Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1888, p. 4

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i i m tim jfm rcs anoplek thursday julyjrt ls 1 she jloung 3fojus- sokta ro flrrr light of dimurlr ticd iuj 14t ati cold 3lm ofall ailmeiu r-ibttitc- lor rf comrade of these in- i cly j tways tint pro lonelier aihc jetr aa ria tonic lor fear chclto tbcjcrlvi nois whtc calm laiuuu rfrcc rvrtctiot lay kind botmistlwn u cur sraywtrl i l mart bm hidi wo at m iwcfc to gardener aec touch jjm tic tom1ci alh the ihvcns endure fcnevo wlo human haru 6earchcl with pivlici ti ut itc daihiouch be siren spell hat knits friends lt jiuru part tyrant rcloiiues oer ic limjs all 0 can ft bmliiae ouicr iiic iii luxr jtioaiajr jeckxrm hijjun i tvn half an llmr wlui the wuf hn ibe wus and tli araimplii ottheday duoccroa fits areblton caused by worm frvcmane worm powders destroy worms lavvrs sever axd-al-vtays- never ieaeyoarnd ucftileiied- irivha pats a kint m her thread anl fas tan off her wcrk securely will not be an noyed by harm the work rip oat the boy who doe lis school work thcracfitily wont have it all to go over aaain it tiid of tiie jxd hira koifcr william of germany new nicely yciti- old thit uls army has never yd sevc the emperor with ft tingle button of his uniform uubauoned wben he sitkal palace wxd-jk- and hears i detachmabl ol the puariia corainj along with a quick step and drcms beating the uraodoldhmperor faslcnins his war to the chinaces about ready to rcccive thc- affectionatq ealataiicu of hiscen ee be usves in dotnrjjirtie thin- xhvmnly kevcr leave small articles or lsrje ozes oat of their own place especially be carefnlnotlocntyoar bs gryocr ever shoes on the stairs saptjasm thit yon will pick these things cp afaiadirccuy and take j them where they belcc notincj ii mare dangerous to person coaillg downstairs who stnmbie bver obatmctlocs of this kind lots their balance and are cliea tsdly hurt people have been iujerea far life ihtoqgn the carelcseucs cf ccaida who ieve dntpaasacd fcroocsiyipi oo the ilsirv honestly manin to rtciovc theni presently keter leave docrs open which ocht to bexlowd- iever lend a bcrrdwed boot oven lor an benr never speak when yoc kreanfjry keor write a letter ic ac im patient mood never shirk tfiisisaprtuy good list c severs teanewyear shall we cake a ust of u always ta ktover agairt it by way of contrast i welji always ia a fcinsjvrs if yii can it is wonderfahow cany changes we have to be kind and to mate people happyif we are on the lookoci for these ocpcrtnnllie to a tired or worried rown perscc cbubrs merrj face polite fcodaiy ad a tenttte action are worth more thin cch cr ailter i etc to believe that my boy in city and country are always respecif al and gentle totheom that iher pre eecia to ladiasinpabhc cenreyances carry their sisters bundles and rise when hciies enter the room wilere ihey ire i hope they holdthe door open for mamma to pass cot sad i may just whisper that i ahoah be surprised indeed if they forget to take off twfr h when ia the hocse or to raise their haifi when bowing to a frieni- always speak the truth ithisis a rule nerer to be brchen xczz wcrd is yosr bond and etandd for yon and there is nc trusting any one whose word ennnct fce de- peoded upon always read all thresh any paper to which yon 5 your name xhis wl be a good rule fox every year always protect those who are weakar and younger than jocrselves- nogtnilerltir boy win tiolate this rale j always obey promptly i girl was eji ting on a log in a forest watching some buna her companion called to her dont more r and he sat perfectly still thrtngh the turned pal for she fancied that a gpider mht be crawling over her flown- instead of a fpider the creolnre within an inch of her heed waavcromocs nakeand her habit of obedience saved bet fifefbr it gilded away far erocu to be lafciy killed harper faj pto- tobacvo chdrei who peraibt in chawing tabasco d church services ad rpxttlo apoo the floor shonld remcmlcr the advice pven by a lectoreri who waa toizhin spon tor bacco chewicj m clicrch exh take your quid of tobacco oct of josr cis2lh beaoxeenteringthehoajseof god and lay it gently on the outer edjje of the sidewalk or on the fence it will positively be there wlien yoa come cut nre pop for a rat wont take it a dog wen t take it neither will a bog- xba are sure ocyonrqah whec 1 ybu come after il not the filthiest vermin in earth would touch ivaii oh culrdy some one haswee suestai thxt the reason why things cd in tt oie ear acd oct at the other m is becae there is no- ttung between thetar toprevtit it if you want to bay or sell a farm ad- rertise in the toronto wfthn ifail that pier reaches 100000 farmers hemes eery week and yocr advertisement ehccjd 1 meet the eye cf someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in- aroafcc the liver when torpid with kaitauil lilli a good intibilious cartliar- lic lugarooatcd kll well pleased tb children like dr lows pleasant wornt syrup and parents rejjiceovcr its virtaes it is the priiicipal and not the manners that nukes the man the principal is the maiarpriug tlis manners art only tho figures 011 the dial james egilmoar of t gilmoura co wholesale groccrs brockville us i have used tamarac elixir for a setero cold and couj which it immediately relieved andecrcd indltpeaatble t have used dr fowleri bitract 6 wild strawberry foe summer complaints and given it to my friends it givfe instant relief when all other remedies j fail i would not be without it in myhouse ura t boil weidman onl iowa says a recent daily paper must be a pretty gcod state to live in no slxte debt a tchool f and of i u000000 and the emauest rate of illiteracy- of any state in the union let ua sc iowa is a prohibition state is it not the evilsrcsaltin from habitual cost- tveness are many and serious batthe use of harsh drastic purgatives is quite as dang erous in ayere pills however the pat- tsnthasa mild but affective aperient apex- tor to all t hers especially foe family use k sad uu- loss of appetite and the attendant low spirits dullness and debility are of very freqeent occarrence regulate the bowels end improve drcalatioq and digestion by csing ecrdock blood bitters whenever these symtoras are present evervwherc one enquires in toronto as id who is in reality the producer of the best art stained glas in that city the reply is ccamoucly in favor jos hccaosland sou all the finest residences in toronto and most of those throughout canada have delightful examples ia some form or other be prepared maay of the worse attacks of cholera morbus cramps dysentery and colic come snadedy in the night acd the most speedy and prompt means must be naed against them dr fowlers ertract of wild straw- berry is the remedy keep it at hand for emergencies it never fails to care or re lieve wheeziiigaspiieunererafibaiasthma receive quick and permanent relief by u southern asinma care sold by all drug gists or by mall onreceiptof price the third page of the toronto dailjr jfailii noted for want advertisement if yoc want to bay or sell anything ix yon want a sit nation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if yon have iost or found anything or if you want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto veil if gil and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents aword each insertion ad- dress the ltal toronto canada goad bflrt die rut unless they are fed on victuals made irith imperial cream tartar baking pow der i 1 thousands have been relieved of indiges tion and jnss of appetite by a eiugle bottle of ayers sarsaparilla the use of the medicine by giving tone and strength to the assimilafive organs has made innom- ernhle cures of chronic dyspepsia price ell worth s a bottle pope ic biilac druggists ceda bapids iowa writa we never sold any medicine that gives each satisfaction to the cuatonx- ana pjeiscre to the seller as dr thomas eclectric oil we can refer yoa to num bers that have used it for diphtheria with entire satisfaction and success caui ncaa fmpreufaa p cures made by b b b have been teose of chronic sufferers known through out the district through the very fact of their having been afilicted for years this naturally creates a strong impression in favor of this valuable family medicine hoiloways com care destroys all kinds of corns and warts root and branch who then endure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach for nettle raah sammerheat eruptions andgeueral puiposes use lows sulphur soap to try burdock blood bitters is often ex pressed by snme sufferer upon whom all treatment has failed karvelous results have often been obtained by the use of this grand restorative and purifying tonic under these circumstances pope bitlan druggists cedar eapils iowfc write we have never sold any medicine that gives such satisfaction to the sdlcr as dr thomas eclectric oih we serted in the toronto ivcdiij sul for five cau refer yon to numbers that have used cents a word eachisteriiorj or twenty cents a word for five icsarticcs address the mail toronto canada it is worse than msdeecs 10 neglect a coach or cold wbici ii easily enbdaedj if ukenin time becoiriec when left to itself the forerunner of consumption andpama- tare death inrummatxo when it attacks tfadelicatctiseneoftae lungs and bron chial tabes travels with perilaas rapidity then do not delay -cet- a bottle cf bickles anticonsumptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the hornao body and drives it from the system this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cocrh heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wendcr- fal influence ia enriug cdnijmptiou and other diaeahes cf the threat acd ltin if parecu wish to save the w of- their c and themselves from mncs anxiety trouble and expease let vhem pro- enre bottle of eicfcies aniccusccptve 8yrnp and whenever a child has taken v has a cpagh or hoarsecess give the syrup accordsg to directions it fcr diphena with entire satisfaction tndfecccess mfc gnat retnlta speedily accorcpliebed by um leading alterative hortlirop ly- maas vegetable discovery and dyepeptic core indigestion eeaaes bilioaeness du- apjmln ootutipstioii gives place to rega- urjty of the bow els a coosequence of tok log it ladies iwtering from com plaints pecnliartotfiir tei cxperieoce long wisbed lor aiet fonj it tai imparities ia the eireoiojkm no looger trouble those who have sooghl itr aid giro it a trial and yoaww oot neret it- in old time favorite tbe of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the wont forms of colera morbus and bowel complaints pre- vail as a safegnard dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry should be kept at hand for 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy la brief ab u ike ratal dipepsia ii drtadhl disordered lire misery indigestion is a foe to no good nature the human digestive apparatus ii one of he inottroqipltcatod anctsronderf ul things la existence itii easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hoars irregu lar habits and many other things whloh ought uot to bo made the american peopla a notion of dyipcplics itutgrvous august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad holi ness and making the america u peopla so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy hemeinber no happiness without health but greens august flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a bottle seventy- five cents the most conclusive testimony repeated ly laid before the pabuem the colamns of the daily proas proves that dr thcja eclectric oil an absolutely pare comoin atiou of six of the finest remedial oils in existence remedies rheumatic pain eradi cates affections of the throat and lungs and cures piles wounds sores lameness tumors burns and injuries of horses and cattle hecaanti sef i ma and vtlme if yoa are languid and freak and yoar appetite poor my beef iron and wine is the ooic be sure iasaamrigoratingtonicit is roooguized by the medical profession si the best strengthening medicine thus far prod aced it is invaluable u a blood-and- muscle maaer especially to those cases where weakness is the resalt of imperfect or in- food of wasting fevers or excess of any sort it contains the nutriment of beef the eftmulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal culated to build op the emaciated system out of sort symptoms headache toss of appetite furred tongue and general indisposition these symptoms if neglec ted develope into acute disease it is a trite saying that an ounce of prevention ia worth a poand of cure and a little attention at this point may save months of sickness and large doctors bills for this complaint take from two to three of parmelces vegetable pills on going to bed and due or two for three nights in succes sion and a cure will be effected rett and cmffltlf fee tcrr browns efoosehold panacea has no qual for relieving pain both faurnal and xtsrnah it cures pain in the bide back or bowels sojre tirroal rheumatism toothache lumbago ind any kind of a pam br ache it will noltsurely quick eu the blood and ileal as iit acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir ar liniment in the world should be ia every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy lathe world for cramp m the stomach acd fains andacfto of all kinds and is foraale byall druggists at 25 certi a bottle e ctaie aadltec- ifany persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feelinglhat oppresses them with- out any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either ease the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with maay persons they will follow a doll heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using ifeacbaraf faim i lcxfnre prepared by t b ifeacham 133 rouge street a chemist of nineteen years experience daaacnna csaacrrfclu- coanterfeiu are always dangerous more so that they always closely imitate the original in appearance and name the remarkable success achieved by nasal balm as a positive cure far catarrh and cold in the head has induced unprincipled parties to imitate it the public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums imitating nasal balm in name and appearance bearing such names as asalcream nasal balsam etc ask for nasal balm and do not take imitations dealers may urge upon yoa for sale by all druggiits or sent postpaid en receipt of price 50c and fl by addressing falford co brockville out it is not by attending to onr friends in oar way but in theirs that we can really avail them sfargairt fatter ladies kindly read kelly bros adver tisement 1 gentlemen kindly call and examine kelly bros spring suitingrand pantfngs children cry for pitchers cast when dafav tri axi tc carp her catjrt wacn the wzia cha she cried for cst 1 wheri tic beca ihss the dun- to czszi wlisbcft3tniiritxratrtiinitsc tbenexttouteetfpaeofdiesabj visible in canada will occur in oct 1st 135s put this ia your scrap book im- periafcream tartar baking powder eclip ses all others made absolutely pure ai4fckio ifothobb are you disturbed at mght and broken of your rest by i vick chfld msennh and crying with pain otcut- ting 11 to snd at once and get a bottle ol mn winslows oothihg syrup for children teething its valae i focal- clabfej it will reheve the poor little saf- ercr immediately- depend npon it moth ers there is no mistake about it itouree dysentery and dfarrhcea regulate the btomachand bowels cures wifldcbhc eofteos the gums redaces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole jystm mrs wbilbwi soothing fiy- rupfordifldrentetthing is plesaast to he tefto anfl ii tbepretcriptioa of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and rmhea in the united statoe and is for aale yah4nijjsuti tbronehotit ihp jwotld nce twenty- fire nt a bcvle be snre ial ask for ifca wikklov fioafnwo srstri and uko uo other kind f f de chase hili torli wj4a reputation m t phrifefia end author hu wftndraia dandelion ijtct cnro li a triamrii of malical ikfll oorins all the dij- caiciot the kidneynd liier svmi70u3 gr kxdkby cojipljint dtrtroaunj achoa and paina tfl the back a doll pain or weight in the bjaddor and bate of tb0 abdomen kaidlnf mftp s 1 frnjimit toiixt a tis- iilap i lu nnong xed penou m toata pj ramjilexfmwd wdwnlw d- jwpdluttui aonr itoajacb conitlpa- tioilfucc ktsiloa iralhnm e gyuptombop livxh oomplarhtpata nnnor iwldcr isiif cojnplexim awearr tfredfeellttft110 life or eneror haaacbe dvs peptla lnaseaoon pota ytnpiaavjsr h0woubbd t beauty ii paired and mluiirwl by all among thb things wltich may best bo done to cnlahc persuiul lieniity is tlio tlajly mi vt ayers ilnlr vigor no mutter whut the color u llio hair tbs prejis- ruilou jjtvs il a lw tre mid pljaiiey that a- ids grually tojls liana shotild the 1 luilr be thin harsh drycitliiruiiiggray ayws ilalr vigor wlil nature the- oiorhhng out ft nw gruwili end roudcr tlioold soft a- smiiy fur keeping the scalp ihan toed and heatuiyc there is no belter preiuratfon lu tlio market fam free to cofe lltit a triil nf aver hair vic ha cauiiel ma that it is a gemuuc art trie i bax not only caused the hair of my vvifu aud- dalistitcr to be abundant and glossy ut it ha given thy rather stmil mu- taohh a rtpectabfe length uud aupac auca it brntoti oakland uhw vify bfr wa camlns ol without atijurtanf3 front my- vrfts eltlier i tried acers hair vigur inlug only oti 1ki elc and e now liavrt a 11 ne a hcatof hair as am erne jui1 wish fir ujt sctiiiiiuou diikoi tdm thavo ilod avcri iciir vir in inr fasliily fur a inunlkr of year and re paid it a li lnt lair iirijuriiio kiidi of it kcjn lu4lji clati ths halrjftat tiid lively and prvtv- the original nilur my wife ic5 uvl it for a iimiir tim- withmtwt tativfitirv rr itnlm lunjitnlam johnson t ii nvjioas hill mil my inir was biuug harsh and dry lint fitter ueng lialf a kittle ic ayors if iff vigor it frrev blarlc ftnd jly- i mariot xpnstl ivsil gtittimiu i rrnlmabl c hiirdy illavin ul ayers hair vigor m vrkrattnn cv i o ayr cs lowe miss tjtiid lv llnilfth ld ivrfniii ri dr the largest sdalc works l w canada ovr 00 styles of hat scales gralft scae farm scales teai scale imr0tedfcit5 laohet dmwers msatcfeoppers axjojtttfns- sppys p wiusok son 60 esplanade street east l toronto out j vl summer toure paiaoo s lo hates oetlioit mk 0 island detirolt andglcvclakd gpactiabdar ouwiluustflated pamphlets jlitm acil eas3ri lafccti ir t iszuii it ri iaal ad a itzixt eb ttwtcoig crl ft- icti defraii cleveland siesn kiy co i cethoft utch auth0rs 00x ifacufictarcrs of trusses artificial limbs ani ajpliaoc- for til dc ijnulucsoltntiluiiialiodr sriaal uiic hijt joict ditctlfc disiiscifiltnskncc and ahlic kto t kcc liow legs llob fw itc also clutches ill mghst torontoc ciirachillcvitoksto rqyal yeast if jplsa4jia farortle fpasl caiiea w mom in rbe mdrfccf witnoat cm plain ol ast kinj the anf yut wbic bca stood the fcit efclme ito4 nerer satade tonr amvhocsodc brcsvl ajlrftccra aelt it iittwtt hpa tsmctc oij l kjoaiuc tm breapmakers yeast nhiad ruc cf ills ya iflcl 11 hlrx tlcd tl oiurio tiifuiaiv7 oitr lultohiazs hire rrric ta ty li- i trt-ii- ny yal ctctvfciin-u- itc-u- uc iirhtit wiait itticctft itti f- lis id v-vctc-ciil- catktia arc using it- price five cents jlaodraki sod daadejion an natoret urer lores and when ecmblnta with kldiief nnno- des as in dr chases uver oore wtll most jbrtitftoly cara all kidneyilrer titrablea it aeuujuacliaridsumiua4jd8ibeeloafldlrur itreaetheoinfl tbo kiduejhnndiarigontiiit the wbou body hold br all daaiart at 1 wit ji cdpt book bfcb alone is worth themoos7 mp dt chasos puli- are the onljr kli- dju pitis ttwdt i ther act ratty ytt affeettialljrl may bo mum r8sstiy6em wsfw8s prj 2t etnt s onto steam laundry s 7 108 rack bl towntq harvest tools i hare in lock a full line of bctthes ibraai aod ctadlep k0kksu and a wonjai fokk idlkdles i1akeb wood and wlrobowi hoksltirnipandllelcll hcvthka and iltlsdhtaxkb irind htonejfuturea uanuui ioijkb and d1uu3 potato i011k8 h1ade 8hovel8 eti 1 machine oils dlpj all iopvlah 11i1axds at price ttav dowx i atnlireliarod lo rive jj i and mill men la ioaotltlea o 1 sallont and nlaida thai cast t heat conic and iuc hajjijiu and get quotation 1 builderi3 sunplfes j iltai of sails ailkjfld4lhlxckti suvit and screw hooki ulttfi solid sad liokj rial fcctemi8 locks lvtchlsuut sndfolt hooks irajtn 10011 itollkllti window cilahh ah sjxes cut to crdcrtreo of charuol iuufiglaajerfclofu ec also a flue lot of lftleky and jcncrsl hardware the larwtmt sioclc in acton i talioim totililkh special quo- groceries 3ubacoks end hcvoi tv oursoctca in c peuchens prepared paints guttafrcha a comiilo iwclc of cuoiee tkas filciaks toubacoks end hciyonalic cansfel goods and general groccric ourilottols qlaulti not quantity our sbc tea in green jlan aud huck heat them all the two moat lrtirlllxed paistsia tfie market ready fcr as a fall ubc of jail colon juft in i also dry coiori0teriwjiua and yarniahes i brushes a fall lino iliclndine white wash kalsomixe taixt vuivibh blexcil stove doot hoitsn and cloth agent for b laurances herfeoted spectaoes jbpearsok immense eeductions in prices new importations to- r the richt house watkins has been bay this week operatioai jast see a few of the red j socks marked down 2j per cent girl 1 marked down from 20 to 30 per cent 1 mantles masked down to far leas uiati etc pat down in very many cases to jhslf prices these trimmingsore i to gfii them at larleas than half price carpet borders in tapestry brussels id action off former prices see the nic table and piano covers lace chenili raw silk and lace by the yard for and in great variety head the new veilings new shades in silk pinsbes grey cottons white cottoos pillow j unbleached canadian tweeds mantl most every article that it woven can t imistakes see that yon enter one of th cirti karailton june 17 if 1888 blaur wholesale m4rkinj more ryods down very low ao as to clear them oat sod make room for rebuilding dons vsliite shirtings down from 1g to 13c ladies i od gents summer stockings and stockings reduced to aboat halt heir value laces in ijomense- variety aod newest styles ress goods marked down onefoarth less than we pripes pattern hats bonnets and cost prices beaded ornaments gimps roaches foar t3ers frmtjei epaalette cords efourth their value plain black ornaraeou gimpi riages etc down to leas than what ladies rjcixe forornameritiue their dresses ilaitles etc and this i rare chance as watkins it overstocked with them and is determined to clear- them ooj quickly ind wilton selling off at half prices tapestry braasels and wilton carpet at a big re- 35c union twoply carpets just arrived the entire stock ol carpets window blinds madras raw slk plqah arid ixilaem velvet window curtains and damask beppe rtains with almost every article required for house furiiiahinc in the very lateat styles importations this week fancy dress goods sew shades of french cashmeres kuos hambreyt in the latest stylea black talle silk lilasici braids email wares etc c 3ttm du bleached and bleached sheetings cbttonadea denims drills in bteacbed and and ulster dotha tickings towela and towelihus table and floor oilcloths and al- bad at the huht uonse mind yoa get into the righi house manycaatomsrs make deers east cf tbe carpel window i a watkiisrs nceco opticians te principle of treatment whose cehbrated pebble and other ctttjry fown in the dominion they are received from the president vicepresident the medical association of canada the stjrgeons of quebec the dean of the stc i debt and expresidenta of the modical cot pent of these tucfiuent goods will be foaup pectocies and eyegiaises are lo be ioand in i commended by and testimonials nave been nt eipresidenl and r vicepresident of president- of the collece of physicians and ical fadoltfy of laval university the preai- ncil of nova scotia c a complete assort- at the store of itriture i furniture department i nxe unrcrcn stock cr i i parlor bedroom suites spring beds mattresses tables chairs eto etc etc ja full hue of goods from tfj best makers always on band teices keasoxaille j bpearson agent acton ua oct i undertaking department couplete tith a beactftx heaese cofhn s casket an d b nri al robes of all sizes iii stock okdeus pnosiitly filled j speight 30n jspeight son ct a spbigrh fit ajptwaojeil wool wool tjoslsf istmwtolsrjc soists lim are now prepared tc ejhouse woollen mills pa- the highest market prices for all wool offered ia vel q i shirts collars and cufp 0tmcutt out oj loto wor proiiptlr olmei to dcdnum j per loatrucuooa sharee proprietor km vtlatttnat handy to fnia t edb1akd80na co wudsobldont unu offltono teztm usfed vimlnt the rclfexce of life the giat uedfcaj work of the aico op taanhood nenrotu and phjfcil debility pre- matcre etlins erron of youth abfljtlie untold iuis- erlea consequent thcrocu 300 psges b vc715 pnacriytsonfm forslidisoues cloth full gbt only sajj0 by mail seohjd ultutraurs tamile froo to all roupg anjl 4lddloflgod wen send now thb gold and jlaiioduodauwardod to tho ootlior by the xfljtltjual modical lasoctatlou addrosi ite of harvard modical collofio s6 in boston who may iw ooaanlbtf bpeclalty diseases oi moa nifliwhst vr j mm and in fact all kinds kei1 oonaojau im n wshin6t0h md lrgps emi lent throat and long burgeon wil next visit acton dominion hojel tue8day july 24th one ay only utajirh thuqatccbbtj a few njy of the hundreds of wonderful cores bydr washingtons sew method of in halation t chrorilii broncruthictrrecl la eagt ih church clergyman ipqaks rectobt coaxwair oxr djl wis axnrox dan i m i am glad to be aide to inform tou ttiaimy langfater u quite well again as this is the set snrttlme she has been cored of grate bronchi troubles trbder yoar treatment vbea the asua remedies tailed 1 wish ih expmt mj cratltadi please accept my aiicere thauia yours tr ly c b pktttt mrs ji o ucselttc kingston onc ctetanh and con amotion john 1 ckelry kingiten onl catarrh mrs j hopping kingston ont broncho consnmi uon i mr e boott kingston onl catarrh head and thro l mrs ju betram hawowsmithonl catarrh throal james itfatthowa p master acton onl ca- tarrahead and throal f fraocia berlin onl catarrh head and sauiebybriinonlenurged tonsil f- w int p iu oornnria ont catarrh head henrr scott berlin onl asthma mrap wagner near berlin onl catarrh bead and throal lri kercherstjacoba ont catarrh bead and throat colin campbell pl edyard onl aathma james btacey dutton oqt catarrh wool cash or goods are a large and well assorted stock of blankets tweeds flannels stocking yarns knitted goods etc in great variet3-selectdexpressh- to supply the requirements of the farniers roll chrdlng spinning weaving t cnston work dene iu cur usual prompt and batisfac ry manner magnificent display milliner- m intles dress goods carpets curtain etc mckay brothers exnrc tbruagt accoin- iciandtrunkhawga man l r w iji man ft j wrjnijiixii cblcaffjliimfjnotitopbttk and firaiuitto twiortloanrhu- ootit wr4 13 ocj atd 5abjh going teai ip m aui and s kta gillet powfiesj n i- ejoctbodvwoiluliaaoj iui tlila logant ainilar xn btripo drew oooda so 85 soc ninrhfin dnmgoodii 10 u jfr j jr l10mfc lintchmubmya 10 11 15900 kwmnu5tlle7kirtpealry caipota is h01 w 50 75c hew br aula cai a-x- i uco cnrtuna taped 100la k 81j0 l60 now illlllllery very cbe p now jeraoj iackota pilra rlue mjo new style in dr lamause sc tva eioa new our tin polca 50 f5c i100 mdkay bids king street east hamilton as perldnr purest 8trol0rat ifif keadr for ok in ipij qmrnoaji making oap 6nci4nr3virtv vs foctlnsv and a hand ted itthmr m a eaq eboals 20 pounds sdsost sold bif all grocew add areigia ampttdj carts p p r and fpjpnliii irin from a emrdirm itala of u 3wioac d uavcii jocij u v t- pyipepssaer indigostion bgigns majp beadaeae heartbnm acidity of fl j aeb bhcicnatisb loss cf appetjk urnf serrona debility saiaca orvhaitnifcifc jf qmumzs uninlileimi tin rri b6a it iagioeaile lo tie liir dott lift toaimr saasa aru viumt wjis t ctrtaiaijfc effectx ajid it tsecuc m tsua tktcx mz largo bottle 25 ic eli the great blood puriflefl jdr chanbings tm lllcnreof gcnfala ttblwsrctaeer sil sain shkaiei toman jinuxokstiif ta litrrenj siiirtn ithrnmatie alinjiobt dikmci bf tlio kidurn jbladdu- and itaam opnp- rrrcincui of tli 0et or lotict p csurrhad sq iw tnuttlntynm i i frvreij aail uapurn co nil don of ilia uoodl ca utioydtu for pi ckmmhifi- smapriliatckc no rtjiff1 iisjiaft t sole agentti i f 3ac03tcip3jaz afoormafjs frtemjyl ooe that will rrtre drs of ricljpess and maftj amllarjniimcandloetor near at hud readrat a numtttl call tol v friend is pim uatis j j i l 7l s palnk i- pjltetast daniatte utrictfr coulm takek drreisallt it i cholera jjiartiiasi cramp i ftoraacii isjwcj ccinplaiiite lyrpefisri or i udicestion cqi throat coarbxc csed kstenxallt it coo iatm sdjda nod isprai jho joinif tootharbe pain i r3jeiactiilbeamiitrii hi in r-nnil- jjedienjcs tho nvorii arcvod 25 cqt pcr dcwut of cooctcrfcus slipit9aid vv digestive f aftefl biinefl plll tari etc i v t picm lt3 tabl i darafroy nt ocpntfi- rijttoilj4grcjsiba- atctcllei and luditrvtloi prrctfojrjlru n tf iantml vzxis l uitchce co hihts hd ad alkcind vkttl it v r ltj fitiarf mrmsr errprb op ypdth sertonsdcbilit7fiemiil lossjs cbit tnrctecayiatinptandikia0imtl7ciirtdfci- spbrmozo docs not iatcrfere with dietor and fully ryitores lost vigor andlnjrare pen manlrocil 5nt toanr addrtsitcalbtia on receipt of rrice oddollirjictbdxboleacede3kj schofilftid likvo btoite him stitet u- ronto i manhood how lost how restored i jast pabilkheda new edition at dr cbtrts weuscolabrfttea sassy on tile radical enrt of spcrmatorrfacra or hicariaeju icdncatl bf cxoessorearrrlndibereiion l tbe celebrated author ia tflia admiral essay clearly demonbtratesfrci pi thirty ysarf- bueceasful pracuce that tojiriolngcoib- quences of early error may be jlcat cara potnttngetft a mode of eoraomeshilb ccnain and effecrnalbjy nicani o wkieh wrj ranerer no batter vbst his ponditiol may may aim himaelf cheaply pritafelyfont rsdh rthii itr tare shpnm rin tjirfr audi oft youth and ekerymaife tbe laadu sent under seal in a plain enjclobe to aoj acidress on eccip otfcitreent5-i- itanips aoflress j- tho quiver il 1xs st new tob1 1j drhodders burdock compound litd buioasnea siejj hextat et trotil eymrrirtw imseiv f sn 4 iirip oyhtsioodfra iwhaieftr nw liamg ther crsat spring medleljw- rricotfc wilt rilla ii i tty i i drhodderb v little liter pilis very siualand easy to tast no griping komari3b i soldi everywhere phac 1 the union medicine co- profletoitronjoont y isifll fti powd pure61 strokcestfl contaiks no alum ami i0ni lime prfo oi ujinjuriouaruierlals ewgiieit iattaflil xjutebtain i li

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