Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1888, p. 2

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01 m 3 f f i4 h on tiettt inrt th wttsolllrwtaotaaoaoudaosau snnruttgnmllt uw wtbra7wbtamarioae ncxemr l 1- ui ot ir hoi ilwmaar nt a aaa married ialusosummnxu arraldvacj ol u- tlcbk junkm liglurtolu lantrulall i atkaasafavst lallaarnimlii otaliih on tth bolt br i ltotokttknjncttmalonto bltia lubebwofdmid bjdw uoolph toinaaln i hnoartr of acton i mi lira tlwrnrtt m tbo midcncc ot the i brkwsratlitt so uth sor- br llor a r c tsst john tntolljuka to laaratdaautar otahftalaoaiarilail ante kkxxedtlo orancerftle on the iota sepl of hnlitenrbiniojirrwlomliruoo 1 f kaoaedj ol ti dofluia advtsttisur acd 11 fwanaasiaoauis 1 hbncwk- lnmutonoquteuui siimk john hendenon mottirr ot u t do rid hcoder- oo esq booker egedel ren 4 monuu tod wjdar rkxstbjtkt at peck mlchoolhc lojiapt ptaiuty hemttreet brother ol wm hcnutrect acton and enodtatoer ot the editor ot the fast raxaaacsd it rears ffltt jutritt fm floss t7hb6day september so 1888 xotes axb cowtem th writ for cardwell has been issued nomination takes plan september soth polling october srf van hbroc the ajnerican who ii man xije the canadian pacific civet it is his opinion that american interest would su t twenty times more than canadian by retaliation atuncaitlweuooniettatitecontention bew at mono mills last friday mr r 8 white oi montreal sou otmbe late hon thotnt white was nominated a the con mrrative standard bearer the georgetown beram thinks the li- oeued hotel- kaepen we haye reason to faeliere an complying with the require- mento ot the uw tet but nnforttroateij- um hoods uw alloowt a deplorably large unoant of whiskey to be sold i kl 1- ontario it has been estimated vih thii euoo have aomethinfilike 15000000 bosh- tti more grain than last year and the gain iii ttloe will be rtfll greater the oat crop j larger by 10600oco bwiheh birley by nearley 4000000 bnheu and peu by 14000 000 boihela the records of bqoors consacied in the states show that oar neighbors are heavier drinjcen than the fteople of cuaia they drink thirteen gallons of beer per head to four gallons per head in canada anil the proportion of fronts consumed is about the lomtoboil not the ooly port oi the cotldly ifflirtm vithiuueooaeble rettber in tbe new enslond 6ute beirj- trort aidmaeh daismge to the yet green crops tod n ipeeiol dikpntehironi montsoaiery alx uoerts tht o ten deji rtln hu dooe irre fumble injury to tbe cotton cropi it n very genernlly f wired in london tbot sunfey bu been jailed indthit lip- poo tibwni the cooee a oujor bczttelot aesfil copt tingefe however dapatei both irtinm ud tbe- hot tbit be left the congo only recently ihoold gire weight tohij opmirln i berejectiini lor the onujio lcgkklnre mil t pin- ireut elgin eitt kor ttrambsdsnd fzontcntc end kortb leaixi oktjedby the deajun of the bite mm dot wti kiim duke hbiiurl end wq mot ajlbnt tbelistnunedwereinprjott ezsof the vbwot goremment kornin ttioo t4n plue in til usee axmtia on oct i polling on oct illh rift i ilhos oeten been potnted ont that foner ii in tbe united suteiindcinidnre con doded opai 10 exttbttgont i plon thai the nrriting rdatnei of the dead are often left with a heaiy fiwnwii harden to bear 5 z m ijarticrjarij amoug people in moderate drenmstancex ihe tnat of ber fredericli lawrence to america to promote the dbjeefi of the csmrch of kngt banal funeral and e beform a nnhiticot it canaes the common aenae of the general public to he directed to tbii tnbject mnrt be pro- doetiie of aome good leaf difpla y and leaf extnttagance onght to be advocated tsq a reform ii brcnghi abont vh thaame tpiril of meanneas which haa eliataeteriied iu erery reference to po- beehagiatratetormg the milton on nim of laat wee pobliabed the fodowiog beak wmiani hkkson toonj- ire hit soil aqowaoee at toedr ienion of the coffntt eeaadl hla ootorionf eonrt ottorih end rioteonoooi if noir a defunct imfiiation vmisn vmno more preside orer the petjoiy exerrime there nor paralize iu entehae -tre- qnenfen by hli orhnial interpretation of iaw and padatent mnrderinc of the qoeeni englfihi bat wm retire to the obaemity for widen hui peeoliar talenu to emenuj- fit him onr esteemed police matfitrale tti tqnng woald probably not design to notice the cowardly attack above bnt we tbini its deaerrr passing reference the 6cott act harteen repealed and the services of mr yonng in bis official capacity are eoa- eeqoently at en end we bsve pveaiorelin bearing testimony to tbe fact that tbe conn- ty had never bada more carefnl capawor conaaentions officer tban w h joadg be has folfilled the dolies of uis office faiih- fnlly and witbont fear or favor and daring his rrgkat has woo tbe highest respect of all bnt tbe lawbreakers and many of these refer to bun in kindly terms he is a gentleman and a good and loyal citizen and the best proof of this is the esteem in which be is held by bis feuow fownimet ail of wbcio refer to bim in the most com limenlarr terms tbe clmmpam may thank its stars that it has not had aome men to deal with for few persons would have submitted to the many contemptible slanders which have been hoaped npon p m toong daring the last half dozen years o quietly be evidef lly consideied where ueajbwfnmarjdaaidnothidg e direct kit un iitaht mm y a ixe dmvkj j hmv a yor stfcw jrltit fooled till- offlctr vtlillr amstlni litui- jobn or nan yonoi in in and abel liolierta oabmaii of 187 tirk m tinarml at tlie urjli blml loftpoutur btcpbuu came slont enil puctt both under nrront fur itoiiu in orderly lliort told llio iiispeclar that lie wbnh drive tho whole pxrty to lltadciaarien in llircab wbloli wai tund- ingfwarby tlie ioipictor tlibtighi iliw would bo if rapid ai well as a ootnlortsblo way of getting hit prisoners lb tbe station huberts lifolodod tbe jobs drovo along king irtconrch but did not turn jup thtt ttiorougbfare tbcn be whipped up bii horses and gave the impoctor and hl prisoner ctieon a very rapid drive as far as vooge itreet iu spile of the impoctor detnaoda to pull ap sod drive to head qnartonj the hilarious ebo ouly qaickoned the pace at voogo ilrool polioemau fife 12j overheard tho iniipoctur and ran iu tbe road and grabbed the horses by the bead then roberts and groeu wero taken o iieadqairten tbe two meu were booked for disorderly conduct toronto irorfcl halton county coukci tiif cwidpii dwlilw to rurtlcivor to rarr fa hrrnnannhruamvttnuhiij- u01itk ffrvtkawouks nm cocxty ircilwntjr thecefniilycouticumetotituejdky lith iniu j warmit htonjy iu tlie clisir- mn1rv alt rwont j tli miuaui at tha latmoeliagrcad an3 confirmed a irtrt was rovd from js doaoou tq itifptclorot tubiic schoolipf work tjooeduriuc tbo ctifrtit quarter alio s notice from t j wheeler esq becy georsetowu school board of tho rcsijpia- tion of the rev w g wallsceof his mem ship of said board i u mcleod moved leconded by jmr hatband that ltnciiltn grant bo and ii hereby lupointed truitea of the georgetown hifih school in room sad itead ot ber w gtwallce rationed d that the said ap point meut be only for the au expired term of the former trustee carried mr husband ncoaculcd aadresd the first report ot the landing committee on educs- tioo mr hnsband moved seconded by ilr mcleod ihatthefirsttrcportof the hand intf cotnmittce on odacatioa be adoplod ctxrted oa motion uia coancil adjoarned until i run the bouucil rcwimed si i pm tlie wsrden in the cbair mr mcleod preseulcd 4nd red the fourth tcpjqrt of the tuiuho committee oa fiaaace- mr mclend moved cconded by mr husband thxi the foxrttt reort ot the lunduijj otnmittee oiajiiiisjice be received iad iu rcoumpjeadsltotu adopted car ried mr mcleid moved fcecondtd by mr huibsnj tht with wfercrace to letter to h w cinipbelli treasurer from joseph g biier climiuc a refund of thirty dol lars on pejdlers license issued to him at uis own request that this obtmcil cooeder the said license fee the proper smbunt and tfu to iatertere in the nutter csr- ried mr gnbim moved seconded y mr cook that this be an imtructioa to the road and bridge cooamittee to baild a pro per bridge ou the eight line where the said eight line crosses the west branch of the river credit the sail west branch being the boundary line between georgetown and esquesingif deemed a uounly bridge by bridge committee carried mr feltn moved eeeondod by mr gra ham that when this council adjourns if does sad adjourned uutiuhe lirst tues day in december at 10sg atn csxried mr mccollom presented and read the third repnrt of the btuijiu committae on county build ics jl mr mccollom moved eeconded by dr buck tuat the report of llie etaudinjj com- mitlce on county befldioti just read be ad opted carried mr ilobinfon moved seconded by mr eettit that the county baildini committee he hereby instructed to prepare a landscape plicof thercund with ancsumateot the cost of fecriojr plat ting and otherwise improving the court house square and re port to tins oounoi at iu next session ctmed mr mccollom read n letter from messrs mcquillan i cc pivias aa estimate of the cost of ispns x pipe and sapplyids the cocnty buflaings with water fratn the mil- ton wxterworki mr vtheelihan moved seconded by dr bade that we grant the corporation of the town of milton the sum of foar hundred dollars prrriding the town of milton fur nish and lay a four or diinch pipe from main street alon the street in front o the court house and place a doublenozzle hydrant in front pf the registry office and layhalfiocli pipe to the centre ofthe court house square and the said town to grant to the county the free use of what water there is required for county purposes and the inmates of the county buildlngx the above amount to be paid on completion of said work and when the said town orsbujlr 7 t jevtffrsaijandlttuiterareirtln ton pass such bylaw as will be satisfactory to this council as to the maintaining cf said supply of water and the free use and maintenance of said supply carried lienlcol kerns addressed the eooncil on the subject of a grant for the purchase of helmets for the 20th lome bines mr rjcotfrnoted seconded 6y mr mo- couom that the sum of three hundred dollars be granted in respouse to col cerns to purchase helmets for the noa-oommif- sioned officers and men of the 20th btt halton volunteers and that the warden issue his cheque for the same in favor of col kerns carried mr mcleod movod seconded by mr mccollom that this coancil hereby in struct messrs bain laidlaw it co to bring an action on behalf of the- opuoty against the proper parties upon the bond given byfcbe hamilton fc korthwestern bailray company to the county in con nection with the boaue to that company tet gj00q and that tlie special committee appointed at a former meeting ot this coun cil are hereby authorized to consider any communications which may be sent to them by the said solicitor carried on motion thcoaocil adjoamed couxtbliofalililljge fiked wo for dilctixg milk wcomtoci sept is wg wilion of east zorra appeared at the folic court here yesterday afternoon charged vrih supplying milk diluted with water to the esit zorra and bunford factory wilonwho is it wealthy farmer acknow- lodgod ltannj adjed to tho milk which he sent to the factor- tlie rlnfiug of tbe milk piilj aniounttns w from a pint to a juait the lactometer however showed a greater proportion ot water than can no atxounted for by the temooe ot the riuiings there was bcfidea the circajmstanoe that after tbe defendant had botiu warned and had ceaud fupplyicg said rinsings there was a ailing off in the quantity of milk sent to the factory of about lorty pounds per day the magistrate came to the oonclnaioo that the defendant had willfully watered the milk to a greater extent than was explained by the rinainga theory and imposed the limit g and costs wilson had previous ly paid over to the cheese company f0 as compensatienfor tho damage done to the other patrons by his mpplying diluted milk tee big ehhbraons it u gratifying to note the ancccs which is attending the exhibitions of the province the central at gueiph closed on friday after a very buccessful weefc t kotwiui- stsndingthat ii was held ou the first woes of the tolrritoehow which drbw a large jqumbercf exhibits there it was a success in cverj- respect friday was school child rens day and the young people were there hy the thousands they en jovcd them selves well the directors are congratulat ing themselves on having a fair balance ou hand after laying out a considerchc sum for improvements to the grounds and to bring in electric lights the provincial exhihition of isss held at kingston is a thing of the past it was a success in every particular the receipts lor the week exclusive of about 00 taken in at night entertainmente amounted to g423 this will pay all expenses- and leave a small surplus the first tea days of the great in awrial exhibition are now over the attendance ipoctatdrs may generally be tajica ai tolerably fair criterion of the merits of any such public show andjudging of the pre sent years exhibition from this point of view it- must be pronounced a decided and highly gratifying success the gate eeiptc have far surpassed not only e experience of last year but the most sanguine expectations of the manage ment foe the present f and it would be very hard to say oa what day the immense ctowd of visitors were best pleasid with the exhibits and the numerous items provided on the programmes of entertainments in the ring ll l evjlvgetlstic services atoakville tujj apple chois fair eftapeet eeported for the comfne 1 r titter asoooggt the j tarioas kinds of fruit wwob tliis lair canada prodnees so abuu- dantly the appl ranks the first in impor- uooe and correct newa as b the prospects of the harvest are always ked for with iet interest early in tie season it was faiajithgsjtltyofctoret tbaltht crop this year woe id be eqoal to that o last- this pcpgnul ication hiu been f uuy torne out from all the chief dis- trictommiflood report befruitisplen uful turf ctfeiui tfaooxb looa irhat smaller in ataetliu hut year w pfdehat iwdb baj iwin plfntial sdwpod sttttbirn 8pjf bter on bols pms ih orop- md qttipb a wfiiinjron county man and thrtliins en- fine go tliroagit into the hiver about sir oclock tharhday night mr j mitchellj 13th cocccioo msryboro was driving with lus engine and thresher over what is known as the iiothsay bridge on tbe concsugd river the horses had reach edthe first pier 61 uie bridge when the span which they were crossing way and the thresher engine hones and driver together with the woodwork of the bridge wore ptccipiultcd into about six feet of water belofr fajhog a distance of some eight or ten feet one span of the bridge gara way the horses had reached the pier of another span when the accident occurred tho weight otthc engine and machine pulled them bade and they actually turned a somersault on the engine the driver found himself and horses on tha fallen por tion of the bridge partially floating on if as soon as ha recovered from tbe momen tary shock he cut the harness and the horses were safely got out only being slight ly arachca the news of the accident soon spread and in a short time a number of willinffhaadsiuthe neighborhood were preseut to render assistance the engine however remained a fixture in the fed of the rivers warden robertson was tele graphed for and he and mr john corbett one of ilieircmbers of the county road commfrsiob had the tugiue taken from the river on friday assisted by a large pnmber of the neighbor although the loss will be considerable to the county it is a matter of satisfoctiop that the driver es caped with life for it was a narrow escape a telrersph cable laid sitau sept i5 the canadian pocjfio telegraph company laid a cable today across the st clair river her connecting with tbe postal telegraph company ac port huron the lioe is now in foil oper war with suecws n their union st rvlce the revirai services condocied by the eev messers crosdey and hunter are being continued with great luccess in the presfayteriau church of this town many who had watched with interest the wonder- full success ot the evangelists elsewhere scarcely daredto hope for as deep and wide spread an interest in their work in oak- viueaa in the large cities in which they mostly labored however these friends are being agreeably disappointed during the week commencing sept2nd the ereningser vices were all held in the methodist church and from day to day it became evident that the interest and power of the services were growing and large numbers offered them selves as seekers of salvation last sabbath evening the bpacious audi torium of the presbyterian cfanrch was nhed to its utmost capacity large numbers being away unable to find even standing room in the building and though the week evening services have not been as uncomfortably crowded it has been found necessary to supplement the ordinary seat- ing accommodation by placing chairs and benches in the aisles and each evening of this week has seen between thirty and forty coming toward to the seekers seats which are reserved or cleared in front of the pulpit there appears to be no wild fire or undue excitement in the meetiag every thing is quiet and orderly mr crowley opens the service promptly at a quarter to eight with a fifteen minutes song service in which he is efficiently assisted by the union choir which fills the largo orohester of the church exactly at eight mr hunt er comes upon the platform and before the strains of music have died away he takes hold of the service and for half an hoar singing prayer and bible reading follow each other in repidiccession abodt half past eight mr crossley once more comes toward and delivers tho main jdiscoursej which is sometimes interspersed with solos much to the delight of his hearers for lie l a charm ing singer- r before mr crossley gets oat the last word his colleague it upon his jet to con duct the after meeting tbe congregation bows in silent prayer which byhe way is an effective feature of these services a fa miliar hymn is sang and then wth a ner vous auu pathetic energy mr ti outer ap peals to the unconverted to make a start for heaven and always wttn success about ten oclock the evangelist say goodkight and tbe congregation dniperees oakille star powder absolutely pure this powder never varies a tiarvol of purf iv strength and wholofonionfin- if ore ecanoinial than the ordinary kina mi cannot bo ioid in oommtilfon with tbe diahttudoonowuituiort weurtitjam or nliosiiaic lwlcri bold only tncani hotal luxina rowdm co100 wall 81 n y i best of all coagh medicines ayeta cherry pec toral is in greater demand than ever no preparation tor throat ami iung troublct is so prompt in its effects ao agreeable to the taste and so widely known as lids it hj the family medi cine in thmisamlstf households i have uftertd for years from fl bronchial rouble thai whenever take cold or am exposal to inclement weath er shows itself by a very annoying tickling actuation in the throat and by difficulty in breathing- i have tried a great many remedies tut none does bo weltasayers cherry pectoral which alwavs gives prompt rvuctfa returns ot my old complalul ernesl a ilepler inspector of publ c eoadj parish ter- rc bonne la j i consider ayars cherry pectoral a most important rctucdy for home use i hare tested its ccrative power in my family many limes during the past thirty years and have never known it to tall it wiureljeve the most serious affections ot tbe throat and inn whether in children or adults mrs e g edgerly council uiufls lotva twcnly years i ao i ros troubled with a disease ot the luns doctors afforded the uo rvlief and considered my case hopeless j i then beiran to use ayers cherry pora and before i had finished one bottle found relief i continued to take this medicine until a cure was effected i believe that ayers cherry pectoral i saved mv lile samiiel griggs wiiukegin ill six years ago contracted a severe cold which sett lea on ay luugj and- soon develcped all the alarmics symp toms of consumption i had a cough night sweais hleedinj c the long pains- in chest and sides and was so nrostratcd as to j be conhsed to my bed most of the lime aitr trying iirious prcscriiitions without benefit ray physician fically determined to give me ayers cherry peftoral i took it and the effect was magical i poemed to rally from the first doe of this medicine and after usicj only three bottles am at well and sound as ever eodney johnson springscm ui- ayers cherry pectoral pnrpaed nr dr j c ayer it co loweil mas batdbralldnifcieuj imccfl iixlfttksajw school books school supplies a itrg tiock ot scjol ikjt za school sq ticst suticcary etc jast trrivtii pure wizc for fiacniiicnul jricfcs row in drug store mr ttpldja isazeltai ottsw sept 10 tbn return t john waldu as jip or hsltob wasuzoucdon satanlay -4- irpvhcr walfrjvnrkj tiflnv teixwitla sept 15 a bylaw was car- rfod kwjsy aotliorisiiig the issue ol doben tares for 9000 or waur works tbe ipajonly waa u eight- to the frost i of all coupetitiox we place our elegant and substantial goods splendid in qnalily complete in asaonncnt i overjlqwiiif in gcntrous unr- nfexs womess ajlillidreva boots and shoes su3be23 oveessoee c at nnces that alftavh lead to spocdy sales lowest prices cox61stekc witu cpod quality cjutitom work and rapairinff yromptly attanded to w williams mill street acton jlvejp mwdyi irh ico h co o m p io fl co h ph lh h ps inotrpktyopps rviilllner house acton 0 h o h e0 rs j 2 ssrt c j u r- v oge o v 4 tf i c 2 i c c c c 0 r 5 a ks tc- u o emi 0 w o o 3 t cwo t q ci g consult jonr best fieatlemen kindly call ami examine holly bros sprint wiiiniai and ivr i i t 1 i yeast fmmmm pnrarlu tut coke noted c is lb pi 0 u v 2iu o l o c s e o u 5 o v is 3 ocr m w1 h v o y a s u fi j id -j- gfc ui a 2g c ofi trf ivj ie m b sayagce gblxelph when you come to gujjlpilv i dollar spectacjlest a new stock- just to hand b savage guelph the lion of auelph house iqf thebonmsuloton tho c uki rob nlo 1cwmulcbkjtcbiitoi cnlsn splily to ifpm uwi jaib house lot hovse and ixt oq chi houwiii good concui soft vster good rtnlcn w porrcntdp imrchtso ubdcj apply to aeogakmitttoi salesmen tv 1 epi ax k nt posuionapia- 1 snd cipcuses imitl anj caniuccewj wiihna iccnlia ginaan ritock cota plate iqc wiling specialties outfit fn adort st tc jisomfs efymitn itccticetcr s 1 5 rewa the above reran 8 bo vak itwfa ticn that wul lead to tbe txjt party or partic who inalldontl boathonso at tho mill ioinjaja s aruclca tbcrofioto on satnlar itth ittfa jiit we have just received the teltowlngjetter from our resident buyer iri glasgow j d williamson tsc co fi c u a o fi in u m- a it w cc o or 5a c o k m c feci t o a c2 z i r w o o w e o v i fa o o co os glasgow augjth- 18ss messrs d williamson co j gueiph ont deu- sirs i havje just returned from a trip o the contfnent in your interest and have succeeded in com pleting your order for french dresfi goods silks satins and trimmings f secured some of the most- exquisite suit patterns in french dress goods rang- ing from 40 to 75 francs which are marvels of beauty i also bought some novelties iji the way of buttons and trimmings such as other houses in vour citv will not have as they are not in the english market i visited a number j of cermari manufacturers and purchased a full range of mantle 5 and furgoods on my return i visited london and ompleted town order in leeds i purchaseda large lijns ofjt weeds and cloths and also a job lot of dress godds which i cleared at 15s in the if thereare more than you can handle you can no doubt sell a portion of thefn to other mer chants in gueiph on monday i shall run over id belfast for a week and complete our linen order is there are many lines i can get better there than in mirichester i was glad to hear of your goc d- seasons trade and hope itiwill continue you cannot fail to do a good busi ness this fall with the splendid vjalues you will have yours very faithfully b williamox 84 oswald st i i glasgow 1 house lot i m aotoi that couirulle lirrc arthur bt n vcajngjst au cistcm tno boojcu er baring btmn dttftt bat two ttsnia uijio on thfi preinl lsovu cioii eppiicatjon to wwi plants fo piibll i wish to inform tbe the groeohoate of mr i aio pitparod tojuimsix tomato celerr cabbace tb leftdiog aoa motl poj ka eouse lotecg the mbscriber berebr oif borne and lot oa the oqti mlir and john ftrerta thfsir able tjoniftr for bnucbng npon portion otjoor icuraiiiag tnfc built with a heavy umber iratda readily iemovoi terms apply on tho premises to fruit trees and ornamental 1 b k co wholesale opticians y 0246 st jaies stbeftm whose celfrbrated pebble and other spectacles etery torn in be dominion they are reeomem received from the president vicepresident ej tbe medical association o canada tbe president sojgeons of qaebec the dean of the medical faxr il dent and expresidtmts of the medical cooocil of it 3 meat of these excellent goods will be found at the and eye- glasses are to be footrd in men ld4 by and testimonials have been president land ex yicepresiclent of ol the college f pbysieins and lty of lival university the preai- ara scotia asc a complete assort- tore of j bpear son agent apton ntcrests and palioiilie rbjormyns ieap stort g1lliett ladies come direct t 99 upper wyndhain street uelph for yoom dry goofes kviirjjicg eaurply xc chafcc and cl j finest irints in the city elicsm im gentleman i aui shoning ibo finctt raogh of iiniojicii suitings worsteds andpaiitings j our styles aro correct oarrricrtjaro the oi i oar kit and workmansjiip af u hcajcmbcr the iuc 59 cjpcr wyndhain sirnct furniture ujdbptakpg furniture department junt i rni skllpn stcck or parlor bedroom suites spring j bedsjmattresses tables dhairsetcetceto jdb n the city- oapest nelson 3 pour ing department vitk a beactful- reybbcoot acton sole agent for this aeetft u kntnrn old bochestct xiniery priewir and i prepared to tui of thfrnittreess8ia fruits are shorn in the ojasbatod l nrserx the nroduets of th xnxtery are knotm to begenori i correeur named ana i can jrt rosnlta to all whe prclujw prices reasonable key ontario t will reopen on lit coarse of itufly epecially aaa of voana men who intend to be fixcellcift opfortnnity lor s ouch knoklodrge of lire bloc l yctcrinarr ckpcc for circular apir t0 jas mills gaephsepl16 i jt u ei wai rt ijt v lata tabs mitfi saulf ste m notice to cpntfactoisrih iwiw sealed tenders addrmed to ths signed and endorwd teodersto 8te llatia canal rid e teoeiud at until the arrivaf of the eastern maili on tuesday fcbs ssr next for the formatioh and canal on the canatiiao aide of the thoialand of st mary- v tie works will be let in two which will embrace the f armatwb oav through the island the ponstrnetiaa 4c the other the deepening and t the cbannejwtj at both ends of tin i stmction of piers ac a jnapof the locality tqgothear with specincations of the trrto cairbe office on and after tuesday the october next where printed fozmaj also be obtained a like class of relatire to the woraa can be seen at flnfj the local officer in the town of saolttta ont i intending contractor are roquestaitemij mind that tenders will not he cgosidattaga made strictly in accordance wjth-4ha- fornfsandbe aecompanied bjra btkctdlpl- that the person or persons t folly examined the locality ant the naswr v theoatefial foand in the tria js in the case of ftnns then idiaftf the actual figpatttm ftfthefna nsne ot the oecnpatioh anotrerfdeoeeflt of the same andfnrtberababli for the sum of djx0 tnaet aeeoac der for the canal and focisand a l receipt for the stun ol iff j3d0 mvt t the tender for the dwnhuurfwldoirlnirftwtj taimel war at both autapkrsi 1c tho respeetite deposit xecetpttiheatoe wffls not b accepted most be endorsed orer minister of railway and canals sod wjt forfeited ii the parttsaderiacdeeliimetteeh into contract for the woraa uthnwflftf the terms stated in the oowsiifcrflitteo y l the deposit receipt thttsseot is wfu berr-sa- ed to the respectite parties whost tenda notaccepted pjii this depajtriintacsbouhownreicllulpn to aceeptjhe lowcaar anj tenders i tff by order- pfj aplbatliirv icpartmeniofiaailwysand canals- 1 otuwathatujoatlb htv elgibto i g fj paotzs hoosq sign and orixameiitall intho latrat sfjlss lessons k oa rusnxo at clm3c wetlnosdaj- caiacjtbnrsilsfl satardayaftcraopaa yfcl a full liiib nf gooos frojii tlie best mnkerf always on hand r jbpeighf s6nj v gonbcustcts afav size9 in atokj obdbbi prouptlt x1vsd j spelqst 8l-jiefdfir- r proiiipt attention h how tost hw tepn jntt pnblished a nov ciupji otvtt wails celobmted sassy oo iw b of iipeimaxorrhcu or ifaeapaptt j excess or early in jitcrrtian the celfibrated author la eaaaylearlydenionstratasfro o tacoesafoi practice that the k qaonees of early error nxj be polntidsx oat a mode of curs- certain and effiktnaiby meaci i afferer no mattor woat hiero ii thaorshtinstif ebsaplfifri litbiaieebawshcwidbeint i yoaianaeterrmanhithelsb k bonl ondeeal in plain i- adrimijorwiptej our cent atampa address j tuoalymelljw frtrjt t- ilvtmtfs

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