczi of ittoticaj titiirs its pdcitcs tra ficryuterc prieit jtoo cf tie tirrohecis cf their tniais tsd oearirtieful tegicjay to itue laoscttry tiic cf it cattrsecfjeteay itlk iortacsil cirmhr rivics ia2jicnafiiios till be loiiled fate address frir j ftspsl lumber shingles and lath rnificsitrdseddejuc ioiefozia tiic public j tlxtlehj notonliia nd will fcjp in stock a fall jitk of pine isd heiulocfc is wtuts oihertieds oi lsabcr alea fittt tsd ba2d cuietfitcaliass 4c lilt- goil vvood asiituapteptreil totaiply kll fciiiis ol srt c3l live ihaa zal clock cf ttiod jikks bilowf x htxtjui iuxkixg ausixhss mohstioahbb os approved inotbs notes disouiited and interest allowed on deposits for sale cheap j iliortcst uotio iu ny qusctjty tud at tot tcu prices rstctxfi cedar ralls and fencoposts staves headinshingles wahtub8hurnsbut tertubs pork barrels wood flour feed izl tnyihias ir tlwsc lines tlcr thomas cmoores to lsyjyihiriqic lpbotcliaefi ilso toiled oct ii yossxe indebted to lijjsj lor 12 i ehl trsiq biu lits boot tiytoaic t nd he vcumlitcthcianoy i kachiks1rt a fitve j5iaxr tcarly ect kh1 shirgle boitcrtad etw iu good ccuitiga ioldie kc- cussit niitc for nje lowfot cmil thos a mooee aclan ont ne wall paper foe this seasok 8011 the tinest ind lsrgebt stock ever shown in guelph ianow 1 days bookstore day selts cheap eigture- frames j -it- ij witeks beothehs -it- watees beotheh3- cornice roc btnncr rod itoddings coris kiik gkss bevelled llirors j artists materials vvaters brgfthera- 25 wtt ste2et guelph welllbgtonttaffifb worksc hamilton glark proprietors vtboicie tad rctsil utiilersin itarblc grxcito tfd cventhiu pgrtiiaic to ccietcrt trork direct imkjrtcrs of sji kinds of gran2sid sfcttble iitricltttiy viiittltlcusy rffijadjgrauitc juiiriefcrd biricpjuirlitym tbt entire itoefc of gray at j rclrsiitf mctccnv- ttitiiieli crochet crjc etc ft alkr ttylcr at leu litscotttetlli iust furthr ttico ecii tt prices never l fore luou s otrioj fcrla itisctgrinitccoiric it 1ilj j l f7ifcfte0fli flij all workind crtcritl trritc1 cxstcliic irtiis riiitisc liibkja tlifiliyc vi1 do rcll 10 ca and see zsbtforo jseliiii- erlircf e vc snirtntec xr prices arc frcnjou tierccstbdok ali clhcrdcilen liyery j ii woruen ij3silrj mmi on ly ifr w e kiiucult t licit ui- inriotiiiisuie ui villdj ilir lilit 10 1uiiciil cilcn well equipped and stylisn eigs can always be secured rjlticaaoatstfcrcorancrciil lers a special bilc s clicrwd lcs niect til tu in j h vtordek mutual hue msurance company of the kt1eixhei is0 i head office cublph son kwsuae onas davids secretiry johktavilxje affentj r a j holmes butchj3bs j jlaiii street acfoji hr taaci plfccnre n actiottflaflc to tic atjuof actos that ojtrb4tt erected md opeaedanrwintcirtbopon kan btiwt and prepared xo eoud net- a itralgbtforirajd bot- eaertog bnr jji hittajiiid large exiterfoice in tbe bofinews we ctapirantoc all cutoiue who tajrerr vs tttb tbe piarooagc jierfect utiafactioaj all kiadi btmeat freth sad good tod ramhrr firti acoamvil l found iattockj- w rmpactinuy solicit your ettoeffiod pmt ooije l i r fc j holmes h1lloi ipause and consider thct it will be toyo osra interest to pxtroaixc hoij- trilo vte voud rccetfullv icrorsj the isajtlrltlcts of aslca trd ccrtcrndins cosctry the gc are agiin ia fcdlrsairgordcrand ia n better position ac before ttc fire to- ch all orikre estrritod to cs to rrties biidisg lumber will be dressed l wbe 702 rait txa sisldisss tc csds tith notiaccs isd dcaiitclj x d vc ixt tlso frcparcid to c1i til orders foe i pumps dririrtcoiiec edfr longcxrcriccia tiic basicces wflj cocidcct thtwc can ive at- itfjicuca every tioc so come dn iriui yonr oricxbaodbcipto roll tbeiiall along- lfoney mates ilc mere go iriicllaebclja legs or no tuoseultlgehauascr business change haviug parchaicd the stock of the business of vrhicfi i hava bocn manager far nearly b years i desire to thank you for your kind n4 libera patron ao of the put and to solicit a coclintiuce o put favors ittadditica to lhc well usorted stock of general dry goods and choice fresli grooeries i hare added j complete assorteeat of boots shoes slippers rub- i bers c c which vrere boaht riht and are being told rijhl call and inspect them i john c nelson coodssoh for csihor trade ordjr- tee heechakts protective and collectiug association o cakada head office hamilton ontario esiibiiibrf ism is in afclalica ouufrs ui iiroftsdooal lata luviis for itrobjtct the couecucn of debts and ta iircvcct fu trcilkji fraa laxtir ijj debt uj- fcnibjjiiy tliti ijs lists of srti kbydo aii inr itcrtbzntkaci ethers havitg accotutfi iq collect kill iu j itv tbeir advance tobocre tatlilkt5 c bandiwls cf accaiiis arc beitr cilltcttd uimrxlt it hz coid no be coiicclm in any otltr y iftcy an account ibatbu li feed jmd ibi n rvtcruttl by the tiilirtt uopood tlti r xt tir lb cktcbant to crtat cxiknio jas been collected through uiis tifoeitioa lrtrehtetetiiluntobcccntcnicm- lcrcbv rcraitting tijco to our itamccns at eaoilwriiu receive- by rtura rcail full lar- ticcltrt certificate of ratrubenhsp etc tcsti- conial icnt j b mills co managers mcnab co merchant tailors ilaveisluniej posscnsioti ol uhcioes of j that kcii known stind the eastend tailoeshop aad wrill contiiice the hesioess with a desire to pca and utiafy all ensto- batli ts to quality btyle and j prices gf foods- a fair thire of pahlic pitroie is respect- j felly solicited wj barber bros 1 paper makers i georgetown ont i efecultt or machine finished book papers high giude weekxt news bosmr the temperance afajt hoanlyuuiiainlluc ginjine adrlnlt he sfdloil ii to tho bar and ho jiaadloj hi clai kttfi tbe air df oae who btwi ofteu before ltai thar ajitl a icrriljlo glance t hot out of bis cos auitotcr hujiurcrv ran ah lie tnclttvil im hcxui rocud ihts ere town 1 cr to bust that ttijjerahcc man itchcanl hes aoiiiniuwiih tijipuand ficli and tijiuarj licat of uk and allocs bell aiaiu all mcrsuil drink tw tqtiire o the tcuiiuicc cbat i rcclicu aji j here uc tolled oat a telle thilt vs to feet louor uiotc aii he iidw hit vmcu familiarly vbilctieco4uidcabru4kfor tha door i rccioa aa ban ho allow too mack icr thcri ozo ripf norter rif ht he re tlitll carte thilfcllau hi meciyfotir bii and clayt jai fmtn boot to car im a how lor at heme im a roarer ajroa xni im bo sad for to have his care 111 lififclou bisbaet like a cord cf kocu andilidc bhn to canaans thorv tbegociiiai caaicacd his voice wiatinj and hii rays vrcro ltcek tzi mild utttrcis3a tcrhithluir the roarer caid jets tilt till he gets me riied then ho joyfully felt cf his riol belt and took up hi 1uecon theetagc and wiitod in wratb for tbe tcrhpcraccc mac f- to further excite his rage ilitt the orator didnt h lrurjt tlal tort for ho talked riht itrafpht t the heart irzl eoachck or ether the rearer felt the trtrablins tcardroii ttert ubclhonsht of the vife ho had loved fcio well and thj children tliat cinl his knee and he laid as tho terrible inctarcsvccrc drawn i iick get it kerrwl thats inc then hii thought west back to the yci gone by ulicn hii mother had kisd his brot as ihe uarfciiy ttm cf the evils of drik and he izic fcer a solemn vow that becster would toucli the iciionons c2ji hich had rshted to many before and the tears ftu fast le be sorly said hes ketdilniro licrcandnorcr ecloosesolhii hold on thcftttols andknifo 1 tnd ccverci hh steaming eye ind thrash it was homely his leavers went nji srraight up to the starlit fifes thee he tipicd hs ciiae to tbe tcrrpocanso ticdro- i ind hcdin it hih said ho icuno here tobsitthattcrjivrancc chap b bzj i rechen hes bsxd cc 1888 dai jffmtlii ufsiinn ill the elefealli hoar j weavingv 5ik t mitchell pefiirea to inforro the people of acton and forroondiugs that he is prepared u take orders for weaving all kinds ol fancy bag carpet flaanel sbeelicg skirting and dress goods- etriped or plaid twiflor plain tisctbed blankets and hocsebianketetwo ftss wide and over- jand i wiilfiusraniee tfint isiupre good batisfaetion toall fanners and others who will favor me sith iheirpitronafie t mitchell tlte paper used in this journal is from the above mills t ytm baebee beos- li3 bueketfkoste ameeicait washing machine patented in cando ljv in ucilcd state i3s7i the icost jerf ect wasber and urincer la tbe world itiafc tbclqad vberever introdncod onnptition feiiel xft of a challenge for 1 courpotitiou by any ptlicr washing machine ever j uavla ns ii very machine gaaalmcfi to giro j tatifattfou j jjichhic idih friaser ebjrtijhout irtnfiir f comaikndiinee wjhciiod bond for circular eavt0 shltltis rockwood p q i general agent for tho tovushitw of bftijnenlng tfayacaweia tnmn anclpb and cuyj cii jlst arrived i 000a a large quantitj of the purest i hellebore 1 r clvid the finest quality of j 1 paris green j also a fine assortment of i scotch and english turnip seeds drug ahd bookstore 4gton ontario and most i a bqnire from the place i have go lacs called ray heme wh1 yon not take the word of him whom for hirty years yocr father never dosbed ft i rappose yoa are telling me what yon believe lo i the truth was the reply bat yon admit that yon can show no ieal title to tins property an i have already ar- rangtd for luvinj an observatory- fccilt cp- en it t it commands the fines views on tie estate kahaan grange crcinei a lon bitter sigh then after a petite spoke again how much ongccan i sttyhereeir until the workmen arc ready to bepn tearing sown which will ibe in aboct ten days of conrse i will make no accotmt of the bick rent and squireulayton left the cottage and walked briakly away ic wis iodcod as the bquire had aaii the gnet viewion he estate the little cottage nestled like a seagnu against the eidecfthe cliff its tiny- strip of garden bright all eurrmex long with fiowera while in front z short rocky and prccipitonj path led dovn to 1 pebbly beach waalied by the waters of the bcistifd lay nt the farther cidc of which was a ligfctkoase whose friend j beacon thonc at night hke k etar over uic waters titsl to companion stakes were two boats due firmly built and scr- viocablc showing its staench reaiatance to many a rcnii enconnler with windjaud wa xi the other a fairylike little crift on the siczu of which glittered in gmdcn let ters the fantastic name water witch tbe room in which the interview jost de- scribed took place presented an afipect not i only of scrnpnlocs neatness bet refinement and even elegance a handsome piano andj wellsued mnsfc stand a gift- cf the for- 1 mer squire stood against one wall on which hnug in a beaatif ally carved frame j a crayon sketch of the little cottage and the bay its waves dashing high upon the strand while some distance out appeared an untamed baat and two figcres battling with the waves beddes these were a set of book shelved also beautifully carved together with vir ions other attractive and tasteful articles the cottage which originally stood just oateide the limits of theestate had been purchased by the former squire and after wards improved and enlarged bj the ad dition of another room whose two tiny windows were now adorned with a living garland of the luxuriant english ivy twentylive years ago this very night at the risk of my own life i saved the young heir whose birthday feast would else have been tcrned into a funeral wail said grange breaking the silence which had followed the squires departnr and his father told me when i laid his rescued child in his arms that neither his life ncr thatof his son woald be long enangh to re pay the debt of gratitude and now that son comes to turn me from the homebis father said should belong forever o me and mine with his own hind the aid squire gave me that deed which now in some strange mysterious way is- lot and my word avails nothing i must go and why j as if in answer to this question a clear fresh voice broke upon the alrrtrilling a love song in tones so full of fervent ana fender pathos that salhan grange borieci his eace in his handa with a groan thirty years before nathan grange had become a tenant at the little cottage after having lost his fortune lathe former squire clayton grange had found a patron and friend who in virions ways- furnished him more than enough employment to payhis small rent and by his genius and artistic skill in wood caryicg he earned enough lo provide for tho simple wonts of himself and wife bo had passed ten years marked by no incident of note except the on referred to saving the life of the young heir boon after that event the young squire had mar ried and gone abroad and at the end of the neit year there came tidings of a son born to hem be continued however td reside abroad oujy retarnitjg occoaionajiy for a brief visit to his borne i two years more passed when on j a lofely sanyner sabbath twlulo a and b socmed joining in a thanksgiving anthein th feeble jet thrilling voice of a new ljfo was heard in tho little cottage and lifth g bis infant da tighter iu his hands nathi n grange turned his faco toward the smili g tea and blessed the giver who bad ee t him that treasure in the chapel near by the little s a itiiidun as kallu11 loved lo call her r i- oeived the baptisms name of marin bquifo clayton sloou as her godfuth and after ihc service look her in his arc s and kissed her and placed in her tiny hat i a fifty pound note until her sixteenth year marina rcnui clithomt aomiriog sucii knowledge 3 coul i he gaiiil there or from the ubrai y at thh hall where slic was always wclcom ilcr alurs talent iu carving rtappcan f in ha in the form of a love for drawing and tlic picture to which we have allode commemorating her fathers heroism i 1 saving the life of the young squire w s among her earliest efforts about that time however squire cia on i observing his little goddaughter a knowledge added 0 his christening gii sacrodly kept by her father enough to gi a her a three year course at a distant bern nary from which she returned a tall e giint kid with ah air of easy aud gracef 1 refinement that many a titled lady migl t ha vo winced the welcome she received from the 0 1 squire was as cordial and earnest as tin t fit her otto parents he listened with kec i delight to her playing and singing ac i marked her progress in other acoomplisl merits then as she rose to lake leave f him he gathered her in his arms as whe 1 a smiling infant anl pressing a kiss upc 1 her snowwhite brow exclaimed with dec emotion god bless thee my daughter i- aid ifarini went home with the echo f those- words in her heart for they seemc 1 likek whisper from the unrevealed futur two weeks glided happily by when t a lae hour oae mght marina and her pu entawere summoned lo the hall where thei old patron and friend was lying prostrate 1 by i paralytic stroke he was alread speechless and could barelymoveone ban whn he placed in that of marina thei pissed away his eyes fixed upon her fu to the isst with a look of deep yearning thatlcould never be forgotten aielegram sent to his son then in the south cf italy brought back a response that the health cf hi wife would not permit htrnito leive her at present nor wdqid she be able io come to england before tits foi- loytug s a few weeki iateli how- evcr a new face appeared at the ihjl om who co a- bore tbe name of the young squire andjiimeasan amnf cevricrof his father among the firtt lo welcome him wai kt- tkaa g range to whom the boany boy as hi called him seemed to be his grand- fathers very self reproduced iu ihe bloom of yuuih j with fond admiration xathan noted the ycuhj herberts skill as lie guided the beautiful water witch whila listening to muricas sweet voice floating over the placid waters in the golden autamn days as dating songs which the yoona squire declared sounded sweeter iz him than any he hid heard from the lips atjirlaiz donaatl ccder italian skies and ere many weeksi tad passsd kathan realized that a nawj voice had epoken to the heart of his inno cent child a voice which once heard is never silenced or forgotten x6 open avowal had been made but li language mare sweet more subtle more eloquent than epoken words each had confessed the secret that ceiled their hearts hat the summer came bringing the squire proud sternfaced and haughty with no trio of the gcierousgaod fdlow- ship that had character ued his early years ami iu the bearing of the new master na than ta no encouragement far j the hopes he ui5 cherifhin in lhalf of bis beloved child 1 the blow came all too soon the prouc mail imireihvtely disoavcredanddenouncct wlml he called he insane infatation of hi son and vowed to find some antidote fai or foul ee could not forget that he ow his life to the man against whom hishatret wa now earned or ignonitl hia father generous acknowledgement of that service but he had discovered that the deed ha never been recorded and soon learned fron nathans candid admission that the dee- had in some way been lost apparent beyond recovery with well simulate sympathy the squire had given grange few days more in which to find the deed i t hvcouli and at the time of tbe openin ot bur story- the last day of grace had a piled while we have been giving these expli eatery statements nathan had been stani uig like a statue of despair gazing out uj on the bay rousing himself he caught 1 3 kb hat imuit put ol the evil hoar still longe i cannct speak the words that wql bra k the heart cf my chill perhaps the frien lj waves will whisper the secret that m i- mnry so cruelly withholds pesoeuding to the beach with rapid ner ova strides he etepped into a row boat ai d pished off absorbed in his painf d thoughts he took no note of time until t e pound of the incoming tide and a sensatii n of unusual weariness admonished him c return with unpaid strokes he nrg d the beat homeward but whila yet sot lb distance from shore one cf the oars slipp d from hisnervclcss grasp by a quick i 1- ciutious moment to recover it be upset t ie boat and at the next instant was sfmggli ig in the waves when in full health and vigor the ac i- cent would have been a trivial one3t now bis mind and body were enervated a id worn down by the harrowing anxiety of the past week the chill of approachi ig death was upon him when hkeapaio- roraic vision his whole life passed la e- vjew and a faint but thrilling crj- bu st from his lips i oh heaven i see it now the det i the deed oh must i die here in sight of my home which my dear ones then in mt lose raising with an almost superhun an effort his drooping head nathan tur ed his white despairing face toward tile li tie j cottage but the mist gathered darker and dee wr j before his home ita outlines were fad ng from his view and onoe more he feu h m- lelf sinking slowly down to death i i did he feel a hand meet and grasp ais jolrainthat last- fateful moment tie foiling wares singing their death dirge in b5s ears gave no respdnie i y with the sound of the tide still rini ing in his ears natlian grange awoka to the life that had been so mercifully presar al then the sound changed to one of lo but jjpaasionato sobbing andtaraing his lead i ijlice three pmt8 wiih an effort he beheld his daughter in ths cloie embrace of the young squire her fade hidden on his shoulder in that dread- iulmomntof supposed bereavement she had realized only the fact that one heart stilt remained to support and comfort her anl she had waght that last refuge with thi impetuous boldness of terror and des pair but herbert 4 quick eye had caught the movement and betidinhis face to that of the fair girl exclaimed look up darling ho lives ho lives and iu another moment marinas arms were ubout her fathers neck and tier grate ful tears bathing hifl pillow yea lives thank god i said nathan u soon as he could gather strength to ipeik and crnicg to his wife who was bending over him from the other side lives to preserve his dear home seme bring me the piclurv that hans above the piaw with joyful aiacrily his wif obeyed and ia a moment- more it was in his hands and drawing out a portion of the back he pro- dactd the missing deed you remember wife two years ago m that ilrcadful storm that came while our littlu sea maiden was away at pchool j this picture fell to the floor in my drown- 1 ing struggle out yonder iu the bay i re membered ihit when mending it it occur- red lo me what a good and appropriate place it would be to keep the deed and i fixed this sliding piece and laid the paper in oh what a blessed happy misfortune that brought back to me he remembrance so long withheld i and you dear lad he added turning to the youag squire who waa watching the scene with glistening eyes my heart tells me that it was your band that grasped mine and drew me from my watery grave 1es thaakod said herbert fer vently i have been permitted to repay the debt of gratitude myfilher owed you for a similar service while returning from a business errand i was approaching the cottage when as i neared the bay i saw some cce struggling in tha waves and urging my horse forward with ill possible speed i reached the bay and plunged in just in time to grasp your hand as you were disappearing is soon as i reached shore i sent a man who i fortunately within hail for a doctor aiutlbcn we sat to work to do what we could to restore yu and here he is now the physician entered at that moment bat while he was listening to the case the sountlcf harried feet- was beard outside and a messenger entered to summon her bert to the deathbed of his father in riding home from the village whither he had gone after his interview with grange ttlie squires horse had stumbled and fallen throwing him to the ground and inflicting morul injuries 1 the summons included nathan and his daughter but as her father ws still too weak to make the effort siarina accompanied her jover to his fathers pre sence in a few words the squire learned l that there wls no need for the trfrdy justice he would faitr bestow then kneeling be side hisbed the lovers received his sanction and dying blessing upon dieir union a year after his death which was soon followed by thatof his wife marina stood beside her lover in the little chapel where she bad received the baptismal rite and took upon herself the sacred vows of mar riage nathan grange aud his wife con tinued lo live in the little cottage asking no higher happiness or privilege than the knowledge that their dearlycherished child was the loved and honored mistress of clay ton hah kkpaililxg a broeen needle there lived not many years ago a very short distance from the uiwn of beaver a man of extraordinary meanness i dont think it would be unjust to say that he was a miser moat of you would enjoy the story more if i told- you his name bat l wont do it one day as he was startingout for beaver to do his weekly shoppiag for even he hid to bay something foe tbe support of his family his wifa camo oat and auk rid hi to buy her a darningneedle whats the matfer with the one i bought you last winter- tlw eye is broken out aha replied firing tha needla here sap ho im not going to allow any such extravagance ill hat the needle mended the woman was wise inher generation aud made no protest she brought out the broken needle the economical farmer rode into beaver and stopped first of all at the blacksmiths shop he took oat tbe needle and handed it to tae biacfcjontii- i want that mend ed he said the blacksmith knew his customer and keeping his face perfectly straight said that tbe eye shouldbc made whole in an hours time the farmer rode away aud the blackroiith walked across the street and bought a hv needle for a cent or two when the farmer called again the black smith gave him the new needle the farmer looked at the smooth polished sur face of the steel and remarked that it was a good job n how much will it be said he tea cents said the blacksmith and the farmer as he paid it remarked that he knew that the needle could be mended but his wife would have gone to the expense of buying a oewine if be hadnt interferred- pudtirg djtpdtcli- kiss 4tie book in thee art ofmury states a witness la iwofj u tell th truth the wholetruth and ootbio but tbe truth with tin hand upon steal of the bible and after this the bok ii presented for him to kiss in other stat i the dibleis not made use of at least ot unless ono ot tb lawyers thinks tha on account of the religion of the wilncst it wilt add to the muctii of his oath j u a trt jl in newark n j not bug ajo i r drcacher stnto anajyist of new jei hywm a witness and- on be ings worn nide only ajpretexi ofuohing his listd io s iled volume aflertbfl law yers bad n ac their arguments the coun sel or the ipposito side- raised thpoint that he d tors bath was invalid as be had jinter iotialiy avoided kissing tho book t e doctor admitted ihalj he was afraid to u uch his lips to a book wiat jiad bocn fcissct by to many others for fear ihacditicai might be communictei say ipg hat h did not think ii safe o loach his lips to l the judge ordered the case to be rcop ecd tho doctor gave the soiled cbvfr of tli sacred book a sounding smack and then porously scrubbed his lips with hisliandkifchief on the few occasions when the writer has been a ritaeas in court he has asked of the judge that ho ight afllrm instead of swearing as hoprcferrji to not take any bacterid or mirrobu wh bis oath it is a violation of not only pehcnaj rights bat of proper sani tary rogulaiom compel ono to place his lips in contact with so foul a thing as the binding of fcourt bible jlukttca ayri- itsrut j yr jelg v j acc4lim0danxaballwxvs ianerth rn manjrho recently returned fxom tfiai tells 10019 amuaiog stories of railway ieice in the lone btar btate one boad rtidning out of houston possessed one locomotive and a single train of cars tbe train weald go t houston one day and would go to tha other end of the line the neit day the train would run off the j track occasionally add then tbe passengers would have to board with the nearest plant er for a fe days while the cars were lifted bock bathe rails the conductor consider ed it a matter of only ordinary politeness to stop the jtrain when a lady desired to gather a fejv wild flowerv aloog the way one day a lady requested him to stop the train airnightat a small suliou where she had some friends whom she want ed lo visit the conductor told her that the tram would waft long enoagh td let hergo and dine withy her friends but is it wis already four honis behind time she would haje to take the other passengers to lino with tier in order to keep them from tasking complaint to the 6nperinteudent of ihe road this pro position was rejected by the lady who eode oji to houiton nursing her wrath chicago america pailvgnapes of wisdom j calamai- robs the public of ail thai ben o2u that it may justly- claim from tho worth and virtue of particular persons by rendering their virtue uiterfy insigiimcanl r i j j never ii your dress says lord lytton j altoget herjdesert that taste which is gener- ii the jvorld consider eccentricity ju itreat things geuias in zmall things folly j when a man has once forfeited his repu tation or lis integrity nothing will thea serve his turn neither truth uor falsehood- t3i characlrr is very much hke cloth in one respect if white it can be died black but one btickeued it cannot be dyed jhitc i the way of the transgressor is hard but the way cj those he leaves behind him ia often barier wise men make theirnemiea their jur structors jjiccli become enemies to their icacbnrsi you nepdut pack up any worries you can get taom aaywherc as you go along the frfcer you feel yourself in the pres ence of ajother the freor is he rtixtr two tilings a man does apt forget his first love and liis first smoke sat so dare tasayno when your tempted to idrinlt- pause 3t a moment my brave bey and ft the wrecks apou lifes ocean jlhink j think tossed for aqkwerin the cost think pain x thiaki yes m without counting the mother who borp you ip of the tears that will fall like rsthaiw hi oiwooa umwiodows of bearcotodajr and roared iu a blowing down 7 on the thirsty ffold and the atom war and tha horad dusty tonro the light dq tbe inuutalu ii faint and wert andbrifihi is u10 flowery plain la tbo iqcnqwoixlj vbero tbo jovcp moct tho nam are gdldca ajrsfn i liftot my jiiarh ia my ftcblc hands ka beltfu oat lo tlia uliowcrtl for the rain that witom tha widertryad lands vfill ifcsbcu a widows flower and thefo odtnc a thaasht of tho friendless heart tsrot uji in a lonely iiac 1 ob tarry it fortbcrtih life uiiuxt and jlw it thcliirctms of gracftl j ob clrry u forth to a jvrci air rom iu dark rijojo of pain t m tilllboilobt cficliand tbe stain of care uu vashed avayby the rain if some sensible fln hon ss cox the wellknown state man takes off ihe arguments of tho poli ticians m fine vye file rivals them in their- ability to form conclusions ho argues england has fre tradfc englaod hai low wages erg6 free trade produces low wages ajain the xlurttd states has protactioo the united states has high vvtges there fore protectidn prodaceshigliiwages kogland his a houseiof lords england has tow wages conclusion the lord makolowwages l f thp united grates is infested with tramps ihe united stato hs high wages therefore tramps make wagb hgb ireland has no enajics ireland has low wages arjjal snakes make igh wages- russia his high foioctionj russia hu low wagesi therefore prolection makef wages low turkey will gentlemen ekctise rat for my reference well turkjiy has a low tariff- percenf turkey hia the koran therefore the koran makes wages low hv hiyk foii yorvo glile avoid begirlniog a conversation bjf an al- rukion to the weather avoid all intemperate expreseiona avoid talkingof any nfio person iuiha presence of others in a language- not understood save by the two pcrscbb using it qclesf addressing a foreigner io his own tongue and then th others should be made- aware of the topics of cotaeriaiiod avoid speaking to any pne as that rty t avoid uiing uie words j bob orbi aceompanied by a- nod of the head ox jer of the thuab in tho dirtktion of tbe person spoken qf but ipeakjbe name of the lady or gentleman avoid all remarks luteudedj to have a doublemeaning to not betray egotism be careful not tn indulge in furipus ticulaticns couversatibu iadotoiatory dq not be satirical save pn defence of yourself against impertiuenek 1 il thecluidefefce- dont bo a clam is warning that meets oae very frequtfcj y nowadaja weil why not wbats thj matter witjb aclaui lies all right lj ho fulfils bis mission aud makes the lui t of himssll what uiorv iould be cipalcd and what mere does any jcrson jwl the clam ta as wotluitc ai well bred iid as respect- abtu as the oyster yet uobpdy thinks of fpoakiug disrespectfully ot tha oyster what has uie cianidoneth4tlt should be made a term of derision rj kobodyever heard of a cum getting drunk lying cheating at cards abusing gumb anlmah putting a little dogs eyes oft or doing tnj of the thousand things by4nch tnqp- dis tinguish themselves frartn brutes fitie clamis jet lo behcard frbniij furhaps he ouldsay dont be a ina4 kfiaaa joiw jvamatl v- wisdom i tiie highway cow 1 fe objects are more to be pitied than the highway cow her fare is scanty and her kt hardship and abuse eho must steal dc starve and her look shows that she- is conscious of being a thief her owner cares little for her and by all others she is bated her food and treatment beingwhatj they are ehecau not be profitable to aoyj one and to the owners of land in her vicin ity she is a source of vexation aud loss why she exists lo one can tell fof if it were not for her threefourths of the fencing ow required would not be needed thisi saving would pay for good pasture for her not to speak of the cessation of damage tc crops the principle which allows her to exist is wrong it is contrary to that which once prevafledin the engah law it re quires each landholder to jfflnce all other meos cattle out instead jof his own im the law u wrong not ihi highway cowl hence da not abase her though she is ex mperatinc when she hfa eaten off alt your cabohge or destroyed busbela of your ripening wheat do oot pnkthe doj on hen aud elubhar unmercifully wbeo you get her lb a eorneij but make ft sturdy reaolvi that yon will ybte against animals miming at lafge hew si cuewberb prevention better than core thinkfcf the heart and how cruel the blowy j thinlrpf her love and at ooce answer thinkjof tle hopei lhas arw drowned in ths bowl tfamklof the danger to body and soul thinkjof sad lives once as pure as the snow t 1 look at them now and at duce answer no lj thinkjof a manhood with rumtainted breath tbinl of the homes- hat now shadowed with wo l- might hae been heaven had the answer been 1 0 thinl of lone graves both unwept and unkuow i hidirlg fond hopes th at were fair as your own think of proud forma now forever laid low f thatkight still be here had they leam- eoto ssjno tbinl of the demon that larks in the bowl driving to ruin both body andeoul thiqjt of ail tbjb aa hfes jonrney you r and jrheu youre aaaailed by the tempter say so j j she passed- a wltthy lady advertised for a plain ooot slid several persona applied for the situatito owing to bur fastidlousnesa howevit none of them seemed to suit her requirements bat at tto -eleventh- hour jnaidesj from the emerald- isle made j-p- plicatin io reply to a question whether j she wis able to do plain cooking she gave an affirmative asper adding- tf tne plain er the ietter foi me an3 being further testedlhi an oral manner the good lady saidhmy husband likas hii meat boiled and i eke mine roasted now if yon get afowrjto cook how would yon dott pleajemaatn said the girl 1 would roast i first- an you could ate your share then woiim boil what yoa leftlor the i know of wo blessing so smu which can reaoonably be expected witlfeit prayer not any so great bu may be attained by l south i you thuilt you want faidun gofis will- iugnesa to help you when ypu only want willihghess io be helped by him by their patience aud jierseverhuce gods children are truly known from hypo- critcs and diasombers avtstiney do the duty that comes first ppu know- not what beautiful experiences it may blossom into he who acts his strength is btfong and will baptronger guild caicl islilxtj fojlmothrloofrtabl twice a year the fisherset 5 for the coral reefs in the redf 5l as fleet eon- sista of about three hundres op boats of from eight to twenty tobs burden and with a sdugle lateen sail in each the crews consist almost entirely of black slaves who receive two- thirds it the catch whila the other third goes to the owners of- the boats whenjthe sia is calm the fishers anchor the bgiuncar tbeboral reefs and going out in eanoesto the fiahinggrcmndb dive for the shells thesv slatefl are pi all ages from ten to iprtyyeartjind are as- markably ttrahg and beajby the motherofpearl sheik are- solflat auction iu the markets ot jeddah bjitfroh1there sent to london and hamlidirficoj aqrkutuiiidjijr july i mastijer the girldbtainsd theaihistion it is worse than maddess to neglect a couh or cold whicii is easily subdued if taken iu time becomes when left to uaelf the foreranner of ousamptiontodpreniv tare death inflammation whuitattackt the delicate tissue o the hmgsj and brpr chial rubes travclwith periltfqstapidity j then do not delay gat a bottle nx sickles an ti- consumptive yrap thi medieins that grasps this formjdablqifoe of the human body and drives itfronfthesystenu this medicine promotes afreo and eajryi expectoration subdues the conh heai3itar diseased ports and exerts a ftftst woncfa ful influence in caring cceisumiption and other discasetf tjje throat ata lahga if pareuta wish to ftave ihe lifts of their children and tbemaelres from meest anxiety trouble arid expense set them pro- cure a bottle of blekles an ti- consumptive syrup and whensver a child hsktafass cold has a cough pr brseness yo tba syrnp aocordipg to direction one of tbe greatest ftbrgnaesihe ep l hsh public at the coltnlal z london was thtfezteosixe play of msraorial yviadows stained glass from the oelr land son tocouth the pi isnd fbonsancli of others opei their sutpriso and delight in of glass jjrorks