Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1888, p. 3

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t 5- tfestj hckets elwtaw church i ftm win rwv meaty fotri t ci hi srtaufi ftm 4ezr harr law lotojbnal 1 rtdey bv- ihb mettiodbt church acton f btoa01fpordlaphj pastor razwmage bowor atoc jjmjatwrlfcftuiuittopjb bundaj putor allcorludlrlnrtted mrbpn and ttshnrf always welcome at- vttttnl aw isslred arplj- h puoon mffiarsrd garden party and stra festival audfla pwtjsnd strbtttyfclh under tb snf of uisoffloori and teacher ol cnox chsrch sbith school will b held on tlmrsday evenuig 5th july acted corw pd wtil be present and a plca- nai cceastea ts aatidrmtwl all aretntuod admission 85 cents f2lrfmrm fries jthtirsnav jt3ke 88 1888 fr sj yrish all isli at i jvuar ncoitj th tttrm dadawl x nasi uacuftea u method -g- i b perform ftq rrcig the vbtasj jxicl cjr oa aaj zcrgdtbopt i hooded yon izd recurs to as slvft tiuioremxtjoi 2 wii fart yoa to 1 1 caacjsstjw hey 1 hesenbic a 3 a fxaa tocir irson suit hundred rstcaeto so fpeeul i i etc do itn ychkb i tfaxl ptxtacslkxav steaoe coi tit to faraeisg i gec of ciar eoo7 j jfbiekd ektcq i st east 1 satb- ilky mik0jiloc1ls c0itf4 vj ti ever- thoiyrliiria and alert ft ttxs eeportcw the qoli wute ripidly fdllowod the wf8dl- esqwd cbuncii ptid h2 tor hp aiedtydobiurtweet gome to if yoa vcoald fpetd i pleuat time on dominlos day 5oow very win tftalher usl week bat it is more pieiaut this wfc- jfhe mnsq airi glebe bdonjak to end charch ire offsed for wje himiltan h jatu its iwmd 610 w puy ixta pifthli- oooe a week a the pwt georgciowu ialka tboul ukvc cihibiiiaa gnnois il xmuyiy- wui many new thin5- kedcnibcr actoa cocuct jbaad cou- cen in the paxfcjja ifceevtaiiag of douiin- wdr- i the liquor liccascs urill probahly hc piated it this coantj in uie coarw o tec diy or 60 itrgec- hrnds is now licensed by the postnufiter gencnd ro sell posgc lumpi md cirds the irioathjy eerticc5 c si jokpvt chnrdi rac held hist sapcuy fither kdeyi the pastor presided itr d u cbristia o toronto who is at present sojooreing at halifax hakiaily ieot hi a budget of city diilies itany dnnxfcs may le been oo gcorge- iorns etreels these days teriiy hiltoa has ct her liberty once sain ucroxj oct of 900 boiler uplosiosfi in the new ecsiaad stales all bat thirteen were traced directly bad to the engineers carelessness an ezxhare says a czy rih often bring about ttucdenras changes some s actually p nowof the chihv aatl ctietca fa laodrihrt1 jm beaitsy l jr lard ssd fbj ij l fcf ortibielksmm i ooina5tb ilkcipue itiweht il bbrti ai and tnnrbffl vlsftvaj lokhocfeb irooclatii goad- i to bo aid l caj qae onj obtaiimii ieoba ost ttwrn biincheld of gaelpn jtia fined 30 and- costs by p sl sauaden gop iph jtif jtonday fctidhition o the scottak plirict lee and itrs s daffigh- bikelkeepezsj eocktrood were ach iinod 100 and costs last trak for violation of the scott act j mr george home has parcbaaod fxoni mrs john dera her late hesidence on martin street idtoa for the bom of 4- 300 chntptox the conetnictwii of the south ontario andpadfcbttncho the cpjl beinea nmle and qakrilfc has been begun by a urge farce of trorfcmen the secret of success la gardening as hicoarthinjis in email attentions fre- quently and steadily bestowed amateurs te learn jhis by eipericcce- ameeting of the halionkirraers in- sgtute wutbe held- in the torn hall kfl- ton oa the 25th a number of prorninect speakers are expected to taw part the number of liquor licenses to be granted under the crooks act irili be i emiled to a fraction of the number issued in the palmy whiskey days of yore ifrabwrigbis progressing very wefl with nis ccntnict of macadamizing ms street he is making a street wbichj is mmnmncffn gpnl arfmintiiwn hornby takes the laurela for successfi garden parties- one was held at the resi dence of ber joseph johnson last wee thenthe proceeds amoonted to tt5 tathg ittyfqfr jtht in maniio the taerinomster up there stood i5 last wek batofc you do uotfeel it ffrbg to the dryneas of the a tmosphcre the morning g t b- eipress going esi how carries the meteorological die on her baggage car these gire the farm entlong the lice the weather probabilities the eirgle fare tickets for dominion day wih be good from saturday to toes- day or tntertening days while thejare and a third will extend from eriday to the fol lowing thursday the strawberry crop is immense afte ae it will commence to mo in a f ev dayt prices will then take a tumble the genial rains of this week bare j wonderfully helped ae the ffjn fruita a kwn party and- strawberry festitfil ihbeheidoa the grounds of hender son m p4 next timrsdayctening 5 s jojy under the anepiceaof the ofneerr o knox church sabbath school notwithstanding- the fact that th hcenaes hare not yet been granted th crooks act aod all its machinery is ii force in this county dealers should con sequently be slightly more careful an exchange wants to know if a delir quent anda half should come up and pay dollar and a half in a year and a half wool l an editor and a half thenatandsomechais of getting a meal and a half eccaganally joey haddigan the 8yearold son of i vtdow atoakrille was drowned bathin j ontoesday night mrciawls r a broker rworered the body the boy i father a sailor waa drowned two yean -7- y k bor of the fineat strawberries y e bare seen this year was left at thi iomt s hut week by rer b b cooll thfly wei e of the manchester variety urge ripe aid luscious t mr cook has an excellent ga den this year u bowdetr a dirldtty stadent fzojn the trinity colhjge wbic was ordained fit georges church godpb lately oeoud to the charge of korral and st wtowri under the cbargeoteer j fe il mu georgetown her dr girtord the newpastor of t ic methodist church will arrive a iown il is etemng the members pt thecongigati m wd the pubiic generaufare iiiifued to present and participate in ine iooal welcome hirn in the leetnfo rooin ol chnrch urn ereatng mm gmartngs iucittt mortlyorjl tiwlisumitii alt i dtcroittik ticbsclioodcatrumuht tetchert jtrj th botiphjtemionil umrviuuoii hi irl c second ni tbird olu cirtib lcwiaiciotti im oa tueidti 8n oly thhith school cotmnoo otunl i iuoq ui bejiu il i pm ou wolnm- j ui jul tf ending oa visit min ljdi smilh o jjorlbportniia wlorille hid omuviiilios htt brtlnr ho lite w bsmuti ot oiktillo md loninrwmdorins histlluom on fri i ir lit iho deponed far her homo licom iniod by urt smiih when nowing liotthpottj mistnhh coinplibod otlll- tm wd net tttti oh lcr liiterlnjliiti hottlder ud died it vn tad icia on thoirain oiktillo sttr wbifc fixrmiaatiatts the mmiinntial esamiuatioa o papil t acton public schooli ilj be hcldnctv jteok u foilo thandij oronoon m dpirtmeut mis corrirtn teachcr mwrooon n dcpartmcnl uiu uccbtii uuuer friday oronooo rv dcpjrt tnent mira dorlind tcicbot afternoon jl depirtment mr moore erincipyl troetceo pironu ltd othen inlcid irtiutiledtobojitweut j j am tfnsouctud coaphjant j the following letter bu jost beda ro- tcinxl at this ooa we appreciate i bach evidences ot satisfaction respecting the tvorkloariob rooms from our customers h v moore k5q acton dear sir ve are in receipt ot tbe illustrated cnulo- puc o 32 liases and other matter trooi your rfuce we are rcll pleased with tbe print ing and tic tasty manner ia which yon have- arranged it all or us we have often been ccmpliraentcd open the appearance of fenuer circulars yon iia priittcd or tour iirtn and re feel prcad ia bciug rcprcscnt- xiby adennlidy faosacli as rc cande- xud uiici rcceivirg frbui ynur cfece it s eidcnt jou intcad to kxip up the repu aliou for geed troilrjinship ttitri ivbldi on arehinestjy crtditcd yonrs nespect- ullv roit w km i- co gconetawn f i- 1 ictox cclchrzusa cn vcuzssics dajr arranccmeuis arc nz abgal completed or the ticcjiistritioi ia acton oa poaia- ja day uiithe comnnltce express ihem- htsis cori5icct liiit acicn willi have norc visitors oa that day thin have been xn in the place far t lesg tine ana that lhdse who penic will thoroughly 3jpy itniecres the progrurnme of sports and jamuscmeats is tiricl tz5 lttracttve prizes ire odcred fcr competition base ball end licrc5e calchcf tug of war 6thliiicciires aad ftorts races cic trill take plied the parkis in cxceliect condit cjfac and tiay and the halfmile course is in splendid ordir this season acton comet bind will be present diiriag the day and aiiren tha prcoesdingti with their exceiieat mudc kad ica open air concert ia the park in thcetccmg exse g azf pastjmff vs catn tiyciizjts- the nmicrciil travellers baje ball club visitod acioa cu saiardcy aia math was played in the park with the bastunes the guzc was cot remarkable far fine playing fcut the score was kept within respectable limits it was is fol lows llii cmus mi a in in artoa iml tha gtaqr iiwilirpbvthplyohlrj iji j leaurdayjmorninr rev r jlillltp6 lias so abl occupiod the nujprrn methodist eiunji in acton ud sovaitn lully porfon aed it pialorml dotieaj for uio ph threej lars iftft with his family for cheiley hit new appoint moot uu fatew ill tormout were preached last batidsyraoi ning and evening th text of th- mora ng discoarja was eph iv 81 82 and tihe rmon was an earnest exhor tation to oo oply in ovory respect with the advice otiajl in the words of tha text he isrwdjto hi official connection with the church ind congregation and sutod that ho woupd carry away memories rich aod pleasant of bis stay in acton ho had daring the jast throe years endeavored to do hit duly before god and the people and had betn sared from storms aod wrecks aud enjoyed a peacefolpulorale reviewed the term jast closed and waathankfal to seo that progress hid been made bliiu thai eoala had bttia saved you have been kind to rae friends ha said aud i have 1ctok warner ef vccrie ent2j wcite c ecracy p bmtct rl coot if brrr hj l tjfcigvto 0 0 toronto cok tsj- satncnp bcoac ketfclt- sallvird si hcftiisicrf expey cf mcdaid j rxter lb grtv 3b l j rss itsieutfoftt t genuernes kiodly j aiut eatrajne hily brou spring saiuflfis tad papungs struck out by keacey ii by somers 8 as willbe seen by this score there were only 7 bits made os pitcher keaoy and not lsaa the toronio papers have it it was no faait of his that the game wts lost rtnenfjeraiajtjseaivicr j it is p etrange thing and asarnrise lathe public that w minyc the yeans men who come from toronto to have a game of athletic sports here uocm to be ctirely iguorint as tothe exercise of gentlf raicly coadect when they come to the epentrj paring the post yeir cr two wc bare had several instances of this aai somcj of the eeaibers of the ccmmerciii traveliers base ball club who played here last satur day ably sustained the reputation for rowdyism previouslyearned by their fellow- sportsmen from the city there iwcre a nsmbexofi very gcntlamaaly yoa men amofig the visitori butc number otfcem cocdncted theaitskes like city hcodlamr they paraded the streets inrulting ladies ringing rilahsons and otherwise micbe- havea themselres and- the hccticg cad yelling they indulged in when goinj to the station was almost unbearable jhove on appears to be the walebwordj in to ronto but torooto boys jnore on hi acton just a trifle too rapidly for the comfort and temper of those with whom they come into contact we are pleased to feay that these remarks are not intended to refer in any respect to theoiembers of the young ontario lacrosse dab who played here re- centiy they learned iberntehes like gentlemen and we hope future toronto athleticclobs visiiag acton will do likewise the old cerieterr- during ths past mpnih operations have been is progress in trie old cemetery at the rear of knoxcharch which have decidedly improved its appearance and warrant better care of the premises in tie future the many head stones which had assumed posi tions cat of perpendicular bare been straightened up the old wooden fences surrounding plots have been removed kwls have beep graded and hollawe filled up a number of trees have beei planted around the botmdaries of the premises and asubstiaitianewfenoeof cedar posts and boards six feet high sannounfed by a couple of rows of barbed wire entirely en- doscstliflcenjeterythe worv pas been done under- the personal snperiitendecce of mr lachlan kennedy has been done well and the very best of j material has been used throughouf the fence it self was evidently not built with a new to btaatjtbut to its utoity in keeping out careless persons and chfldrenjai well as tarning stray animals the premises will be kept locked except on sunday but the ikeysmaybeliadat any time at the resi dence of kr alex grant one of j the trus tees the work performed has cpst about 8230 the subscriptions which have been given nearly reach this ambunjt and no doubt those who have been benefitted and not yet subscribed will now do jso- the work has been executed with doe economy jind would have cost mnch mon had not air kennedy given his owfl tim j atirely free j great was his interest in aitiugthfl premises in proper shape if i iaji the subscriptioni will all be forth cq ninjj when mr kennedy calls for thorn in 43 fall rijtlit- with fuliv tlic iv none but kiud ords for you in sayinjg goodbye let all the things referred to in the text be pal atfiy from you- if this is done the way will be eleir for great spirilcal progress be kind be tender hearted be forgiving let the inaaonce f thj man chriit jesus givern jour ao- tiout i thank you for your great kindness to myself and fanuly and pray fcr gods richest westings upoti you 1 will cany tbe kindliest feelings respecting the people cf acton as long ai i livo the choir sang meet mo here at the close ot the ser mon at the cliiijeof the sbbath school in the afurcooa lr phillips who for the past two years has hid charge xf the bible cu sj ajdn ised the school in a few kind a ld timely smirks keep joar hearts uus coiitinue to slady ftith- rd of god be kind lo your teachers arid rcaienibcr jesus lotes yoa itcti me ia deaycn were wtne of hii puling repeat l on sibbata evtfutng the est ns gtn- eaiiiiv 1 pfear uot abranvl ani thy sbd- tfc speaker comnicnccd by saying thatlabrxm kis lis ijtral if a man jtisas chrfstiiifucrns us of the true priociplei by which success may be obtained beck ye dret tha kingdom ofgcd and his right- oasnesa and all other lhiog3 will be added unto you does it pay to be religious godlineai with contentment is great grin if lucre wcte no hereafter life is worth living in gods service t abram and othsr bible cnarcctirs have proven this abrams iea was thai the chief cod cf mm is to porfy god he obeyed god re gardless of resells sccccsa in life is an utter impossibility aclisswe rtaiiie that we bclacf to god gcd takes care of tcm- l3ral circumstances his shield u so iarge as lo protect eyfiiy part it is irnpeue- tnbu and il ways available wont ve haorgod with our lives friends let there be z broadening of oar ideax this htoarsc wis much appreciated by the very ixrgc cogtgatica presert at the cosclcjioa the choir sane god be uith yea till we meet agaio on tuesday everin a lire xtll social was teaderiid itr philupa and his family the lecture rooai ot the church was ailed b its utmost capacity with members of the con- gregatica and friends from all the sister cherchesacxious to spend a parting hour with one who has been a friend to all and oe who carries with him the love and es teem of the entire community after aa informal tea had been dispensed bevs j w eae r b gook 3 walton and messrs d henderson ilp w p brown and h p licoreyeich made a few remarks ex pressive ot their estcem for llr philhps aud family and t regret at their removal sir phillips replied in fitting terms in be half of hiciseh and family the proceed- ius of the evening were interspersed with excellent music bythecboiranithegalher- icg was altogether of a very interesting characierj mr phtuipi pastorate has been marked with progress spiritual and temporal prosperity have boon enjoyed and aa un usual spirit of hsni3ny las prevailed not oulyamoctf the membership of his own church but also amoagi his and the sister cuciches1 when jiri phillips came to acton the circuit embraced the town it self and two outside appoiataienui- at the eipiratioa of his rst via actoa was mads a saitian and the pastors work con- caed to ik 2 cue church and congregation tiie membership was thera about 100 but as a rcsalt of the honest tad energetic cfloriaof the pastor duriag the intervening tivo years the membership cow numbers 200 thj sabbath school too has been woaderfelly improved and the pastors binle dkzs has been attended by large numbers pf od and young kc phillips and his family have endear- ed themselves to the people here and all join in wiihing them godepeed and abund ant faturt euccess by his removal chesley gains ohepf tfaebest pastors in the gaelph conference r tboctwood kews wc cormspondect atruaa strachan preached most ac ceptably to th6 congregation of st an drews church in the town hall guelph last sunday the bjv d strachan will give a special sermon ai th presbyterian church next sunday ejveaing for the a o u c when visiting workmen from guelph fergus and erint are expected to be present the rev messrs swann and barnby preached their farewell sermons in the different methodist churches of their circuit last sunday it is with deep regret that the people ot this neighborhood part with the reverend gentlemen as they have en deared tliemielves to all the eawtainment given by the gqelph cathohciunioninthetownhall here last week wai a grand success financially as the hajl was crowded nevertheless the progrinirae fell considerably short in merit of ifia standard usually attained to by this society mrs- s duffield and patrick lee- were each fined 1100 and costs for infraction of the scott act last week there were two separate- charges against each of them which wereieltlod out ofopurt undoubted to the intense relief of some of the witnesses who had received summonses j 2cvz bockwood jane 2gth 1888 the largest assortment of necktie ever hflown is at kelly bros peb80nal mention rjnpliibiclliir visitors to and prom acttrn with whom free prhltaderi arc wore or leu acquainted mii tlannali stafford returned to berlin ou moudiy mr ami hri aa halj are viiitinr friends to trafainsr mrs john dyi left on satqrday to join her hnsbanj at a i lea wood mrs j t hemstrcet otflhejbnrno is a goost ab barliff hemstrooli we understand tbat mr o h ryder has taken asitaatiou in brampton mrs jam ei barclay and hor tori jimmla are gaests j cspt shaw at cloverdale farm mr itorlty bryen whiloen route for home from hapaneo high school is visit ing acton friends mr and mrs i francis and children and mrs r creech visited friends in tc- ronfo on friday rer and mrs j w holmes ot gaelpb were guests at the residebm cf mr asa hall oa saturday bloot street presbyterians toronto have called bev w g wallace of george town stipend 3000 rev dr torrance ot g aelph preichod in the enoi chorch last sunday in hu as- aally acceptiblc manner mrs tll grayof toronto andmrs ht mage and babe of char lot tetowu p e ivfca guests of the editor rev j w hie retarccd from the meijt- ing of the general aascmblyof the presby- leriaii cbareh at hawai- ou r monday afternoon mr a e wright was iu streetsvilla on taeday to vuit mr graydou his brother- inlaw wio was shot by burglars on satur day morning mr and s jme matthews visited ixixgara fjij hit thursday and upent the day witlv llieirwu mr a k matthews of syrjcaseh y mr danaan mcdouald left on friday for kcw- vumuer british columbia to visit his brother clpt aleimcdjnaid ot the sa wbois very ill mr john a hendcracn miss jeaaia storey and muter fred storey jett on monday foe st thomas to attend the com menccment citrciies at alma college mr una mrs john meconccll after a pleasant ocean trip of twentythree days have arrived at sydney from guelpb mr j p downey late of be iltrrm and bro ther have also arrived t their destination bev b it abraham ma paatoriof kuos church buriiugtoa out arrived here yesterday to taie charge of st- an drews church uctil rer mr hogg the pastorelect come to take his position vfrnipeg ifx irrr mr vi h bt6tcy attended the semi annual meeting cf the manufacturers life insurance campauy ou tuesday and was a gnofit with sir john a macdcaald the premier aa a uke trip on the oriole ia the eveair immr tot at poet aimujb pcttt authtic june 25 la tha past two weeks us bin of wheat have arrived and been inspected here making 70500 bushels sicce navigation opened the total amount of wheat how iu the elevators is 1500000 bushels fully o3000 bushels willbe shipped this week if the vends expected arrive- j the uqcor vtas kcued oct kxssctar june 23 last week col via straabenxee commandant of the ganano- que camp jfound hqaor in the messroom owned by the caterer and poured it on the sward the caterer says he intends to enter a suit fordamagei for 1000- at the annual meeting of guelph board of trade last week tha following officers were elected president j m bond vicepresident j b armstrong sectress e e bouert council messrs jno mccrea j e mcelderry c david son d mccrea d coffee t gowdy w bell col higinbotham w mclaren a j little k k hatband and j anellee grand dominion day july 2nq 1888 aeeaxgesiekts hare been made for one of tbe best and most varied cele brations ever held in acton the leading attrctioci trill consist of horse races- base ball match lacrosse matcrv tug of war athletic games and sports in all of wmch liberal prbses will be given the emery ibirpenen of messrs cle ment 4 co toronto are very satisfactory articlfflsid we can highly recommend thcrru ihe carvers friend is a gem either in thekitchen or dining room every aotk in the country shouldhave an emery scythe sharpener and mowers friend quite lir was created in bockwood about s a m monday morning by tha breakiut away of hortops mill dam at everfod- a message was sent to bock wood to warn the residents and owners of rflopertw along the riyer tamlts wwte gate wore l ii opened overflows torn np and then t every one snrpriseno pereoptible difierei ce waa noticed in tbe river ad fnoce acton cornet band under the leadership o mr j c hill will be in attendance base ball match at 10 oclock jcrosce match at 1230 athletic sports to follow races at 230 tag of war at f30 bind concert jo open iiir concert v by the band the pirk will bo dlumioated in the even ing for the band concert reduced railway fares root all points tyfor farther pirticnlars see posters i bs wordz j kelly president secretary 1 h8pr to the ladies of aotbnanl surrounding country will yon be so kin 1 to mske vith ranlt bi within the last few days bought right from tl also received gether wit will find kelly bros p8wbii ekiv- spring spriljlc as to iay attention to the following ranark we have i j eferenoe to oar spring arrivals of cotton goodwhicji v i of interest to yon u well as to onrwlves f have received bales of white and gi e mill at the tpwest possible figure we jiles of prinis sheetings tickings to- a lot of beet spreads every lady it to their interest to look tjirough stockof cotton goods i utter and eggs wanted kelly bros- and gray cottons sold very obeap by the web y cottons ave 99 per c purest stftohcest be body for nso jo any qnjuittry raaunf boapoftninc tvster di fac a n iraddred other acan bqanls 20 pounds sad sold by on qrocers nsd jn it uujjt icesroijocbi cores fjhronic f qostivenew tsi all ponnln iriiirc rrta n t 0i j dyspepsia or iudigestign eijiras afiecri heacathc hrarnnrr cidt7 of the et txb ilaucamralm3 ol apycitnora the glasgow house acton house furnishings the t ir set of lace c ir ladies this is the t ime of year jou want a new carpet a ne spf nf hrp rrtains or cretonne curtains with nice fringes to match before buying it would be to your advantage to inspect our large stock of house furnishmgs in tapestr- wo 1 and hemp in good variety- and newest lace curtains by ere -o- carpets desig is it exxeptipnally close figures so a spier did range of floor and table oilcloths he yard and sett and a verjuarge ran onnes and fringes to match or el of our dr5ss goods department is very complete i ot only as regards closeness of prices but v general style an i quality they comprise allwool jerjeys albatross cloths jelf checks combination stripes pfilids and tweed effect v our assortment o being a range -w- a special of thisc epaftment is our array of black gods comprising j rseys soleils fine allwool cashmeres ij ards wide and a lovely silk warp hen- rietu cloth at 125 see these goods and you will be delighted coatings is very complete a special feature of english broadcloths in light shadesji i heaps of prjnfcs shirtings ginghams cottonildes hosiery gloves etc millinery this department is just in receipt of the latest novelties to be had for the eason fresh goodsbeing opened today for styh and cheapness we are away ahead i it a splendid assort nenbof boys and youths readymadesuits just tohand our boottsrslfoe stock is the largest and most conijplete in town qrocerie i freah land cheap i eememb st out famous 50c tea hederoii mcrae fc c spring s tock now comp ete ferrous pebiaty rautoa yoniitisg it ciirlrxo umni mcnrrrj ux n lw flilbtttceauo to i tv dwi itt4 occa n nru ilio tr-n- it certain taj thegrektclqdnjrlfie drchannlrbs tor l ft- fprof rsjt nr cai it 7n i j jiriis cf l k lir lut v iy-it- f3 r-i- rlat ltnlis y hm 1 r dominion boot e store kenney bros main stneet acton i ave now on band a fine stock of newbpring boots shoes sli pers rubbers c of the best manufacture ust l ordered work as a good line ws give the best value receives personal attention repairing promptly eaontsd 3f reuable tbdnks and yali8es alway on hand obta nable tor caah- give as your cash and well alisfy you as to price kennei bros ma jnificent display i j a millinery m ntles dress goo3s carpets curtains etc erenbodr weu pleased with this u so fee kswohaekdnsaoso cupeasaas40at5o kew licuruai tapao eim f ls3 lo xe vnuaerrveij el 46 mckay- brothers legsntdlsplaj new stripe dsets gooda b a ape kswl slcarueutsiiu0lj0 new wooloarilt5ho jrkbusa kewartabatanethwujlixtellewt kew jarsetjaejeim value cuo hewbtylesinl dnwoomslftu kewtapeetrr nun7r irohoncelco ca mny-i- p oi- 5wiri 1 rf-j- in f- pi davis lrrc c lisdi a poor- ta4i1s frlkfjpj otiflh111 tril1aviis cf ficrciitiiit apclij neir nt htrrciar riaiiiuinujij call t frieud iuiiiv ijitis 1 dtolcr purlv trm ii i fluaifit livrtliiiiii liliirs ilrtrn udli i ijn ii- v enw t-t- cm lrtnij yriiii ffl nlriaac jllj lif- h ecwafii of coakcrfths snfl inlutlo digestivi jt frrsn dwiip tablcta 1 aj tl ri r j hxtitiicflj jurj tbcjclveiiiimrdiptr rricr iuj ujrpt ard xudtfirin trt 3 ri er ir f t- i- re a- rrr frfj sn ul j j kin lit trc jtjlr o oaiis lsttacc cs lliil lionin r 13 ft ll hnn authors ti c i lilunuiictarers trusse limbs j ani appliuncrs for j fjrxrjticsoftfcbiinic t spinal diserso ki v dislase disa7ji6sm tvntj ankle kaock lej4clabfcttjctc t it 117 church sttom errors of youd ncrtoubbcbility sctulaal loee oiid em- tnrt dccsv prcmpclt and pcnusocnuj d pd by spermooe lofm dot interfere irltba or ngoal cf v ktioh snrj f ally restores lo iigor flat iusnieajmect ihooil sec to sny ciilresjv nr on syitit rf iitiii flnnftfiliriwr im hnlti 3 miitt- i w i rii rocthitof vricc oaedu scborleld dblu st ronlo iiiiajrbdi sol btoju klra s manhoo how lost how rbst jot pabliabtd iipw edition f dri reus celebrated essay re ijio bai oj ispermatortbora cr inccpecitt i tiocss or parly iciistctioa tbo celebrated tatbor sa diii euay cjaarly derososinirrj frcin fl ibii fncjceeilul jiraciice thif ifac lanaini iiiacca pfoaxly error asy bo rrnijcauj pointing out mole tl core at onw tflttkin and coctnsi by infn3 ef wbid siricrcr do tnatlcr wbat hie condition f mar com buiich cbeaply jrivaiely i r5tblacctuic tloambelis tfcttuindiofeerj youtli sad every icasta fluyhiiitj bent anilcr in n plain cavrfopetq any address on receipt omoarecusjor two tmps address i1 it1 i- dter complaint dyspepsia onsndss blcx headache kidney titfuhlep 1 jjeuruausm- esindliefteii aril all irapnfitiej of hebloodlrora whatever catue ariang jul the great spring medicine lrice7ic ritblieivll try de hoddbbs little- litebf ps i ivr- smajl tiil to taictl ho os1pi1ig nouasia sold cveryvhitl- iiaj5 eta- the ttnion medioin proprietors toronto ont mm powder purest swosfestflistfc aluh amu0nia1li1ph0spi fcbuojro ew eillett 1 jauc- tetrslttecbjtsbbwfainw i4sv rv ay x ww tiv

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