Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1888, p. 2

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ftofttf divtiin m fiebeu on the lclh uittiie wife ot ur w b d4rta odttor adrwti of a daugh- i 1 i i i married t alux- kjw3itat llic rmfdcnccl of- the brtdo father on wcdncmlaa- ltth jnrt- by rcvkdy mr john vadarm to mr ante adopted tuafhtcr o goargc li kcqucdy eq bottl of gcarem i mklmct lrrrus al tfa- rwddcaee of the bride father princeton ont on lb wh september dr i a meldrati stratford to 5- uatie qaojhtcr of her janict little dud ritwkal gueiph on sept ttjth rlixabcth ana ballaatrao wile of ttiomu s lvtrtc dtogcut4p30y4nl months and 1 10 day cnir ux at hi roaldmiw if the towniliip of eqaainc wm chapjin a native of korftr- sbirt scotland agwin jtr pticocx in xaaaacatera on the uui i rkplctu- ler jamoc injacock ig6 year ad s months j j fox at hii retidoace hornby on the tuh tnrt anthoo r for it d aged u jcars 1 month and m days j ijt tim ftktts thursday september 2 16ss- xqtes axtj cojutems- alrcady tix applications foe diirte hive j in to the senile for consideration oexlseuion it u not a good ucntfait the natnbex ot applications far divorce should be increasing bat gch unfortunate ly is the f act j j senator sherman has introduced rcso- lotion instcactinc the committee oa fcrthm affair to report sach measarca as ire ex pedient to promote friendly commercial and pohtkalintercaarbe bcixreen jenrtand lud canada ud toe united state since compalaory odacalian began in i 70 there hu beea s iteady decrease in crime both actual and relxure to the popalatiaa the judical statistic for isstjare just published thetotsicommitmecteto pris- omrert5estfewtclutyearthia 1s50 good prices for vhllat a great change has taken place in the price of wheal during the paai few day ichu vlnncaditenty mpocuot wheal point on 4hii continent com scenu to 12 cent a bathel since monday morning and oldcointrjmatkctihiiaeiaddcnlylxwomc bern the immediate caac o ihit general id nax is t decrease in the america visible apply llic lulctneut of which wu pab- iwhcd recenuy bui i hit circunuun tctedoulyu i ipar to the firm feeling which um been rtthcriog for the put month it hu beca well knowu thit the whcutilnilioaumacu ilronger thin it any umclaat year at vicuna a ihocl unie ago it wu tttiaatod that the worlds crop would be largely deficient and now dctr- bohm ooofirmt the prediction fay another eitimate to the effect that the crop will be if000ooq basli els leas thin that of lut year he places the crop ot 1837 at 2059 200000 bowels and estimate that of 1s8 at 1591400000 bosheii in toroutp prices have been iteidly ad vancina for the put weefc yesterday fall wheat was sold for tlcs aui 10g and tl03 wubcdfocko2 spring wheat in manitoba l a baihel ic being paid foe extra mimjobt hard wheat and 05 cents for no i hard with t proportion of frosted wheat in it this is 0 cents a bes- hel hishec than whet was pail hut year the erect diftercace in rice will be tally ppceciled tiy firmer who have wheat to sell liven the rhet frol to a consider- abjc extent will lirinr mnre lliin the no i of lat yer jv thecfftfcuof cool prices for wlicat are well knorrn to the comniercixl coinracnity qaick marketing ready piymcjuaud a disposition and ability to bay freely are ipeodily felt in every branch of trade toronto wcrld ax old cask revived the princely generosity i of sir george stephen and sir donald smith is fittingly exemplified in the presentation tohoctreai of a fine site coating 80000 u well as a trillion dollar hospital montreals sole labor in the matter is to accept the mag nificent gifts the united states authorities rcfose to comply with the reqeestjof the grand troni railway to have the laggsge of pass engers for points in the states examined in toronto instead of at saspension bridge k x the groand b the jrexnssl it thit the statae protides that the examination most take place in united stales territory the newmarket nx teasibty thinks it 1 should be an established rale on all trains that those getting off a car jshocld do so by the front platform and those boarding a train should enter the car by the rear plat form this wonid pat a stop to all the crowding and confusion which is now so commorl i i in 1866 caoida exported totha united states 61 per cent and to great britain 34 pereenl in 18s7the two conntries had entirely changed pta great- britain tfc ing 60 per cent and the united states 35 per cent the former bays nearly twenty six mtltion dollars worth while the latter now taies s little over fifteen minions i united sutes papers bpojfeirt high praise of ua heroism of the ministers of all de nominations and the physicians tmnnf ths yeflot feer mfierers ef jacisonville kobler ehiralry cannot be displayed than to face an nmw foe finch le a loathsome disease merely to render soccer to the stricken victims ail honor to sack coar sge v the bonftspflprs a sbnciation of onurio hare dwadfii to lay their ccstoms griev ances before a general meeticgaf the trade which u if ps place fa october they com plain of an alleged discrimxnatibc in- favor of quebec magazines oa which ontario dealers hare to pay a heavy dirty being ad mitted free at the parte of if qntresl and qaehecorchargedonly anominal entryfee what are yon doing lr haggart since yon became chief postmaster of this do minion toward adopting a twocent one- otmee letter rate 3 they have had a penny postage in england for years and years and in the eutes now for several years have yonr scheme in shage good sir for the opening of the hacse dont let yoar colleagnes sit on yos when yoa ssg- gest it in the cdanciz tar its got tobe sud then pot itthronghhtcrontohvrf the postmastergeneral his decided not to enforce in fniore the regnlatioa nnder which it has been repaired that the regis- iration charge made in the case of regis tered letters shooid be prepaid by a- special registration stamp hereafter therefore any letter posted for registratioc bearing arm it ordinary postage stamps of son ciect amonnt to cover the charge for regis tration in addition to the postage charge may be registered and sentfbrward to their destination the change will doabtless be sppreciated by conntry people who have heretofore in many cases severed incon- veoieoce by being compelled to go a long distance to obtain registration stamps a eaialfali gar sept 22 fain sultai a black- smith aged about 7p years living near kirkwall a village eight miles from gait io beverly township was instantly killed to day by falling from a wagon he leaves a wife and five children i t flrrt shipment of wlieat port arthor sept 2jtbe first ship ment of manitoba wheattmt seasons crop arrived here today consistmg of ten care graded bj the dominion grain inspector as niqecsrsnoi bard and one car no 2 hard the shipment is an excellent sample and the high grading is ronsidered yery satisfactory as an index of the seasons crop j a car load of silver ore vtlaed at fi7a0go from the dadger mine wushipped today for xewbnrg k j forlreatment this is the largest single sbipmentfrom one mine this season the aprxe trade lv westfjlv kew york locexolt n y sept 23jyestern kew yorktv filled with western and east ern froitbajers tlie airfcet ic now in its primesud fliegrest fall ijidsstry of this part of the state is now cjqry m pro- great t the crop of fall apples is t large and of fine quality they bring first hand from ii to fl50 per barrel the winter apples promise to be of great abaadance there is htuc doabt thatr the crop iu nia gara coauty the banner fruit coauty of die state- iiicladibg liie eidef apple nrfet viil foot up over 100000 barrels lhe a third trial arises out ofthcfiw which oceurredinabwrlghtvbushlmt full- a case which has already occqplod the attention of the ooaru a good deal was re newed in a different form bofow justices bloroyand allan ontaesday the history ot the caie u about as follows lait fall a fire occurred in the bash of ai b wright lot 80 con 2 half a mile north of acton by which with other damages a quantity of wood belonging to john ryder a tenant of the property was destroyed eyder then brought suit against wright in tho division court here lo recover damages for the wood ho lost he obtained judgment and wo and oostt wright applied for a now trial which the judge granted a new jury was cmpaneuod and in a subsequent sitting of the court the damaget were redaoed to tziu and ryder to pay hit own witness fees in the first suit since that lime wright has received in formation which led him to inspect that the fire had been maliciously act oat and he had joseph chisholm arrested u the guilty party it was for hit trial the court was held on tuesday chisholm was charged with feloniously setting fire lo the wood and grass on the property of wriftht with intent to destroy the woods and pro perty a b wright john jtestaster and hrs john ryder were sworn and it was brought out in evidence that because a fire started by wright to clear up a part of his farm hsdbarncd a quantity of wood whih chishojm had purchased from him over which some dicpale arose chisholm threatened to giro wright all lha fire he wanted and in going through hwwrighlv bssli set fire to a pile of wood and a quan tity of dry grias the tire tprcih and ry- dr wood was burned chitholm wa committed fee j trial but was bailed oat by his father aedjbrotber a sensation at rockwqud jcrs ltttvrenre ind her newly knm baly found diad in their ifcaie a sensation- was created in the village ot rockwood oa saturday when it became known that a if ri lawrence and her newly- born baby had been found dead the wo man who was a widow rith five chihlren had sect them all out of the hoase the eldest thinking something was wrong went to a neighbors and asked her to go to the house the neighbor got another woman to- go with her and they found sirs law- recce lying apparently dead and the lifeless body of the child in a tub under the bed sfedical aid arrived in a few minnles but the doctor said both mother and child had been dead 15 minutes the womans se ducer left for parts en known a month ago an inquest was held on tuesday at hrs duffieids hotel when the following were sworn in john wright foreman john gibbons goo pike anthony dennis hec tor kunro john dyer thos si parker wm robinson thos- welchford s soper fatrick lee john lnnesnel sfclntosh jsa w enbwles thos warner wm oshcnu mrs hcrlburt sirs bolton sirs has ings sirs iotcbell icrs stost and ifrs garstang gave evidence in regard to the condition in which things were when they arrived the particidart of which have been given y dr dry den who had been called when the sad afiair became known gave some medical evidence as to the condition of mother and child which gave no ground for suspecting that the mo ther had attempt ed to make away with the little one after its birtb and both she and it had died from loss of blood the jurys verdict was to the effect that scrc lawrence came to her death troth want of proper attention caused by her own criminal action in not allowing and refusing help and the childs from loss of blood extensive swindling acfrinin grxia men excited over a new tud unique swlddllcg jaine dcrnorr sept 23 the grain men ol detroit and varioni other portions of the country are excited over a swindling game in which they are more or lea- interested the swindle is new and uniqie j w helm of danville 111 a wellknown and extensive grain dealer hu among his cus tomers the firm of hirer brothers of ham mond iu althoagh he never personally met the members of that firm a few weeks ago while on a railway train in illinois helm wxaapproachedbyasirangcr who introduced himself usir kizer cf hammond hl helm wu m delighted to meet him the stranger cfiered helm several cars of grain the latter made an offer which wu accepted the following day by letter with the request that helm meet sir kizer at the depot with 2100 helaj complied and the following day re ceived bills of lading for seven or eight ad ditional cars and remitted 82500 more a few day later the two met at a fair in champaign 111 when kirer sacceeded in getting helm to place him on a solid finan cial footing with bczys bank of urbana hi and but a day or two intervened be fore kizer presented bills of lading on j s laphtm a- co of detroit on which the bank advanced i 2500 a few days later kizer wrote the first national 1 bank of dinviue 111 inclo bills of l for ten car loads of grain on wardwell sic- intyre of new york and requesting that 1750 be expressed to kirer bros at ivea- dale iii the bank refused the request and sent the bills of lading and draft to kirer bros of hammond this was the firms first intimation of the crookedness going on in their came and they notified the bank that the entire transaction was a forgery the total namler of bills forced by the spariaas kicer were on thirty cir loads of grain on prominent new york detroit and cincinnati firms the only losers are j w helm tg0o and eozys bank j2500 who have made good the losses to the grain firms tbe identity of the swindler has not been discovered skallfos xeafi u0me twocat of the dicea ht toronto and many la buffalo sfedicii health officer caniifi has had a busy time of it for ten days owing to the discovery in toronto of two cases of small- por the first occurred oo agnes street and wu discovered on the hth instant the family consists of a mother and two daughters the elder of whom is the patient owing ta the absence of the family physi cian the disease was well developed prior to its discovery and the removal of the patient to the smtllpnr hospital the house has since been strictly guarded it inmates vaccinated as wellas allwho visi ed it daring the time the patient remained in it and the emyloyees of the factory in which- the pitient worked altogether about fifty perrons have been vaccinated and these will be isitei to see if any symptoms of the disease apper the second case occurred on richmond street and was discovered on theleth inst in its earliest symptoms and the patient one of three sisters who keep a bearding house was removed to the hospital the next day similar precautions o prevent the spread of the disease were taken in this case three members of the kimball opera company had been living at the house and dr cacniff refused to permit these to continue plsyin nothing definite fcu been learned con cerning the origin of the disease but in the richmond street case the sfedical health officer is looking for a woman from buff alo who stayed there three days abont a fortnight ago leaving when the secured a situation as cook bcrraw x y sept 23 teh new cases of smallpox were discovered in a tenement on the east side yesterday some of them had had the disease for a considerable time and the occupants of the bailding strenuously resisted the health physidans who were obliged to force an entrance the men of the famifies occupying the building had been at work every day and the stores and saloons oa the ground floor were run u usual another case was discovered on lovejoy street and still another on ashley street cud these withtbe wife of deputy controller ajbro make the rocler for the day thirteen cases dr bryce secretary of the provincial board of health has received reports which ihowthat over two hundred cases of email pox have occurred in the city of philadel phia since june i tocoxto pc 2 there are now foar cas of smallpox uuder tfearaent st the sin all jo a hotpiul the history of the first two iixkalccajy ikcii given aud the two additional cises are tfie mother and siscerof the tirl on ajtic htnet who was the first to develop symptoms of the terrible diseae a for the ethioonj street aae tho heali hldepartmenl are in hopes that the prompt roeasare uken will prevent the disease from sprtadiug the patient wu removed to the hocpfial before the attack hjfd iuuelo reach the suge aiwhicli it can toro contagion it i jasi possible that her other two sisters may become eppie evaporator industry is now in it irio t herkoot aid nisoj tlioaiands of victimi of imallpof bat further than that barreu kill bt ucd by iha s conwrna j it u not likely to spread murder xkar stuatiir0y l loxiossept 2jja duurdly murder vu discovorod onitha second line ot adc laide about four miles fro slralhroy on balorday johnathan ilabinsou au old bachelor englishman 7i years olj was ioaad lying on lhj uoorof his houaewhao be lived alone with his throat cut from car to car his tkall fractured and both anni broken he had hot been wen alive amcc the 13th inst as flie neighbors thought he went away to micoigiu on that date an in- quest wu opened at the house thu morn ing by coroner liudiiy and a jury exniu ellod when it adjoarncl until houdsy a strathroy robinson lived iu adelaide 35 years after the post mortem he wu bar- iod this aftcrnoonlat stralhroy ratalit wal three awnu 0ttl lc s lf h kuata ttrcfhcr oq saturday evening sir abraham johnson a prominent farmer of thisneigh- borhood was driving home accompaoieibj bis mother a venerable old lady over w jcarsof age thjeir horse got frightened tt the looting of a stcsm thresher which was blowing off tjeira near the roidsidc the boggy was upset aiii the old lady re ceived such injuries thit she dicd in a few hours amsnnamedcoaur who came to their usistmcc had his leg broken by the horse close by a other upset occurcd owing to the uaii of o saine machine and a lady nuracj miki iu id ovardsville hid her arm brocc a campaign toirh is uu airtabc np thu hilndici y bio lube the lume ilucit uquor slxlixg in toronto iiw the authorities treat viclstors if the lawand catch theni intliclr owntraji staff inspector archabold wu very indig nant on saturday morning he and li cense inspector dexter have had two good whiskey detectives at work far eame time back and their evidence has been given so straightforwardly and trathfttlly that the inspectors were proud of them and when the lawyers would fail to mike any im pression ou thera the worthy inspectors would smile with a contented feeling and not be surprised when the usual sjo and costs or three months was imposed on friday morning slitchell and tiedale the two detectives informed staffinspec tor ixchabold that they had received financial offers from sir burns of york street and other liquor dealers against whom cases are pending to leave the city and go to detroit or soma other american dty the two men informed the inspecto and he told them to take what you can get and come to me for instructions i will deal with them the men accordingly closed with the offer and on friday after noon boarded the 215 train for detroit accompanied by sir burns nho had bought three tickets and filled their parses with gold on arriviugat hamilton where sir barns intended toieave hem be was disagreeably surprised by slitchell and tisdale handing him lover to the ham ilton police where he wu locked up a detective left on saturday afternoon and brought sir burns back to toroato to an- swer the charge of tampering withwitness- 4x3iail toronto inut exhibition the great fair an cmuaal szcct and fiuan- zti far in advance of preview year j the exhibition which closed at toronto on friday wu a great euccess in adai- tion to he gate receipts of ttyfiql 5700 has to bcadded for exhibitors tickets sold to them at reduced rates making the net gite receipts tgol s against 51070 last year in addition to this the entrance fees refreshment priviliges and other special rights amount to about 510500 making the totsl receipts over 70000 stanager hiu estimates that the net profits thisyear will be from 15000 to 620000 all the profits made by the association must be spent in improving the grounds and build ings daring the ten years tne uwciation has been in existence the profits have amoanted to aboat 9j000 all of whitti has been spent on the grounds andi build ings ttlliied willi 12300 skccnjiopci sept it coniractors shi- urley and corbet engsgud in the construc tion of the iferford braach railway have left the country with f 23000 in their hands the proceeds of a check given barn by the company and made payable at a bank in ottawa at the time of their departare their men re unpaid for six weeks twti udw ici strathrov mrs john zavhx and mrs wm moody have reipec- irely contributed ii0cxi umi fjqoq to- ards the baildnij of tl o ikw daptut cbarch in that town wilh an i in the cmi j iv initio to leap up about two feet foe wi iusiant the effect of cce thousand luch ruiis uf tire atouce ill bo striking i five men were drowrd ly a vzchting accident on the st ltwrciice ncr brock- ville on sunday 1 j mrs jones of windsor is cue hundred and eight ycirslof tfc and retiins her mental facalties ihoadi totally bund i fc j messrs sibley bciringcr of east sag- maw mich hive purchased ioj000000 feet of pine in british columbia if yoa want to buy tr sell a farm ad vertise in the tofoato itwity hail- that paper reaches j 103000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this chas are in serted in the toronto rvirzy matt for five cents a word each icicrtion or twenty cents a word t or fiie insertions address the mail toronto caaida utetph iaukkis i ktltilh 1- flcrcr roller i i 0 to 2 cj flour som l 1 1 m to i 15 vfcitecitiai 1 o to 1 o scot wheat 1 10 to 1 ctj tkoertt wliuiij luj to 1 co krrics whet i tt s to 0 h kodgcrwheit u k to o 9s braa 1 14 lutoh iv baricr o ir lo o a 0a si iq o 21 if- to o j o w to 0 ci hiy t motoicoo stw j a en to i o j oj to t m o ii to o is butter dsirr rikai 0 1g too 17 btir rolls 0 is to 0 30 cheese d 12 to 0 15 potatoes per ba 0 10 la 0 13 apples u to to 0 s3 port g ho xo 7 so lalaiii o to o pelts 0 15 to 0 3 hides i j w to 1 00 wool 1 0 2i to 0 3 timothy seed per bath s 7j to s 75 gentlemen kindly call and eramine kelly bros spring enitincs snd piutinfist powder absolutely pure this ponder cerer varies a mtirfcl ot pnritj ktrcacta aadwiioletotccccs hore ccoaouiical than the oriiutrj- kinds tad eaiiuot he told in conipetitlou with tte unfltitadecf jow test short weight tlutn or ihplstfl iordtrr bold only incace foral lucisd poirnrn co ico wall st n v b5 ft fl ft o to the front of all colirttitiox re tlice oue elegant and substantial goods splendid in qaality complete in assortment overffowins in generous bargains mens woiicxs anuohilukcxs boots and shoes at prices that ahysletd to bpeedy sales lowest prices coxeistc r vaiu jcood quality oatitom work and repairing promptly attended to w wiliiims i mill street acton b sayaae gi wi1ex you come fro c rask i our dollar spectacles a new stock just to hand r b savag the l lion olf gfufelph elpxi uelptl guelph- so rewasd b i ja far lauj jl lie tii ffii lcol to the nittetiairtx an j- cr vtrsa ho 511x1001 j brskeiz l xlotitc t ttc lii jand 1 ad ltalei2- itaiffi k1wod we have just received the following letter from our resident bdyer in glasgow j d williamson co glasgow aug 17th isss messrs j d williamson sjco gueiph ojnt dear sirs i have just rettfrned from a trip to the continent in your interest and have succeeded in com- i pleting your order for french dress goods silks satins and trimmings i secured sorne of the most ss goods rang- are rr anels of beautv exquisite suit patterns in french drc ing from 40 to 75 francs which the in thi cuses wa of button j ih vour cit will i also bought some novelties and trimmings such as other hi not have as they are not in the english market i visited a number of cerman mj nufacturers and purchased a full range of mantles and fur goods on my return i visited london and completed town order in leeds i purchased a large lijie of tweeds and cloths and also a job lot of dress goods whih i cleared it 15s in the if there are mora- than you can handle you can no doubt sell a portionof thefn to other mer chants in gueiph on monda i shall run over 0 be and completp your linen orderks the i can get better there than in manche i was glad to hear of vour good sea a p v 3 ast for a week e are man- lines- iter a6ns trade and hope it will continue you cannot fail to do a good busi ness this fall with the splendid falues ou will have yours very faithfully d wljlliamon s4 oswald st glasgow ii blauraxceco wholesale pt cians ntbfeal whose celthrated pebble and oher spectacle and eye glasses are to be found in every town in the dominion they are reccicmetdedrhy apd testinoniajtf have been received from the president vicepresident expresident the iledicai association o canada tiie president of the sargeons of qaedec the dean of the medical fapklty cf l vol unirersity the presi dent and eipresidents of thr5iedical council of s ova scot ment of these erccllcnt goods will be fonnd at the fitore of tia ac a complete assort jpear bonj agent acton manhood how lost i how restored jcct published ajncwciitiofc oi dr colvcr- watlacelobratcd ecany ctle liadicdcarc of 6pcraatarrlioei cr luny tzity tdgoq1 ijy excess or early la jjcreit ttie calelirtiod autiaar in this nusiirslle fliuf clearly cuidiiitritc froin c thirty joir accoisfal intcuce tkil the ciirnn cacie- qnnncei of earlyerroriiiaj be rwiifciuj carod poiatla out niric c cure at ouec fimplo eertafa tad offectmu loriueansof wlfcb crory inflereruomattcrwlatlis coajitiau may be mar care himself tbtsjlj inrz cly and radi cally rstbti lectnre horild be in tuc jjiurf of crery yodtti kha orery toku in thn laui 8ant undor aoal fn a jiinin oirjpf to any addreai on receipt pt four ccnti ur io poitao iiimiil addrui tin oalronrcli jiellcti co il axu st met ioia if x 1 0 box 450 house aylotjfsj f l0icti civmtanea yls calan pply to jama maal house lot pifsjfii koibe ici lo ca chnxd hoc in cood coniliuo tot t e cijts wm ntlto r ecu cc crctaw moott fotps mtjw 2 diifvdeksoeilsm gdotaiulfrr mos ci ottnntlqi j- salesmen wiek cd tiicnigs jd loj imennkls end eiknscs lajd ceo ijdijnii iwnl- pekon fioctcccrlcteuidtltorsitjt- miuj ijoiuct oainile rusbbs addimjilrare wiowx b iothswk krruita llocccstcr k y houmei l0tpr8 ik acton that an ccrjfcrialc tiiroomil brick bavil arthsrbt n oiaii so veyi gooii ad csi tse house ii cci lpanutehr hxrhi bee ir lcil let tvo aji to frame luble cc the rtcni l ttnai m kuon cjicn tiiplicaliea to w v y robdor plants fols i i5h to bfenn the ltihlie thatihtt xhe greenhcce- of strlheartwht3s i am itrepared to orcish til mty nt js 4 the leading and cost roflalar 1 trfeiaea rt house lot fwsafcl the lahscxiher hereby oflsrs ti tab ifat hcoie lacl lo on the toot 1- m etxaa m j hill and john streets thii it the finst tn iblc ccrr fr baiididg trpon ia u bttfsik portioaoftprcotcrprisisemnx tkfthoibtb hailt wili a fceart timber fail s ui eookttl readily recovm tenmaj fmnnitilt arply oa the premises to t ales 5debi fruit trees smt 11 and ornamental sa abberj ale aen for this secti i for knotu01d uocbeiier artery i uaclwai prietcr and ii prepsjed to tak ordoa ice tn of the frail uees tmxti fruits ir aarafia l2 ire thotra ia the ulakratcd e lujoous dcfttt ncrscry the prodscu of tt s olqboduflfft kcrserr are kaoa to be geacr jly xthaojut rrecuy named aad i can pr oae ntifufifk resale to tu who poxthue stock- trcnmi prices rcascnahle key ii bg005lpjt ontario agricultural college toh reopen en 1st october course c stadr tpej2v atit ptodtotbanm cfrenrceca wo uila3 to be tune 4 excellent orrporttiahy for ioqahiflfriim- onph kcotiedgs oflivo stotkdairjtataad j veterinary science fez circajir apply to jas mills ma pieadt gaelph sepclffls pi ij-h- jirtsm nun fj b jl casi tett tsedtaii rrrri- itiixble tpf 1 ibt cbi feiuan jjbiflsa jtoetillfinfaj i jutfobji momt itettthu llib6tiwljg ficsed tiieir i jjjfaijj artraoeukirwl i wifnuin its sault ste mar notice to contractors- sealed tesde11s nddresied io tb8l iied aad endorsed tel denlarfclaao ewm arie canal will be re ved at tui uatil the arritil of the as cnt and aiaila oa tuesday tbo s3iti dy rf odabc aaxt for the fonnarion aad onstractfa canal oa the canadian side of jisxin the island of st iarv the works will be let ia tire seetieaal which rill embrace tbe fctrma ion of art ctoj ihroagbr the island the cons raetion rfj ic ice other the doepcuing ana videaag cbaiaelwvy it bctauada it the canal btracdon of piers c a mt of the locahty togeth t with pjuif am lcciscatioas o the boris ea be seeoat thi office on and after tuesda11 the 9th4j october aext when printed fi nc of t alo be obtained a jike clai f toarmacn klaiite to the works eao be seta at tail ofnmol thr local orjctr ia tise ttrwa 0 sialtsteuane tnicadia- coatractors in ret ustod to bear hi mind that leaden will not be ansidertd p made strictlv ia accoroaacc ith the prialed forms aad be iceempaaiod bi a leut tutttf jha the person cr pexsoxb wa lerina ht8 caifr rallreiamiaed the locality ai d tba ratur le nzawnal lound ia the trial piu in the case of arms thara t ast be attaema theetaa6igntireofthefai nametheiiatnr of the occnpanoaandresidene of each menib of the same aad further a ba ikdepcslineict for tbe sain of sau03 mast act mipaoy hg- derfor the canal ad ocii a d a bank rvcoiptforthe saic of t50o nastaceomr the leader for uia deepeahtg l d wideaingi chaaaelwsy st lcth eii piei iiic jm tbe rivctirc deposit ttkei its cheque w1u aot be accepted tjs betadc reed otci om minister of hailtnts d caj als and wr2 forfeited if the pari v leadfxin docllnei eate into ccctrttvt for the wcrte at ujeramiaadoe the tenns stated in the oier si bniitteo the deposit receipt thassea inwolbettt- ed to the respective pumes t hose tenden an cot accepted this department dxi eoth iwstrbawnko- vt the lowest st any t jen bv orfer lp draolsy deiarjucnt cf railways and anals i ottawa fth august isetj f e chufc uoalobeh it a printtat iiimbdeti soibe time j fth

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