Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1888, p. 2

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rf- vsssv i- ifpp 1 80bk unaih so bower avwtja ortnbtrtlc of llr john ult of otitm taowl ontbe ilui october tic tl ofll aommcr o liotuwr qauer in milton on the shoctobct uio w o john grant bakcri ot e daacjitcr married kbtmckui at the mldenec ot mr robert i3aot parker ex-aum- vsf is seoosmv ot welltatton on ui ulh imu br thabevww leoch arthur c bciot onto to eanie alcklai- hnsarrrr drfonxtlt the ryafdouco of tbe brldf tthoron ugmjt octolwrbr iter thomit boy mr alfred u bemitroct ot laknldefann acton janget ion omuch- erd hemslroctksq trafalcar toim fancoi a cuatrjrcd jahrca deforest esq olson px crxxivofliuta grnocfc on the loui insl the bciotci wife of mr thorn ctmnintimu bjuicuirat ullwn- on woodsy oct islh hciciv wife of fnpcis harclay county uis trar tn her 9th year c jtm 1ztss thcrsday october iisss votes akd coxmests the canadian pacific railroad haa 23 per cent of the direct tea trade between new york ind yofcohimi hii eicellencv governorgeneral hu subscribed t000 towards the eractioa of the monaaicut to jacques cartier at heath point qaebec ii is reported at ottawa hat the english gererntbenl hu sect a iromioeat conser- tatsefto canada on confidential aissioa prewnuhlj to rtadr public feeiinj on the tjtwttiba of the hoar i i an order in co cadi was issued from ot tawa- hut week prockimin the 15th of notember u a day o general thankagitinj throagboai canada either tardy thinks for tbeabandant harvest pieaned so long ta manitoba wheat shotild be j at the top of the market m lirerpoal- is another feather in the cap of canada almost daily there is tome sew proof of the caga- bhitiei of oar country and florae fresh in- dadement displaced- before the world for those who are lookiofi- for a new home to chose tha dominion- certainly canadian need not be in a hsrry to dispose of thejir country hatttx again fbotkstkd ercrtidce thcluteloctionon the 23nd of aiifioat when mr john wldi xsu elected thert have bocn whispcriugl uiat another projtat would bo entered against hii return comparativcj- littloitook wai plioed ia tb nimors however loc siuco the last general election the politicians of uiiiooauty appear to be out oi llicir ele ment aoloaa elections or election protests are before the people to bo ulked about or j ctod upouj bat en sttardy list the threatened pcotett agiiuet the member re tnrnod fot the uoasc oi commons by the role of the people tthc byoclcction on the jindof august list rcitcrialtsed atosjoodc hail u the lollowing item from the list of ioru traasictiont fcmhe dy willprove ialheqaent dflacli diristoq lodr 1 uou trwtucdioiet the tie dccugn of john wudicthe reform meaor for hahos ic llie cominoar turcutifllcristhotlul ij ibe mail chiffics of brfjorv ud ccrruijlij sre laid i this action will be looked upouwhii tq erai sarpriscj and wchavc no doht vith considerable displfiashre oquic part ot the ratepayers of halton for is uot lie ccscr- al exprtision ihroohoat thc cosuty we hive hid cnoali elcctijct for one i parliamentary term after each political party had hii in ianiak it saccessf ally protesting their political opponents elec tion and in eleclioa wis united between th two ilihiard leatere jwho hid cich been elected each occcpied a scat iu ibe hose for i sioa and cieh in tarn been unseated it jwa almost cnivcrsajly con- d3edthit the 2ccessfcl candidate in the last election jwdali be allowed to occupy his teai andiiturbed cntil thi dissolation of the present pirkimcat it least sach however sccjcs not to be iliitcms co fortcne- for the clement of unrest is elill apperraoit the two protests which hive already been tried ildhoah with the res sit of en- eilicctke members against whom they wcro directed hive not proven that bribery acton ui0nxh1bit10n tuuruic kucwjfol eibllilton noil he fruwlliwtvoii tdk wxo ust of hteculs shuidiaiidovcr 4- xhti act josi passedby the dmted states congress prohibiung chiaese immigration ia 1b 6e so rigidly enforced that once a chinaman now domiciled is the country geta oatside its limits he will tave no means of retting back again the aecre- urjof the treasury has decided hat a chinaman who bocht a through ticket fromchicago for xew york over the can- ada sonlhern railway cannot be allowed to cross the new york state frontier from canada nor will be he aflawedto cross the deoitcver asaic j canada exported only hm worth of cheese to the united states last year it is found m the official pnhhearion of the txeasnry depextmect of the united fitaies relating to the commerce in the united states and the dominion hi whch if ap- peart that the totatqcantity of cheese im ported into that cormtry from canada for the ending year june 30 iter- wag 235 poandstaiqedat f2i andopon which dnly to the amount of 030 was paid to great britain canada last year exported cheese to the vtlne of 7oo00 asdeormptiou ate rampant iu this coanty or that thtre is ssch urgent need cf ihe icjf examiaatin of the proceedings con nected with each election heh as the tab- sequent circcmitances wodd indicitc it is time thai m hoih cxics over xaiocs friends of the candiditcs hive eocrmiucd offences in cdntravcntioa of the election act bat they lave been ofiaeh achincier lint there has hirdly been an election since confederation which coaldnrit have been voided cb eimilir groande sthc peoples are cat anxious for more elections sai it is hoped that at least they will cot be called pon a fifth lime to ex ercise their franchue tipou th voters hit prepared front the assdiaient roll of 1sj continuod from flnl jiajo the following li a carefolly prepared list of tbo sacccssful exhibitor and the prizes they secured at actoo union exhibition held hero last tacsday and yododay 0 th and lothiust ccutinutd from fltil iiagc be6tcau acton cornet band j special tres fastest trotiitig uortc twice around the tins 1st ptizn by y d smith toronto creelman bros 2nd prize by y e smith acton e w gollop fastest trotting horse 1 twfeearoarid the rinr sty junes mclra e w gollop fcsi irottin uroe voir old coll in hirca twice around the jrin lyle and sixsed by andrew jlartinrucoj wallace fastest trotting two tear old colt in haracs twice around the ring style and epeod whip by s swectmau becj waj lace gentleman rider by dr saecy j htifio ueid j lady driver single horse trnak or vilise by j e ilcgirvin i co hiss e jickiou lady driver doable team pair kid boots by ytm williams mrs dcvcreanx tair ofroidflcr horecf twice around the ricg by bolcrt ancw hooper johnston v spring celt from any sjrc sett single lutrcess by t j hals ted prire laker to payhin i 15coii 4 xi i firriec ycatang colt from swallow by john wuiitmgw startio sacking colt from swallow by john williitss joel w leslie foal from any dracght horse by johnltcatecrgaeiph5i if p far- rie i fiva draaht colts from any ose horse by chris rcinhardt gccjph jco pafff reform colts shown by r ruisell jeo taeoorvtyseow vacist peonxcul stits filled last thursday three ontarib cbnstifnen ties whose representatives in the legisla- tore were nnseatedljy dth rctod to replace tbm in east northumberland ijr wih oagnby who was in le elected but after- l wards onfipated by he courta and mfase- qnently defeated by the late kc richard clarke was again in the field as the con seratrre standard bearer against tut op- ponent of 1836 dr jfxilory jlgain ha has defea him and after a seaaona a will be back to the legisiatite jhaha jn easx elghi 3fr xc daoce and ifr marfatt were the opposing wpdidatpff to fill the seat rendered vacant by the death of the late ifx thomas il nairn in this riding the liberal party have held their own by lie ejection f sir dince in frontenac the election was to 11 the vacancy made by the death of the late ifr henry wilmot conservatirej and hessrs at the hilton agricultural societys ex- hihiticn hft thuriiy and friday the dis play cf exhibiu was not up to the usual standard thaah in some depirtmcniathy were large and excellent owing to the inclemency of the wasthcr the number of visitors was fir less than nsnal but no t- withstandicg the rain many people were on ihe grounds j the display of painting ard fancy work was very fine and the kanitobs and british columbia exhibits received much attention from the firmer the good display of etock and horses was par ticularly notiieable a painful accident resulting fatally oc- cared early inthe afternoon on the race- coarse a boy of 13 years eon of james jarris a farmer residing on the second line of trafalgar was kicked in the breast by a young colt which he was exhibiting in tiie ring he lived only a few hour after the accident j this being the first fair since the repeal of thes colt act the hotels were well patron ized the resnle befegt noticeable number of drunks on the fair grounds and the streets of the town a marked difference from the stiifi of things uccr the scott act regime the finances are a laag way behind last yeir and the society will in consequence be a considerafcle eum out of pocket if the prizes awarded are paid in full the conser- respectmly elected their smith and stark redresented tatite mnd liberal parties the conservativee have again ejxee couozsz oct 15 according to kwfys returns the result cf the election of last thursday in east northumberland ii a tie- tie mistake was made in wooier aub- oavision ic lunrray township that place ia aboot nine milea from a telegraph office and a wrong report brought wttiich waa not ducotered ti2laiurdsy nighti the first report gave whbaghbyniae mkjoriryi the correct report is seven majority for jdaliory thai making the result instead if whloagh- by majority of sixteen a tiec 1 another despatch received iast evening aaytheltnrnmgcf5cergivethe casting tote for mr mallory dedaringliim dactel death of hon abespattoa tobosto oct 12 eon james patton collector of customs for toronto was fonnddead in his efnee in the castom honse building at seven oclock this morn ing by ihe housekeeper the body was ly ing ia the open door of the vault onifa tide with the kneea doubled np after making an eiaminaiion it was concled that death bad resulted undoafcted fromaa apopletic fit the galt wisqsisg aiz all the candies and the viscera ofxstue if eta cherry contain strychnine dr ellis the goverment analyst report- ed to deputy- attorneygeneral johnston on satarday nigh he had ast compfeted hii analysis of the viscera of little sfeta cherry and of the chocolate drops which hadvbeen senttothe ridley and lowell fam- iliea ah the caadies as well as the viscera tbdtorsayecontiinttrychninetheoffi- cial report will be placed in ifr johnstons hands today i poliraiiiacjarriindifni pouceman jarvis who acquired such on- enviable notoriety by arresting eef w f wflsonecently in tcronto on a charge of disorderly conduct fvaa caught on wednes day morning in a brothel on albert street jarrifl and aootter pohoeman nmed tit- ley after icavipjj doty that morniag went to the brothel where they became drunk ajidwereranghtb7lhspecotvnrd they were dancing the cancan and were para lyzed on reijg their superior officer stood in before them tbey were marched to- to the police station and promptly sus pended pending a oietpidg of the commisa- aooeft 0rciiir to the ivery kci and ditrticslfle weather itjwasa cccparetlve failure sanders j graham a stark it fcjh p farrics- spring colt by loni ilsddow by adam cook 1st 300 2cd00 3rd gl00d keith tcamcroc a ifcpherson general parpose team one reaper by harris san- iirxnlfard prize winner to jay 531o0 g a wallace 1 span roxdstcr horses and rig tn trot around th ring twice one ficury plow ko il by wra uerratrcc prize iakee to pay eccocd jirize of foco cash jnics ilitthtws llojpcri jchostan iiir heavy- draught boiics fcy john waldie iilg a wauase spcejinm the ring fastest harse by jc sram crcclmna bros herd durham cattle by john waldic hpjinc gray herd of gride cattls of i femiler any age by ecardmoro 4 co wm sharp sees failed bsktby w h eulledge wm shtrp sons pen of ehtcp firm right 10q acres ecs- eci fence by james ittlthews il suitoa pair spanish fowls by henderson jic- rao co it st a- j p ilcdonald pjurbrahxina fowls bird cage by geo harilr if i j p ilcdonald trcentyiire pounds belter danar to re ceive butter by w h storey son joel w leslie i fifty poauds batter donor to receive batter dinner sett by t h harding jos anderson eight pounds batter dcaor to receive butter pair kid hoots by thomas agnew james ramsey eighteen pounds batter donor to receive better by john c nelson e norrish ten pounds bailer donor a receive bat ter by david schultx rockwood ilrs jco ilclircn- home made chccte not less than 20 pounds donor to receive cheese sett dishes by l g ifattliews lire d gillies lasf home made bread by enmarriei ycanglidy cabinet wedding cards by h p jfcore ilirs cockbum i tep tuehf wheat any variety one 41 shrp rake by llasscy if fg co prize winner to pay s10g0 pacl eennedy hender- tee fatax eailwai ceosavit- two persons- seriously injured xcar sut- tin ontario scttos oct ost 11 a lamentable iccident which will probibjy result in the loss of a life occurred this afternoon atoat a quarter of a mile earth cf heriuie as a parry consisting cf drsihbali his niece mrs e m arderon ander sons child allan and the coachman were drivinginto the villsge asd when neanng the point where the roidcrosses the railway track the horses became frightened by an engine just thea running to jackson point the doctor who was driving instructed the coachman to alight and seiia the reins at the horses heads which he accordingly did but their cbmbihed5octs were futile and the maddened steeds becoming utterly unmanageable turned exouad and in doing so ran alongside the track prccipi- tating the ccctrpscts cpba the rails infront of the engine which passed partly over its victims crushing to a palp llxs ander sons legs belowthe knee and terribly lac erating her right hand and mangling dr eibbalds arm sirs anderson also re ceived scrioos injuries about tfcehead and it is feared she cannot live the hoy all an and the coachman escaped unhurt dr sibbalds arm was amputated arid if mrs acnerion lives her legs must be am- potated ontarios xevtipakuauevr lxtlijlvgs the new parliament buildingsin qaeens park are rapidlyaking shape and the pah- lie can scon form en idea cf what the structure will be like when completed the walls of the east wing are already near the second story while the lesser buildings of the west wing are ready fcr roofing derricks are at work on the col lege avenue and university cresent front host the material to be used for the rest of the aildihg has yet to be cut and hewed and there are large qcantites of it lying about the sterna used throughout almost the entire building is credit valley free stone the walls are alhnlaid with brick and the partitions are well advanced at the east entrance workmen were engaged lastweek placing the cast iron lintels in their brick heb there are at presacf over 22 j men at worfc on the hailding it is expected tha the baildicx wiil not pass the second tier of joists this fall halton eleetlau protest another halton dorahiiou election peii- fion has been filed at osgoode hall this u the third sia ce the general election the petition was filed saturday morning in the queens beoch division ihe usual depejftt- of 1000 being made with the registrar the petitioner is jue tnnmai lush he oomplaina of the election of john wal- diellp on ijnsflalgronndb over ahown al a fair in aotbn vat that of the- present year messrs gowdy co gaelph had the largest number of articles iu this department those whoprcdicted a sooconful show for acton union afiricultaral societys first year were not in tbo loait utray and now that actons reputation for succcu js fallycstahhshed a bigger show will bo icdk od for uaxt year there was no complaint whatever at tbo 15 oent adrnlbiou au attending received good value for their money aiidcarac away well satisfied often- lias u quarter of a dollar been iid to see lets than was to be men either jn the hall or inthe horse ring andwhen wo consider tbat tlicso comprise but two features of the fair we are almost inclined to advocate raising the fee prixo mouoywill ho paid on monday and any day thereafter when priewinners sec fit to call until the imh december after which the books will be cocd the aniled action of the citizens cam- mittee tended very largely to make the ex hibition tho great lucccss it was chair man pearson deserve special credit for the manner in which he marshallod hi forces and superintended the work assigned wouldnt it be a rood fdoa to have ihe directorate extended next year and have it embrace a few mere citizens to wort in conjunction with the farmers visitors from a distance remarked upon the clean and tidy condition of actons streets and the general neatneasof thctown u a whole the spirit of enterprise mani fested was also a subject of remark the fakirs were boycotted immediately upon their appearance the exhibition grounds were thus rid of these nuisances and the crowd didnt get rid of so much cash as they otherwise would have done messrs r a campbell market garden- er georgetown and wm gripes market gardener acta vid with each other strongly in ihe matter of vegetables both secured red tickets and both were obliged to accept seconds and acknowledge each others exhibit superior in icmc classes they each made a fine display i mrs a slauffcr made an excellent ex hibitor machine knit hosiery which com manded admlratiaa j for quantity and quality- judging by red tickets secured mrs aler sccord sur passed all the acton lady cihibijors she showed a volame cl beautiful wbrk additional sheep ind pig pens will be nccestary for next year and the cattle should receive better attention the ladiev work jadcs coincided with those cf the toronto exhibition this year m awarding mr- geo luvii the red ticket for her bcaatifcl display of roint lsee aud darned cel as usual mrs a belt uictnucca her com- pctitors ii hcr batter ectrju both society and special mrs- ale wchic however th owed the guest fifty pound firltiu of home mace batter en cihibt the force of fpccial cosstabtes had com- paratively httlc to do but their presence had a salutary effect upon the very largi crowd present the reckless and inexperienced drivers who endangered the lives of visitors to the fair this ycir thoald be excluded from the ring at the next exhibitioa lathe list of prizes on the first page those awarded for winter apples ehonjd read james sharp 1st dr v lowry ind mrs thomas bell esqccsing was the most successful exhibitor shetook eleven prizes and 210 in prize money a meeting of the directors will be held in the town hall next saturday afternoon 20th icst collection of vegetables by d son exmp e a campbell- collection of fancy work by d hender- eou exmpmiss nettie m bcll slipper case hsit dozen silk handiicr- chiefs by r b jermyn miss nettie m bell fancy ociit goods by kelly bros mrs a bell t home made shirt pickle cruet by n mcgarvine wgollop pair hand knitted gloves 1 dozen cxbi- net phcje by h ramshaw s johnston- specimen of penmanship by pupil of any pabhc school in eeqcesing nassagaweya erin or eramcsx fuzz prxss iyear h w akins bi lookiag child under one year cf age by alex huie s heddecion the judges the following jcages awarded the prizes in their several departments heavy dricgrrhol3 rich hem- etrcet trafalgar john taylor eramosi wis loang erin and h mbrrieon ash- grove j light hc-esss- thos gowdy gneiph w b smith toronto and f dolby flora cirrix robt mcqaeen salem peter eithgaie eramosa l stttet vigz cg whitclaw gaelph wm elliott esqaeslug and- james bus- sell hornby giulvrcotr ac wm watson nor- val and wm farrish liockatroil lluiudi jlsij brrruc wt shatluck gaelph liiiti wou avn iisu act- mrs wra watson nelson mrs j reid george town and mrs wm farrish rockwood nxilleitkx xotkj in order to secure more space for exhi bits gallery is talked for next year this wbnld allow a fine display of the large co- tries of ladies rok and fine arts- ethibitors reporters and patrons gen erally ci the fair received courteous treat ment at the hands cl president lasby secretary matthews and the societys directors it has been truly said that in all enter- prisea there are two classes of members the workers and the grumblers the workers never grumble aud the grumblers never work such was the experience of those concerned in the very suoessfai exhibition of last week our band certainly did ifceroeelves credit daring the exhibition they pat in an early appearauce looked ucaiyplayei often and well ana above everything behaved them- eelvej may their bi4 drum nerer bast the herd ot gradrf cattle of messrs wm sharp c sons eierton was greatly ad- mired- they loajt beard mere cbs i0 speciair i notwithstanding the icnneuse crowd tbe order vaj excel jeo i audthe oracials had veryjilfjo tronblr tiiortfcra a nnmher ofdrnnks on tic ground lit here were un usually peacflalltv the largest display of farm machinery annex to moxncns arc yen disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cat ting teeth h so smd at ence and eet a bottle of mrs wirslows soothicgsyrtp for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little snf- erer immediately dcpendupon it mcth- ris there is no mistake about it it cures discntcr5 and diarrhea regulates the stomich and bowels ceres wind colic softens the gems reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole ysteni mrs winslows soothing sy rup u for children t thing is pleasant to tlie taste and is tho prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united stales and is for sale by ail druggists tnroacnout the world pnce twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mas wrxasws sooihkc srcctacd take no other kind auction sile ecpiftcr tcttrir tjrd oetobtr ucriimed uie of fiockaci laftxncz lc pyppcrty cf ilr john hi v aries fcajcat uucloch vahcniitrect acctiosur genuemen kindly call and examine kelly bros spring suiting and pantings badqumis -for- hardware i liav uow in tork nails canidlan sud american iai ru all titas in cut also filcel ind cuac roiutvj wrouglii cleat riiifihr igiod tick all tlzoa hiakcistraitali scruwhook jjuta bcrcnn cutflrj- bpponi aies bw hamnwri wreaclics lluicn jick jsnitcn gum killa iicvolvcn rowder shot shelli ci jiazon jjara dor rollcn ittctinc iltulbcr hdtnv bonn itone and aiufstoi 1 habit uetaiacl class t ah si aad cut l orjr fnc put paints oils a itck of icacbcus ircriirm kji shades aba wl lie lead mr dry colon iioood aad li machine oils lirdicc giicrlaic auibcr tjlit scd cator croceries js fi money td j a low jaousafcd doiun oa fm jv sunuol 10oaddoprti house lot fa the bouse and lot cu luln j thos c mwrt rnidm ud tal 1owcmiod rfvtnat onco ot cular sjnily to jamn ilurni ac po fid laoili jicdrvcw oil turmnjcc a iafi ilji on hnd in all ioulr and luxl vtmow haliu and j1 axaiabcsapuhhfijat ac powder absolutely pure tbii powder aever varfea a marvej of purity btrcnpthandwcoiosoniccesfi more ocoaomicaj than the ordinary kinds and cannot be eold in comjtilionwitii tba liujutccofjowtoatahert weight ainm or pbopiiat powder bold onr incanx koyal fiisxxa p owoia co icg wail 6l k y mcnab fc co merchant tailors have essoined possession of ihebusineebof that wellknown stand the east end tailor shop and will continue the basin oca with a i deaire wplease and satisfy all costo- i meitboil as to quality stylo and j jrice of goods a fair share of public patronage is n-speoi- folly iolicited i 3iinjbco tffl o u o in u o u h x 5 a ipl fh j steerasttaf stha yed- from tho pretnisci i tffc iltk bet lot s6 cos 4 kqnna o tltmm sts s red twoyearold tecr lolantloa js jaireflirau a fai line of hue tas coffic fcaam tobbaccoes ha iins camntl hlcc barleytajio hh seed ajasi liosia cream tarur licklw ioce lard baeoo lilafikinc fitcre a- hoot i htifch soap lilac yeast cake akiflff powder soda cocoa cat chocolate eilncu splcea orange and lemon peel oatmeal byrup viuopan vhfto wfqo and cider la fact evcryiliisf usaiiy f 3uad ia a first claae proecry lamps a full line all shaiic eimetud dciffas shades glol chi scy laierbic cheap crockery glassware ia il tei vizzcz ad tcuct sciu fc i as ether lit if this jat iciulir kilsimiai jus to hand ia all ibsdcs alabastine ashcrlstc wall paper r lis colored and cbiaa altrgc stock cu haud cfkich asisclbyjisttcriii frooic roll up a large lot of rttnu- iu from one roll to tea al jour own prfco to bo cleared out i prfco dout ferret our 5 7lc uciiicaall rid our pure cofccc froab eroacd la a itxoijjou caut vol do witaouv sole agent for hytnjcea cs sash lt iiiiiy huh lrk and curuinltoilerr ahioulaar- j ife pearsdn the lion of guelph we have just received the following letter from our resident buyer in clasgow i 1 j d williamson 4 co messrs j d glasgow aug 17th 1888 williamson co guelpl ont dear sirs i have just returned from a trip to the continent in your interest and have succeeded in com- i pleting your order for french dress goods silks satins and trimmings i secured some 0 the most exquisite suit patterns in french dress goods rang ing from 40 to 75 francs which are marvels of beaut i also bought some novelties jn the way of buttons and trimmings such as other houses in your city will not have as they are not in the english market i visited a number of cerman manufacturers and purchased a full range of mantles and fur goods on my return i visited- london and completed town- order in leeds i purchased a large line of tweeds and cloths and also a job lot of dress goods which i cleared at 15s in the if there are more than you can handle yon can no doulsisell a portion of them to other mer- chants in guelph i on monday i shall run over to belfast for a week- and complete your linen order as there are many lines i can get better there than in manqhester i was glad to hear of your good seasons trade and hope it will continue you cannot fail to do agood busi- 1 ness this fall with the splendid values you will have yours very faithful y d williamson 84 oswald st j glasgow ion taloa to tbo recovery of the uiiuuj v u t rewarded 0hj a4ti m- house ilfffjifc house and hota chureb unti jll haute in cood condition rttbli soft water good aarden will n itita per cent en purchase money 1 or f apply to i d hesdeksomaet no geo guiubttql renriir salesmen wawp icpuasentiosltloniputsn mdwt iuhl- and expenses paid anydc csmta t2 can focceon with us peculiar ad rantag itf inner stock complete tneiudl if bta rr j iliins ipecultiefi ontflt fe k z4tk ibi- addreu ttooee bb0iti bb tph 5 icryinedbochcscer k y r house lotto i s j r that domforiahle tfirocmd trjei biosass arthur st in ycnnsi ior r gs t3 aodciatem tnehotuo ia corop trawn tur libjlcg bocn built tmt twoye ago w frsuio itaule oo the vrcmifofc i known upon opplicwtlon to r ww gilletts powdered 99 percent puret atronowt bkst baaar tor me to tty oni7 for taakej go boraajac wstar duln- f eoto and hi amamauw soldjltll3nb ifiiin tmmbm 0ji hkmsm 1 ladies coxc direct a gg upper wyndham treeti guelph roit voui dry goods irj 2hs estirely new cuoce tn fine- prints in the city eltsaei cili attcrus gentlemen i tn shewing the fiiitst ranges of ported suitings worsteds and panting 5 m the city our styles arc correct our prices areth our fit ai wortmcship arc cnga kcsicijcr the piece k trrc wycdhim street cheapest paecd was re i nelson i b laura n jo wholesale op detains- no 246 st james street wliosicolibrcta pebble and otlior spcctmle ud bjeplaaqito be onnd in every totraun tbe dominion they are recommended by nd texfimobiajs- have been received from the president vicepreaident eipreeide tiie medidul ajsoeietion of cuoda trie presideui ot tt sovoeona of qaebec the den of be uodical facalty of dent and exoresideuu of ilie medical cpnncil of hovi ba jaisc ai eolmplev usort imataltbauevkllentgtwdswfilbeoandatibft store of i t and ei jjieepraideak of collese of ipovucuuft and vtl rjniiieiity tin preei- house i lot for sali 1 n the lobtctllxr hereby oflen lot tit tst v houae and lot on u aootb i t ee m mil and john streets thu u tb aoes fl sblacomctfor baidlnjl npon ic rtl poiilon of oor onterjtrialos town rjoilt with a heart umber frame uut o sld readilr removed terms vat atplf on tho rmnlfcs to alexat llffi gkift fruit trees small and ornamental slrab wry rev ii b cook actrtn has aio ttpptinted ole iaoxwot ibii cectlobj known old jtocbuter naraerr tieut and la jrejared to lke i eltie fruit trees imall fruiuor arc ahown in the ulcittsud tou curaery tha jirodoetc of the yi surtcrynk known to bo gcecrsl ii cottocut aimed ccdl can piad ttaatt tttaj nmaiu to ill rtio pnrchmvse ti ckjrc b trices rcasooahle il bev hill cqox 1 ftdilifv auction sau real estate property t aftaij the proportt belongiiii 10 hu h mill street acton inclodltc lw salration army hsxracx will lo i ld bj auctloo oatthe premiscaon saturdayzoti dcpobpllj aisocloc terms cisdo knom on daj of sale il hejistbee ontaiio asrricultriral will be open on lit oa bir coarse of stodrpflciahtajip inte of ro use men who intend tbe xeclient oiiportonlty for aard flbs ctujuj ksovledge of lire stack jfatrrtfl vcterinarr science for cfrcalar apply to j a3 mills ma rntiduv gaelpb sepulsba the fml n jabber ol bd gpl r ipbo ne affln1 aflooal i w ehib tj- efuzl colege tho nai ola guelph business col goelphoxtari tee flftli scholastic pear begad sept te lst the aymein of edacadqn aruw mti once intellscinal and eminently fti rtical we- i lug in a very marked degree the req ireme ttttf tils procreaaive and cotaideiciaj aj j fi rj a any of the cradtuites accfiniiiw to bi iw of past results need be long iuemfloyedto mention their trail ptwport to elinble ladies ajdadmitt t fertd by thevconcgb iforglrcalanfoaueqirce- giving terms etcaddrcas ifiucctfesncti 01 t prtn ipsji mention their trainipg scbool is s an k ible and laerativo si oaooo tted to all the ad aaue i sault ste mi notice to conthajst rs the works for tlie conilraci oi ol canal abovo owntiooed adterysid p lei on the 23rd of october next are t postponed to the following datea tsoderb will be rvtdmtll wednesday the 7ui day of noveinber iart flvaa and spociscations will oo re dy foa e- amination at thia ojecs and at stnj bt a u oa and aitor wednesday the 24tah day of octqoftr fi od iiy order siwiiry deloruccut of railways a canals taw s7ih scjitember lfcb xlkir int i jbpea son agent ajrtpn st uwrfflcejp galo pm noljice- to contractors sealed tlixdeis addrccsfd to t 4 iisiiod and endoned leader tor st 1 recce canoll- rill bo received- at vi i 1 ic oki the airiral of tbo eatera injlu tc day the doth dav opoctollelvj ssta fortboeoattmtttoncftitolocjaana he diijj entaidenlareratutoftbcrikrei tbogaloiis canal a map ofbo locality tojetberri i j jcllliitron ill be read for eiaml jom ar tu omce and at l s olo on and afar tuesday t jk w j day of octtoheh isstast wbcre rctm j tender my be obutocd by contractor the actual isnatiire of tbo foil aami ol tare of tbe ucclipationaiidraidenc ol n niomberoftliefaina roiirfanber a jv j prtielrffor ueljrnofsmll i bf iny tie tenvlor for taeworka the rciaivcloposit recelpache m f not b aseptedniim batcdonicd or r jo t forfeited if tie 1trty tcndcrini 2ffi into contract tor tbe jorkj al ii rata tnetermiitalodin tbe o3er nbnilttfd j j de receipt tbni tent in mlbe rel ti6 resoectivo paruos whose tender ar thsnepartmotdooil botcrluu d wlf to accept tho jowcst or any liy order afllllao spnetai depamndnt of bail ways and caaalj ottarra 11th october 16s wlajfhqo how uost kow rosstorw jnit pnbljibed a noojitionof waua celabrated eaaay on ue kagt of opermatorrbcaa or rncaractty auacelabrated eaany speruatbrrbcaa or rncr execaa or eary in jlacrctlon tbe celebrated antbor i- cuay clearly demonstrates from a im racoaafnl litactice that tie aianalj qaenoetoleatrirrqrniar t radical pointing oat wodo of core at on certain and effectually means of 1 tnfferer no mailer tr bat bis cjndibon mar cure hlmaelf cheaply ptlvalolj rtnja lectcre aboold be in piehaa ivoatbandeterjrnanintbeland bonjnnaerswlin ett addrae onnceipt oi lonr centa o v atsmpa addreaa tio tiltorvtli kollctl 11 am ttitxtmia f en a imlrab i is h at i m go

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