Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1888, p. 3

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ura peter mani aotoh jabes on anrt s i meows f ts t oo sma saw x acton b it ecsmw bet tx i i rrrniiiv ioato wwwo ii ptihiie oattv less j ictah alfip3s lot fotjas ml f fcstxr bum m 1 t wry n small ishnibbw- cr this ssesoa fcr fgg nursery vpktn ltad fnni or staflsr m to l f 1cii r can ivocuk so rcrsiiue stock t l b coax rieulfnral c6i boencls- october ttxasitr far aeqinzibslft assfe- a 1 oi lire fcsock dtixtjssgglltj jiiirbsdar september 0 jmakym locus nilsttd by ihc evrrtliomjhtfiil lad alert f frrc pros reporter aagawey show ncitfyidly i 431 r anxioal to eittsiuot bardtn j higireeurilfci rite it 32 milli bu ysir tqeaing showlodiy and tomorrow ite erin t bu changwl bands i i- ujfcwnott shear al rockvood tkittom j tyaaft wcdaadajr -j- i lbfiuotvl te ioomiojci in ops idenbta onmbert lb it fall t j j adiv slera jliribill led tin service j is tbt bwrmcks on bandar i beit cmoinc cafes toar xau jet rpoob4mmnsisecord i iv seeding almost complel the rfetfhff bu been most favonblc 1 b5 father cote coodacted ilio usual nonthlj services io sl josephs tbarcb ca 8wdj saiuble rtxntd will be ptjd ftt thh gboi tor tbenco very ol a etaill gt otct key lost somq vcki in th cbiirmau of tbc board ot liduc- 18 hi etjkd a raecticc ot ihj trasleqs keondy eveniiii acxt home cleanings vbltb ertllwtlj- or uxti oumeter end mluterauag oar comiof jcxunitfon tbc proirmi cfilttnt of aolon ern marking mijul ud mio to nnke their rsis f oober oiu nd- loth i big lucceu jud thtykra likely lodoiu tbeduo thrcoeliocl poftcri in colon ihcy invc procared troralboob dc- pvlmcnt of the itic venn are ivqfthyio a provincial eabibition and bro moore may well xl proud ot thomouiiiyion ourcbrnet flaad acton cow band hu introdaooj an other 8oc nc iaitrnnienl io the abapo ot a finf ciaaa horn tbc band il now in ci celled ihape both tor inltramonta and playcra and the boyi will no donbt five a good ecconnt of tbeuaelroe thii fall a weal and iustcotnental concert ot con- idcrablc merit will be pitcn the town hall on the evening ot the jeoood day ot the exhibition a pechllw caw the tata leader lelli ci the death ot a little child in bruce county tlfe other day under peculiartircaniilancoj coming in from the field the father o the child picked a couplc6t barrt off hi clolhct and threw ilicm oh lbe floor the little one picked up one of tlieai ivnd put it iu lit mouth aud it elipped down into his windpipe it could not be dislodctd and train the cilccia otit the child died the next morningr- whiskey- afiulitmlliozl william hunncy a jdilloa youth got drunk oa satjnuy evening and vas 80 dis orderly thit ou monday morning lie was brought bctoie mayor robertson by can- tilible pent- his worship imposed a fine ot sj aiid sj w cesti while in bis spree itt jfti i 1 lssxulted a yonuj englishman cm- rhewerandchoagndlguelph r mr jwc main ot tratalar and tor 1i1u he wiua agaia bmaht before uic llajor oa yedacday cttaicj and cued 3 chii-y- asucceisui eruifttstic servient speitieg o the ubors of hc craogclisl crosslcy ard hunler the oakvillc star saji l very large number ot oar people ua boea broolght from dartness to lyht and trqm the paiec ot saum to god the rtnfciiu remiiti till aitec sanday when ihcy leave far otjbcr places they certain ly have dote a grand woefc iaoakrilie and hundreds here cot only bid then godspeed bat ciiend a cordial welcome to thfia thodd providence penrit them ta rctnra on socc fctcre otcsiicn tilted a each fined t4 and costs ot or notalins the scott act mr j h benier aceal at fbc clfjl lutmg at miltoo hai vlt there jfor wicj- baa whither he hu been iran b erred foot new sheet lamps are being rcc- tsdv throe in the east end and one atl the jooctioq ot wulow and chnrch uresis f tefl thai neifihbor of years who hu 1 been iwrroirinf the ftze pcrti thai he tubite it till kc years for 2g ceati i i mfissri eannaat i soc mjltoo have reopened their mill which hai been re- opdejtnd and is now a 73 to u00 oarrti rofler rnfll masstihendermaitciuckrco an marie to contractors- bj aaae4 v hwavwi likesed tenfiea ttrambm i he rseerradat flfethl irf the eufill vrisbte it the crt aj t o00mf i l aieei acd com rtidctftbei flkry efcin nn i 1 fotinaaoo cf sw at iho asp uij tdcrthgrwsh azkca b i ttesdat osm itis eaa tie aeca s thfc j ie txrsacfssmdtbtc ssrcmiaieatedtoti v3otlc 1 1 scalirr and u 5ialbeixwiaa a thee host t i edrtsideceoteacifl i inrjier a tmkfa jjjbq ernst fciuiain i acd locks aad a owt 1 cf sjjod ba pii td casals rr r tenderics twa work at tbe n lie jet o3er s tpt than seat ia nub lte icftim whose t a doer dotii lesrjjrtattcjeai by order 3m aiidjcanajs o torgetowtf ltd dscobafop si4 pajjttzzr v i trri omnnirft latest stytok f5 icrda y altcrnoona i five pre offlos agftj k gpnrseto arorflcl their fall millinery optjiinforsat- wdaj 29th inst read their iiritation to st jcesent j j about 00 tickets were soldifxora acton iet toronto daring the eihibitwn and about u many dollart paid into ihc grandtmnt tthajaetan senior l j the ladies are cotdiilly invito to j at- tend the millinery opening at el b jer- jni on batorday aeit there wiu be samrtlnng choice tor the ladies inspeiticn i six w bberteon son ot ja- robert- rax 3rd line eon had his atoll tractotcd by a kick from a ricfons horse on scrj kel hceanons farm his conditfcn is jeriti 1 i the dominion ulnstraied continues la mmtain its high standard itacy of the i the jutstrations are line works g art ad- the literary contents of the pifer aretixci tenl i mrl j b pearson is aajaocs to ereryoody how satisfactorily byacs vk- pored comeon sense siah balance vocks he is the sole seni ict this tec- tin the board ot trade and westera fair edition of the gtou panlished jlast weefci5 a bbtrel ot neat and artistic design and j filled with matter of interest from carer to j cdtc i j i 1 the misskuary meetiiig in te is i- btmcki tonight will no daafct be replete i wiftttterest the visitof the nitre os l ceo from india will in itself be caitc an i nent 1 i j if the party who borrawad a pair of thamiths shearsiroi the hopcf the on- i ened some weeks ago will retard them he will confer a favor upon the owner jchni i i i wearein receipt of acopry ot tjte list of prwniams of the west flamboro eihibt- top tq be held at dandas oa he ztk od it is printed bj- the dcjidas siajijail and i tii model of neatness j mowing to the short crop honey prices ban adtanced and sereral lots of old attained held orer from last year have been sold at lie per lh in 3 rj tins borne time aa it wu discclt to sell it at ayprice eer joseph j eie pastor ot tie methodist chnrch carrying place circuit bached for his brother bet j w baa in sjmx chorch last banday his dis- ueere ranch enjoyed both mornins and etening i j i 5lpnihjaa oran pcecirih hose members aree to remove not only orange peel hnt other dangerous substances that they may see on the pdewali tni tbemseltestb retrain from throwing oranfie e banana skins or the like where they my be likely to canse pedesirinu j to fall faiiy alire to the renioenienta of the hbhr h eamsbaw is cocjtanuy adding inproremenu to his photo studio the mftatisabnrnisher ot the most improved pattern and that it is a successful and sat- waetory adjanct to his well equipped gal- lery the photos oa exhibition in his show window tally testify j an exchange tbinks he csnadian dailies areaboat u interestipj reading as last years almanac diring j the fair epidemic the reading public j are not emping to know tbe merits of smiths rans or jones double reversible hip flap biffletree hut ten benu a line coanta and erything harto go fair tifte in an old magazine tre find it sistcd that ntfl tbe year 1770 this lar wag in force in exgland whosoever shall entic into bands of mitriminy any male subject of her majestys by means of roqga white paint ijpaaiah cotton steel corsets crino- line high heeled shoes or false uipf hall pcoecnted for witchrafti and tho mar- riagedeauarednoiiiiid void hr d lairson cf east fremont smlwijo w here visiting his friends lfc ftek received a telegram n thaik- ytotheeffectthaths1mkfstablesann machinery and the wlio a aesfona crop ere destroyed by fire ti le juildinss having been atrnk bylighuiids- mr iyiwion re- torhed home by the neift t iin feeling cou- siderably chagrined at ljis ieavj loss seterseud adollaaa ray from borne farofceartidcthatdlajr will pnrchaie be obtaioettat bom a u equal urms pey u oar financial do td its circala- tlteepathebiisinsa bo ly alive bleed at mod fey ncnding yo ir roooey awy ow borne aud soon tr id will put on a f jetharsy and h cuvitjr always at home and ipei d your ooney t itj helpt the way 4o too pt itii twice bwfi patronised and itdsfu win orxage 5- georgcljwx oa vtedneadiy evening ot last week at the residence ot mr gh kennedy the marriage ot itr john adams to miss annie kennedy jeok place the guests ccmbered about thirty and the marriage ceremony was performed by the eev it idavey mr iltrbert kennedy brother of thft bride anl miss cclp acted as grocmsmin aad bridesmsii respectively on the otcasiaa the bride was presented with a useful ana costly array of presents gocgnltclitions were abundant and sincere both the bride and groom are highly esteemed acd have the wcilwuhes of their numerous friends herald another ingenious swindle thirty or forty farmers in the vicinity of toronto are cct soma hard eaxnid money u appears that some yankee sharpers sell to the farmers mowing machines and farm implements on the instalment plan part of the money the fanner pays down and for a part of it he gires a note f which the sharper copies forges the signature and returns oo the day the note is dae with the cleverly forged note and receives themoney from the unsuspecting fanner three days later after the day of grace the gen uine note is presented to th farmer for col- lectian the swindler had the genuine note discounted and of course the farmer has no metns butio pay the amount licensed wlmlccys doings the uacll sayx charlie yoscg acd william j dands5 at the instigation of their wives were before hagistnte mcleod on tnarsday lift on charges o assault while in a tttc of intoxication young pleaded guilty and was fined f2 and costs araomittcg in all to suxi in the event of his failing to pay the fine in a fortnight 5g days in jail chiffie felt badand admitted that he was cne ot the worst drunks in town dundashas been op on numerous cccasioris in the part and the magistrate thoogbt it better la inllict a heavy penalty ac- cotriingly sfo tnd costs or 00 days was- the sentenctz william j paid the cash ihecctsundal making the amount 5n actaz exhibition tt izzlqii october the prospects for acton union exhibi tion open to all are of a most encouraging character atthis early date entries are pouring in sjd the appearance of things in general warrants the conclusion that it will partake more of tie feature c a suc cessful county show thin anything else the ctrectorx are busi and are making complete arrangements to ensure greater interest a goodlys citizens committee his teen appointed to wort in connection with them and to uke special interest in the outside attractions tote arranged for this committee had a meeting on tuesday evening and will meet again on monday evening next after which seme interesting announcements will be marie jl serious tsu- last saturday afternoon mr robert kennedy cferin went to a neighbors to return a grain cradle and not finding any one at home went to the barn to lay it away when not seeing an open feed door in the floor he feu through to the floor be low string his back severely on the stair- war he managed to reach with great ejfilcaliy the house of a near neighbor whence ur lowry was sent for bat not being ct hine dr etaccv was called who found that although no bocw were broken one was severely braised this was at tended to mr kennedy is to be congratu lated on his escape as a man of his weight and yexrs in such circumstances might easily nave been very seriously tojoxed coir- j mis ibcstiessstindpttet the paihsber c an uewspaper baa one thing to soli and one thing to rent he hss the newspaper to ell and space in his col umn e to rent can any one inform us why be should be eipected to give away either one or the ether he can do it it he chooses and he does as a matter of prac tical fact famish a goo i deal ot space rent free- bet it does not foiiowltfcat be oofiht to be expected to do itottaht to be recog- riiiedasa contribution- exactly as would the giving away of sugar or coffee by the grocery men bat btraae to say it is not looked open in that linht at acyci every body knows that the existence of a news paper depends of macai on the rent of its space and the sale of the paper as the merchants success dpeiqs on his selling his goods instead of giriog them away a laby awfnl fate- vvicinri kas sept ii the baby of wm beattic a farmer living oncnmmarn rirerruorlh of tlieterrjfory hoe waa car ridoffb i rtjeousatnrjiw the eagle was found and f hot at i ilitu tbe father saw his infant child dead tbobod horribly iaccratd aud pxrt yn o personal mentlbs nrajrfanbi bctpeetlnc tltudra to nud ifrom arton tlth whont free pwu headers arr hon ir less acqnalnttd mrs john davit ol allenwood is vjiit tng her mother mrs sunley mr ciim brown coldwater viilted friends in acton ocr 8unday mrs wm bhaw ot tiverton hu been lhe guest of friends hen daring the week mr thomas knill of glovomille ky jhas been spondioc a week or so with friends in acton mr j f kennedy ot the orangevillo frfrcrtmcris said to be lying scrtoaily ill it hamilton mrs w collie ot arthur was tbo guest of her daughter mrs f ii storey daring thepast week mrj fconnahyytrker wasthbgaeit of the editor of the feci prxss coaple of diyt this week i bev and mrs j j rae ot carrying place bnt were guests at the manse dar ing the past week j capt mahon olthe bx formerly ot acton now stationed at windsor visited acton corps last week mrs thomas kenucdy and diughter of parry bound have been the gacsts af acton friends during the week i pmrs b a- secorii spent several days last woak very pleasantly visiting her son mr percy secord at bt catharines 1 mrtt james moore and miss km ma moore returned home on monday evening after n pleasant vit oer smiday with frieudsiu gaelph j mr tbos hasheat who formerly resided here and who haa lately tec a red a third- clais certificate u how attending the model schxlat walkcrtox t s miss s bsiuitii formerly ot lorne school wha has been attending 6traifdrd barinew college spent several days dar ing the week at the residence ot mr peter mannuud other friends in this vicinity the eora exprxu has tliis to say of one of the first mcthodis minis ten who ever preached iin this vicinity tbc bet sam nol fear sunerlhnaaied methodist minis ter elara acd the oldest roiaiiterm the gaelphpenference completed the 6cth year of his life oa saturday to oelsbrate the event he went on horseback from his residence to mr hugh hamiltons black smith shop half a mile to have his horse shod- there are few ministers ot the gos pel who reach mr fears age aud fewer still who show tech signs of vigor at 7g as he does at kg tee friends ot prof josiah royct of boston formerly of los gratos cal nephew cf the late robert royce of this place will be pleased to learn ot his sac- cess the bos gratos jfrtiy says besides ably filling the chair ot literature and that of assistant professor cf metaphysics in harvard university prof royce la the author of several noted works in american literature the bchgious aspect of philosophy california and the fend of oakland creek the latter of which won the author the merited praise of many critics in all parts of the united states prof royce is cow visiting his mother here and los gratos feels proad that a man so distinguished in the world ot education and letters once called our fair town his home and with his venerable mother we offer him the hand of welcome -ir6-t- cj utekatc11e i m2sb frances e willard whose name and works are of worldwide fame and in fluence is most attractively pqt before the readers of aldcns illnstraial magazine xurofar for sept 1in a fine portrait a a bright readable biographical sketch and a contribution from her own pen on wo mans temperance work- its origin and evolution miss willard is at the head of that has been characterized as the largest venture ever attempted by women and has shown an amount of tact energy and organizing ability that is extraordin ary one well known writer says cf her thit as a public speaker miss willard is without a peer among women with much of the edward everett m her language there is more of the wendell philips in her mannerof delivery she is wholly at home on the platform with gntce in liearing ease and moderation in gestcre and in hr tones there are tears when ebe wills itiswhstthe voice boots call magnetic epell is in it to please and carry away it is musical and mellow never tbin and on an exception- slly distinct articulation winds away to re motest listeners as sounds from tbe silvery bells otthesabbathalogetber wears the emphasiflqf gentleness under profound convictlcq the pablisher ot llteralurt u00 a year will send a specimen copy to any any applicant joax b aid ex pablish er 293 pearl 6txew york 216 clark st chicago dcth o f eer j 13 ayuswa rth- collixgrooir sent 21 this morning dr g m aylesworth received a telegram from georgetown announcing the death of his father the rev dr j b aylesworth who left here this morning at 530 with bis wife intending to goto london oct to visit friends there how tbe accident oc- carred is not known as yet the doctor has lived in coliingwood for the last twenty years and his face and the kind words he had for anyone will be sadly missed his sou left for georgetown this afternoon bcv d b gordon who baa occupied the pulpit the baptist church the past two sabbaths will preach there again next sabbath at three oclock mr gordoa is a naitre ot canada bat for some years he has resided at mitchell town iowa he feels more at home ia canada however and in all probibilijy will make it his home for lbe fa tore t his ministrations both in acton and georgetown have been very ac- ceptible the lieutenant governor has settled the question of the division of sandwich by which windsor is to gain a large amount o territory acd about coo population by the decision the quickest passage ever made from iani to land tcrois the atlantic was made by the allan steamer- parisian from tory island off moville to belle isle too l days 17 boon and 10 rciuntes eighteen botelkeepsrs and uqaor sellers ot peterborough were fined 30 and costs each last week for violation of tbebcott act typhoidfever in a most malignant form prevails in kingston there are now pver one hundred and forty persons prostrated wtrii this disease james clark a young woodstock jockey while exercising a horse thorn on friday morning was thrown from bis seat against a tree by sodden jerk of the animal re ceiving sneb injuries to his head that ha died tbe next day tha mortuary statistics show that 90s illegitimate children died in canada denng 1607 mid that of this number 74 belonged- to quebec ax ex op the xuftrouiq merchants bank speaks tiotowtfctejrortocntutlons j lat uomitil beptjiilmr qeorgt rajpie maoakt of uiflmirohuts bank returned todaj from a trip throprh the west over theoip r he givei a very fair and hopof f 1 view of attain among tbo farmers in the wast he says urn psiee of wheat hu rksen more than 35 oeuu a baabel since jtit year thimlra 25 cents a bush el counts far more heavily in manitoba than in ontario it means 50 per cent this be tease in price f maintained will folly nnko up for the damage done this year fciceptiug what has been totally des troyed my impression is that it the the whole wheat cropof manitoba could be brought oat and pat oa the market tomor row the value would fall very little short of the tnagnificent crop of last year and the loss by total destruction will be made qp by the yields barley and oau farmers tbere are finding oat by experi ence kbo best ways ot managing their land nd making tbe best ot it and it mast be cotifossed that the land and the coantry are wjorth i allthe caraand labor bestowed oo them i j thtfallejchibitloxs the dates for the annual fall shows gen erally attended by our readers are as fol lows i j acton urnouopen to all oct flth and i0lhj yeat wclliuglou hatmton- sept 27 sod 18 ewiqesing georgiajwirejteuiber 27th aodistu uanerin orange illc september 2tjth andslth j walkcrton october iad to sib conlra weiiington4ecr october fth and 5th j south waterloo a vr october ith and 5th i eramosa rock wood oct 2ud and 3rd paslinchaberfoyie oct ub kissagawcya braokville oct stli beverly eocktouoct 10th halloa ooanty millou oct llth aud 12th i eriuerin oct lh and lh j auction sale hegirter wcnxenpirsajui sep auction ule oi stock impfcaicnu etc the inrpcrj cttiaos a itoorc acton 8aje it cce otloct wta hciitct ascticaiocr uaxsjir lith ocroncnl fiolo ol ttnn village f report y itock and imrlciycnta on lie farm of ctcr uccainsh lot ti cot c euizcing bale allocloct win atctnijrccr aneuocecr rich and poor prince and peasant khe millionaire and day laborer by their common use ot this remedy attest the worldwide rep utation of ayer pula leading phy sicians recommend these pills for stomach and iiverj troubles costive- nes5 biliousness and sick headache alio for rheumatisni jaundice and neuralgia they are s ugarcoated con tain no calomel are prompt hat mild in operation and therefore the very best medicine for family use as well as for travelers and tourista i have derived great relief from arert pills five years ago i wis taitu so ill with i rheumatism that i was unable to do any work e took three boxes ot ayers pills and was entirely cured i since that time i am never without a iwx of these pills peter christcnsen sherwood wis ayers puls havp been in use in my family upwards of tweaty years and hate completely verified all that is- claimed for them u attacks of piles tram which i suffered many yean they afford greater relief j than any other medicine l ever tried t f adams holly springs texai i have used ayers pills for a nam ber of years and nae never found any thing equal to them for giving me an appetite and imparting energy and strength to thesystem i always keep them in the bouse e j jackson wilmington del two boxes of ayers pills curedme of severe j i headache from which i was long a sufferer em keyes hubbirdsion mass whenever i am troubled with con stipation or suffer fitnn loss ot appetite ayers pills set me right again a- j kiser jr rock hodje to ayers pills ore iin general demand among oar customers oar sales of them exceed those of all other pills com- bined- we have never known them fall to give entire satisfaction wright hannelly san diego texas ayers pills 5 raxraaarj nr dr j c ayer co loweu mass bold b7 au dealm in uedidn open to the world union the annnal eiliibi agricultoral sj hejd show icn cf acton union ocieiy will be nthe exhibition park at actoaet ok i tuesday scwednesday october 9111 jand loti 1888 excellent prize list large list of specials firstclass grounds good halfmile track good accommodation special attractions will be asxocxced liro send to the secretary for copy of prize list tickets may be had from any of the directors tickets sold after the 1st october are subject to a re daction of fifty cents of the prize mooey officers joscfx liixrsz prcs jbobt axnrssmlmccrrcs jxo dcrr lit vice do jixzs urrsrvt j secretary treasurer directors actoxw h stcrey eobcrt agnow efiqcesikg a3 ex waltue j wrigglcs- worth wm shttitiil vam tuhcr sab8agaveta- tbotwdsanbobt irving vito jacbftoo ircbfclcgiljbos elilx a j cuniie saml johaitoa thos sattoo jao sanders ebamosa wmj sliarp david rlc e park inson john taylor for farther pari iculars see prize list and large posters cider chopping mills ateockwood will reopen dr land rollers modi water cqt am water pipes and id threaded beeeaaons buiiuesi on monday rd september chopping wew ed in and weighed oat to order steam and 11 odnnectioni supplied promptly b beagg mm h- jbpearjon 8o agent v improved u common sense sa8h balance thi ooly tnemt wbatteiu tor wtlami brtfittd tbt ntvt doraue urn cbupeit sod bcstdcrloa tor all rv ii7 irlflduws baltacctwlicji u miuea wn eutlrtly ml iffftl ne rmu bofti or lam an wd ptioi it tofttbar w that nothing can ftt oot 1 ecdv or ami wpawng z0 cobihe sprlmt ormaitani rftho sub u balaoom an let u tbo jamb eip dally vtluabk or rtpamitt old baodloc sibwauupqtbwuunf czpenm j asur pol in old btifldlsfsa otw ooct mi can ba nmoni front tromt in a swhcaii ba nmoni aoamairordaiwrrpabfatbroki ilan can waj when kiiiai mtoesoirdcbuorotbtrnxttins hi walabuyeori mria pabt ofl ifck c tna o rauliaf of iah as prtirm tlntbprttwlt noraulinf of rcighu or putlcys when sub u rami or lowend no nicking of welgbii h frama nopordi to mm off war ofei jtomwf aodbreakioniwfrrol4m iutteocd by kandini in one postiioa for oau ume no fimtr coll prehg or ditkttt machaoua u break wear ow or get oat of order its uoplidty 0 cotutroakc tad onmioa u tbtwoodcf attll bnint aotocaiiclwi locki fielf fattening and saah ufu or opper and lower- mtb an tha beu aod- tbcapcft la the market c 4 iu tkim it tfrnttif m illiner y openiiig s we take great pleasure in announcing to our many friends and patrons that bur millinery showi rooms will be open for inspection on j sattfrdy sept 29th when a large assortment of the newest goods in trinmed stock trimmings and shapes will be displayed -m- t t warm weather te hai ccjme 1 clothing clobhlijig is still necessklly m breririan 1 1 merchant tailor has last nut in a ipc al llito of elm is tot i ftomo alt y laita oitb t 0 bouglxat bis eastomen the beneflf bo woi sacrifice them ttlboiioitlotirwoeluataiileard4 lowjt forcaab 3to lew man can beli or oaied olaevhere prfcm beautiful black worsted bui at v7 to 18 wrklch abs euje where 822 to s23 call and exaiiliuc tho slocv fo t owak giroi plcaao to show thnta a- i ilrcuuaii alaavi kocikf ci ru toi water aud n 111 uo fuuui ilto cbcapoat town lie cas nan to m brexnan vi miss smith whose ability is so well known and appre ciated will again be in charge this season ladies we invite your inspection believing we can give entire satisfaction jv a f pur full stock of dress goods ladies an dchildrenjsjj ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of a the novelties of the season is new complete mourning oods a vve are showing something very finer and cheap in loating j shawls and caps jwe also invitespecial attention to our very full stock of staple goods special drives in grey flannels -kol- our stocjejof boots and shoes- is now complete and defies i comparison e0cerles fbese akd cheaf in short ladies and gentlemen we are shoving the largest most carefully bought and cheapest stock of dry goods milliner boots and shoes and groceries ever orought into acton come and see for yourselves we are always pleased to show you through 0 remember our famous 50c tea i oecentierson mcra6 u co grand 3 ispla7 of jtew- goods at the giit house daring tbe nkin immenie itook of new good baa been reoeived at tbe bjslkt hoaae ti e unmeroaa departmenia are now largely aaaorted ith saitable eoodi for tbe aeaaoq buying in large qaantitlet direct from tbc maoofaotarera paying eaah dottn on tbe tpot for ti eni enablef witkuib to plaoe bia goods before hii customers at my reaaonab e priceb tbe flannel roent li packed i itb kew goods bee tbe auwool grey flannels tbey are lower in prise tbi 3 ever thedreei goodsdepart ment is crowded itb new goods bee tbe speoial lot ot new allwool dreea goods at tso pel yard bonestly worth 90c an other lot of alls ool jersey cloth serges and fancy ureas goods at soo worth 15c and soo rhese goods ire to be bad in all desirable shades bee ihenewajl wool amaion cloth in single and double width new fan y striped dress goods bee tbe novelties in cos aojes an immense stock of new silk dress ptash see tbe 5c silk ploah also the 9l ploah both these toalities are ver special valoej plashes from soc to 3 per yarn see the mantl- plash in lack and brown and brocades triptd bilk vel etj and other bich hantlings come and see the kew htntle bflotn it is sit lated on the ground floor and is ooe of the best 1 ihted rooms in the city bsveral cases of the newest styles f mantles bhor jackeu and dolmans also many cases of hantlin t shd dlstsr cloths have been received also very special value in silk and ifobau- sealettes a nsry large aasortment of k veues inaunde and dress ornaments gimps roches and braided sets al o black steel beaded ornaments two cues ot thi newest style ill millinery birds feathers aigrettes and fancy trimmings several cases ot sear shapea in felt and straw fata also pattern bonnets and hats they are now on exhibition a large i aortcd stock ot new wool under wear for ladies childrens and mens use tobe had in au desirable sises see the combine in soft for boys and girls wear new black caal nete hosiery irl ladies and childrens sites new hosiery eitra heavy an 1 fine suitable tor boys we4 several caaes of knitted shawls clouds and ffaoinators in nonaction with the new mant i boom the cortains and corar- ings are to be fo r4 eemembi t onrtains have beeo removea from opsulrs and are now in tbe groirod floor at or end of the new mantlr bdom here jloo will see cholos designs io cuenille dagestan persian ida gwis and irih point corsaips fomitnre cpsn ins fringes and other honsefbrnishing goods tie carpet boom ia now ft ly assorted with new patterns of brnatdt tapes ry wool end nnlon carpets cntuin poles fainted window sbadea stair b datortlbobt snd cnrstw bods also see thefai looafornitore protector oarpetb weeper every ime told is gnaranteenv to dl aatisla tror bx fcagi mistaraita ih charge otjhelofiuwftmeat she wtiltaphjtoiym to take joo7ot r for btylih millinery mfmhwderaon ual the head of tte mantle order dtrvtirm tod hualr boot ad manv orders mist eicbardson manageathe preaamakina depaitnretit and hiring just n nraed frord now york has the tetiabfi mi rioan fashions before citrons toe thonskk roau mistaies and itt irjto the wrong store enter uio bight hooae one door west from hnghson trees 1 i hajnluemsplthr6o8 si fall 8 winter 1888 mammoiti house georgitoib wm mcleod 4 co beg to announce tliat they have received large portions of their fall andwmter impor tations from the foreag4 and domestic markets and that they are daily receiving fresh goods from foreign and t domestic markets to replenish their stock making the stock always fresh and attractive the public can rely uport them i catering tor their bes interest i and presenting to them one of the largest cheapesfand most attractive stock th ft can he seen anywhere 1 we call special attenl ion to ourmillinerymantlesri1 ibons dress suks dress roods r fancy goods ibmall ares 1 staples flannels bla nkets tweeds carpet bbotsand shoes dress and mantle s mak- 1 ing department is in firs class working order under a com petent and efficent hea 1 with i proper assistance our tailoring depatment is no i we have a lirge stock of the newest goods for overcoatings and si ltings excellent white c rttons for 5 cts per yard faci tory cotton 3 pei yard grey flannel 20 ct r er yd tweeds for 25 cts per yard black and colored satin merveleaux and gjro gram silks 5octs per vtrd worth 100 coloredsilktfo25ctsj worth sects drcss gr ods tor 5cts and sets per yar fworth i2jcts and 15cn pe yardj large piles of other g tods in in proportion we most respectfully soli cit a visit of inspects in and we can convince you 6f the extent beauty goodness and cheapness of our stock our grand milliner open ing on thursday fncay and saturday sept 27 and 29- the absolute sustained ffv and uninterupted procession ofheap and beautiful goods that we can show you is sm ply marvellous wmmcleodco mamm0th house qeoegetot i- t 7 t il purest stronger r contains mo t alum aumonia lime pt osphates oruilajarkwsaatafi tls e w gtllett lisjlu kutiritirtriejiaskiii tuiuia -tt- oljqflprepti ftiainh vtsilvnapi a fif fuui at c il rjij j r

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