Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1888, p. 3

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1 i pthemethblttst chlmctt jloton i rtfv q aqxffordma phd j pastor fiiwnasbmxr arenac f obue6ttlc10j0binmdfij0vni sunday i tcbci30ntbltcuucoaductjbrtllfl i past- allenlilir invited rtranriri aul vultara ilwiyicolccqlc a- loatlnokbcnkluioiloor u afitibci re dwd vlr 1- oo pc 5ietrd ctjambyllir fvrrthtmrlitm dm alert kite trrs reporters ifoont fercsti ratcforuicprcfeotyeir rtberf is an eicartiouv the gth- o berlin todaj r t3 cents services were held m su josepkt chorehlaitssudar father klley offieiat- inp r i a large imtniirraju train coiaj wol ut saady evening w deufned here for tome to liore- tht disciples sabbath sdioel will picnic m thos c moorvs crovt next ytejrcaisy au cordially- wdconn igeove andrtara co who earned on a fewal dtv p to iu the old dink of commerce block have assigned g oelph thfc esqaosinr coaocil hive refused the osoftl tract to the aricaitar society ftrhipiilier intend to tiujd it over to actoa uaiciii show open to the world fi copioaa showers- o- sunday and sloodar trere most welcome and did incal culable goad- yegcuuoa kenerailc bu decidedly improved in appearance since coekp eicarriooi to barrie where the gwnd lodge looi tseeu will be ma oo the 7lh and 8h of inmost tickets from actoa and return op to the 3th inst iortub xh acton fees pmss his commenced it fourteenth yoar of publication and is derrinfi its repaution the model coanlrytiewspaper of canada xcaxkilale 1 ttie coancil has pat in a box drain on eion street rom 1gu to church which will eflectaally draw the water from mr hbti corner whereit has always bees a crae of annoyance ia the spring j the farmers throachoat thii caaaly tat reason for thankfulness for the crests they hare- thoogh ia some eases they are xomparitively poor the majority hare better crops than the aterage farmeri elsewhere rer byron laics b- ju will occupy j the jeeuiodisi charcit pnlpit next tudday mnrninff dr gisord has been unwell dir- ing the week and feels that a rest from one of the services will tend to benefit his health 1 eer llr intchellof waterloa occu pied ihe pulpi af knot church last uox- if hjs sermons nere interestiqk nd fill of practical thought ber air rie pttchedlt tcatcrloo and administered the aacranienl l ithe l match hetweeothe cres- otataoe actoo and olmpaics of jfilwn was a tad defeat for oar boys four goals to a dpaer waa the score the next match wfllbe played hereou the tth of 4agust richmondhiil iftxhe canada ciicen has chaoged its forovadopted a new hejuiin and other im provements the cfcce under its able editor llr f s spence has become oae of the first prohibition papers in america it infiuenoe is wide aadcommeadible- j the government grant to the tees- witer fechanics institato this year foots ap to the uice littlesam of 520200 or i50 more than last fear it is the iptentiaa of the directons to use this moner in the narehaseaf books hera isapoicterfor acton the ealton licence ccmmissiooers mtt at mjlton on friday when onlyone more ucense was eranied they idjoamed to meet again in a fortnight but it is not expected the commissioners will cract any more licenses this will make nineteen licenses granted in uk county ptfae muakoka xipissin karigation company hare issued through williamson co toronto a new handbook entitled the famous fishing honling and plea sure grounds of ontario it coo tains a mass of information likely to be valaable totoarists and campecs and will be sect free upon application 1 berlin zwy acd ffiy km hire been treated to a new dress and head ing and now both editions- present a hand- some appearance mrf e w sfoyer the editor and proprietor u alive to the anu of ilis growing town an there is no journalist in the country who worki harder to pe bis readers a live and interesting newspaper permanent saccess has at- tended his eorts whils ia ifilton last week oar reporter vieited the thanipsotj house and wis a t gooddeal surprised to notice the transfor- mation in appearance which has been wroagfat since mr bennett assamed con- trol of the premises ithenrtnes of paint qd paper are everywhere seen kewcfur- nftnrei carped etc have been introduced and ionic of the parlors and bedrooms will compare favorably with the best country f hostelrief ifr beanetihas his house well filled with boarders all iutrit4tiu drnrnad while rtttfag a waefcor6oaflo j- ic irwins drives at sfiaden ifr john jfasalakf nephew of mr chris maaalas of acton was drowned his boiy was found sioot a quarter of a mile from where he koocked into the gull i river the yoang man worked in acton last summer ffor sewih school hh commend ible foreeight georgetown village jcoondl ha voted the sura of 1 2- 000 iorj the bauding and founrishing of their sew hfgh school this amount s orenble ihe trustees w erect a buflding pi pp aitahla touareqaireraentsof theinitita- j tion as well as anornamentto the village and the county the bjfh schapl caaidates the following papils of ifr moores de partment of acton public schoolpassed the examinations at georgetowns high school herbert hehderson 3c7 samuel ltard iq john bamseyi3si thomas byderu55 kattie grr failed by only a few marks and baa been recommended to be admitted by the education department tjheireewihm tie many frienox of iuv b phillips ana family will be pleased to learo that they have been accorded a etrty welcome in tbfir sear home at cnealey their bnr- foimdings are oomforutue and the pros- ptfct euoporaging mr philliiia is greeted wererw service by lare coogregations i gb baa one ontaide apoibtfljeot afloat five nlrofflcbesley vl far rjsevctzar ludies and tor their mothers too the favorite and welcome old godeyv ladys book ia- sues uaiauguiit number with a full variety of all that the lsdicc want fiammerread- ing the atones ihie month are admirable uie jioclry choice and the illustrauoua boautilulaiiiaruatic l magaalnc is not only a fiahton gaidei but a real uolp to home management and practical naefal uesi under the prose ntmanogcnw til its popularity is greater lhau ever only 2 a year ltl arcli street phil add pliia ajfappzwiittd compliment the free piless job department ia lavor- fcd with oedcra irooa rainy poialr outside of actsbi and il is very giicoaragicg to as to end that the work eiecaled invariably pleases those who are served the fallow u qq uua hue from he john ii clarke the ivellknswa locurer ajid entertainer fur whom wc lave filled several orders ia u casually coq pli tnentarj- 1 h t itoorc ey drjlt sut voar last feeri lite yocr first it sipcrj- ttc ltt cirtrauritre a juodclet c aulioc and utitic ukril evcrjccc that icc ihcttttivt w i have bece at t pathc tain cat ling m3rt dsioin lbs od world and the lie v for uic last twesyftvc rears and i icaocaci xnr kort timply sspcrb lam vocn very oordiajiy joasc k cuuikll nnweqaipncat lxt seawu actou cornet baud devoted their energies to sectiring and paving for a htndsocce onifonn this eammer the effort is to replace a number of icsiramects which haw seen their best days to this eud the committee has just parchased a new second biss for tfi a bb tenor trom bone foe 32 and an eb cornet for 532 a new nrstbafs anl several other initrc- meats are desirable and the bind is pre pared to receive donations from ctijns or others 1o assist them in their 66ject for noarly cve years the band has refrained frara asking any donation from the cona- cl wliile other places allow the locjl band ah annual grant i enr band can conse- qacaliy look with greater expectancy for help from che general pablic tao ticjr esteem erf fajrtor fiesigax the members of the congregational charchit church hill abou two miles from acton arc grieved at the conclusion of bcv ifr bichaidsou to bd them adiea as their pastor his resigiiilion has been tendered ana his farewell sermon will be preached next sunday afternoon at 3 oclock for fear yexrs and three months mr richardson has been the very accept- ible pastor of this church he has preach ed wiili earnestness and with considerable ability and his pastoral duties have been f olslied so faithfully that he has secured large congregations and wot for tlrnself the favor and esteem of all in the fchurch and oat of il we understand tint mr richirdsca leaves shortly for australia we trait gods- blessing wiu follow him to that distant bhore asnzcesstjzlzawjisocux tbe garden p irty at cedar creek farm thej residence tf mr john warren friday evening under the auspices of the baptist church was an unqualified success the weather was very agreeable bright moon light adding to the general attractions a liberal number of teams engaged in trans- fencg the visitors over to the scene of iff terest aad a resuit a liberal attendance was secured jthe spacious grounds were brilliantly illuminated with cninese lan terns a ettmptacus lex was served the band played a large number of selections in their own cxeelknl style and bev mr walton sang several solos which called forth repeated encore- the proceeds amounted to 53c00 the committee was somewhat disappointed at the absecce cf the mises orr of georgetown who were eipectedrfo a ia the ectertainrcent a uarse thii f sentenced a year ago w w brazil was a p-xp- mahcr at grand valley asd vras supposed jto be in fiaariahicg circumstances today he is an incite of the kingstsn pcciteo- tiary having been sentenced to a termof three years at hard labor by the county judge o oxford on thursday last a re ward of m00 was offered for brazils cap- tcre and the arrest of the prisoner was cleverly effected- by messrs thomas mix- gtall and joseph macdoaald of grand val ley- the cspturers of brazil have been paid the reward of 100 the prisoner- appears to have been making a husiceas of horse stealing and woald seem to have de veloped into a thorough kleptomauie gielph htrzul this interesting individ ual went through the fezx pets last fall for some 530 worth of job work and adver tising st josephs carciicoacrt the concert in the town hall last tharsdayetenirgunier the superinten dence of rev father kiiey of st josephs church and the direction of miss mattie hayden of gcelf b was well attended the audience including visitors from gaelph georgetown hock wood and limebouse the programme which was bath interesting and varied waa carriedoot with credit to ae concerned the programme opened with a selection- from mikado by acton parlor orchestra 0 p r av a quar tette by misses hayden and co ran and messrs iorau and gallagher was rendered with much pleasure to the audience this was followed with thej wellknown cur- few shall not ring iomght by miss cassie mccann and was repeatedly encored and the little artist responded with lam going to write to papa miss anna doran sang the lost rose cfsammer very nicely and mr johnson- sahg- lullabj the words and music of wfiich were both composed by himself it a taking number in the kightingalee trill miss eayden sns- tained her previoas excellent reputafion- she is a fayoriie in acton masic halls a selection by the orgfcestra gave mr -duig- can ime to htace himself for his mc ifr cartby which won the hearts of those comically inclined st josephs choir dfd- fairly well in come where the flips bloom farther practice will however improve tueai the second part was in troduced with dream faces by tbe or- chestn their music took well an ex celleotduef bitter bweete was render ed by misses doran and heffernan and lause miss grace a sudden daata frank hunter who realdei near camp uuville died very luaderdy in wyllni- hotel thcro last week tbe dooeaawj had been luffcriog for some time past from oon- aumptlon ji ieutered the hotel with n friend and suddenly became lick and sank down helplessly in a ohair a physician was immediately sent for and arrived shortly afterwards bat by this time the man was almost dead and nothing could be done to relievo bini ta b uto wo 4 cfca station qtjt few of oar cuimm bavo auy proper cou- ceptiou ol the iobniool buiiuestrauaactod at acton station tne ihipmcuta out are very considerable as l fie folio wing statistics which have bnen supplied by mr holmes the very obliging agent at the company here w ill ihow tbe figures embrace the shipment froai acton darwtf the year eud fng july lit 1883 stone- lsab to lime iarr jxanofacturod eoodi isl r grain i5t livestock ti lumber s t uiscciiaiitcut 5rf3 total u7b3tori this is coaaidered a very creditable showing for a place the sire of acton par- icclarly facl is knowu that the several claaacs of goods extensively man lectured here are very light in weight tbe ship- naenu received here iu fall car iqu for the same period was hemlock lrfc iocart liaibcr v jq kiics coal inline- hrici salt 1 ou1 so js ll personal mexhon faragraiilisucsiicctiug visitors to aud from ictu wuh whom free press headers ire horr or less acquainted mrs dr standish of palmcrstoais the guest of friends here mr warner broley of llora visited friends here last week j mrs j g wilson of georgetown j spent monday with actoa frieuds i miss annie cameroa of point fdward is the guest of frieada in town j mr samuel mclam of point edward visited his former home this week mr woo h speight 6pent several days this week with friends at markham mrs berj james broley of elara paid acton friends a short visit last week mr george hynds sr of toronto has been the gnest of his son georifa this week mr and mrs samcel johnston of erin were guests of mr w e smith on san- day i master george blair of lowviue has been spending hfthdajt at acton dariegthe week mr and mrs john cammiogs of ham ilton visited a number of actoa friends on monday miss augusta xicklin left last week to visit friends ia toronto markham and stoaffvillc miss annie j easterbrook of camp bell ville has been the guests of friends dur ing the week j mrs john speight left last friday to spend a week or sqwith friends in lin- wood and berlin mrs a e wailace and children of st thomas are visiting at ihe residence of alex grant esq mr rd warren editor of the george town ffcrow and mr w t stone of to- rocto favored the fzzn peeks with a call on saturday morning mr w h grant who forthe past fifteen months has been engaged ia railway baild- ing in maine visited his old home yester day while evrcai for winnipeg mr timothy wilson of toronto visited acton friends on monday mr wilson now occupies the position of roadmaster on the x r r held by his brother the late george wilson who was instantly killed in the eojw plow accident last winter mr richard maloney returned home on monday from his theological studies at montreal for sammer vacation as usual this excellent yoang man passed his ex aminations fori888 with great credit to himself next year will probably com plete his probaf ion ary studies mr harry biikemr joe perkins and miss jessie perkins arrived home from england ic excellent health and spirits yesterday morning they enjoyed their viiit very much but return home quite satisfied with canada and its privileges mrs blake and gordon wiil remain in england for some months a ijtkvt b dis lifjtjuke superior mining dtstriettlie tychrst ever 8rcn outside tue com- ntork lode iniirtkixij sitcn july 8 tut night the tninori at lake bujnor ron com panys gold mine ou section 2j abme eight rauyx tiortinveft of liorc fired a blast of dynamite which brought down about half a tofa of roefc a third of this proved to be juariz carryinii gold in enormous quan tities wurd was at onoc int in to the companys nftico here and a man waa aant outto bring ilie tut in hegotback torn the iiiinc abnul ii oclock uud it was not genuialiy known uut hucii a rock had been found tiil morning whenilbecamokuown that uearly uooooflohtuoieui wuin the lake superior office huudrods of mining men flocked to sen it it wai even richer than they had reported the quartz dark gy uicolor war seamed and atruu with brftiaqijiiggou ol gold not aiece ol rock of a pound weight could be fouud that did not show free gold while much gold not visible was contained in apparently worthless gray rock assayera who examined the rock were unanimous in expressing the opitiiaa that it was worth from hq000 tdoooxj a ton etperieq ced gold mnvrs who saw the rock say thai its qaalily ukinj ihe quantity into con sideration i jniaierxixasttkisi evcjt iicks- outside of the com stock lode very small poclieta have been foand carrying as rich rockbut never anything of such size and richness the immediate effect of the dis covery will be to 11 the country rouad- aboul with hundreds of prospectors the western grubstake plan is being worked by iinpecarioui miners and many outfiu arc being prepared tonight for work to be bigon tomorrow unless all signs fail the tahpemiug range is on tbe eve of a great gold boom last night discovery baa settled beyond doubt tbe question of existence of gold in quantities profitable to mine in lake superior district these statemeritswiu be verified by any bank or business bouso in the city i prayer jtectikgtopks the following hst of topics for prayer meetirg addresses has been prepared by revl j w bae for use iu knox church as ill be seen they embrace a period of one voir from the first of august august r act t lis life torth lines ist3 li p jttaatuvoarltfo jxotto pcill 3 13u is i moral life not sufficient john 3115 i i tildas 5 r2ticlifdqc faith gall isalttcliddcaufecolsis i september sxctqi pucei beih 5 i the loly 5- h- i u tbe tabernacle er la s 13 the mercy feat er i5 52 85 uitsioss tlie west indies 6ctober- we vozli tec jaw joiia 11 sos- liciiold the lamb of god john i o sow i m jthn s l2s iobn i 33 and i christ in you tlc hope of glorj col i3t iiinio- socui america hovember- tixes xov t tfcc salbalh dav gca 23 el i3 il uost ei2jlfijf si lev c 1523 bcrnacle lcvslswi si jtbc sabbatic roar ex o il lev 45 l7donu3lh13 1 december- dec 5 tlietoarof jutiileelcvsjim ili the ft of tiumpeta lcv23s3- 13 the paaabvbr 1 cor 5 t s wiasioaa the 4cws i j d jajhtaey 1880 a t cajrjlcffonlgood rcaolatlons4 cfcroc it act r i a all ihin made cew 2 cor 5 152351 iicmeiiate saivatioo luic 13 3wt k0ckwood xews hazelton recited how pinch is left un done in good stylo and mr johnston sangioigetliuga big boy now hiss snyder sang the raft and mk- galla- gher followed with the milwaukee fire which was the piece of the evening and broogbtdown tbe house i listen to the mocking bird by miss lee of bockwood was well sang jrith kindersrten accom- niment 4 an encore brought her ont in home sweet home miss harden and mr gallagher stog matrimouial life and were loudly applauded the last nnm- bcr vogelk walu was sang by the chohr after which the audience sang god save the queen the penalty f or pot iottiug down thistles ox eye daisy wild oats rag weed andbardok jbafjne of not leas than 5 for violaiiou of the act and an overseer of a higbwato a fine of not leee than 1 10 fori neglect- soforceit froui osr oim correspondect t in st johns cliorch last sunday pray ers were ajain read for rain of which we have since bad a bounuful supply misses keating kemptrills mcgregor brantfdrd and stewart gaelph are at present visiting friends ia this neighbor hood about thirtyfive or forty picnickers from gleowilliaraa thoroughly enjoyed themselves doing the rocks and scenery hereiast saturday afternoon a fourteen year old son of mr thomas forsyth of the rocfcwood line eramosa had his collar bone badly broked on friday last baring been knocked down and ran over by a hone which was playing in the lane x young man of our end of the village takes trips to the west end frequently and may occassibnally be seen wendiughis way homeward when daylight hath appeared tbe other morning he forgot to shut the garden gate and a cow with aa eye to busi ness scored one big honours in the corn patch t mr edw strange ia clearingup the rub bish aud making paths ia thrf vicinity of the large pothole the other day he found iu digging la the floor of this pothole the skeleton of a deer and a little further down struck water eddie 5 determined to prove this to be the only arid origiral devils well mr chas sockett the champion imple ment agent of this neighborhood is now busy setting up and starting harvesters amongst the farmers and noiwithstanding the hard times he reports a good seasons work having sold upwards of one hundred self binders besides other machinery we have an argns on the advance staff who may occasionally slightly ex aggerate facts but only for illustrating purposes and a being with an hundred eyes surely has an excuse for seeing things that bioocular beings mils he saw so modi at the english church picnic and worse still reported jt thai be brought down on his head such a number of vials at wrath trom clara in the goelph mercury and peaarafiona wife in theffikk patau that i am constrained to say m his behalf that he ia more truthful than clara ad lubooghcot s witty aa mr pi wire jbs adheres as closely to iarft facte 15 iicmeiiate saivatioo lnic 13 3 acts i j crooned vith man j- croirat iter 13 u j if i5iatis- the tchemes of oar chntca february sinxd arixistal fctt 6 fhaprimlx et2p schron26 i is thelcviteilai23b dent 1053 mi 30 the ketfciiiim 1 chor 3 i ezra i 5s i f jofh9f 27rhch5liprimuvxli3 erstt march star g fnul oldinecfl3d12 galfi i 13 tairily yittj dcatc g3 fa 78 7 i i ti3ii so hoke tndgjiefi i sam s 11 so 33 1 h 7 the heanraly home john h i sev41 f 1 april ari3 vctovahjirchgaeurs23 i 10 1 jcfcovah-xissi- ex 1 15 1 cor 7 17 jehovahsilonjqdgcsfis3ltike i t imc u uiisiocs gsisa may exceed jrvs slav 1 the sin ofcrics lev i 13 hcb uli the tarat ocfrias lv 1 hob 10lia tle pcaec ocerftp- lev 3 1 1121 a ifeat acddricfcc5criflelcv 21 g itsi s the crest saerincc heh 3 it june w jixxc 5 the helptns hand gal 6 140 1 wort and ntn matt 9d iiu is nankins fcrlosiress jtx t 13 luke 1i clr acd fcfndraexi irov s3 lcteli13u july ixkvz chiistiaa iatrfoosn 1 sam 13 a35 10 lie trial of faith gen a i matt 15 ll it advantasca of christian society acta 1 ss is i thess 3 l john 11 5 if 1itience under dijcoarageicenu ucv 237 acts t7 33 31 littler than he tsicd t cor li 3 -iu-x- kinney bros acton realize that everybody i boc ts and shoes of all kind that during thi butjr leuon texy lltt uuio will b murr to mlmt fintelu flood tt 1cm col rliuoii for tbo ml trsd nd n can salt ill la raimict tba work of ou ordered deiirtmrat u wall kuowo hepoirlnit lromtu7 sttcj wltb ibandiliioo of eood of ere y detcrliuoii for too ml trsd nd n can salt ill la rtct wo have a nlcs asibrtmenl of trunks and valises direot om the oive us a call these tubs are to be sc tin led tub in get is tr in any othf r tub kelly bros f w ill be busy during harvest and they hiie consequejotly put in sucha complete stock of warm feather has tjol clothing ahelte an already stocked ailtyitykand price ry at tuuikfootoi prices zenney brop tin lined butter tubs id at 50 cents each the regular pricfc ls65 cents the e best made and parties packing- butter in these tubs 3 cea 16 per pound more for their butt r ths n if packed butter and ieggs wanted kelly bros the glasgow hijse ladies this i acton house furnishings 1 the time of year you want a new carpet a set of ltice curtains or cretonne curtains with nice fringes to match i i before buirg it would be to our adantage to inspect- large stock of house furnishings f our t- cartfets i in tapestry wool and hemp in good variety antl newest designs at exceptionally close figures also a splendid range of floor and table oilcloths lace curtails by the yard and settj and a very large range of cretonnes and fringes to match- ol dress goods departmei jt our is very- complete not only as regards closeness of prices but in general stle and quality they comprise allwcx 1 jerseys albatross ci 3ths self checks combination stripe plaids and tweed iiffects a special of compr sing jerseys soleils fine allwool cashn eres ij ards wide and a lovely silk warp hen rietta cloth at 125 see these goods and you will be delighted it our assortn ent of coatings is very complete a spec al feature range of english broadcloths in light si ades gcixrilhaesels flor eoherj float stdae i white wncjt ntdwhoit kprlns tg birloyj 0u rjrc pem em stnt wood pcrcori egg per doica batter dtlrj- pcctt1 batter roll cllee8ei potatoes per bus aiiplcs- port- lftmbsluss pelt hidoij wool t this department fs our array of bla k goods m beautiful 17 to mi 1 i otlll is till necessflki breiii merhanttaho hasjnatpmtn a rpeclallina t clothirfort totpflflf ytuluwhlohdhlwd ht at aamua allv fararabli price and with th unrpoaa r itviob hk cnsjomcri tha benefit be rill sacrifice them for the next tyur woeka at nnhcard t iw pries lor cash 3 to f less tnan can t timrchasee black- worsted stuta at 18 whicri co t else where 22 to 21 e every iurstai who lias oxauiinud tl liajf cxres torirrie at thb cxcllcnrc wtojilshrncnt at ih pnt of the go s call and examine the stock for it uavs girpa iilsasore to thov lhom itroanan alaaj keepi trriccs rift for iiia etta- toiuers and jll v fouod the cheapest xian t mbremnw greatsaie an p tood the dissolution of bartner- ship sale still continu s ve have large quaif titles goods we want to convert intd mone we are making special and extraordinary efforts to ac- complisl thatend we shall quote pu a lew specimen prices for example splendid co qred silks for 25c woth jc black silks for 50c wdrtl 5ioo black and col cjred sapn kneneileaux tor 50c md 75c with i po andio gbods foe ioc 15c2ic wort i double the mcf ev a fine liife fqj 15c j cnginaf price 30c beautifi i ribbons foi 3 per yard j milirieryirnaitlesand fbwerp it extraordir airy low t- jl pneesj il- parasols a magnifi cent line from 25ct11 factory cottons fo 3c per yard- up checkaid i shirtings for 6c per yd wo th iot seersuc jers 30 ptef r up beautifill fast colbrel prints and gijighams for 6 worth 12 c vahd tsc- cotoades and hvledsatleixtrajrdinar low pricjes bfeautifi 1 twecd at 25c perystrd we aire spaughterir g ready- made dlothing rcigaclless of cost jgents fiirni kings a t magnificent stock ats for 25c worth i c irpets in hemp unidiiallwol tap estry- brussels t loor oil cloths mats curb ins and wincwbliridsnv large van- ety anc terji lowjnces id fact we have khe laifeest and cheapes t stpcjc ever onergd tp the public j our 1 nillinfjry dressmaking and oreered clothing j depart ments tre i4 excellent con dition lery busy an 1 turning out goo s to suit all paxtiesn price and quality to tl ie farmers we say bring us your wool we i hall give yoiijthc highest prici in cash or trad for any qt antrty of clean njiercjhantable vool in- spectio 1 and pa nage re- spectfu ly solicited wm mclepdaco 5ifa3imoth pottse oeoipjstcvwn ths principle of treatment unlocks 0tha cloggo4erm ei the i arnut kldneysso4llvbr oktt- ii gog firtanilly trfthotitwffvmitng ftp torn 11 ttu imnnitiei ni fool imotiof latwotytuu t tha am na correcting adllty of tin uh eariiij sqtaomees 79 rtnurl diiims of ofthtmbfftl slvfiflss tie hklh idroper dittibaol sgv jsalfws v bli lin oi werfmibttanfl ota i 1 j nwahir60rmd krnii ent tbrdat and lunr knrgeor will next visit acton doimrionhotel mooar j aocust 7th onjapatonlt ft lataebhithjtoat cohi d i a lev 0 slf ol tha h uiflrada of oq arftil cant by dr w ublagtobt new method- oh bilivnon i f cnronlo bronchitis qtrred an engupjchnrch clcrgrymiui speaks bectoh oowrwill o x da wasfekgtos delft f i am filaj w be au ta intonn t thai my laoibtezla qui 4j5 tl tha m ond uombe nalen mwd o mn bronohii t txqauea nnder wr wtotbrt tba una nnnadfca tailed i tlahja fnai m ratllod pjee accept mjratoeaw lhaaita ooiatt ilycapktrrr t j urail o mckelvj kiapum ont caarf mri- uoppli kimttmoau itos bhrortnilibbl0lth onuesluitttiaill bssmi tlin

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