Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1888, p. 3

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mm ti ninl pen wi thelffithopistghurcfl h- aoiron javoiaohtordjtaiphd pastor puwieaea ttore arenue ihliebertlioalnind i smr n blolt clan conducted b uv sh stnapen aad viihort alwayl tcbn bihar tl u door i h eittiwi r chaired arrir o h welcome i k mbdnj r at oat lot oa csmtvghsiri sow jmesrs3 tt fstu drib pen ii onjy uue thursday august 0 1688 j e astral taos j d ht ha ttjalia nioo bricks ihij- f winj aad desue nm3 joxgitexsh js server l4 hots if wntm aitetj55p ujc pi- rrcsucc to motti iwacuffibeu j3 hektion tithe vorid i itsrrkot least tuna protrrwjxma nutbet i performed bj liberal u i r rccsptrom bj tiil no needed tot h4 tji tsd rerarli to msts s fh2jf of crai timn at riu can toawt r tcc i core scaur ijje ie the trcrja i errt ccu asfotam ssiefwalfl 3riti tbe pes f 4 tinet urn j s fslnifc ah he j itsircs to f of iu coos a lid fell partkalica rs men ued chly j ax thsae wburaadi irrlllhl ivi prtita ere uiexml rinrbtoatp i iapzl aor reirri st tpt rca do tt uvcsa irtu vftrrod co t itaat to fa is fezehfi le ihh9b0ss foe sale j aa eirxhe rrvpei tr jjplsib gleoe owrifid bjw s rea-acn- r jt die iirstjotf the- eotpo auce of ietoo b fhmrc rad wflr ral7m tsbcrs ffl ss i eauor tcfijoed jjis o-fctaldiafr- i liitjr to meet to tai ctf wn lto dfggwj kordmdiiort t k3ldlshtbabb h kb 11 j ariictilai iddtowr il stcm jrgefowkfc ras ci5iait i pabttzg- jui 3nl oi pfltiniia ti j school tfiiin in oooplc a weeks imnge to ittcnd the union picnic it pcjiliciint sr on ihc still hunt- x ftnncrs art bosy mcrciiwta ire not oikvilk tilks t cpening paufc iwtat i bict soculi it lie ifcthodtst church set mono everin dr losrjnis pat ai ucat pick i eocfl irooddhia pioa jcounda i mr 5tkin cooki his rclailt uir-cig- ixai bun inihe valley below the formx 1 i- ii sirwancuijpliellciic baa left bllii ia sr ksli i uc one day hit i ji jcomfflacon serncss il the bhck nnthtkiscndiy j rev mr walker will ossa j ithe tho ot yesterdtj- alteruoon i id v idtrtoae pooi it wis ioag ioaketl for aid cetenolr apprveiited- vsbelborne 113a4 cotmcil ts aboat to- sbmit by4aw to the ratepayers ta rate lltooo for tfiteriocts ler sheriff cleaients his laid tae ffjmdalioa for a urge ce v bticfc dwelling hoaa oa crowri st imillon- rthreauiag isprett y jjenerkj now imau tis firraers the sample oi lie rrain t tireabed is of a rood average eevj w keller of fecdoa jfal s watt3v- preich in the baptist chnrei irian onsanday next at 3 pn- xessrs eeaxdmore s co have add ad 1 a fine new thirty horse pqtrer engine to their plant their increased capacity rei d- ed ia hecessary j dsprovecumis are the order o the diy both in lateview place and in smiths sew snrvey xew booses and neatlecees uepsngnp at all points coriosity iin the shape ofpotatjes growing trom the slilfc above ground a- fteail d uittroots ha been sent to thefncr bibs office by ilrs- geo leslie erin a base ball match between ihc herch- ants and canada glove works was played last friday afternoon and rescjied ink ratary tar the glove inikers in a scare o i to it the secretaxy of the provincixi board j health dr p e liryce states that liie province of ontario fa at present freer rpm astaguns diseases than it bis bcenfdr tars past j resierday ins the sth day of the rh aonthof ss it wilt be one hundred yeas belbrrpersons will be again entiijed to cxve receipts in tbe brief business tcrinnla s t v i a local citisen has calculated that there are 130a day spent for whiskey in gem i f 10000 a year for badge is preuy lvely drinking even tr that enierprisidg jotrn i oor little ones v for august is to hand sad is greeted as usnal with gladness by tejavenfles tt is op to hish water mark in point of excellence 5l50 a year kns- all pab co boston ifass harvest operations are now bcominp the rattle of the reaper and self binder is beard throaghont tin rnral districts and fcakn m binding twine are hcsflin ofi their ftock as fast as ihey cm j ttha ti fis srknowledges with thanks a rajnibieana neatly bound copy o tle slstlsficii becord ol canada for 1387 from the dominion government j thiraeh the ifinlater of ajicouoxe the eeardmore 4- co base ball team went up to kennedys crossing saturday i afternoon to teach me grewsbus comer boyi how to play nail score crewsons coene j what do you pubesh a paper for ti hke to know sarcastically inquired aa sate poician tackling a country- editoti fw jfc rear in- advanoei- rebponded i fhtleditor and yon owe me for ten yeaip vj the finest aam pie of comb honey haw seen this season hai just been oeived from mi alfred boomer a snbscrir ber at idnwood it s of excellent tjualityi r and notwiihstanding the poor season the cells are all well filled 1 1 i- i mr jooplstdi new trick house on park atc u irapidly advancing mr i james sharps newirick hdose on yjnng street is oeariiconpfetjcrn mrtbomia ebfaage s nevdonble boose on west bower atc will sooa be ready foi its tenants- eeferrmg o a local base ball team tbi braieptoa ttmq- says we hear the foundry team are going in for the game bestuy and as a start have challenged acton bouieiiing easy ai first you know t pboys tbouh gef to work and teach fouadry fedowa a thing or two last friday evening mr john acai kws went to meet a friend at fhe 10 fl train in j returning the street lt wereoacand it being very dirk he enabled on toe sidewlfcat guelph street pdfeuon the picket fence injuring his fcfery severely j j the first political meeting of the caffi- pgn w hew at irookrjlle on ifondaj- cning otbera foibwed at cainpbellriile on tuesday and at burlington on wednes- t a meeting is hnnounoed for xorval pa satnrday they are in mr hendersoals wen we undcritand that mr waldie ifl not commence bis meetings until neat ek i a coaple of loca i sportsmen while on hpond oee even ag a week or so ao ndled their fira rms rather carelessly their neighbors safety a bullet from mot their guns st uckthe bank between couple of young fellows on shore ho desires to urt 1 the iportof theyotmg 5r but those engaging in abootm bookl he canfaftt it they do not endanger ures 0 citizens theoat crop tl is seasou is above jtlte lr beztiboou and tbe farmers tise pteasort in letting aeir neighbors knowjm operiorerops ritb which j they hate latored ld il lj hejnstreetif tabriide farm st acht to this office qn flfy morning a stalk oft egyptian white oats wbicj meaaored g9j incka fronjoottoirtem the yield oi ibeatnje jteo grains may be terified them at c is office 1 k flomb gleam togs xvhlrhire mouly of a lw cliaractcr w auiatemttiig- snntmcrtokeaetbixfs williahi spier was isst salnrday ton- vieiedby jaslieo robertson aod willmot o acninctiiinorwuhoanioenm in milton and flood 75 and costs or uirtt months lm pritonmeau he ciiom the utter alteroa tlvo a first haw ttieat tbe first- uew fall wheat doued at frearobrov roller mill this season was put in lis saturday by mr th6maa arthnrs two hojidred bashols were de livcred and it tras a flue sample weighing c2 pounds to the bcibel j whikty a i 8 ttoitagtoa the had effects of the repeal otthe scott 4ct lava been clearly seen here the last few days in tfie shape of men reeling along the streets who were never known to be druuk duriug hc nholeof the time the act was in foreocor i jtefwatr bcnepscirc this soascn the apairisu state that luc prospect for tbe houey sopply this year is bad tbe long sprins droothcat pff the suppliea from the bees and nnlcs the bssswood trees turn out well honey will be ecarce aod many will be compelled to feed their bees their wintcrsiiply the lidiev ah yl the methodic churcu will gvc kliakci social at the church licit mutiday cveuit imlo vonther is plea sant the tables will be spread on the charcli lawn actou coroet bandivillbe present tnda vtry en joyeblo evening is anticipated all will be welcome admisaiou0 cents children 15 cents zlrcnftaaas to grimsbjr zod tie rdlls an excursion train will care goclph on satcxdav morning at c20 oclock for grimsby and kiagara falls via hamilton tickets for the roond trip l13 and good for three days another excirfioa by the same train will lake place on iloaday 20th icst to grimsby for the same price and good for two days sacruiuezitjervtcei the quarterly communion servecs la the meuodt church last sunday morning were well attended and full of interest ber dn gstord prciched an excellent ser mon from the text john g 55 fcr my esh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed tbe ecio u ashamed of chriit by iliss emma il moare loading soprano was gu rendered and much ap- preciitai by the ccsreaation a ezzt to the cucjrcfatfsa the ayr iltvjnicr ta keidicg in one cf the dallies at this osce the other day rev mr atiioe cf thu place saw a notice kber iy xtr liird cf htmiltcn had saved a ministers wife and child from drowning in ilsskofca uke our revtend friend was thereupon icd to remark yoa ece the benest of i ilelhodist minister hav ing a holiday hert mr liird has gone on atrip and has eacecded in saving two people fram a watery grave ti buid concert i the liindconccrt in ihe tart on mon- erenicg sas qciic sascessfuh the atiend- tnce ver cooi kni ihe programme cinicl ct as published in last issze the instruments ucmbcrs were unsiaally well rendfred while the vecal eclectiocs were sung with credu to the perf orrert jrho will improve in out dsor sieging vdth pnjfiice a few iccre concerts well pat- rcaied wrijl restore the bind to aiiinja- pendent financial position again ethibitizz grounds fzr ffecrsrccwx gecrcetcwn village council has sold the town square to mr e p ijawson for fi500 and axe arranging for th purchase of twenty acres from messrs bse ecs- lin for 53000 it isintended to erect ex- hibition buildings on the new property the village will miss the square which has been used fcr many years for fair grounds and athletic sports but new exhi bition grounds were aedrthje and a very favorable exchange has been made th ezr kvskvjcx ficcre kas estj on monday morning mr ana mrs j tv smith miss jessie barber and mrs w g mckay and children left here to spend a month tt mr barbers residence in mus- koka they where joined by mr and mrs waller esxber cf toronto at allandak when tiisy reached gravenhcrst at l30 they received the unwelcome intelligence that mr barbers hose in muskbka had been tamed the day before they took the first train for home georgetown herald fire czttie pcisvzzd during the fore part oi last week mr robt- wallace pat bis young cattle to pas ture in a swacp on his farm near acton after a day cr two he noticed that come of them were cnwell and ref used either to eat or drink dr lawion v s was then sent for and it was discovered that live of the cattle had eaiename poisooaus weed and were in a critical condition the cat tle have eince died and mr wallace loses thereby about s100 the rest of the herd were put into another field as soon as the trouble was noticed and so have escaped blestbe the tie tkst birds arrangements are being effected for a unionsanday school picnic in which all the children teachers and friends cf the presbyterian and methodist sabbath schools may unitedly participate com mittees from both churches will join ia ar ranging all details the band will iiily be engaged a procession will be formed to march to the grove and every effort will be put forth to ensure the children arighi happy afternoon of innocent enjoyment the picnic will likely take place some time prior to the opening of the public schools tiie free fressjci depirtzzeru the constant desire of the fees fxbs is to keep abreast of the times and to give car cciiomers the benefit of t and novel j styles of type as they are issued frcin the type founders with this in view webave just put in a number of the newest faces of type and borders with which the most at- 1 tractive work may beturned out it is a pleaasre to us to realize that our job print ing gices so general satisfaction in sup port of this we are daily receiving orders from outside points and within the post two weeks have received unsolicited orders from elora georgetown grimiby princeton seaforth st thomas and truro x 6 iikngrcpuuuoauichesiey eefering to a sermon to orangemen de livered bybev r phillips formerly of acton the chesley eiturprue says the church was packed loathe doors the aisles aid around tbe alter and every available space waa pnt under contribution bat even then scores had to go away unable to gain admittance to the church the sermon wis a masterly effort and was listened to notwithstanding the heat with wrapt at tention the- discourse was not one of those wishywaaby uamby pamby aggre- gations of nonsensical flmteric so common on such occasions bot was brimful q facts and wblosomo advice thfieev gentlemen was bo foil of lift subject that the time was insafscent for him to do fall jostice to it everyliody wznf away fa ling that tbey had learned somcihiac worth kao wing ladioi kindly read kdly bros odver it tjieophaus j tntlipltiimrinnortht- vcrdrutyij ltafl uis tliltx l dflynl by thu tbo followpb letter i from thb pea of thoophilus lwattai tfcfl piruouuri of whoso nmrcmly ccpadj wore givcp in the ftix piusb n coaplo ot weeks ago wuseht last week to aereral njwspapen m this viciniiy tbe feec tukm wai however ot favored with a copy pi the intter- thepnbhc will be able to judge from mr watts own words of ibis nnstaple and vacillating character and hie general lack of judgment his worwutooqwi- abbot three yean ofjj i bocame engaged to this young woman fb dolnji to 1 vio lated my consoienoo ijras then scarcely out of my teem and woe just entering on a christian coarse wlh itrange oonyio- tions uiat i oufihtto devote my time and talent to miniitcrial life on thii account i attabheda condition to my letter oi en gagement that should i ever foci this rela tion to be aburdon or hindrance to mo in my intended life work i tbould be free to withdraw i soon found it so as my early impression that i should be perfectly free from any such engagement with any lady that i might the better prepare myself for this service deepened and caused me much dt5tresa of mind accoudingly i signified oy desire for a release this was not granted ma during the three years thia was repeated several times ba u said to the young womans credit that aboat oue year ago she pave her consent in a with drawal bat another member of ihefamily to whom i wts deeply obligated and who had much influence over the youugworcan demanded its conlinnanoo siiicc my en gagement there were but few times when considering only my own inclinations and interests i would not gladly have given np my matrimonial ambitions to satisfy my conscience for whether these impressions were from the divine sgirit as i believe they were or not i could not shake them on and the consequence has been my abandonment of the hope of preaching christ which lighted op my icture and gave mc strength and courage to struggle manfully with the difficulties which sur rounded me j last christmas the summer vacation was settled on is the time for the widig i had very unwillingly tried to resign myself to my fate and to lock upon the fulureth eompoeareandope and hai nerved ray- self to go oa with the wedding as i consid ered my long engagement had placed me under an obligation which held mc fast i expressed idyself satisfied with the time for the wedding as ilhaught the sooner it wis over and my mind became settled the better it would bo but during the early spring mouths when i came to think ser iously of fay financial standing and my position icj ray profession this bein my first year at teaching and wishing to pass ihe normal before taking to myself a wife i askad for a postponement of the day this was more than three months before the set- time but they were not willing to grant it p according to the terms of the agreement with the trustees who employed me i wis o get only a very small porucu of tny salary till the end of- the year as they had not made the etxeisary provision for pay ing me quuarterly this being the case when vacation arrived- 1 was compelled to start to the home cf the young woman with only arfew dollars ia my pocket as the lady and her friends knew my circam- siauces t naturally expected tiey would assist ana encourage m in practicing strict economy and they would be satisfied with an appearance in keeping witbrmy position and finances in thisljwas disappointed it was then for the first i time revealed to me what a grand affair this wedding was to be and this revelation sarprifed and ptfplexed mc kothing less than a new silk plug hat a fine new suit of clathes and all else to malch would satisfy though acting contrary to my jodgment ray cir- enmstances not justifying this display i ordered theselhings bet when i came to coant the cost ifouad i had not cash enough to foot the bill ind then not one half of the expenses to be brought upon me would be met as they vulgarly say i was dead broke already in debt i would not borrow so as i esw no other way out of the box i came away and what seems very strange though they could ar range everything and many things coa- tnry to my wishes wtfhoat 60 maih as sonsalting me they coald not go on with it when i left t may add that the whole wedding had been plaaned the two minis ters not only chosen but invited the wed ding trip decided on 4c v before i knew siiything about it i consider they were trymg to make a mere tool of me and this no man of sense or spirit would iebmit to i did not then refuse to marry the girl nor do i now as i then explainedjjrivafely 1 cow erplaiu pubhcly i left the style and expense and if the young lady and her friends still with the marriage to take place theyhave only to wait patiently till i consider my circumstances jaitify me in taking such a siep i will not publish the names cf the young woman and her family as great care was taken not to do by themselves unless they express a desire for me to do so by further unjust auack5 i here desire to free walter briggs john dickson and all others from the unjust charge of implication in the a ttteoiinxcs j witts we pass over ihe many mistatements in ml watts epistle and quote a paragraph from his last letter to the young lady re ferred to before coming to acton it reads thus kor as the time is fast drawiug near we mart ccdersucduitistobedocc- t have made ho praiaratiaas acd i will leave cteryifcicg for rou to decide toa may suit yourself about wedding jester etc i prefer a quiet wedding but vca say iavite soo if yon like t mr watts evidently forgets that he pen ned this as a matter of fact 80 invitations were sent ont not an unreasonable num ber at all for a family of so wide connec tions another fact may be pointed ont that mr watttbroafiht his troublesome plug hat with him and ordered his wedding euit in guelph before he had seen tbe young lady or the extravagant preparations for jthe wedding r mr watts forget to tell his friends from what point be wrote his letter w rl in wirtrigbas aifipal menpon rjfanililiillfiptrtlbjtultonii ua fran 4ton wltli jliom free trcu keaden i re hen r ixu aeqaalntcd isv 3 bcalnoron vai iu towo wnk 1 iu jlmoiio brawn of toronto li viiif- ioe frie idt here 1 iai lmil mahafly ot toronlo li the ffn i ol friend ben j r 1 lim qowdy jr of qaelph viiited fne id n aoton thliwnk n uo moore ioi bertie of lime- hou le i re vuhuig frieudtin italalb jh r v b wili of nuaagaweya eflon moi da on a trip to theold ooontry sir a id iln l q matthew riaited frie ids o fjirfiui and elora 1uu woelb il r kelly ol gait penthveral dayi dor ng t lie week in i oojhooda liome jlr h r mcliim ko of acton lodse 10x3 jti baa been cry ill daring tbe past fl mrs thomas dancan of ii ill id ale for merly of actou in the guest of acton friends mr johii waldie the reform candidate called a boo many of his acton friends lost friday and saturday mr win firit brook of taroato has boon tbi gaest of jmr w ii storey for a coapla erf days this week mrs julian depicaza of kcw york and mrsl alex eby of berlin were guests of acton friends last friday mir a lamond of st louis afo has bee a the gaest u his father councillor isrriud during the week mr win wiiliams left yesterday for barrie ki repjcseulative cf actou lodge lo0i at the meeting of the grand lodge in session there this week a nolo from mr alex mcdonald of lucas kansas formerly of limehouee when remitting his dubscription for the fuee ptess says we are all well our crojs this year ore good and we rc ccm- forlahlen our new home mxltqrt wtterworis lihcghainpion says the milton water works are completed as far as messrs mc quillan 4 co tht contractors are concern ed the main body of the work was finish ed bome two weeks ago but the water was turned into the pipes from the reservoir too fast and by the heavy pressure a number of breakages became apparent and the pipes burst ie two places these have all been repaired and trie water again turned on and everything satisfactory tbe reser- voitj will be full of water next week then we suppose a test will be made by the en gineer and the works handed over to the towjl j j oiirrillesbifpouticzlpicmc one of the largest political gatherings ever held in hal inn will take place in oak- ulie next monday under the auspices of the young mens liberal clubs of toronto himihn oakvule and milton it will be in the form of a picnic the forenoon will be devoted to games and sports and the afternoon to speeches on the political ques tions of the day hon wilfred laarier sir richard cartwright and mr john wsjdiejlhe liberal candidate will be the principal speakers the messey band of toronto and milton band will be present tha crdscextsdcfeit a strch tetm- tfce most interesting lacrosse match which 1ms been seen iu acton this season was played ia the park on saturday after noon the crescents of actou and the young canadians of richmond hill were the contestants in view of their previous success as it was generally anucipafedtaat the richmond hfil boys would defeat tbe home team with comparative ease the result did not warrant the conclusion how ever for the crescents cams off victorious with considerable to their credit the first goal was won by richmond hill in fifteen minutes the second third and fourth by acton in three twentyfive and eighteen minntea respectively the filth was a hot ly contested one and for some fifteen minutes the robber danced in dangerous proiimity to thf richmond huts goal whan time wu called to allow tbe visitors to take the train for home the game was well played throughout and a more gentle- manly lot of young fellows tbe crescents never mtt on the field there was a goodly number jof spectators present bat the nam ber would have been largely swelled had the game taken plaeeon any day but sat urday mayor campscli of brampton has re- sigabd as the outcome of hat discussion in the council over the recently passed 70d0 waterworks bylaw certain cat re a cure for cholera morbus a positive curt for thia dangerous complaint ami for all kcus of chrome forms of bowel com- plamtiacident to summer and fall is found in- far jfowier s extract of wild straw- berry to be procured from any druggist or medicine dealer j everyone who has read a tuory or heard a rtory paper knows that the family fferaw pabllihed by wm steveni 4 son london eng has the reputation of being tbe best and highest class in the world a oontract proposed by mr bbep- pardwben he was in england has just beed completed by the publishers- of sail urday2ight whereby eiery famili herald story wfl appear simultaneously tin both papers the cost of this privilege u larger but the advantage to- toronto saturday xiold and the firtstda- wttli will begreat advance sheet of no 23fc7 of tbv herald containing the first chapters of the be novel missing are otx the way iudhi will begin in 8altirday2ilqht of next week ut sheppards new novel a bid hans swectbmrt iu saturday ntght in september y flsk for flyers sarsajiarillii an- lie rare you get ity wheit you waut the best bukxlpyriucc willi itx forty year of ituexaiupetl suc cess in the cure of bickxi diseases you can make no luis- lake in prefemug ayers sarsaparilia n any other the fuiruiiicr of mu trii iinkki niitlicinw aver sirsaparilli l rtill tliuuiost lit- ular uingfu gtunt- er demand than all others ctiuthiqitl parfvajariha is wihng falrr itin ever wfiirf i never liaie to trcotniiietid itj fiecrge w whiluaii lirnggist ailmiiy ind j i am safe in miying thtt ttymleo yer sarwmtriha fur txic llu of tkitilil bcsli lies mfiii jarcrsariflrar9ia atid ayrrv pills are the usf felling luedicituii iu my ftare i tun rectmimcml iliein cotuw tt-h- iqhiv jfirkltaus iliarmacist lloselaiiilrlll j iv wehavo iwlil ayera fiarmwriha liere for overhilrfy vm unit at way r hjoniiitfwl itwliiii siskn ic liame the 1 sst bloodtiiiuier w t 3iclean i liive wiwyoiir iiihllilncs for the 1 wt kbvfutechjtirk iui alwayn kp lemlnofkiofui ilyire mhiiim rhflrtis wlidgorihiafftahy oiilh il uootl nstsirwiiaria vyer biifeiiiifljvp hobwtr- doctors xoyvji prcxcnu it ivertht ojiiilterjtaieterfailh tn unut il- 2ihi w iiinl itff where the dfrtur nrikitillidin hr bwn ofriio ivall- f uilni- mi iiioti tli kjiniiiv ayers sarsaparilia j o ayftco j lwjjljt civifiiiwaiitfeiisltivl real kenney br08 acton ize that everybody wltlwbuningiiatve it kndjtlleyliave j in wcctj convpletc stiictrofjfj j hdots akd shoes of altfklnds wlttf abundaneo rt goodsqt j that daring this busjr soason vsrilituf time will be oeeanarr to wlet flrstela is cood ow cost oor ulres umirm6f i ot goods dt ererjr flaaertmionfor um fall trado and wa n saltan huiipeel to anittj j a the wcrkjel out crdcrrtdiiiartmwtu well known bpaliipjj etronpuy tto4l to rerjr fleaertption for um fall irado aod icreddojiartnwnt is well known j f weimveariloeabaortniratbftnhiandvqd diw thotosv at taflbfuctory prices- kbnnbt bros rpktarrd pt lowja jaut milton aug th 1688- m0w im m immalti attractive bargains bring thousands of customers to the right house f consequeatry puw liiljjrf rt m- the clearingout sole ot snmmbr goods dnrinc the month of august will enable thousands of plrobasen to seenre desirable goods at greatly reduced prices goods are all marked ia plain figures slim ing their former and present prices many lots of goods are really selling off at exactly half former prices only a few of the many bargains can bd mentioned here bat bear this in mind if yon are in need of jry goodi hoaicfarainuinijf carpets alillinery or mantles yon can save money by coming at toco to the burnt house the knortmeut of goods and variety of tyle n mlect from a feature or which the burnt hodse is celebrated see the twoyard wid white sheetings fine cloib at mjc- t ue honeycomb towellt igs at 5c worth 8c tbo large nae towels at 8c tbe white qatlts at 00c aodll alotof torcorttan and oross stripe at bargain prices some of these selling atnearly ball ormer prioes see these cheap cortaias fashionable dress goods at specially rednced prices bee tbe tc dress goodil formerly sold ati2j dress goods at 1 c formerly sold at 25d a large lot of colored jgros grain silks at an immense red act km in prices see these cheap bilk drest prfnts redueedtb irgain pricee a large lot of remnant of woollen dross goods- and prints at bargain prices laiublefor school dresses for youoj girls come and select a few of these extra cheap bomnaotsl t see tbe very cheap goods offered in th i carpet department l- lot of mats redooed ia 37 and 50c each worth maeh more i elegant smyrna ana axmioster bags a greatly redooed prices painted window shades at reduced prices over one hundred remnants of carpets at special sale priot s new seasonable and desirable goods jasji opened oat these goods parchaaed by mi thomas c watkins in earope are new ready for sale man scarce goods will be found in the list read it a choice lodof kew ribbons silk plashes black e atm merveilleaz bla k jaille francaise cream strawberry cardinal aod black cashmere newest makes of portiere carti ins a pretty bt of new solors and styles in- prints printed cashmeres and cretoanesjkew moscaetaire and swede kid glove in tan shades also black new taffeta sqk gloves a lrga assortment of ladies and childrens cashmere hosiery see the i ew make of ladies cashmere hose they will please you a large lot of new towellings at 5 and tic worth much more money new fine xfnen torcfion laces made op iii pieces of f2 yards each new embroiderier and allover embroideries new braia trimmings braid ao j beaded seta new shapes in ladies collars new bleached and unbleached sheetings new black india mniiics checked moiunkainiook yictona lawoi and other white goods a special pale of seven cases of grey flannel to be sold at remarkable low prices the goods are all t wool and from one of tbe best millai in canada be sure and secure some c these cheap flannels also white blankets at special priced daring this month remember the bight house is on king s reet east one door horn hoghson many make mistakes and get into the wrong store ask when inside if you ore in the light house lookoo the windows for be name which is tbcojvcs o wjtkljavrs tin ioch dned buiter lnls these tubs are to bfesold at 50 cents each thitegular price it 65 cents the tin lined tub if the best made and parties packing butter jn these tubs can get 3 peats per pound more fo their batter i in any pther tub i kelly- bros butter and eggs wanted r ieadtuaiter8 for harvest tooljs ctthes graas and cradll foukfi aad b prongs j fobk tlikdi ctnroip and field t5cythesand gkixdstpses grind 8tonafiali forks and duags potatoe fokks stages shovelfi etc tlio largest stock inarton machine olu jtnchidiog all popttlall uttaxdsat price ay d01a i am pteparvd to rive peciaiqao- latioiu to tttuebs and mill uen luquanudea 01 s gauo is and upwards tnat can be beat come and toe bamplet and get qn rutiona builders supplies heaps of kails atlkiadsl hlvges scapf and screw hook i cttbi6olid andloose plntscbemtsldckb latches hat and coat hooks babn dook bollers win 30 w glass t all sizes c to order frw of charge i fifty glaaicri points etc also a one lot of ctjtleuy aad general hanltare groceries teas srglrst0bbacpesand t5oaaoiablc csd iwodsjrtd geraj grtwiriti a couirlclc suwfc o choictj oar motto u qu altty not qfaxtity our sc teas la drocn japah and bltfkbeat thotn ail peuchens prepared paints gutta percha the two most popujir 1txed padvts in the market ready foi use a full i 1 alio dry colore oil terpentine aid varnishes bru8he8 a ml ilia tadudinc white wash kalsomcce pilxt yakxish stexch stove boot hoesi and clofh agent for b lauraneei wool crosisr blankets in great ariety s rol ijid in fact all everybody wallpleasod 4lui tfaii elesant cariila x tl 40 so mif iperfectad spectacles than f packed keiilybros iis bakes wood aud tt alivube d of all colprs jait in jbparson- wool wool isrwtom ohs llfilehouse woollen mills j are now prepare d to pay thehighest market prices for all wobl offered in cash or goods we have a large and well asstjrted stock of tweeds flannels stockinjg sjarns knitted goods etc fleeted expressly to supplythe requirements i of the farmers carding spinning weaving kinds of custom work done in oar usual prompt and satisfactory manner ifiagniflceiit display milliner mantles dress goods carpfets curtains mckay brothers lifc no prions 1 15 c se talojmj0 kw stjlaj in drefamauni i good li 10 atjbepfcmr chambtam m u li 90a 1t jfwbrnnoareftwillll4o kwwoblc laoecnrlalni uiied lmal2s jo 100 t ncwbertathatelotrjlo li uous0 seyr uullnanfjrert cheap nej jctht jackets exfra j4p 4skingstreeteast ijamilton m etc kew pla n oreu oooda 10 li 1 ujc new tapeatrsr iolo ua ismr con in pol jo tsc 81j totfttfbqlff f ait coupetitios r boots m v sbassf -eioht- splendid in qaklity i coipblcto in lisortmcnt ii overflow ng in ccncrom bahjiuill mess weeks asdcmvbaik and shoes eubbsbs ovaassoas i at nribes thai always lead to tpm ly o lowest f rice8 coiwtist with coodoua1jity o outom wtork anid bedairink promptly attended to w3xliip tyimi sjtrebt acton great sa ithe dissolution of parner- j m im m- if we foods the8rrinciple treatment ship sale sill continues have large quantities of we want to convert into rndnej we are niaking specia 1 aid extraordinir efforts t ac- 0rnplish that end w ishajl quote you a fewspecirjieei priceafor xample i splendid colored sill for 25c worth 5ckj- black isilks for 56c worth iioo- hack and colored satin merve leaux for 50c anid 75c worth 100 and i50j dress g0 is for ioc 15c 42oc worth cpuble the money a fine hie for 15c original price 30c- bautiful gibbons for 5c j per yardi millinery mahtlt sand flowers at i extraordinary low 7 prices pkfasols am cent line fiom 25c up factory jgottoris for3 per yard up checked shi tings for6c per yd vvorth icjc seersuckerjs 3h per yaii up beautiful fast colored forts- and ginghams for6c iorth i2lc and 15c cotto ikdes and tweeds at extraon injiry low prices beautiful weed at 25c pef yard i we are slaughtering 1 aady made clothing regardliss of cost gents furnisni igs a magnificent stock hats for 25c worth 100 cari fetsirc hemp urjiori allwool tapr estry ft brjussels floe c oil- cloths mkts curtain t aid window blinds in large vari- ety and very low pric in fact we have the larges and cheapest sfock ever offei ed to the publici j our millnery dressrr sdrig and ordered clothings diart- ments are in excelleat fcofa- ditioti ver anda fniifg ont goods 0 suit all pafitesin price and quality to the farmers wesay bring us your wool we sifal give you the highest price in icadh or trade iqr any quantity of- clean merohantabfe woo ln spection and patrcmaj e re spectfully solicited wm lyjcleod co mammoth hotdiej oejoboetowk 1 4 i 1- m r- m i vv r df pi i il hi mm m lv n washington mfi lflcps eminent ttroat and lang burgeon will ngxt vi8it actony il dqmpitonthotfti mondaji- august swh okeh3ay only i catabpb tfhroat cubed 3d aria iineijoua sew iletbop a ov oolr of tpo hoodredi of jraadoriol enrea by dr waafiini jaidmfitac ot in halation nlobronchitta cored4 ad eagusnt3raicb clargrtaanj bpeaka da washtsaioi j dtia sin i sm gudio lie able bo lniona too that my daoshter la quits fell again aa tai ia the teoontttime she hai ben cured bt araw bronchia tronhres iinderyonr treatmett ybeo the nsnal romedf f railed i vjab to ejjaws my ciaaltnde pleai accept mj sfnoe thanks yoara tmli c petrrr wrajno afcsehy emeston ontctarri i and oonsnmptiqn i l r ii mrs a hoppisc einfiston oat brqdmm hr p- bottt kiagitac ront oktatn ba4 and throat j l throat 4 rr janiuatttmrip juser acton pat oa tarrab bead and throat rt r lyanou lierrin ont currhj heaftajri- lrtlmkoniee4yblincntenlarqintn4 hears mm- p wastw and throat ria mpullj i ontowi near fiarlli ilaootii ont lrtlnont arthna j- idnttonroaufl wm ss

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