Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1888, p. 4

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u bel- st jxtoii fm m thursday 8eptembeii so 1888 sijr bnng jo v tajst coz tk care of ui iwonloa pot know they arc moh komatucr bow few they mjr lf iirtdcnuj planted la ttrnf tlicy u1 crow to a thrifty ud bmaufur ur tak car o the pcnoleii the jcwu of lime lifes irrt ointutilticc el ten tb t tj keep thcav tb brighter theyll ahine oh warte not one day o tu r reveu take carp 4i yoa joatntr aioag the hlfibtay good cue of jtmr itrencth and year health without them la wln are th blcoioct of eitth in tln ill the blotting ot wealth take caw of rur honor your tunic and joor fame detl lastly with uica u fna pa and rmrbout yoar hand to the poorand the d who suffer w tnach here ikjcv tko catc af jotir footteit and which way they tend j pfortiteftdflyontouk poi tike care that too uvc rieut and ttrirc far the beat aod god tui take car of yotir w al lis jmiigffes and jokelbtsl halt u hoar with the vtne mfthe vyu aadtuearnjcraplu ortlie thj j f burdock phu cure itck headadie by kg- alliag uio lornach uvcr and bowels thaw of calomel foe dcrioeotneuu ot the liver jtc ruined many floe oonituu- lion tlw who fur aimttar trouble hive irwl averv filu tealify to their efficacy ia thoroughly remedying ui mal ady without injury lo the ayidem there it no better remedy or worm of my kind in childreu orvluiu than dr low wurtu syrup adrlplasnaad ii mou appreciated where it ii mott need ed and that it i thai uurdock hiood bit ters giiui mor- favor j early by icndiuj the wcakcued tyitciuviiaablc auiiuaco tu ru- moviuiituitnputiuci ani baildiug u t ttroa healthy body ekiadittmofiare raot uinoius because so nouecabe dr lo salpbnr sp hoiruxtiuvevor the number of vordj ia pemni to- cbaiary baa been ireqaenuy and variously ortimated the old phqologisu thoaht that few persona oed mare than tea thoa- tattd words while the ordinary unlettered man posaened from three thooiand to foor tboosand words it is well known ai bhaiespeana vocabnlary tnclades thocsani words and uqtoni eight tbooamnd words a swiss writer h ed- moot da beamoat has recently made estimates far in adtanoe of these he maintain that rustics have m their com mand as many as seven thousand words artisans ten tnontaod tradesmen fiiteen thonsand men of enltare j twenty thoa- nodftad onitersity pxdnates twenty- flnfaoonnd the minimum number of words without which one makes a pitiful ngnre in a eonversaiioa among cultivated pertons is ten thoosand til beaumont hiinaeu claims to have the use of twenty tfaooand words hi cvenl language i it i ttottihtttri how riudly the feeble anddebiiiuted caiu ttccuili and vor wheu uiinc ayere saroiparilla for what arc called brokendown coatuta- iook uyibniji cite liaji pcoved so effective ilhit uwcrful bat perfectly safe medi cine k tible kkommfidausi we ht ud dr fowlers extract of wild strnwberay and find that for diarr ha iteaonoll be equalled wn cannot ipeak too highly of it erucit cltro croai arid roy noil crbu jasper ool aphiaoth 18sa i t u 7 it ir wono than nwducw to nefiloct a cooihor cold whieh u easily mbducd if taken rtume bocomei when loft toltself the focetunner of coniumptiott and prema ture death inflammation wljen i aliacki the dolidate iimuo of the ladri and bron chial tabes traveli with perilom rapidity uiattdo not delay cet a bottle o llicaloi anliconiflmptfve byrap tho medicine llisj rrupi this tofftildable yo4 of the human body and drives itfromtheiyitflm tlits medicino promotes a free and easy etpectorntion iubduesthe couth heal the diteaaed parts and ciortu a mott wonder fal influence ia curiug consamptioa and other diseases flf the throat andlnnrt- w pareuu wiah o faye die lives of thoir children land lheralvea from much anxiety trbubu aod exnetiie let them pro cure a botllo ofbicklet antfcooaampuve syrnp and whenever a child h ukcn cold has a coofth or lioancqeat pve uio syrop according to directions j it u eitremtly iuterestiog to visit wme of the leadiac raauafactaring houses tn ito- roato ferlupc the most iuleresting and snrprmni of ihem are the extensive orna mental stained glass and decorative works of the mcciasimd san it it from the osuljiehneat that the finest windows have come foe the principal edifices throaghbut oar couuiry i wheezing jispingsufferersfram asthma receive quick and permanent relief by nsing sonlfcera asthma care sold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt of price tfce daomr uabuuj a vvtek and low oonititnlion impare blood etc caaiet a doable liability to con- trad disease parity the blood and remove all worn out matter add dficsjcbreedtni impurities from the body by usinj bur dock blood bitters whid llnroafilily clean ses regulates and tones the entire sys tem castor i a for infants and children ciitotfimveuaptodtoehfldnathitl oaiiwu eon ootisx wtffmtlon tnxnjinkidlluiiipcriorloiiirpnctpuoil i ss llommh dlurta i i u16ooiitrt8tllroou7nnt wlfcoa isjnrionl i tut cotica conrurr rmumjr street k y oodeniivei lo-rvlncst-east- sendtor-priges- ocacoi toe origin of thjs word janada is cor- ions eooogh thi spaniards visited the coratry pmioai to the french and made puttai aearches for gold and silver and finding none they often said among them- tehret u a can nada there ii nothing here the indian who watched closely tatrned the sentence and its meaning- after the departure of the spaniards the french arrived and tfaa indians who wasted none of their company and sap- posing they were also spaniards come on the tame errandwer anxioas to inform them that their labor was lost in tarrying r in that country and frequently repeated to them the spanish sentence u a can nada the french who knew as utile 6 danish as the indiana su the incessantlyre curring toond was in the name of the conn- try andgste it the nameol canada which it has horse ever rince 1 oat of sorts- symptoms headache losi of appetite f orred tongue andeneral indispceiuon these symptoms if negleo ted develope into acoje- disease it is a trite saying that an oance of prevention is worth a poand of care and a little attention at this point may bave months of sickness and large doctors bills for this complaint tikefrom two to three of parmeleee vegetable pills 9a going to bed and one or two forthree nights ia succes sion and a cura will be effected give hoiioways cora cure a trial it removed ten corns from ace pair ot feet withoat any pain what it has done once it wdi do again butxervsts cnmierfetu coonterfeus are always dangeroos more to that always closely imitate the original in appearance and name the remarkable success achieved by ksaalbalm m a positive cure far catarrh and cold in the head has induced unprincipled parties to imitate il the pablicarecaafionednot to be deceived by nostramsimiullng ktsii bairn in name and appearance bearing soch names as nasalcreani kaw balaam etc ask for kaaalbalm andtdo not tale imitations dealers may urge upon yon for a k by all drtggirts or tent postpaid en reoeipi of price 50c and 41 by addressing fnlforf 4 3o brockriae ont aitaiiahf ax sweees it is the doty of every person who has bted botched qcrna fiyncp to jet its won dexfol qualities be known to their friends in earing cansumption jterere coaghs croap asthma pneumohia and in fact all throat and jong disea- ko person can use it without immediate relief three dose will relieve any case and we consider it to doty of all druggist to recommend it to the poor dyisg consumptive at least to try one bottle as 6000 dozen bottles were told last year and no one caw where fairly was reported sach a medicine as the otmom syrup cannot be too widely known aakyoar druggist aioatit- sample bottleslo try sold at ten cents regular sue 7f cent sold by all druggist and dealers in the united states and canada- eestsa caafsrtfe it iftcrtas browoihooieboid panacea hat 00 qaai forreliericjpxnr both internal and iternil it cures pain ia the side back or bowelir sore throat rheumatism toothache lambagb aod any kind of a palaor ache it will tnpstturely qnfcfc en the bloodutod heal as its acting- power it wonderfnl browns houseboldpan- tcea jez acknowledged as the great pam relieter arid of doable the- strength of any other elixir or tlaiment in the world ihoald family handy for use when winted as ftrtshy is the best remedy in the world for crtoipf in the stomach sad painsndaehesofsllkfadc and is lor sale by alldrumjlsai 25 certs a bottle 1- r lm brief amd i lk rf at dyspepsis is dreadful idisordered live misery indigestion is a foe to do good natore i the human digestive apparatus it one of he most complicated and wonderfnl thingi in existence it is easily plat oat of order greasy food tough foodwoppy food bad cdpawyjmental worry uoe hoars irregu lar hibits and many other things which oughtjoot tobehav rnadi the american people a notion of dyspeptics bat green r august flover has done a wonderful work inreformiig this sad basi net and making ibe ami mean people so healthy that they can en oy lb itr mealir and be happy jsemeinber w happiness witboat health euttreen aagqt flower brings health aud hajipinets to the dyspeptic ask yoae drnist for hoxtlet seventy- five cenisr j ma- jfarium4 beef lrn sad ttisk ii yoa in languid and weak and your appetite poor my beef irtn and wine it the tonic be sure- j as an i invigorating lonicat is reooguized by he kedical protetsfcrn as the best ttrfogtheofog oudidoe th far produced it is invaluable as a 1 loodandmoscle maker exieciajly in th e oases where weakness is the resol of inperfect or in- food of wasting fevers 0 exoaatbf any jort it oonuins the not imeot of beef the atimulant properties 0 wine and the code powers of jroo ai i admirably oat- ealalailo boikop the ea iculcd fystan caste lad effccc ifkny persocs woader at the tired worn and weary feeliugthit oppresses them with out any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case the stomach bldod and liretf are not performing their regular functions and with mxny persons they will follow a dull iievy hetiache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well deeoped case of dyepepsia parity the blood cleanse the- system ot the clogged secretions by using ifeachatui sfandrake ifixtare prepared by j b ifeachtm 153 tooge street a chcmit ot nineteen years experience thomas kyers brxoebridge writes dr thaoits eclectric oil is the best medicine i sell itixy gives tatirfac- tion and in cases of coughs cords ore thr ic immediate relief has been re ceived by those who use it lt tammer oar children rtre very bad with snmmer eoojpaint and the only remedy thxt did them any good was dr fowler extract of wild strawberry we used twelve bottles daring the warm weather and weald aat be without it at fire times the cost considering it to have no sapperior for disrrhart sirs jss hfc- ley xew edinburgh out dont despair o relief if troubled with chronic dyrpepsi pr coisitipation these ailmentc u well as bilioaiqess kidney infirmities and feminine troubles are lead- icated by xorthrop and lyman vegetable discoverjaud dyspeptic care an alter ative of long tried and clearly proven effi cacy it is a fioe blood deporent as well is corrective and conuiot no ingredients which axe not of the highest standard cf purity xkauirsjrtmiufc cp calls vividly to mind the appalling spectre of death and yet no thought is taken of the thousands annaaliy dying through disease caused by wrong action of the itomtcb liver kidneys or boe and which might be remedied by the use of b b b natures great restorative tonic and blood purifier there is not a more dingecoat diss ot disorders tban those which effect the breathing organs kuiiify this danger with dr thomas eclectric oil 1 pal mdnicof acknowledged efficacy it cores lameness and soreness when applied ex teraally as well as swelled neck and crick in the back and as an inward specific poetesses most subsuntixl claims to public confidence ucfaafrre co mine- when sytctoms of cholera appear jprotcpt remedies should be resorted to ifiss mary e davis of lasknlie oat says hy brother wo bd with cholera morbus and after using one bottle of dr fowler extract of wild strawberry it cured hira entirely the third page oc the toroato daily mail is noted for want advertisement if joawaut to bay or sellanythiog if yod want a situatou a mcchantc a business machinery lodgings ii yoa have lost or found auydung or if you want o find out where anyone it advertise ia the toronto uaiftf hall tad read the advertisements on the third page ot that paper the charge it two cent t word eaoh insertion ad dress the hail toronto canada adrictro ifflteei are you disturbed at night and brokeil of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying tvilh palu ofcul- ting toeth if so sind at once and tret a bottie of hvi wmslawvfaooihingsyrnp for children teething tu value is iocal- culable it will relieve the poor little suf- erer immodiakly dcpcud upon it moth- ra there is ny mituke about it it cares dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cores wind colic softens the gauis rjuous infiammatiou and gives tone and cucrgy to tbe whole system mn winslowt soothing sy rup for children teething it pleaaint to the taste and it the prtmcription of one of the oldest and best female iibysioians and nurses in the united states and is for tile by all drnggitts tbouchoat the world pnce twenty- five cents a bottle be rare and ask for mas wnstlowi boothzxo tot oflduke no other wad longstanding blood diseases are curei by the persevering use of ayers sarsaparlua this medicine is an alterative and causes a radical change in thn system the process in soma cast inaj not be quite so rapid as la others but with persistence the result is pertain bead these testimonials t for two years i saffurwl frcin a se vere fain in my right side and nl other troubles caused by a oriiid liver and dvpepia alter siving seieral medicines a fair trial without a cure i began to take ajrrs sarsanariira i was greatly benefited by the first bottle and after utia five battles 1 was com- pletely- curetl john w benson to lawrence st lowell moss lasofara large carbuncle broke out on mr arm the usual remedies had no effect and i was confined to my li for eight weeks a friend induced me to try avers sarsapiriua less than three bottles healed he sore iaall rayeipe- rience with mdiciae i never savrmote wonderful results another iftarkel etct of the use of this meeliciue w the strengthrtthig cf itiv sight hw carrie adams holly bpriugs tra- i i had a dry aly humnr for year and suffered terribly and as rav liroili- er and tister wm- siiiiiuriy afnictcl t presciae tbe uxalily is lureiitarr ixit winter dr tyrtia if- fenmidina fla reeorniaeiukl ia to tatt aycra sarianarills and cautiuue it fur a jcar for five month itwfc it daily i have not had bemih upon lav vvlr furtba last three moui ik te wiley ho chambers st- kec vork city last fall and widfri ra troabud with a- dull heavy juiu hi lay hide i did not notice it mmli at first liut it gradaahv cre utm until it became almost unbcarali- during tie uitr- part of this time disorders lie oitt- ach and liver increased niy traitlile t began taking aver sarsavirfu and after falthfullv coinimimg the e nf thismediciae for seine mouths j th pain disappeared and i was completely cured mrs augusta a furbusli haverhill ia i i ayers sarsaparhla j ntzputco bt dr c aftc k co low mist wiiiutyoti- wcllitlijiitic exhausted vitaity rtmii science oflifev the jrcat ifciicil work cl tic sre oa jfaiihood nerved jid rbytical debility rn- itsrc deciiac knxrs ai liouth and the catolt x e ies ciokuoi ibcrccd m r ies s vo 122 prescriii f r all diseases uofall cilt calf j1jk by 1 ail scaled illastrttivc firuiilc free u ajl ybucgacdniijdleagodiaca scnj hot the dold and jewelled jxtiil sirtriki a the elor lt kttioaal iledicxl asfkic2 address p ollotlfiu ioj 3iai5 or dr av n fm heiij graduate of ktrvni llilcil cokc ij years practice ia boston trho iriy be c5uaui bamestiauy ejiclaity ducic s of ilia jsce ko balaach st the harvest is completed and money will soon be plentiful -r- 1 i kenney bros acton abe aware tihat at this time of year the farmers especially begik to i elect their footwear for fall amd winter ajd to the de1and have filled their shelves with a largh boots and shoes of all kinljs i for ctcrbo3 i we have a give us a call great sale dr chase fits l tcm ti c nryztlij f t pl15 1 tlzllioz his lkw1c iiociinu itct cjrc it xstc ol ihekidtjll lvcr svttosii or kidney cqvshtkt vn- kjzi pijs is li bti i ii ici r die iuaiz isd lite cf ilt tmnirl urincoica ohiirucri friutzt diirc kt iixcituj cirt fnozz iutli ijot driic jiilc cauiltrioriltjj v iio2 piics ihvnil wcjiirrt iu 1 bvilptos oi ilivep colfii rcnia icdiccsjcafki jits l i how cnu lfcdrsicaai dasklion sre ucir lirer crcstidtca cahc i vili kirrv rciac- ilics is is ttt chusi livir izn till iotl jojty care tl kiiavltr ircli it vris jilvi ciianu eicuiitc ij cooi livtr tntrhcii2 tai killer ridiavirri ttc ccijit llcl vlih ir hivbfj j that have cv our prices iin trjr ihoulicr corjlsioi x ciry sid net i liver pills wans- i 4ca tltriuci 1jvin xivcr uoijics lcijr ccsric oa lil t co cciilinol 5iivtr iiik ui til liu v icy- the dissolution of partner ship sale still continues we have large quantities cjf goods wewantto convert into imone we are making special and extraordinary efforts i to ac complish that end we shall quote- 3ou a ew specimen prices for example splendid colored silks for 25c worth- 50c black silks for 50c worth sioci black and colored satin meryeileaux tor 50c and 75c worth 100 and 150 dress goods lor ioc 15c 20c worth double the money a fine line for 15c original price 30c beautiful ribbons for 15c per yard millinery mantles and flowers at extraordinary low prices parasols a magnifi cent line from 25c up factor- cottons foil 3c per yard up checked shirtings for 6c per yd worth ioc seersuckers 3c per yard up beautiful fast colored prints and ginghams for 6c worth i2c and 15c cottanades and tweeds at extraordinary low prices beautiful tweed at 25c per yard j we are slaughtering ready- made clothing regardless of cost gents furnishings a magnificent stock hats for 25c worth si 00 carpets in hemp union allwool tap estry brussels floor oil cloths mats curtains and window blinds in large vari ety and very low- prices in fact we have the lantst and cheapest stock ever offered to the public our millinery dressmaking and ordered clothing depart ments are in excellent con dition very bus andj turning out goods to suit all parties in price and quality i f to the farmers we say bring us your wool- we shall give you the highest price in cash ortrade for any quantity of clean merchantable wool in spection and patronage re spectfully solicited wmmcleodco mammotff hoiuse ediiakdsok t co iinlwokdou luv-s- gcu4ph glqtb aallv newest fal rpiyals overcoatings scotch tweed saltings canadian twjed suitings shawcrundt v merchant tilor8cuelph and lie public i well irae thi forcash we cin sapplv- irapcrior goods t rep- low work alwiyii icases and repairian ia neatly and promptly eiecu lea- nice assortment of trunks and valises- direct from the fattory ii satisfactory prlo call and see uswhen yoa come lo acton i big exhibttion kelly brothers merchant r bailway1 crand trunk rall ooiso east j qqb uixod- t j eipnkl expreti 7 w tjcj kximtluiirfl paavl10yj itwenhtffi tarongh kipctt tjjtn 110 is5 accom 10 oo pjm t wfxrt jtii cblcacoeiprcjiijoeidotitipty indfiramptaii v- fc iv tixz orclosixojtuti- vsfsl ooins wotth 15 ttntoil s tnpio ilhuei ooing emfe10 w aia and 6pj4- sfea iivii cores qhronic p m lmt1 1 mtiveness and all qomaj 12 fuuisi wjrjl jwti3ci j iu iji xrvcpepaia or indtgwuoa buife vaicht hoartlnra aticitj tffljj meet stock ie iricet our ordered enketp bros tailors ut passod into eiock the finest assortment of- j impor and domestic suitings pantings and oyeicoatifcgs r been ibown in the count v we are now in a position to trait anyperson rjuiring anything in clothta unr rrjces a e right and we will enaruilec every rarmenl to be perfect both in fit md i tmsh no fit no sale hun dred of palt nt to select rem we also cam- the finest stock ol xecfcties collars casiiui sluw toje found in any toronto i r a share of your patronage we remain sircsrjjy ke1ly bros butter and- eggs wanted college olivet mich iorboib scit5 eicccs lo- s0ea pe- lartincnt alie icsmicmtt larga library unstfa- fill lenn ciwcs sfptuoi ci sc2diorcauuopie wioier win jas- burilfejs r l 0 afi j worcester usridged ckartc rs unabridged quarto dictionary willi cr kiihtl rjvi teas ivtst iujcx edition of 888 enlarged ijricaiiiticaortncvproeoulciuk j biographical dicionary gazeteer of the world ootias aiij lociiji iv sjio iu- cocuiaiastisj over 12500 iew- words recenty tiicd tccthcr ri la table of 5000 words ip gener- j al 08q with their synoaymes tllzstihtzv with woi ctte xxd-illl-1xgl- rii katlomlstiniard iifanoririiilitcratcrc every edition nlldnfdiriv ilohjcs uryfat jvicjr wlutticr td ciut tiiuit auiricaa iatlion folic it vfjrttcr it jirt- hc uioolal rvcut erciisb vrltcr ir in tho icljotitv of the uidi irii rml jj-f- iaprc ot tic lznity nil ol thu vtiu di- lartiacni at svaslaiigtcti j ii lippistott aihtxv ilmirk isatititiritktrtttlliiwijiii authors cox iiichurgesl f trusses aetrpicial limbs 1 h ilillrie r 1 ic aftl- joist kjfc licw firiit sjinil ii bi uv iiji lol did- r- dv isc- ot tc kj aii ankk joikv lie j lojciiiljkcti u50 cltuich dr fclzm cures a c i zs morbus mps labrmffia ysemtery amd atu aimmer doiillants anp rlmxbsofttlelibovels it is safe mid reliabtl fob mltdrentemui v will cuie or relieve dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin itheburn co siuousness dyspepsia ikdigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheuh heartburn headache land qnry spctias efdiseasa j ia djsctdand llvtzr xid stomacub pwzla orblood prcprietcra tobosto kelly brosi flch eaetuptttictu lea c ap dtttacrt ycrrtras debility kjaiet or pccdaqtj it 11 titilia 19 cia if titv i j mm xu sell witrtl iti i ctiibtta cscttt ld 11 ckixiito la ij tl fj c uova rorjl ijrjp dotdtri 35 ecu tflicfc the great bloo jjrjchannlrgi- cejciuennauptutljabstv 9 rf srtifala salt isittte l sim invakitiiracn yx rvrpli cr ind pnto lhrumalic al s totwr kji eisalcr snd rinnri ofwroai oi the cftt k jjtw umil4 ctsnii tnd di difftir rrai lag imk m l iitfcaeffthalm cautiozast for javia l2t7t2203 c sol jwjehts a poor mahlriemutr one that wuirare dan ofk irmnjair adoiurin time and docloril iuomalnrt near a t hand ready at a moo nail c oidijprxatdjinj painkulerlr trrlodders burdock compound freemans i worbs powders isz plflamat to tila ccsisla thclrrsn prrrlitc is a lia btt tj cttcclzzi dertrctw ot iram a clillrenorldnlia breadmakers yeat nitkn ris of his vrit j fir lnic ft oruiu a jv lt7ri ircirrctcy ttrwu i price five cents to fiirmers and threshers i v ia on vourmaotunervonl7 the wellknown 1 cures larh comftolzv djtpffpsit bulousdbbs t sfcjt headache sidnat troubles skin diieaaes i hui alltmpmitlej of ths blood from whatflter cause arlcng- the great sprlnp medicine piie7i rith pilla ifl try dbl hoddeits little itilyetl pills vcit huall aad eajy to tale ndgripikci no nausea- 5old ottrjrhere pri 25 cti th union medicine co proprttcbra toronto ont 19 gold wtcfiodsiridho firm g celph scajmfactari latquocaottyou woriliby samuel rocers co toronto wool ldteiiouse woollen mills ars now prepared to pay the highest market prices for ill wool offered in cash or goods we have a large and well assorted stocl of bljanketp tweeds flannels stooging yarns knitted goods etc in eeles3 oil mtt fl at m k been awarded it daricfi the last three yean uue1vuq try uq 0 p aj grcuofcryocr sc poweri these oil are aed aad highly rccotn mended at themodel armer aak for them cae no other takes dtersallyit iredpw cholem imirrbaa cramp t wlwafihtfi plonaci llijwd coplamtj patdieaw j tsroit coowiae j csei estebsaut it cord 2rt cals lloro soldi and spraiubwtftw tfaejoioutoutlucbcl llw rajfuaodhiicamaticij0 sodb7lau in ianly medicines tito vim i axoaai t 25cckt rat ear u v is h- enrare of twixlerfdb a irrtfilh digestive los afteri boceb hr fnfwc dietitian if arn ficnt wa h iccitticaof htj tticjzlrc lmmptllste tflh ttadjanialv and indnrcii n vfj r pixxc7i0f3tlfrtnw it iwlltajbi niiirrt- t staiura nt w lunm fkt j- dans u lawrcncoxo umldo m4ajt i hinds kokeyahdau rtd the prinqifuwm tratnreti es r 1 pi ml ki fffrbb jjrv ifa jictof vj 1 5 pwj 1 ziaiirii gscftiioirt ihi htss ni jlbe lis iia t yh ft ortrfc the lar jest scale works fn canada oyer 00 styles of iy sijales grain scales jfarm scales tea scales ikirtiovedsidw yorcy drawers meaicopperi mo botchos xsgppuu accsis ix tvzl wrtu bx lernu c wilson a son espunhoe street east toronto pnt m tins par ererr uae roi wruc 1 l wool wool 0hnj m eat varietv selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers r roll carding spinning weaping aud in fact all kinds ol custom vtcrk done incur usaaltrotrpi and sajibfactory manner afisi magnificent displiy millinery mantles dress goods carpets curtains lftc mckay 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