Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1888, p. 4

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bjxiim it sri s r ivul t fe irtot jto iuss th1r8tuy august 2 1888 eht jjqung jroks nf se i all thy t one t intilv tlll3 i i is ainsrit roit tou alt uiyjrivmiv him arc ordered jingles and 30kslbt8 half sit hour wltbtbfvuf menjtue fftu audlhppinntrnphioftlif div j fn cii otio iri asklhew cannot be luk uitvll3 qctcllv ut own hi av i ccdu i i tin tcir agnii v tjalj tfa itre ii 0a loai am bnftroka raubctuii one w ruthodwruiw tea hfl wom d h tfacd fsbdlr ncilltn closer w his fatln breast he watil hate that w6rtdciu brijltcr whcn alone in perfect rest sdreifd i xatcual lasronr hit the principal and bol he manner that makes the matl the principal is i he mafopprinfi t the manner art only ihc fixates on thejdia had an pupatr wo are uuglit tbat ovcrytitinje ii made to fill tome purpose the reason burdock wood hitter list sacwedodfn bcinjj placed in the trout rnkof modctfu mediolau u urn ii lifts to wtllthe purpow olwbvclut kis blended that ot eurio deic ol of the stomach liver add blood james h gilmour of tgtimour a co wholesale groocrs brockrille ay 1 hive asedtimtnc elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved tod cared a prt deer stout lat fill dr dowries lost hia pel deer by its running iwty tohe mountains says the labqwrt amlaxj on lmtiiooekr it appeared pun id canfe direct to the doctor laid it head ida his arm and acted very strange while jje was not notidn it it ran sway but retorned aain tuesday and repeated its ttrufle actions acting a though he wiatedihe doctor tofomow which he did alter fpsinj eeme distance from the honse the doctor foand a yoanc fawn cnl y a rew dayi old which he took in his arms and a carried jumei the deer haderidently beea trying to get the fawn to the house bat cood cot on account pi its weak con ditioo jxke doctor- it as tickled over the neuddition to his family ot pets as boy till a newjtia waeoa- tht cuxxt bied a remarkable proof of the ptotectite instinct of birds is reported from south america in chili the fruit of theyearis said to have caaeed the death of many sheep and cattle wheolfedtothem in laigo qnantities the birdt hotrever did nob touch the frail from this fact it i argued that the insticctat birds in re aped toirnit may xrell guide man in re gard to eaiing it and the f arthnr sneges- tion is made that the condition of the fruit crop ota paxticolar season may have some thing todo with octbreaks of cpimic us- ease sack as cholera- a i ldrrr i etjcca feiexiis when the duie of wellington vas fighting in spain there were two horses which had always drawn the same pm and had been side by side in many battles at last one wis tilled and the other ion having his food broaght to him as osoal ref ased to eat bat turned hitheadronnd to look for his old friend and neighed many times as if to call him- all the care- that wis beswwed on him was in rain there were other horses near him but he pqld not notice them and he soon titer died not having occc tasted food since his former companion was killed hnrrjka wtxi clttle xerr zealand now contains a great rimnbei of wild cattle which have daeendfid from those lost by the fanners during the staori wars which ended io 1sss hunting these animajs is an cicinng anli dangeroas eport the nie is not easily secared as the tnn hover geeminjy for protection about ithickfits filled- with lon twininji creepers m which progression tsvery dicot into these tines they dash at the dlghtest alarm seeming j fuljy aware that neither horses nor manjean follow them a bnteetbtitrn 5irxn a muie with an artificial throat is latest thing in mnlesiit llacon ga araioabie animal wax affl feted with a disease eimhar to t hryniti a veterinary enrgeon finding that it wonld be impossible for him id e ihrought his windpipe a portion pipe was removed and a silter tube dj and now the hi ale breathes freely z 3tocekebd4 a letter written from fringe cal says that the mocking- birds m that locality feed on the berries that crowvn thechinese nmhrellafree and that this sort ot food makes fhera tipsy theyaetj very foolish just after a hearty meij and stagger about badly intoxicated ckkabcnzid tkc bcisox jbees it 3 said awayi fly in strajght line this is cndoubledly the why a drunken man never gets stmig a care for cholera iforbus a positive cure for tht dangerous complaint and for all acata or chronic forms of bowel com plaint incident to summer and fall u foand in dr rowlers extract of wild straw- berry to be procured from any druggist or medicine doaler freemans worm iowders arc life sere and speedy lo remove worms from children or adults mcrjnmk bii inn ntd wine if you are langiala aid weak and your appetite poor my doef iron thd wine li ihetoiucbeiurel i as an in vigors ling toulc it ii reooguixd by the uedica profctiioh as the boat ttrvuglheotug mrdibine ihpi far produood it it invwluable m a bloodandmusclp qiuvcr especially iiu ihwe casci where weakueti it the result of imperfect or la- food of wttung favcrn or eiociiot any tort it coutaiui the nutrimeut of boef uic atunulaut proportiea of wine and de tonicr powers of iron and ft admirably cal culated id buildup the emaciated system wheezing gasping sajierers from asthma receiveiaick and permanent relief by using soathern asthma core- sold by all drug- cjsts or by mail on receipt of price oa an average it is said during a lifetime of the average man he will endare 500 days sickness the best way td reduce your average it to use burdock blood bitters whenever the sys tem requires a tonic regulatiofi and cleans- some one has well saggested that the reason why things go in at one ear and oat at the other is because there is no- thicg between the ears to prevent it if yoa want to buy orseil a farm ad- rerlise in the toronto hvehy ifail that paper j reaches 100000 fanners homes every week and yocr advertisement ahocld meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto wtdif mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertion address the mail toronto canada baffalobfllcamiat with- his wild west showcauses inv mecse excitement nearly eqnil to that caused by the introducticn of that whole tome and pore article known as the ira perial cresmtarur baking powder sdld by all grocers the thim page of the toronto datif wall is noted far want advertisement ii yon want to buy or sell anything if yon want a situation a mechanic k hnsiuess machinery lodgings if yon hare lost or found anything or if yon want to find ont where anyoce is advertise in the toronto daily jcuand read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada 1 i mmer travel is arullly subject to dangerous and sadden attache- or towel carrmlaints diarthcci dysentery etc csneed by change cf food and water the ttjvereign remedy and screat sifegmrd against all such troubles is dr fokicte erlrxctof wild strawberry xevcr travel withoct it dr lows pleasant worm syrcp is a safe and reliable worm remedy for all worms aeicting chfldreaor adults lows salphnr soap ehoald be found with every toilot it is cjeacsicg and heal- ta brier aad lo tke fetsf dyspepsia is dreadful disordered live misery i indigestion is a foe- 1 no good nature 1 the human digestive apparatus is one of he most pomplicated and wonderful things it is easily pctbut of order rf food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hocrs irregu- lar habits and many other things which m ought pol to bejjave made the american pebpla a notion of dyspeptics but greens august- flower has done a vcmderfm work in reforming this sadbusi- ness aid making the american people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy remember xo happiness without health but greens august nwer brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask yqur druggist for a bottle seventy- five cents i i i x correct sutnnesc is madeby miss jane rstberford of kelles corners onl who writes i have used your burdock blood bitters for dyspepsia and z it to be the best remedy i have ever tried b b b is sold by all dealers at one dollar per bottle that distention of the stomach which miny people feel after eating may be due to improper rsasticatioa of the food bet in most cases it indicates a weakness of the digestive organs the best remedy for which is one of ayes pals tn be tsien after dinner i racllj- radfrtfoikf the causes of summer complaint diar- rhcea dysentery cholera morbns etc are the excessive heat citing green fruit impure water over exertion and sadden cfcffl drfowlersertotct of will straw berry is infallible and prompt remedy for all bowel complaints from whatever canse si it it worse hah madness to neglect a congh or icold which is easily subdued if taienpq time heopmes when left to itself the fopbuhner of consumption and prema- tnxe death inflammation when i attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bron- chial abes travels with perilous rapidity then 0 not delay get a bottle of biciles anticonsumptite syrup the medicine that irap ia fprmidafcle foe of the human lbodyand it from the sy stern this medicine promotes a free and easy lionsabdnes the conrh heals the i parts and exerts urmost wonder ful affluence in curing consumption and other disease of be throat and icings if parents wish to jsare the lives of their- childrea and themselves from much anxiety broiibje and expeoee let them pro- cnrea hot lie of bickles anticonsunptive syrup and whenctcr- a child has taken cold- has a cough jor hoarseness give the l syrup according to directions j i i r i autice4o liotireekarejoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryingwith pain of cut- ting teeth if id snd at once and get a bottle of mrs winsiowb kooihing syrup fwcbildoen toeihing its value is incal culable p will relieve the poor little suf- erer im mtrijateiy depend upon it moth ers thisnomhoakeaboat it itcnre dysentery daarrba regulates il4 stomach and bowels cures wind ctjlic aoffeus ti 8 cnmf i rednces infiammatwn and gives tone aact energy to the whole system mrs winsjows boothing y tnp for bildren teething is pleasant to the taste tnd is the preficription of one of the oldest tnd best female physicians and nurses in heumtod btties and is for sale bjaildriggisu- ibronsboot the world pricetwa tjfivedtite a bottle be enre nct aav 1 jt m wtutows soornao 6aof no other kind the vicissitudes of chmate are trying to most constircfionr especiilly to people having impure blood fcr all each and they constitute the majority the best safe guard is ayers sarssparilla the use of which cleanses the blood and strengthens and invigorates the system do notdeky in getting relief for the little folks mother graveswonn extermin ator is- a pleasant and snre cure ifyoi idve yoar child why doiyoa let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand ample warning is given cs by oar lungs when they are in danger if foolhardy enough to neglect the warning signal we iicur imminentperil check acoaghat the outset with dr thomas ecleciria oil wcich is a sovereign pulmonic besides beiog a remedy for soreness lameness abrasions of the skin tumors piles rheam- istrsm etc robert lcbbuck cedar hapidx writes i have used dr thomas eclectric oil frith for myself and family for diphtheria with the very best results i regard jv as the best remedy for this disease and would use no other oct of sorts symptoms headadbc loss cf kppetite furred teniae and general indisposition these symptoms if nglefr tod develnpe into acute disease it is a trite saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a poand of cure abd a little attention at this point may save months of sjeknee and tarre doctorsbills for this complaint take from two to three of prmeleie vegetable pills on going to bed and one or two tor three nichts in succes sion and a cure will be effected uanxcryax coanifrfcll counterfeits are always dangerous more bo that- they always closely iiaiute the original in appearance and name the remarkable success achieved by nasal balm as a positive cure for catarrh and cold in the h has induced unprincipled parties to imitate il the public ate cantiooed not to be deceived by nostrums imitating nasal balm in name and appearance bearing such names aska6alcrcamaial balaam etc ask for nasal balm arid do not take imitations dealers may urge opon you for tj hyrall drnggieta or sent ppt- paid on raorapt of price 50c and ii by addrtafinc fiilford d co brockvijli out uck aul cmror t the attttrrliia brewni housoiibld taaacca has do qusl fur rellcviuc pain both in terns 1 and xtarnal it curca piu io the side back or bowels sore thmat lib oa mall nn toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will molt surely quick oa the bbfldand ileal ai its acting power it wonderful browns hgusehold pap- acca being acknowledged aa fh great pain reliever ind of doable the strencth of any other elixir or ljalmcnt la the world should be la every family handy for uicwhen wiatcd f asil really is the heat remctu m the world fur crtmpf in ifae atotqacli and vtua nod achci of ill klodi and is for tale by all druggists at 25 recta a bottle i exhaustelh vitality he hcikck of ijlfe tba groat mimical wiirk of tb fagc cm manbox1kprroui au 1 1liyatcal debility pro- tn turc docllno erron of youth and the untold ml ortt canouiut tborooti st lict 6 yo 133 rrcriitioni talldlsoasoi clouifuj cut oalr 1jx by wall icajcd uluitrauve tamiilo tree to all joflncsnd mljiliotfiod men scad now the gold tod jewelled medal awardod to u10 author byjtho national uodical auoclatlon addreu po hex 1835 boston masncr ur v h palt- khlt praduato of harrwd modi cal coueffo 95 yain practloc hi iloton who iiiay bo cotuultod coiadentlallr- ppoelaliy dieconoi of uau otteekoihulfliicbbl littaulitagihtafeeu it is the duty of wery person who hu usodijmcav gaman sfrvp to lot its won derful qualities bo known to thefr friends in- caring conaamption severe coaghs croup asthma ipueumocia and in fact all throat and lung diseases ko person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve ajiy case andws consider it the duty of all druggists to rcoommecd it to the poor dying consumptive at least totryone as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported such a medicine at thefffnaart tsynrpjcanaot be too- widely known askyouxdruggittabaat it simple botues to try tojdat tn cents regular aim 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united stabs tad canada- alwaws required a good cathartic med icine national pills will not disappoint you constipation demands prompt treatment the re sults of neglect may be seriocs avoid all harsh and drastic pcrgative the tendency of which is to weaken the bowels the best remedy is ayers pills btflng purely vegetable their action tsprompt and their effect always beneficial tuey are an admirable iirer and afterdinner pill and every where endorsed by the profession ayers pills are highly and univer sally spoken of by ihe people about here i make calr cse bt them in my practice dr i e fowler bridge port conn i can recommend ayefs pills above all others having longproved their value as a cathartic for rnvself and family j- r hess leirhsville pa for several years ayers pills have been used in rnvfiuailv we find them an effective remedy for constipation and indigestion and are never without them in the house moses grenier lowell mass r have used ayers pills for liver troubles and indigestion during many yean and iiave alwavs found them prompt and efficient in their action l y smith utick k t i suffered from constipation which asscmed such an obstinate form that i feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels two boxes of ayers pills ef fected a complete cure d buxjte sacome j i have used ayers pills for the past thirty years and icanaidcr them an in valuable family medicine i know of no better remedy for liver troubles and have always found them a prompt cure far dyspepsia james quinny middle st liartfcird conn having been troubled with costive- ness which seems inevitable with per sons of sedentary habits i have tried ayers pills hoping for relief i am 6 lad to say that they have served me tter than any other medicine i arrive at this conclusion only after a faithfol trial of their merits samuel t joher oat st boston mass ayers pills dr ic ayer co lowell mut sold hj all dealer ia uedlda sm royal yeast cdm fwrorilr t 10 rears in the market witkoatm cam- plaint at aar klarf the mlr atcaat which has to4 tfae fewt f mad beyer au ifornnrluicmw krvmd ah grocers setl ft etirrtiitx t2txirrcafttaracaejittiv 1 0000 presents to riest athvt5c wiuiz teet list wcwiisc3d byniilx iidt rift la c chiij jjtijjt of cotjcicc lo aulataiiy wfco will itt tic zsztatuxu baueu piroa cikitc red circfctct ihc ti izail iend it is i icccr rjt fervt opicioti jtft izirzl ehhttaq i0cr25 exrtiu ri kcstc lic gift any cr mttiecficr fcaovtruhot in rsr iltt niad car y yuxatjrsu catkimx 4 o3t0ehto wildi itryawbem cures ihoiterrv jholeramorbus irajvdps iarrhcea ysmrm ahd all summer cowplaihts amd fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable fob children or adults laie kindly read klly jbroa adver tiaflmeot r j oentlomen kindly call and examine kelly iiras jprfnfi aaitinflti aud pajilinjji mauiel dr chase ha a world wide reputation u a phvifctu and sacior hii mandrake dtodeliou utercursii atrianintiof modical iiill oaring all ihe dis- it tbe kidney and uver gyuftoms qf kedkeycpmplarntdutrcailnc ache ans paini in the tiaok a dull pain or wcjhi in ui bladder and bau of the sbdoiaec calding urfce often obitructm rreqsccl desire to urta- atoipctally at nlglit tlnong flod person bat dry skin pala camiccoand tad vtiitea- osiu dropdlxsfnexc ktir tomscli oaoittpi tio piles lirersieal tweljlnffa ac j j ivuptom8 0f i livklh oomplaiktptia nudcr shoulder btaue jaandice allaw cooiplcxfoa a wturr tirtdfwl3ncno lij or eawjcr bcodacte dys- peptia tndlcf tion ipota ptui pies ac i hovcukgd utainte and dacdelicir sre ctfnret hirer lams tnl wbea combined with kfducv rorae- diai u in dr ctsiei liver care will uot poltftvlr ore all kidscyuver troubles it t use a charm iimajslit the clocked liver itnortbeclnc tie kfdceyi and inviroritlog the klic body sold brail dealers at el wilu re- eeijt book wbicli alone is worth the ciopcr 0jtey drchairi11arth4 onlr kfd- vxr wj plus msde they act pflls taktra denu liter iroab nets te one pill a dafc goid by ill doalers prkc 25 cents tduakdokco- uwdpordon orcesters jnasridged qvarto dictionary l ivith or ciihocf dea iaus rcct index edition of 888 enlarged el the sdiitian of 1 kew rroocin iographioal dicionary icatly 1ljxq penouace in i a nw pro nourcic r aieteer of the world coting tnd localise over sjd0 plae coslaial- also over 12500 nevw words nxcstt- sdded lathes wiii a table of 6000 wordsid gener al use with their synonymes ilxcttaxtedtth wood cuts isd wujplce pl1tcs thcarioailstiadjinl of imeri can literature ewrr edition of ijocrfellot holmes hryant irvik wtiituer snd other ctclaeet- acerican acticrc fouors worcester it presents the cisi- of all pvat english writers it is the actacrilt of the leading nsazincs scd news- papf thecaaatry and of th kslioai dc- parsucntskt wuhingtoa roa sixe ar ill boocictxniis blippkcott ojlcpixv pubuskcrr r and tit llartet street philadelphia mackinac iummer lours palace st lo eatcs ii res per vtct bzczo detroit mack 0 isund ati hxrrtrrti i ooocx sa lw- 1 ktcj fltculr qxa u- t lurcs cut l ztot wfc ptrettttes detrorr and cveland oor illustratco pamphlets 1 brroisiktc2ctuum e a wkrrcou cm rm- crt defroft clevelari susp hiv 0s i ktear wa the largest scale works i in canada over oo styles of hay scales ghain scales farm scales tzx scales improved showcases monet mea choppers rm sjtckejs assrcss t ru supplies son c wilson 60 esplanade street east toronto ont authors cox ifsnufaciarers of trusses artificial limbs ajji appliances for all dc f jraiues of the human body isiiisa dscftc ifm joint diiettsc diseases rtfixkn and ankle kneel knee how legs club feet etc also ctautchcs ill church st toronto 1 vdmakers yeast nrelsd malc of this yeal took m firil vrlxat at onuria fullfunttia 1ss7 otlf kv39 hdici hate vrhen to car uul it turpasses an jxitt ever used by hero it makes ho lightest whitest ervedest bread rolls mini and bncktrticnt pancakes jlakcra n ncarlrcrcry town ic caada ttrc usingit price five cent8 tdr0nt0 8team udnoby 1m fork 8l toronto shnrrg c0llah8 and cufp aipndan out of tows wot promptljr auendod to and retime per lnatraotiona sj geseabil projtari hmdj lounlo in text door to palmer tumw r- 7 m w ililwaxn the i lair y est is commejaced cenney bros acto n qtve realize that every boc y will be bus during harvest and they iii such a complete stock of boots and shoes of all kin tun during u1i1 buy mtaan rrrj- ittle tlirio will he tiocraar- lo mloct untclui good at loir coi wltll abundatioe of goodi of every iccripttou or hie tall trade hid wo caoiail all in reepc i the work i f oxa ordorod daiiartiaent it wull kuava heparins lirompt r we have a nice amortmfcnt of trunk and valises direct from the nsaoall have consequently put 1 ds r oar ineltet are already stocked t to quality itylo ana prtcea ttcsowl to aotory at aatiifactory pjrjpes kenney bros immense bedubtions in prices itev importations gi 1 llant pi o 1 watkini liaa beeo bniy thii week operation just 4 1 few of the 6ocii marked down 25 per cent marked down from so to 80 per cen mantlet marked dowti to far leaf 1 etc pat down in very maoy cae half pricefl these tritomidfii ar to get them at far leaa than baii pi carpet borden in tapestry broslf d action off former prices bee the table aod piano covers laoe cbefcile bav silk aod lace by the yard and in great variety read the k veiliack new 6 hides in silk plnilsa grey cottons white cottons pil unbleached canadian tweeds afabtle most every article that is woven ca mistakes see that pa enter one ol hsaiilixn jalr 30th 186s to the right house marluujr more coods dowa very low to aa to clear tuam flat and make- rooni for reballdiafl rfdactloni wliifo shirtingi down from 10 to lsci ladieaaod ooou summer btodtroga atid a fitocliirigi reduced to aboat half their value laoea inimmeom rarietyand noweat atylea dreaaciooda marked down oneloarth leaa than lato pfioca pattern hate bonoele fnd ntoat pricea beaded ornament gimpa boochea foawera fringe jspanletifl corde onefonrth their value plain blmkornamenu gimpel fringe etc don to leaa jthan jait what ladiee reqoire for ornameotioc their dreeaes ittntlef etc and thiiila rare chance i u watkini ii oventocked with them and ia ueternflnod to dear them ont qdicalr and wilton aellrae off at half pricea tabeetry brnaila and wuaonearpeaat a bll re- ioe 35c union twoply carpeta jaat arrived the entire atock o carpeta window blinds le madru kaw silk pltub andharlaem velvet winrbw corttlna and damiak keppe urtalna with almoat every article reqoired for hotuo pamiahina in the very lateat atylea iw imporutlona thia week fancy dreaa gooda kew bhkdea of french caenrseree hooa i cbambreya in the latest atjlca black tnlle 8uk klitloa bralda bmall warea eto cotlona unbleached and bleached bheelinga cottonadfea denima lmla in bleached and- and ulalor clothe tickinge towela and towelinea table and floor oflelotaa mi el be had at the kieht honae mind yoa get into the right home many ctutomera oaks the doors eaat of the carpet wiodow thokas c-a-tblglsrs- tin lined butter these tubs are to be tin lined tub is can get 3 0 nts peri ponnd more for their batter in an kelly bro j than if packed other tubi butter and eggs wanted kelly bros i bare la stork a fall line of wirtbo- hoesc f hesps of kails all kind i lxtcheshat and of cbais p a c6tnptctocjc of cioicc ourllottois tuba sojd at 50 cents each the regular price is 65 cents tlje the best made and parties packing butter fii these tubs eadjuarter8 foe i harvest tools stythes grass aad cridlei fokks 3 aod 3 pronji 1 fokk hindles kakea fwood and urnin and pield 1 scythes sad gkixdstokes grind swne futures iiaxre kk sad duagia 1otatoe foskh spaces sfloels eul machine oils ticlndins all popular bhaydssl jtricoi wav down f amriirepared topre ipedal qapr 0 thbesqeiis snd utll uek ta quaniities at 5 gallons and oprards that caxt be beat couie asdiec bamles sad get qnotauons builders supplies j hikges strap r tnd screw hook bctts solid and loosa plnl screws locks at hooks hailn dook hollers window glass all sfses cnt to order free glaziers points etc also a nne lot of cutleky and generix hardware croceries teas scgak5 torhacoes and botfiouable cikxed gods aod general grocenos r not qcorrrty our soc teaala greea japan aod mi ck beat them ail go peuchins prepared paints cutta pbrcha the tto most pop dar utsed paints in the market ready for use a foil line of also dry colors oil turpentine and varnishes brushes kll colon lusi in todadine white wash kalsomke paixt tahxish stexctl stoveboothobseandclqth i agent for b laurances perfeotei spectacles j b pearson wool johiisr wool wool 3stbwtoisr sdns llmehouse woollen mills if i are now prepared to pa the highest market prices for all wool offered in- cash qrcfiods ve have a large and well assorted stogk of blanketp t weeds flannels stoomng yarns i knitted goods etc j i v in great variety selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers a roll and in fact all k nds ot custom work done in oar usaal prompt and satisfactory manner magnificent display millinery everrbody welljilaaaed l 15 so lie xewcheckdnaa carpeta w at taa he labe cortaini japed tfljoo euo jj0 ne llllltncar 4 carding spinning weaving mantles dress goods carpets curtains etc mckay brothers j this eleoant diiiilav xew stripe dreaa goodi 85 4 joc xewflaln dreaa goods 10 u looda i 10 so sic vow cbaralirara 10 u 80c vow mute l 8 10 lift new taneatrr bnuaels carpetatac eux 4u0 kow wool carpeta 37j sovflo raac fl00 eyp new u0 100 sun kew bcrini hafrcloui 10 uj is joc new ckrtain pol so i5c if loo cheap now jereoy jackets extra value 3j0 new stylea lo pn 0 li vi y mckay bros 48 king streetast hamilton oawnuar oorf3liyi allied i itj7 ai i sjnjafc jjt2v gi rr t 00 n ffipraatiftas ill 10 jnltero throul tip firi wo i maill3s accoiu 10 00 pm j md s ijj tttniilallli- i andhrattnploo prllii ttvrorxoaeiuiu going mest- 15 am aod 5 jaj tl 4 i- xiolng bast10wadiadd4bv tts purest btronotst badj for sse in any making soap sotoins lectins and a handrad other a can equals 20 pounds lal sold bjr all grocers sad dtmt ltmiim 39ttr0ubi pr yatiiiahic cures p p l y- roativcncstjii pm iorijatt hiiilowm tl s m thrpcsia cr tcdig silinns fil a rahoche eearhirn flfvnt- kervoji- rctlitt rsjga rr tngjtfe- thejsreat bldct flffilpltr dr chahnljjgs i rf ft- r siirjil lv r fl m-i- f i irt affli rf ix- k ilira 11 1 i- d uiid iupn cuuujuaa ujfci uutl vws- ci17t10v ji tiilzir ajpoor malfs friekd otic that trill avriirf rirtdwisjitf a dollar in tiuraptlkicur ijiftkiin next anli iml fcatiy 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