Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1888, p. 3

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sife tsssz t i acton t7ttai rti to 11 ndcri fk cotxl and tt usssmij moral litantttre v nrnuvcr of mwfftbtekiliotbabtliil gjrehhu rtcr jsliid weaw voor booki it fir itcost ixtcn jfr isiw xia 8fsj iexw iwdota tnd ltotaitnc jirowx x t iwabfil wtfob ik actqjt i ooag a bhmf r jjrom ia ea 1 lixt pwatisat pulka la vttv0 s for i k lot fafi herrbr t r cs ti toatllti iiapristaf town f thtjrsdav bepteubeu so is3 many mkor locals tjbtirdjy hit eirrthoufihlfto and alotl rrw pwm pxrtcrt i frotty tnomincinow uwoodstocky rata ot taiition it 19 l t brcebridc rats una jeir is 23 j milton ins namuor ot caisci ot m- i r r v t- toronto it gottinj awatluud ia the l tall league i j jsstjnesinc eibibitioa a wttk froni to- dfc tomorrow i tlpj uot jct struckaa m kriii njfcijlh reached it nearly 550 feci i ur james matthews hu bis pan ot i n ticket rofdstert it toronto this week itecrwcenu wcrcbadjjboftlcn ia lot ot ucrooe it glcnwfllianituit wed j un s a scconi has oar ihanfc f k ot 111 cr- ricultural i ppea on 1st c i fpcdie v e7tad to fi instead to be fi irtusct for i of lrve stocay i intjto t e marie ko contntc less ftdoresed to bcisdd tsb ft i win w receiwd at wmj ot the cssxexx lit the sad mg ed emttr erf tiejl ioaoitf i t tie oemlwjvii 5pt tbc ceet ja t b rf airactbjggtt vby o stoi o o etown j fz j xj-isbtzz- sirs oaf rre pre op tm l 4 at ig bulct ot luscious gncs qdnt variety eevub gordon ot tortlo thii peach iii th bapuat cliipci uit eandy flriiottat 3 odocv b frcoxe ot gaelph baccccds his e tv fftarc at ihc lca miu tbi uuer eoe in vaacoatur after mffefin disappouiuncat ajl sbaraer goelph has acain p6d prospccle ofmcaring a bgtb stations t tctterday wis acton citi holiday oik three badri people left tortoronto tfrhiwtinn on tile morning trains the fux puss touiy address or de- fimsd aoytthere in toiito jacaarj 1ss9 be s3 oent every ttmflj in towa thodd haw ii boox korux black dlood a mili- ttry atey by gl st fcan a ddtedjaathor the latest boofcfesued ly mrj bcyoe c toronto aueation is directed to the new adver- fijpnient ot slessrt wm llcloi i co1 geargetqim apsrasal al the adv will j meal special features we are pleased to be able to auacantc to car adtertitert that oar list of sebscrib- en u steadily increaaics x ambers d i nernamea are beia addod every wetk r whentoaoorae to acloa briia dol- jarviifa yba for the fccr vtxss which ph all the news of the district twentr- j fire cents to janaary 1ss9 j an exchange eay that thsrt is no period ia the career of the bcsue that ap peals to stroagly to- the syziihetis side rf a mani nainre aa trleait jnst reaches itreoooi abaft the weather bcird ot the ambrepa to catch the sogging raia drops as tstykc j the sheibarne ikvujadsi cetebratcd its fifthhtrtnday last week it is aa excsl- llpperaad no country joiraal ia the j pnnince can show cheater progress thyi t tbefi3aoaitadilor aa entcrpritihg joamalist and deserree j- the sacceo he is enjoying oaeortbe attractions cf inerso hurrrhf be the rcamage vrliich is to take pwe on the grounds the associitiaa j osen a haaisonic parlor bait ot farniiaie j njaedatjlcoiothe first coaplewho ap- pry and free license and fres eerrices of f the detgyamn to ae othsr coapesr who oae of the best pchllcaliccs oa the ca deroted to the interests ot nzau- tictarers and bpsicess men is the cana- hct uausfattuxr pahlisbed in torcnto it a wide awake and dp to the times its portrait gallery of the captains of canidiaa industry a feitcre ot each jissae is of special mint r tusoabarfft excellent represeautiye the uurai celebrated its twelfth birthday htatweek it is a splendid bcal news- paper and ably fulfills iu prrince as scch its eolanmi are always crowded with ia- te aad editorial tnsxihr axd mr mcgmre the- pnblisher may well coa- gra himself upon the saccsss which hu attended his efforts iat friday sir h bamshaw of the metropolitan studio had the aaasaal doty of taking the portraits of a member of each cf in generations they were lira thos lane of the third line her father and repraentaxites of three generations of her deeendanf the old gentleman was oshridx years of ae and the little girl of the fifth generation thirteen months the deplorable sight p a dnmkco father being led borne by his soa was wit- nested on kara street on sunday last at midday it is sach sights oa that which hrinjj taternkoepen into disrepute and cms people to rote for prohibitive legisfa ta- palmenton telegraph and it is a deplorable fact that such deplorable dgbte we common ia all parts of oar fair land o still whiskey is auowedto rale thefaix ethieltioxs the dates for the annoal fall fihots geo- ttdy attended by oar readers are as lol- j- acton union open to all octlh and 10th l gaelpb cealral- gaelph sept 12 13 and agricojtocl uid arts aesocitiaa o on- taio imffocn sept ictbo ishr iodaimal toronto sept 10 to 20 boathraibnmtford se 11 j 12 13 bootheni coanti stthoma utoso wot fur iwndjn sept 20 to 23 greit centnl hamilton septu to 28 wert weuickton hirrirtoo sept 27 aiti i qoem georgetown septetriber 27th odssuj r jhtttia onngeviiie september 2cth 427th wukertoii ootober 2nd 1 3 stb v centre wellington elom october 1th o4 6th booth waterloo avr october 4th nd tth emmotiuockirooa oct iai and 3rd ptalinch aberfoyle octuth kmmgweyeroorille oct jtfc boredbociton oct ifl b hilton county mil wn oct llth wi- 124 erin erin oct 17th vhdwlb j udomit to boy or sell ft farm ad- rtw in the toronto wteibj mail thst ft reuba 100000 ftrners bome t week eoi yoor dvertiapent ibaau tjt of kmeone hoauuto par- v advertnemmte of liu ouuxato in- toe toronto wttut uasx for fivs ivi- s ien intertiaa or tuentjr ina let bn iadjoa imtat homeglrainlniss v1it4 f ro srwily- of h wai character tb4 alt tuvfi inir itajtoa vx gnod trunk the comity goaiicil hasnwafj a wrii tor 91000 ftraiiisi ihagraadtruak itailway- thegroond ot the ictiou taken is that the county bocassedtho korthcrii and north- wesiefn koikvy to a largo amonnt tor which a bouua was given for 100000 that uia roai thould bo na as u indepeudent line aeja caizn exhibition jrhosc who have not procured member ahip tickss should do so before this month expire and thus save 50cenu commence now to oolleet joar exhibit make it more extensive thaa you over did before and a uaitod effort will mako acton union exhi bitioa a credit to the community and give it a reputation which will casare success ia future years a tp asfcrc editors experience oat west a practical revivalist cot sam joacst requested all in tho congregation who paid their debts to rise thc rising was general after they had takra their teats a call was made for those whodidqt nay tlieir debts and poe solitarj individuaj arose who explained that he wislheeditor and could not because the rest ot tho corn- rrexlion were owing hia thdir subscrip tions l sustxunz their rgpuuttoa j the gcoretou icvaltl saysrtle members ot the john sicdouajd base ball club ccuductcd uemselve4 in georgetown the same s they generally co wejrrthey to the coaatrj in the cvxaing after thegmic they became generally disorderly iud tcade imbjc foolspf thci9seivej this is the only dab that has come to george town this icisoi thii diiit act ordinarily decent ezzscskiucctireiiinr what sir francis landy of the 3rd line cist cbiafiuaeoasy recently icltseteral bags of ttbiit etanding oaf in the ald ctct saaday iateudic to eo the grain honda y follow ing in themcanwhuelhrcehnrstabeiong- iog to ilr laady saw the grain and ate a cqusiderable portion ot the saaej two ol the berscsljve since been reported dead while the third it is said is nos expected to recover s tree tsville euricir shlpxcztafcxttictocimi i the liktjtocl jamal qc gjuinwrrc of the 1st test says aboat a fortpight ago colase davies cook ca hchtt o the caaaiian agricaliarel colcaisitioa sjid cosu company alberta seat cat 110 foiled aberdeen halls he has just made arrange ments at liverpool for the shipment of no fctertha 00 rams comprisinga very choice selection of shropshire down sheep the uuaberof cattle and shee ia these ccniinmenis hive never been ercillcd inlhi annals c the expert trade the fzrztrku kzr hallway codactorj complain and not xrithoct rcasoa ot the hshit ot gpifi into the car and blocking up the passages whilst taking the rirewell kiss it is fckominga dawnrihnaisance csd wiu yet lead to strisas accidents all trains are raa oa when possible ahd start from the inistaibrmjcuntliiorito nua froih atton with whotntweprcw ltcadcrt are vora or leu acquainted mr geo ijicklin of gloorsville n y ia wailing frituds here atrsd freoman of milton wat the guoat ot acton frienat on saturday sir and mrs john matthews vlahed friends in brantford daring the past week- mr wm homstroot wuat peck mich yebtenuy attending the- faaeral df hit brother i mrs joshua freeman of st maryt and mrs daniel freeman cf bitmark visited frieadi here last weak mias flupheaiift hanson ofbowmanville left tor home on monday having spent a pleaant visit at maple lauc farm mrsv p brown aocompauied by mr alex grajit and hit three motherlesschild- tea retarncd from winnipeg last friday morning j jthp editor ot the fact fnass left on jtiqadky night to attend tho funeral of hia grandfather tho late philip ilerastrect esq at pock- mich i the princeton correspoudcace it last iuofl of the woodstock scajnlard 1ms tho following conjpumentary reference i to a former resident the series of sernjons on church history being delivered otrbbath eveniugiii the methodist church hero is morai oflseciftixd iter t a- mborc ia being complimented ia many ways over his suoocsj in princeton aud liia large eongro gatons speak loud co 011011 dalions o his bcriices station with a fall head of steam on so that half a ninatc pats theffl well under way people who jump from a train so started ran a peat risk and ye it is done at every sxation dang the line and en nearly every train- why cannot all this shakmg hinds etc he don oa the platform and eixb- the rg to say aothiag ot the annoyance 1 tfca social at the imethylirt parsonge oa jlqaday evening was a saewss ia every resect the attendance was all the cape- cicy cf the pargqnge cjali accomodate the hoi aci hosjm bevdri ghtord and ra etiaiable hoasekecper missmills did til in their power to reader the proceediags they faily siweeded and every body fleasxat to their nameroasl gaests present span t ah enjoyable evening rev mr tcrk cf gctlph was present and added hii qaota ta the ealeriainascl of the evening tia proceeds were anile eatis- facton aci the lsdies aid express hearty thinfea to the dr for this augmentaticn to their friends death oaa sirlr bcsifeat on macdir m3min the sad news was received by friends here that phillip hem- ttreet died at his hoae at peck michigan yesterday kumeroas lricnlaandneih bcrsia actoawul be piinei al learning thisia form at ion mx hemsireet was an old resident ol hallos his boyhoods days were bpect in trafalgar below horn by shortly after his marriage he emigra ted to the state rfjlinoaod settled near chicago he returned to canada after a few years residence there and during hir journey back aa event betel him which greatly retarded hi future prospects he was attacked with the mamps and con tracted a ectere cold which settled in his head with a resqlt thit rendered hici qaiu deaf and remained so until his death alter teturcing from illinois mr hem- street and hi- family resided in aeton and vicinity for ecmetwenty years as a neighbor he was always kind ad obliging and ail h eld friends here speak ia the fcindliezt terms respecting him some twealy yciri ago he removed to sanilac coanty michisan where he hk one olthe prettiest little farms in the county he generally enjeyed good health and cp to a terhort- ticfi ago did his own woric as we stated in hut istus he met with aserere accidett from the tick cf a home from which he never rallied his partner in lif e earvives him she hsi been a devoted wife ana ever rince his asictioa nearly foartr years ego ehe has patiently minis- tfired to all his wants and freely conversed with him through the somewhat j tiresome meainm ct slate icdpcncil a few weeks jjgo this cldery coaple celebrated their 55th wedding otmitersary a nnmber o relatives and frieaisj enjoying the occasion with then his death is the first break in the family his oar diaurs mrs eli snyder prrrdiie mri p s armstrong weeping water kcb hrt e hooregray tcronw and mrfi pev a j holmes mempbiivmich all ccrvire him deceas ed was brother of mr wm hemrtreet bailiff acton and gratidfather of h p mjore eiitor of the feee pce the foneral took place yesterday mnraing mmmm f vlr v o jjaliob personah gntton a cgat utckarv fkast a- literary enterprise wbich may well be ranked as one ot the greatest acd for the mass of intelligent readers one jot the most importaal of the century ia the pub lication of aldens cyclopedia of universal literature the uaratts iacluded in the list ot nice tyfi vo eminent authors repre sented iu tol x serve to illustrate the scope and the popular character ot tha work nationalities represented arc ita lian french sooltish german american swiss english persian canadisn and iriiheach author is presented in a con cise and brightly written biographical sketch following which is a spoeimcu of his crhcr writing translated into english if a foreign author guiaciardim writes of the trial and death ot savonarloa gaizot otjhe crusades cxsar in gaul the st- barthcloaiew mafsacre etc pious mad ame guypc of god the foactain ot love through john hihbertou budge erplains hatiz presents a persian song sir mat- thei- hale gives counsel to his children hilibarton sam slicks opinion of brit ishers hfllxm treats of medhnval boofc- geliers hsrly copyrights etc alex ham ilton cf the keeessity c a national bank john hancock zivz3 hworatjonon the esitoa masracre bret harie a number of characteristic short stories nathaniel hiwihorcc ocesplw 3 pages and- his son jalian i pages hegel german philoso pher is given 7 pages and heine the poet 13 pages patrick henry speaks of the abolishment ot slavery etc and george herbert sings cf paradise even this list does not acequitely illustrate the variety since from it are omitted eider haggard senutionai ndvciat helmholta popu lar scientist and eo the hit might be con tinued the work is emphatically one forevery home library it is handsomely got np and being sold at aldena charactcr- isi literary revolution price ot 50 cents a volume it is easily within ths nitch of every lover of gaod ileratnre address te publisher for his free catalogue ohn b aiden393 pearl st new york r 2ls clark st chicago- j luitpkls jtagodve thecccapsntsof the editors casyj chair the study and the seperinttmdent ot the drawer in hartrt ilaadac apparently hare not been overcome by the heals of summer- probably tbeyallhadavacatioo ard the resalt is that they tarn up iin the october camber in good style mrgeorge william curtis deals rigorously with men and journals who think their opponents are all villains and hypocrites aod then mea- lians buffalo bills wild west shor as a bit of sincerity in show life that ii to be commended from the sublime io he ridi culous is only a step and mt curti misses his readers for october with some paragraphs on browning and the browning clubs mr howells in the study reviews many books and praises hencry james of coarse the drawer is funny and bright abounding as it does in skite stories and sketches from the pens aid pencils of clever men and women da manriers f uil- pie too considerate is fcapital charles dudley warner writes i giddily from a strongminded point of view about interesting women asif all women were not interestingl i two ways to aiirxbtisx morly monoirthrowu away- thstiwxperltnoedaay boww6nawhuijoar mrwr vnim loamtdyott these idoat qaocr barely in uoeauttet h thoro any reoomiwaso iathoilrnuoarfloruieffliicot to ibe itroetoan dqicnos clocks ad rocits of itnlaeocer or tt itetmboaw dark ontrancot ulajrart and books that blaow rarclr reaches bat by chaawf boon through the ltitthoyfraace bamilm of oxtravagando exhibitions of finann t fayuieat alirays la adtsnee out thould troudcr not you itr f that a man iru led away iu taab doriotu paths astray but u ho wil counsel tako flnt be mass t oooe onake tulttpi so rdoloiit pf fake frocly uso yonr local jiapcr cso it as your raesgongor let it b your harblngor i thcaif thought the proysr caper toroign jounuli voaturc iitar james h gllmoor of t gilmour a co wholesale grocer brookville says i have used tamarac elixir for severe cold and cough wbich it immediately relieved aud cared the people of central illinois are bavicg a heap 9i fun wolf chasing but il will not last roach louger the pair of wolves that they have been cbaain about from county tocouuly for so many crt will toon die ot old tge a chicago may mide a wager with bis wile that she could not cat a quail a day tor thirty da js in february if sheiadoecd- ofl ha was to bay her a fine silk dress tho poor woman by a hard struggle was jest fi the sixteenth quail when she remembered that february has only twen tyeight days j a lady stood hanging ou the strap ot a streetcar when a workingman in the far corner arose and politely offered her a seal i thank you alio said in a very swoet tone but i dislike to deprive tho only gentleman in the car of a seat- auctfaa ila ucjrfetcr tvcoseioxr 36th septtauctian ulc of itocfc iiaplcmcau etc the iroierty ot xho c itoorc aooon salo st one oclock was hemstroct opek to the world union shoiar tbe annau exhibiticn of actoa unioa afiricaltaral bocieiy will be held in the iioil exhibition park at ci ai d kt tuesday h wednesday october 9th and 10th 1888 excellent prize list large list of specials i firstclass grounds good half-mile- track good accommodation special attractions vixx ce axxocxced latch send to the secretary for copy of prize i list tickets maybe had from any of the directors tickets sold after the 1st october are subject to a re daction of fitly cents of the prize money officees jbsrpir lxnnr pros eobt ams5ndviccircs jno dctt 1st vice do james uitthewb becrttary treasurer directors actox w h storey eobcri agnew tesqrjesixgaiex wsjdie j wriggles- worth wm bfacrtin wm ftihcr kassagawya niovlionroijt irvinf via jscksoa archucgibbca ebik aj carrie 6wnt jouaslon thos flutton jno sanders j ekajioea wm eaiarrj dsrid kac e parfc- iason johntsylor j for farther particulars- see prize hst and irge posters adhciio mcnseesare you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick- child suttering and crjihg with paia ocut- ting teeth if fid snd at once and cct a bottle cf mrs winslofisoothing syrup for children teething its value js incal- calablfi it will relieve the pooylittle saf- crer immediately depend upon it roote rs there isno mistake about irf it cures dysentery and diarraaia reguliies the stomach and bowels cares wiad cohc eofwns the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole kjstem mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to ths taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses ia the united states and is for sale by all druggists throachout the world pnce twentyfive cents a bottle be sure icd ask for mas wkslows soonnsa stbcp and take no other kind warm weather has come but clothing clothing is still necessary m brennan merchant taiuor has just rat some alty snitswbich ho boasfct et tninsa- ccixtk jcaukets scrt- ftobr itoljcri wow stone white twl boj hoat j lizlct onu hey 1 btrair 1 vood iwrrcrrlrr esicr aozen bulir diiry rtckel hotter rolls cbtxe- lolaaaipcr lag aipics volt tfoulllekiu iais illdog wool tiuotli sol per bush i lfilburnsceofiriiii tod yflno is ed from the froth fesof ulnkble ir b arccbpiy wind mhbwmki will rsiilatint 1- i iifc ias lto to 263 ldo to el5 0 5 j to 0 95 0 ia to 0 m 0 w to 0 s3 ok to 0 co 0 1 g to 0 jo 0 w to 0 65 0 co to 0 63 15 00101700 3 w to ico i w w m 0 13 to oil 0 k to 0 17 e i to o so 0 12 to 0 ij 0 m to0 gj 0 k to 0 71 6 li to t w 0 to 0 0 0 15 to 0 h 4 o0to4 so 0tooo a 35 to 3 75 prepaf- and cboico it is worse than jnsdness to rieglect- a coash or cold which is easily subdued if taken in lime becomes when jeftp itself the forerunner of consumption andprema- tniedcatb inflammation when tatfacks the delicate tissue of the langs and bron chial tabes trawls with perilous rapidity thenao not delay cet a bottle of j bickles aatconsnnjptivfl syrap the medicine that fyasps thfa formidable foe of the hamanbody and drives itfromthesystetn this inedicine promotes a free and easy expectoration sabdcs tho coarbfaeahi the aiseased parts and exerts a mosi wonder- fa infl arace in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs- it parcntf wish fto save the lives of their children and themselves from much anxiety trouble and axpense let them pro euro a bottle of bickjqs anticonsumptive syrup and whenever a child has- taken cold has a pouch or hoarseness civo tlin syrup according to directions a special line cf cloths far tswhicb he bought at tninsa- allv favorable prices and with the panjosc of giving his customers the benafit he wul saceifice them lor cash ctom lass than can bolporcx clscvhcre jbeautlihl black worsted suits at 17 to 18 which cost else- where s22 to 23 call and cwinlne tha stock for i al wijs gives pteisare to show them i i brcnnan altrayflkcops pricos right for his cus tomorsaaflmiubo loaad tho cheapest man in town m brennan t tronl but ball fflnr probibly will not sooept ottaw chsll- eoffl u mr oiueti ol toronto the mon ficueroumrwiilcwm tuiaf baking vviialmfajlhert oldojp pmitifrlu kdwatviiii fii j wj 3ider chopping mills at booewood will ro open for lie uuoni btuineu on monrkyrd september choppinfi yditfaad id ftnd irsiiibed obt lmirollennuaeto rtv slmm m ppavsj harvest t00l8 i ho 111 itool loll lino of eoythkborm uidorfdlsjf okkfl j and prtnj fobk tundlia baxsktwood tnl the ursmt dtock in aoton intludinc tu rokrlab biuicds t price way cox i un prejujod to ri ut 0mltheebhbe9uidmnjhestllflluiitiuiobl0iainilnrucutlitcilv rbebe come utd e bunplo ud et qoouuodj hop of l il3 mil klndil bixqes stnp t ind bcrew hook butts 18h4t odcoath00k8blbsd00b80lleb8wrki0wqlab84idikuiioiii o ohirga patty 01uleti point eto list i fine lot ol ootleky nd uonertl hurdvuc a eomiilote toek of ehoiee teas btaab30bba0e8 md beuotmble ca5ked goods ibd general aebcehe oajruattoli qcaiaty not quatitx oprweluia oreen jeputuduutckubat tneif all peuchen8 prepared paint8 4 cutta perqha v i x otwo most pon ar iiixed ialnts id the marks ready for ate a t alluno ot all colors j as also dry colors oil terpentine and vatnlshes t f- brushes i i nil ilnpltaelodlne tthlte wash kalsoiteoe pakt vabsibh stenctl stove boot hobseind cloth agent for b jauranoes perfeoled spectacles the glasgow house acton 1 new ladies this is the time of year you want k new carpet a set of lace curtains or cretonne curtains rath nide fringes to match 1 lefore buying it would beto your advantage to inspictdui large stock of house furnishings bt hobhjtp iir3t fok- ufjrtbpe rouisir bi taa field bctthelt ind dba08 potatofe fokxs sfase8 i 8ud akkdst iachi stone fixu ete machine oils buildeij8 supplier 1 strap t and benw hook butt8solld and loose rial g groceries j b pearson wot ie ft ial qoo 8cbiwb locks tree house furnishings i 0arpbts in tapestry wool and hemp in good variejy and inewest designs at exceptionally close figures j also a splendid range of floor and table oilcloth lace curtains by the yard and sett and a yery large cretonnes and fringes to match rani geo our dress goods dep artmenw i very complete not qnjy as regards closeness of prices bu i 1 general style and quality they comprise allwool efseys j jbatross cloths self checks combinatiph stripes jpjaids nd tweed effects special of this department is our array of black i goods comprising jerseys soleils fine allwool cashmeres i j yards wide and a lovely silk warp hen- rietta cloth at 125 see these goods and you will be delighted i- ia 1 ur assortment of coatings is ver complete a special feature being a range of english broadcloths in light shad js heaps df prints shirtings ginghams gottcinades hosiery gloves etc st notice itolcontra sealed temebsaddrefied to ignca and endortcd i tender fl wrtmcfl canbh- will ba received tj abtil thu snirsl ot tho tfcsjstnai mails pujuesday um kthdayof oexitorthecofistructionol two lof doeiening aad cnlarccitcat of the trance of tho galops canal and tot 1 ng and enlargement at u summit cornwall caual tho cowtracilr lock at each ol the thre interior l on tho cornwall canst hetveen tbi cornwall and msplodtora ths de widening the chjumelwy of the- tnictiou of bridges a map ot each ef tho localities plan and ipsciflcatioql of thfcrer can bo iren on aod af uir tubsd of september next jx this worts aod for tho respectre- voris iiibst fo lowing mentioned places t for tho works at galops at tbo locskweri honse galops fordwpeaingthosaabajcjftd of the comvttll canal at dickbauns pandinf and for the oew locks ac at jotlaiianiv so 18 19 and 20 at uio trnrtl ol cornwaelf jmntsd forms of tender can be bbtaiood for tlta resptfr titeworksattiheplacesinentioned ii in he citgct nra there most boj the actoal ehroaturra of thp fall nfnte tlcr nstnr cf the occupation and residence pt mp member oi tho tamo and fnrtherab roceiirt for toe enm ot 600 ist l tee tendrrforlhegsjoja caaatworli hank eppit receipt tor the oja each pecuodofihe works on ib sttr olthe corowu canal jj fortcb soctiocs ontho cornwair canal a rocciit for tho sum ol aljoo the rerocti depoeit reeeipts cl not bu aoc4pud innst bo endorsed ministers oi kailwajs said cq forleicdil intr contract lor the norka at cqi the terms staked in uid offer in deposit receipt thus c6s in will the jcapoctito pasties whose accepted 1 thu daparimcbt docs not sell to accvt tho lcst ox an bjr order artdr dopaxlment of itailways ana 0tt4wa6lh atrcastlfiss canals fallsc wfhir mammoth jjouseeeofiib millinery this department is just inreceipt of the litest novepies t be had for the season fresh goods being openedtqday for style and cheapness we are away ahead- splendid assortmentof boys and youths readymade suit 7 just to hand 1 i k r 1 jur boot shoe stock isthe largest nd most complete in town groceries fresh and cheap remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co fliand display of stetf groods at ths riglt hoiise uaring the ffsk immeme stook of kew goods hu been reoehed st the kifiht honie tbepameroas deiuvrhnepts ue bov tsjely assorted wit i suitable roods for the seasoo buying in large quantities direct from the uinofaqtor in payiiui cash down ontbe spot for tbei eoablss watktns to place his eoods before his castomers at very reaaonableljpricesv hft flannel depart- mint la piiied wit new goods bee the allwool grey flannels they are lower in price than rer ih dnssgoodsdepar mint is crowded v h new goods see the special lot ol new allwool ureas goods at 15c per yard hone tly worth 80c an- ot itr lot of allwot jersey cloth sergei and- fancy ureas goods at 20c worth jsc and 80s thue good an to ba had ip all ae arable shades m the mew ill wool amaaon cloth in single an4onhle width new faccyleiripeoij reu ococli see the n teltie in costoi ea ao immiuo stock ol newsilt dre ploth so tho 55c suk pliubo thp ploab both umm t vituhe from 55c to is per yard sea thrmlntle plmh in bljso and irownr ao brocade awsrpipsjsaan omlnectipoa smpnlw taojraedtslfii- bcalitiesare very weial valoc bl ripad bilk velvet and other blcn mantllnga cooo aod see the new mantle boom ills siti oik oithe best hah ed rooms in tnaloity several caaes d the newer styles of mantles short oakea ot mtdtllng nd ulster clotlfl hate beepeceired also nry apnial valoe in bilk and m asortment ol not ties in mantle ajnd dreas ornaments gimps roche and braided seta also two cases of the n iwast style in milliner- birds feathers ahmttea and fancy trimqiings fill and straw hall alaofaltt wear for ladles c illdrens and nbw black caahmi re hosiery u era cases of ki ittod tshawla aretobofonn romemhn saw mantle b om hen yon mitnrt covcrib s fridfesi an ssaawtinatr wool and onl mmttsttiiw sfnmltpra elssaltoltaatll tihir lata ion order or morira iiw idas if am riean bonnvta and hta they are now en ahtbttvjn a rarmjuairiad atoefpf newsfool nadir tnl hse to be had io all desirable sites bee the col i and ohildtwib ia jniw hoaienr extfa heal and faaoinatora in oouneotian with th newjiajifle wmibe bkmaniher tie cnrtain hare been removed from npatairs tnd are now on girls max abd im shit we for boys waai tartajm and oorar- aee oholeeoiotiiq civile diea1anferai lac i riaaand hoojetnmiabing goods the carpet eopm is now fall uaortcd oarptu curtain polea fautftd wftdof w carpet sweeper evory one sold k lloery department she weu b pleased to lftaettbitoihsatulehaad 3 beg to arinotince thai ithey have received- large ptjrbohs of their fall and winter ingor tations from the t0fcjijf domestic markets and they are daily receiving fitti goods from foreiglil tum domestic tnarketstdrelleij3s1i their stock making thej mcjf l always afresh arfd atrjpetie- the publit canjrely uppi thaiji 1 vij catering to their bestintstet pi and pjesehtin to tet lsnei j1e ofjthe largest cheasiaiid rnastlattractivft stockihjltea p 3 t be seen anywhere we call special ttenii6viq ourmillinerymaitles t dress silksressnlciiisi fancy grdsismauar4s staples flannels fllrikets x tweeds r m owr dress andmkriti rahak- ihg departrfrent ii nfirsttsi working order under a tnja petent and efficenti hea liithv proper assistance r ivj r our tailoring deptwfettti- is no j- ve hayea jam stock of the npwest gpfyxs for overcoatingsattdsi itiiigs excellent whitrj ejjttdltejr for 5 cts per yarn -fafc- toiy cottons qts pef yard grey flannel 2q ctsp3rjd tweeds for 25 cts per v3ffw black and colored sad merveleaux and gib graiff silks socts- per yard worfji- sjvoo coipredsflksfii 25c worth socts dress gopds lor 5cts and cteper yar 1 2 j cts and fjcts petj jfetili large piles ocpther pijcii in proportion l wempstrespectfulyfsblt j j cit a visit of insectic njsuid v1 we can convince yot- ofihjfc j extent beautyvgoddri ijul cheapness of onr siock our granti rhnery open ing qn thufsdayfridlj saturday sept pjlrifd 29- rrijl fvr the absolute suitainea and uninterupted prd essiori- of cheap and beaubfiil gopds r that we can show youji 3 -sini- plymarveilous 4 iv j wmmcleod4co sfammoth on iht groopd floor and is ibiani sohoant also many lit sea attea a- nit large askste i beaded ornament areralcs iaaotnew snamafn bogrotra lflooft po riahpouu m

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