Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1888, p. 3

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wm tft tbvaktti fom i to tcraisi idi b ob sjlc feasor ncate s c irto n tr rwtvl mav 1 c m the m 5jiex m j gniac ute j jrmia at t icetatsm irtsh cms ettoctii kit to i rash rrittijr 1 ckjw to txm mttfcs tiew tetvnl 1 ty wtfo it vflbaeii i- ekpfcafaee- v cut da own l ffn tithwihnfl idirets scummf ft g irtajjt to ttithlljne taietar it i likftttbcc lmtt a u nai tst1 fobsalbff t dxejxic taut tb lad j u m ks oriadhdik l bak5 bight- he pjirrrmomi and ltttnikd4oi cood -jbkr- work and ipyrat wnsutft lstreetrac artr4iw ion on i enlarged jjtidl of a 3w acton pastor frrrtaabosre arums ftamrtwfjfr30ft4ouiaa0utl so inh r chool t fluikvim cpudurtm ly tins mrtw all cordially lanted straaf vitetcn alai atlcomc al- 1 if ttuiac a dwlrwl arttfr toll f uoore ft ctoit m frtssi ihubsdw idly is 1888 gkofl locals cauat f j tljouf htfl and mm fttnd rtin fell yatcrdij moroirm pnircrt for nia were wd itt bw ai ubiiiorchoasaadty tw expeqbct of the election protest ia ttecanttiootoptolugoo tlrt myorotgoeiph ins ptocliimed uassthuost-iemcholid- tbe iriiering cxt it t work iiiaj iw iefvices badly needed j i an itthcttre idvertieemeat from ecu- oey broi domlaion fioot fcshoe siore will ppexria neit itsae ret mrwdeyot punrille will oc cnpythetolpitot the baptist chtrclhieil sanday iftercocn it s ociock st jowpis il g concert ia the torn jhihuiu rrenici a nried programhm wib be prtsenled by wellknown perform ers biir ic npeninf tut afew fieldj in tbii i jpeighbocbood wll be cut this week- tbe nuresl of thij crcp will begenfji ueltfceek j j the glt twa coancil hive petitioned tbi ontario goremment to hive the coc- pontioa limits extended- by iboat six hundred teres- j j girfen party it the residence of ic mi warren- to- morrat ertnins catrt ages tfihesre the post office at c30 p to convey visitors over j the acton fsjx pnxss begin up iti wiomelast week the fcee pnrss iti i leads the van u a- neatly printed village papaf gaelph herntd i the actanttxx pexss entered on its fourteenth volume last week and is still in the lead as the model canadian coontrr newspaper mt forest rprrkiaitx j xow i thft tune when the bash fire rushes oat its bog red arms to embrace i nature and closes the farmer and the hire man to wartrertiiielotls to repulse it slate brain brosbeer waggon visit- erl anton last eriday ffr the first timejfn dayufihduring the past six years the liomaea were received in town the same ai i 1 koox chrtrch congregation gait have decidedliy a unanimous tote to extend a call toeev alexander jackson of http- burg pens salary to be j30oo a year and a free house j hhe acton- fox peksg has entered upon its fourteenth year of publication it it one of the bpiciatfrpers in oar exchange fisf and is a credit tojts publisher and an tenor to the town mitchell adcair i fall wheat is being eat at the agricul tural collet gudph thisweek thts is early in hat quarter the crops at the cogegejl a whole are very fine this year the barley istalao ready for the mower tha acton fsxz pejss has competed i thirteenth volume and like good toc constantly improves with age it ia the model country weekly of the province typographically and pthenriscwatfard guide j- the atfnml convention of the hilton temperance aiinw wig be held in he ifethodist church inlton today at fen oclock a m for the election of afikers nd other important business a large re- presentation is anticipated i actcn u likely to have three whiskey licenses after all thejnterestfcgresoia- tian championed by councfllor w -e- emith and wo iiinond tnia noaper cf petitioners whose names axe cot mentiosed in the resolnlioo tells the tale the man who put an aver check od a horse and then tightensit until thr horses nose is painted into the sky with the bright sun dxczlinellas eyes causing the poor creatore unaunrable misery should be prosecuted for cruelty to animaht i the ctoidiaa pacific- eahway com pany hare- published aphamphlet ot sim mer tourt on their road both east andwps pring histoncal sketches and illustratfjos of various points of interest in the dots in 10011 well u maps and tables of ries over canadian and american lines of rail way it wili proie a raloahle companion to anyone who contemplates taking an out ing this year over the c p eailwayii fwm gleaming which ffnsjiy of a loflal chtrftflter and wuntewsuhs i 4 lat thei am oijectlesson it qkjcville a resident of oaarflle declares that there were more drunken persons an the stneets and abcat the hotels bo the night that the inspector issued permits to the hotelkecperv toiellpending tbertteipt of their license than during the x whole six years thai the scotf act was in operation in ealton aboth pifutfrf fnr hjtrtini i j one of the strangest freaks of nature in the cattle line that has ever been known in krin township can he jritneesed on the farm of ilr jvh thompson who resides about three miles from acton orer a month ago a durham grade cow gave birth o a heifer calf tired by a pure bred par- ham boll mr thompson was aurprised as well he might be when he found khat the calf had three wellformed ears on the right side of thebead and a strange pro- tuberuce rfgrft in the middle ofthd sack he thought first tbat he would kill the animal but as it was fine and bealthyj and perfect in evflry respect he- changed bit mini toe calf is now as healthy and uvdy as any pn the farm and the lunip en the back has developed into a welldefined horrip j anctttr duuopiabshjp iitcti the drivinsj park was again the scene of hotly contested game of lcroise hut wednesday afternoon on the occasion of the second visit of the young ontarin la- crosaeciah of toronto a thunderstorm nd high gale of wind interfered materially with the game although sfaorihanded the ootirios flayed a much stronger game than on their previous visit and it was evident that their team had been carefniry selected i for endurance and skill the crescents stored the first and only jpme fo p min utes the remaining time of the two-and- ahalf hours having elapsed without more goals being taken the- referee decjid d the game m favor of the crescents zt elan behalf of the crescents jut atj least s were fairly made but re e not luowed by the ontarios umpire 1 b i mmtx iwar tiuuihi jlt ma m ifurbtft mii ij ome otnetrlot ipecltlor hu putizikfiibip ft orernlle tii ji a meat ur cwbnilh gv fieoirtl wti4 st on u rrfwis 1j lowed a coincidence j a tingular oolncidcuw n tho removal ol kev r hiilirps from afllou to chcsley thotowu which was destwyed by firo a moatu ago and the removal to acton of kevhr uifford irom itipely t placo destroyed by fire on friday lant j aooodwucator- j newspaper have becomo uie great high way of that intelligence which exehi a con trolling power over our nation catering the wtyday food of tlie tnind a thudbe- pmnfog to read beooraca delighted with a newspaper because ho reads of names and things which arc familiar and will pro greas accordingly j the lx wn fo te a t it warrflns a very enjoyable eveniug is anticipated at thfrgardeu party at the residence of mr john warteu on friday evening convey ances will run from the post office from 080 pjn and all who desire to go from acton arc invited to do so the bright moonlight will add pleasure to the occasion ab rafor ia this parcel rthacton free piisshaa just entered on ita iilh year of publication we had occasion to speak of our cotom recently when jt pot ia a new press and we could do so pnly in terms cf well deserted praise but its modest proprietor thought we were ciyinghim taffy we do not deal in that article but always ppcak that we do ihiulju weoougratulate him on his coo- ticie 1 sacceepalnicceo tdtyrcpl prol browns jyepiriuxv prof brown late of the ontario agricul tural grilles guelph add hissou ttilliam have arraogod to leave far iuatralia ria england in addition to being coramjs sioaed by the- ontario government to re port on the agriculture of australia as re presented at the exhibition at stelburne hr crown is booked to deliver three lec tures in england upon the idrictagei o ontario as a field for eriliah farmers saterpnsiiif chester j x the ecterprise sajs chesley presents a scene of unnscal activity- jlen and teams are as thick as they well can be ia clearing away the rubbish making excava tions for cellars drawing stone and otter work rn connection with building in fact tho crowd of workmau is so great that much difficulty is experienced in getting botrding houses the energy displayed by our ciliiens is worthy of all praise ches- leyc reputation for push and pluck is now ai wide as th province itself whisker accordijig to aw- the license commissioners of this county met at milton ou friday and eigh teen licenses were granted they will meet apia on th 21st rust when a few tecre will be granted previous to the passage cf the scott act forty licenses were issued ia the county messrs agnew and martin of this place hive received hceiaes anl mr johnston is also anxious to fcave the priv- lega of dispensing the intaxiciting curse the council bowijver says two licenses are enough for acton and they ought to know itdidat work the orangeville sw lets out the follow ing story about a cornet player in the ladies brass band of that town at a recent concert the lady in questiocwas announced to pixy a solo this feat j she apparently successfully accomplished and received an encore in responding honever the combination didnt connect and the audience waj somewhat sarprised to hear tieplayxng continued alter the performer had removed the instrument from her lips behind the curtain a gentleman coruet player was doing the wark and the way the crowd yelled when the ruse was dis covered weald shame a tribe of btackfeet indians j stivers jifxpsxine j tfce canperetare orthedogxyshis had no depressing eilect on the coudactdrs of harper ifajacjjc the number for august is as fresh and vigorous as may or early june most of- the stan of well- known contridutors are represented in its pages with here and here a new name from an artistic point of view there is no chance for faultfinding abbey parsons and tolitrup furnish some of their best work in fiction many strong chapters are offered while the supply of solid reading is in co way diminished- the frontispiece in s hxymaking scene by abbey drawn lo fltcstrate the eld rhyme about the leather battel zjamafe frcis the wisl the wind storm wnicfa passed over this section list thursday did considerable damage in the way of levelling fences apr rooting trees etc the greatest damage herebcala was the total collapse of the barn of mr adam cook on mill street the building had been moved a few days before and placed upoila temporary found ation and as the masonahad not complet ed the work it was very insecure it was blown over and fell with a great crash about f jcr oclock tn the afternoon a couple of horses were in the stable beneath and were imprisoned wito the debris willing hands soon removed he timbers and re leased the horses from their perilous posi- tions and were surprised to find them very slightly injured- xtompumentory tin coutr minister the canada cuixn thus refers to bev c e morrow chairman of the miltoa district of the methodist church xo prohibitory convention would be complete without the presence of this warrior of nnmerous pro vincial ficort act campaigns as organizer of he contests in oxford co whetf the campaign was there and afterwards oc cupying a position iri hilton county he is in possession of a fund of experience in re gard to the work of prohibition it gives vilce to anything he may baveto say on this question ajtbe montreal convention he ws an active member of the political actios committee the most important of the several committees of the convention- he is earnest and able minister of the methodist church at present located in freeman ealton co where be does yeo- man service in tne cause of moral reform acton lode 204- the proceedings of the regular meefjtfg of acton lodge i oofiast friday even ing were more ban useiijy interesting owing la the visit of pro 3 s manning ddgml of brampton thftofscerselect were installed by bro manning assisted by pg- craine xicklin and garvin as follows v sjgixv ifclaia vjx-j- t euis ksc frauds treas dr lotv per sec ff- p hocrc jfg james jiclain ilgjfhhvvotdenl hjixjrll marshall warden w wojiacis con k aarrin jejapcie bep to grand lodgfl wujiin williams at the conclusion of the installation cere mony bro manning addressed the mem- berj ta fitting tenni hisjoor experience in theprdnr houi inlcounectioo with sub- drdinat and graqd lodges render tiin specially useful jntha important work tm- brainpdafeflowihip thbbnaluesftriwttdirttheliretlng otthp board on mondfly the bdah of troitoos inet n ihe cobnci chamber on monday exning mwnbcri pmwtti mr i frauois chair- mau and mctsr thoma ebbagea e klckliu and coorge hyudi minnies of last mcellng read and con firmed the commlticeonfininccprosoutedihcif fourth report resomrqeddidg psymentfe acoountt it follows acton lodge loof inloroil x john b uudsay uarrrebbafienuddlng new water closet and rrpairtnrold one it lo wniiain walker aosnlug cess lool and digging now one 5o h puoonj butlousry postage ac six thotalict j97 i 07 moved by george hynds accondedby a ekicklin ihaube report of the fin ance committee just read be adopted carried tho treasurer reported that a cheque for 13300had been received from the educa tion pepartmeut for the government graol foctheyear the board then adjourned 39 to is co actox hlyicual coukcil aaiaag olhor matter iicmiivm that tt is ic iralilelo uire another whtkry uiiic council met last wednesday evening all the members present except council lor keaaey the finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts a w lambert bidcwalks h p moore printing and ad vertising w l wordei work ou streets 31 20 7 60 c 00 1 tt5 00 report adopted a bylaw wits introduced and carried for the opening o queen street to the western boundary of tlw corporation mr john harvey agreed to bridge the creek in front of his mill and grade the hill above accordibg1o specifications for 125 upon motion of councillors smith and ismocd he was given the contract for that amount permission was given beirdmore d coy to build a bridge from the foot of willow street across the creek to their barkyards council then adjourned a special meeting o the council known only to a very few was held on taesday the sole business of the evening was the introduction and adoption of the following resolution moved by w e smith seconded by w isicqad tliat thercai by rcsolsliou of uiis council passed the lthdajonrar li it vu wcom mcadeitliit olytcjtivcrnrjceuics be grtut- oi to e 3f uoictpalitr of actca far the ciurent and vrhcrtmi petition tig number at raiepartrs tax uccn presented id uiiscosncil prtrsthai la the ictrccis c the cauiuicsity lthinl lixbta he eractad to ono inus iohastonnor ji occatjottoo of the pre- mitcs fanucrlj- kept by john bennett wt- cratnikiiotbat theoin house and whereas it is deemed desirable to gmaz the prayer ot said petition be it thereforo rtsolred that the rcaolnuou of the lllh of ur aforesaid reeommeudl tho rwiriciiccloclhe trern ucensea in this tnanicl- ptlity to tvo bo and is heroby rescinded and that this council recommend the griming of a penuit or tavern uaaue to aagus johaston ito- prictor of the bosatn house xrlon in addition to the two licenses alrosdy granted to tins ninnlt cipalitj whstorey beere passed this ltth day of juy is council then adjourned t eev j w eae preached a most inter esting sermon in kjjox church last sanday evening from 1st cor vi 20 and sii23 for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify god in yocr body and in your spirit which are godsr and te are bought with a price be not ye the servants of men the sennou referred particularly to the de- filing of the body by indulgence n intoxica ting liquors as a beverage a pafnni accident on saturday last a young lad son of mr k mcdonald mea with an accident which might have resumed very seriously the young fellow was jdown in the well for lfie guiding the pump into proper position in the well which had just been cleaned out accidentally one of the levers suddenly slipped and allowed the pump and chain to drop into the well- in falling the chain stmcktee boys head cutting the scalp in several places dr lowry was called and it was feared for a time that soma brain in jury would result hut he is at present re covering theyocxg jllv described to the editor of the free press m in last weeks issue i noticed the eockwocd adtcnte has an argus now ko doubt manyof the readers have been conjuring up in their minds eye pictures of this wonderful being so perhaps a des cription of him would be interesting argus is tail of stature with a ruddy skin ripened to yellow wrinkled and rough ened by lifelong- exposure straggling un kempt hair sharp squint eyes and mouth made to go with them an observable nose and the smooth canadian turn of cheek and chin at one time his face was constantly breaking into a bunch of smfles hut not long eince he was oblighdto ride xortyme miles in a railway coach witlt a vet audit iassid by good authority that argus has ner smiled since some of the memberrfof the scientific society say that argusp was washed out of the great pothole at the time of the flood and argus declares himself lb be a first cousin to x pahs dove all these long years argqf hai been prowling around from pothole to cave and from cave to pothole until about three months ago he was captured by the editor of tho advdnce and ia now being tamed argus has learnt to shuffle a pen iajlmanner which is neither jgriceful nor truthful and pendrakon is continually called upon to administer the shingle in large doses forty drops to a wineglass of water not withstanding these severe punishments argus is determined fo become an editor before the dawn of eternity visit ors to boekwood can see argus tues days and fridays in his rustic state saturdays with his collar on at the ad- vane office where he delights to lit and suck sugarplums while the children sing to him of dift editorial smartness in their ownyoongjway afor aiens standing on hts toes talking about his editorial clothes b for racer he tries to be we think he had belter climb a tree g- for graceful he wants to go but cant for tho corn on his great toe d for upwards be hopes to soar but theros no room on high for a bore s for strange to say- that be must dwell in the regions i cant spell emdbiooss wite bodkwood july 16th 1888 3mv6tnftsjof widkerton skip oft t jusl1efdrtliuwmtunkdiiy fiplnunjhlaflliiiu soda i urge cadlpft parly facts- coscbux thst oay deceiver about five years ago there cams to acton yoqng man of becoming appearance and considerable ambition who though at that time i painter and subsequently a peddltr of shirt bosom boards desired to educate himself for a profession and with qredlt- able nal and parseyertnea obtained a sec ond ejus school teachers certificate to secur this he attended tho gaelph colleg iate institute and last january tbeopbilos j watts commenced teaching school in lection 11 towusbip of brant bruce co here he applied himself zealously to his profession and was considered a successful teacher being on the durham boad a boat two milei from hanover and six miles from walkerton he became well kuowr to all the people in that neighbor hood especially as hewaa an ardent work er in the church the son ot a christian minister and a nice young fellow a few weeks ago he revealed what hid been a carefully guarded secret and ex pressed bis intentions of taking to himself a wife be rented a house paid a months rent tn advance and vcjth rake andhoe spent sever days in beautifying the place thit was to be his faturo borne a friend walter brigks a young man who has jast passed his examination for school teacher and who uvea near mt hope in the town ship of arran bruce county wai arranged with to be the- groom srnaa tleoj watts left his home last week and came to acton where he has succeeded in disgracing him self and blasting his promising career by oue of the most despicable acts of which a young man vas ever guilty but thereby hangs a tale theophiius 2 watts like many another youflgraan tras not insusceptible to charms of the fairer sex his gentlemanly demean or steady industry lofty ambition and re gular habits won for him general esteem among our citirens shortly after becom ing a resident of our fair townhe ingratiat ed himself into the confidence of one of the most respectable families ot this neighbor hood in this home he was welcomed as a good young man having honorable inten tions and when he finally laid siege to the heart of one of the daughters of that home he iwas successful the young ladys par ents were ggreeable and for about four years he has been recognired as the ace- cessful suitor andthe coming soninlaw everything has passed along as happily and pleasantly as possible and all these many months the wedding day has been anxious ly waited for at last young watts having his teachers certificate and a good position urges that the union must be consummated and so wednesday juiyllh was named for the wedding day fcvery preparation was made to have an enjoyable wedding party a large number of friends were invited and all jthe arrangements were perfected all concerned seemed fo be in smiling approval of what was everywhere considered to be an excellent match the groom was evf dently anxious for the day to come the briije was happy in its near approach and all the friends were getting up their congra tulatory speeches bat bo monday last theophiius j watts surprises everyone by playing one of those pranks of which oar readers may hate sometimes heard hcompaoy with walter briggs he ostensibly starts to bannockburn school near acton to endeavor to secure a situation there as teacher for briggs a short time after their departure a note is discovered to the effect that the rig in which they departed would be found in the hotel j shed nearest the railway station wattsc had a trunk with him which was left ax john dicksons his brotherinlaw and which also departed mysteriously monday morning which fact seemingly pointto connivance on the part of dickson with this erring youth in his shameful escapade he has not been eince beard of though a note was received by the young lady stating she would not see him till after wednesday when a letter of explan ation would be eent her the whole com munity is indignant that an honorable young lady belonging to a respectable familytboaldthas be deceived bysoheart- less ascoundrel how a young man could so ruthlessly carry out such a disgraceful scheme thus blasting his own future and brindng such sadness to a respectable jamil j can only be accounted for by the crudest caprice or tfce most abject lunacy oil the part of the young man if the lat ter the fervant bops of par citizens is that he will soon have a place in the asylum if the former the fare peebs most willingly giveapablicity to his heartless conduct hat other young ladies be not deceived by this gay lothario j cause aadurerf many persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feelingthatoppresseslhero with out any apparent caasei it may he poverty ot the blood or a disordered stomach in either case he stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions ahdiwith many persons thoy will follor a dell heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretionsby using meachams mandrake mixture prepared by j b meacham 133 yongeatreet a chemist ot nineteen ysars experience dominion boot boots shoes slif pe danxerotu counterfeits counterfeits are always dangerous more so that they always closely imitate the original in appearance and name the remarkable success achieved by kasal balm as a positive cure for catarrh and cold in the head has induced unprincipled parties to imitate it the public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums imitating kasal balm in name and appearance bearing inch names as nasal cream nasal balsam etc r ask for nasal bairn and do not take imitations dealers may urge upon you for sale by all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt ot price 50c and 1 by addressing fulford co brockville out csiulngiamlinpremlam many cures made by b b b have been those of chronic safferers known through out the district through the very fact thwr tawing been afflicted tor years tr natflrajly creates a strong impression jn tsprtrftiili rjfw fajmdicin y it ii worse than madness to a couch or cold which is easily subdued if takin in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption andprema- tare death iafnammtlonjvhenitattacks thadolicaletissneof the lungs and bron chial tobes travils with perilous rapidity thjn do not delay cet a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives itftomthesystem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration sundaes the courh heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to pave the lives of their children and themselves from omch at netytroubla and expense let them pro- on re a bottle of bickles aotl- consumptive s rop and whenever a child has taken oo d has a oonghor hoarseneas give tiiri 8 tup aocprding to directldns ordered work as nial a good line we give the best value obtaable these tubs are to be sold tin lined tub is trie can get 3 cents in any other kelly bros 3t0re mey bros hsfl 4np luvebow on haod fine itockot nev rs rubbers c of the best mai jfaoture 1 ril fenontl attention bepairing promptly en mttd 1 rdiible thunks ud valises tlwiyi on band for oun give oi your cuh ud well atfly yon i to priccf kennetibros x0or tin lilned butter ttubs at 50 cents each the regular pace i 65 cents the best made and parties packing butter pi these tubs per pound mors for their sutter than ub butter and eggs wanted f packed keiltbros the glasgow house acton house furnishings ladies this is rj e time of year you want a new carpet z new- set of iacq curtains or cretonne curtains with nicf fringes to match before buying 1 would be to your advantage to inspct our 1 irgp stock of house furnishings in tapestry v de -0- oarpets opl and hemp in good variety and igns at exceptionally close figures also a sf lendid range of floor and table oilcloth lace curtains yjthe jard and sett and a very large 1 arige of retonnes and fringes to match 11 is very comple e in general style albatross clotls and tweed ef ects a special of th comprisii g jerseys soleils fine allwool cashme es il ya heaps of f newest our dress goods departme1 not only as regards closeness of prices but and quality they comprise allwool self checks combination stripes erseys plaids -coi- department is our array of black ds wide and a lovely silk varp hen- efta cloth at 125 see these goods and you will be delighted our assortmert of coatings is verycomplete aspecia being a ra lge of english broadcloths in light sha es pints shirtings ginghams cotljiaades hosiery gloves etc goods feature 1 millinery this department is just in receipt of the latest nov wes to be had for tie season 1 fresh goods being opened tday for s tyle arid cheapness we are away ahead x splendid assortment of boys and youths readym de suits- just to hand ou r boot hoe stock is the largestand most comple te in town grocenea freah and cheap rem mber our pamoua 50c tea hendijrson mcfeae co iwanhweathernaf eiotwi olot isst1ll necess vkv m bremkan merchant tamre has just somei alhuvorabl 1 giving bis nmg jt 1h a special ii tvttilu which h6i en awi m letstbebcacatli sacropice th 5m fowthe next oar weeu ft tin fortuh 3to hi lest tba am beautiful black worsie i salts at 17 to 18 which ccst else where 22 to i3 ctcrr pcfoa rho he xs jiilf but tijttestxlmwnli inc i inritwe ac uie excellci co of tl e cbj icd i amine the nock for iileiiurc to thaw the a brcoutn jwttkici i kx r toi2r and will be jtiud tlv t towa nlbr1 t i- r lor rrlt ilpurchased vt r 1 these goods p 1 rices pod aorta slvays- fire icr lua cus- ajicsi man id j nna great sale the dissolption on partner ship sale still continues we have large quantities of goods we want to con crt into mone we are niaking special and extraordinary efforts to ac- combiish that end we shall quote- you a few specimep prices for example splendid colored silks for g5c worth 50c black sslks for 50c worth 100 black and colored satin men eileaux tor 50c and 7 worth 1 00 and 150 dress goods- for- ioc 15c20c worth double the money a fine line for 15c original price 30c beautiful ribbons for 5c per yard millinery maptles and flowers at extraordinary low prices parasols a majgnifi- cent line from 2 uo factor cottons sor 3 per yard up checked shirtings for 6c per yd worth 1dc serejuckers 3c per jard up beautiful fast colored pnnfs and 6inghams fpr 6c worth 1 2 jq land 15c cottonadtfs and tweeds at extraondmag low prices beautiful twera at 25c per yard vve are ilaughtenng jeady- xnaae clothing regardless of cost- gents furnishings a magnificentstock hate for 25c worth si 00 1 carpets in hempjjhion all wool tap- estry brussels floor oil cloths mats curtains and window blinds m argl van- etj and very low pn ses ill faxt we tave the large st jtnd cheapest stock e er off red t6 the public 1 1 r our millinery dress naking and ordered clothing iejart- ments are in excellei t con dition vety busy and urmng out goods to suit all p rtiesin price and quality to the farmers we ss ybnn usyourwool weshdlgiv you the highest pnee n casto or trade for an qua ltity of clean merchantable w ol in spection and patron ige re spectfully solicited wm mcleodco k iv 3 liite j hw cjrde having msmftcd rnvrieuirlill baalaaii lately earned smith vould tolieitb iat- and will do therr utmost to ot blrrbtjr mr w a f tnepnbuc plbaac 1 i custotma wpll eqtjippecl and can always be sty sect rei geouemen kinflly ot 1 jabd exarwoe first claascmtflt tor c lers at apodal batef oo nins rial a comfortable bat meet night also u ordered giro all d t trains wd lsaeall for infant i ana children i otuinpirfimatao wi 4sbpsriofksfl kmntaam7 ku r3svss5 jt h 5 hal woedsn ing sgrdnllywithonivbienjnstiu yri in 11 th impnritiei 4nd nl litti omittbnwbnriiitlh w tim oornotlsc aolllly of th btcfninlj curing blhouiea dya- ttioo dryness of tb btia sropm itenem oi vli oov jbanmoe bait bhonm ttatterbieoi oejtr thi heart ttefvoinnful jakt en etbillty ill oweendniili oft r lmllrcmiifwnu ywj tott kl it l e bpbdoca- bi xn7fflnmb8jr ilj 5 totmtolstej 1 w 4 mtimti awp

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