Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1888, p. 4

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juifltl 3fr- 3rfss fjingles and10kelets v- f- nnictu hoar wloi the wuc men uip wiu thtfrsuaf jvla 12 l aud lh antirnih ouhe ly fcljtjjtnuia joltis if aa t5 tlapj fivljutguages mi tf v m i ii vi t kif ilacikrlc- labs jij u ftttioltrli nu icxrrulrfs f- anwcaivf ms iiaorcroaiuuiwoitcncaafced by worm freeman worm powdeti destroy wonns atotf uicliwc wheu torpid with xalioual rills a rood antibilious carlhar lie s agar coated vu well pleased the children like dr lows uleifiiat wctm syrup and parents rtjoiec over ili virtnes tjum pctsous wonder at the tired won and tccirytecjtiicthuopprcascalhcniwiqi ol any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered etomaeh in either cite the etoiiuch blwd and liver ire not perforin ins their regular functions kud with many person they will follow a dull heavy headache ruuica ad many other symptoms that precede a wcli deijepol ease ot dyspepsia purify the blood cicinte lh system of the clogged secretions by zsing iccachams mandrake isitaiv prtpirol by j b afeachaai 133 yosfie struct a chcaist o nineteen years experience meghan i ttf lri 4 wuf ii yon art languid and weak tad your appetite poor my boefflron and win ii the tonic bo law j an invigorating tonic it is rooogiied by th me4icu trortttion ail tfaabeit itkqguienldr medioine uiqi far produced it ii invaluable as a blood -and- muscle maker especially la lhoao ciet where weakness is the result o imperfect or in- food of wasting fevers or cxecst of any sort it contain the nutriment of boef the ttimulaol properties of wino mid the tauic powers of iron and it admirably cal- cnlalod to buildup the eraaoiatod system akv seme yeari r itjiivl eutcitaiuxfnt of sorrc uci wt pvcu iu the city c kiicishicci tiifvn brilliantly c3icu by brltr johr h m ii sharply criiceici irv jriiriiik masfcai director ro vc cifi tech perilous ta5cirryi- brclhrr mills in lb rcjnsr anj in tc cour j of reply slid the us xzic vi fciitcr tijan the eailcr tzx hic y edilcrial rjxeir corresponjzts ruttrc is trc irrelevinu aii iho rtorsi lisij could cot tcuir prodv there is not a grocer of thr wh j is ii belter idccf c ihn iy hen in wfcis county- ttishi uwiys iruck ui one of the ecru jci srid itct hanstivd rerartecs hi wt ever ki xkiakucd iv-t- h yviaci the rauiini iir gugtn yore ojxriiit it is said tlxi src u- hirh k certain cseole thj uatxr ia t ceed qdey- fr lr elcp iiojcg orcr- head ths ctt li 3 evenly lulaa that thcs3un2csic cr lie rit if t rmimayoisvy lhcjiilrun and biinjj dowaaa irrm clglit wlllcrer- wheim evtrythic rrin i iicdrsicjixi path in i zq zhzzz ourcvi viy ulire i may bea soil i- tc ccs cts ccral cikiory trexuiir vttcu liio i dcith and a mere- lozzh czzttzy zzzy dttcraine its destisy i jzl iiy tcio cis cspy impressed wiih ihi izzib ind va rcdy under cocviia ot e3 13 s hxt mcatldotalxjsivii iiiiai hvr wljca imprestiens dhti ly the uiisclly iesiics ci nealircf thcchcrch by ltr ue as she 2id cut- of h3 iitcictry jhcr irrerircut n vrcctjy 2- c v- i from the titirs c cj1 hovinipr hat t tiiaald luyi ri cvriv walk wcrlhy jcrcrr uih ciii a c tiinf t sdrl tu nrffr xct u the crict dpepit u crtild iktcrcred lire misery indlccticp i foa to cof od nature- theiicmactciutivc tpsratns ii e hi most cczjptc id rodcr52l 0 iaejcistencct jt iitiilr lt2t cf c grcaiyfwdtjuri ith tpyifoabid cookgry xcatoi v crry hx ldur iir r ixr habiii ttlmany cihor tilings which ought dot v3 behive nidi e amcr people s coc cf dyr but grtea iirmt fioyer lis dc2 wonderful wcri in rimir this eid nessani miking tic icriir people so healthy tlst liry cin ejoy the iiila and be happyv eemembcr xo hinpic3 yritiaut nealth eutgrece xzzii fbdror health tnd ttppiict id ihjyrcp aikycf crccirt cr e joijc hvccty- ftecesu- 1 ex thcx- i iy rz earned sbo est cntotriee trz- to tnk ttcli ccrl mind qircii tls dirt- it heirs to thtrt l prjl most-trit- miii wealth where tlir-i- ic y d it bchogixsa cn to 2 the e 0we5thi intivce- in dli od gooav betrui then get tie titisftcti rtarc by itii t- 1 his zzz ic oi l lub c- i cc c ths iiv25 of drrof this ctdr o his eestandcduirari tlic icrfcrin- browni tlohom xrcci f do qualfreiievicc litbtth icititb1 2lq rtenuh it cures or bowtl hn toothicbe lurn pain or ache lvi itithfside i rj ilhtuaf ind icy kind i nsttiie ca the blod ni ii ca at ii sct3 fu ll xroriwcl bronfc hoa ace helps zjzvliy ts ixit pameeliertrrvdtjf hvjviotlt ltre o any other jmiir t- igisifcrjj c worldrchcr lie- iu every tidily lsud viz when whtcd s rciliy is tle remedy uitiie irnriil flr ctrcpf ui tomach acdiifcstiiathiiofalik and uor tilt by ull drugiiitt i bottle- of a aid trer t the- iucslituifcls viineof aytre sarsap arica ts a blwipurifier ehould known to tr en vfe end mother correcifi irrqruliritios ivez tone andetrcnth tp the vital orpins cleanses the iyetcr cf til imparities besttam3y aiedidi tle rnidtti to cciat i i5tjl ruhduid if fierurtto i f it is warw thi comti cr czc nrj takeniu trnit lcrm the forcruqroc taredcth jiiurauuju vheittttwc the dchdts turj c thclccc tid trou chial lhcs 1cavf itl paribus rapidity thtndouyajayictt izvbj of bidile anticcnscniiive hjrp the med zh tbat criqciihiffcruiidtblt fcj olj uij huintt body tri drive- jifrattt the fyslc this tacdicinj pf-ut- k- frj eni a enjoctortivl r lj cmirii ihj difoasci parts 1 cvrls t irjit woiicr- lul m2aefccij crii tvlilijtiyj ayl other discifcck cf thr thrti r icns if pareou -with- to tij the lifts of their cfiijdrcrr and ihttssclvti froci ac amiety iroajk ajd spjit- kt them pro cure a bottle of liijutv aitif xjstamjlirt fiyrup ocd pheheicra child his tiken cold fctca cczzh cr hoorserxfl riveihe syrup acootdicg io direct iicir i trvtn itnraiiaaa ifan t r jacphclri riiii ai u iviir- ier iw- i- in idi ijiflaiiiijjtiics ii hit 1 vr i iot k- 1 tuj u t tiistd no 4r- nt fit unji- blcod bitirrii a- 3 ri iiw ui ar rand ftin fnelio uter jh 7 vr s2 h foce 1 waa ukj tick i 1 oc it ail to unr- dock blood bittera it is the principal and not the manners that make the man the principal is the atiinsprins the manners are culy the sres cm the diih crolcn bonn ahtfuftcric with dyspepsia kidney ditctse bis o appctita and pain in the ca ciitil ditcojras i lard o burdock bictd bitters took two bottles and am fcic as well as ever hrs rufus e merry kcw arhsrv k s ctci couh cosn is is hat philosophers term a laical tepaencc one is very liable to fellow tha ether bat by curing thicoli with s dose o aycrs cherry rec- cral the eousii will beetjppcd and the oriiir uotucciej just at present tadcalalitr tntc i btvc used dr fowlers kijraci c wild strawberry and found it a sure cure fcr tunmer complaint 1 wis rerj sick and it cired me entirely- alexander w grant iooc creek ont it there taything inert innoytuj than having yiur com etepped npoai there ny tiling more delightful than fttinft rid ef it hol3iys corn cere will do it tn- it and be convinced x tact ttortt ecnxembertc lir ja binnie o toronto sutes that hs little baby whenthfee mouths old w so bad with summer complaint that under gocorvtrcaiiricnt her life was despaired o- fonr doses of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry tired est oce of the greatest surprises to the eng lish public at the colonial exhibition in london was the ettensixe and artirtio difi- phty of memorial wiusws and household staicvd gliisfrom the celtbrited sfccaos londisjn toronto the trlnce o wales and thousands cf others openly expressed their surprise and delight in the epecmens cf ila wcrlx wfcat tils on you dont know then why dont you try warns safe cure oh my kidneys are aditrigut are thy yon perhaps dont know that cw aijis xccrzhtg ilkxriiglum stenuzck ditzthr 2claria ckllu cud few cud ayr ihcdatltf lirtr difjrdrrt iwiilrtd rt- htfa crpzix alkttyc irrcrnioiw iilq litrr med lvizigqo bjxu cirivzzufj and among women fuaclc cmraairu prevail mostly among peep who like yosrttif icsiet that they have no kidney disease they have and dont know it ycu wcl never gctiwell of the ficve and contless other common disor- drr vhich would never prevail ii the kid ueys were all right unless ycu restore the unsuitcted disordered kidneys by that great blood tnic end poricer warners safe cure- uyou waul tobayorl farm adr vertlso la tho toronto llfvrjkjr ow- that papv reacliea 100000 rarraeri homea every week and yoaradveetismuflut ihould meet tha eye o someoue who waula to pur- chase ad vertimenu of thia claai arc in serted in the toronto ttdty mall for five cents a word each insertion or twenty ceuu word for fiva iuuctioai addresi the if ail torouto canada oaafftf cttutetfr cvenlerfciu arc alwjiyt daugeroui more so that they always closely imitate the original in appearance and name the remarkable buoocsiacivvcd by kaaalbalm as vpositi care for catarrh and gold m lheiead haa icdaced unpriacipled paniea to imitate it the public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums iraitatiok kaaal balm in name acd appearance bearing such names as xaaaicrcamkaaai balaam etc ask for nasal balm and do not lake imitations dealers rosy urge aponyoa for sale by all dmggitts or scot postpaid en receipt of pricu 50q aad 1 b ddrcasinj fulforda- co brockville out for nettle rash bhmmerkeatreruptiona and genccol pulposai use laws salphar soap lt4 a ular saccc it it the duty o every person- who has used ci german srvp to it its won derful iiualitiea be known to their friends ixi curing cooinrnption severe coagha croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and ung diseases no pcrion eanuie it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any cose and we consider it tht daty of all drnggists to rocominend it to the poor dying consumptive at least ia try one bottle as 60000 doxen botuca were sold last rear and no one cose where airiy was reported sacb a medicine as the gfhiunt sgrwp cannot be too widely known aokyonrdruggikl about it sample bottles la try sold at ten cent regular sire 5 cents sold by all drnggists and dealers in the united states and canada- longstanding blood diseases are cured by the persevering uso- of ayors baxpapariuo tills raedlcine fs an alterntve nnd causes a radical change hi thf kyitem tliejpmeem in boniec4s- iiiuv not be quite so rapid m hi atlicr but with persistence the result u certain licad uiesc tcaiimoiiiali i fur two years i nuffetvl ttun a rw ven iuu in my rlit iu ivvl bdl oilier irudblca caused f a idrpll livr tnldyrtcpu- afnr sivin veul iqucluei a fair tmli witlmttt a i-iil- t ligau a lake avery sunturilla t vrftspnally botljlv iu lirxllwllle andhttor takiitiettvc lii 1 wta cum lilcttif curv1 3uiit qviisoii 70 iawtvikc lowell m lflit may a hrga rtibutlfl brvhc out on myfttm tdeuitial tvitu- lirf bad no effect ami i vaconltnctl tomybl fur etiut via a ruuuivuiri rjslulry acers sirsinitiila bitti- lkleilw m rivjiive vllh lucdicjf ly ttin ihrca in ail myt-s- itfvlt mi hi to wonderful result arcflhrr rrsrked cttflt tif lim im huduuy wa thw aiit2thiit if tiy slsblmr cjrriu aums it- my sprhittxis j tliail a dr saii liiismir far vim andisutttrtd urriblyj iults mi ltm er and niur witc kimihivly nmtcv i i nrctirac liij iiitiu ii1niflitnrv i it vinfcr ir tvkhii ff ivnunilint lfja recoupuaiidwl r to mj yvt hartatutnuindcaijiluud it in a jiir farlkenimj i tu it liiy- j not had a ijciuiu 1111 mv b ilv fnr tia liuitlkre uhuiiit k iay ui jharuuit kw yjjru vy m u and rtrl vm trmml with a dull httvy u in mv ml- i did i not notue it tmli i tirvt 1 it it rraauilly- greir vuri iiitil ii bvtuifl aiint uiilrnrabv illarin tin uiicr part of this tlmeiuiricptor ttuitnii- achand liver iuitttfil mv trnuliltri t baqtakin ycrv siifrilj n nitqr uidifttllriuijtiuiuz ilm m t thl mwlicttid inr soit ttimil tin piin disappeared and i wu ttanpvttly ourcu mrs augtuta a furhush jtateruiilfmaas t l ayers sarsaparilla 11 racpatifn rv drj j c ayer ic co lowci fast vfcew tliuilua j wort i a i alls oct oc sorts sythptocac headache loss of appetite furred tongue and general indisposition these symptoms if neglec ted dcvelrpe into acute disease it is a trite saying that an oancc c prevention is worth a pound of cure and a little attcnticn at this point may save moutiu c sickness and large doctors bills for this complaint take from two to three of iarmelcevycgelaljlc pills oa going to bed and one or two for three nighta in succes sion and a cure will be effected wheezing gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using southern asthma cure bold by all drug gists or fcy moil on receipt o price ladies kindly read kjly broc aivcr tisement read the next is column article qrerflaw thrpicsil the cnvrholesomft baking pow- dcrs orerboird and nso only tlie imperial crum tartar baking ponder jace it gilmoer of t giimodr i co wholesale grocers brockville saysil have used tamarac elixir for a eetere pdld and cough which it immediately relieved nd csred a distrcmtnc ducatc i wish to give my testimony in favor o bordock blood bitters i had been troubled twith erysipelas and was induced- to try this valuable medicjna i have csed three bottlfs aud amnow as wellas ever irs l finch clear creek ont c a litiugetone plattaille ont eays i hive cioch pleozureiu rccomrnendmg dr thomas ecleetric oh from having eosj it myself and hiring eoldit for some tmc in tny own case i will say for it thut it is the best preparation i hive ever triofor rhecmatism well tm i was ctexiy dead with cholera if orbas ons bttile of extract of wild strawberry cured me and at another time i was to bad with eammer oomphdnt that i thonght i wonld never get over it when two bottles cured inc irse askett peel ont aiivicc to sfoteus are you disturbed at eight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying jvith pain of cut ngtccih 7 if sosjnd at once and get a bottle of rs winsiowa soothingsyrnp for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- erer iru mediately depend upon it moth ers ihera is no mistake abouf it it cures dyscntcry and disrrhaa rcgalaica the stotsadj tnct bowels cares wind colic fcoftena the gums rodubes idnammation arid gives tone and cdcrgyto the wholo fystom mra winslows boothiug 6y- mp forxhildrcn teething is pleasant to the txstc and is the pncripllonof one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by 611 druggists tlirouchout the world icx twentyfive cents a jottfc- be sure and aek for mai wasuntt soonoxo sract and take no other kind the third page of rbo toronto daily- ifad is noted for want advertisement if joa want lo bay or epllanythiug if you vint a eitdaticni a mcebxuie a busiucks inachinry iodiugir if you have lost or feuad anytluna or if roa waul to did ont wlicre aayone is adierttm in the toronto ftrilif laii and read tliejil ieriivmcnt en hrt third tgi of that paper the chargo iswoceou a word cadi insertion ad tiie mail torodw canada hccstone georgetows interior dzcorato hook sign inl ornamental ftlaiiig ii toas ijtsst stjks lessoks k oil paixtixg climes vodgtfc4iy ercsilif tliarjxy and ordc left it free press office acoa or d- dreseod to box vlb gtatzciavu will receive rrotimtittcntioal i h g stoke i dri chase his r world viia rcftrtntlon aa a phyilclan ocd goihor its mandrtkff dandelion liver caro a triuiapaofiiiodjcal skill earlof all hie dijt- ease ca the kidney and uvor symptoms of zwmtqqubtilht dutzcuiiug aches andjiauistn tho back aduflpainor weight la the bladder and bao of the abdomen arammg urine often obttmcwd ireqncut aenin to urln- itpoclajlr t night among xod persons hot dry akin twja eonicxlontod and while ds- ikmiudropdtxsino toar ttowock consttpa- tion idles uverticjil tvcuinx c syhpt0hsof ltvbb complajnt pain nudct lwoldcr tilntlmjaondlca miiow coioitlexfod a woorr tirtsd teeliofu no- ue or energy hocdaclic dyv pdlfluo icdicostlon ipou pimple ac how cclted ixandrstu oj dandelion are cstnroii liver are cudwhoa com bf nod with iijduoy remo- dlea o n dr clia uvor core will mot posltfroly care all kdnylrcr trouble it kcli lilfo a tiliamt hbnjwfng the ojoggod hvor trcugtlioliiiig the kjliirys and luvicorattbir tha wliolobody bold llf dealer at jltriui u telpt hook which ahltic ic wurtb tb inooey kidnjcy dr chaavs pills aw tbo only ktd- livibb wliw lllls mado they act plxca j t oeetnallr ma bt taken dnrloffcmpwyiiipnt ttiey cum kidney- liemlprr dnotluadflw sold by all deal priw 3f fenla j txdbcanpson ft 00 mkadfouuonu hani rfflifflwe hjkblf iwillcureor relieve biuoushess dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion flutteriis jaundice of the heart erysipelas acidity of salt rheum the stokach heasthlir dryness headfe of the sk3h rac iisziiovi livzil kwkeys st0acb bovtels op blood z-mms- co isssaa the largest scale works 1 n canada over 00 styles of ihay scales grain scalesi i j farm scal tea scales i imffioyed showcases mcret drawers meijg6ipptrs j ako btrrcheks soppuis ic wil80n son 60 espthnade street east j toronto ont litzocz tius piper erert tisc j u kui liflacklnac isummer toure palace ste28slot7 eatea rctncrc-e- detroit hckitac island ql clf olkiil iut 1ze coy detroit and cleveland our illustrated pamphlets i e b wknrcoms gl fia ijtrt detroit cleveland steam hif co i oeiaorr kick authors cox i manufacturers of trusses artipicial v limbs an3 aiiidixnces for til do fortuities of tlcu a tisauhody spiuil uiscisc kiji jaiat difftc discttcs of tue kcce tai aiitle kcoci i jim itow les cicb foet lie i also crutches ir7gh0rghst toromtoi royal yeast i canadas fatorito tlreodmaker xo tni4a tho market without a com- plilnt of fcoy wnilj tlie cnlrrt whict bat stood tha tt of t froe and never ntoaa tor unwhoifkinki bread iaugrocirtscuu bpomakers yeast 1 tiiiead m spring to tha ladies of aotor will joa x uj make sprimg springs and surrounding country ia kind i to piyluiutiou to tbe followiog remark wduatre with reference lo oar prin arrival ot cotton gcodi which aat be ot intorcit to you at welljaa lo oaraelvca within the last fewdtys wc have received bales of white add gray cottons bought right from the mill at the lowest possible figurif tve have also received piles of prints sheetings tickings to- i gether kvith a lot of bed spreads every ladjj will find it to their interest to look through our stock of cotton goods kelly bros ls kelly bros r- white and gray cottons sold very cbeab- the web sprinc butter and eggs wanted stock now complete dominion boot we store kenney bros maim street aton iiitq now on hand a fine stock ot new spring boots shoes s ippers rubbers c of the best manufacture cares p p ordered work as a good se givo tlie best value o 1 sual receives personal attenlino itertamns protnptlt executed of reliable truxks and valises always on harjd j lipe uinawcforcuu give cs yoatciili and well alisfypoci as to prices kenney bros wool lim5house yoollen miliisr v pay the hightist market prices for all woo i offered jn cash or coods are now prcpared wa lave a- large and well assorted stock o blankets tweeds flannels stocking yaens knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly to supply the requireme us of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving cf custom verk iocc in our usual itroirpt and satisfactory manner joiix xewtox soxs limehouse and in fact oji kind immense deductions in prices ne importations rwfma- it it k trto any ya t ywartrilltil- swnjirt liruid ttilk byius and boelhvlicat pancake wm in ncarir vray itwu r omili tire uiingil price five ceht8 jexhausteu vitality rpiisiisciekcb 0i ue tiiogrcat itmicsl vorlt of tho igou manhood iwnoni aodjityiical pouitr pr- inatprp uccliuc crrrr of toniiisud the untold mis- urici coiutjncnt ilicrtou 300 w itl diwaeui4 cioti full gilt r only 1x0 ijy mai soalcit niusitiu tamiijo frve 0 all you rnd uildjioflt mou bcud ua the gl aid jowojiod ru ajrardod u tlu aathor vyt ikttlotal addfeai iic llbx lflsc ilosloti unworirv h pait- ktllrailaaltiof harnrd wedtaj cvliaqs si you h jractlci id jlaalodwlw buy bi dddkuchi con idpntiajly sjioliauy dlaeaws pi kan otuajkoibulliucb it t wstkins uas been hsy tlis week opcrsttoqf just tee a tew of the redo socja marked down 25 percent girls marked down from 20 to 30 per cent v mantles marked down to far less than etc put down ia very many cases to 0 halt prices these trimmidri are jai to get them at lor less than half prices carpet borders iu tapestry bmsaels a duction off former price see die nic tabla and piian coders lace chenile raw silk and lace by the yard for ct and fu great variety read the new veilings new shades in silk pluabes grey cottons white cottons pillow unhlcached canadian tweeds afantlf most every article that is woven con be mistakes sec that you enter one ot th i hamilton june 17th 1883 wallpapers cehjxg kj spring saraylc n alabastine cleax ui ko- is ujc uc kcucuibcrtiiooe agent for b liurancea irfeoted spectacles ii wool wool j to he right house 1 ouj 1 maifciug more goods down very low 60 as to clear them ouj and make room for rebuilding lions white shirt uri down from 1g lo 13c ladies and genu summer stockings aud stockings redaccd to aboat hall their volae lace in immense variety and newest style ess goods marked doxnonefoarlh less than late prices psttern hu bonnets and ost prices beaded oniatncsts gimps roaches fouragers fringes epanlettea cords 5fourth their value plain black ornamenta gimp hringas etc down to lew than what udiea reqeire for ornsarauting their dresses ma itles etc and thii uarars chance aa watluna is overstocked with thetu and is determi oa v- j to clear thsm ont quickly 1 od wilton scliinjf off at hall prices tapestrybnisseji and wihpu caxoeu at a bifi re- j 35c union twoplv carpets jaat orriyed the entire itock otcarpeis window blinds madras raw suc plasli and hirtaem velvet wuida r cnrtajna and dimuls repp touna with almost every article required for house fo uohlnft in ha very latest styles importations this week fancy dress goods new shi eaof french cashmeres nuns hambreys in tbe latest styles black tulle silk khu ics braids smiir w ares etc cations ctibleached acd bleached sheetings cottonade denims drills iableached and and ulster cloths tickings towels and towelinga t had at the kicht hoaso mind you get into the rifih doors east of the carpel wiudow hie and floor oucloths and al- house many customers make thomas cwtblilsrs housekeepers attention lurjst stock and neatest mumis ever thon ic acton ci hex uedkoom dlkikgkooirniui lioaaiitalgut lor uso a fell liac cf elcpact harden to lftdi kcady 10 difftrctt and distiici i4ttcnis to choose trom 1 aiwarus coic acdecuy inimplus before puniaiiug juiint- tlie best thiijs out gives a ltjaciiful irdfittu euis 1 rill cot rli oz la all pojsr shades acd thiic peuchen8 prepared paints cutta percha tlo tto most joiiula brushes i ha a can eqaajp 20 poanoa sal solbraugroccnjuzanki xv spin dyrpepsia or iagestiau tlgw s zetw headache seartlnm cvity cch bheucatiao loss u kervoui dehihty fiausea cr vtedtqgi rfthafoac cihltcm usi it i 11 ajrteime ti is 1 wjjtotiubb it f 1 r the great blofi purffitftr dr chahhihgp- cajcei qiki el flit uiljjb sfirsftpiirll foruieettre rt ftrcfjli felt einnriwiij t 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