Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1888, p. 3

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tossessw 2w of itfcx rsgsa ttftj flrtturi ibottoj jo a otwcbr ha php pmtoh ranonas bott anamc i ktm ru- aodt ltraila- sadtjtbalo arfcoodottcur vlio psor abeordbllritd iuan sid rlstton dconie -at- arimm applr v u- f uoore residence f money 1or r te4 411 iid abt d ivcuar i wit lndw rs fre j ot for i i- acton siira reef at7 is coaptm st two rmi vxtoi icrcfcyf offers mg z lit kmtth tfcla b ttta i die npoa ia riicr fram tte1s tcsta alexander i irtoi ias- bettti r this ectwnarl trrfo tikt frrime bi tienltural i oa 11 october urrtr tor amuuiilflc4 lit stock f j lectors xd fie n t riodobbe ann udlinireefc teojus1 for woslt t public sc t trill leedie teato rfeetlirtr m0v minor locals fcj the errr thonshlfal aud alek jfdtoo ibow today and tomorrow jjfeer hontert now talk of roing north fl flanrga smith merchant- milton j tripled ifceeariy dosing b4aw haa been ooa thia scaaon goortimon report black aqairnsk more fofrifttl than or aomt rears qtons pnblic schools cosv that lawn u535 and trafalgar township 800 jlr w h rntfedg botcher won the tidketubrmpton for bit ponies efforts tie being mide to hsxn milton eoometedvitn the telephone system osmpuint is nude in essex centre beoase the tillage ifcdim chew gum tcuu jit diarch tbeftix pixss is in receipt of umc exeetkot simples of printing from the ktdxtet era re dl yes the scott act ins boon failed vesterdits drnnki told the uiverj disuoctiy iirin fiir the uit ot uie lengthy list ot thrpnsent yer will be held next wcd- lsdar sod thanssy is it right to teich yoorfboy ndt to drink spd then rote to license s pkee where be nisy be uogbt la drink owing to the tret weather erunpton ihow lul week ni uhare the expea ditore exceeded the receipts by seme fco fieijrsetowns fine qew pretbytenia dnstfa will be opened on the 2ifc inst bt dr cochrane will preach the opening vflifca ire mostly a lwl chmtrttr and aulokreitlae uarsothielaxrestadat xfopkvnoa- irivslfc imfoitve euniqij ot torouto ckurly iffcvlal tuccitiiuutct raaiinm cd men llichlc nt bxttf ood on the cvou- itcolthe uir the uru and buggy be had were stolvit froiu tin pnmieei o the uecvc o oalwaj- towuihip near pater boro iu anoint he vj tntced to kock- wood by ueiiit ot uti eircs parcel sent to his addrcca and was arretted white t the il j- tspress oflko asking for liockvrood show j as wo iulioialcd last show at irockttood vns the entries were far more usual as the following will ihow rorfo taliv pbcy tip podltrv lidics wcti domestic iaoiiaciurti fmlt l hiiit il0ctt uria koou- t hniis imiicuicaji week krmosa x great success numerous than s it ml tela iih the hilton st has assumed- the eiht page form to celebrate itssoounssce it ti rneat newsy and interesting paper and ably r the county town a cow kicked over a lax tern in gw watterworihs new bam near wardsvilk and the strnctare was destroyed wiji a 0aantity of hay and chopped feed small e comet to 1 umabie ocoh mr p bayers o kasaagaweya jron the speciai prize of john waidiei il p for statue roadster and also that of 0 hen- ceaos ex- il p for saddle hcrtc at kassagaweya show t arevtnf oi50uojered for the rc an ol j d douglas who wondered iron his home near london borne time ago was seen in hilton a short time since r see adror particulars 1 so btsineas man can reach the people ofiietdnid thecoontt bl sillon to the saaeadrantage u by adtertismg in the fan pngy ij reaches nearly everybody botarery small portion of the residents ot tbe coonty on tuesday last constable earley of geczcetown took to gaol an om womxn nuned fanny wilson who orar cenricted of being the keeper of a house of ulttmc m qeorgetown prisoner was centeoced to six months tanprisoament torfecz sutheriand waa lodged in gaol fere on wednesday oh a charge o liarics ai tnesday last stoien a horse and baggy itom the puhlic ahed in georgetan the property of george black sstherland has been committed for trial stilton st last wednesday morning there was qujte an attempt at a snow storm the same afternoon sir john il stevens brought to thu office a hahdf cl of oe ripe periecuynutared second crop strawserries 1 it is a singular thing to hare strawwrries ripen in ocober at the last meeting of the county coan- cil the coonty building committee were in structed to advertise for painting tc the court house the tender was awarded to mxlw huindiet whoia at preseni en- gspdiatfae work with re assistants cktmpio f tbe school children in the jocicr de- tartmenu hare three holidays this week the faff wednesday and the absence of she teachefx at the cocnty oontentioa or tanadar and friday account for it sir moores department will be open today aidtomorrowaa osual so far aeven eases of emaupox have bees found in toronto and cue in sexton the exhibit of roots uoprecedenled in the history of the society this it trce also of frail and in ladies work the exhibit would have been creditable for a county show the show of hordes was good and every sheep pen wis ocenpeed kotwith- standing all their discourcgements uia enrnosi people maintain their old lime jcepauliou far a good show ba ti ofizaccd bjptiitafiaxster oa tuesday 4th iuil there assed away at bramptou probably the oldest kinut minister in canada iler samuel ttpscch tuo ul str tapficctt waa bocn at cclniox in dcsnthire on the i7liiordccrbr lct iec received his theoloici tdecauan at the baptist college at uridford in vorksiare he came to cimdi ic li3 his ministerial career embraced aiimhber c ch trees theiast- twowerc tecswater and slodlville his jmeuiitry extended over a period of nearly go years aud was wholly of a- missionary character surviving him arc his afied widow four sons and three daughters namely sits john stark toronto char tipscou cobars sahmel tapscott bctatford sirs henry aikel tceswater rev wm t ttpscot brampton miss tillic a- tapacott brampton pev fredi t tapscott port arthur alisjfiwi rail sicw on friday theyicinity ol brcokville in tbe abjvc township was all astir it being the anccai cxubltioa of the township not withstanding the threatening aspect of the weilhcr in the morning tbe attendance waa large th entries numbered about 900 winch wcrei fir in cjccss of other years in the hill there ww a splendid display of ladits wcrk eperimtna cf which would put jto shims those of mare pceteiiioas plic in crock butter the exhibit w good there being is entries biskcts 32 and ikics 10 and the deciding whkh werco cbjia he prizes in these classes greatly puzzled the judges thy shsw of trcaavplstryv honey etc waa ex cellent and the jiiaplay of splendid fruit occapiedone sidt of the building in the annex thecxhib of grain was good and the berry was plump round and full weight the samples being rather above ust seasons ffowth- the roots were mammoth in tim and gave evidence that the unl in that township is well adapted for uie growth of these articles especially turnips mangolds ud potatoes the flower show was small bet tse specimens pees0nal mentix paracmplti ectpec tins ywtottto nd trout aetou with wlioa free trcas reaflers art more orlmiaeqtttiiicd mrs v p brown spent cveral days itl toronto this wk mr henry hill in now in cleveland with hisbrothcri chester i mr and mis james good ill of york wuro in town en sfouday mrs j t browu of guelpli w the guest of f ricuda bore last weak i miss stanley of lucaa visited filoadi iu acton and ltmcljoose tuis week j mr z a hall undcliai lie ofpenolog spent a day cc so in acton this week- mrs harry duku aud gordoji has re- turneu iromkngimd considorably improvod in hsallh j rcy dr aud mr olffurd left yesterday on a trip to chicago and other western points meisn jsnesand arthur smith of toronto have been sjkodiijg a few days at home ihiv week r mw trsmythtravtller for the can ada qlob wotksr leaves this week foe winnipeg in the interests of the firm on sept s0thha papils of waterlio ss ko 5 esquesing presented their teacher mr harry stingle with a handaome mo rocco purse containing us accompanied wilir a complimeoury address mr stifle goes to woodstock to study dentistry i we have ileasum iu aanouucu that mr bobt j kounody a cindidato for first class c certificate at the recent dc- pirtrcetttarext rain lion has boon awarded his certificate on appeal this adds an other to the past successes of this studious young man j sir auut kennedy eoti of daucin keu- nedy 1iq of this plice his rcraayecl from st paul and is low doiug well in minuet- polis ht writes tint tt is now five years since he left acton but he has bynomeacs forgotten it yet and the fprc pbxas is still as wclcoml as a letter with iu weekly news traraii m htut ff blidll kot ej the t proaoh of winter bts broueht to the ijaettioti of ott to mitigate the frbnj the tran nullaoce a ijm of two jl sand do art hai been voiojl to thohot iudaitrj to be eipcuded in this difoc and mm or clarke propoiea at date to o ill a meatlne of cltirous lotertaied in them ittor to consider liow u may be beat app opriated a labor tost such u la in vogue in msny american citle but one which w 11 not interforu with resident work- ingtneu i under contd eratioii such a plan hu proved of imtnenso advantage in other pli ces in decreasing tho number of applicaus fur aid moil of whom fear do- thing so much as work nod travel around under lie impression that the city own tuema living which it is their ouly busi ness to oblieot where four years ago two hundred applicants nightly was not unas- ual in c celund now lss iumx five seek aid en an avaraue tho ssuni there is to thoroughly cleanse both the persou and clolmnv ot tbe viailor ie him a clean bed and good breakfast and iarisi on his cut- lidkonueitihth of a cord of wood if he refuses be u give a twelve moaihi impris onment t hard labor it ii claimed by mayor clarke aud belief olbcer taylor who has personally dfctolcd considerable time to the study of this subject that a plan of this kind would so red ace the nambococ applicants that the cost woald be trifling it u worth trying tf yoq want to bay or scm a farm ad- ertise in the torouto wrthj mall that paper were first class exceeded those ftidsyono swiuber t4tidayofoctob k j cider ati rxjjsicaaa marie gon is side of sbm in horses the entnea far of other yeirs acd- the majority of the animals on exhibition were very superior hherewaac slight falling eff in cattle shaep and pigs but those oa the ground made up for the loss in pool- try the exhibit waa good taken a a whole the directors are w be congra- tciatelonilieegccecscttiiisyjajlf eiio mar err i juz lzietsizz- course c lectures as may be seen by referring to another column the s of kncx church par- pose giving cot only to thoce in connection with knox church hui also lo te publican opportunity of at ten ding a course of lectures daringthe fallici winter which will be a socrce of pjeuaxre aid jroi in many wayf those in chir2 of cheiamugemecls have not hinzr bz seen byitheccaicu charges fixed for the course in view the mere mat ter cf finaadil kzin bat have the hope and wuh bit aiaxbje information may be gives amusement afforded and a taste engendered for that which edises and en riches tbe blind- to meet the i traits of the public mind the committee not only in the esse of the tectcrersi bt in ths rariety afsabject hate been most happy in their selections we have the beautiful dews given by mr d w ctmp- bail of his voyage roar th world wkvi village making eight in all of these six i fcjcali and inj some points fsrptsses his rf the patienla have been removed to the s viewsof london with which we were eo bosprtaf berfl they are doing well tbe fiockwool xews frou or 0ti corroadect the methodist church is being brick veneered and remodeled generally and when completed will be a very nice building and a great improvement on the old one in appearance well aa in comfort jto the congregation j the eramosa show was held here on tuesday and wednesday of lisv week and for oace in a great many year it didnt rain the exhibits in nearly all classes were up to the usual high standard of ex cellence atluned and the attendance was better thin cm most former occasions a most distressing accident occurred in richardsons shingle mill on saturday morning by which wiuie son of the pro- prietor aged is years lost his life he was engaged in packing shingles when the joictcr burst one piece of which struck him completely cutting off his right arm at the shoulder and breaking one cf his legs the unfortunate lad lived for about twelve hoars after ihe injury it appears that the mill was ruaning by both steam and water and probably at a higher rate of speed than intended it should tbe funer- si this afternoon to eden mills cemetery was largely attended by friends and neigh bors who express the deepest fedings of sympathy for the afflicted family j the a- 0 u w gave a grand concert in the town hall on wednesday evening last which was undoubtedly the success it de served to faerteecdmmittee having spared no pxins to make il one of the best enter tainment ever givea here the reading by eaches 100000 farmer homes every week and yoar advertisement shoald meet thi eye of someone who wants to pur- chase advertisements cf this class are in setted in the toronto wttlftf mail for five t cents a word each insertion or twenty i cents a word for live insertion address the mat toronto caiiidi adnorto moihettsarc you disturbed at night and broken of year rest by a lick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so swnd at once and eet a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething ita value a incal- coublcj it will relieve the poor little saf- erer immediately depend upon it moth- ris thtre is no mistake about it it cures dyseptjry and diarrhoea regelates the stomac i and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gr es tone and energy to the whole nystem mrs winslows 6oothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to tlie taste and is the prescription of one of the old st andjxot female physicians and nurses i n the united states and is for sale by all druggists throezbout the world price t rentjflve cents i a bottle be sure and isc for mas wlxslows soonnxa sntcr and take no other kind improved gonimon sense 8a8h balanoe xooki and ljfrts j b pearson sole agent miss wetherald torontos popular elocu tionist srere excellently rendered and well received- the italian orchestra ot five pieces from toronto under the leadership cf marcfcans give some beautiful selections the mocking bird withvanalipcsbsicg rapturously applauded thearioa quar tette club of guelph comprising messrs crowe kichols copetind andj brazor came in for a fair shire of the honors jxrz after years of tuftering persons who have tainly bought remedial help from other sources have obtained tlia long desir ed relief from northrop 4 lyman vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure which puts a stop to the torment of dyspepsia renews activity of the bowels and liver relieved maiidies incident twhe- gentler sex and bailditip failing health and strength gives purity lo the blood and lone to the whole systeai tik third page of the toronto dotty hail is noted for want advertisement if ypt want to buy or sellanylhmg if you want l situation a mechanic a- business mach nery lodgings if you have lost or foonc anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise ia the toronto dauy ayaivand read the advertisements on the third page ot that paper the charge ii two cents word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada metsers mccausiaud son toronto the wellknown raakerspf fancy glass for buildings have an exquuiuly arranged room for tho display of paper hangings their trade in this department has been so good that not a roil of but years stock is left on band and their assortment today is bood a doubt- the finest in canada we understand the firm mail samples with prics attached others are ia- thinly populated parts of tbe city and the hoases lnwhicli thej pi- tieou lie have been isolated there has been trouble sometinies at rtifm sales about signing eje notes the folio wing is law in the matter if a roan makes a purchase at a sale and re fuses to gire his cote of money therefor the articles may be resold and the first iwirchaaer sued for the difference if any townrft5adlb ddidtjauofthegceiphcsthedril the dedication di the fine new e- c cbarch at guelph tookiplace yesterday aud was accompanied by tbe solemn and im posing ceremonies of the church appointed lor such occasions the services begin at il3f rn jm were not concluded till 2 i pjo after which a banquet was given to ifltued guests and others in the basement of the church about a hundred pnests ww dignitaries were present bishop walsh preached iheaermoa bishop dow- ling sang high mass aod bishop ctrsftry took part- a good many of the priest connected with tbe parish in the j past also participated inthe ceremony the choir rendered somergrand mosic in the eveu- bag father frank byan of baltimore one of the most eloquent apcakr of the church in america preached qzuge blossoms la tbe ril an event of anosualintereat occurred at um residence nf dr mcgarrin last thurs- day afternoon- this was the ooion in matrimony of mit fanny second daugh ter of the dottor and mr s bwhile twmerly of albany k y bnt who has for ohm reaxvbeea a resident of acton hiss licgarrin waiassistod by her consin mis aggie freeman of georgetown while the groom was supported by mr john v xaonawiu manager of dr mcgarvins drag and statiocery business at elors bvj w bae performed the ceremony hotwiihstatding lhai the wedding via t ry qtdet ooe and the goesta limited to immediate frierods of tbe eonttaitiug cjrsrtia the veaenu were unmeroai and ywl id eharacter ttfe bappy couple mtojjtiwetenbji train i loodoo de- m other points 1 be jw bwm aftwithihm way t ieoda bew ad highly pfelsed hut year the ciuildrea should riot fail to attend thisjecture the second is by prof pinion sla fgs of godph labours in the mammoth cave of sentccky being a vivid description of this wonderful civem with its223 venues ex ert iso diles tinaergroand the blind n in the waters of the cave the mirrellons deposits which adorn the fioqrroof and sides of its spurious avenues and domes seen ifc this great natural won der and the gloomy narrow passages through which at times yon are forced to thread yocrj way in passing from cham ber to chamberare referred to and fully described- those who hid the privilege of hearing prof panton daring tht session of thefirmef institute at acton last spring a picuuwidplnfvl accident one day list week mrs thosj bennet 5tli line erin met with an accident by which she sustained a fracture and disloca- ticn cf her right ankle- while turning her horse in the yard at home tbe animal became a little unmanageable and mrs bennett jemped oat the reins became entangled round her left foot andthe horae moved on twisting the right foot on which uit weight of the body was resting with the reside above noted f send iaffo j every one should take his own local paper and when he can afford it a good metropolitan newpipcr also and every farmer should like en agricultural paper now we can offer the whole list for very liltle by a special arrangement with the publishers we can give our subscribers the ffeetv mail to the end ot 1889 j the farm m flraidt to the end of isso and the jcrrr peess for one year all tor two dollars uufxni 1carkets hod boiler fioursone s1it6 icuwm scot wheat dcirixrst tica enriiig vhet kodicr wheal bar ipr lye am harj wood perwrd eges poraosen batter diry packed butternjtls cheese potatoes per bag apjfies liunbskicf pclis hides wol ttaothy seed per buili septt6thisae 0 to 2 i 1 m to 2 15 i 00 to 1 00 1 00 to 1 00 1 00 to 1 00 0 s lo o sb 0 96 to 0 fc n k 00 to h 00 0 55 lo 0 63 0 30 to 0 12 0 60 to 0 63 o 60 to o a 15 00 to 16 00 i 00 lo t 00 i 00 to i 50 0 li 10 0 15 0 ig to 0 it 0 15 to 0 io 0 12 lo 0 15 0 q to 0 0 tq to 0 so g 85 w 7 50 0 30 to 0 0 0 15 to 0 j5 s so lo 00 0 20 to 0 s3 3 ts to 3 75 h g stone s need no farther gcirantee that this of itzeli will bq worth the charge for the whole course we next have the customs habits and srencsqf eastern lands most inter estingly described by mr howie who from his ira elf an1 sojourn in the holy land is fully informed upon his subject new testament history is made even more in teresting to tbe reader and tciny thing ex plained by the lecturer while to those of of our day may have appeared hard to be understood the fourth on the list is that given by rev w cochrane d d the gjffed and oue of tnc most cloqaeut pulpit platformocatorsofthepreibyterian church tbe subject scotland her hero-mar- tyrrvisoqe well chosen and purely calsala- tad to stir up the enthusiasm not only of the cons of scottish soil bnt also thosd from other lands for who has not heard or read of scotlands heromanyrs lot those who have come acj hear it over again from the i ps of this gifted speaker when tbeyttiihhoie who hue uotbtjorc been iuformed jvill be cquilly entitled by hear ing dr cochrane one of lus best efforts the last pf the coarse is one which to many yill be perhaps the roost interest ing of allss it treats of our own time our own lapd and the homes of many of our friends who left as lo seek wider fields and greener pasture iutlmt grand heriuge of canadians manitoba aiidshe great north wet whererer mr gardicr has given his two y txra in bittlef ord wb effort has been most favorably reoeived jio is- a plflaaujg speaker and has the gift of telling iuteresti tbingu in an intfeslidg way mr j f smith solicitor for the bank of villft mariet and mr georgeawateon have returned from new tork where they have been examining expresident blaine of the central bank regarding any con nection which cor enter and bamett may have had with the wrecking of the central bank mr w a fosier solicitor of the defunct bank was taken ill during hisstay innew york and will j not return until wednesday mr henry lye liqui date o the central bankj in conversation with a representative of thegiobe stated that the affairs ot the central would be wound up ia three months and that it would ia all probability pay seventyfive cents on the dollar this good showing said mr lye is owing to the policy of takiug creditors easily aod waiting until they would be able lb make tbe best returns possible catutrmplfoo cared an eld physician retired from practice having hid placed in his hands by au east india missionary the formula iof a elraple vegetable remedy for tbe speedy and per manent core of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat aod lung affections also a positive aud radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints aftrr having tested jts wonderful curative powers in thoasandsof cases has fell ithis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuates by tbia motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send frie of charge to ail who desire it thiareefpe in german frienob or eng lish with full directlonsfor preparing and using bent by mail by addressing with stamp naming tbia paper w a notes 110 power block bocheate n y james h gilmour of t iloonr a co wholesale grocers brckruifc saya i have used tamarae elixir ttuji severe cold and cough which it immediately roli ed fvudobwd georgetown ixteriox decorator painter- house sign and ornamental painting n the latest styles lessons in oil ratntlvg climwt5di3cadayeictlngtlinrsdajand l satuieay alteraoons order left t froo vretm oflico acton or ad dressed to box 15 georgetown ql receive promptatteatlou trb ooly fatkl wbatirat far wthjha lenatad tbe most donbh tht cwaptsi aod usl dmca for all i dtouuy wbdowi balaacn whta in ptahgatos btirfly mttfttrkt ho- rivets bolts or tcrtws an nsd w pbttinc u loftiatr so that nothlof caa tt oat of onto or oaad npatrina no cabin bortax or aurrinx oftbt snh as- in baliiss in let lew thr jamb eqw dally vahabu tor rtpalkof old batkuafi u thvr eu bt pttt la at a trubaf capsest metluypolfaoldbofldfafsmotwoots smhcaa bt rcawrtd from ftam la a momeot for dtanbic or rcpslrbs breken san caa bt mad when it b lmtut- r to ttmvelxhu or otber fixtsre no biolalrtlreoravmrfas paint off tidt of trtidt ho riulibf of sash u promt attlast bih pnvtmi k so nultof of vtubts or pollers wbra suh u raed or lowtred no ukklng of vtlthu la frame no cordr to nut off wear out aedbreak normrrrooeratobacone flittcaed by ttiadint la oee jositioo for somt time no ttxutj coll spriof or dtlktit imchinitm to break vtar oot tr o oot of order iu ilmpticity of coottruaioo sad opcruioo li tm trooder al antonailc sub locks self futenhf aod sub fifu or opper ud lower ush an tbt best aad cheapest in lbs market cflndw kern in tfrntin warm weather has come but clothing clothing js t1ll neiessary m br fl h merchan tailor jul omifi vc j tllr iironl18 jirle nj jiu tjf gltlnfihucnlmcnlljobrtiefitnowm sacrifioe thbm or tbe ncil four wooti t tot kjjfef a lorciib sj to jl leu tim am bojforcflw ouowhoro millinery opening vt take great pleasure in announcing to our many friends and patrons that- our millinery shqwh rooms will be open for inspection on jj saturday sept 29th when a large assortment of the newest goods in trimmed stock trimmings and shapes will be displayed j miss smith whose ability is so well known and ciated will again be ia charge this season i x- appre- beautiful blaolt wpntecl sl at 17 to 18 which oostels where s22 to 23 c4l mi exuulnc tbo ito or it lltiy plouore to bow tbem p f drcnnui ilwajtkcfpiprieoirifibtforffl tomcra ud trill oo onoatlie chespost aua jotrn m brennan- mm t t u rm f r in ladies we invite your inspection believing we can you entire satisfaction i give our full stock of dress goods ladies an dchildlbivs ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of all the novelties of the seasonis new complete j mouraiag goods a special we are showing something very fine and cheap in boatini shawls and caps we also invite special attention to our very full of staple goods special drives in grey flannels ptock -w- our stock of boots and shoes is now complete and defies comparison groceries fresh md cheap in short ladies and gentlemen we are showiag the largest most carefully bought and cheapest stock bf dry- goods millinery boots and shoes and groceries ever brought into acton come and see for yourselves we are always pleased to show you through remember our famous 50o tea henderson mcrae fc iod w- f fau wint 1888 mammoth house gear w mqle6oc beg to announce that they have received large port onsj of tjieir fall and winter im or tatipnsirom the foreign and domestic markets and ihat they are daily receiving- fish goods from foreigji aid domestic markets to reple aish their stock making the s 6cli i always fresh and attrai tiye l the public canrely upon t iem catering to their bdsf int rest j and presenting toothom one if thelargesf cheapest anc most attractive stoc4 thai cat be seen anywhere- we call special attentii in t purttillirierymantlesjribl ons dress silks dress q ods fancy goods small wires staples flannels blankets tweeds carpet boots- anc shoes i j our dress and mantle puk i ing department is in first- as i working order inder a oin petent and eftipentliead wit 1 proper assistance our tailoring depart nehtl is no i we have afargs stock of the kewest goods torovercoatings and sul ingj excellent white co tqh for 5 cts per yard ea torj- cotton 3 cts per yart grey flannel zp cts pe ly tweeds for i cts per wari blaqk and colored satii mervejeaux and gro igrai a- silks goqts per yarid ivort h 1 qo colored silksfor 25ct i worth socts dress gbcjds t r 5cts and icts per yard worth i2cts and i5cts per yariu largepiles of other gopds n in proportion h- we most respectfulwjso it cit a yisit of inspectior j ar d wecan convince you cl tl e extent beauty goodness at rt cheapness of our stock our grand millinery iope 1- y- ing on thursday friday aid y saturday sept 27 28 ai d y i-29- y the absolute sustam4 and uninterupted proc essi n j of cheap and goo is j- that we can showyouii sii i- ply maneljous wmmcleodjti mammoth hotsli qijobqetown eb m w v s t- m pand display of new 4s at- hie ii f m is t house i i ti ti nvl hu been rooctted uie bisht house ths nnmorooi depaftrmrifa arenow direfcom fteanornflijoaab h g stone ob the ipot for them enaun wttkiu to place hit rood before bis customers t rery reaeonable frioea the 1itonol dtpart- imeot u packed with kew oooda see tbe auvool grey flanaeis they are lover io prioe tharjever the dresagooda depart- t i at itl i ottidi bee the special lot ot oew allwool di the- qioer chopping mills atro0kwood will reopen for tbdmauibqiinesw oo mpjfpay 3rd september chopping weinliadio and atekhea oat jliandwilerp made to order fitearo and watr pipiea and all connection lapplled cat tba threaded promptly r i wbbjbag the ntw mantle boora terayon will see ohoioedoiignsw pohrltare coeririnfriojm aid other homelumishrng good thel carps boom is now ii brtumb tapestry wool bid tralon carpets cortajn polaa painted window bhjule btalr also lee the frdotfjiriltoro4etotcarpatbweeper eryooesbuioaraiiterito ttskarrdtahucharrfminimryrnmtahfwiube totato jour orior for stylish mdlhcy vmiihriaeioa iaattbe isdmaor orders mini bwhcdsan m the imi jttw t5rtideaaotamrtjanfalflon- betoifsjarim ibiht hiie z littu rtii to enler the ehtht boos c d worth s0c beerajoaaeeofkiatw81iwiraoodaaridyaietoaori iuu r oaweto be tawd susatober the oortataa ht been removed frof opetain and are bow o the gwad floor at one end o i irsh wn wul see oboloe daini in chenilta pawrtm teraiaa lairiw tjrj trlsjipolnt curtains afnrserlantulteisanerrti or vaetibole slid cnrtatn bods laotory wot sea them iteluesofllfaaonaod dent arid kin already book- from ksrtorh has tht aniniany onrtorrieri make srt into the tttoi to abow yoa the oj the iaatle order ivudtktibiliaat tfmi windows f sttsh i- viiv msziimmm m

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