Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1888, p. 2

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isfffbvfwifpw vjr i bobx dararlii ow cutneadajt loui jolr the wife t bet sl- dyroia daiefbtir leaaswax in itrooerriue on nth nit- the wile or vr jaa laaccmab of ft daagniex kilutbto iaianjexrera on themth jntt the srinuifl attonoo the th inec tbrrlfoot tlmk stalhon o tuniter rimtirtli in brineaxhe lath hut the wueot mr duncan cantpbellofaeoa ditqqx4at liaiehooaa on the 18lh tnal the vue of bobu r tertdonol a daogbtor iusd fratrooon bamay jolv lhh kathertae wfeot william nnlbrool forracrtfof aetoa acedfioyimn i- z jjrtmt jrcc jprcss thttrsnit july 19 is88 kotesalilvefs at a meeting of the halton reform ex- kntire committee held wednesday after- noon hnu resolved to hold convention in the tom hill it milton on saturday tin at i p- p or the nomination ot candidate foe tie hoqk of commons a0uv imov kxulltltiox preliminary posters in oat tiiiounclnr the union show open to flit world to i be held it acton on tin 0 udlolhootow the director oho ar located over the townihlps ol kaqaealtig naaiajaweya erlnind etamoia in ooitiii their almost to insure success themembership should be verr large there if not a lamer in thesoatiooorbatineas man in too that ehouldootbe interested in the success of oar agrfcaltaral exhibition 6f coarse they are all intereated in a certain ay bat they all thonld sho s liberal iplrll in cocueciion with these institutions there 11 no farraenso poor thelhe canuot afford to pay a dollar to become a mcniber of the aniceltnral society there i no merchant or manufacturer who would feet poorer after contributing a dollar even if he had not joodj to iihtbit at the fair let all join bandt ta the matter personal mention li- prrrjlisrptfune vuhonio mid hora r acton with whom vttk vna headers attltorvfelvsc ahnnlntul the canadian p id fie colooizatiou cor poration to fooui ihtrtotaolqaeenston in the north west bu been formed trith capital o 500000 in cloihares ax pres ent half nf thj will be created appecanu far the first- c 40000 being entitled to a boc- qi of fayy psid shres for every four thine allotted ttr w 12 sr a on jller mr walton prcacbed hli laro wclf rinon in the i biridsj ftfternoon to ctlod- hii text lle lle toe money fly thexoodon standard has in editorial inost complimentary jo canada broking of i receot ibtugjiet it 6ysiil edglish- men w3l cbo lords ijansdovue and knattfoidi coogntalitioqs to cinida it oomments on the enocmoaurasooxoei of thtdomiaioo wd adds guidis pdt- est idrviufie is her position see cts stride the civiliaed world with territories lying on the very jtnet of cne of the great est lines of the future t drboorinot oerkof the house of conr- mons lea res in i few diys on in extended trip throflfih the northwest territories ind british colnmbii he his been com missioned by i leading english iniizin to write i series of utieles on oar feit korthwest and the picine prorinde- dr baarinots imnressions will undoabtly be interesting reading his hlch repattioa is i liuenieur ind in obserrer being i sus- cient grarin tee of the excellence of his work the prohibition puty in the united sttes is by no means cusppsed to tixs i back seat it is ambitions and it aims high it his no intention to play second fiddle to either of the great parties it proposes to supersede both oat of it orgins says the prohibition party wis notorginizedtobeimere banct of power and dictate terms to the other parties or ta either of them bat to qterthrow them both and to set np i new administration found ed on righteousness parity and sobriety itunembers have qndt pgrntv task m the firm belief that god reigns in i america and thai he is absolutely opposed to the liquor traffic ard to corrupt methods iapohtks tie cooraee of these prohila tionists is to be admired 5w tew person have any definite idea what the holding of a great convention or other gathering of that description means to a city from a financial point of view foe example it is estimated that ihece were at least 200000 visitors ia chicago daring he republican convention and that the citys gross receipts from them daring their stay reached fux00d a day at the- grand pacific hotel there were over 1300 guests the palmer house took- charge of sixteen defecations and about 2000 people as the convention was in actual session not epesjc- ing of preliminaries for a week it will be seen that some k00000qor 70000 wasgut in circulation which mtiti have made no small increase in the daily pro- visian trade of the hustling cstcrn metro polis r i what nn dead kjjses wished kew tost jaly li a bedin despatch to the herald says a private ettercf the dead kaiser which had jost come to light reveals that he had two objects up ptrmost in his heart first iris the settle ment of the aisscelorraiae question and second the marriage of his daughter vic toria- for months perhaps years his whole mind was given to the ahcelct raine problem had he lived he woaid have tried ths experiment of giving alsace- lornice virtual home rule with prince alexander jof batlraiburg as goernor then maybe we might have seen the realization of a grand dream germany he wrou would have been delivered from the cancer which has been eating away her life since 1870 even as i shall perhaps be freed from the cancer which is eating into my throat ttith germany and ajsacelcmine independent there would be an end of the deadly fecttbetween the gaul and the teuton earope would disarm and peace and good will would reign on earth the party organs throw cold water on the enbrta of thetempdrinoe people to form a parry of their own they dp not look kindly pn the proposal to deplete their own raniaor any purpose much less for the purpose of creating a party that would al- ways-have- to be reckoned upon in their campaign calculations one of the party organs declares that l the tory party con tains a number of men who call them serves temperance men but when the interests of their party are at stake their temperance principles go to the wail and the other declares that the object of the kind of eriticiam to which hon mr foster has beed subjected was simply to turn the entire temperance sentiment of the country gainst the dominion government so that both parties ire honeycombed with temperance men who are really politicians ia disgmse and who are continually plot ting bow- besf to usethe temperance senti ment of the community in the interest of their particnlar party these unflattering descriptions of each others party by the organs give the public an insight into the way the game of pnkft is played the tem perance fofe being the stakes and the rival parties the gainers hbeeaxs sweep xa5h0b1 tbej- oirrj all but four of the ihirtjeigiit constitneneies m wnsieeg july il the conservative party suffered a terrible defeat in the prc- tiocial elections today carrying eo faras heard from only i outiof 3s eonstitoencaes the liharals swept winnipeg by targe mt- joritus all the ministers except prender- gut are elected the returns so far is re ceived are j wiimipqf orth jones lib 33 nuj yqmipq cemre rf f r rrf j tf incfptg sontfa campbell ubj id mjj kilrlwiia yontttaycocj s naif brdonsoith sedaatxabx brandon center fiaurt lib pn nit on sofftb la doalrt f ccilloo jerome ta1i cnem wcbdcoal i veaais ueleaotlibl t emasoonionuoa laht lajadowueidickezscm lib i- titijf1r isui tonie lo4oimeii ljbl xmbthly ulnhodaaathreis liu probttl-ij- karjolk tbiimpsooiibi bosenfeld- winkler lib j botoodzidtficn lidl sbotitiharroterlijh j sonrtrcampelltldil j st bnnifiee itariotf tcon1 j tanfr monaaineheytje tubj woodlad bobtafton iccir irtolalilf westbcurne uoruoa lib imr and uw h j hill ot berlin vut d trlendi here thii wk mr tnd ilw 0 il brown visited trie hda n torouto last week ursb lutlc now residing in hamilton visited friends hero lut wk mr and mrs w t btono and daughter are visiting at cedar creek firm mr b h sevens of the jirt gave the frk pkcm a call on moodsy i mss ada francis ii the guest of mi mahsffy at toroolq for several- weeks dr kmcgsrvm spent a couple of day this week at norwich with his mother bavt a moore of princeton was the guest of the editor several days this week mrs bowycr and miss libbie bowyer of carholme are guests of mr john laing bower avenue wffi menries a young man arrived oa tuesday from london fug to reside for a timewish his uncle mr james law miss lixrifl grant who has been the guest of her lister mrs irving of thes- lalon for several months returned home last week miss jessie warren has retarued from toronto where bhe has bcea under private instruction of mrs lyoa of the boston ccn- seryitcry of music mr and mrswh storey mrs fred h storey and mrs alex socord attended the f ttucral of the lata mrs wm firstbroak who was for many years a resident of acton at toronto oii tuesday j we are pleased to notice that mr j v kannawin who ts in chargu of drmc- garvins drug and etatiauary basinesa at flora has passed his final examinations at the ontario college of pharmacy and is now a full fledged chemist and druggist ttiey hut hear lill ino reiidcoofl bpul cburahlast vary largo cougra- jlohu v 25 aid during mr vtaltou short reiidcooa hero ho has rosde many honda and general regrol prevafls that he has been obliged roioxi to give up regular pastoral work owing to ill health children cry for pitchers castoria when babr was sick w ire her castorf rtben she wu a child she cried for castoria when she became ulsa aba clung to castoria vhen ibe bid children no eve them castoria guellif wauklts i joij- ltli iis flour llollcr flour bcoac wbhe whait itodwiiflu btiringfglaujoucl llarlej- 0ts hyc pt- hy straw woojcrccri ef3 icr dozen buhordairy roil hattrrollc cheew poulootiicrbs aiiple- poric lambskins relit hides wool i ttmolhjr ielpcr liiih i i 10 to 1 w to 0 si to 0 m 0 sj to 0 u 0 fcj to 0 f j u it to 0 6j o j to c m 0 m to 0 u q gi to 0 73 io to ton co 3 o to i co cu to w 0 li to 0 it nntoolj 0 15 to 0 it u li to 0 1g 0 75 to 1 o 1 ic in 1 50 b si xo sa 0 slo 0 j o is to o es i oi to i m 0 so to 0 i 5 73 to 3 t5 eabttermyn ffrectalhxiluale btcttx jaly 1g a are broke out in the old raand house si ihir hut night which was totally consumed together with engine ko s2 one of the best freight- en gines in the yard it cost 12000 when new kuedee axd eobbeer anlnoffeiuueoidlfsjikiiieiror hit itoncy tiuat canx july 17 a- mcrder and robbery was committed three mdes from this tillage at aboct 10 oclock last night some unknown parties broke open the door of a house belonging to a quiet and inoffen sire old man by the name of wilson hough- too wka irred alone having never been marriedsbery seemta have been the motive houghton was shot in the ab domen and died from the effects of the wound at 5 ldl before dying he made statement to the effect that two men broke open his door and thot him he stated that the robbers secured about five hun dred dollars which was on his person at the tune an mqaestis in progress the skxex1 lvdiaxs- eeparts vthklt caos koch eicilemcnt at nctoriiba yktoexi b c july ic xhere is great exdtemect over the reports from ekeena river the steamer cariboa fly arrived yesterday and her officers say that when the steamer left skeena river it was re ported that mr clifford in charge of the hudsons bay company at esiietan and one of the special constables sent from here had been murdered by the indians the indians are thoroughly excited and threat en to exterminate all the- whites in that part of the country h e eoger of the provincial police will leave today for the scene of the trouhfe with a force of special policeme h k s caroline arrived last night and will probably convey the force aud c battery to the month of the skeena river it will be impossible for her to ascend the bfceexts owing to low wafer and the rapids the only way the troops can go up is in canoes and it is estimated this wih occupy jtbree weeks as it is so miles up river tothe scene of the trouble the indians who are causing the trouble are the worst on the coast haitox- ie0xex holidaylvg a large xani hr of fsnutrc front xsjvagaweya vfett the kodel farm ateeelblrdbocght vjsfr lenhoj and prince edward countfft sufferiiie for want of rain- i kngstojrjalyls thedroughtliasbefln terrible in lennox andprinceedward couu- ties the ground has net been wet down three inches since the snow went off list spring many fields of hay and grain will hot be worth harvesting some fieldsof barley neai picton will not make good pasturage fully twothirds of the farmers will not have enough hay to feed their stock and will have to buy it ranges from 17 to 20 per tpo7 much is being imported from the ottawa valley onethird of the produce of butter and cheese has fallen off and the loss is estimated at s 70000 more than onehalf of the farmers are said to be bo deeply involved in debt thai it seems im- possible to extricate themselreg j satcealgasatthibtyfeet j civrpnxroiaont jalyic mr james suuivao of myersbarg five miles south of here in boring for water struck gas at a depth al thirty feet a pipe was inserted match applied and it blazed at once and itu bean burning steadily for several hours fiirthurfctelopmenu are a waited with lot terest j i j tq make t the sa a mere itollday is to lose it altogether it was made for marj w rehgiooj bemg lethira boldtoitaj iebftudrtellppqsra v f on wednesday afternoon of east week about eighty of the farmers from kassaga- weya accompanied by theif ladies visited tee agricultural college at goelph they drove and it was remarked that a more intefljfleni company of ltrmers a better lot of horses and rigs which bore evidence of prosperity cerer visitei the college on theirarriral they first inspected the cream ery jafter which the company assembled in the barn- where lunch was provided and where they were most cordially welcomed thort speech by prof panton during the absence of president milk prof robertson was called on and in a speech of half an hoar entered into explan ation of butter making he emphasized the need of using deep piils for the separ ation of the cream the need for set ting the milk at a warm tampera- tire and causing it to graccauy cool to belowjfj degrees he also to the benefit of ripening the cream for each churning ia one vessel ts wheu a mixture of sour and sweet cream is churned at one time the batter of the sweet cream is most ly left in the buttermilk hethen spoke of the advantage of wanning the dimmed milk to the blood heat temperatore for cal feeding and recommended that all milk be fed sweet and that the gram supplied be fed dry after the milk is fed and pot in the milk proceeding be recammenued w ter butter making and advised farmers to grow fodder com u a sere cheap and suit able winter feed the party after visiting all the depart- meats in connectioo with- the college took their departure evidently well satisfied with what they bad seen and heard iforiiry desteuctiye fuzes the village orniplcvgofffrs the anoiutlatfou eflts boiiaess pauses psliuc nloii lose flu block i rittxv july 1 the most disastrous fire which has ever occurred in this place broke out at i oclock this morning in a mcleods hardwire store sweeping away 2g buildings with a total loss of about 50- 000 all the bqsiness places were destroy ed with two or three exceptions fire was first discovered in the rear ot j a mcleods hardware store and owing to there being a quantity of powder and oil stored there but little stock could be saved and that only at great risk to those willing to aid the fire spread with reat rapid ity as everything was very dry the next place burned- was john martins waggon and tlacfcnnith ahop thence the fire spread to a private house on the west side owned by john martin and occupied by george henderson and on the east- side to robert morgans liable and shed by this time upwards of 100 men with pails en deavored to confine the fisraes to these bqfldmgs but m- vain flames and burn iug shingles shot across the street into the front of macdoosld hamberstoner dry- goods store on this ride of the street the fire mideeqailly rapid progress bells harness shop on the west side and whid- dons shoe shop on the eist were scon in flames all hopes were now abandoned of saving the blocks ohqueeustreetwefit also huron street south as both were joined to gether r mcleod s tailor shop oa the tsst and d mr mcdonalds grocery on the west were the next to fall then miss me- auleys millinery store and h p chap mans book store and prinfingg office spreading west to mrs mcleods millinery h a coulters furniture store and j e mallholiabds photograph gallery on huron street fire broke out in ih rear of mrs williams millinery store j k munuhaws jewellery john marchesons book and jewellery store mrs mccahums dressmakers shop h p chapmans shop and j a grundys bakery all at the same time the excitement was now at lie highest pitch and the etreeta were blick with people endeavoring to save as much as possible oat of the unbamed buildings the fire soon made its way into t w davis hardware and tin shop and thence to dr e a smiths drug store the next and last business place to fall wis jackson bros bank the last bztiding of impor tance was a private dwelhnghouse owned byt w davis and occupied by j e mullhouand j piurnsrox out jaly if at llt5 last night fire was discovered in the workshop of w- linch tinsmith which is one of a large block of stores ownsd by h meewiug the g t k and faimeniton fire brigades were quickly at the scene of the fire and by almost superhamaa exertions prevented what might have been a disastecous fire theicsessnd insurances are as follows wlinch tinsmith lo 2000 insuredfor 8100 inboyal and western w a free- land grocer loss 500 on stock covered by insurance in perth mutual and eoyal ralph fr co druggists loss h00 covered by insurance s yanstone jeweler loss on building woo on stock 200 loss on baild- ing covered by insarance in commercial there is no insurance nn stock w h white hanker loss small p campbell ary goads loss by removal of goods 500 insured in the royal the loss on the mcewing block fs between 3000 and si 0- 00 covered by insarance ia the commer cial and royal at one time all hope of saving the block and neighboring stores seemed lost and a message was despatched to harriston for assistance atlusthe harriston steam engine with about 50 vil lage helpers arrived bat in the meantime the fire had been got under control xassagayveta sews froa our own correspondent a friendly game of bus ball was played at brookvflle on saturday uth fast be tween the brookville and saw mill clubs scora was as follows imookvnxi hlcicliintnc h pickett pj vearurobtm kleacturin ib y dredge ri hillct t sperfb il flocficr if j leschias 3j i cxwiizt- wfriakabi j anderson is j jfrsnt rrwtaa ii ruisliirilson lb- thelj2b w cnxtara itji jcarglll c- eaffecn rt ii o the oppprtonity and ability to repentis one of the highest privileges that god has granted tctmaui ptahody mr c c douglass of the american dredging company now engaged upon the psuaxna canalj is in winnipeg he thinks the work will be carried through o com pjetiop sinceibfl work started aboot bfioq men nave died bbt be says the proportion is not so large iu view of the number ea- fisged i the largest assortment of uecktiegcver shown u at kelly jrc powder absolutely pure tcc iiorjer never varle rtrecrth sad kholcvaaicucs lioi a luittciolpcritj tinaiha orhnirr kinds sad ctaivot be losdl ia eorupetitioa with ike tmltitedc oticticttbzri weight tlca or pbophse ro- scjj loeaat eovix bixisq toudeii co icc wall bt x t it is ths duty ofevery person who his used bwrmtt fferauis srvp to let its won derftd qualities be knoini to their friend in curing consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and luiig disease ko person can uie it without immediate relief thrts doses will relieve cny case arawe consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to uie poor dying consumptive tt leut to try one bottle as foooo dou boitjes were sold list year and no one caec vrhere fairly was reported such medicine thefffnnat syrup cmnot le too widely known aikyocxdnjgistsboat it sample bottles to try sold at tea cents itegclir size 75 ceo is sold by h drogists aid dealers in the tjci ted states and canada- rich and poor prince and peasant themilbonalreani jday laborer by their common usa of jthis remedy attest the warrdwide rep- uistion of ayers pills leading phy- sicuus recommend these pills- for jslomach and liver trouble icostive- nesi bilioitnesj usd sick headache also- for rheumatism jaundice and neuralgia they arc s ugarcoated con- loin no calomel are prompt hut mild in operation and therefore tfcevery best medicint for family use as well as for travaersjind tourists 3 j i have derived great telief from ayers puii five years ao i was taken so ill with rheumatism that i was unable to lo anv work took three bares of ayers pills and was entirely cured sioce hi time i am never without a bor ot thee pills peter christensen sherwood yis ayers plili bxve leenfa rseinmy family upwards of twenty years and have oompeteiy verified all xkzi is claimed for thein in snacks of plls rom which i suffered many years they afford greater relief thia any other- inediciue i ever tried t fadaii hoiey springs terac t hare used ayers phts far a mimi ber of years and have iver found acr- tiling equal to ihem for pvinj tae an appetite and imparting energy and strength lo the system always keep hem in the iioise p d jackson wilmington del two boxw ot ayers pills cured me of severe x headache from which fwas ian a sufferer emma keyes hubbarjston jfass whenever i am troubled with con stipation or suffer from los of appetite ayers pills set me right again aj kjser jr hock hoiise ya ayers pills are in general demand among our customer our sales of them exceed iboe of all oilier pills ctjin- bfned we have never known tliem fall to give entire faiisfaction wright llauneljy ban diego texas ayervpills j nierjli bt dr j c ayer fc co lowell misc sou ij all dealers in mcdicto h a stone r georgetown interior decorator house sign and ornamental painting in the latest styles i j lebsoxbixollpjuktlxg i claieeswfliaofidity evonii tbrusday slid ssturda afteraoons- i orders loft at froo prow 111011 acton or bjd- drmxtn uox lit juorgfl owii wfll roocjvo nrouptattimtian f h a btowx jnoted dry goods millinery house actoxs z 0 h o q 3 i5s5 o tn h nz n co m v rt icf u o uj rt km r u c c75 0 o o pi o 0 hi o co s o a 3 o x a o o o c o c u o t 0 c c s o t t 3 r- 0 u a c p ja o 7 tj v v ir r 3 c v t u u rt j y rx u v rt rt c5 o o -ladies- couc diiitt to 99 upper wyndham strfeet guelph foii vont- drygoodg llvcrytliiiig entirely xecboi finest prints in lic city eei g en i kin tuoilng the caen rmfios ot iwponod suitings worsteds and panaings in the cits ojrsijios sre correct onr prices s o ibe cheapest oar fit sud yvcckmamhjp arc nsorpamcd- ksjcutthc i lace 99 ufpcr wvhdhani fitroei w 11 aud cheap at pattcmi r e nelson iito aiibmii aoblitswijitidj good watm gfcadj woi h h hekekk i tojl wiimrrexxt fanoi raq oajipitb x rag carpet lor art atmu55 callandiftieia tarpn3ro saleslen ani iso esiittfor lie- ul4 ol kbiu i suadf employment raans esjeuesiiid awlyatii 2tl j uim eujiloymttit ro and espeums in id apiiy haier to tbii pajr chask llitotheb cahd 0fjaks ttakelhumetbod ot rlrih l 1 1 1 prrtiioo o hcmty tliaatl to thssftyi ciuien wbo o rroinitly aided 3sh- pruieny nbiu tii j ibttn vu mowrisahfrl tbanday had notbeen for tlwissslrf removal of the timbers sndotbtedts5rj dodohut i onid bltclaat rihajtzi i4 well as the bsn l adamjack fibst class the andenipaoi hsj bis tckatidlii kiiv ibmhine now ia bncniior istffs- b sayagce qtjelpel wwhex you come to guelph jask for our o c s s u s rt rt o iui 2j o s io- tu q sis h 1 0 j z 5 s ss t 3 o o c wi u o dg cx o -r- i s o k k fe u veck for t o t r 1 2 0 0 c i u- 5 9 v u co z sf uj cocsult your best ctercits and patronise rbjermyns xoted cheap store o e beg- uu o i ji c 0 v x ox dollar spectacles a new istook just b sa f to the to hand age guelph people of act6n ind viciriit lyeleowdll cures rheumatism tre2mtr worm powders to rjauattotata cental their rra 11 tsttln u a mto to a otonoil knwriprqbuaumcf ami the lion of has a word to say to all who are the- can buv to the b during the mor nxious to know where st advantage th of ju3sri53 we will pay the fare of any one frorr buys 500 worth of goods fron 1000 worth on anv other guelphy tt actori or roclavood who us on saturday or jay of the week s k now for a few of the bargains the lion is offering c700 scotch zephyr ginghlrhs lovely goods at 13c per yd wenih 80c 1 i i auwool xuns veiling deber es and can vas cloths at 12c xicreir seersuckers at i heavy ginghams at cc vorih jl24c a wholesale stock of bibbons t be cleared at 4c cc 8c a- 10c worth w ipectively scisjclocisoc speaai value in gloves and losiery i ludies white cotton undercithing very i cheap j i j d williamson co turuicg out soinc 3wjxo briekt ion sms- nov iu toteralioa sai e mjjco briekt thlsir tics who are buiidiag and itrire first at reasonable prices thoojtf order iraatnivs john gl3tiss ftfe batltoatai plants for salsff r- km t wish to iafannths 1ablic tbtlbaiif5 a tbeorviibeaflf mrljesjteuaal33r iain preisred to futflish all kfiads attisy tomato cderr cabbage caufflwira etaf the leading and 21 u kpular h t 9 lli lyventiqi has rtvpjmiociid the world daiiif last hxltcecitury nolestaubf tbei len of iet entire ytognst is a ntctttd ad up ct work ibatcaji be perfonna9- couatry without iciweatlng the vdkfci thtirticmdi iay liberal any os caaeo aa- vrrk ciiher sex yoqagaroldnospeeislaw5 rtxjmxed capital not needed yon aissq fre cat this ont and rstorn tota aaft vg- snd you frc somcthiheof pteattshw ju ponance to you that pll aurt you hi fca- which win bringyou if inoje mooetri than anything elie in itbe world gnat free addrea tbite 4cojaupata sa esmextvanteki edward o graham the populav tad nl known vurteryman of sochestet xjt4ate to make arrangements with roe ortwolir ergetic men to take orders for his v he baa s choite stock including tti- j hii inducements to beliinexs sjf advanugeooi he fulfills all b pratalsttj israntoes to furnish strictl ftfrf das a he can give active utuarc tiniijtt posiuoc sud desires to 6 lew anchmen with 4 view of services- avrite tohim anotjauyou this fof terms and full particulaiie on y sauare deajinsmen pee4 pplj addi edwogaihaititnrbernni borbirter a sfinit j s ferreit ot tl atasmi i tioo and desire to ccmutnmkatainata richly y rewardeiaisrc vhoe who reiad this ittaiv- aet they will find bononble entpfeyfesat j that will not uielhein from their jtaam sal j c families tb profit are laxta adftsiqkr every industrious person msir are now making aeteral hul month it is easy for any one j upwards per dy whouwhhnjj sex yousg or old capital not you ivexythidgnew x sir quired ybutrader can doit iti in mi 1111 11 r nn nfiii fnti iniujmiri tilf1iaf in ail tree address stinson eco frvtbqif maine h i cdooaaia iaasf c importaut to lnaeps t0notsedd your mcnrg macnbis bh neld without sharpeners the 0 ot onx ebtrry fv htoara bard work m thh gxixttteoos bend m able time inlactft1s worth itssijhth toevery owner of a mower ox reapen sale iu your town send 33 cents and yoi one by mail postage paid agents nv j ciiembntgo fj- 48weilinffton st baa totontoi desimble pofeety- vlor rv i m knoifn as t the that very desirable torerv llsnse and glebe owned t uoo of knox gnnrch acloa this property containing si siuuued within the limits of tb the thriving vojana bt acton a wtthta mm reach olsctiool church andrailwsy than aborft six acres of valuable timber theiwnais- der ckrable of bciuv easily trorked the hane is large in a healthy tjrustioa fl eioellfjntjtate of repair- hard sad soft vaby also good roomy oqtboildings the property is likely to meet the tssteof ny armerorbusinesa man who destrv to nttrs from active work or indeed is most anitah te any one wishing teomforttblehqmentlvuw locality for terms aud jisjliculars address t the ltase coipptteb actoiifj -bight- to te fnpisi r t i or all compttltios wtljiick odll elegant and sulisfaatiol gowisa t o m m splendid hi qoalityl t complete in assortencnj j oerfiowing in cenaftos argaibit mexs womess boots an acdcdildsars il- 3hoes just opened out light spring over coatings sli ide c in worsteds and beantifal designs aud variety of latest styues shaw di grundy meltons s made upiu tie merchant tailors cuelph to farmers and threhers uaflon vour macbinerv only the wellknown f peepwless oil q fsarvi mttri atr haveoeeiiaware4itanrioglhlatihreeyeirh v vjujiu mclujiljo alk onr i ai roar waesoni arid hone poweri theae oili are naed aadbisjily reoommudtd at ihemodel tarmgaelpn farmers uk for them use no other t manwctuteaatqumaolttouvorklbjr t samuel roeks v co toronto etihbees ovetafioes jtc at prices that always lead to speedy talsl i oaj lowest prices cossistiist irrra good duality m outtorn work and bepating j promptly attended toib w williiimlf mill street acton worcester unabridced qwrton dlctlqnary bteafotc fijjj pt canadian f g5lin yearow cfaooiibil fpepdrat witb or trithont dvu oiii patent edition of nlaeged v f trtheiddidonoa biographical dibioparyr of newly lijco pcfbasct d a ljtwsp- i nouuclug j gjfeetejen of the world not56taidiocatiiis over s0 placm- v containing j l over 12500 new opta roooauj added tscherlui i table of 5060 wordsijjr al use with their synonym v plitli jjmtpil the satitnal standard of f ritauteiw sj j kyerieaitionotloiieffuoijwivi lper oi u10 cooiiuj and ot the iauiaw paitmaqtaat waatidglon i e rduaizkntau lajoasauiaa i j b utpihcoit ctrtjcajih p to anp ht harlot stnat rluhlli wl 1 1 m

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