Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1888, p. 4

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ifljt irfaafte frtss thtjrsdat bepte 1ib8r it 1888 sljt ijonjtg 791 1 jfolhs loof4r uif wlaffat 4ocmt ttao ow tb fcki totftoi rf tnnsrt clwmcd aaiwluivtist j 0iuy t called bcr tame tot ihe etrcami- 1 trembuasj each leaf istdly vith boart taiiic bntthcd i mjturiluc naine floirua ab lowd yoa all wb eer be bis j 81m maj- attend iroar call j mdbertomk j j broctiy they called ficr aajne called tat the oattt catnej serer ah aerw wore heart cfiiiattmiiiic leaolnc claw at of joro j dear hcarti ulnc wmjifag i tare ue im came bat ihe ntrer cauie coldly the wind wit oaj fale cruel lata j wtiirwed tby lrre fe ctw- love comes too late flower will blowkhe uxe uacbleftene hold tor name jingles and jokelets half aniliror willi tht wise met ok wu barsock tills care sick ueadaclit bjr reg ulating ih atomach liver and bowels 1 thei a 00 better remodr tor worma ot lay kind in children or adttta than dr lots worm syrup t nripiuniii it ruoat appredattdwhert it is molt need e4 and thus it it uiatbardock blood bit ters glint more avor yearly by icadiuctbo troakened system valuable aiaiatauoq iu re moving all impuriliea and baildiug ap a atrooc healthy body public speaktin acton and vocaliiu findand luu thai dr thomas electric oil relieve hoaruneat aod irritation in the throat better than any remedies specially adrtttiaedtorclictetlialdifficalt- this oil hatasride scope since it carta external harts corns sores frostbile pita and a variety ot other unhealthy conditions 6uu l1im are ino niioyi4 becaase so iijlicosble lc lo faalphar soap helc and chunses the jctu oxitir mebemrs lovejstosies too da not antrer me darling 1 toa do sot speak- 1 leoore armiyo tlosriy iiita j her bronze- crorsed head and torna to the pleading htidinidaa ho benka to catch her ughtort wbiaper a ace otf daoling lottli- paodlyperfecl- jaeeoly taee i which the momiac aaiah jne ghmroera aa it falla throogh curtaina of wity priceleaa uiecbatitlm in that ue no tirot oolccdroontoor hat thoagh the lip part hk th petala of ai tnmmir rce the hiap- ered word faua all too faiatly eren to reach the lovere car- a brief moment wayne clifford feels hit bean qnfcien and throb with a paaeon ua qiiira in hia ery aoal when her calm grey eyea meet hti for an inatant be- ton tbey droop trader hxa ardent gaie tie benda hii prood and gracefal figure roll lower to liateo whiiper it once again my darling i be pteda let me ino my fate from yoor om dew lira dear whether they hid me mae or vhieper only my death aen tebee far life withont yon ia death- ton emnaot eannot torn away from me yon eennot throw away the rich tnine of low i poor at your feet yon are life and light aod hope to me r tell me yon bre me darl ing r j j again theiaint enapidoaaf a bluah eneaetthe beautiful face and diea away trader the white collar at er throat u the jerene eyea lift uemtejra tmndty to hia own and the aoljt arched lipa apart again with a whiaper kn bat jnanrfiiu with a qmck impnlaite morement he dropt upon ha kneea before her ehe can feel the earnest tale of hia liart magni firent eyea boining opon her tace7loe on- nuetlhle in thitjerery jlaee i speak to roe tierel he cried hia rich ttabe trembling with a p kmate energy speak to me here alyoor feet and tell me that i bam foond it and it ia mine p the awtet face benda lower andneererto hiaown the beautiful arched lipa part with the quittring tenderness that melta in the annbeam thai tint themvendfaiht iy yet dearly as the daunt echo of ej eh rer befl wayne ceflbri heira her srar- mnr j f batar for a moment the atronj man bowed un der the blow like pine tree bendras be fore the alphine blaat and then yeaxt afterward he coali not felt how and it ory happenedthree dayt aflo he atagger- edont into the air and atoodiika a man ia 1 00 the front atepa of her fathert the niellcinorningbnnlight hath- ing hia aptendid figure aa he bent to bruah the dnat and carpetlint from the kneea k hutrooaera i iti cxtrecitrly microtias to viiit some of the lending rainaractannhoqaea ioto- routo tcrlupa the most interesting and sarpruini uf them arc the citetisive orca meoulstainelgliisiiid decorative worka jit the mccilnd i sou it ic from the eatallieiimeut that the finest rindowa have come tor the principal edificea throofhaat oar country john haj t credit p 0 saya hia ahouldcnrat to lame for nine moctha that he could not raie hie uand tohiaheai but by the osc ot dr thomas electric oil the paiu and lameoeat disappeared and al ihoogu three months laa clipsed he haa not had an attack of it aioce tllctttr talaerf last samtnec oar childrep ctre very bad viui sanuner complaint and the only remedylhat did them any good was dr fowlert extract of wild elrawberry we used twelve bottles daring the warm weather and would not be without it at five iitcea the cost considering it to have no aupperior for diartturs ifra jaa hea ley kew edinburje opt in brier au it ike ptlal dfipepaia li dreadful dltorderod lire mlacfy indutestioo ia 1 loe to no good mature the human digestive apparatus la one ot ihe moat complicated and wonder al things n ulttence it u oaally put 00 1 ot order oteaay food tough pod aloppy food bad cookery mental worry lata hoora irreju- lac habile and many other things which ought tot to behare made the anierioin people a notion ol dyipoplloi bat greens august flowtir hu done a wonderful work in refornring thla ltd baai neaa and making the american people io healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy i remember no happineaa without health but oreeus aaguat flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic aak your druggist or a bottle seventy- fire centa islaalahtax taceeaa li ia the duly ot every person who has used boiihtti german sjrup to let its won derful qualities he known to their riends in caring consnmplion severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in tact all throat and lung diseases no person can ue it without immediate relief throe dose vail relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggista to recommend it lo the poor dying consumptive at leaat to try one bottle aa 80000 dorcn bottles were sold lut year and no one case where fairly waa reported such a medicine aa the german syrvp cannot be too widely known aakyourdruggistabout it sample bottlca to try sold at ten centa regular site 75 cents- bold by all druggists and dealers in the united states and canada- zf iwwwsvv vv castor i a for infants and child en caa t orta iii well ida ptod 10 children that i otttaru tran inoomiacad ll it tuixxtar to nljjiktaiptiqn i gir stomacli town to be j ujlaucnnll psff ul 60 oxfanl st urootijnkt wttloat ifiarioai ommlpatian d uthaa jtiuctaucra aioep and ptotuom 41 it a tax cotica cokp xt hurray 6txoct k f woodengraveii 10kjng-st-east- send-for- prices- a chxpree ox ssites x the papu pubhahea the following signs ficaut chapter onanaies twenlyfite anakea- running through tfeeeta thats free whiskey twentyfive anakea gathered in a box jb which twentyfive holes are made try tie tethority of the court thats low license ten of the holea are closed and the snakes all get out through the other fifteen thate high ueaae- j drire all the anakea over to the next rillagethati locsil optioiij km all the enaluathitsprolribitiot away with the eerpente of ihe atalf i smclatos op axhcals s e peari writing from m noticea singular case of mimicry on the part of a ekterpfflar which when suddenly aurpriaed eredaitaheadlnan attitnde that cansed the writer lo mistake it for a shrew pro bably the tery animal that preys upon it the reaemwanee is canted by two lateral prolongationa and a pointed tip to the head these when kfted in the peculiar attitude aaaamed simulate ears and a long mnzzle whoefhe monthparfi in prbfile look like the mouth of a vertebratei the aame writer auiet thai the tiger causes the sam- bnrdeer to ran to it by uttering a whistle which only an expert can tell from that of a deer the eyeand nose lumps of a cro codile are to like the lumps of foam that mr peal confesses that he haa been decett- tdrjrtflbettwoiesnppjsedfotmtrak bt belieret thit aimalatson ia naefnl to the crocodile in obtaining food j a proridenee man hat invented a fog horn which can be beard efeeen milea to core hieeonghs ait erect and inflate the lungs telly then retting the breath bend fiowtrd alowly until the ehest meets the kneea after slowly riaieg again to the erect petition alowly exhaust the breath bexseat ihit process a aecood time and the nerves wfitbe found to htve received in l of energy that will enable them to perform their natnrtl functioct the decay of animal teeth and to some extent tbeloat of teeth of all civihad races haa been accounted for bythetblort english tjslooritieson the score oi the benier drtagbtt made by the brain on general ityitcal andjierve lytterat jltuiupppaed that the force that would be applied to re pairing tbe teeth ia used elsewhere caaue ajsd uees- many persona wonder at the tired worn and weary feeling ibtt oppresses them with ooteny sprxtrent ctoae- if maybepoverty of the mood or jt diaordered atomach in either cue the atomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many persona thejr will follow a dull heavy headache jnanaea and outay other symptoms thtt precede a well developed cue ot dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system 0 the clogged secretions by oaing t mrt kixture prepared by i b fseacbsu 183 koojs street s eberaiat ot i tneteen year experience wheeling fpiagraliercriettniijthmfc waive quiet and penntnent reliexby iiain southern aitluna care l sold by all dru- girti or by mail on receipt of price oat of sorts symptom headache ion of appetite f urrwl toojie aad general tndiapositioa thetrymptoma if neglec- lad dettlape into axale diseaae it it a trite laying that tn oonce of prctentioa ic worth ac poand of care and tv little attention at this point msy sare monthi of tickness and large doctors bilk for this oompuint take from two to three of ptrmeiees vegetable puie on going to bed iud oae or two forthrge aighi in sacces- ian and a care will be ehected kcit and catnrart tbe 8mtcrntt browasiioakliold paoacea itit no qaal for reuevtnc patn loth iatcrca1 acd itsnul u curei paia in the side back or- botrelj sore throat rheamaliiin toothache lambago tad any kind of a palo or ache if ill mostaurely qoick ea the bloxi aad ileal aa ita acting power it woaderfal browat household pan- scea being acknowledged is the great pain rclieter and of doable the strength oflahy other elixir or lfaiment ia ihe world ihoald be la eren familyhandy for tiae wheawintod it really la the beat rtmedj m the world for cramps m the stomach and pains andachesocallkfadf aodtsforaaieby alldragnisuit 25 rru ahottlc gire hdlowtys com cure a trial it reraoted ten coma from one pair of feet without any psin vhit it has done once it will do again jl kuwxruafe tp caila riridly to mind the appalling apectre of death and yet no thoobtia taken of the ihoatands tnnaally dyins throagfx difeue caaaed by wrong action of the stomxehv liyer kidneys oc bowels and which might be remedied by the ose of b b b nxioree great restorative tonic and blood purifier rhecmitif or is cansed bj t poisononc t in the blood and yields to ayera pill many case- which seemed chronic aud lmpelesvliare been coraepletely cared by this medicine it will cost bat little to try what effect the pills may have in your case we predict taccest i cfcaltrnt cmmlwt- whea aymtoras of chalers appett prompt remedies should be resorted to ilitt ilary ei davu of lusknlle ont ayt ify brother wts bd with cholera morbus and after using one bottle of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it cared him entirely boils pimples and akin diseases of all kiaii speedily disappear when the blood is parifisd by the ase of jlyers sarttparilla it has no equal aa a tonic alteratire the resultss being immediate and satisfactory isfc your druggist for it and take no other the third page ot the toronto daiis ilall it nowsr for want advertisement if you want to bay or sellaaything uyott want a aitastioa a mechanic a business machineryj lodgings if you hate lost or found anything cr if v ou want to find out where anyoue is advertise in the toronto daily ifailiai read the advertisements aa he third page of that paper the charge istwo cents a word each insertion ad- dress the ifaii toronto canada tarvafa bate ball slat probably will not accept ottawas chall enge as ifr gpiett of toronto the xfsna- factaer of imperial cream tartar baking powder it very short of help end thinks playing ball a waste of time when they could get work imperial is sold by all grocersand is the best mrs harry pearson pawlrey writes for about tbrse months 1 was troabled with fainliogspells and dimness which was growing worse and woald attack me three or four times a day at last my husband purchased a bottle of konhropily mans vegetable discovery from which i derived coasiderible benefit i then procured an other and before it was used my affliction waa completely gone aod i have not had an attack of it since tlie doable luhuhr a week and low conttitation impure blood etc causes a double liability id con tract disease purify the blood and remove all worn pot matter and disease- breeding impurities from the body by asicg bar- dock blood bitters whuih thnrocghiy clean ses regulates and tones tbe entire sys tem r i doable beeammerdtaii we have ased dr fowlers extract of wild strawberay and find that for diarr- hcea it cannot be eqaalied we cannot speak too highly of iu ernest clare cross and hoy keil cross super out april 29th 1868 chutserdu coancfftcif counterfeit are always dangerons more so that they always cloudy imitate he original in appearance aud name the remarkable access achieved by nasal balm as a positive cure for caiarrh aod cold in the head has induced an principled parties to imitate it the pablic are cautioned not to be deceived by nostra nis imitating kaaaj bain in name and appearance bearing such names u hasal cream hani balsam etc- ask for nasal balm and do tun take imitations dealers tpny urge upon you for ale by all drnggwu of sent postpaid ou receipt erf price 60c aud 117 by addressing fdtord ouu 1- keciubatbeef rvaanct wlac kyoaare languid and weak and yoar appetite poor my beef iron and wine it the tonic be sure as an invigorating tonic it it rccoguized by the ifedical profession aa the best strengthening medicine thus far prodaced zt is inrucable as a bloodandmnsde maicr especially in those cases where weakness is the result of imperfect or in- foodof wasting ferers or eicesa of any sort it ooctaina the nutriment ol beef the stimulant properties of winenand the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal culated to baild ap the emaciated system advice to if othxcs are yoa disturbed at night sad broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so sud at once and tret a bottle of ifrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its valae is incal culable- it will rtlieye the oor little suf- ererimmediatelr depend upon it moth- rjsithfre it no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrfaom regulates the stomach and bowels cures ytiad colic softens the gums reduces innammatian and gives tone and energy to the whole system sirs wiuslowe soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to gie taste and is theprescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists turoasihout tbe world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for if as wceslows soothik sraup and take no other kind j exhausted vftaity the eciekcelof liyrl the pcot slcdiu lctl d the age oa sachojnttvjs ted ihjiicil uclihitv irt- tnaturo declilat- hrrors of vouth and the i- mi-s- t3rsioaciticittbcrn pa 6 vo 125 ifccr lor ril ii4m4 cloiifuil ill culy iflo ly call ecakd iliustritivt fjiju- frc lo all jocfirdiiiljjiacj iiti sintl now the gom and jcnkfl miu iiitrjt 1 lo the chgr lt nation d itcjictl a ifl adtin l 0 hot ly iioa sic t or dr v h 1ak- keii kirjto o lurvtrd jlfjil fyjlco li years fnilitx i isoto v- u iu cuistiluj cocsicutially fitiiy piliii tl itta oece ko t uulfucli st auk aw a uegik tu for ever give us a iia r it is worse than madness to aeglcct a couch or cold which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death innammation when it attacks the delicate tisane of the lungs and brop- fcuial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay net a bottle of bickvs anticonsumptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human iody and drives it from the system thia medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cocrh heals the di sensed parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if pare w to save the ires ot their children and themselves from much annety trouble and expense jjet them pro cure a bottle of bicfcies anu- consumptive syrup aud whenever a child has taken cold has a cooga or noarscnesi gire the syrup according to directions gentlemen kindly call and examine kelly bros spring sailings andpantings7 ask for flyers satsaparitlii nxfhc nitre yuu pot it when youuttiit tju 1est itkxlparijier with it finy jvirs rot iiticxtiiiikil mic id tli cure if uukxi itistxv you cju make no mi- take in irclcrriijg ayers sarsaparilla to itiiy ior tin ftinnnmcr tjf iiii- fcriiiikilijifliilifs ayfiv saixxfuriila in if 1 1 tli- hunt ki-i- ihtr iking in pn-at- er jetuaml tlian ait otlifjrs rmulihuxl ayerh earmiianlla ik elinc fiirr tliau ever kuiu j iwwr kitat o nxiinikinl it ttttgc w wliitmiti uniggijifauiaiiyjihl i auikik in faiitsg lliit my ydlee cf ayert ssiiajarilia far cecl ticv vl any itjernim itpii-cscllkirrnisk-nii-mh- ilkiti l ii iiiwiiij mtiii 1- j amrtisarkaitarimaaikl ayr iills orf tue ukt miiiiig uietliciiiv in my xiort j t an twtmtuwml tliein fin-kii- iiwij uitkliaus phamtattvt itowiflllfl iii v have ayers knrjyiiwriila litre ftr over tltfriy yir sud ahvrtv recoiii met i ft w uvu nkcilfd iiainc lfc 1nist li 1ckki mri iiir w t jlcixan unijujixt aigiita oliio i have wild ytrttr luediciius fnr 1ic lat mvimctn year tied nliirx lirtr tlielll in kftet n tliv an- jink tbttr it ikitlnuw tlkfl fertile vote i jul wood lit aver hirxnitarilliv it 1 parker iov ukc wi ayork kiioajrarilln oie tie brt aatifaclkiii of any metliiiur i liave iu hlotk i rectiriiiitetid i ur aa ie doctorm ay i orcwtiln it ver f j counter uiht taiu ut meet i cae for wldili t rtentucicnd ft rvtu where tbe dnrtor irerriitiir ir 1een uf tin nnic v calliot- ioiiruhii knw ayers sarsapaiil rtrajien bt or j c ajer it co lbwtl mjaa prlea ii sis unties tl wonh s- lou 653 ssaiui dr chase has ttorl1 ri to rcplitina u ia tad asuior hit irslrlc liikj iv cere it nxiacjrnoriitii kili ruriji- rjl tlt- dis- txsct c ihe kiatoy l1 lv iyilltohs ok kidket colacfl ukt dtn vz icl tied ticiiis in tbt lic isiul iiitt v in ihe liidict aatl hssa of the twn i crisccttci obifuca frijnii il rcla urio- ttc iiijy t tiight dillon ii jirtols hoc drj ajitn ih- coiailfsictii liiilitcdt liosiu ilrojtliiiilc fjjr ilddi -rlua- tiociiuclivcsicsil fteiiur dc kyuptolis 0 j ltvxr cotfplaintid llidtt jtultike tallon iin tired feci ice td life or ener- pciix in li nulcr eov cniku l lrisirxleisl dia ltlioa ere ncturss liver crtturl xhci eqvziiril wiji kutv rvc- diet u in orcictvc liver fn- ki uot poitivcir ircail kiiccrlivi r trcbk- it siclilika clarti rtitscliiinj the closed liver ltiwyrjaiiasiie fcinvs tstl iavirortti thf rfco lody 3d lv tiliieijtri tt wtli llo- ccipt uoclslh tijc i- vo-ihllt- laiocv kidkey drchtci lives ii-dvu- imin liv p1xls ctjiiy j cfiatiiy uictj iiariccuidynet tiny c liver trosblelheidule ulitijii ceftie osepill tdoje sam tv tl price s3 ccatm t epyndsok ii co- i ljladfoln0 km- woroestfrs unabridged qvarto dictionary with cr riu5t dt toys ittcat icccx edition of 888 enlaeged iy tnc tdiititjj of cnig siogiaphical dicionary of cczxly 10j imtlastff tri a a vro- lisjtiii gazateer of the world cois tii d lota tij llt luj ut z over 12500 nevr words rcctutly tdjcj tocilitr vii a table of 5000 wordsin gener al use vith their sj nonrmes ulrttiutl k1ti1 vooii tns ivd rillmce plxtilfi tucxatioualktarilirdufaraifrlrulltoraiuri zxcrycdluajotlniilttmjv htlmts urfit irvfswlittair ki trjitr uiuiifit auricrn authors folic s wnrcitcr il jn tic csiie cf r11 creit inlisi vriitrf it ii te tnuioritvof tiio liilitic utiv ft nw- paiwrktj ujccnanln- rl ul uil- ntitiiil 14- iwrtttlcatsat vitsliiiisiii ror eiii uvaii oij jij j k rjiiiscorr cnmiw iummkts tij aj 717 kiktl si tt t ijiikicliijjia 1uth0rs cox ilanulzcturcrs of jtrusses f artificial limbs 1 and ajpliractf formal lie j iiriilkort3chuincahly siiml pifck- i7 joint l jiiii xckic kzock keen livv j u5s also ckltckcs i hit hu ourlri dreds ol hos k guelph clth hsll i i newest falli arrivals ovcrcoatingf scotch twerd suitings canadian tweed suitings shaw crufidy merchant tailors culph jtjieharyest is cpiileted and monkty will soon e plsnt1ful railway grand trunl ooltotsst mlxej jlataj eijrs 00atnn rasa ualirjlrt sjo thrgoh tjp on jnj accom 10 trjpii cliicaco kirrcsl aodlrsijtoii njatorquiii golaj wosta 1 j ttj itrf golcseait ittijijuaai lau i anai ildocsric stop itkutai kenney bros act j of etiat atthis time of yeall tfle fahhers especially co selectthelr footwear for fall and winter axdto meet i ueuakd have filled their shelves with a large stock boots and shoes of all kinds bejj- and the pabhc is well aware that tor cisi we can supply snperior foaefs at vcrr low pricea our ordered i work always pleases and repairing is neatly and prompilyfaecaled a nice assortment of trnnis and valises direct from trie factory at satisfactory prices c ill aad lee m whoa f on coc lo acton s big exhibition i kenney beos kelly brotlxefc merchant tailobs hai njjatt passed jsfo stock tlic finest assortment of- imported and domestic suitings pantings andorercoatingg ctcr been shown in the county we arc now in a position to suit an yperiaa reniriafi anything u clothing ssre right and we will gaaranuw cren- garment to be perfect bath in filknd finish ko fitno sxlc han- nattercs to select fronj we also earn- ihe finest stock o kecktiescoijarsca5sei shirts to be found in any st of toronto ask ng lor aefcixe o your ntronge we ilemiin sinosrely lly bros butterand eggs wanted kelly bros olivet college olivet mich lorbojj itice kijasc loir seven dc- lartmegl able irrucicri ltrec library fise ixusccsj faiji term cecri rktu- uti winicr tenn jta 3rd send for cauiioijtic burdock blood will biliousness dyspepsia digestion mundice erysipelas salt rhfili keartburn headache rrf every tram disor stoiucz tinlbue jure or relieve dizziness dropsy auttering of the heart acidity of the- stomach dryness oftheskin rpedos ot dints a td liver kidneys bowels or blood fco frkkmatts worm powders an pleaaat lo tata ccninia tneir m piirffatito li a irfc snrc asi eucctszl dutrvjw el wtrof is cudrcncraiiaiui breadmakebs ylst cures juterconplatr dytpepft blbbrjmest hsadtcha troubles fhftnn skin dlseasea r tddtllirflrmrities of ins blood from yhatsrer cause arismg- the creat spring medicine price ric with puis jli try de hodders little lrvee pills verr tmall and euy to tale no ohlilng no kausea solderwywhere piiea33ct the union medicine co- propflators toronto ont ulcr- irrivctcrf rrrv fricerve cents to partners and threshers nwwasimftbis gtfolr d mpth a tik have been trwarded it daring the last three years try also osr poorlfidi axlfl groleo foryour agode and etorse powers these oils are used tad highly recommended at thcllodci farmgaeipi farmers ask or them ase no other ntanqfwtliredatqtecfioittouflrlcaiby samuel rogers co toronto wool toronto dr tmnzms mkmssx cures jholeera malea morbxis in usbofatonrmactuneryonly the wellknown eetlis oil wool m umst scale works in qanada ovek 100 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales money drawers meat choppers and butchtas soppues accczss in nxi wrile lot lama c wilson son 60 espuknade street east j torontoront ifeaiion ihis paper cterj lime ou wrut il wool jxphzin astewtoisr sons limehouse woollen j ills vrc now prepared to pa- the highest market prices fair pl wool offered in cash or goods wc have a large and well assorted stlck of bjlanketr tweeds flannels stqoking yarns knitted goods etc great vaxiet- selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving and in fact all kinds ol castom work dace ic our csuallprorcpt and silisiactory macncr magnificent ibispjlaj or- millinery mantles dress goods carpets curtains etc immeai mekay brothers vurybody va iilveiod with ilii olecinl disiilav kew stripe drra g oods 20 33 i 30fe aud allwmmep compuwts amd fluxes ofthrl bowels it is safe and reliable foft chilorenorapults f e llolu drcsi good 10 12j 20 15c no- chuck drcia goods hlfl 90 sjc vc- chambmyi if l3j1s 20c now rfina 5ailfl lijc no tajestry ci icta 15 so 3i 10x75c nut brunei carpcutoc ul00 u0 new wool canxta37i 5000 tscmloo iia nr u eoartnia uiod ilj00laj 1j0 tlxo iw now scxim haircloth 10 12 lvsott now curtain polei m 15c tjl00 cllmjtjasa nnriiniinoryvorycboaii nuiv jonjy jackets extra value wjio new styles n lnasmaklug mckay bjros 46a 4 street east hamelljon mmi hi- g vaiti 3tltai4if 0 curt qbronfc ton ttfi tep cr lailybtlo i hartaehe strtlni tij cf aeh hhccaatirb 5ert debility yarr x cr tnjjtos3 k it 7tttrz 13 liir u ttcu iijl ittu x u9jq iiirj tiottl ml ig s the sfieat bu od dr channibti ctanikrklflftitus sftrsftpirf smfa 1 i liaj tsnrf r xri jiija vhm clcttoav-jl- garstpartlf tche 9 ofc ami ioss a poor maffs one thai will isto icollarimixaani tear ntbind rcadrat rieocl ii itair vns pkm sis xl c ijfipa takes ls i auts cbolcn rimttuxa c ftcrnaci itomi ctimp v lrtrijarpmtriaihjfcrtii 1 tttohc6cfiiale used external t cuulinnuscsldiadi tiio joinw tooifcadjo ralria iud ilbcanutiyrc in fimilr iledioutj ii 25 cevti oigesjive tafilets q dixiiaf rrrlw i uva vsii a oncftbcg tlicy jjire bnnipdtat rrllrflol atid inil ctioiu titzcttqtt rf fuif t sttp ifcruj fr txoclra ml tr r uitr- tw- dsrii uwcaca cl ljaeilj 0 hikde h0iy ah alhosd t-i- int iotvsiuirssn if and cra w limps i maitjatjl bttiit of fomrtrft it soi uiqjgsg hk k jtl the prlmcipleof treatment a4 al n washlhgtqi eminent throat will next- mm lillonitsoip visitaotjs doiuniol hoteif ondayi one ane oott jjii catuirh tboat ctibs tr bi kw bbtkpdtaiu ictn4u fi ccurfhwfp a lew enlr o ihe h by dr vaihnstoa hiuuon chronic b sh ciani aesryiai d- wiasiyois deaii eic i im gltd u tiia ur daablcr il qa a the tecond lime she 1 bryotliiiij troubles ciud 1 iha usual rctuciiei t fratitcjc tleaso 1 1oura truly c d reiiii llrs jao vckelfy ida conjaion johi ilckilvvkinssi ilrs a hoppuiia uxi 0 con sum j jon ur e scot 1 kinjst aod tliron ursjugu3lra throat jaaci mabcws p timjj litifl nsd tbroa trauci bcrlia throi miw nchio eby jicrl fwiac rmfimnjii hijury scollbortli ural wsguer loeai bed 10 d throat levi kcrccr stjaco 1 and lbroat colin caaipocil il jiinet bacotdaivi errors of yq nenreui debnityseci tare dtcay promptly dec tfou cleric re with and fully refcrcs lof- raanhood font to taj rceipt of price ondo bchofield diao s ixnto stu j ko hi qlrtormb4tsamv yililsti tad ttrj- tjurai tkan herrdci4i julc ban ktrl tktrai ta jr taa uotnto mrlirclmli t it st pnshit to bisit jih ct i cold tci tad costvr un nunptrt ib uoarltttl w tittt ota suntu r w hbtulr m trim tlfk0 i nmtwdlvx yinairj tltsu fcmtbi audi tatttot t on wtattoicrtm uart butiu o tte ritattk fat 7m to to ifet unisl ual jvw nnri al t fot wkltiim vtflamtnttitail rti 4 mx era w co fwitxr mad rr tvunta u imat i folm tvu ui in tl coitlv4iaflll w 1 ismrmiiimiimimiirt tanot kag oae pbti thb undersigned fcai fni rac carpet fori ol 1 calli3aoaucm cr rwna k fes- thai mattlal at j rest ataladtcu istmuj ttsatccm al b stswrtft pattadil batlsgramb thet uneaar 1 iuiexhhmnl jfcoaad aiiad jaehildj mt si n oat tlasa t ngsroa ostjss- 3 oat catar ivsiaithjiatv sstct aciot mi- catardw 1 oat enlarpj nootostanft iu afuuaa b berlin oasf toitairp liardalmwlfe rinlcalarttiatjk- 5lemfeimj pcncsasmjls b spermbsqp m ueteviaqal fraoiiaw atlilrcaa t ar ier wwt6 ic elm i m o tsclal fttaj

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