Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1888, p. 2

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maxxd iumr4lctorauxat thowswmk or ibfl bride father on tsexn inil iitv john waltest vr dooala usdr khi ot alt mann b jfttsie dit daughter t hugh c- doasijl esq suafattca r floa bkarphq ekiufsing on lofsuth ukuuio wife of hr 4mw sharp of o tctl fafeuh in actoeoiitbtind tctui witoof mr toward portotvduiglrv fljt 3utoit jfrtt fjress i tacr8dalt jckk 28 bss notes amrwmxfcxrc the doinmioq government have evicted eversipersootwha have squatted on the canal rcmrvcat ouaw mt of viioolj have bad pcbwosstou for sixty years i tbe paieral provincial election in maui- aoba comet off ou tlillth oi jtti tbc liberals have a candadate in thi odd in cterycoiislilacifcyaddllicrp is little doubt that tba grwuwty coverutecat will bo tas- uincdr the tips and dowtisoia fjiecobdcrvlife wercefjeodidlj- niustralcd the ciu3m in the case of mauin new york who nude 200fr in iliac day and tovl tccatire mm in six boom iu ihe mottling he lived iwa palace lit the ccniuj be was out kokiiyi foe hjartiueiu the jbatisaclory tihibiu cud cbcccii reports presented by t lumy usksv qi pedally those uifcrtiiici in tuc dsuici where the shortage it tbc crop occarred arc very cnccaraiit si vru ui lirtjy iq dissipate whatever uuiiiuiis my have existed wilh rcgird to llccoxincrcial situ ation montreal ikcr4 it reaainy tracuiit ic this cotilry lb men ncmicitcd an elected to tub- cslcc repreacut fcirlyil locri charasisx oi 1 their cfjastiiccaie wi a lid rnji is put iptn d5ce it mcin lb the electors a either as bad as he ii or tbt tev are too lazy or cowsrtliy to aicxt tfceaiecives rarnrst and cowcrdice are wot i exac crimm when tbey imperii the freedom ici happiness of a nation- mr jbiaa deputy hinistcr 6f atricd tare says that if ad oatsvcrjia cohdoas appear daring the next two wcekr all rea sonable fearoi a failure of crops will be over the rain oisaaday wis fairly cca- eril and there mot1iae been diiuiats in it for the conn try there is no becier authority on the crop fouwfc tbui mr blneiandthe province raiy tbirc cofi- denfly in his bopefolacfs of a cplendid banrest lir the gmrcbes are for tenpenace ost of the annnal gtherin hive epon in fiitpnr of prohbiiicc and others have de clared for more etriert heessisg lws but aq the roman catholics tiroii the pnlpit and the methodists iresbyteriah eptscopaerns and baptists by resolution bare expressed thetpsebna agsicst bqnor thns displayiiig- a fepecici oi christian nniry from which good reihts nniii certainly floir at last something definite hia been beard ol stanley as inicbf hare beed expected the jirogresb of his expedition has been obatrneiad by hostile natives and he has bad great dificnity in obtaining food for ha tnen his force too has beennejiaatd by i disease and r desertion aal he hi has been woenced b nt btanky has proved himself to be p taan of indomitable cparage and he is fertile in resoirces he may yei findhiswiybacfc to avilizstion in fpite of the treachery of tippoo tib andtbc dangers by which beia enecmpiesed tps qvesn x or rr tbt kttlouajcoatvtttfim to b hfld at- on- trmlxtwfek the dotuialon probibitioo cotmutloo lo be held ttuoutraal on jaly sri tbnj mb wiflbc a pthtrmc ot reiaark hlo in- icrat it will be tbe lint uaiioua cana dian con fctt nee ot delegated pro ibiuos itv tbe proat meetiiir at hon real ia 1679 outpt which came thod imiolon alliance aufl the soott actwu il nply mim convention of active- tea peradoe workcrt in the comiug meotli g every delcfiab will rcpreaent a cooitita mcy oi lrobibiuontsts anxioaaly watting the de- ciaion ol their leaden and the call o arms for further coaflicc tbe oouvenljoo has been called by tbe dominion alliance hot it will bell oroagb- y independcut wbeu it meets fad will rauixo and control iuclf every tcmpcraace orgauizalioti eexy ikviaioa council union clab charch boctctyrpraoysqch institution fa jinnted to scud a delegate for each fifty of iu tnembcnbip any number not being a com pic to fifty to cocut as fifty- for the turpoae of repreicutilion livery proriucitl teen perauoc oraubutiou is invited lo send iti kxeculive conunittoe or aa eqaal aumbct o reprcsenlallvcs every ivotinaai jjraocb of lbe alliance is lo scad uuj and ewry county alliaaca or bcolt act asso ciation ii culiued to live h ths principal railway aud steamboat liaca are oclin very liberally toward the convention the grand traufcafld cana dian pacicc ilailway and hicbclieu bteam- jbmt conijiany will issue return luktti lo ilontrcal fora riaflle fare to all persons pliyinj tickets jsvitl le iisaedloa this plan frotn silnrday juuc sotb op to tasiijv july 3rd and will be pood for re turn passace up to saturday jtiy7lb tbc incrcoloaial railway will seilj lincje fire uciicu to ilentrcal at oscal ratus and wijl ince tt itcntrcal retcrn tickets free ca prcscataiiou of a certificate cirfai by the secretary of tbc couvcutioa j i will be ecen that all wbr attend the convention which will be open lo tbe public whether delegates orlci may arsil ihcrceelves of these rod treed fares 1 the nzectinfti of the conrcction propcr will be bell in the victctii rosea armory on cathcart street on sacday creninp july 1st there will be held a rreat- gospel tcmpcraace meeting at some central point on ilbcday lad there will be an jexenr kn to mystic and a prohibition picnic tberexon tuesday evening 3rd a aonster prcbibilion mass meeting will be heu all thesn gatherings will be addresaed by the foremost moral rcforni worliert of canada- already there is being manifested where a deep interest in this convention its doings and sayings will be carefully studied by the temperance party the liquor party and the politicians it will make history tbeprohibitioaistsare in earnest tee policy they are advocating mast cpecdily receive the careful itisnliou of ststexea and votcrt it is beic press- ed into active politics with a persistence that will not be daunted it has behind it some cf the best brain power in the band it baa been warmly endorsed by liferent branches of tht christian church bid it influences the ole of an important and growing section of the electoraiej tbe lloritreal meeting will be a fathering of men con seen tiously and determinedly in earnest- we trait that in iudeliberationa wise counsels will prevail and that its re- salta will be for tbe welfare of our country and the advancement of temperance which every friend cf humanity dcatnji pio- molc f every- the general unprcisci fcislcob uiat thckiagara fails park wis to bv a nation al one tbt american pari tiireibeciro it was botagbt wiihkew york haie manev for tbe enjoyment of the people tbe caca- dian park bought wrtli ontario mosey like wise for tbie pabbc ercycictf 7s uot free sorely ihia is contrary to tbe icittion of those whovatedfor tbc ac of tha oiario legialature whilst the main part u fsee the islands ire preserved to betas of 10c each for pegestrains and ofty puls each or vehicltk in liiiiiea to eiih paasenserb vtnlla- it wcrd c cafair to claimlb at the hziijz ci tl pstlic i worse in regard to ficuiiie forslbtmcin at klagara palls aid thctzpcicojdcctd with the same- than wis tbe cse prsicos to tie worfc of the cacajliic crcnieicr- ers stoi u has to be tdxliici lt cxttere are not yet bany means loo siiufaciorv in this ccnucdon 0 k zylzu atijtittrj he- charge of anns ir cirtbiueliixliffi lviu-m- tbe trialqf 6carh ryder for alleged anofi war continued lit friday before eifhoocr jade miller the defence con- cinding their eridaace tcteral wituesaeas being tilled to prow that the prisoner did hot leave osprioge in time to sci the fire in acton as alleged by the iadictment- eridehce was also nvca to show that roode hod been removed alter the fire cud that tbe goods were nctavecvalui by the pri- tonet 7 the prisonerflooaatel mr w a- melean of johnson sfcltac barristers of thia ptace stroci iippeal on be half ot thif prisoner tbowjng tdc danger of oannetisg oh the evidence in this matter u it was entirely orrrsmrfiatial sir matheson coooty crbjra attorney point ed ixtt that the circcmstaaliai evidence wa strbnfiajjiinrt tbe yzkorcr bat not nffiacnt to clear tbe matfer from coavjj- erahle doubt tbe prisoner was iicooitted dettff of a foitheit residest rloote giffy a wellknown chararrrlfl acioit firly ilklory d la 1cintylnuiia sir thimis ckfey died eaddeajy on jcce cta ia shiran pa at the age of- 70 and was buried at kewcasile pa- he left wife and fire ciiildrea vin mxf llenaifl levtbe auiance 0 sir- itary jalbtor raeviiicihslr james cuffeyj if it sdian ilocly tad ilr tiros claffey of sbaroa pi ill of wbomarrired in lime xo attend bis fccsral itrlaficywu one of the best known baiinesi imea residinj in acioa in the years from ltwo to lswt he iwasa ecccsful railroad cootraitor and built the greater part of tbe grandtrunk railway between tcroa to sod barnia also the kortbcm railway between toronto and birrie being the trunj bosicfiss mitnager hescrs walter and frank sbanly he ako bnilt the esplanade in toroalo in liyj be owned 700 acres of land fci and about acton and the people of this vicinity gratefully remember the assutaijce he give in the purchase of limber ties and railway kuppiic as xcll as tbe hiring of teams and labor the roman catholic church at dublin owes- much to his geheroue eub- fccrtptfons- although not possesstd of much worldly wealth tt the lime of nisde- mise in 156 he had as uiccb uiq0o in tbe commercial bank of toronto jafany jofbisold time friends in 4 oaelph kad georgetown will bear with reject of bis death l i m hestgattot qtvzqttqn vixjws frthulbjvflioii tfj-ju-jtciitircltctr- aiiiott ifr wtn brown prcesisr of anneal- tore at the ancultaraicoilebas sent fn bis resignation to the govern meat which tke effect at he end of this week wheo bis official connection with tbe college ceases tjprot brown has for thlbetn yearbeen coo- oeeidvithuie iostitntion daringthisper- iojd he became ako widely unown through out tbe ewntry by bii able rcporw lectures i ofut bnlrftim on agriculture and subas connected with it lu this ceinbbfirbpod and throogh tbelpfovjcce he has made daring his concettian with the college ft great many rieadt wbo fili regret his de- portare and whowiii wiih him every suc- oemio tbefgtare we bttderstan4tbat it is biinteatoxto proceed tanstralia oomclime ucit uioiitb where be has tbe project qcmoe tbio one important and lucrative oovernmebt appointojcntin cfloiicction witli agriculture or forestry tve also nndcrttuid that the ontario govcrnmaci have asked- prof broiro to appear a their representative at iee jiostralian eipoiijonand iatruetd him- with ihe important duty of drawing op a report on the btte ol egrimiltnre in that country he if well fitted for this wort and bis report wil he iookc forward to withiaterest pereerlvebeukguesatsteenrstillk pircte disaster of ike poslmaiter with i xjhijgbt viiitort a deaperate encounter with burglars oc- dred in the village of streets rilhj at 2 clock on satarday morning in whioh mr jwilham grayjon postmaster was severs- y and perhaps fatally wounded l few moments before wo w j graydaa ha landed mani son was retiring for tbe ht- when be saw two men trying to fiet to the store hi roused bis father and ihey were aboattq make an attempt to capture ibemwben the dog began- to hrk and both men made a break for the gtreet ban q them was 50 yards down the it reel and tbc other wai climbing tbe picket zence which divides it from the boose when the yraydoas apjeared- both rushed towards j lie tecond burglar bat he drew a revolver ad commenced ibooting tbe elder grardoo the first shot missedr but the second itruck himnx the arm a third ibot struck him ih the shoalder meanwhile theaonhad eeized he villain and dragged him u the gxocmdvthe bnrgiai ihouted o his pom- mde foe help aud the latter taming com menced a second tusilade one ot life ihote striking the fattier in the left leg bringing hum to tbe ground in ordr to protect iinnetilf young grsydon swung the capiharod bnrglar iifrotit of him ft target fo bis partners bullets he sueccded in bteak- hig away lea ring bis pistol aud bat bepind htm the elder mr graydon was carried itv tbe hoase where at kit accoualjs bo wis resting easily his sou went to tor- ojiio daria4 the dayjtad left tfio hitand pistil wiui inspector stark on the barrel o tho latter arocied tbe iuitial r did frosf 6cx8tsoke grfclpir jnne 3 a man recenu g ged on the ballasting gang of the guejpb i i inction railway whose name could not be le irnedf was lakeu suddenly ill yesterday aj pafcnilr from sunstroke medical j aid ivlm procured from cimpbelivjlte but ni thing could bo done for the poor fdlfow hje died at eeven oclock this morniqn the byitkh c ffoolc bt w aiowjt raofisoa or iawltudtut aiaonn ibvmioy developmenu in agrl- coltote ohou jeatahan dote uot oeem to hawbenariypracuojfaou u to what may beaoooiriplithed in the improve men t nt wool jibe ontario experimental farm made tome testing in 1883 aud il5 in dipping lamu onoo tud ahearltugi loe a jear tbew we know have been adopted a tome cases but u yet very few are aware ot how much can be done reason- ably lu several haeeto produce more wool per head better wool and more tollable wool for various man n f oca tare ai canada baa not vol obtained a plow among nations even u a tecond rate pro duoerof poland raatton and u wo are juit beginning lo see bow roach we could do very easily there is the better reason to ask that our farmers should enter upon tbe business wkb all tbo light of modern ex perience and requirement we are hot without experience in most countries a lo the marked effect of climate soil and hcrbago upon tbe varioqa pro per ties of wool and at tbo tame knio u is safe to assert that few men make ibcta infla cuccs a study befaru investment in a par- lioalar brted of sheop keilhec do we lad jusltflcalicn by aouad argaraenl for the practice of washing ot clipping otfw a year nor of rarely taking wool frotn lambs what baa been so easy to get and po cheap to produce has necessarily obtained oornii- poudingailcution from farmers ai well as tnariofactretii indeed be icrprisc ii ibal the mknufscrurea of woollen goods have cot demarided from wool growers tach a cbiracler of mitcrid a ii required foe particular markcu rather tbicluvuig had lo make tie articles accordiagtuilie nature oflhckafcrialgutwilbao hule skill il ii a remarkable fact ibal absolutely uo change has taken placchive pcrbi in saxony aud france in the wmiftd vf cf- tifiilwj and kxrcrwj usl it will bei3 no doubt that with hie many breeds and nearly s irny tiiiulica of wool the mtnqfactarerx can get very much of texture and of length aud other propcrtiesjas moft meet all ec nearly all public wanu there if much truth ia ibis balemeajbut tbe argument is jasi he bcstlo ureiu favor of ll ijosiuou i am claiming fdr batter cultivition aid ihc ira- provemeutof tbe crcp by methods oc bar vesting take several practical examples from iho eiperience ot this station we bavupat to pasture this season all our imported rami aud ewes of lincoln cotswold j leicester oxford 8hrops hamps south dowa merino and cheviot as well aa homebred shearlings and iambs- both rams land ewes together with first cross wether iambs of all these with the common or gredg ewes of the country every anmial lambs excepted was thorn close daring he end of april andbeginning of may h that practically no wool has gone lo grass with us this season tbe- airy cool eheds all winter with access to outside courts at all boars kept the sheep comparatively tree from sweating with their heavy coats and hence after clipping very few had to be jacketed and not one baa bad inoimmalion or milk trouble ia nursing nor has there been mora than r the usual head colds even during an junosaaliy late and cold spriag op lodater by chang ing from pen to pen according to time of shearing and temperature we have hod marked benefits by better doing in flesh growth and general bloom the common practice is to leave clipping until jonej or after spring seeding when woof is less in quantity dirtier harsher mote raggad and not so sound for manu facturing jparposes we ihoald have issued this ibnlletin earlier with the strong advices kcrer ktyur xcool q lo pnwf even cow it will be in time for many in other aspects the fev lines allowed in this public document do not odnit of telling all the accompaniments of the chants of practice recommended among be most important of which would be that poor feeding and early epring clippings implies minydeaihi aa inferior crop and utarly every thiog in correspoudtnee much of the wool ot a large cfc after the bag hrfuiag and dry feeding necessary in his coantry deterior- ates before april some of it leaves tbe skin dries aud consequently tbe whole fleece pretnaluies and iyscs value when rcmotcdtvvo to four- weeks before going oat there snch t stab we of new growth as suihacatiy fends fcom tncchiue and chilly morijiflgi supplemented us it shoald always be ly the application in any case of a good pip in midsnnrmer and nowj comes what to me stands as great mistake in minagement andthevlae of a crop of wool anywhere namely bar- vestingoaly once a year and never clipping the iamln j wc hive already indicated the good resulting from early clipping and that sheep axe decidcdfymorc comfbrtsble from it and it is also oar experience that dip ping again jn july is both beneficial to the animal and profitable to tbe owner the extra welldoing after april has prodaced upon good psturc a superior second crop shorter andi finer in lextorc relatively to kind this is the stage claiming the better sample for certain fabrics where also the longer coarser varieties would and do ac tually give- each a change as fetches greater price per pound why do not nockmasterr take this crop there is not the shadow of cruelty aboat it though it certainly jmeaas tree or shed shade and another tarn of the dipping tcb long be fore the chilly nigbia of september or the actual frost of winter comes opt forgetting it is not frost bat wet lb it does most barm to cheep the second growth is long and close and ere next april under good man agement isf equal in weight to what it would have jbeeu had clipping been done only once altogether then wo gathered up the fol lowing comparison of ihe two systems as applicable to ontario sad the market todsy for unwsbcdwool on an average of the breeds name usual clip of 7lb in june at 15c i 05 1st clip of 7 pan a ll i5c 05 2od clip in july bj lb at 15c 52 cbp of iamb one per head of all the nock 3 lb at 17c ci 20s tffrrafrojn equal vml importiall vlltbt son pouodi perfleoce close upotj i top the other brwds to rdkkt an it ii ligolqcantjof n it q res ty that but oue of tbe dumber falls to stand the- oompari- that eioeption wlilob is throe maoh the aetal averase weight ol the broeds with un is very the flgaret given wflh orkxixo m10aju palls pak nuaiiu falls oat june 13 today qaeeo victoria niagara falls park was opened by the citizens of niagara falls with a diinion sirs t ion and review ot the troops from tbe camp al kiagara a largo numbet ot eiounlonisti arrived during tho mornicg from various pojute iu oulano aod new york state the troopi left tho canjp at 1095 iu a special train and were landed at the niagara falls station of tbo m c rj whence they marched to tho old museum buildiug which was headquarters for the day the bands of tbo 12tlu77th and 30th battalions accampaujed ihe he troops iu the atorijooti ibb troops paraded most of iho oxcuisiouiits today aw hie park in us now form for tbo first lime and iw lovely oppearance aud great sapcriorityovcrlhellialylq were admitted by all aud highly praised casualties at hixilwn differeucc prhead the extra i 03 cost of sheariag and dipping amount- to jlgbt cent per bead i have recently odvfsed with two exten sive woollen imaaafacturers and submitted samples of pnwashed wool from all oar breeds aponj which they set the fouowibg as the biglcst possible present market prices per pound fnoit utir arnuv axdmjlv 1883 lincoln j ontario gnultf cowwold leicester oxford cheviot sbrop hamps tfoatbdawoj merino taking tbe merino as a fltandirdand at an average weight qf sevejupouutl fr fleece iu tore qto lgive in te secoud col umn tbe doccber of pounds per fleece- rf- u lb 11 li 13 ui 18 t 18 s lr 10 10 j is 0 16 d u 8 21 7 uruttued la hie caunia iluklau ful juflakekiilml ou lb track jlutiltos juuc 2j wilhim rackburu a carixuter who hod bctu oti a iprce since be roceivcii iiis wagts friday was drowned in tho cauaj hie list night it is not known whether jo committed uictjc ot fell iu ace dcuully silas uppkitis a bsgiiiy rvioctejfxnncr of ssilflrtlt aged jwr wlule wdkiug on tbo grand tnnfc track ufjj ut ntoaey crook ibis nkriiiu was ruu uiit bj the 610 cxprtxs and luhtftdtfy kiijl or dcnni camjbtji of tliu city ta a jof of rien4t ot capper hy iuitkc vi pridxy evtuin nd died u bliyray flcr- noou ill c jcr ol ai icavj a wife knd cue duhter a bticiliycr uitavi jfcctnuaeu fell from a ffli on wliijb lie wax at work this niorulog uid was seriously injured tifl iitlllicix auiiiitl the rcabhcan convention at cbicxgo on monday nominated ex- senator harrison for president 5ii- votes oui of fejo bohg cast for hiin on the eighth ballot levi p mortoa wis coajinated for vicepresident ou the first ballot the convention being adjourned added tho following emotional temperance declaration to ihe platform the first concern of oil good govern ments is te virtue and sobriety of their homes the republican ports cordially sympathiib with all wise and well directed efforts for- tbe promotion of temperance and morality i mr harrison is a grandsca of william h harrison the ninth president of the united states he is a lawyer an effective speaker a leading man nz the presbyterian church and a sunday school teacher as rkirolvnutfic the general assembly declare liicirdcallng u contrary to the word ofqoil hiwrixj k s jane 20 the following resolntions were passed by the gcseral assembly of the presbyterian clicrch to- i this tfisembly declares its conviction thai the igcnerai trafilc in i intoxicating liquors is contrary to the word of god and the spirit of christian religion that total prohibition would be ihe most effective form of temperance legisla tion that it is iu the highest degrea expe dient that the state should pass effectual liquor laws and therefore this aicrabry urges upon all members of fca cbcrch to use all legitimitc mews lo secure such legislation grfeatsale tjieissolution of partner- shipsale still continues we havq large quantities of goods we want to convert info money we are making special and extraordinary efforts to ac complish that end weshall quofe you a few specimen lirices for example splendid colored silks for 25c j worth 50c black silks for 50c worth ioo black and colored satin merveileaux or 50c and 75c worth 100 and 1 150 dress goods for ioc 15c 2oc worth dcoible- the inohey a fine line for 15c original price 30c beautiful ribbons for 5c per yard millinery mantfes and flowers at extraordinary low prices- parasols a magnifi- cent jline from 25c up 1actorj cottons for 3c per ardup checked shirtings for6cper yd worth ioc seersuckers 3c per yard up beautiful fast colored prints and jgipghams for 6c worth i2jcl and 15c cottonades and jtweeds at extraordinaiy low prices beautiful tweed at 23c per yard- we are slaughtering ready- iriadt clothing regardless of cost gents furnishings a magnificentstock hats for 25c iworlhlsroo carpets in hemp union auwool tap estry brussels floor oil cloths mats curtains and window blinds in large vari ety and very low prices in fact ive have the largest and cheapest stock ever offered to the public our millinery dressmaking and ordered clothing depart ments are in excellent con dition very busy and turning out goods to suit all parties in priced ar quality to the farmersvve say bring us 36ur wool we shall give you the ihighest price in cash or trade for an quantity of clean merchantable wool in spection and patronage re spectfully solicited wmmcleodco 1ea5dioth house qeoeoetowk h a stone georgetown oodevs lauvs ijcwk the famous- and favoriu old magazine soemf to recw ita yoath with ever monthly buce tbe july number will be taken by thousands of iidicr o their couu- irj- rcsoarts for cummer reidnig iu var iety of good things u ample and wisely chosen evcrytliing lccdcd ihezi eamrner faabioan handscmety ill est rati withaa abaadance of good etorite a piper ou goethe j excellent peltry sud casibc ilir- eclioasior doia pretty much cttrj thing thai oagbt to be docc at iiccne iublislxd at i22f arch street philadelphia only 200 a year gcetrif kaukctj jczi svis l vi to 2 g 1 iij loi ii vihita wheat 0 us to 0 ii 0 tt to 0 fcs oaiioou 0 u lo 0 00 0 so lo 0 ii kjt 0 so l0u 0 3 w q tl a oq to 10 so 8 00 lo i 0j t to to i 5t 0 u to 0u 0 12 to 0 i j uatterroils o k lo 0 17 0 li to 0 1 iotfttocsiktbac 0 hj 0 0 91 apples 1 00 to 1 yj g ki to t si rmbftri 0 5 to 0 3 pelu 0 15 to 0 h 00 to i 50 0 20 to 0 20 timothy seed rwr izsh 3 75 lo 5 75 children cry for pi tehees castoria when bstiy was rick we citc bcr caitoria wtion ihe was a child ibe crlod for csitods when tbe beame tlfis 1 cluaf lo csstorfa when she bs4 chqdrun ibe give tbci cuatcria tuifpowilerwtcrvarloi a mdrrelofpitfity tniifiui ood wholosodieoew more oeoncirofcal than t orlimiry kinrls sua csnuot bo eoid in eompccttlan wllh tba multitude of low lett short 9q4 alum or phosphate powders bold only in cin howl baxsmo fownen co 100 wall bt vx -i- f ladie- cnnio direct lo 99 upper wyndham streeij gtielphj ronvoun l dry goods i kvctfthins entirely kow cb slco alu cbap kintht 1rlnts in tbe city eegan6fattrps gentlemen i i sin liowiog tbo flooit rsntosof tfnportecl suitings worsteds arid pantints in the city our stlct arocbitpcl our imem sroltfo chospost our kit sud workmanship sro vastpassed ucuicuiltcrllioiilsee b lllor wyndbsmstrocf r e nelson wool wootl theliluhesifiaucb ih l chaaulileiroo ormtuumlila wumtleode6 aonta wanted imri gcjttficeti gtudjr uorx amfi illekbicsilosbatet 13blqht0yt fakiy tbft updcnictied bu ft dqailift maslrvtutpt ule atnuofl cftlj id wc them cftrpet l0n rao carpmg mm to the- octeiqr decorator pamtzr houie sln and ornamental painting 1 j in the latest styles ssovk lorlpaitlg cliiaii welsesdsr evening thursday sud sattiniaj afternoons orlcr uf ii fr press oalec aelon or ad- drcsc4u ikir 15 goorseiown will receive prompt kltculfcp h q stone worcesters junabrldced qvcrto dictionary with or wtthoaf dua leus patent index edition of 1888 j enlaboed ey iho idditlon of a kew rrououncing biographical cf coar 12000 personages- and a new pro noanciag gaieteer of the world uoins and locating ever 90000 placet con tslnbie also over 12600 new words j recently added together with a tawe of 5 000 wordain q ener- al0b8jith their bynonymes illumiired w1tu wood cuts xxd rcixpage i- i ftattei ttie vntlo6alfiundani of american literature every mitfan of longfellow holtuos bryant irvioe hititer and other eminent american ftiithoriiollowi worcester it presents the u ffroat enclisb writers papers 01 tho country and oftlm national de- cui sathi iwiatuuunb iiunnwii tt ill muuu mid e of auffroatenflish writers itu the lorityoftbe li eadlni raigixinm and newt- rnuciita at washington ton mre nv aixooasellans 3 v hppixo0tt compant pnbhihers 7u ud ut uariiet street philadelphia i people of acton ajid vicinity fthe lion of jgijelph has a word to say to all who are anxious to know where they can buy to the best advantage during the month of i i ve will pay the tare oi any one from ajiton or kockwood who buys 500 worth of goods from ufe on saturday or 1000 wdrth on anyotlier day of the weefc plow for a few of the bargains tbe lion is offering ctoo sooich zephyr qingfaimtj ioxjy goods it 1 5c per d worth ac all- wool klins veiling merges nd cn- iu cloths st 12jc i ucenjtji lovely 5ocrsnckcrbat 5 c henry ginghams at 6c worth isjcv a wholesale stock of rtbbooa to be cleared at tc gc 8c a 10c worth respei lively 8c 12jc 15c tt 20c special value ia gloves and hofacry- j ndcrciothii lg very ladies while cotton u cheap j d williamson c co furmtureiund i j och undertaking department jcoullte with a bealhftii er mitsg furniture department i x rtve 6elrmx stoce or parlor it bedrooni strites spring bed3 mattresses tibloc chairs etc etc etc j v 6abse afolljineof goods from tue j coflingoaskeuandburialbobea teat makers always ou hand j 1 0 all sues u stock rnicns iaosr j juijtspnihpiltraun j speights son speight son t aspeight mjstgee- breadmakers yeast i111ead iuuic of tms ycort toov ill kirl lrlxcs nl oulirlo lillsliowalni7 ovtr ifrco bilici hac written to cay fl3l it inrrnsscs any ycut crcrttmril brlhiin it haf3llte lin1crt wwtcrt swafnt irrvaj njb bulis nud jbiiwltm jcwhia ncvm fn nwrlv every town la cniua an tikinglt price five cents bk t0r0kt0 8team uuindby 0 ida york t toronto bhorra collars and cufp pnspodsitr oat m town iroe promptlr utondod usxd rotnme per instraotloos qpfsbaspe proprietor hfier tounkf eorrtoipalmec noniq 13 laurancej wholesale o 90 iicians ko 246 st james street montbbac wiiose cebratcd pebble and other 8pecscfes e cry town io the domiaiou they sre rcdommendod b r sccivocl from the president viceprcetdent expresldr t io medical aasoeiation of cauada the president o t e areons of quebec the doan of the medical faculty otj i ant aodiprcsidenls of the medical cooncil otova f qientof these excellent goods will be fonndat the store eglaises art to bo foqnd in ad testimoniali harebeen t and ex vicrsiaent of college otenyifciuu and ayal unlvsnity the presi tia 4c a cotnplete assort jbpear80n n agnf acton to farmers and threshers dae on vour maohinerv only the wellknown fless oil 1qold medals r vktgooi and horse powers these oils are used an ffrjai goelph farmers ask tor them nse no other fanolactnredatqmeaoltyoll wotkiby 8amuelr0ce ana ed it darngthe faat three years fee ill jlxli rtomlfor yonr auj hlily recommended at themodel totortto sflfnolea 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ftoinato celery cebbsce canufi stjsf the leadidj sua most lopuisz ia aj b acampbc i jnventiol has rerdlutloaisod tht fottf isslhslf century kotlotstsinf dork of intoctife progreu i a toetts letii ot work tbat can be performed 1 coontry wltbodt separauns ab wl their homes rey libcrmi any or work ithexsextoonstroldtii required capitsi not deeded ijoa tree cot this ooind xctttra to as send you free tomtthins of crest n artsnee to yon list will start yon which will brine rem ia tqore an ltansnnhing else is ths world free address tbcz tt co anfftsu richjjy rewajided sxfl those vhonsdtiisaaai act they rfll find honarame i j that will not take them from their fsmiliet tbe profits sre large anlnjhlv tery ladostrions perso mny nav are now msklne ssreral hundred month it is easy for say one to n upwards per day vbo uwqliitfito sex yonnfct old capital bosfteed j yon eterything new no spe quired yoareadisreandoitu write to nsstonceforfqll pi- msi iree address bunion uaine jbtal7i last fjii-i- n waoonjo important to fanmera do wt icnd your mowing machl field witboai aaa of oof sharpeners the mo wees priel tn the tool box with it yoncsn rep sections sad ibsrtcivthe kntfo withp it from tbe machine it wu sate hours hrdtork at thtfcridstoded amoume in fact it is worth its we to every owner of a tbotfer orroipc mjoiq yotrtoirnsenflsocecuand yon odd by mall postage paid afinf olbmbijt ool 48 welunrton st east troniov m desikable prop porsals r- that very desirfble preperti khj mano said glebe oviiixl by thj tioa of knox chartfh acton thli tirotberty ttsjcingail aitufctcd within tbe liinits cf tb4 thol thritinc vulspo of aciotfj is resch of school euorcb atiti fiws aboat six serai of ral liable uwl dcr ospable of btia osdly prl thii manse is isrye in s boojthy excellent state of repair hard onj sjao jood roomy outbniljiiilps i the iiropertt u likuljtoiurtt thpff farnicrrbaeincsr jaaawlio eilrtf from sctire wcirit or indeed i most r any ono vuhiae aecinforublebome loeillty i far terms and partictilsrs address the maxse ltooro the principle treatment r nndv bilttdto n washington m0lcp eminent throjt and lddr bnanoni will extvisitmfe xomilsrionhot j- tuesday july24h catatjui tluaoat ru31kl j a fow only of tbo hoadreds o yoiiwi by ttr wuolagtdus kpw m8tht hid alio j j cbjroiilo bronchitis on aasegllsb church clerejn i bkctof dn wasinsotos dlan sot i am glad tctbjf ail that hit daughter is qaitewbll is the leconqtlitio she has seed bronchial moublos nndigjtwir t ths usoaj remedial failepfi with to frratitdde please acceitt lujslnw voors tmly c d lttitt t mrs jno mckelvy kiatfiton onu oatat ad oonntitiption john jkleeelty kingsjf nonu cats ttiecroometerl owiak fo the dry hi jwcirri vaiiritwnr atjt lawn nodejc and oonntitiption r johnilekeltykingsnoncatarv-s- i urs a hopiiing iflngstoa onujwp ur eboott kingonjonu snd throat 1 mxa jilo be tram njrrowimlthop throat t- i j r james uauhews p master at tarrsh head and throat f praucis fieilin ootoal throat miu kollie kbnerllo out el f wing p 11 corunna out i henxybeott berlin out asthma mrs v wagner tnaxj dcdin head and throat leftkercher sjacohs onl andthroaa colin campbell pl bdnrd onu james bucey dnttou onu cat wili joseph bmlley fort grm lot boil form t w hi storey f otori wanufsctarcrsamoit onti jirav- the only throat aurl lotig 8omoa miss usry a hamboars catarrh bead and throat t mnooifity lelmeas s jacpbaiw stuoption iv- l titnibuttereomacu ook oaduiroati j txchtrrih i i a bom faf j

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