Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1888, p. 4

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wm by airf tjy the pathahall brighlu atdittootllnm rise to view aa the moving niu shall lighten and dftuh the evtnlng dc than ahs sai o gold shall gluton in ibt jcjooajforted sir while the tottl ahiil loot ia4 lutein by and by yc by and by- by and by a ring of btiy shall appear twyooi the uuo nvbere the upward path of dmy ucwta sod melts in low divine there the lord shall rtar in plory j t5roogh the itav dpuadntlndqti cwwalnj thn kedmnptfoat t torv 41 j- sad by jtt by sad by iy sad by shall tonic the ringiiic of the mosjc from the throac at the seraphs- la tbtlr tinging chsat th nmrrhi ttwy hare knars and th siurr heights shall thunder vufa the chorals at the sky tilltht cool shall wait sod vender hy sad by yea by and by bysndby the tltytojden shall in broad penpectirr stand am fu massive balk apbaldcn la the habow of godi ban r then the tempted heights shall glisten ar the throne exslied high while the tool shslllook and listen prand by yes by rod by xahsjxg goods at odd pricks u bu become a request costsni among dealers- to mark their roods at some odd priceay bach u s3 it or 98 cent said broadway dealer the other day von would be mipriied to see bow much of in indacement these markings are to porchas- era the return of two or three centa in chance seems a small matter bat long ob- erration hsittaght me that many a per son will bey an article for s3 cents far ex ample which he woold not boy if it were jnarktd 35 cents- the principle alw ex tends tocomparaiitely high priced goods which are often marked a certain camber of douar aacl an odd nnmlfex of cents the odd price is almost in tariably so fiied at to be slightly less than the raiae of some com in common ase tin idea being to 2 tempt the parchaaer byihe return of the sinsil laonnt of change kew york sra t jokbofcotlxgrstudzxts i cornell stolen ta and jeremy smithi a ffinng land owner an again on the war path the bone of contention is the right way over smiths pond this right hasteen contested erery y for some years jma once in a- while the body of water is tapped at the sluice way emith is tery particulrr how the stodentc shall pass his d in coming lo the eaiopas the stndenis are not this leads to threaia oi one side and practical jokes on the other tbr trouble began in- the side hill potato field of mr emith his wagdn started off stndeeriytoward the bank kq one was in sight bat a crowd of concealed stndeota were hxnhng a rope while mr smith went to the rescue of his wagon some stn- ents attached i long wire lo the plow and led p astray by the time the plow and theiwagos were coraqed the baggy was db disappearing orer the edge of the bank the irate proprietor followed a sns- pectisd student to recitation sod demanded so introdoctiqn to the teacher the stud- est miodooed him to an alderstndent as profewor jenkins who exhibited all kinds of righteous indignatipn and promised if necessary to expel the whole freshman daaa the argoat 1 rat uritfxma ike pslat dyspepsia is dreadful disordered lire misery indigestion is a foe to no good natare hie baman digestire apparatus is ope of he most complicated and wonderf ul things in existence it is easily pot out of order greasy foodrtooghfoodr sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late honrs irregu lar hahitai and many other tfahigs which ought not to behave made the a menfian people a notion of dyspeptics j j bat greens angast flower has done a wonarfn work in reforming tifii sad busi- nessani making he american people so healthy tbat they can enjoy thair meals and he happy j i eemember ko happiness witboat health butgreen r angnst flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic axkyoitr droggist for a botile- serenty- five centa 1 tliere is a machine in the bsnt of ecg- land wliich receftes soterogns as a mill receires grain for the purpose of defermin- iog wholesale whether they are foil weight as they pass through the mvchinery hf onerring laws throws au that are light to one sidivand all that are fall weight to an other that process is a silent and solemn parable for jse foondtd as ft is oa che laws of satore it affords the most mid rimilitoid of the certainfy which chsrac- terizes the jadgement of the great day there are no mistakes or partialities to to which the light may trost the only hope jies in being standard weight before theygoulftnura many persons wonder at the fired worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with- ont any apparent caose it may be poverty of the blood or a disorderod stomach in either case the stomach blood sad ever r not performing their regular fanctions and with many persons they wih fbllov a dojx hetry headache nansea and many qther symptoms that precede a well deyelpped cue of dyspepsia parify the wood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by asiug headums mandrake hiitaxe prepared by j b heacbam 123 yonge street a chemist of nineteen years experiences i f i the word paieni oriciiial is eipreas- ivd piiaern from which endless copies may be taken yoa hare heard of stereo- type printing when the the types are set jopiheyjje ael made a fixed thing so that from one plate jrotcari itriie off thira- sanssofwgea in fucdessibo wftboot the tremble of seuis oj die types again faol ays that t might bea plate never worn oat aever destroyed from whjeh- praof repressions may be taken to the very end ofkune wbat a splendid tfaoqgh that the posue faal having portrayed himself as haring receiedforgitenem fori grand and specific end that be might he a taodiog plale from iwhich impressien might be taken forever that so msa might despair who had read his bioerapby iirv capinung iringles and jokbltes tslf ah jtow with the wtie mf a the wits sttdtbesraftaphiorthijdsj i dangwohi nuartjoltenoaojed by worak frcemio worm towders destroy wormi i i aroqse the urer when torpid with kallonai pills a good adtisilloos oartbat- tic sugarcoated all well pleasedfthe chudren like dr lows pleasant wornt syrtin- and parents rejoice over its virtues it is the principal and not the manners that makes the mau thrphncipal is the msinapring the tnaonrs arn only the flgarerou uie dial i james u gmoar of t gtfmqar co whcjesale grtooers brockville ays i bjave used tamavsc elixir for a severe cold andcoogb whfch it immediately relieved and cored ayers btair vigor has loag held the first place u a hair dressing io the estimttioo of the nablic ladies find that die prepar ation gives a beautifulgloss to the hair and gentlemen nw it to prevent- baldness aad core hamors in the scalp ladupeatblc i have used dr fowlers eitract of wild strawberry for summer complaints and given it to my friends it gives instant relief when all other remedies fail i woald cot be withoct it in my house mrs t boil weidman ont words cannot express the gratitude which l people feel for the benefit done them by the use of ayers sarsaparilla longstanding cases of rheumatism yeild to this remedy when all others fail to give relief this medicine thoroaghlycipeislhe poison from the blood l m lack loss of appetite and the attendant low spirits dullness and debilityrare of very frequent occurrence regulate the bowels and irnprcre circulation and digestion by axing bardock blood bitters whenever these symtomt are present everywhere one enquires in toronto as to who it in reality the prodncer of the best art stained glass in that city the reply is onamoualy in favor jos mccausland d son all the finest residences in toronto and most of tioflethranghoat canada have delightful examples in some form or other i berrcparvd many of the worse attacks of cholera morbus cramps dysentery and colic come suddenly in the night and the most speedy and prompt means most be used against them drfowiere extracts wild straw berry is the remedy keep it at band for emergencies- it never failstd core or re lieve if you feel laajuid and b2ionjs try kor- throp it lymans vegetable discovery and you wilt find it one of the best prepar ations for rich complaints mr s b maginn ethel used kcrthrop i ly- man vegetable discovery and cured a severe bilious sick h which troubled bimfor a long time daaxervu ccbjuetfeta counterfeits are always dangerous more so that they always closely imitate the ori in appearance and- name- the remarkable success achieved by kasal balm as a positive cure for catarrh and cold in the head has indexed unprincipled parties to imitate it the public are cautioned not lo be deceived by nostrums imitating kasal balm in name and appearance bearing each names as kasal cream kasal balsam etc ask for kasal balm and do not lake imitations dealers may urgenponyoa for sale by all druggists or sent postpaid en receipt of price 50c and h by addressing folfard co brockville ont jf yoaare hinged jrhttuhniie and weak tnd yoor appeute poor m boaf iron and wloe u thtwtfqbtmi tonic it is reoogtilstd pjfofeaslod u the bast ilne tbui far prod need l blood- an dmniole those caste where in aian in by tb kedici streugthedldg mi it ti inralaable a4 mater especially weaknesa is the result of imperfect or in- food of waaiiugj fevers vr exoesi of any sort it contains thb nutriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably oal- cylated to baild dp the emaciated system h- fur nettle rath summer lleat eruptions aud geoeral pui poses uae lows sulphur soap j 1 a ojlaj ituh to try biirdock btpod bitten ii ofteu ex pressed by anfflt incrcr upon whom alt trcetmeui has failed marveloa reaoju hare often been obtaf tied by the me- of this grand rcstorall ve and purifyiug looic under iheaecircarailauoesx iepoct bltlsujbraggiats cedar ttapidi lows write we have never sold any medicine that gives audi latiafaclioo to the seller aa dr thomas edectric oil we can refer you to numbers hat have used it lot dipfhensi with entire aaliafaction and anccess ij j la old tlw favorue the icasou ot greeo fruits and aammer drinks is the lime when the worst forms of colera morbus and bowel cbmplainu pre- vail as a safeguard dr fowlers eitract ofwtldslrawborry should be kept at hand f cr 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy j much distress and ridkness in cliildren is caused by worms mother graves worm exterminator gives relief by removing the cause gn it a trial and be convinced tkcnext total lcilpie srthe kaa visible iu canada will occur in oct 1st 15ss put this in your scrap book im perial cream tartar baking powder eclip ses all others made absolutely pure wheeaing gaspldgsanerersfrom asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using eonlnem asthma cure sold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt of price caaiascaalaipreuleb y many cures made by b b b bv been those of chronic suifereri known uaccgh- oat the district through the very fact of their having been afflicted for years this naturally creates a strong impression in favor thk valuable family medicine out of sorts symptoms headache jloos of appetite furred tongue and general indisposition these symptoms if neglec ted develope into acute j disease it is a iritet saying that aa ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care and a little attention at this point may save months of sickness and large doctors bills for this complaint take froth two to three of parmalees vegetable villi oa going to bed and oee or two for three nighta in succes sion and a core will be effected ladies kindly read kdly bros ad vet tisement- j the third page of- the toronto dailj if ail u noted for want advertisementj if jou want to bay or sell anything ifyoff wantaaituation a mechanic- a businesij rnachinexy lodgings if you have lost or found anything or it you want to find out where anyone is advertise ia the toronto daily mail and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the chsrge is two cents a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada lafela seccc j it h the duty of every person who has used rotdutft german sfrap to let its won derful qualities be known to their friends in canhg consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases ko person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend ifrto the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 60000 dozen battles were sold last year and no onecose where fairly was reported each a medicine as the gtrmatc syrvp cannot be too widely known askyoardraggiitaboatit sample bottles to try sold at ten cents begniar size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers lit the united states and canada- annceto mother areyoadistazbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryinwith pain of cut ting teeth if so snd at once and get a bottle of mrs- windows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- erer immediately depend upon it moth ers there ii no mistake about it it cures dysentery and i diairhcea regulates the stomach and bowels ernes wind colic- softons the gamz reduces inflammation aad gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing ey- rup for children teething is pleasant to uie taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and j nurses in the united states and is for sale by ail drhggista throsebput the -world- price twenty five cents a bottle be sure and ask for mas wisttovs sootsnra srcp andtake no other kind the teacher win iidiii her jiyjilia lo ftrcnlcn their luiuils iiy the iuu of ayers sar- uitarilla apprrelaicd j the truth that bcliy health in esse titial ta mental vi2ur for inzruons u delicate and feeble cofistiiiliu whctiier yoacgorold this uitxliciai is rciyarkalily beiiefiaal be sttru you gtt ayers sarsaparlllx every nprinani fjii i take a uum- licrof uittusof arcsarnapaniiaanii am greatly iunli jfrs james if eatiuan st outlaw ma t usrc taken ayws sarraparilla tii i rtat uticnt la lily general ht- altti jliiitidrza l crerar ialiuyra md jry daazfiler tnrclye yrars of se his suffered far tle ait vtar from general debility a feir wetks kiio we iepin to give iir aytrs saryaicrillic irtrhrdliji hfl ctcatlr mtiinni jfric harriet k iittlti south clklmijni mom akuitayfarau i upin using ayers s3rmiiarila a s mijidy fir dcliility atulnrrralpa ntiting from malarial srkrtire fn th artuii 1 1 van n a verj tadccitulition lint ix wile v ihekar- miarillavtitlickttitiuiddnit of ayers iilu have greatly improved my iiilli i aiu noiv able to vurfc aud feel that i iaunot say toc wntli oir yoirf irelct reinetlies fi a ifilikh3ui llolunrtis me j jly daughter kixtn yartold fs tsinsayers satkaparika wiiii cxkt ef- ft rev s j graham united brethren charrh bacfchannoii w vsu i suffered from nervous prostration with laine lack and iicadaclie and hare jkhn tuoelt unfitil i iy tdff ns of ayers vi v9rr- geokdbtown arrsmor decorator housa sign tad orcaaanu falntlns in tha las slyloi lessosk ik oil minting owl vodncuy ffiivc tljurviijbgd orcn ic it krc lrv wcc acuiior4- drm la hot 16 occrpctou will receive lirourjitfcuciiuaa t h o stone will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion wundici erysipeias salt rheum heartburn headache dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart atldity of- the stomach dryness of the skin and avtry specjss c dintsv wising teem disadarcd zjyer xjdxxys stoma ch bowels os blood t hilbllm co ggml the largest scale works in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved smcks hokey drawers muf droppers ua jutckess supplies ajiouis rtii wrl o uri be wilsok som 60espwkade street east toronto ont hernial tnii icr everr uil jz vrlii sarkaparitla i aitt nmr so years ofage ami am satisfied that tar present iieatth and prolonged life are tine to llie uc of ayers santa arilla lacy moflitt kihiiigly couu jfrs ann fj farnsworth a ladr 73 years old so woatoock vt wnieaj after several weeks aiifferiac frotn nervon prostration i procured a bottle of ayer s samaparilla and itefore i bad taken half o it wy usnal- health returned j ayers sarsaparilla przpaeed dy dr j c ayer k co lowell mass price tafiboule5 worti ji a utile if yon want t vartise in the xoronto t toboymtf ibroato jtili a fum ia- r ifall thai paper reaohe iw009 fanners homes every waek and year advertiseinfidt sbodld meet tieyiof somflop who want to par- cbaae adjertemmpf tfcis class are in- jkrted in the toiwlo jrahy mail for fytt ceou a word each foertkm cur xwmj tb vail toronto canada it it wbr than madnesi to neglect a c6oh or cold which u eaaily sabdaed i taken in tin becoffles wlienjeft to itself the forernaoer ofoonioinption and rrem i tare death inflammionwben it attacks be delicato tissue of tfaehinfjs and bron chial tabes travels with peftloas rapidity then do not delay eel a bottle of bicklea anticonsamptivc syrop the medicine that praspsthis formidable foe of the human body and drives itfrbts tbebystem this medicine protnotes a free and easy expectoration snbdaes the coarh heals the diseased parts and exert a most jremder- foi infloeoce in caring oonsnmptioa and other diseases of the throat and i nogs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from mnch anxiety troobleand expense let them pro corfra bottle of bickloa anti- consumptive byrnp and whenever cbild has taken j cold has a coach or hoarseness gfre the byrnp according to direction 1 i gentfemen kioaly call and examin j kelly broii spring mitiapa and pantjpgs summer touts palace st ijo pitea fr trips per vtcti bcwtca detroit maci0 island cl culx qskuod hii if a cj epw wfc dr snxtez detroit avq crvsund oor llustkatcopamphlcts smm sad gs ticfcy n i- trridri e b wkttco gl m fzt detroit k cfcvelird s2- ny c 3etfo i authors cox hn c- a ret of trusses artipicial limbs ind ajipiitsm for kli de fcmiurf of tte tun3 itoiy eliistl dftcu kip joint ini ankte knarfc kcm kcw less cab fwi etc also cacrcuns urchsl toronto i000fpreent8 to mar xrnnsc inle razz lltt uc va urri k mil 13 p prrpriil-i- lt tic rjitt wife wtllt it cfki ia 2 nziw iha vill trv ths lit li nii crv ncn th- uk l lr fcririi litiicri d ccr1 fk will rc tir jfl acypnctr or ttirilctjcr ceueckrl cotonoxto dr chase hi s world vtdd reptitatio i a phrilcisn tnd salir hi usadnkj vtadelion liter cure is trfaarpn of madlcsj ikill cariaf all the dii- cuatotthe eidoey sod laray svmptoubof eidketgolcflanct ddtrasilag mhos led rains in the bsk a dajj pain or wsifiht in tlw bladder and but at tbe sbdoinen sealdinf urine often obstructed frequent desire to nrin- b16 ospecttuly t night amobg sgad persons hot dry skin psla oompifiiooreasnd vblte de- oitidroplzstithsoar stomacb crastipa- tion piles tfvcnlcal trntuinn ac 8xptom8xf ltvul complaint psln under iboolder blsdw jsttndleo- ssuow complexion s wouy ttnjd teeltog no fife or energy beadscho dys pepsia jodigostjofl spots pimples c how ccjied uandrafccand dandelion are ustnref urer fiiresand when combined with kidjier rem- dim ss in dr cibuai lfnr are vtii most poidtlrely core all kidnetllyer troubles it sets like a charm atlmolauas tbs clogged lirer trcdithenlnntbe udoeys and lsvlsoratlne the wboletdy sold btalfdaalisstt with lie- fldpt book which alone is worth the money fir chases pills are tiie only kid- noyi4ter pills made tbey aet gently yet effectoblly may be toiploment they sanktmmy- urer trobblas neaoaebe bdiottideu costive dms ix ono vuir dose bold by all dealers price cents t edhakdsok 00 royal yeast is canadas fatorlte traxl caju 10 rears in i tie market wliiioat a cem- plaint oi any kind the onlr yemml which ko st0d ifae lest of time and bctcr mstde mar nnwfaolmc bread all grocer elite evciuttitl tcuht9 breadmakers yeast iilleaj cs cf vas vet ltl ncrlinfrt wrfnlci 3irk fi rrarlvocry tmrn b price five cents exhausted vftality ryux btjibnce of life tbegimtmodjcal work of the sge oa manhood xcrvoai and pbycal debility fro- matozfl itaeline enon of youth and the oat old uiic rlci oonspqnont thrton 300 psgosbva is3 preiaijlptioiii or all disooim c3oy full filt only 8100 by mail seaiedi hloitratlte sample free to u yonnpnod middlotfiod men bend now te gold snd jewelled uodl swirdd to tbo author brttaekaufnaf medical awociation addrot t 0 box iw5 itotonl or br w b pab- keb grsdoato of barrurd medical college 83 years prwtico in lioston who uiay beeohitilted eonfldentwly flpecialty dlreases of un bbadfojtd ont maols olbcftmo dijlflneb fil -k- fs s555s5i- pfeadejuarteri i luvo in itock 1 full una ol 8iytik3 orui til cnulll rohks 19 ud 9 prongil foi1k h win dow uoeh jl unlf nj pm1 bcythks uid oiund8toskh ortnt bum fqilkbtij uinas lotatobfohkh biadtji shovels rf tho lftrgo t block in actou in ullonntoth i harvest t6ol8 litkdles flitnrm machine 0il8 lmlui ill i01uluihiuxdb 1 niiun way down i n ud u1ll ii hx iu qumlkici of a gtllon uid npirud tbr couio ud lou ham ilc bdsat qootatinn ii of xa11s all kind ivatcuesjiat udci of clietgellnttjj a couipol mock of diolcc our motto u qfajl builder8 svplies simn t ni fictorhookl mtts 8 t hooks huis tlooh holiebs window ilasb all ilalcri rointi etc io i lino lot of cctlkky tn croceries blgakh toiuuroea ind 8ooulio caxxed g 1tv not quantity our kk tcm la qrecn jptn ud peuche8 prepared paints cutta pfrcha tlio two tnoat iuli agenl for b laurancea pprfeoted spectacles tf bakibfwic uajnire r liou iinl hchewh lock i ah cat to order roe general lurdwsrfl db sod general groceries k heat them ah r mixed paixtfi ia tbo nisrkei roadj- for use a foil line olfsji colun just in alo dr- colon oil tcrcutluo and varnishes bru8he8 h btexcjjs tcllillni white wabit kalrom ixe iaixtvauxish btexctfc 1 btoveiioot house m cloth j j b jearson rllway3 cfand trunk i eiprcal pul tul through accom cblmi lui llrm oolns going rj5st8i jlihm tbfi elph0otjd m mipnlmij oriprendomtt ijpton jliiedrcmuiiaijiut 10ioinudaiynj e4i puhwt stronu iluy for om in afnr mkfitff osp gaftenlnr fcctlnf and a hnadred i raaklitg op softenlni fectlnr and a hnadr a can jala so ponabj sold by all grocers ndi it flitun tog ixai immense eeduc ions in prices ne importations the richt homse wslkins las been busy this week operations jast see a few of the red socks marked down 25 per ceot girlsj marked down from so to so per cent x mantles marked down to far less thsu etc pat dowd io very maty cases to half prices these trimming are jc to gel them at tar less thati half price parpet borders in tapestrj brnsseli daction off former prices bee the flic table sod piano covers lace chenih raw 6 ilk aad laco by the yard for ci and in great variety read the new veiliafii ksw 6 hades in bilk flashes grejr cottons white cottons pillow unbleached canadian tweeds ilantfc jnost every arlicuf that is woven can mistakes see that yoa enter one of tarailton jnneltu 1683 t no 246 st jahei itiog more roods down very low so ai to clear them oa and make room for rebuilding ofctiobi white shirtingi down from 16 to 13c ladies jpfl geots bammer blockings aud i stockior reduced to a boat halt their vloe laces in immense variety and newest styles 1 resi gdpdf marked down onefoorth jess than uie prites fattarhata bonnets and cos prfcf beaded ornaments gimps hooches foaiigers frinres epaulettes cords efburth their valaq plain black ornaments gimps fringes etc down to leaf than what ladies require for ornamenting their dresses ilattles tc and this is a rare chance sswatkfnb it overstocked with them and is deter mis ed to clear them ont qhfckly nd jwilton belling off at half prices- tapistry brnssei and wilton carpeu at a big re- doc union twoply carpets jast arrived the entire tock of carpets window blinds madras baw bilk plash and earlaem velvet window cortaips and damask bppe ct rtaias with almost ever article required for hoase fornishink in the very latest styles importations this week fancy dress goods new shades of french caahmerea nnos chasnbreys in the latest styles black tulle silk klastics braids small wares etc ottoos uu bleached and bleached sbeetinps cottonades denims drills in bleached and and ulster cloths tidings towels and towejines table and floor oilcloths and al- had at the right hoase hind yoa get into ihe righi hoase many costomera make doors east of he carpet window b laurence co the hhlstholesal opticians street montbbal principle of treatment wflry town in the dominion they are whose celebrated pebble and other spectacles and eye glasses are lo be found in recommended by and testimonials have been reccicod from the president vicepreaijent expresideot and es vicepresident of the sledical aasoeiation of canada the president of the college of physicians and sargeons of qqebec the dean of the midicaj faculty of laval university the presi dent and eipreudenta of the medical ccjancil of kv scous ac b complete assort meet of these excellent goods will be foof bjurmture j oce furniture department circe ql oiiipka hrli fa 8 ostivcrsi lj v iijr the great blood dr chann 1 iw dtpi saetsapab t6t c enw of fcnfali bait i skin jlivo tomon jlnl jvr rn suktki rhmmuieafij ol klllcy bjdjtt mlt r r- oj of lr ciit or lor ctti i all dilcaka rcaal prtni tad nupuro cbaditioa of ctutjoxatb for ffilaria ttike 110 otii jbpearson agent acton 1 1 ixvc kelectep itocs of parlor ft bedroom suites qprinj beds mattresses tables chairs etc etc etc a full hue of goods friom tb best makers always on iaiid i frice8 ueaboxable j speights son ctl a speight wool are now prepared to todertaking i undertaking department coidlete weth a beauxfttl sb ssazsjl heese coflias caskets audburialeobea of all sizes in stock okdebs riiouitlr filled j speigat son majistjger hngonmdlrcp emit eel throat and lang satgeon will next visiif acton pominion hotel tuesday july 24th ohb dat only atabbh thboat ctked i of uie hundreds of wonderful cares insurns new method of in- branchitla cared cbarcb clergrman speaks itecioat caixwiii ost iffros dtu n i am lad to be able to nfonn yoa i tbt my ifaashter ii qoite well aln as this 1 is the wcana tima she bas been cared of grro i broncblsjtroablos onderyour tzstmeat vben the oiualvfimodies failed i wish to expires my pratitodej ficsm sccefis my sincere thsnlls yoozi tnay c b petttt 1 kin jrfc ueeelry kingston ool catarrh i and consprnptioo john ktikelry eingnon ont catsxrb j hrs ai hopping klaffston onl ilroncho coosumpuon i ur ebeott kingston ont catarrh bead and thror james iattbevl f uaater acton oal ca- urrab haul and tbroal p fri4clr berlin oiit catarrh baad and throat i hltm nellie ebyrerlin ont enlarged tonfil f wind p u tornnna onf catarrh bead henry ftottberliooou asthma i llnp wagner near berlin ont chtarrb had uxd throat leri kekher st jacobs ont catarrh head and throal colin citnpbell pt edwsnt ont asthma james stscey dntton ont catarrh wool wool limhopse woollen mill pa- the highestmarket prices for all ool offered in cash or coods- jtgyartfs ve lave a large and well assorted stock of j blankets tweeds plannelsstqoklj knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly supply the requirement of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving and in fact all kindsof custom work done in oar usual prompt and satisfacry manner majgniiiceiit display millinery m eturjbodv well iiluimtlwitli ihu u5c kiciibclidiaiod cutwt 11 ioj5 4080- lacqcartalf j0ls0 1 11 00 3 jo so v tmalni umdujo iso kv1ulllujy iiiikate 46 k8 a foqr mans f helkf oue tbatwillnitf dajof eifknwmdbff adolisrip lime aad ioetsri liijfjoesiwipvj j nar at btuxi itjoj at 3 uoiocancall litff frieodu tmt dins t 4 r palnk n wket cholera rcdacti lpcpsik tbroat goamf at used t gju llaiiif tbtf jotntl txtersaixtiteni iiirttxca cnnap am lkttcl cinyubu nuiersiflltr jme iilf i prliidcean6wiq4wti 4b p jarhjie 5v-i- exter5alltv it imes wb us 5caiti ahd tiptxiiuv swdhssyacilvriki tooih3chcliutinitiefare- iltbcomalifiil 3tsldbyljeswlj 25 caai pea com of coim4erftis mi digestive j q after othkeit hi taslbts i f 7 iftjlqia i tio i from mnn ef 1 tlicyi nircrifirstdit wvyz and fully ros manhood receipt of iramnilmarrllerii iml lodiistivav 1 aiyaim vll ry amd ausoip cfctt- err6eof yijirras nerrotit dejljitr snin lou ljtrmf- tm djr ijrotupujind lwrauurcot4 bf ppeekozofti oii unjstfereviui diitorlilil lo tbt ftddre ibfifiespdbuulsto n lom rijor udl uurm jct oneatwj jr ssss how lost how rworedl s jait published a oew iiuon crjfircuf weua celebrated esaay on thv ecli y of bpennatditbcec or incapacity iadaee4 excess or early indiscretlod the celebrated aathor in ufo aj l esay cltatlt demontfzatesfroml thirty jsw snccasafol uractiee that the alt tnlnj qnencea of early error may be rv teillj twv pointing on a mode of cure at onoe atepjfc certain and qffectul bj taeans 01 which swy inserer no tpatter what his coodjon mayflfc mst enre himself cheaply pritsj iy aad ia tthii lecture uionldbelnfhelandsofcnqt 1- youth and wcry mania tha land -r- beot undiraeal in a plain enrhope toaaj address on ftceipt of four rtntset tiro poisf j tainpa addrcas j i tie okltorvellcfliiotok c ass t- xyvr rona s t t po jaxtm titles ejress goods carpets curtains etc mckay bkothers legant display ktstiin dreu goods 90 s3 4 30c new pli 1 j 5c now chamlra- 10 u 13 20c not prints 5 h 1 qwtowt5cuiq140 svw wool canwtt sti w 60 ull ifio new scrim haircloth 10 1 li 20c now c foij jorioy jackets extra ralne 39p new btylea in iffldkay r bros king street ekst hamilton in drtas uoods 10 12j 44c ktnr tapeatry 1100 10 kr poiess075ccl irianiking the creat spring medicfei dr hoddeot little liyeeii4js vei- small and caiy to tikcj tl no qrljplng 10 kipseaj i sold pverj- here pricc25v theulion iraidiclme oo proinelorj toronlo cnt jvi f k0i8 m iead moni iy stpokcestm purejstj alumjui ew1giilett xatntiucilmatetfrill contah1s no 3iia3y3t 3nlt lime photwsip

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