Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1888, p. 4

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mil fljc rtoit m rfis 3y ttihbsnay octofteb 11 t5s8 ail dsspbralduil hov oft ticr curacvl life wtaca cnitvliol vy sorrow ttrii- viluaicaru scl ailuxirjr aclie we foci a uff ere a a i but coarape 1 i raw 1 vate theres a nttvry folks tad tairl with its ari bewi uiat intake ar uojs not la 1 tis uebkr tetiair bear v u clrihuive to r despair ijl tcvxt ap- poar ix only the avarytociort tnlrsixr forvhokas cciiat iui xuc poor lcacly lcssit tat a curku otion out ia liles then every dab pcriii heart r- tjiosfiht mtv ycccic4kulthc tile ium siiriwl tho cc pay rcll ti kit ia oar cr despair jingles and joplets hair an hon willi the wlie men the wu n4lhti4wfcttliliiofthediiv oluburua beet- iron and win i ppcp4c- od from the tnwu bod ectaablc iron and pace cherry wine combined with choice aromatic mtlbam s aromatic quinine wine foftt ties the lyicra afiiinst alucka of actio chills liitout fever dumb ague and like trocblee t uln mmcnicat aupoisoutig wrutc md koru oat niat- lcrourru to ascapc rromthcsystcoi through the secretiona oi the bowels kidneys and akin il bjb cleauca opens and regu lates ihete ultaral oalleu tor the removal ot disease itanyyoatifi children leoomc positively repulsive vtiik sore eyes occ ears and scald head sachjaitlictioas may fcc speedily re moved by the me ot aver sirsaparilla yccn andcui alifec experience the tvonlcr- fal bcncsts af this medicine ud5inicr tilyiaidiriy oer tcii aadtllpfriccft3loivfroui oar bccrus axs toi lcteaiu rivrcv ti dsxluis aad toss will deso each cicsi s t hnir ol filviry dw and if w fcayc trculuvs ceve oly or vbci trials cjliie trv cizzzlcvtzc ti folly the rajiitu osrrci to cplnii is ii tii ircr li ifcs to ccstrol iadkitstcitblicrisctclt3ro wliit cint le vii iut jat k cia- hrtcc3t tis tisdcgitlie kightit uctafaliy lice and- fcnai tio vers c t ttroiciuy dtxe xevcralloic ihcborck to temaiu con- tipatcd lessecioas cvilencae kutionitl pills arc uuarpssod as b reaiedy for cu alipalion i x tctrtliletca vers ilrithoiis acre of uuuoey ont baffered ill the tortures of liver compliinl for ten ea four baiues of burdock blood bitters tniirely ecnd her making her like ku or vrotrui atia after other medicines hid utled to relieve her victjrit girbdtc stive is s wonierlal hcsjinflcoafoaul for cots woauds braise lams ecaldb boils piles pcipes ic tried aid pred i hive qscd dr foolers eitract of wild strttrtecry for samener cauplxiat and hive poeiu after a fur trill a tare care bth id my oxn ca tndotherof the fxaiily tiioratu wia new daadee werloo co oal seats ix the ties i theqesti2a cf kits in orcrcrotrded i cars eccjtis to be pretty tijoccafcly solved i at ust thedajarity ol nt tate aavai- tageot their superior leash breadth azd strength to ater tie vehicle before the i lidies who arc tciilig i alon ca their hijiheelelshoesi ueea cat c nazaiag breath and cacaribersd by festooas of drapery and having secured their seats they keep ihea stoeil harriaded by nerspapers and caref zlly ipcring se and dscrepiuide as well as youth and btsaty if by chance a young xxe gets a seat itisshe who rises for the srhe of some venerable grananiotiieri or a nutroa with a babe in her arms ilea hive riven ap oar thank sex and are haying a rood com fortable tin cfit while the ladies bless enrfj bepn to cempreheni ihafc those who dk considenit a duty to veolte their beats for theni and who did it with snuiles and sfoo in the rade c a caxlfor miles were oi a rillant race fast dying cut genders en of the old school dtoyrethcrl for ray part i like it jost as well as it is when raan has paid five- cents for his seat i do net want it if sxne one bays a banana at a frail stall he is j cot bouid to give it to the next lady whom he meets who has cone i if he did offer it to herehe ehonid refuse it cf- course i look at the long line of baiiness aen iz the cars and i feel quite content that tier should sit there twwrf with the consciouiaess cf their good in7esrment while we ladies tomble aboat in the jcidiie of the car enable to catch hold cf the straps hzzzzsz of car fashiacable tight sleeveswhichiuerely al low as to carry oar food to our mouths ae that hopping up and offerii eeuts to te rentier sen and being thanked or uot according to the sort of wnnan who ac cepted the tttentiaa was very gsllant and manly but it was cot business tnis solid squatting in the sea that they pay for now practiced by ih cin of new york really is busjeess if ladies would teke adtantage cf in and jiersistehtjv refase td enter any car where there wis not an empty seat we ehouli soon hivr cars euoogh for eterybodr oveglais of wixe too jiltil a elass pcwlne for instance chacgedthe history of franse for aearly twenty years loais fhfjhpp kirjg cf the french hid a son dake of ojclems and heir to thtthrane who always dianh only a certain ccrcber of glasses of wine because even one more woald make him tipsy oa a memorable morning he forgot to count the number of bis ptaasesaal took cue more than csaal when entering his carriage he stumbled frightened the horses and caused them to ran in attempting to lep from the car riage his heid street the pavement aad he soon died- that glass otwine over threw the orleans rale consscating their property cf ijyjjo and sect the whole family into exile all bftds are hard to the rheumatic xben hearken ye peevish sufferers apply dr thomas electric oil to your aching joints and- mascies uely on it that yon will experience speedy relief sash at least is the testimony of those who have used it the remedy is likewise success fully resorted lo for throat ahl long dis eases pprains bruises etc tkedcablc luiiuxtx a weak tjii low coustitctiop impure blood etc causes a doable liability to con tract disease parify the blood und remove all worn oat matter and disease breeding imparities from the body by using burdock blood bitters which thoroughly cleanses regulates and tons the entire system joe beaaiin 51 d hull p q writes dr thomas electric oil commands a large ana increasing sale which it richly merits i have always found it exceeding ly helpful i use it in all eases ef rhsnma- isn as wez as fractures and dislocations imade use of it myself to calm the pains of a broken eg with dislocation of the foot and in two days i was entirely relived from pain worms cause much sickness among children freemans worm powders pre- veci this aad raitc the child bright and healthv a cd vrlskliar lite last fall i was apin bed three days with a very eevere attack of diarrhea tad vomiting nothing benefited mo cntil my neighbor lire duaning recommended dr fowlers extract oe wild strawberry and brought me half a bottle whicii ahe had ia her house- in three hoars the vom itiog was etopped and i was able to tit up by riigbf i would not think of nsing any other medicine colcrabas hopkins hamilton ont- ilessers ifccaasland i son toronto the wellknown miiers of fancy glass for builuings have an exquisitely arranged room for the display of paper hangires their trade in this department has been so gobd that not a roll of last years siock is left dniian and their assortment tpdij isbeyoad doubt the f nest in canada we understand the firm rail sumples with prices attached akautrarrinxatit cp calls vividly to mind the appalling epcctre of death and yet no thoajjbt is taken of the thousands annually dying through disease caused by wrong action of the stomach liver kidney or bo arels and which might be remedied bv the use ofb bl b- i natures jreat restorative tonic and iblood parif er hecuaif ceer imnaiul wlae if yoo are languid end weak and your appetite poor my beef iron acd wiae is the tonic be sure as an intieoratmg tcnio it is recognized by the ifedial prcfession as the best itrengthening medicine thus far prodsced it is intaluabie a a bloo4indmu5cle maiter especially in thase caie where weaknegs is the resalt of imperfect or in- food of wasting fevers or excess of any sort- it contanh the nutriment of beef the etimolant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron end is admirably cal culated to build up the emaciated system rest and comfort ta tfce saltcrljit browiii household panacea has no qaxl for reileriucpim- loth ictercil and itsrnih- jtres pain in the side btck joz bowel sore tlrt rbcctnatisin tooshiciic- lcml3o ccd aay kind of faiaor ache fit will mostturelyqcick en theefondcdileal at its actio power ia wonderfal ibrowat household pan acea being acknowledged as the great painreuerersndof double the streath of tnyolbtz elixir or lchnent in the world should be in every family haady for niewhen wanted as it really is the beat remedj- m the world for cracks in the omach and piics and aches of all tinds and u for sale by rj drcgiitsat 25 certs abottle there iithis difereaufe between bspicess od risdcm he that tbinks himself the happiest man really is so bu he that thinks himself the wisest to geaertlly jast the reverse troe beneroence is k virtuous principal it secures fo others ther natcral rigbts and anperadds more than they ere entitled to claim iforalqalities are tscch like cowers the brightcolored aresopetitaes poisonoai bat never the sweetsmeilitig james h gil moor oft gilradar co wholesale grocen baoktille says i bare used tamarae eir for a severe cold anicoa2hsrhichit immediately rcheyed and cnretl give holloways corn cure a trial it removed ten cores from ose pair of fee without any pain what it has done dace it will do efiiic jl deoltle bcanimcafaihi we hare used dr fowlers eltract c wild strawberry and sad tbtt for diarr hca it cannot bs eqatlled we caacot speak too highly opitv ernest clare cross and roy neil cross jasper ont april 23th 16s8 after years of koifering persons who have vainly sought remedial help from other soarces have obtained the long desir- edrelieffrom northrop ir lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care which puts a atop to the tofment3 of dyspepsia renews activity of tha bowels and liver reliered maladies inciientto the gentler cei and builds cp failing beal th and strength gives purity to the blood and tone to the whole ejetem queen victoria lias a remarkably cue head of hair for a lady of her ege but her soo the prince of wales is quite bald had he used iyers hair vigor earlier in life his head might today have been as well covered as that of his royal mother it not too iae yet- the third page of tne toronto jjau hail is noted for want advertisement if you want to bay or bellanything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find out where acyoue lis advertise lu the toronto daily maiiesi5 readtbe adtectifiements on the third page of that piper the ciiarge is cc wo cents i word each insertion ad dress the ifaii toronto canada ctiatc and effc ifany persons wonder at the tired wcrn aud wearj- feeiicg that oppresses them with oci any apharenl caase it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either caae be stomach mood and liter are not perforping tbeir regular fnnctions and with maqy person they will fellow a doll heavy j beadscbe nausea nod many other fymptpms that precede a well developed caai of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of tbe closed becretioos by isin mcacliaaja mandrake luxtareprepiredby j b meacham 133 yooge street i ebeojlat of nintteeu years experience long- jv blriti8oase3 aro curod by the persevof iag uso of ayprs sar8aarllla xhis medicine is an alterative and causes a radical change in ilinsjsirui tit process in some caws inky not be quite co rapid as fit luliec but with persistence the result is jcortaln iuija these testiuiouiau for two yearn t iitirtd fcoi a so- vrfc pain ill uiv right xiilc rind liad other iroubl cjjjo1 itr a iriutl liver and dtsptiwi atlct clviw aovural intvllciaesl a fair trial vijlp a cure l berin to take aver sarwparilla i a crvatlr linoivd by the tint boltle and after taktu- fu i lulilii i was com- luielv cured jnhi w biusoti 70 awrcacc si lowell mas last m sv a larje carbuncle broke out on utv nrnt tiie iwuil tvmedita had no effect and i was con tlued tn my bod for eight wek a fclend induced ina to try avcrs sirnurila la tliaa tlireo bottles hralci tlrt in all ruyexpe- riince with icdidu i uevec saw mure 1 wonderful results ann t her trsrked ejtee of the vsa of tliil nkiliiui wis tlir hivngthttiin vr ji carrie aihuas uullr ispring tcxi i hid a drv nalv limner fi- tiurs slid tffind icrriblv jimiiik iii limhv cr aad iruv muiiliityj-iciicu- 1 i prvtuik tc inula w is liereitary it winter hr tmmii uf fernandiua fla ielmiimiilcl tn to take aycra sarsjjuiilbi sad ecuiliiuic it for a year for tivo meiitlis t xoik it datlvj i lave not bed a lilemish uyn my b ly for ilia la three inunlht f wiley hi chitnlkts rl ntw vurk city lam ftll and winter i way trouttlvl with a dull luavv jriin in my hide did not notice it imirh it tiwt but it pradualiv crew wursc tiiitil it ikcamo aliaort imtbjirahle during the latter fart of thil time disorders of fhe sttrn- ach and liver itureased tiv iromiics i lraa taldn aytrs siivansrillx and after faithfiiuy continuing tbe us id this medielne fur pumib inonth the piiu disappeared aad e was corhpliiely cured mrs augtista a ifurlush haverhill mis j ayers sarsaparilla recranno ev dr j c aysr b c lowell miss rjg si pspppl castor i a for infants and caaioria is so mp adapted to children that recommcad it as superior to any procripuoa known to me il a aacnelud hi so oxtonf 6l drocfcjyn k t cores colic oonstlpauon 8oor stomach dlarrbosa erucutloo ellis worms glroa sleep aad promote d wtts m tajarioni nenmntvn tni cifrrica ctmjxr murray street n y weekly empire calfabis leadffiapapee woodengraveft 10kincst-east- fesendtgr-prlces- exhausted vitality rphe kciexce of lifc ho prat sicdiral wori of tge on ifaahood kervous aad physical dclihiy re- ua era dvcilac erioi cf vojth ted tbc uotold mis- ii sccaslqceatthcrcc 5 paaeshro 113 itiicrijjc forsudisfifcs cloth luil caly vjo by naiil sealed illustrative sialic free to til ycausclmidildafcaiccn seud cos the godaadjedlllfljluiiirdfiroiictallior bye kttioaal ucdieil taiatjoi ajilrofi p p boi io ilcstoa jik nr dr vy h iak- enngrtiaalco htrvtri ifeiical cell t so rears itiiicc m hosto uho utylio ccasultod coaaieatially pjecialty uitenc ef jiaa odecsocltulcns tlleishl ii inches the rjirittt frco u rthfn tinea t has nci vrilh iiaprticti stiti tpdnircady leaner in tlejroadtkrijfnffcvrdsleadicir joarcal bat in wlt topiate ibc weeiov coitiov ia th haivu of everj fanner in the dominion ii frii hc inhlisjtcrs have had prepared a liaadsoaie end lifolitc bait of sibjohx magdokaid tobrvfhlntvrritwtiurrjthclttxklt ehlice pirtvgal veuti adtiacx oiily si per ajvnsrrjti rtrtt isie rrjjo euesceibe wdress thremptreitoronta ilapiiollilt jussri issued ustomihd lueb of trirrmu aptredatic the dczzzzi far a convenient and firief histc cf the life of president gevcind w9 hive jsrt isned a igjaga pewr esprjilitievonni lo ijicitrationk em- bra uz c sviesdid portrait of the peesldet ard i ifagkeftcekt pic ture of ubs cleveland both fran tie rrit recent tictopnipfj ijlbtrafions ot clevelands birthplace room k which he war pops his buffalo office k cefehoint couxthy noe at vtaskixqtox cdotbctspccrinrr tljsnoircrth j- erects of tis preat can er tte jdttcr prmi civc a cootse hts- tosv of the lifeaxd eveev pob- lic act op geoveu clevelasd hi3tort of ito united gfiitesim presents the jrreat tcriit epeech cf the son eozer q mills d texas ecoimaririnfr the famcas fills bill arid is set cfc irith a naa- bcrof posverfulcirtocls eech ncmber ii niad np cf aiiteen pces beaatlfauy printed on pc per oi extra weight eo as to be easily preserrtd and tfaa nort oonvenieni fern from ivhlch togalheifflt a knce the eabsiasce and elecc of the whole tarit qaestion i these ptibhcatf ocs thoald bo read by every anerican citiiea and tho low price 10 cents pee copy places tfceai within the reach of everybody seed i cents fn- u3 far gpafhic dr chase til the tiis- ilefi t torilridc rrfaistjoa etc jilivsicita aoi actor hiss llutcare tracjpaofraedic43itiil ethics ciiticl tle tauaey m littrr ij syjptbi of kidketcolirlfilxt dietrlsij aebe and tsias ia the btck a dull pdu or ttiaht in thebltddcrtajltftfirtleljjoaila caljiur crinecftcaobitrattid frcjacat dciire to nrin- tu tfpecially st tichta203i ced jicrsoas hot drj ttia palefcoaiidetioa tj tld kjiilo de- 1ke dropttiiness sour toama coattira- tia piles livtrccil ciiiiific srifptoiis of ltveh cojctlaintialn cajcr tlxaldcr biajsjtcadet siiloiv aaiidtrica s vciry tired fixhaa uo lift- cr eacrpr teidthe drs- tliia ialistitiua tjiou riales ie j howcllied ytnlrahei d dacjelioa arc atrars liver srcaidtriu caaibiuei with kijcrrcaie- dix as in dr chads liver cm kill cost rhitivixr ar all kiincvlivcrtroablc if tcts lit t chana ftiicelatius the clccrci liver ucuheailr the fcidrtys tidiavicurtiss the vbokloiy hoillvtu ujersai hi tntli lie- ctt ikut xrhicli tloae is irarththe mc kidks dr chases pills ltc the oaly kid- kiyeh ttjlivr iai tui- tur tct yc bills takca ucnacaji3oyintat thtv cere kiim ircr lroib biidahe billoaim rtii ncie oae piu t dest- sam by til dealers pricc5atf t ediiakdsok iz co- isivadroildont hint worgesteirs uabridced qvarto dictionary libkapy xosltnj2 to tee daily driphic 39 sc l park place y 44i toronto steam launory iw torfc st toronto hibts collars and cuff llfpt crpcazitr oct of toti were js uj ptxaiptjriiltradcdtoandretanic per instractiona d p shaepe proprietor text door to pahner honm hacdr lounia cepot i i q 0000 presents nsstiamnsc vhiie ritr ujr- wcwijjfiahrmlir prnpriltrtjin locadiifuii3tn i trjudirr or ch uei a tijywho wijl trvcia uzaqzuixtt baz43 piwca cn llc red circle frtrn thff lalvl bid scrd it i jrticr itujtif boncst opinion afitr iairuml eifiicr n10uriii cect de will irirnre the rift any utofcr or ttnrifccepsr known where to pel it if aud iot by you addrtu echijhchjij t cof0i0ri with cr ctloat dta ioat fatcat icdti edition of 1 888 enlarged by the tiiitjcaof a xcsr irpncaadnff biographical dioionary- of nearly 120o iiertoaau ti a cev pto- caancina gazeteer of the wortd cotia tad locttiaa over ajtod jtlacts coataisiagbjra over 12500 new words recently 4it4 tcjicr with a table of 5000 wordsia gener al usp with their synonymes iiictraxttd ttitu toon cvrs axi rullrxcn pultflfi 1 tlrcxatlonalstantlitlofanericaulluputiirc everycditicncfrxiapftnoiv liolat ilrcat irvuze wliitjcr end ether eminent aiwiirtn amhers follows hereof tcr it jrect the civ3 of il crest enrlifh rritre it is the acthoritv of the itcdmi irimsiirt nens- raptrs of the co-isuti- aad cf the xttvoun dt- partaients at tsiiiastoa foa ealk ev ill looehklli j ijlipmcott coif pax v mijllflien 715 ani 717 stertct strett philiuleltihia authors cox anil aiuihanccs rcrall do furiniutinfiliciiutauidy spinel diftaso hip joint dismast diseases of the l and aaija ktlozk kulc udr- lc-sclubfc- jjtc also ceutches ihghurghsltorokto- dr fowlers ext of wild ithbebry cures jhoixera- iholera morbus lolrica iramps amd alu summer complaints and fluxes of the bowets it is safe andreuable for children or adults children auelph c16ti hall newest fll arrivals overcoatings sootchtveed silitings canadiaii tweed suitings shaw crufoldyj merchant tailors cuelph kelly brotliere merchant tailors having jatt passed into stock the finest assortment of f imported and domestic suitings paatings aad overcoatings thit hive ever been tliown in lie coacty we ire now ih iposilion lo islt uy person rojinriig anything m clothing oar trices re piijht mi we will pnimntee evorv rirmect lo be perfect both in fii mi finish ko fit oo u1c han- jreds o pattern to aclcct irom we also carry the neat stock oi kecktiea collin cnjiinif shirts to be oand in any house west- ot toronto j askinfor aahire of yocr patronage we remain sincere- 1 kelly bros butter and eggs wanted killy bros the hardest is completed and money will soon be plentiful kenney bros actort te awahethat at this tlile oftear the fahjiers espe01-4llv- begik to select ther footwear for fall and wixter and to meet f the deicaxd have filled their shelves with a large stookof boots and shoes of all kinds ior everjbodyand the pablic is well atvire that for cash wje can sapply superior goods at very low prices our ordered worfc lriye pleases and repairing is neatly and promptly executed we have a nice assortment of tniriksarid valises direct from the factory a satisfactory prices vans a call call and m hi when yoa coss to acxns big exhlhliion eenney bros ml college olivet mich for both scics erpcntes low scvca de partnieiit ble ickxccciors luxo library rlce if csccn fill tvnn opens sept 13ui wialcrterts jac 3rd scni for catajotjae burdock blood will cure or relieve bu 0usness dv pepsiv iki igestiok jaiikdice sipeus trheuh he vrtburn hedrvchl f dizziness dropsy fujttering of the heart aadity of the stomach dryness of the skin at i awry species ixf dis artalnr ire k disordered uyr kidneys itv bowels os blood iulbum ico gsfeno gejbematts wbem powders ara pwtrnt to taaa ccclila tcr cvz ptsrtiva is 3 scfa nr tiid czcctzzl jcstrotv e worms is crli cr aial breadmakers yeast pdacz five cents to farmers and threshers tjsaouvourmacliinertonly the weltknown peerless oil qo li 13 liedlj5 k wuded it daring the last three vears xjajiu try gj 01r p j2 grcisofoycrar af jonsitnd horse powen these oils are used and highly reconmendedrat theilodel fin igaelph farmers ask for them use no other racalactaredatqtoc oityoil workfihy samuel rogers ot co- toronto cures lirer complain- royspepsia suurasjess fliv hftadflchfl troubles bjiemnfttiiin dlmases all lm purl ties ofthebloodfram whateter caa e ariemg- tho great spring medicine prioe75c tith pills f ll try dr hoddeks lrrrleidivebr pills j vcrr nnall aad easy to takel no jgriping no nausea sold oteryrherb pxicoctj the union medicine co- proprietpru toronto onj thej largest scali works iin canada oveftmoo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show ces money drawers ueatclioppers t md bjtcfav soppues ajcxxsi ix rlxw wrim txtema c wilson 4 son 60 esplanade stheet east toronto ont i papi cfeir urn roa ttiic wool wool wool railway crantf trunk railwi oomoiit oolr miil it37 ni 1 eiraij i eiprcu j7 co aml eirns pau mill i lo m am f tbrv a through exp ceo pm maltu aceom rf o 0 pm uixts ch icago e xlrrc tl d oci not itopll andbraiqpton txi orclonxou w siqttil jxqc thb favorite mddtt up in ozal icttks hatdiiyj vira t tach irith the name blcta lutkg cad ihc ndnepfvtk ircr jxll in red irj ccroa the fat efly ijtcarr ctiaiaiicnls rru oo ivies ana tfozt icill net be j tg- txures rliroiiie f stomach and bavejisacliaa ttt dygpepaia or iadigettija aitectiona headache acidity ottho stomach prtco 23 ceot per wuajlfj 0lt ir davis 1atoehce cicaikfc kociw rbx c sivo cohsitmpti0tr cqgsb3c0t asthma cro jp audlitxastr thethsoa1 pulvciary ckgv 5 ev 1t taltbrcl c0ffstjxti05 has b 31 ctmd duifc eavrrci fiiiiii to rattt 1 toft ilci 1r purlin wjrr it r 1 kz h espectokaht it mfc nozikuu it contains xo opium v anji rni pia 5t uh ivy el 53 rz eottl ravs fi la7szk3 c lini oi the principle o treatfflen t w ctohzi atevv sons ldlehouse woollen mills are now prepared to pa the highest market prices for all wool offered in cash or coods- we have a large and well assorted stock of m blankets tweeds flannelsstogking yarns knitted goods etc r i in great variety selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving and in fact all kinls o custom wcrk done in oar nasal prompt and satisfactory manner magnificent display milliner mantles dress oods carpets curtains etc mckay brothers evorybodr veil lilcasol villi uifc eegaat ajsplav vcw stripe dra gcods 0 ij 4 3dc- kew plain dress goodi 10 13j 15 sp ax no chock drew goods 7j 10 so lie nw chainbrars 10 li is doe now lrinta 5 s 19 ujc ne tapcatrj- carpirt a5 w m 0 jo 7c nc v iruuds carpels 73c sloo 118 nc wool carila 37j 50 60 t5c 100 ijo ew laco curtains taped tfljtt eii5 1 jo 2w f iil sew scrim haircloth 10 12j 1520c new cuninlolbs0ricei l50 s2j0 nc jlllllnery vorv chsap sow jcnoy jackets extra value s3j0 new styles ia dreaamaxiag nwashingronjblrips eminetl throat and loaf sarg on will inext visit acljoni dominion h0te1 u monoay octobkr joth uter amraloi alicniocu txalajrrom tortott lzal 130 nr one day onli citajikh tkkoat ci ed a ict onv cf tae headreds of w il by dr waafalngtoaa new me hod halt lion chronic broachiua cbred aa enshili charcb clwjyiiiaa ej liki kectobt dtu ivlleivgtos deoji stit i am glad to be ablt to tai that my daughter is duxo veil a sis is the sqcoad time she has been c irad broccbial troubles under your tre ltment toe osaal re modi oj tailed i iruh t expr cratitaje pjease accept mj tl isere yoors truly c 13 petitt ursjoo mckelyy fciasstoa fcpt aadccasamption joaa ilckeltv kingston onwc itanfa llrs a- hopping kingston u bx incia coasamntica ut e scott kiasa oar aad throdl alrajuorbtrimharrotaf iih throat james malthctks p ilaetex ac tarrah heai and throat f rnacis briia ont cat throat mias nouie ejt berlin oau en fvlas p slvroronai out harricot lierlin oalatlraj i alrs1 wucr laearj berlin qnt c4urrb- fcead aci thraat lettkercier stjiiovi ont1 and throat colin catapbrll pi- edward 0a james stacotdattoa ont cat c errorsoptcus xervoasdobihty somina loises tare decay promptly aad permaoe spermqoot docs not interfere with dietor aad izllr restores lest ylgct and ia manhood sent io tay addrcsa- receirt qlhm otodiiilarporboi schofield dlivu st0ker ell roato tiut ik 8- tblbtru twr- lveckay bros 46 48 king street east hamiltonj 1 0titbonirjii4jjo lo tbom nlmi ud t cucl nplsoold tbmm msplmi veil u t iv mtc bar irr una la rir vtnc for a tow u tom wfco eut kt fc ilnl 1 fcrj bo 1 tt to pomlm loieut ml r4 et cold vitca im cost v ctpi irm iktaabpld iatafloair alnrcieui u furooreiivalf hro bitamlltxw moftlir tt r siooo to ssoo ia rrreonatbc tnsatrj tliii koa lmvau j4 ib ordr llm to maifj au vbtra tij tn m lertt hi tw locrln wrt auktltcnofibccttf btajcrll w01atfc teloatsittovuicuapltulbmcvtatmxct u immrrmm ill 14 tt il5rtort 1 vkjca u rrtithwiititi friif r nlrwi41raiitamtmnl olid re4 trt- m lb wortiad coitlv mamtrtjls w pw u amioiabtiisoxeo j fancy rag carpets fq tsal 5- t he ondoraiched bm anpur j j cadi anrt no uiom carpet hhoihwi ctobi mi udraaat d fdfcy v tmli r

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