Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1888, p. 4

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y i atm vcz f re she jmuib lollts jlngles an1 jokelets half an iloqt ui th fl l he n lo viu and tlic rnraailii of the day be a farmer cu mr lallt of liofci tupac ji d ifla eia drrm o twin waorvd ur ihi pwafan t inlbti uiuau uiufltiirhtdrit managed hpiiirj chamcr ilul loll iul nlun a linger tvaa tluatxxl ituittmn ol fanner lkjttittika uias t 1 i uloaii krtu rsj occuttfffi be man laat u fn tcr in fanner cuwaui wtnro t luertture sawie poctr m siuci uic c aroicr j tfeati rvad tt oic rvetc ii the trvwjc of imicr btd la tnxrulii tlu v a cj aj ih flna srurm all a do relieve iiwk f c a od ijid cxlucali ti mi-li- cuaoc art fcu an talc laaic nature for v ur clniucr tltct frccanltng u i vu l en the third pio of the toronto lmlg had it uoled tor v ant ndwumqut it 3 oa want to ba dr wll anything li yon want a fcttaaliqn a mechanic a baahieu machlucn lodging it you liavo lost or found utijtlunjjt or u you watit to find oat where ruyatio u adrcrtito hi the toronto aimf flau and read lha adtorusmeou on the ihicd i ao ot that reaper tbo charge m two ccuu a word cadi tniortioii ad dress the mall toronw canadr aroato the liver when torpid ftith national 1 tua a good anti bihofia earth tr tic simir coaled i danxerouiuiinittcncabledb wornn freeman ft orm pbwdefi dwtroj wormi her how k irl utledui 2uatoie lotie m tans aboat itiy eara asolivcaiir booliraraud hu loor faid lie was a man of talent m pa at m bat he tcii iuiki to spcad us um ginog drawinfi jckous ilia wje jq piano lessons coiag from boa to hoae air da j lot and someuiocs tewinj all uignl all this tie to sapjot the faaulv for the lidfoarhttlsmot jii icad their owto fepi there ras aaput indcra aad jcl ct e and lull the one i amgouu to tell voa aboat ejsa ucr motber tirod witii hard ffotit died when ilosa was eght reara old he childrtn were placed la the ok ot a flxd jromajj who sent them to school bat bosx wma a ltue traint ehcdidutuke to be shot ap ui a school room and spent cjost of its time playui ui the woods gathering daisies and marigolds bat hpr lather thooglt if ste djd hot love bchooi the mc taaht ecnjicg useful andincd ta have her taught kwihc bat she coaiduh learn ilis and became eo ant si the seewmg school jhat she had t be taken a way finally she was left to gersejfor awhile tad she hang aboat her father s studio oopyum whatever she saw him do tfcen he sudderflv woke up to the fact that little prl bad gt taleat h becau teach her caret cbj- m drawing at this she staaxd and wgikl w th her cght t oaedatthe hipptgeitopant the pic tore of a goat she fauna so mach nleuare in the worl that ehc cade np her mmd fb paint animals oclv she had no monej to fcsr or lire aodts so sheliad to taie icn wadksiathccoontrj wurkias u dar m te cpeu ax she iarcd mmals7nd itemed hereto see them fchl cd bn she must fcam how lo punt tjeir sorins on cinitas and eg sh went to the slaahter pcltf pans and sat oc a baidle of fcar with hj cccrs aing her drawing and psic ic7 wuie tle drorcrs lud batchers gathered sxcond o logfc a pxtcrcs f t fat hqme were u frmur had moved fepetlier aim on the roof c hooss eosamade ahillfiawerkirdea md kept a sheep there for a model cry often bosas bo jitr wdd carr the shp his bxck dowi sir cphts c slurs aada tcr lettjig him graze on lh cntade wc aid bring him back tc l piracc o the root at nnuxa vesjy cf eg fosi sent p ctjres to the fins art eshib tun cle cntics spoke tndjy of these and sue encoorased lo keep oa painty at twpntv secc her fpundid p ctcre canfal oicn tcok tls gcd medal and waspcrhisedbyith zngushgorbrnment her owri govezioect pescai her wiji sntervase- her father shared the success of lis danglier be was at once isde the pir eotor of th goternment bchool of dea for gul eut itus relief from poverty and trouble cime too itie- for he died the same year orders for rrk nsw porea m npaa jeer more than the could is voct years iaierafterlong mckt2is ostudr eke pa ct- d the horse fair ti was ti tly admired both la england and amerca it was soli fo in lnumari fcr sa 00 and was tixmv bl by the iie a t stewart of ew tcrx fo- hj famoss af taction one day a six lad become famooi the empress of france called cpra ler and comiag into the tludio wiihoci warn mg found her at work she arose to jre ceiv the emperis who threw her aims about rosa s neck and kissed her after a very short call the viator we- 1 awaj bat net aaji alter bne had gojedd bod cis- coverthaiasthe empreej bid giren the lss she hia r anednpoatheartiss fclcaae the cross cf the legion of honor tus was th h ghest onor teat th empress conld bestcw perhaps em c yoa cr s want to rea lh and hope to reach the height of fame t as artists bet don t lorgct that e crrtring wardi having m il wrld ha a high price set npon it and if yea want irae time as an trust vera most be wilng jay the prcer fosa btil or save art detnaids heart braan soj body nothing less wiil wm iu hi favor wedart i s mrlcsbaod my word ny hfedrcam tlc air i lextf e i krov cojiiaz elc feci c 1 tlc thilk of nothing cte i lave no jjte foe gentral society lonlj r to lcjvn throcgh my works girfer arejou wilijc tapaj the prcc trttuarc ttkil llc j b huff rforcucc ttnles i hae great ploasarc m tcstdjiugtoiho good effects whlcli i have ciericncl from the um ot northrop lymau vegetable d soovefj fordysje6la for several yean iicirlv all kiudi of food fermented on my stomach so that after eating i had tct distressing sensations bat from the time i cqrametcod the ao ot the cgetablc dis covn i omalacd relief all well pleased the children like lr lo s iicmant4venn byrup and parents rejoice over iu virtaes caue lad ettt itui persons wonder at the tired worn and weary fcdingthat oppresses them with oat any apparent caosov it may be poverty of tie blood or a disordered itomaci in cither case the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many personf they will follow a dull hcavv headache naoaea and man otter e mpiomi that precede a well developed case ot dvspepsia punfy the b cleanse the ivstem of the cloggect secretions by nsicg keacham a afandraka ifixturc prepared by b heacham 1s3 tonge street a chemist of nineteea years eipeneuce ten oraoscblfb kloeit at a picnic by eating food nude with im pcrc baking powder the imperial cream tartar bajang powder is the only safe one to use- absolatelr pure all grocers sell it -it- fur ncttlo raali bummer uel eruptions and general patpoim mh lows sulphur soap i out of boru symptomi iuadaohe loai of appetite urrd toorac and general ludlspociuon these lymptorai if noglec 11 develnpo into acato dlseuo it u a trijo saying that au ounce of pnvenjlon li worth a pound ot cure and a uttlo attention at this point may savomoothi ot slcknoti and largo doctor i bills for this oompjatnt take from two to throe of parmoloo s egelablt pills ou going to bod and one or two foe three nights in succoi iiou and a care will be effected i meekamucr iroaattd wlar if you are languid and weak and yoar appetite poor iny beef iron and wine is the tonic boiurc i as an invigorating louio it is rocogulzed by tho modical profession aa the best ireogtheulng medic no thus far prodaccd it is m valuable as a blood and raoiclc maker especially a those cases where weakness is the res alt of imperfect or in food ot wasting femenior execs of any sort it contains the nutriment ot beef the btimalant properjues of ti ino and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal- calstodtobaild up the ctnicuted system if you wapt to bay or soil a farm ad vcrtiso in the torouto h nuf uau that paper reaches 100000 r armors homes ccry week and your advertisement should mcetjbo eye of somoczie who wanii to par chase aderusemcnla of this class arc fo scrtod in the toronto vdiy mail for fire cents a word each insertion or twenty ceuu a word for five insertions address the llajl toronto canada eivsteaif 0fi- a large ciass of shiars m a coun ry eahool wer standing op to spell a bird mord was mied by the scholar at head of tl e uai and passed to toe n at and so through the class until the is scholar ifftle fclovspelled tlie ward and went op to iu head pawing abme sevtnkcu bo s aud grl all older iliu himself j the teacher tn turn d aronod iud wrot th vord ou u e lfac hoard so ibey could all see it and remember how to spell it ho sooner lai tic wrttcn the word oat than the lit le boy a the beadeielalm ed o ididuttay co itjes t r said c instead ofji and he n ajed to the ixt again quieker than u went to the head tlat toy was an bones boy who woqd not take oedit ilat dia not- oelodg to hjra hw rtach more honorable he was ind how moch happier he felt at the foot of the olass than a the bead when he knewihe did not belong there an r instead qf t does not sera to be mach bathouestf in stead of trickery and honesty instead of falsehood is a great deal in a boy or la a man if a boy ever hopes to amount to anything in this world nr in the next he most be honest and open fair and squi re and keep clear of ajl torts of little me in deceptive tncks such boys are loved i ud honored and not only gladden tl eir parents liefrtinit coma to fill the place of honorable men adnr jas shannon lcaskdale wnlef for many years mv wife was troubled with chuvains and could find no relict until aboat two years aco ehe was thee not able to walk and the pain was so excruciating that she ooald not sleep at night yoar agent was on his regular tnp and she asked him if he could cure her he told her that dr thomas ectectno od waa a sore core she tned it and judge of her tstomshmcct when ic a few days the pain was all alltvcd and the foot restored to iu nalorai condition it is also the best rem edy for boras and bruises i ever used ytotfls case feteruhness moaning and restlesssess daring aleep itotfiercravea w orm liternunator is pleasant sore and cftectaal if voor druggist has none in c gctirm to procare it for yoa on yoa haven r any kidney ilscasc eh 1 et yoa are from time to time troubled wijibajit wamrr ttwh t ekanaa- una xozrcgta todxeka a errvdeu in d itiva sruifn uizuaus jfalana ahccazs rcravu ivrpcpftff imitxtcy strilfti ard and cuifa and yoar wife ha female trjtlurt pont yoaknow that these diseases would almost never prevail i voor kianey s were catrally actire acd kept the blood clean warners safe cure l tee csly ficicctfc bood paner and that is the reason whv it not only ceres known kidney disease but also 93 per cent of all o jier diseases which come from t7 ffpedd juicer disorder try it today dijavs are very dangerous brofccn d4wk aiter souermg with dyspepsia kidney disease bso ot appetite and pain in the head anil discouraged i heard of bardock biood biters took two bottles and am feeln as well as ever llxs eufas e iferry lie w albany i s la crtef lad s the point dyspeps is dreadfol discdered hve misery indigcstjdn is a f to no good ualcre the human digestive apparatus is one of he most e omplcated and wonderful things in existence e is easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hours irregu hr habit and many ojier things wruch ougut not to be have made the american peopls a notion of ayspepdes bat green s august flower has done a wondcrf ol work in reforming this sad busi ness and making the american people so lealthy that hey can enjoy their meals end he happ eememoet o happiness jnthout health but green 6 aagust flowed brings i ealth and hafprness to the dyspeptic skyosr drcggist far a bottle seventy fivu ccc s vadenlshlj- tnrr i lie used dr fowlers extract o wild etrawberry and found it a sure cure for summer complain 1 was very sick and it cured mc entirely alexander w grant moose creek out jl fnci worth bcmenberfaff 1 sir jas binnie of toronto states that his httle baby when three months old tvas so bad with summer complaint that onder doctor s treatment her life was despaired of four doses of dr fowler estract of vi ild strawberry cured her iwialito give ray tostraony m favor of eardocc licod bitters i hid been troaved with eryaipc as and was indnced to try this ajaible medicine i have ased three bottles and am now as well as ever lira l finch clear crek out rrom horopauo haa mr josephciark wntes all but win ter i was eo bad with inflammatory bheamattstt that i was not expected to hve i used no other medicine but bardock blood bitters and can tuw get aroand again feeling better than i ever was before i was taken sick and i owe it all to bur dock blood bitters this is unhappily an age of keptlcism bat there one point upon which persons acquainted with the subject agree namely that dr thomas edectrlo oijnt ifledi cine which can be rehsd npon to cure a ooogh remove pain heal sores of various kinds and benefit any inflamed portion of tho body to which it u applied daaxtreas cof rfclti counterfeits are always daogeroas more so that they always closely imitate the original in appearance aud name the remarkable i access achieved by rt aaal balm a a positive care for catarrh tod cold in the head has induced unprincipled parties to imitate it the public are cautioned not lo be deceiv ed by nostra tus imitating h asal balm in name and appearance bearing such names u kasalcream lasal balsam etc ask for n aaal balm and do not take imitations dealers may urge upon you for sale by all druggists or sent postpaid en receipt of price 50c and u by addressing fuiford l co brockviile ont one of the greatest safpnaes to the e ng hah pabhc at the colonial exhibition in london was the extensile and artirtio dis play ot memorial windows and household stained glass from the celebrated kccaas land bon toronto the prince of wales and thousands of others openly expressed their surprise and delight in the specimens of glass works i i drjjhask itata world nfdo roi utatioii a a 1 1 latiautl tut or ilia uandrtltc diadalj ji r ciro it a triatm li of modical li1 car i fill u c dli jwntutliokldiicr sndl her 8ujrfous di- kidney c0mplunt rrn cl3 aud palm to uio back adullialicrn clit fa tho bladder aud baio ot tlio all tcaldfi g urfiio ufln pbilrucl d fit nj t s a un i to cihclally tt 1 11 i a ot r i j crom hot dr skin palcrou n r uilwllicdo iknita dioi ditziikfic if ii a t ilr uoti rl i i ierical wct li s ac livxa complaint hiu r t a lct liladei jitii mcc rtllo c rpl j a v jrj tirtxl tein uo i fc or ci urci i 3 la djt- vvu adihuou 4oti u s f c how cl1 ci uandrtikranj dau cl c t it i r t ur uros and wl ou ctmij od wi i 1 j r l e dlm a lu ur ci aara u t c t w 11 uoat poulircjr mo all kuacy mr r ire li c it acta like a charm it ttulaifctfijc c o 1 1 tor itrsuailioadiglhc kidiojt u j coit nz the whole bodr belli rtlt lhrt tt tl th ho eoltllook wuichaloi c uwortlth i o cr kidjrrt hr cl ac 1 1 ii c u c c if 1 1 liver co i her 1 id i a i ilj act pills fici tly c cc nlr 1 nr bo lakao dcrtnjt etap oy oi t 1 y ter i tny uver uoabica load cx c f 1 w ci vr noaa 4a oiatiud u jjb ull u ikrt irica i ccju t edidakdsokfceo mam ojuo la if aalalakla sbcccm it fs the duty of efery person who has used botchee t gerouxn sgrj to let its won dexful qualities be kaown to their friends in curing consumption severe coaghs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and long diseases no person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve an y case and wq consider it hit daty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor d ing consumptive at least to try one bottle as 1 80 000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported such a medicine as the ffenna syrrp cannot be too widely known ayoardnagistaboat it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents regular size is cents boldhy all drnfists and dealers in the united states aud canada realf the wext is column article kci and cosafarlfti ike srrerfne browashaaseboid panacea has no jaal for relieving pain both icternal and iteraal it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore tlroat bjieamalsin tootluclc lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mostiurely quick eu the blood and heal its acting power is wonderful bra wnt household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever mdcf djchle the strength of any other elixir or llcimcnl in the world shoald he la every famjlyljlwy for use when wiaud as it rcaljj is the best remedy m the weni for cramps in the t omach audpainsandachcsofallklads andlsforsale hr alldragipitsat 25 cents a bottle james h gilmour ot t giimour co wholesale grocers brodkville says i have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved and cured aevtce ro sfonieei are j oa distarbod at night and broken o your rest by a sick child suitering and cry ing with pain of cat ting teeth if so send at once and get a boitle of ifn winslows soothing syrup for children teething itsvalae is meal culable it will relieve the poor little saf ereriramediatelv depend upon it moth ers there is no mis ake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the wrroic fey stem 5f rt winslow s soothing by rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one ot the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale bv all druggists throughout the world pnco twenty sve cents a bottle be sure and ask for magwotmw 6 soonnxo stscp and take no other kind wheezing gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using faoaffacrn asthma care sold by all drop gists or hj mad ou receipt of price it is wrsc than madness to neglect a coash or cold which is easily subdaod if taken in lime becomes when left to itself tbc fore runner of consumption and prema tare death inflammation whenftattacki the delicate tissue of the lungs and hron chial labes travls with perilous rapidity then do uot delay get a bottle of bickle a anti consumptive syrdpr the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives itfromthetyitem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdaes the courh heals the diseased parts an 4 exerts a most wonder fnl influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and mogsjj parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from much anxiety trouble aod expense let them pro- care a bottle of bickle a auti consamptwe syrup aod whenever a child has taken cold has a ooogh or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions ladies kiudly tisement read kelly bros adver t will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fhjtterik3 jaundice of the heast erysipelas acidity of salt fiheuh the stomach keattbuw diyhess headache 0 tdi skin azd twrr fpec s ct dscis irisluc irzm tf scrduvd tavic khufeys sioxacd bowis o blood t lulbuen co sto the largest scale works in canada over too styles of hay scales grain scales bfjfl farm scales f 6 tea scales improved shoa monet drawers meilclmppais g3i 0 b5tche2s siippjcs c wiu80m fi son 60 esplanm3e strict east tofonto ont kenwctiiir v summer tors palaoo stcai j eates detroit r detroit at 0 ald bkialfi j oor illust co detroit 4 c c i- u up3 tin i wland ts auth0es cox 5ica ret cf trusses artificial limbs an j pi cc a1 dc 1 i- o e k ii i o y k 1 d itc h p jojit d idsj ciiutknoc bill o 1 o k c boir i cubic lie l0 cilche iii churghsl toronto royal yeast im cahad favorifo hrcad maker 10 tears in tho market without a com plafnt of any kind tlie onlrreast wfalct has stood llie tt of time nndicver made soar unwholesome brentl au grocer iuit breaomakers veast ffllc fuc cciits a n toronto steam laundry jawaii 10j yjrc 8li topollto q shirts couar8 and cuff 0lipcckt7 ont 0 lown wor promptiy mtcndod to nzdntumt per lnattnclions g p sharpe proprietor f txtdoor to palmer itoiue hanj to colo depot exhausted vitality r tufl 6cienc or life th j frftat ufdlcai wrjt of ibp ago on uadhood viitoos mafi physical dobilitr matore peoftne jerrora jrf ygaliij ahd tho uktold rua- eris danoqaent tfaenon 800 bagotivo ic prttcylttioerf fcvau4iases ooth foil itf only eun by miu jsealed hlostrstirfl sample free to all yonngfaad middleaged men send cow tbo gom tbdvowdsed modal awarded to the author tyuiojnatiojiil xedteal aowjutlon addrow p o boxjais lioitoo bue tdr vi it pab- 4jtbiraliflteoi harrard modical oolkpe as yaarsnraaluiitanlminaywconsu oonndntjauy specialty diseases of han office haibotanchfit m4 8prin 8prino to the- ladies of aotc wui you to mi within the last few bought right also rec gethe kelly bros n and 8urpoundingvcountry io kind ii to pjytttonllon to tho following remwli j with raforraoo to our iprlcj lfrlvli ol ootton roocl moil bo of internt to you u wallju to ouiwivm t rimo iays we have received bales of white i om the mill at the lowest possible fig ived piles of prints sheetings ticki r with a lot of bed spreads wery la 1 find it to their interest to look throug our stock of cotton goods butter and eggs wanted k whiio ind gray cotlooi mid very amp by the id gray i cottons e we hae s to- 5lly bros the glasgow acton ladies this is set of ho before bujin it would be to our advantage to inj pect our v large btock of house furnishings house house furnishings i i l the time of j ear ou ant a new carpet a e curtains or cretonne curtains with ice fringes to match new i carpets i in tapestr wool and hemp in good vanet and newest c esigns at eceptionall close figures also a plendid range of floor and table oilcloths lace curtain b the ard and sett and a very lare range of cretonnes arid fringes to match our is very compl in general sty albatross clol and tweed e ffects dress goods department a special of t us department is out array of blaik goods compns ngjersejs solcils fine allwool cashmeres li uds wide and a lovely silk warp hen rietta cloth at i 25 see these goods and ou will be delighted our assortmeit being a x of coatings is ery complete a speclaleature nge of english broadcloths in light shades c i 1 heaps of prints shirtings ginghams covtonades hosiery gloves etc te not only as regards closeness of jnces but e and quality they tompnse allwol jerseys is self checks combination stripes plaids millinery i this department is just m receipt of the latest novelties to be had for he season fresh goods being openetjtcday for tle and cheapness we are away aheajd rfja a splendid assortment of boj s and jouths ready rijade suits just to hand our boot 4 shoe stock is the largest and most complete in town 1 qroc snes fresh and cieap bemi mber our famous 50o tea 1 henderson mcrae co spring dominion boot stock now comjplete shoe store kenney bros main street jigtw iiae now on hand a fine stock of new spring boots shoes s ordered work as isuai rcccnce personal attcutmn lwpinac prouipuy executed a rood 1 tie ol reliable thus kb and 4l1sls always on hind we give tua best valae o tainahlo far coan gnc an jgurciph aod wo 11 atisfj yoq as to pneea kenney bros brflnfcodv well pleued wli till uxso ktwcbtekdnnaooii ciriietiibaomoatse new e cnrulni upo9 tuo ub 46 ippers rubbers c of the best manufacture i magnificent displahr milhneiy ft mantles dress goods carpets curta ns etc ar 1 mckay brothers fllegwt dlihli newbtrlpedreurioodis0sfts0e ij 10solic w lbuobimn 10 is u 0c ariiltas nel piaial j numliohmuijc f00ua ha wool carpets sn 50 1j0ki s60 no berlin lulrdoui m 1jj l5o vtr 910 sj0 kewlullimrteryefafti now jemy jackeu oztntaioc 9x50 ew8tylai dimiooodilo lit ftuuk netrny t5c l00 huo nr fnrulnpolt50 tie hjb 1c niw llllalllg mckay bros 48 king street east hamilton railway crandtnmfri 0090 tut uutixl 7j7 4 ta llein eljirru mtltl idf tbroufilip joi loxku aeeom 10 tpln mix ctiica0okxprciiiloiqotfj and braioi i6n coins weillorjum atajlsobaal iitl oolokaalowajil amjfi j 3 gille purest stttoh beady for om in any q making boap boncnlas leciing sod a haadrod atfeikfi a can cquala 80 poosda sold by all qroccra and t my cores qhrobjc pttei l ind trii tf mm i tjcoj rttt aatatch aad cow iccaii pyipepti tf r indgmliffit headacba heartbora ach bhenmafina teact herroni debilty uaoien 1 cmuoa uxi r- 5 nni v li opreeiii fo hi dw mm sxw eflccu ttiid li tfic rcu itaxljiittl j n ucuo frest fi 1 the qreat biood i flr channhc5 objgeii enraati in b lata sarsflpflffllu tot ihe nrt of srtofuitfiskscmwn til e rmts tn norf ttxlfwabniitm jaiyetat iru tjii c afcitioti hm ot ll- k arn lbd 3rr cnmf wipfiboujo li c c rcrlj la cilarru wl l rfi in tfnianf frett i fc prard sod impure ceadiaooof udal cjlft al for chtmmtmfm sarttrparuia tel ttoit cfifi iuftte lavis i late ca ifrrhy tce kajrre r a poor marfs frielfe one uttt wul kit ibn of grninir adollariatimrjtxddoctoriitau ridnjt near at hand ready at a maaaavi cau tm p rssrsl cholera ihairiwca rtomaeli lowcl lcm lrsptpsiaorlbd cs tfcroauconrrj ac uses latewvill obtiboms sealdsand ibavotnu n pwlvia ralnanndraecziallsbi satkibylfakb jo uou ilextiaiica liia ai eiljj aroat 25 com pet oonkif i ceraw ol cwatfrftia nfllnlftfipei digestive f tablets or afteh dijhea truul 1w frr rrfvttdctrtfwn iff lnrj frdu faatptifim tcckt lo cjtlft0trieiimf tlcy gtrc 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