Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1888, p. 3

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sk v- ri pups fs attalstghukch acton pastor mm 4hvfr s 130 uo and 31 bqwuj bible clan conducted by tho jattw all eordwlr invited m uia tiriton alnr rtcoiu at jjkmi ailfcc door jjiiuligt an desired nly to il p atootv j acton illou exhibition s notice feexhibitors and others lint teek press has now in stock llitdp issorunent of cutis paper mjpptind other material suitable for reduction or tory description cf j nmer far distribution si the eihi- x the 9th wd 10th tost- ortert tilled ctuattht n free press fiftice j ctani i rtmr jm ffass ijihesdat october 4 1sss sw many motor locals 0nt lirtte etwthonhtfnl and alert ftrrrss heporteru j bbkmsj ii bcuibtcniuh up iv aiplt twp4 ii being cathcrcd ft ibow at bwokviilc lo- i via ba xu d rt trificlcnui mm reed i as sbsj j fat ttirttfls fib3sinc tmni r- timber tztsat totbs verr ao aleiaxdeb small artdc ha hrm tins kctka l3 scrserrs uotta rcd to uie ordeal ioj tbe stabeeeaakli r prefcoe stock 1 rztxbobffltlj iculturak i pea czl 1st october which rhonirywcii cwctovnd amntcrnuing nftf f i t uf 1 to tefcen tij llcocsober- ait pud th ml is for wo b mills oa ibe 1 ii goretowai mte fbcs3a imall riui ol keja gji irwbflfce smb bouet btoaghi 25c a pound ia qjdo list wet 3tewryfiaginwnb hoisted out feidftj moeniajt kflbod tonaliip jrill hire no agriesl mliiiruiisiiil hug oat yoargig ud bnctia dar- i b ibe exhibition j bamember the bud concert next ftioad eveniw eocsz to rest apply to ardubild 3ubpbeu toons bu ffbet is still on the tie tho ixnn njr tsd muikind in jenarilixe feeling pod cvtt it j bockvood sbov vmid43- on taeedy isd wednesday tbe prie list will apdeir- jn aal issoe krtry oddfellow ia town is teqoested b mart it the lodge room tomorrow ercc- jngesvdocfc mseocsetawn caunal his iatborirod fee anting of tsoter whisky license salilsoabiiliaxdticenie j fa bite i urge gatnv doable hiatorbaaebnrner fcr goal apny to la tnftin west bower avenue j ontordiy mr jasdewar ol mji- knpkrcbxaed mr peter cimpbeus farm njesqisaing for 300 csaihpj the members of acton cornet band an ojca lor congratulation- they won die red ticket at georgetown last week the taicettectpr woald like lyett to call at the town hai on thnrsday 1 friday or satnxdat afternoon to pay yonr taxes 1 me a curkehas sneceeded hr 3 t ictchea of the erin c ifr mitchell jnutecsred alocraiite titaalian in boston j there have been several fitfnl snow stoaqi dnring the past week wejcan do jnthost the permment kind for a couple jrf months yet v- the town of 3ljeabrd finds itself thort xl22 throng the detalcallod of the t kte taumer and will endeavor to collect it from the secarities aqtoa has very much eicfcness this feat it a churned that the trouble arises i i ih xeecad etrfr toe fc e ixstzatt tir he mm m 7lt dsr ofhukiul5 cdntfactfes tia lie wed- t the mteri aff i 23 end euusuurt a iida oltbcns f uie fona2ioa ai ll from a tannery whose refnse is allowed to on thsmgh the town j ftapose iforrn oxlta view af acton umon kxhjhittoa w3l be presented f wijh every d cabinels ordered si the i ketropolitan studio actonl y john tvaidie il icz this wiq it is reported erect one of the finest residences in the county at burling- ton tm occupy it when ft u completed 1 with his usual alacrity mr w jack son the contractor for the enlargement of the rthibitiog bojlding has alreay com pleted ha work he has done a mod job jonx streets nerally have neat and ti3j appearance if howerer ifiere is snythininthewsy of rabbiah ipposite jnnr premises clean it np before exhibi tion day ber d b gordon has been cai ted and opted the pastoral ciiirge of the acton ni georgetown baptist eharefa his in- aognril sermons u pastor will be preached next eanday j it is worthy of note that the list of pedal prises offered at acton union ex- miiiion next tuesday and wednesday ex- stds by some fsoofthe list offered at gsorsetown htetweefc the regular half yearly meeting of the fcslion teachers association will be held is the model school milton on thursday ad friday llth and 12th october the popamme is exclusively locai bportsnien are reminded that the game iaw prohibil the killing of qaiij before fi 15th of october not tbe 1st as in tbe pssl the sportmg fraternity wonld do fll to keep the dai in their mind inspector brothers and chief liwson nw the bymtn house on saturday night sod secured a keg of beer and otber incideo- i wskr johnston will teu why he had tkni there next saiarday in coort itubopel that the jadie who luvve flowers and plants will all aid in making th display at tbe exhibition ceit week ttoctire if p interest is taken in the ostter a very fine display will result a sl marys fnrnitare dealer offers a meboarii free to any couple who may de- j eide to be married in the agricultural hall fee afternoon of the second day of the fair fa thit town in addition to the sote another citizen will issoe the mai- r licesae for nothing and the ber- mr charlton will te hie knot free of charge r fred xour the dnmken painter- who pent a week in acton not long aeo was tin mutou jiit on monday for one oontli on two chargm oce fnr being- dnak and disorderly the ofber for usms profane and obsceno laogqage he was hed s and oots on each charge and o- eoeeof0 one month in jail on each in de- u to ran concurrently uefarmer it weeks tacne of bradstreetv aays 29netionof tbe reduction of rates of l at present attracting i9 toiniflatb sobject isbelog 4 tojn ujicanadian prcjiind uw si fs ss infonnatlon beattiifi npon it gjflflotmjertedis fromlibweto 5ha proposjucfl wonla jtflwior many irlaaons t a carpet aastrojw t accordinr to iho jovial a how pest has raadeiujupneararirt fohho cltjl st qathirjnw u it an hitcct aboal uio bim ot a piand la doslructivo to carpets cloth iug etc iu xmn house lite crpeta have becu ruined in anolhctrtsidnnco a kou- ueman had a new b ct clotbmdeatroyed they differ irom molut inasmnch kt they oit whole piece out ot the fabric a uterary- treit ia sto rev dr gifford pastor of tho mbthodist hurch hat kindly aptcedto give his ex- ctllent lecture how to feevo in life under tie aaspcw cf the ladies aid 6o- dctjjiu the church cu tuesday evening aothlbn thedriimdeuvcitdlhia lec ture with preal buccegs in other places and considering iiis very acceptable style iodi plcwitjg mauncr we have uo hesilatiou in promisiii those who go to hear him m un usual treat loyajtyaritame j the prosperity of a town is gauged not by the wealth ot its inhabitants but by the unanimity with which any j important un dertaking is tobe accomplished a man with fite thousand dollars at his command nd a love for his town in his heart can do more for lb building np and iinproviag cl ir thaa a millionaire who idcks up his capital and snaps his firgtr at home pro- cress holding to your inaney or spending ii at a dirtav cuiirc is not consistent with rood cttixcuihip and the uian who spends nothing at home is but a cipher a unit in uiccecsus tad nothtnjr more i beasttil osa respected readeat actoa hxi lost thii week cae ot iu most respected fmiyct liml or ilrdw camp- bei they removed to guelph on taesday where mr camrjjlj ha been working forscmc-tiao- mr campbell hb resided her for some ten years nd our village has never had a more haaest and straight forward citizsc he was the choice of the people for one cc two terms as amemberof the municipal coapcil and when he occupjsd the position of coznmissicner of streets and sidewalks his timi and ability were freely given tcuie municipality we regret mr cimpbells removal but wish him success in his new home a pair ex caartrxaatff srakemeir on thursday of last week james mc- govern a brakeman from toronto had his left hand badly smashed while coupling cars in the grand truck railway yard here his ha was burst open a deep gazh about three inches in length- uii the bones cf the rsi finger were crushed op sanday richard mccarthy of strat- fordt an brakcman saatained a some what rn oar accident the morcicg was very frcsty and has srcolen mit stuck to the link and bis right hand was badly crushed all the fingers and the thstnb were truti- iatedone of the fingers was epht all the way up and two bails were tern off dr stacey war called in both cases dressed the wcanded members lulvctiaa stbilhnau3 a meeting cf thepjesbytery ot orsnge- villc was held bus week in melville church caiedon for the porposo of ordaining and ind acting the ber mr say a student of knox college into the pastor al chuge of theriabove congmgation and that of ballinfajl the ben messrs annstrong of hiflsborg preached wilson cf charleston and altog addressed the minuter andgowlie of erinv the congre gation quite ar large representation of both cocsregstions were- present and a deep and intereaiing feeling was manifest ed after the seraces the newly inducted minister was introduced to the people by mr fowlie he enters upon his field with considerable encouragement and gives promise- cf being a fiithfcl energetic and kind pastor as wei as a pleasfrg and in- structive preacher the hiuinery opepizgs the displays of millinery for the fall and winter exhibited in the millinery show rooms tt the openings last saturday were very attractive the weather daring the day was rather onpkasaai bu tha did not deter the ladies from paying theirtisils to inspect the varied styles of headgear the rooms at the glasgow ifousa were pre sided over by mi6 carrie smith whose taste and ability are factors well known to tbe ladies here tbe display at this old and well tsufclishedhodie was very fine at mr b b jennyns the reputation of the koted dry goods anft millinery house was ably stnrtaindj mibs fanelton has charge ot the millinery rooms this season the exhibition oi her skill in the numerous hats and bonnets shown on saturday proves her work to be erstclass thera was a general appearance of tomfart and elegance in ali- xobody needs to leave town for millinery this season erua ess siow a t roczwzod on tuesday morning the appearances were that notwiistandin the fact that the directors of eramcsa agricultural so ciety had moved the date lor their fall show to a time when the almanac indicated fine weather that their usaal wee weather experienced was again to be repeated wednesday morning dawned bright and pleasant however and the hearts of those interested were made glad as a conee- qcence the show was its old time success number of entries particularly those of stock were larger than last year the ampearacce in the agricultural hall and ia the grain and root annex was very credit able bat if a little more taste were exercis ed in the arrangement of exhibits the gen eral appearance would be much enhanced the officers were alive to the wants of ex- hibitotsas well as to the convenience of visitors- the exhibition was a success the judging was not completed when oar reporter iefc the grounds and the prize list is in omseacecce deferred until next week per0nal mention wrefrepfnfcrtlni tflttfiio ind horn acton vfim whom frw itmi saitoh atthgrnorunahiniilntal air tjmti hooro uu bwu eosou tooher of dublm pqblio toboool tor 1889 tlio rally ol mr w turtinjhjw m rived from torouto tad likon op tltclr ho idonoa on wen bovrer ivcnoe councillor ud mrt joiid kccny livo retnrnfd from heir irip to tho old ooontrr thoy enjoyed their trip very mach retvew- ed mny old acqaiinlanoei nud returned homo moch improved iu health tiicmcxlciralcoukcil apcoul meotini of tho coaucilhu ueld on vcdnday wening 2clh fill metnhert prcmutlhc reeve and conn eilton brown and iimoud upon motion of coancillora browli nd itmond thomis t moore wu appointed clerk pro tem ct tbe coancil it vu then moved- by yt broarn ree- pnded by wm iimond tlikt the blans in bylaw no to appoiut a collector of taxes foe the year 1888 be ollod- ia with the name of tboojaa eaiton carriod- couacil thoa adjoarned the boam of ellccvtlox two tvatliem uftire at the tad of the v-eir- j the 0hcrs llceiipirrd tho board of tnutccs of acton- public school rnel on monday evening hi iaat kemxra jjreeeut i kraucifl chairman and dr w ii losry gcoro hyudi a c sicilin j the minntet of iaat mcetitn ivero read and confirmed the reiotioo of mi daily ccmfcen teacher of third department waa preaealod moved by e nicklin tocooded by geo hynda that the rejifination of mi corrigan be accepted and lha the aecre- lary be instmcted to advertise foe teachen for the thirdandfonnhdepartmenta of acton pnbhc school at salaries cf 230 and fi2o per annum respectively duties to commence 1st jancary 1833 carried t moved by george eynds seconded bj a kicuin chat mr thomas t sfoore as principal and kiss cassie ifcphail as teacher ot second department be teeogeg ed for 1880 at the same salaries is last yeejcarried 1 moved by w h lowrj- seconded by a e kicllin that tbe secretary be instructed to advertise for lendcri for thirty corda of beech and maple body wood fonr feet long carried i upon motion the board adjocmed kfilambon yikcbiah bonds bvlaw8 caeblpj hi- i ont bept 5s three bylawa onbtchdyorlb pstpot oirtlrlrjlieotoijioroltn eininn faoioriesln thtstowhyi of which wen carried jby largo majorities gilchrist green ctco of tlio uaion urnltore fac totjr werj graiiud j10xi t doil co 15000 smd kincaidibroi cualr factory 15000 itijifaelorta bav tgma to bring a large unmber ofiksllod workmen into the town and pat op soittala balldinfls tho literatvuk oream by etnile zola the oele- brated eqtnorof lassommoirv 4c has xen translated frontline french byeliae aiase tlio canadian copy right edbcnis pobliihsi bywm bryce 81 pront9treet torontorknd can be had from all jbocksellers for 80 cents the uaamaker ot moscow is the nameola ator jest issasd io book form by the aru -rorl- ltdytr it is a story that bafl excited wide spread and eontina oas interest and is oow receiving a large sale tn pnee is 25 cents it may be had of any newsdealer mm mmmmmm j b pearson imowvedcdmrnoiisenm sa8h balance tn aajy tmtmt huavi tbscbcapcsl proitkrrrir ix the doiuvios the feeling of confidence the result of good crops which ocignatod on the farm hu in torn aifected both the eouatrr and city merchant during the psst few weeks it has been slowiy bet sorely maturing and the result has been a- bootc in commer cial circls in lbs cty uiness las been exceptiociuy good many houses reporting trade much better than any like period in itt history in dry goods and groceries the state o affairs is especially noticeable this happy condition of things is not by any means coniined to thi city of toronto but is to be observsd everywhere through- out the country from general indications there is little doubt thatthe dominion has entered upon a period of- prosperity while in ontario the crops have not been enormously large yet they have been of a good average char acter and not in a fen- localities better than has been known for many years this further enhanced by the better prices for grainhs given entire satisfaction to oar farming opcuiibu this is a result we have been unable to chronicle for soine time with iha attutioa the facmers are now paying to stockraising and pcodacts cf tbe diary in addition to their ordinary farm work the outlook seems most aus picious for thisaturdy portion of oar pop ulation whue during the year the volnma of general business may not have been bo large ss in previous year yet being more onserrativethe trade done has been safer and therefore more satisfactory the weak and insolvent houses have been pretty well weeded oat and with a continuance pf this policy we do not anticipate anything bat prosperity ia finmcisl and commercial cir cles for come lime to come in eaund there has been an extraordin ary improvement in shipping which is taken as an indicatiou that trade is improving not only in england but throughout the world the ifaciani j te exffiiirnox will bo iu excellent shape for visitors next toosday tfvening bit my exhibition of meat ot all kinds will be comidete before that lime and i will be able to supply all my customers with choice cats and the eitra quantity they wilt require for the two days when so many frieud from a distance will be here to visit tbcm and take in he fair order early so that there tray be no disappointments and be sure to invite all your frtauds to acton for next tuesday and wednesday w h bctlkhcej butcher central market thefa1xkxtuij1t10xs tho dates for the annual fall showi gen erally attended by our readers ara as fol lows ri acton union open to alloct dlh and iotb wesf well iujtton harrif ton sept 27 aadsaj esqoeing georgetown september 27th and2sth duserin orangcrille september 2gth and27tfa walkerton october 2nd lo 5th centre wellington elora october th and ott south vviterlooajt 5th v r eramoka bockwood oct 2nd and 3rd puslinch aberfoyle oct thi naasagaweya brooktilje oct sth beverlykoaafou oct 10th j halton county milton oct llth and 12th j eria erin oct 17th and 16th auction sale iicslster ilovnir lslh ocranen- sle ot iarm rilldfio pixiprtjiocka lctcruccinlilottcoa6eqicin i itltfelock vni- hcmitrect aaouonocr october 1th and i hi a stone the exemptloir amendnirnt honss sign and ornamental painting in the litest styles lessons ix oil paktiso classes wednesday eteninff tbimday sad srardf aimniopni ordett left at frea press office ixtco or at drcued ma box lfi oeorgetowu will nceiv nronipt attention hastonil open to the world some misunderstanding appears t have arisen ainong the farmers respecting the amendment made in the municipal act last eesaibofixemptiegfroni taxation farm horses cattle sheep and swine the idea seems to be current thai tbe amendment shoold come into forc ihii year but the fallowing letter to a neighboring municipal clerk sets the matter right toronto jtlit sept 1888 dear sir in reply to yours of the 21st inst i befj to advise you lhat the amend ment of usv session exempting farm stock does not apply to this years assessment roll toor roll will therefore be actdhpon for 18ss as if no such amendment existed yonrs truly e f b jonxstos deputy attorneygeneral union show oaexiixrs rxios hhtval senncei the union renval services which were expected to cloee on monday of this week are being continued with great success prlnik seiretan of tlrf comniutee has token the cames of two jiundred abd seventy persons who have been forward as seekers of salvation and these have been forward ed to tbe pastors cf the chcrcbes which they deetre to join in response to an earnest jmtuon the evangelists iiave conseoted u remain till tuesday the second of october when the meetings will be closed on sanday morning it is intended lo hold a union re ccption and aicrameatal servrce iu th prpbylerian church all candidates for reception inn ibe preshylenan and metbo- dit churches will b given the right hand of fellowship and at the doie cf the ser vice the sacrament of his lords sapper will be administered to tho candidates and to tiie members of both churches which service will give additioutl emphasis to the cordml and fraternal fjirit that has cbar- aoterixed the revival meetings from tlio in ception star death of senator j g boss qcesec oct 1 hon james gibb boas the wellknown lumber merchant died at his home here this evening aged g9 mr boss was a native of scotland but came to canada- while a young man and ecgafied in the timber trade he was president of the quebec bank and a director of the guaran tee company of jtcrtb america mr boss was an unsuccessful candidate for the common in 1873 cd 1378 and waa called to the senate in ls3t the annnal exhibition of acton uniou agricultural society will be held in the exhibition park aotolsr j ok jtuesday wednesday october 9th and 10th 1888 excellent prize list h large list of specials i firstclass grounds good halfmile track good accommodation a leo t0hx off smcoe ont sept 2sjfejlerdy on lie farm of jsoob anker bear waliinc- ham centre a man named andrew cham- ben while tending a threshing machine missed his footing and stepped into the cylinder his leg was ground ap and torn off above the knee and the limb oarriod ihroogh lie machine which was broken death oecnred live boorsafter special attractions tux be jtxsocyced utsb band to the secretary for copy of prize list tickets may be had ironi any of the directors ticket sold after tbe 1st october sre sabject to ft re- daction of fifty cents of thfl- prize money therell bs a holiday for the icbool children next veduosday njd theyll allbe mi thobihibition- v ivs lvjcbed ix a u11x pimaxxoot sept 30 an accident occured yesterday at ifessrs bickle mays flooring mills the victim being mr john liickle oneof theproprietors he was at tending the machinery and his band got cooght in one of tho rollers oompletly taking off all the finders of his right hand a seasoxablb ojfett any person interested ja maoafacturio mining hilling eugineirinj oiemecbani cal trades or seieotitk sobjecu will re ceive a copyof one of the best fiat bob luhed ooittchiiittem also oa4aliueol practical and indortrialbooksbyodlog name imituae mvvaknlfml xewi u0 kberty btrsetj mew officees joseph lasbt pros eoht axnrstndyiceptes jno dorr 1st vice do jajrzs autthkwa secretary treasurer dieeotoh8 actox w g storey bobart afinew esqce6ngaici waldla 1 frlegle- mtts wra sbortffl m fishar sa8saoawetathoawiuonbobttvini win jackson arch ucgiboan jebin a j carrie sam johnston the button jnc sanders lebauosa wm sharp darid ho e park- tssou john taylor for farther particulars see prize list an irge posters -the- gioer chopping mils if l atrockwqon wlir reopen for the sessonjs bnsineffl on mondat 3rd september chopping weighed in and weighed ont and rollers made to onjei steam nd rater pipes and allconnedtlons aopplied nt arid thratcledprotnpmjj j fjqigwiood sole agent vctfhu ammd tbt mm dotabu tbtdxapcttiad bm device tit all tr mflwmtj wiaauwu thlincw wbo la poatuoo an enfrthr tat ftfeu ho thtta bouseriw ai emdb patting u tofttbct tin ootwflj an fit oat of onstr or mm rtpatnnc no barfejc or narriaf f tb ilct ma tlw jab p dally wmu far rcpabbf ou boqdjftp attwaaawputbsttnalafwpctm luemdjjbibdfldbipaibewofjm 8mb can b rtttond inn tnma la a busxat fix ckanidic or ttpalrioi broken atau cmauvainbwit vctoonwcbuortabsrfialvnt no naiiglult cord ietiim paint off lidi of rtaic no ratthnc of tatfe u po aaalnit sua prcmits 1l ko nitlhik of jrelghti prpoltcyt wbtn suh i nbed or tewttett no stkka of wdxrat in trtnc nocanutamt off veu oot andbitak nonrtvyrnqoilobecaae flatuoedbir txaaihgla goeumtkkitc otaa tfaim no fltmtj oail qvint or dtcrit bwchinum to break wear out or ftt out of onjer id ilniplidryioi commiaioo and opcianoe b the woo4r eftt bywni aotomaik saih loda fitlf bsuibg tad suh tifu or upper and lover tub m um best aod cfaopm ia the market cil and ttt lit in tytnfin txfiwo call and examine it 1 millinery opeixiilg 1 friends we take great pleasure in announcing to our many and patrons that our millinery show rooms will be open for inspection on saturday sept 29th when a large assortment of the newest goods in trinmed stocky trimmings and shapes will be displayed -m- i miss smith whose ability is so well known and sppre ciated will again be in charge this season i ladies we invite your inspection believing we can you entire satisfaction v j j give our full stock of dress goods ladies an dchi ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of the novelties of the season is new complete idjens all t mouriiiaig qoods a specialty we are showing something very fine and cheap in boating i j shawls and caps j- we also invite special attention to our very full of staple goods special drives in grey flannels took -m- our stock of boots and shoes is now- complete andj comparison e0geries fresh and cheap defies in- short ladies and gentlemen we are showihgthe largest most carefully bought and cheapest stock 6f dry- goods millinery boots and shoes and groceries ever brought into acton come andlsee for yourselves we are klways pleased to show you through i remember onr cameras 60c tea henderson mcrae gratid display of new gfoods at tyarm weather has eoiie is i bllt clothing c thing is still necessarf m brennyi- i merchant taildb k i as last rat in t itiljeoijorjsj aomo fifty iclts wnjcb he boughs at u9sn- any lavorablo prices ipi vlflyth fitiug biaastamera the bonetbe v sacrifice te for the nest f oar wociu at cnbeariof for fcric f or coib 93 to m lesk then cm itafpvx based eljwuhoro vp s ii beautiful black worsted sui s171o 18 which cost elsf where 22 to 2 sat calld examine tho stock for u alyayi rleuaratolhov tbvm brcniiaa alwaja kccru iiricc right for i j cos tomer had trill w found tho cboapeet i iaq in m brenn vn fall wiritler 1888 mammoth house vvm mcleod c0 gives beg to announce thit ey have received large por tons of their fall ahd vinteriii pprw tations irom the foreign arid domestic markets and tiiat they are daily receiving rfesh goods from foraignj ajid domestic markets to repli nish their stock making the itock- always fresh and kttrativeh the public can reljupdni hem catering to their best int srest l and presenting to thepi one o the largest cheapest and most attractive stockjhap can be seenanjwhere we call special attentibn to ourmilhnerymantlesjtjib onsj dress silks dress g wdsvj fancy goods small jw ares staples flannel blai kets j tveeds carpet boots and shoes i our dress andmantle mart- ing department is in first class working order under ia com petent and effrrent hepd withl- proper assistance- i lour tailoring depart thent 3 is no 1 we have w large- stock of the newest toodb i for overcoatings andsui ings excellent white to tons- for- 5 cts per yard fac- j tory cotton 3 cjs per yaid grey flannel26 cts pe yd tweeds for 2 cts- per yard black and f colored i satin- merveleaux and gro jrain silks socts per yard siorth gioo colbredsilksfpri5cts worth 5octsj dress goo ds tor jots and 8cts per yard worth hjets and ijcts pr yrdj large piles of othergp ds inj in proportion we most respectful cit a visit of inspecrioi we can comnnce yo f t i extent beauty gobdnes a u cheapness of our stock i our grand millinery opea ing on thursday jfripa y td saturday sept 27 j28 a iqi 29 i the absolute sfisainid and vlninterupied pijoc ssi n of cheap and beautiful goc ds that we can show you i si n- ply marvellous i wm mcleod c mammoth hot se deobgetowhl rm j 7tm 1 ti jv 7t 1 m t i m eie 3tight shouse latoerous departments are now nilaotntersi paying cash down phees tbe flannel deonrt ivef tbe jjreesgoodsdepart- i honestly worth socan goods are to be bad in all uorina tho week an immense ata of new goods hss been received at tbe eight house the largely auorted with suitable goods for the season buying jn iwge qoantiues d rent from the m on the spot for them eoewei watwra to plane his goods beforo- his onstomen t pury reuonable raent is psnked with newloooai 8eotheauwool qrey manw they arelomr in pnoe than merit i5owded with hew c3otisb the spooial lot ol new allwool 1sgowb at iso per j whtof allwool lef cfcthifcriies sod faacy kress goods m oo worth 35oand30o tl slu rtidires b thew5fljwo atnawn cfc in singlewd double widft new fanoybttined press goods csett soktocortinm isoenoekrftw8ilk dns pludi 6 th sbo silk plartfso f plosh i bpaj stssjpoullui hndwtamofefomptyird be th mantis hush h pilfck ind brownand brooaam om 5th tart lighted rooms in twottjr 8eru otwdtb kswest style 0 iuatloj bhortj t of mantling and tjbt- cloth hw been rwetvea jwysjiecul ysdoain bilk ua h onthj ground floor ind is landdwmana also many sealettee a swy large vilsox apbuofie and bpaided ftsta u jfck 8tl beprmmenu wjtinahtawhs also ptmboonet hats thjrnow on mblbttlon aunfsw rtdskoyrew wool tjirj- wttomiarsstftob1iminuvifm jtebowowlrsjsijt nmarfcsaroma3isscih tfwhedry twy sad inf biisskl forboywet ji aoetonttsiriljpi9tod winoow shtde mocdtmot sweeper i every one sold is tukrmartei rff sssjatcjticffiotdw djpaj vsadhatinjinsf brussels ts also se the iiotetai 50to- orteii for j utetoof awrfas full juanrtedwmfcrtteatbf bud pvisibule and curls bods toovfi baustoryrwo- seethe afam of tson md metit an4 1 if issstota- iromtles tbrthsi m l h i xr mi 1 i- im purest strokcet be t eoktairib net alum aumomia ume phoi pha1 cx orsnjtajaraicvnatofiali e w 6i ltrfr ia

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