Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1888, p. 4

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jfttmuftm thherdiv octobkr 4 1888 pic upunp jolkfi a 3meesrncw or preacbifg are like llie rilv plew theyre cy crt klad e lluaj boldlfoif wineiaor they uic jc cvxrbti- oprosnd aacsmfcylcsfncli lie lb in lie kruioa aii the plow tiiil cac i ivcyt iacb tcjiycarrxaclicrwncillm an pcarxi v do a map aacia livtri- el vtw ceds he eurhlcriowovi dec airbbcalicdtciiujccad aa pot uk tcii cleared the dcti iacctod a f oc uic tares aptovcruatc3rci- thi fcieaiisciiuia cjtr at kicticc prifhl loo foilrar i o tdirtt lic ucrl r votito cl to jo tt tr o- anji4attf lc i vu i zlcz l iii ialc btci cui tiht afl c i ycaa hvw tht tta man who om wythlng on 4ju own hook is likdj p wwbt 6n ot thom dtp advice lo a dreumkorcc turn patu rirht then p ahead wheo ni4q iu down tad rcflocu it does not txvtft prove tint ho ii j bril liant the roosfct would be s much more pop ular bird il he coald be tudaccd to feel hut there it ao viul nocttttty for its rorwrlin its whereabouts ti about 5 i ta tiit tboal yoar cigarette imofciaftl heres man over ia caunecticat who has jait died that smoked over two thoiiand hertiugi day it was his business j wife carelessly i hats the tire alarm ringing lotl habanditrcshiy fotafire oteoane wile calmly weu what do yott suppose it wants willis fire a day like this afairicm toe west is adverusinea recipe which ill tell yoa hotr o mite yoar hone an artist- when you forward him a dollar not ueoessarily farpahcatict bet at an evi dence of cood faith you receive by retain mail a ueatly printed card beartd2 ui words give yajur ho fee a tew drawing exercises and lie will fcl there uraitu nn ami wokmixs suit give houowayt cora cow a ulal it rcbored ten c6nii- from ono pair of feet without any pain what it hu doco oooc it will do again akatlwarsw lt calla vividly to mind the appauion ipectro of de4thnd yet no thought u taken of the thpuaadi annaally dying thronjh disease cauied by wronj action of thoitomacb liver kidneyiocboweli and wmdj mifiht be remedied by tho use of b t p- natures great rfstorative tonic and bipod purifier llfaeumatiani ii caawd by a pbisoqoa acid in the blood and yields to ayeri pills many cases which afremod chronic aud hopelcm have been complotriy oaredby this medicine it will cost but little to try what effect the tills may have ia your cnac wo predict success tbe ooume lubllmr a weak and low constitution impure bloodetc caasea a double liability to con tract diseasffj purify the blood and remove jill worn flat matter and diseasebreed iuc imparities from the body by uiing burdock blood hitter which thoroachly fcleanei rccutcsani tones lhe entire byatetn ta ta rv tiiiv irixiiil cautiii hijlo kob- wcititol s yott arc lo tat hambie po tle rtmiicjercf yoar life are yoat ko reply wis made lo this sneerioc rt- matk until the siicr etisiace clare called loudly caoah ta be heard by every boy on the plajxreoai bob westcitc have yea taraod deaf allcf a eeiica were ycatpcalucg to ract aaked a brightcyeil lsd in repoee lo this ques tion i ishould think i jwxe yocr name is bob wcstcaic il v yes sir tail is rcy name everj time and i never mean to do anything to make myeell ashanfod cf it i ehodd be aifcriced to est hatnble pie and pcormiat eoin bet some people never seem to be ashamed of anything of whom do you coact cc cue v yea if yes hive eiarted in the track you intend to fdlovr j yon have eipied old wfllbwdalea pledge iiveat yoat i iitv fitted uie lpjedis mr ia i drcaliticg and it wouldnt text yoa to aignit 1 it wodd hrrt ry cisrioiiticc i dont intend to give up all lae good things in life quite yet in 6igmn slrdalefi pledge yoa would not give cp a fink coodthici hitpjedge ll against bad itics jhavevba seen it t xo and i dcrit want to tell as abest it rob eiid another gchoolmale who wis sff near i can tell yoa responded eostare clare wiihoctjwaiiic fcr anyone else to peak 4j old ujowcjies plsdeis-apro- raise not to do a dzn differed things every boy cr man o tpici wacistp do so liiat is toot versioa of itremaxfced bob westgite ir daiss pledge is against using pcofaze lirgtrc lobicco or intox icating liqaors c zy kind that is all there is to it asd icccrcjiig to mx idea that that is jest what every ooy of the right spirit will be wiiiag is premise z fjjoesthil cover cigirreitaz tad cider j ceitaialr aldiczn scxe cigarettes have very fitflls tosicco abat tfceni well i esake cigarrettts and drink cider and bzz ioo zzl it is naze of old h nobody some rein aroborn witty others have a good memory and soinc wftty fnends jddcorxeu john what odor if thit izovw love bat that other allspice my beloved bat isat there tnolier yes apples belovedst jest cace more raines my most belovcdcst well john it yoad drink jest a i little brandy now i think yoad mike a good rainecpie j reporter i have been assigned ia in terview a number of the noted men oa the sabjevt of books which have most inbocaced them author i andtrsuiid report er ify question is this whit book has beeli to yoa the greatest stimulus to nienul actity author an empty pocket- book yes sketch with a free hand hist back bay remarked the professor who had been critically eiamiaiag her portfolio entirely free said the boston yqang lady as she cast down her eyes in soft con- fasten and waited for the professor to follow op the opening i little boy pa what does phecomen al mean v father it is a word ased by the citizen of iilinc iowa kanaa andi jcebraaka when they refer 0 the growth of their respective towns it doesnt mean raacii wffe john yoa hare a very annoying habit of eaying wfcala that whenever ypa are spoken to cant yoa break yoar self of it husband reading er whats that eow is this doctor this bill fo vl yoachargef2a visit and joa only called three times doctor three tjttf my friend while yea were tick and two since for my money m i clir ifr shbokcm i didnt forgit to ax yo to uke o5 yo hit im artatlly gittin databsen minded iaint got com mon perhteness na mo j are yoa cnitedm year church j dea con yes we are all frozen up to gether i 1 sauivta maicolm ontario writes i have been sellicg dr thomas electric oil for some years aud have no hesitation in saying that it has civen better patisfac- torj thin any other medicine 1 livo ever sold i consider it the only pitcut jnodiciae that cares more thin it is recommended to 1 vtt wmm- castor i a for infants and children omtoftaljiown iljptedttoimrwthil i mvli ran oolto oiauftum iabaoiftml8t2wokiyaky t- tq outtaus oowixt f7 uurraj fitroet n y mwz qkeiph glbtk sall newest fall kirrlvals- overcoatings scotch tweed sittings canadiail jtweed suitings shaw crundy merchailt tail0r8icueuph a 0 a able arcamtncada1toa we have used dr fowlers ertract of wild strawberry and cad tint for diarr- hectit cianot- bs eijaalicd we cannot speak too highly of it ernest clare crofsandlloy kcil cross jatpar oat april cth 1s53 wulowdxle basin es he the third pigo of the toroalo daily uad u noted for want advertisement it on want to bay or sell anything if yoa want asitaattsa a mechanic a bastuess machinery lodgings if yoa hae lost or foand anything or if yoa want to nd oat where anyoue is advertise ia the j toronto daily uad aud read the advertiseineou on the third page of that paper tbe charge is twotknts a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada woodtngipei iokincsteast- 4 toronto sendtgrprices- exhausted vitality rpnr bctkkgk of life k the peat iteiiictl wort of lhcagc en sxittoodscrtoui aal physical ueili- rre- nuicrc dceliiie errcrt cl yocth ami uic uiitokl iuii- lttcrcoascnt sw page s xa 123 rrrfi i or ill diwaics aatlifulleilt oojy lco br iiil k33 illuilrktivo meiic rcc to til vaulted uiiijc4gcleen serine tlie gom and joncllcd hcdal atrjrdcd to ue slicr byt kationsl jxcdical ksxlivcz w3rs pohosliotoalftiier dr w ii iak- keicrrtdmteof harvard slwucalcauogc s3 ycirt practice la kotlon kio ucy be caaialted consdcnliijly sicciily diseases cl ilia office ko i bulzach st v ttfttandcomrartm tfce gnltcrtaf browns hoajchold panacea has no qui forrelicviiurpnn intcvnsl and rt steal it cares pain in the bide back or brfwels sore throat rheamitibm toothache lcmbigo and any kind of a pala or ache it will mostiurclyqulck ea the blood and heal as iu acting power is wonderful browns hoasehold pan acea- being acknowledged as the great pain reliever ad of doable the strength of any otter elixir or liniment in the world should he in every family iiifldr for esc when wxated as it really is the best remedy in the world far crtmps in the stomach aod pa tos and aches bf all kinds and is far sale by ail druggists at 25 cert abotllf e i roof orer his head if it wouldni liis wasnt for somevidys ciirity he woald fctes better roof over his head without charity if dl itlonging to himhad fcejiscah a please ts i have kjgxeav- said r weslgiie father eays he kzz a spleniii scholar bat he wasnt always as strcag a teeotaer jas he u now and his childrer went wrong oefore he realized their dirger now he is trying to saveother poopiee children and i am going fo help thin ii i da cit hnmblfipie and poormns op sayoa may all know where to cad me en the temperance qnestion atemperanjelcctcre free gratis for nbthiagrexciix3ed eaiuce clare as the last speaker harried frm the playgroand kow lets go down to oldj wihowdales to night and hae soms fen what kind c lint was va oh pretena we want to sign the fledge and tita leil him we were only fooling j i wooldut co to meii a thing as that was the ccict7nccchced by a chorus of voices jlaace ciire focidhirtjeif in a minor- iiy and althotgh i iill lilfced of bumble pie and poorman e senp he wzs more civil in his icacntrs at jesgih he was asked to describe this pic ardcap when he an- iwered the soap is rndy clear cold water and the pie is tay fciai of poor traab witboot eeafosicg lihe niiccepe without brandy hitisn3hmw5rijthatnat i can eat it with a relithfjd rob ify motfaer miiei tipp isihse pes aithout a drop of bracay hi ihez aad cold water is the best drirs ia the wcrd so you may take yoarjirtcaj cfes xrlth beer and lo bacco- if yocwij bzi l advhe yen as a friend io take ilrdies pledge j i kcot myself i am going to take the best i wn get anlmifce the most of iw ibeiropicicei dinered as to what the best might be bat each vrent his own chosen way acati ihe end cz tea years do one coold 2ocbt which had chosen most wisely j enstare cisxe wi email eel weakwith a pale winched face and ia etery way fu- feriorto his old bchoamtte who was large graodiocjiug fellow able to help himself and others qlare woald then gladly have tidagel his lot for that of bob to whoa no god thiaaeeraed denied while he lived coihe miserable tnd nn- certain wtgs circil in i ow- drinking saloon j yet he clang to tvjicoj bcer and whis key eating vltlf thcic taehcmbjiest of pies and ue pcorett cd soap realtring as he dialsc llm he wls sa7icg lower aud fower in foierty tni tnitchcdces he might tot tliat he was aahaicd of bis 4ai3 let tue care with which bevcicvo hi compaaeoas betrcyed his ttjjieoljcrtiition yuatict jkgles and jokelets sxlf aaitoar tith the wue ifec the wit and tke paragraiks of the day i i ifilhoms beef iron an j wine is prepar ed froaa the fresh beef soiaable irob and pare cherry wice cambmed with i choice sromatics james h gilmoar of tgilmoar a co wholesale grocers brookville says i have ased tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved and cared l plain ftaccmcttt all poisocoas waste and worn cat mat ter ought to escape froai the system throagh the secretions of the bowels dity and skin d b b cleanses opens and regu lates these nitanl aatlcts for tberemoval of disease a single scratch may use a festering sore victoria carbolic salve rapidlybeals cats woanis bruises bam iad ail sores- purity of ingredients and accuracy of com- poanding make ifilbamn aramatia qnm- ias wine the criterion of excellence a terrible texvrtrt itrt tboca acres or iluutiey ont saffered ail the torteres of liter complaint for ten years- fear bottles of borddck blood bitters entirely cored her making her like a new womst again after other medicines hid failed to relieve her all ages and coudittoas of people may use national fills without injury and with great benifit tried and prated i have nsed dr fowlers ertract of wild strawberry for summer complaint and have proved it after a fair trial a sure care both in my own caiend others of the family lacratta wing new dundee waterloo co ont i it can io no harm to try freemans worm powders if yoar child u ailing feverish or fretfnj ifessers uccacslsai son toronto the weiifcnown makers of fancy glass for bandings hive an ergaisitely arranged room for the display of piper hangings their trade in this department his been so good that not a roll of list years is left on hand and theirassort meat today is beyond a doubt the ecest in cicada we lander stand the firm mail samples with prices attached jl goad veleltbor late fast fall i was laid np in bed three days with svery severe attack of diarrhtca and vomiting nothing beoeri ted me until my neighbor mrs danaicg recommended dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry and brought me half a bottle which she had in her hoase in three hoars the vom iting wis stopped and i was able to sit up by oight i woald no think ct using any other mcdictnesolambas hopkins hamilton oi hccjun beef raa asd tflne if yoa arciingaid and weak and yoar appetite poor my beef iron and wine is the tonic be rare j as an invigorating tonic it is recoguiied by tho ifedieal profession ks i the best strengthening medicine thus far prodaced- itns invaluable as a blood-and- muscle maeervespecially in those leases where weakness is the result ot imperfect oc in- food of wasting fevers or excess of any sort it contains lhe nutriment of beef the stimulant properties ot wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cl c slated to bcild up the emaciated system axviceto hotercs areyoudistcrbed at night and broken of yoar rest y a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cat- ting teeth h so scad at once jmd ct bottle of if n winslpws soothing syrap for children teething its value is incal culable it wiurelicve the poor little scf- erer immediately depend upon it moth- ris there is no mistake aboat it it cares dysentery and diirrhaa regulates the stomach and bowels cares wind colic softens the gams redaces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system ilrs winslows soothing sy- rup for children teeihing is pleasant to the taste tad is the prescription of one cf the oldest and best female physicians and narsesin theunited states and is for sale br ail druggists tnrobout the world pnce twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for llzs wkewts sooriiisa srccp and take no other kind children cry for f lichcrl vth3 ibj ric re z3vc lf r fc-ii- wc tli cisa chld kle erirdlcr clt wlcn she became lixc thseluato citvri whra re fcai cell iit fh- ptft then gir ct istny pertcj wcruitr at the tired worn aud webry feciiijgtit lrjiresetheai with out aiiypjurti trc- it ciitylie poverty of lhe mol or a uirjjrid ttootsclt in either oie the ijaich iijjd atid liver rc not jierfririihi ihir rlgtibir fnnctioos anj with iniy imrjiis they will follow a dull heavy iujluzcv niavja aud many otiitr furjtviris jiai pfitcrfe a well dvefoptd ol drrifpsia purify the bludi iflcntie lic yki of the clogged aectefifiit by ifiin iticimriv mnlrke ilixturepreprl t y j b mntcluiii ut t tontf ircuj cinfit ui unit tsli years experience lijx a ojt bili u fceldon les uitu five dollars aud tli is doesnt include the cost of filliorptescriirtotis one dollar purchases a bottle of ayers sarsanll which iu nine cae out of ten i all the medical treatment neeiled trj i jj 1 save joar money for afiiuy day after years of suffering pcroi8 who hare vainly wjajiht reai ijdijit help from otbersoarceriiaveouiiiiijthftljfi dexir- ed relief ronintfrttiropirlyinriijsvcyeujie j discoyery and dyspeptic cure wliicli putsa stop to the torment ul lypnu feud activity of the botu and livvr teywva iimlfides incident to ili- geitlr r nui j baild tip mliijhetlth und btreifitb 6vw purity io i lie blood dm tune to the whole f iystfim 7 y r j hie teacher ri jjiwl iier jinjiils to streugtlicii tbir nrinfcs liv die uic of aycrs sar iiriij bpincittl tlie truth that in nil jiciiii is tatial to mental vinr for ptrmjiw of delicate and feeble ciimiruiiij wkftlier young or old this itiiilifine u r beoefidil be bin vii git ajers sarsaparfua rvryiihi hh1 fail i tate a nnin- kttr liiilts dl ayrrs karsajcirillaaiid tit really uiiiitc jlrs james h hilmmaiistiiitlieirimcss i liivc tiilatl ayers siriparilli iiiigrat liiifti toiiivgoucralliealtlj mithirra l cntar palmyra jfd my bdiicr twelve years cf age ha- uteml fur the past year from general debility fir iteks iufc we iegai give hir aiers siirqiarilia her health lias tn ally iinjirflvel mr- harriet h i inn iis smitlicicliisfcjrdmaw mkrniaycarotlkgannjingayers irspiianila a if for debility ami iitiiralgla rctilting from mfllarial cxpimirft in the aniry i was fn a very wil iiiriliiuit tiit tx ixitlles of the sar- ira with ocrasuinal doses ot ayers iill- liave greatly improvtd my health ii iiv aljli- to work and feel that t iuiimt say wi mikli for vnnr ercelleiit niikiiio k a piiikhaiu south liiiiiikje my daiiglrter fiiiten yearn old is rsii- avars saraparitta with good ef- ui i hev fi 1 ornliam lnitcd intifvu cjmrch uiickhamiouw va ebiicterej from mervous prostration wih lame i act riiil headache autuiave ltti luarh liciiuil liy the ue of ayers sirapahfla i inn iw so yearn of age and nnkniiftlii that inr present health and pruljjiisetl hfenredue iu the nse of aytrn sarhaparilla lucy monjll killfugly conn frc ann if farnxirortli a lady 79 year old 8vi wooutock vi wine after kcveral weeks auffenng from iicrvnns iirnktraiioii i protnred bottle of aypr k santa parilla lfore i had taken hall of it my usual health retnrned ayers sarsaparilla rneraetd sr dr j c ayer t co lowell m price 1 u loitle 13 woitb i i uulo r kelljr brotliere merghakt faildb having jutt passed into stock the finest assortment of laportedandxomestio suitings pantings and overoatiaga ihil luve ever been ibown in tbe couniy we re now in poeition o rait iny person rwjcirmg tdvdiing in clothing our price ire right wd we will purinlai crcry girmeot to be porfect both in fit od frtjih so fit m le man drcdi ot pttenn to wleet irom wo aljo crry tbe finet took of ktcktia colkri caj indslurti to be found in any i plterai boaae vret of toronto aaking for aihire of yoar patronage we remain sinoarely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros the haryest is completed and money will800n e plentiful dr chase e x world rde icritatioa s riveiciaa aai aalfcof ills if ac drake daadclica liver cere it a triompc of medical ikill curiaj til tls dii- eascs ot tac kiiaey and liver symttohs of kedket coltflatnt dlftrctsiag act and rains la the bict a call fila or weibt in tbe bladder aadbucot the al3oki fcalilaj trnnc oftca cbtrrtl frciet ilcsirc to uris- ate especially at clbt aaoas acd jiorsoai hot dry lkia pale coairjeiica red ad k lc da- posits droidirjice sosr stcajua coartir tios rilca litenical fiteitiece ic sniptoiisof liter comflfitktpln rtiicr tbtraldej hlacsjaaadice allot coarplcriua a weary tired recline na life or ercrcy bealachc djs- pepsia iadi5tlca ipott yiaijcs ate how cuued mtadnie tad dacdeoa ar dttcris liver rcrcs ad wbea coaibinel wiiti kidney rcaic- dice a ia dr clavc liver care tiij cort potircly tare oil kidneyliver trccblcs it acts liic a diarn tiacjatc- tie crjj liver slrccllicains tic ltidaeyc acl iavirjratini the whole l3y sold lvalldicreat 1 with lie ccipt loot which tlaaeisrcrihtle sosey kid1ey dr cbasca pillt arc the onlr kid- liveh ccjlivcr iius iaae tlty scl p1xls ctatly yet elcetcally lav b taaen diaiarcainloymcat tticy carckiilrcy- llver lroullc cctiicbe bioiv ecstive- nc ic 0e iill a dose said bv ill dctlcrt zrce3 cents t edmakdson t co uradrbcdont haa worcesters unabridged qvarto dictionary with or wijioul dioucratclt indci edition of 1888 enlarged c ey the additioa of ajccw iroaouacius biographical dicionary cf ccarly llfivi iktsoaajres and a vtv vro- gazeteer of the world gouae acd locating ccr 200do places cosblja lag alio over12500 kew words recently added together k1jj a table of 5000 wordsin gener al ltae with their synonymes irxcsthited vrrra utocd ccte axd rcllpitie futes the xatfonal standard of ajscrirasliu nitnrc every edition cfloofclo- ilolmcs lirvtn irrint wiiittior and pthtr canlatnt aaitricaa aataarsfolloxs worcester it presents tho csacaciall crcat eaclish trriicrs it is the aathorityof lha icadiai ciczzdc5 tad nef papers of tac caastry tad cl the katioai dc lamaects at washiagloa roa slzt sz iti rooefaliiis jklifpivcorr cujrmv raiiiutprs 715 ted 71 cartel street tniliiclplia authors c0x sliaafaeturers oi trusses artificial limbs and arpltas for til dc ronaitesof taekceaabody spaol disas rip joiat diteafie diieasesof thekn ted aaidc kcooi kccc low tjegicno fort etc also chctcites dr fowlek wt- of wrld cures equer ihcierajmorbus olflca- ramp3 laeshcea yslfteay and all summer compuihts andfuuxesofthd bowels it is safe and reliable for children or adults kenney bros aotoi are aware that at this time of tear the farmers especially begis to select their footwear for fall and winter asd to meet the demand have filled their shelves with a large stock of boots and shoes of all kim for everybody and the public is well aware that for cash wc can supply superior roods at wry low prices our ordered work always pleases sad rcpiiriar is neatly asd promptly eiecuu railwayum grand trunk b oowq eut uised tjijiei exprbu 7 00 mjb e pusualitiosa in tbrty through e i p 0 00 pm mid accom 10 00 paa ihma chicacoexpreij and bramptdn y nins orcwsijo i going weit0 15 am andift soing eait 10 30 am sad utttij ampbel uaocnolrtjpvj 70 pmpounii tbujtttd vuhai e eidaa tiaji gragierthii fdtorto vp in oral fcttlei heldixuj tach kii ik iirw htftm a iid ihc r vu of the in t t4ot iku in rtd ini acst iktfaa care cf imitations ttuse tuia and you vritl net be bit ppriml f pwsatot cures fjlirqiiig f h srising from a diaordrrcd stafc stomach and bowels each as k dyspepsia or indlgqstljit affections headaclja acidity of the stomach loai of appetite debility hansea or vcg price 25 cents perfi rerjaaio omr st savi3 lawsssos i mojtilflt we have a nice assortment of tnink and valises direct from thefa give ns a call call andvaee ua when yoa come to actons buj eihibltia ory at satisfactory prices 3nney bros olive college olivet mich for both tcios erpeoaca low seven de partment aide instructors large library vine uomcsi fall term opens bent 13tn winter lena jan 3rd send for catalogaa burdock blood i will cure or relieve biuousness dizziness dyspepsia digestion mundice erysipeus salt rheum heaktburk headache dropsy fumniing of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin jlzd ar7 species el dii trisinr irem disordered iavkh trmtrrvtf stohachbowelsok blood t mburn k go fsssara r rheumatism woem powdees aro pleattnt to tcia centals theft cf3 pnrrrtivc is a aa rcro and citertaai destroyer of wvttsm ta clildta or atau breadmaker8 yeast 1 ifflead ird o imf si 3 tcst ti iirx lriica st onlia cures urn complals dyipepi bihoruness headci tronblti sbndlaeaam tod ajhjnpudta of oa blood frem iem omu the croat spring medicine mcatse wthpfflafl try j drhoddbr8 little litee pills van amsil and easy to take no griping no nadsea price 23 cts the uniofj medicine co i proprietors toronto out o- to ljici have tritrn i furrvlisoi iav yjiit it rlc tc cst weeit hrviil nu brina id rcr iliirrsir rcsrr- c try liwi m -diaweiffv- price five cents to farmers and threshers use on vonrmacninerronly the wellknown peerless oil q r3orti wtiirb a t w bite beeu awarded it darinj the last throe rean wuu mejuajjo try 1m otr p ajij qroajblor yoor agoca and horse powers these oils are need aad highly recooi mended at themodel farm qaclph farmers ask for them nae no other j slantifaclaredatqujcilcityoll vgiijb j i samuel rocer8 at co toronto thfi largest scale works j y in canada over 100 styles of liy- scales orajn scales farm scales tea j scales imprfved show cases yonel dbawers llut ctdpeers ua birrcgess tumiu anntxu n rzlu write t terma c wilson a son 60 esplanade strcet east toronto ont uealiot uui paper erer time roq wrixc wool wool wool tii cfijrna srfnruicti ile li- tuz reianr far c c0hsdhpt10h codijiis c- asthma crop all disese3 of the thro luftsat pulmonasy tr its riircrrl cohsuhptiorj has b 3s etiibeqtlfd uy tht- vvbslt fr fur bjrrjrlj a km expcctollah il it karuva to tlu hot v it coctaiiis no opium pcce eccile avd 5cd i eavis uw2i5t f general jjrnh xlx the principle treatmem igil m hcrm fbreobfa lffflsin jcowifl 7b jdaa t n jyt ao i wt ay eonn rarm j n washington d lb m eminent throat anch will next visit dominion hoti l wonay october after arrival ot afternoon triii ttntil5ap m one day onlj limehouse woollen miles are now prepared to pa- the highest market prices for alt wool offered in cash or goods r we have a large and well assorted stock ojf blanketr tweeds flannels stqoeing tarns knitted goods etp in great variet selected expressl- to suppl the requiremeats of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving and in fact ill kinds at castom work done in oar usaal prompt and sitisfuctory manaer f magnificent display or milliner- mantles dress goods carpets curtalhs etc mckay brothers j3veitbody xu plrutxl wfui tiiw elegant diilav scv stripe dross good 30 25 30c ncujfrlaiu drcaa cr4odi 10 13 i330sfc kow chock drffli godda 71 10 30lv vow cliambmrs 10u 13sde new lrinta 511 lsjc tapeij- canwu s5 ho 81 iso tv new hniuali canww 75c loo uuo new wool crpeu 571 506 tsc ij 110 lac cnrtatna talwdu jo i5 u0em0tti now serini rairclftli 10 1 is kc hex curtaui 1olcaso t3c l0o 61j0mj0 ntfwlulraorjvflrebeap now jcnoy jackou eatxa valoe tf3jxx naw stylca lnjpreaii j mckay sfos i 46 48 king street east hamilton jf v a catakkh thboat ubee a tew onlycf lhe hoadrodi of jy dr washiastoua new iaualion chronic bronclutis s f-irjiiat- clergyman t iect03t cvixwjli4 oirt cra wasmsoioji deah bin i tnrglaii to bo 1 bat toy daaaht ii qqlto well s the second tin tho haa beta aronchlal tronbm under yonr e niaalremcdfts failed 1 via ratitade plea4 acceih inj ioqrs truly c b ibtttt ht3tio mckclry kinziton dad consumption john mckeltykinsin ont atrs a hopping kisiton ronsamplion iir e 6ott kins5toc 0 ind tbrot urs juo betran hartotriv hroai jamesuatthewapmaser a arrah head and tiroat f fraci ijerlia cau cai hroat mih nellie eivreriinj3nt f wing 1 m tomana ont henry scott kerin oau asti mrsl warner aeari berlin 3ead and throat lot kerefcer sobs ont ind throat colin cacipben ndwtvrd jaihes staler dattoa oat c ann astb sa errors of ydub scrtous debility seaiiatl sre desiy frospuj- aai p spermozolfe 3oe i iatrfere wtn die ind full r restores itstviccr and canhood seut to anv ajtlrpi vceirzitie- 0e dollar per 1ch6field dkvu stolte qcwoolpitl itii uuur ibmi 4kktpt ttwn ta jmr bsrte br u toaiffco kirksur rtjbj b it hlvawlua m ttett ihli frvtl ei 60u tilth tod cost v wbii m iu uflplm ia is ietr 1111 rtmu r u after our tannin low wb ib i imllir w ttuur ttl tram 1000 i 65000 nmodib cuwtrj ttltlt t w wr iw rwi v ll nt mbnnil awrlwin knjtit vul br nm u tto tb uvrica u item m tknnnrd dla- il mtht-mrtiwt- wfckhl tiitanifct irrtiiiijiar- mdtivdtraiit atiimaim tat hlutou tb ta u c04tly amp1ev wr pit i pjlnot ejlg carpets the undersigned has a nni rig carpets for talo at 1 call and ac thorn- carputtmci k stsi jfbbsstofi ih is coiutlj mlun at 0f jfiatzfaitoic si uad to ternlkl igatavaadat v hcisl sorj etmt acjeoi j lothv 1 torintt- liirset satavr yjkotba hibittaralini a voeaanapiirml wehudwnit wmm p l rrhk rmderjijpl j f m taodai oat aonte i h sal sielplvf mmbm naidi bkw 1 r i ronisjo caun 1 bsai jat alanl onciu r ontj urnv catw 1 hf atun- isarei pa pott- laiij seuss dl

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