Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1888, p. 2

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kt- harried linutu elpowtt tbe residence ot the bride jnnitiaiktlljnne r iter- w- ikrta nunnti wmpiiv ttev j s ifilwr bt holmorui rev a k ittrfca k a iwtcr ot tbe methodm ctrtireh tfaamttard lit rf fioolph- to miw minnie etford ot holmct- j- cotklstaxttotoulo at the widcnec ot uufsmerot ui bride on the cud jul- by iftrv k r cook thrr ot the croom mr jno u cook rimilun to mb lbobc finch o toronto- t anvric covnfnallhecuarchoi the rodecni- roa th 17th of june br ret mr jane mr joan axkct eldiwt ua m mr robt apicy tc uim mj- e conna- of btocfcilter softx ltmsn in aetoh on thceh j mm uio vile of mr houuidcr of dihftcsuuboni ttturshar july 5 1886 tbe attorney getmsnd ot new york state is insiitatim i wit in thti public in- teres t ajunst the sagar trait oa flic ground thai lie monopoly u a jrablic aoii- chief justice- richie rite judgement list wait in fitot of j c aycr co and agjudsl the dominiongctcrnmcut in uie celebrated ccstomt e brought against the taodidnc men -j- bolitothc presidential nominees arc presbytcriide this is he first lime ifrcsbrtcrian iuls been pitted against brothcrrclijonisl and gen harrison who is an cider trill 1 elected be the first lie- j publican frcsuyteriaa president yvhii g m- the prohibition contention at if qclreal wis socoessfully itwastiritedhoqdijcirbc by in immense mass gospel meeting s ring speeches were delivered by exltaycj holland ot toronto and others th business o the convention wdi be cntcrcc opoa tomoxrosr v eev j w spwiinc preddect 61 the montreal methodist confjerenm inieer men pr in kingston onsandiv sale that he feared three things in the fotnre party politics the encroachment of ko minim and the legalized trac inttrocj drinfc f j farm help is infreit demand and nolcs han 150 fanners applied at the imrqigra tion ehedi in toronto last week for men t help t through the basy 6eon scot of them came a distance of seventy miles bat as there ere no new arrivals they vere forced to bcardi else there a bul providing for the appointment c three police matrons in washington 6 cl at a salary of koj a year each fc passei to th house and is favorably repcrteo to the senate thes matrons are tp beaj- pofnfed on the recommendation ofteti women of good stindin in the distnet this action has been brought aboct iirger throngfa the influence of the t c t g of the diftriefs pf colcmbia toythe fhktucsaiglcbttict uie inaukurauon of its ourtocuth -olitmo- ad- anccmcnl in typographical beauty rncr al interest to its many readen and beueut to ihe communhy whicliit represents con- luucs to be its aimjiind object thk euxttox ruotest the trial of ixj hendecsoo usq- nicm bcr ot the 13 oa to ot comraoui foe this cccrly will tasc place at hilton today before jadc armour mrl llcndaraon ro- ceived the bill of piiiicalirs in the case uff week it etnbracea socae sixtyodd chxrew lliirlceo ot which are located in acton and vicinity the gceatcc pact of he cases have been fnvmligatcd and mr ecndertou and his friends claim that so far as they cwi fiud there it uo cvidcutcot any importance td be produced the- pro ceedings of ih court lodiy will siiow wlicuier this is the factxsc not tbo result will be looked for with interest on all sides toltekaxce riiogkess ouil fday vcrj- ripanot wentlipr anil a laic cm l of viviton hi artuuls iwuuitmuoii 2000 imlleixrniklauk nizr srunjes op tousadoes there can be no question about the fact that the temperance reformation as tiiat phrase is usually understood goes forward is gjadstoae would gay by leaps and bounds the mere fac of the scott act hating been repealed in pome eight or tea coantics is neither here nor there mere chips in porridge at best and most in the face of all that over which some have very prematurely and very groondlcssly bogunlo triumph is o be set the steady end evernsing flow of public opinion in favor at ence c ternpcrsnce princinlcsiaiid of orrgnondiig practice kq cue of iany thonthtf ulncss and obscrvaion can fail to douocthis the prcscnrgencrationof canadians are as a rule far soberer than wtre their fathers even where they are not total hbtaiacre to 6c wea drunk is now tar core of a disgrace than it tisfld to be the strange enbtle pressure of public opinion has been felt fey all the lienor traffic his beonse norc and more disrepu table it is getting fixed in the consciences and hearts of the best of the people that drunkenness is an ahornination and a rnfrvt and many of the best worfcera axe the least demonstrative andthe most retir ing the resolutions in conferences synds assemblies and conyciitijns are ict indications of what the people think who are behind those gatherings and mate them what they are gjjjc lord lansdown bping treated witli carfcad ponsideraticn by his friends i en they have been welcoming him horaecrcm canada and epeeding i a his way to india i canada has for the sec ond has become the steppingstone to the most import afire in the gift cf the british government first- in the esse o tord dnfferui and ndwin the case it lord lsnadowne lord lansdowne his said many kindly things of canada since hisjetam to england five years is ctt long period in the hisiory of a ration but it afforded loru lasadswce ample opporlanily of judging of the resources of oax country acd the cfcsxacter cf ocr people fiilttres in canada have been moregans- erous during the half year which is fa en than during the same period cf i5j7 but the aggregate amount of liabilities shows a great decrease the increase in number amounts to- twentyone per cent but jthe average amount cf hyfrihtit has fallen from i3q to fsfis or nearly forty per cent the faflureof a banfcidg tustitaticn 7 or a coapk of isjge wholesale firms wih make all the difference in the average if liabilities so that cot a great deal of ne- a is to be drawn from a dropin t e average and the increase in the ncmber it faoares shows the necessiiy fartnecontinu- ance of that cactibn in business wbch bns characterized trade as a rje eo fan this year ix otuwa paxacfax fixed j j orxfti jane 23 dr valine gotccq- ment- analyst forfaihflg to r a case of idlptheria to ihe local board of health was fined 30 andeost by the police m tgistrtte today rrextyrwa hturoxsrott ci hare ops wismxctoi joly 2 the elver and harbor bill as criginally reported frni the senate commiitee on commerce i-p- nropriafed t21g2t33t7 as it finally pused the senate today it sppmpriaes 22n78370 laving been increased the senate 501200 by rnoiuemoxvfucexil ksnywcre the changes far be better promised the people by the sbrters of license law before the election feist fehru- sxy i they wocl only vote for the repeal of the scott act there was to be no illicit eile of lijror- there wodd be less- hoccr- sold than under the scott act and there iiijd consequently be far jess drunk enness and further the premise was openly mjce ye will be the men who will sethat the crooks act is rigidly cn- forcedj the crooks act has now been in fcrce since the 10th of june shi if ever there was free trifle in whiskey in acton it has been since that time and particularly on monday last during theitominicn day celebration the hotels were all in fell blast and employed from three to srx bar tenders each as result hundredsof men the worse of liquor could be counted on the streets and about holds as a correspondent points out in another column ihe contrast between this condition of again and during thcexhiciticnt here last fall when four thou sand people were in town and the scott act in force wti most decidedly marked then there was an entire absence of drink ing and no drunken men were to seen any where but on monday the ciigamstancer wcre very different- indeed drunfcennef s was rampant efeel constrained to ask with the people who were at the election duped into voting back the licensed whiskey cutec where are the men who pledged themselves a ferr months ago with somuch ardor that they would see the crooks act enforced s the people of this county hid apparently come to the conclusion that perhaps there wouldnt be very much liquor drank under the crock act after- all and ihey might as well vote it isio operation again and secure the revenue there never was a grander object lesson given upon this point that was presented on monday and the niter futility of the argument was clearly seep an3proven to the nfluds of many of those who voted for the repeal of the scott act itisbcpei ihs effect will be lasting and thai prohibition ha won many more adrocses art supporters- it should be so the crooks act is in fcrce whiskey is being sold freely acd do revcuue is being derived t the dominion of canada arrived at ta majority on the lit of july and on mon day actou cctcbraud the uvtiutyfint bnni vertary of couiederatidn with a demon- alratton ot considerable txtout the weather though irm wti pleawint and a largo nambcrof vwitort can to town to participalo in the cvouli of the dy uarly in llio morning the crowd commenced to flw m and continaed ajl day every train brought ilf compliment of visitors- the prococdiugt of thf day opened with abase ball matcli at 1030 between tjc bel wooda of toronto anil the junior pas times of afciou the wys j puj ed a very good game on both idea i resulted iujv victory for the bel woods hi the wry re spectable score of 10 to 12 at lsjoji proccasion vai formed at the town hall and included hh4 athletic dabs in uniform headed by actou coruel band one of the principal vents of the day was the lacrosse muli in the central district aericsbctwccn the crescents of acton and the young toroclos of toronto the yoang toroutos hive one of the strongest teams in the association and the crescents from the firstfelt satisfied they eoald not hope to win they went to work howetcr with the determination to make the game interesting tuid to give their opponents sharp um1 boiore barreodcr- ing victory to them iii war 1 wellfoaght gaine and the playing of the home team caiied fortli a great dnilj of admiration the defence ws very creditable the first game occupied s3 mmatcs and was won b the visitors the hill went through the cresocnu poal again in 10 minutes in the next gaac the hocnl team met with better successand at the cipiratiou of 18 minutes scored a goal agaiust the toronlos the next game which concluded the match was the most keenly contested of the day and it was thought for potne lime that it would be a tie when time was called but jiist as the two and a halfi hours had ar rived the toronto won the gaol the time being 2 minutes the match was very in teresting to the large cancocrw of specta tors the players and their positions were as follows i cttescentk fositiosk- vocxg tchcvtos geo mcctrvia aali f ukiclrc j jlavkou iiotrlm j mcgraifa ii anderson cover paau- iucifichaw r carroll 1 1 at- d2r a william dctccce ttui -j- fan k ferusde ii w mcciry kucthce ccstrcctll c elliott iilwa i i g taylor gfloiiadttciu hoaccimj vdcny wlee i- i whiife t idoas osuijc hbmc g- wilson geo stalhas- inside ljccc g ucozillas dr fcliccr iicli cajkiiu at it ifcrec wcoot glcuwilhisit deairpg to direct the alluyticn of alndenu to tornndooa in hope thitt valuable rcbulti may bo obtainod offcm the fouotfiug prircw for the bct original wnymi torui3oei or description of a tornado tqq will be girbtr a fot the mcondbesl 5c and among those worthy cf nckl men uon ftoowill be divided tlit chtays inut be ecut to either cf the editor professor harrington aitronomt car ooservaton ana arbor michigan or a lawrence potch riae hill mcleotologi- csl observatory llcadvillo mas- i s a beforti the grit day of july i they must be signed by 4 com dc jurr and bo accompanied bya sealed envelope pddrcsiei with same noin dc daii and enclosing tlo real nime and address of the author thro iudependcut and capable jiije will be wlcctod to award- uie prics and the papers receiving them will be tin jiropcrty of the journal oftcricg the prizes a cir cular giving fuller details can lie obtained by application to profcuor harrington iclck woek with a h0esz tiuef bn-rs- ont july sg a b setup tliti danserean frotu montreal wasur- resied here last night by chief elippert atealinga horse and buggy from john elhottiiverystahie keeper port hope h his jerson were fosnd two receivers cue dirk and a lot of burglars keys etc le was tried today before judge lscouse and sentenced to fire years ct the prov rial penitentiary he was arrested trjed and fcntencal within fifteen hoars thk fleceopxenroxfikuie tiiaionl jane 30 the plearopni m mcina scare sns brought to a iiead jester- day by the arrival here of dra bakw montreal aad grensides gutlnh the lz- er sent by the dominion government i nd the latter by the ontariominister of agri culture they arrived at pmaid sift ed a oace to inreeiigate acccmpacied by dr tnomii the list animal that d ed was exhnmtoi and examined as caret udy circumstances would permit it havng been dead three days the profess jrs made thir report to messrs cartiug and drury have investigated the is- ease in eojlifttn repcrted as picaro-pneu- moqiar and find no indications of conlagii ics pleuropnea media the affection isa bl jof diseaee due to local causcjr a elxutiable week oncfflaart cte fcmuoiuoiiteiuihir zzvu uonand aiiniverkarle cooncm july lthe present wek promises to be an eventful one in cincii in ftl it will witness the opening of he centennial eipoition and at aame tine the celebration of the fourth ot iily the r bondredhi anuit niary of the setllemeni of tbe territory northwest of the 0 110 birtr t to b udebrxted ncinciotiatijb sm exhibition lasting 100 days which smffi as completely as it is possible to don xjiaf way jhow the progress mid bnbiiftot territory within tbe century tnerep r- ations hire been most elaborate muck is and w ialize as one i ot the its tcum together ic races resulted thechlkesr xwrulkt orrtwi july 1 hen mr bowcll has ordered an invctglion into thccowpliiiit mida by the chincecmcrchantiat victoria bc that the chinese interpreter there was interfering with the cmicrrlicn of cclcstiald cotwithsuadiug the fact that they were willing to pay the tax the in teqjrcterrxys he mcrtly cocgvt t prcyent the importation of chines women for imnicral purposes aud ths1 this action has nrocscil the spite of thu pirtit it is warsc thin rrsducss to tilled a con h or coll which istaily euhlcad if taken in lime becomes whcu ui tj iirclf the ororamir ot cousumpliun aujt rrcma- tura dectll tufltinmition whcnitiliicks the duicifc tissue of the lungs cud hron- chial tabep- travels wilhitoriljj rapidity then donotd3sy cct a bottle ci uirlos anti consumptive syrnp the medicine that grasps this formidauc foe cf the human body and drives itfromtlicfyttcrn this tnedjeino promotes a frco and csy eipeclorilion cubdecs llie courh heals the diseased parts and exerts l ircit w-jnder- fnrinfluccce injccrij2 conrumpiion jad other disexses ol the throat ted lungs if parents wish to cave the lives ol their children and themselves frcri much anxiety trouble and expense itt thtm pro cure a bottle cl bickus anticoatumptive syrup and whenever z child hi taken cold has a cough or hoarseness k l syrup accordicg to circclio immense etductipns in prices new vto the right house the athletic games attracted consider able atiertioabat the uamxr of contestants was limited as a consequence the prizes were not scattered over a very wide circle the quarter mile ma wis wan by d mack 1st and g grates 2nd the twohundred yad race hy d mack 1st aid w bell 2ud thz cnehundred yard reee by d mack istani vi beuxud the efs race by d bell hid throwing base xu tl frascr kt and john j kdly 2nd the tag cf war bettjeq erin and es- quesing failed to malct townships did not get the trottiug and ru as follows orei ttor et 3 is f d lciris if urjti croilciaiit ladv litv crarionlspvcaiec 5 3 gucnytaot dct zu j ijascfw gtadvfigomlar jj 1 i ptvcrt liitj joc j i s crawtorit kcthc c j 3 t h crlt carrier ki i 1 ikayerv kctdc 4 t t smitlik itouie ifccsrthvj i 1 v e lortcr tlf tsae ukrtick- s z the- band concert in the park in the evening was a great pcces and notwith standing the tact that a ccople of tho play- en who take leading pans were absent the music discocrted iras j felly up to usual excellent standard the attend ance was about 500 the programme presented by ihe bint was enjoyed by all the several cumbers vtrc inter tpersed hy vocal solos andchoru cs hv dr jugs con cert company the gave cxprcesiau in vc their appreciation rendered i death of u- wil3fjt kvv- kisgiss july 2 great jurprie was created this morning by the announcement of the death of mr henry wilcsoi at lis home in tje township cf pittsburg he was a mm of sterling worth tndcomrrjtnd- ed high respect in the county he was bcrnhi lr2j and pursued tle- vocation of his father that of a firmer j in i8f7 he jcarne a member of cohtracgec cnvnlry regiment and retired from it in 1455 to he- ac connected with the kingston field battery there his merits raised him from the position of gunner to that of ccm- nuncant he only lately left the service he was also a lexdiag spirit in muniapal affjiire- in lti he was the choice of the conservative party for election to the legislature in succession to the late d d calvin and in isrso was returned to the iiouec for secona term his death was very sudden he was in the city on satur day and said he never felt better in his life sanday he spent happily he retired at vj pmi and was soon afterwards attacked by a fit of coughing andjie got relief from it only to tarn over and expire- deatii of p irnuakdjit ri pxckeximt june 27 daniel billiard m p p for xbrih lanark died at his hotne here on satarday eve alb g the fam ily of mr daniel hiliiard came originally from the north ot england and settled in new york state his fatheriemigratod to canada from flattsbarg n t mrhd- hard was born in prescou and edncaled thereod in toronto he married in isio adajlghter of the late rhfiriff dickson of paketham he was estensively engaged fnttie lonber bonnesi aoihad thejepu- ttion of being a dearheadnd odw coast- fol imsines man he wasrei anied to tho legislative vineajblyf on taiio at tbe last general eftction as a apptrterof mr mowat anu fnvortd manhood prohibition suffrage frod hie imrrihiti v coxvexnov audience generally ciferous applause of f the several pieces irtdiags of lit rrt ua kton at j jfoulrral- hosttit july 3tbcnatioaai prohi- hiticii convention opened here today aboni 200 delegates being present senator vidal president of toe dominion alhance was in the chair and made a brief address the executive comniittce of the dominion alliance presented a report giving a brief review of the history cf thelmovemectrince the former montreal convention in iss5 exmayor howhtnd of toronto was elect ed permanent president s a fisher m p and jcnitian parsons viccpresideals and j h land and itev james kines joint secrctsriea most ot the day was occupied in discuss ing the quest iai whether the scott act was s success of a failare and several resolu tions were offered inclcdingpnc express ing confidence in the scou act a ncocnd in favor of forming a prohibition psrty a third in favor of mora advanced legislation than the scott act gat all were referred io the committee on insolations i at a mass mectingtonight in connection with the conventiaoj addresses were deliv ered by h4n mr tester minister of fin aiviceto motsrts are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a nick child suffering and crying vrithpxia of cut ting teeth h to snd it cacc aru get a bctfle cf f mrs winilows smthirg syrup for diildrcn teething it value is incal culable it wjj relieve the poorlittie suf- ercr immediniely dijtcnd upon if moth ers there is sdmutikeaboul it itcarrt dyicntrj- and diarrhxi rcgulcics the stomach and bowels cures tiiud colic softens the gem rticcc inismrnation and gives tone and energy to the whole tstim mrs vticslove sxthing sy rup fqr children teehing is perjit to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female phyticisns and nuwes in the united states and is fcr exic by all druggists ilrouchout the world pnoc twenty- five cents a bottle bj sure sn1 ask for hs vaxstows snmrrsa srtcr and ukc no cthf r hind jas shannon leaskdalc writes for many years- my wife was troubled with chilbhuns and could find to rdkf cntil abodt twoycareago she was then not able to walk and the pain was tc excrciiatlrg that ehe could not sleep atitigh your agact wis on his rcgulir trip tend she asked him if lie could cure her he told her that dr themis eclcctric oil was a sure ccfli she tried it atd jade of her astomshtucnt when in few days the pain was ailtfluaycd and tha foot mtcred to its natural toadilion it ii also the bert rem edy foe barns and bruiics i ever ced at ion nance bx- mayor spence of toronto fiud w of hani ii ton lowland and f s w bnchicsn nockwaou ess- frouj ojr oti ccrreswudcut on saiiday list rev d strathan preached the atinual sermon to the mem bers of the koekwodd lodge a o it v tlie merahers of ihi lodge to thenuuiber ot 60 amoi whoni were a nurnberfrbm gaelph met at tl4 lcdgo rooul at six odock formed the procession and marched to the presbyterian church where the cen tre leatr hid been placed at their disposal and listened to one ot the ablest and most appropriate rmon ob the aims objectr and benefits of the inntitation thkt has ever been heard iothk iarisdictibn tho chqrcv was filled to ita utmost capacity incladinjf quite a number from other con- gregitions tat the dose of the service tha brethren marcbed back to thejodge room where cordial thanks were given the rev gentleman far hisiibfe discoarteund to the trpslees for thp use of the chnrch major mntrie v m markhalled the procession prom the words of praise heard no doabt diockwcod lodge wilt be greatly abgmented in numbers in tbe near fttare deminds prompt treatment the re- snltiof negtct may be serious avoid all harsh and drastic purgatives the tendency or which is to weaken the bowels the best remedy is ayers pills i being purely vcgcihlc thcir acuoh is prompt and their effect always beneficjal they are nn admirable liver sad after dinner pill and every where endorsed by the prcfef a ayers pills are hichly and naivcr- silly spoken of hy the pcciple alxiut herej 1 make dailr uc ol them iuixzy practice dr ix fowler bridge port conn tcan recommend ayers pills above all ctherf having jong proved thdr value sj a cathartic tor mvself and fahiily j t hess leithsville pa hor several years aycrfi rills have teen used ia my family wc find them on i effective remedy for constipation and indigestion and are never without theu in the louse moses grcnler lowell mass e have used ayers pills for liver trouble and indigestion during many years i and have always found them eoraptandesident in their action y smith lticay y i suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form tint e feared it would cause a stoppage ol the towels two boxes of ayers pills ef fected a complete cure d burke saccate ihavcused ayers pills for the past thirty years and consider thea an in- valnable family inedidne i know of no better remedy for liver troubles and have always found them a prompt cure fcr dyspepsia james quiunjo mfddjost- hartford conn having been troubled with costive- ncss which seems inevitable with per sons of sedentary luhits t liave tried ayers pills hoping for relief i am clad to say that they have served cc tetter j than any other medicine i arrive at this coaclusiou only after a faithful trial of their merits samuel t jones oak st boston mass rs pbfaeed bt dr j c ayer co lowell man sold br all dealers in medidne pills mantle ranrkod down to u leu thin coi eta pat dowu in vary mtoy ohm to-one- c lnu price tlie trimming ara jnat w 3al ladica rwiuirc lur onmoii to f cl item at tar laaa than hail prioet ai cafpet dordora iu tapealrj brnaaell ani dajiion ol lormar prioea pea tha uica 3 ilamiiton jnne ilii 1888 v wall papers ffis s- i i 4tion6 walkin uai bn buiy thia weak niukik more rood dmrn very lo m m to olaar tlaom out ajd make room or taiumg operations joat aoa a lawol tba radoetk aiwhiie shlrtinfj down rom 10 to lc ladic andjgoou bomnar btoekugi nd soak marked down 25 par cant girls 8h oking rcdnced to nboat halt ilioir valno lace in irnjen- variety and dtyat rtyloi uked down rom 80 to 80 par cant oro toood marked djwn one louitlj leu than late pncci- pattern hau bonneu and n price beaded ornament giflipi ilouche tourac i rmge epaolettta cord oarlb their vnlur llia ulack ornament gimp irigo etc down to leaa than lat ladica roriairo lur orimmcitiiig tlieir drcte mantb etc and tnia tea rare chance watklna i ovcrnockot with thorn and la determined to oloar them ont qnlckly wilton oiling off at halipricca tapestry broaacla ipa wilton carteta at a bu tc- union twoply oarpcu jjal arrived the entire ttcfk oj carpet window blind i chenlle 1 adraa haw silk lluili and uarlacm velvet window flortain and damask keppe- ard or curu m with almost every article repaired or houso fornbhing in thercry latest styles in groat variety baatha now imjwrtationa tlii wcokloucydros good new bhadcajol french xoshmerea mio s tablo and piann oovori raw silk and lace by tho and in groat variety ru veiling now bbadoa in bilk plushes ch imbrcj- in the uut blylcs black tulle buk elastic grty coltoni wblto cottois pillow coinnn uuhleaclicd and bleached sliettinca coltonadw unbleached canadian twiads uantlo a id ulster clotlu ticking towel andtbwelings tab mil every article that is wjjvcn can be b 4 at the ilicht loose mind yoa pel into tho bight mitakos see that yoa enter one of tho d ore east ol the carpet window thidmas c housekeepers attention braids small wares etc culm drill in bleached and and floor oilcloths and al- oobo many catomera make tkits h g geor o etqwk jm umtltsodecqa ilisvclliel litdckiii ucjlct inticrcscvtrihoiru in acton cidit ceiling kitc1 kk hkuhooh immsaltoou with ucaiitifal glit for im also a full hue ot ficcaat orjcr to fth biiiiig samples nowliadr 10 iuffcrrni tnl ditinct iturti lo cliooso from si sccrroll pl cr raris coecwdtteu alaba6tine peuchen8 prepared the two most papular m a uij- niuiu ltforc parclaalcj a kalsoiui tbclkt tlitfi j oct iivis s lcsniiful hard satin euuh sad 1 viit nttrubcc in ill ioidar stxlcs and white brushes a full liec iaclo liuc white wash kaisojnxe talvt vaev1su 6te uu fitovkdoothopeicdcloth clakul kjw u the lloie ti ioneniljerth gexiv vkiz of tho kakitalv lvsllfctoh will ooa sitcar ue ye be4cy agent for b lauranceb per eoted spectacles the irm wealher has come but qlothing clothing sstill neces yi brennan merchant tailor paints cutta percha xed parxts in llccrei rtd- fcr at a full line of ill also dry colors oil tcr- and varnish ta el in roar wctfc i caa c thiiff necessarj- frm soa1 wttiuidex kak- j b ie arson b sayaqe 4uelph ajiikn you come to gltetps- sarv cloths fk it unc xc o i ttlisjcitjnit in a ipeasj hc of itu soma iftt rait rulchba twoghl ijijfivorihl jrricci and tilli 1 1bo pari civicj hh customer tha benafltnic irul sacrlfick them for jhe ucil foar ketkx it anhcixdof lo-n- iiricc fortashj3loih ichs thin can be rarcbjuo cliiwhcrc beautiful black worsied suits a s17 to 18 which cost else where 22 to 23 ixctv penoa who has examined these good ctfircmtid aslonishmcnt it the prices ia uqtimit the excellence of urn pioda call and ciamine the ilockforit iliriyi giv iikieanj to ihav uica i i 4 itrccnan slirars kccjis prices right tor his car tciuersuid trillbc foantf tho v insai m brennan the key to health wormi cttiso eve i reilleiinefts ajann i icep worm eitefoiiaato 1 pi effwrlutl ifyoor stock get him to pre uro t for yoa iihnw moining and mother oravef ebsnt sore tad irajtbt lim ooueio tjnlockb all tho closed ovenaea of the bowelfl kfdnflyn and lirgr oarry- ingbff flroduallyvitliont vrakoiiiiwti- system all h ininariis and jot hamoirbo trro tccrctionitj hi tho tvimt timio corrcctlr actjuy of ui otomoch curin liihountirias xyi- popala he4ach5o euzip353 eeerttfcrn coriflupation idrynass of tlio skin irop5y rinness of vidon jaandico baft eheum bryblpolns scrofula eluttarirife ot tba soar t ttjrvcnxsnoaa tmcl gen- fersp xjebilit i i ihoto and raairy jtlipr iiji miidrjauviold to th ztyinx wool askfor our dollar spec a new stock just tacles o hand b savage guelph- just opened luight jspring overcoatings in worsteds and ot5t- stelton- beautiful dcsiiik awl variety of 8ipde- latest styles shaw grundy merchaat tailor8cuelph jiade up iu the castor i a for infants tind children houfio sign anioniaraebl m uo litt btjlei- wessons rs mi paim caiicfl wo1neday ercnins batardayaftcniooi onlnrs mt fret irew offlc dnmtti w hot 16 icorgetoirv prowit tlurmicn- j hr- emiaectthroat and ltuij 8argb vvill nektvisit oton4 dominion 0tzt tuesday july4th one bay ohltj catarrh thboaf cb a fct onlr of the hundreds of t by dr vtsiiiiittcnb sewslef halation chronic bronchitis cued aa cogliib cbarch aergyman fptaxx dt 7itiungtcs j 3 deub sin lamclal wlueolljanit thit mydaashterls quite veil ajala jlifih i the second timmbe hasbern cured rf whv- broueliiil troubles under ronx mnkttnibt jhpt the ntnal rcmedk failed i vkh to ajswam i ctatilujc lcme i my tmctuomtifc vountrnly cuprittt i j ir- jco mckelry kinmton oawcltt and consnmptioa 1 johiiuckelvykingitondnucatiiah mra jl- r horping kinction ooumdij- consnmr j mr e fecctt lungiton ont catardtu4 and throat tstv- mrs- jno dctriii htxroirpaiuontlami throat j j v i v ubesuittheclpusto aeton thfwo urrah head and throit- fi f srancif r- bcxiin oci- catarrh beadti throat tlr miaskeuic rby bcrlioiitenlmhiijftyb f fting t m- cornnna dal c i till i mm henry bcottucrlin ontuftiuiina lira imvasner free berliiv oni- cwk head and throat levi kcicher st jatflha dot calarrktol andlhroil cojin campbell ptedwarf ont althb james staccy dutton ont catanij 1 wm shicictorkojncyootcatanh j- joserhsmilct fort gralouu b casaffl bid form vr- tyh blorcy ewj ol btorcy tfinjbbft winafactartrs aeton odj- jjr wutufichi r tho onry throat and lone snrpxmio cuada ilia mary a uomboatg ccntrrilk oat catarrh head and throat mrs codtrey lehness s jacotofttfc sumption i ivl l titnisnidexriloomficjtlont cata and throat qreati caxtarla la so wos adapted to children that i recommend f t as anperioc to any preecripcjoo tsotatolc jljasaanlj 111 so oxford tbrocwyn k t casttoria cana ceoc oaoahpaiioa crtrtf niocnach dihrrncoa erocutioo orrna pm sjecp and prosuaas di tnx ccrritai ostrixr v medicatioss murray street k y crohinsr nsrawtorervatf llmehouse woollen mills arc now prepared t paj the highest market prices for all cash or coods we have a large and well assorted stock c blankets tweeds flannels stocking yarns- knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly to supply the requiremehi s of the farmers irvool spsts ool offered in- roll c larding pinning weavhig a4 in act all kind oj cotom work sane in par uoal prompt and satial ii lory manner john newton soi f 3 limehousje the dissojutioii ofartnefr shipsalestiil cbftinues nye hafelarge quantities ofgoti iv wcwntto convert into riionij- vc are making special fa extraordinaf- efforts toifec- compiish thatend vfi shalk quote you ak few 5peritwi prices for exainpla splendid tjolpfed siua 25c worth 50c blacivsiqb for 50c worth iw and colored satin mefveileanxv lof 50c and 75c worth lffli and 1 50 dxess grttb w 10c 15c 2ocr wortli daiibre the money a nclineff 15c original jpi5ce3tf beautiful ribbons for- 5c yard milfineryf mantfcraiia flowers at extraordinary prifes parajsols rnagrunj cent line from 25c up m 1 factory cottons for 30 jper ard up cheeked sfii for 6c per yd wortjh ipcj seersuckers 3c per yardijilh beautiful fast colored pnnb and ginghams for tcvwb 12jc and 15c cottoiacks and tweedfe at extraordii low prices beaiitifulw at 25c per yard vr we are slaughtering reaifc- made clothing regardless cost gents furfishipgsj riiagnifioent stock hatsw 25c worth ioo carpets hemp union all-w0oltap- estry brusseh fjow cloths slats curtaiiy- window blijids inlargevan ety and -very- lmv prices fact we have tho largest cheapest stock eyer pffapaf the publico our millinery dressmabb and orderifd closing eltj- mqftts are hi e dition very bus arid turws- j out goods to suit idlf artiesr r price and quality i jjvi to thaformerswesams usypur wool vc m you fhe highest pricje or trade for any qwfffj clean merchantable foflfa spection and piitr ro spectifuily solicited s wmmcleodia irlammoth iosowssifl iwtdatft ajtuh iscfe lthireenfc litbj stearsi ii i i- i jaojluyorj filolt fhasilviut boris cici prqfiljw iptshia leti andf li ipcrot iimietu ftj4 fimloit vgrjtofa frifpi jori socwijsp jwrbsatbk isjwrjrfj ii m

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