Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1888, p. 3

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gjgs mm xff pftigthopist church home 3 leadings acton j which sit outcrd pastor ptrmta bovt arcnqt uu gwvl ictad m aft gjn rttmlsv e jtm bibleclartwbdactwiblltic raster all cortttlly lnrtwd 1j tcrnat mtmt ud visitor ilnyi dccinc at- sbssltbeiloir im fttstmrd- dcrod vvly to it- l moore jwi pspefsoxj wes wi town hall actou manse or lectures foe 1888 9 i tjnte the iirsntoerol kliox church- acton ttivd w cwmtbclu uoauy oct and ml saaject ovatrc roand tkj orw u- jstulbr tbe stcrwptieon ttpwf j floret rwtoo ujufgs isot 10th sabjct13hottt la the sett oar kontactf ser o brochhrriemoadir jxa us towelorienu16ctor nav ton- cocbauo d d- uondtv fk b- 8uteciscoundhcro lltr- qlsjut 3 helosti gardiner uoudiv jffrt 6sbjc two years in bsulelord- ffekft fw kazirt course so cdats uctaret cooiinenoe it s oclock hwtiy m wl cfaaratwaud alllnlwwtliic afar ffritfeiieo of protttm advcrtiunc a lady teacher of maeic inserted ho- j rrctpliieeiifcunitlillonto and from actau with whom fro preai sttden arpuoro orlcssatqnaldted owatb l0tf0r imactoh sli 1 isriaato recto bsaa left smahi ai fkjnsj ly 20th oc it otlocs lrodirafsile lit eehstiseii trieultarah mhtea4to bell rsr or artprtraca o lire saodlj easiness ac peer i ddsreetbex id c0zdc7tni pkp fle utoir jtrft rcss rtjhbsdax october ik 1883 j sy i locals cu b lkt ettrthoajlitfal wid alert fw tnss barters -erjirbotto-diy- ped the dvertienils hitnkijprum dir 15ui kovcmber jlectioa prowt ulfc is lirdj- aiiu so lor i montii or so of bd roads ft bet drboniett is the new rrcaby- rjfca oaaisler it luitoa letter rem tempericcc firmer jiaowootouii iae try tha tanbeam photos only h00 per acs h bnuhw artist a nmber of sotmd cedxr feoq pu fork apply tt fttx pixu cfece fioabeem photos the latest eiie uoo pgt4otit the metropoiiuastadhiailoa tb tuootl ihootio miichefr o the 3g0d bifle dao hire been postpoaed onlil jwocl 1 tbe lirto-prixe- wanner at jlcou cmo exhibttioa will be foaod on the rt udtacod pagex- j kt h l kass c lcaxn his soij hk i ufl colt to llf tcabeiiof etrtttsulje iot s30 lfmll mr georjc siodjard a wdjfciow fjiih in actoo is dot runccg u ei- psud htck inxiiiiont 1 a nnmher of totcrcstiaf ccrelsnd pipffi have been reccired at this oce iramkt c j em of thii city the ftc prasa troa dott till jin 1st iso to new sabscriheri for oalysl ssb- cribe now and get bilsssc of this year xbehoai of the thresher on it second tdptaheudm the land ud crojsi s nfawe pinttfng oat better than ins cs- abri htod of eleren yooi lidies cad cxteen yoang entlemia has been jonoad in demorestraie county of prince edwird f if there is lay coahty in this dcatn- n ti is piling np political history in hipsized chaiiks these durs thai cocxty kisbl 1 j the ney fall arnorncesient cf jfr j b pcuioii s warihy- of psnosl een- wyin this community is interested in wfatt he nyi t sir uttht cxmpbefl vns in bcr- kdbi itsg mab1e cohtsactobs lor tbe ccnstthclfchi rf 1 i7q1 day ofsotknberii e sad ks sols 6m idayctfpctofcefjfg by order t fsdlvibiok 0 contractors lit aevlito 2 iiooctobekd jzci of tia njtpew ihtv wthhipsi51 ti tutarub lllllltllll l j f lvstast p2b uj ciere sumc 1 t ci iie fan nn ly- 1 on eitordjy iookfc for a scitible nmmer resideace he inlands tcalicj there next summer the yak uoirenity jdbii6e bingers ire in cuudi igsin ud will fiive one of their eooceru ialtlifi city hail gaelph on kflodiy soremher sta the dwelliof hoasa aai ealvaxioa army btmcki belonging to ecgti byder vulbe sold by lactioq on the pretnuci on biivdiy tftemoon it two oclock milton has oreanized a board of trade theaffieen president w h lind- j ticeprea w h mcsah treasurer tclrtaersectyh jholiprafce ajthongh if ff not- been definitely titled yet it is generally understood that 1 through train from gaelph to toronto will bs pat on shortly by the c p b the eramoss plowing match associa- el here decided to hold their incoal plowing match on hot c the place 0 holding it has not yet been decided npon hflion fire company is spoiling to try the new waterworks oa another fire they jurted gat t lightning kpeed the other night to pat oota little blaze ta achimney more than fifty of the best known ladies of battle creet inch- hive formed dreu reform cfab and declared tfaem- dres aginst hnatles hih heels tight hoes stiff corsets etc be epdittsm otf ud cutis sort a tl j rtij offer itn s3cil v khoid nssii lljilwlr- beve prej- of gcorgetatra occ pwtfie pnlpil of the ifituodist church htt sondajeyenin ilr diver is an eunot tiioaglilf al speaker iad bis brards we sidgalsjiy impresiire- some ot lee udies in town would lilx o know if it isnt aboatlircithoe time croi were pat into winter qairters bmi attention to tbe clothes hnes aboat oh ial of the week is a trif e too mark ed the oi woodenbridse oa the cjpe line near to railwaf sulion which hw wag ktoce been condemned has been taken down and a new stone culvert boilt which a credit both to the c p h and the ccn- tractormilton san mr hoatack a knox college etodent r thapresbyterun chnrch pulpit l8abbalfln eer sfr eaes abieoce r hii aermons were excellent aod were de- urered in an nnasually accoptihle manner for a tnau so yoang in the mintrv f v7 sione the wellknown breeder i gaelph hat wld to e b hill oregon 111 pare brod southdown rami and ram lambiiewekmbi 9 berk botri and 5 iwa ajjq jj bdnge los moras feu 8 theiriins couwold rami in4 u ram lambs- j an old farmer says to lead a atob- n oow pnt a rope around her boras in umasoal fashion andtben pass it back of ud her ear toen forward and nnder the f web fxa around be boms pulliag b ear ttjjit againat the when the jebpronerljr arranged lie roortjtoji- cow will trot along nicely rbie tramp is about the last i of tbe mliuu tooriata torotopj from bbvca- tbe early ebolnen of autumn liaa effect to hasten him to civilized itfiai already the montcfpii jolhctts pkggeeorjfatablyiteabiddw tnatietu r protcuionil card to certain local paper it wmasecu bj- anold lowf a chicago who at oiice uunlcd j lcr up explained hia absence cf a qairter ot a century and mar ried her u pays to advertise priatoi oric bales vueu visit t priutiiifi office kwp these rules in miod sftbscritxt or the paper and pay in advance kwp air feet away from the printer devil hands off the mtvuu- cript dont jajk to compositprt dont carry off the ucbangct and dont wd he type on the colic js rasenotciiircijiectare the data for the course of lectures an nounced iu last iue to bo held under tho aaspiccsot kcoi church are founlin an other column tbe coarse opens next mpu- day evenin 22nd inxl with mr dw campbcua illastratcd lecture voyage boanilhc uocld this inaagnral iccj tart promises to be one of crcat interest to all and it will bo succeeded at intern by others different in character but equally interesting tha lectures will be held in the town hall j r a millies bustejs people taifc glibly aboct amillioutjaehcli of r heal hat very few of them realize what a vast amount that is a wheat dcil- ereays that ii a million hostels were loaded en frcicht cars 500 bushels to the car it would fill k rain over fifteen miles lcn if transported by woou u boshcls on a wsgoq it wbald make a line of teams u2 m0ca locg lit made into broad rec- 4xnicg a beshel to every sixty pounds of fiour wccld pve each man wemau and child in ileunitcd suites alwopound loaf of bread j a bc ticn siie bills xnd pvst cts the auction ecisan is jost opcniiu and those who conltfmplate having sales will have complete satiafacticiu hy retting their printing- dose a the fcxx ptuss os we have a fine assortment of type and material in cur job department and are prepared to print posters or hand bills of any size on short notice call and see for yourself as lh fccr ptcss has a large and rapidly inzreasic drtolitian tnotiee in our loccj cohiias wul rcich a lare nun- br of readers cio may be uteresled in your kjc oar poster vtorlc end all kieds hi job priuli ii noted for ths pood quality uf piper clcinrijsof print ard conxct- ncssof matter r azctlzcrplzzxzkl svnzllc ko fcrer ttt the rnirccvtm cf ce crp of fttrindltts exposed ihtti llolhcr js rctclcd o victimize the untcan a ctcijc tfpurtiue me xrej now travcl- j ioihrcb ontario on sn ealirely new sitirdliie excdiict they aie well cp vx thetlccpjci j in their lneralttjandccuersatiaa arc vtqj to dteirranspidou they are tiler ltmlk they tre devctcd erciueively to breedisfi zhi leilinj iambs but can never get as many as jtey can dispose of they sell araci for tj5q cish ca the undsrstard- icj that they will purchase at t pood hijh figure zd the lambs of his jet the fcll3wh ecarcn at is caring time the nale is ef- fected the ram delivered and paid for and the two frauds never tern up tain there a second time j the kerry vtcddu bells an interesting event carurred it the hemecfoceof thxmast respected farmers of this county yesterday afternoon in which one of our yous m5 vas a participant this was the mtrriase cf ifr a- l hem- street of lakeside farm actos to ifiss frances a cathter cf ifr james pe- forest of the town ime kelson the ceremony was perjormod at two pjq hy eev thotnas boyd jeitor of the ketho- dist church cf trafalgar circuit a large number of guests from various points were present the wedding presents were num erous and embraced bath decorative and hiefcl articles ilr hemstreet will arrive hcns with his bride m a day or so wh4 will no douht be heartily wtlcomed to our fair town the fees pcess extends coa- fratulations and good wishes the 3axi ccsc ert artec ccmet band was ceted at the concert itat vacdnesdcy cvenir withaweli filled hill and the audience was treated to s most enjojahe programme th pro ceedings were j opened by an overture by the parcr orchestra and the members of the band then eang a erecting in chorus ifiss ffayieu of guelph the favcrite who has so frequently and wiih cniversal ac- ceptibility appeared in concerts here then san bitter sweets and earn eda repeat ed trplanse to rhich she gracefully res ponded iv enicia ilecre and anna slalthcws ssnix in duct lifes lireaxa is oer farewell in exlent style and this casone cf ths heit appreciated ncmbers on ths progmarce the camet solo bussian i fantasia by ilr es lucas cf berlin with piano sccompazileieatby sirs loess was a wonderful exhibition of the ability cfthis widely known eomeist mr lucas was encored and responded in a less class ical ut just s enjoyable asetection mr gallagher was there as large as life and his jolly old farmer ilagee brought down the houseasusualwithhis-pieces- sir vt stark renderedan enjoyable solo be- member boysi youre irish- and the first part was essfisicd wiii o r o hush thee ly baby by misses moore and matthews and messn mann and moore which did the cjaarfett credit after the opening piece by the orchestra mr gallagher sang the dndes lament i eahy cawnt sit down which produced the customary erteet misses moore and matthews followed with music on the waves hich was well rendered that long ago worn out quartette bocking on the billows of the deep was then ren dered bymeasrs laasoc maan williams andilootc and while the aiiience gave this chestnut a respectful hearmg we wont hpldeiurselves tesponslble foe the result if theinimbers of an acwn programme ever again include it it via well rendered how- ever miss haydes again appeared and sang a selection which in every rtapeot equalled her fcrmeri effort the arbucklenian bolhi was then profyrmed by mr lucas on his cornet end the lovers of good music enjoyca an unusual treat ai b c was rendered by miss haydcn and mr galla gher it might be itcdentjiy stated for their iufrdatioa that they and ohertdid the aanje thiojoucc it twice cr tbricc at previoas concerts in the town hall actou the last nafuler wps a jolly chorus by the band give fee dat watermelliou led by messrs lee and istark it created any amount of fon tlie accompanimeou ol tho varices piece were rendered io- excellent style by misses nickha and ttdreyj the concert was a saccesa andujedoijibers otlhc band may reaaon- ftbfy congrwiate ttimselves for they did fairly wtdfyiaitfih their audience was weirpifewmvtuh the untertainraeni provided t wmwww uev dr and mrs gifford will arrira jiome from chicago this oventng j mr aud mrs 1l b whlu returned from their wedding trip last saturday dr morrow of guolph who has been very ill for some time is ablo to be about again john waldie m p was ouo ol the dli- liuguishod visitors at actons bigfair last week mr and mrad d christie of toronto were guests ot mr d henderson exm ip last week mr d firttbrock of toronto was a guest at the residence of reeve storey dur iug the iteck rev and mrs lue and children left lut week for a two weeks visit with friends at st catharines aud other points v l p eager esq whi has been con fined to bis hoasq for boujo two wceke from an injury to his leg is out i and around mr wai pinion of the millou chutv pica who has been confined to hi house by illness for nearly two week is recovering and will it is hoped be out in a day or two last wednesday mr w j johnson of victoria b c vu married fo miss mag- gte f riser adopted daughter of dr w frtrcman of georgetown wall known in acton there was a large gathering of friends at the ceremony j bevj a k dicksonof the central presbyterian church gait has boen pro eenled by the congregatiou of knox church gait with a handsome gold watch as a slight recognition of his services as mod erator of the session during the interval be tween the resignation of bev dr j k smith and the indaclion of rev mr jick son j mr john a henderson loft on sa tor- day to take a position m the offices of chris tie heuderibu fc co toronto as the repre sentative of his father mr d- henderson in the firm mr henderson is a valuable young man and will ably fill the position which he has assumed his removal from aden is much regretted for some years be has been a prominent figure in the glas gow house and the customers of hender son mcluetfc ico always found in him an obliging aod courteous salesman the fm pwo wishes him every success thk pyftebtctillbbdbalah lorooxvcfct u hmryreld who wu arrested 01 monday by local detectivm phair and ryder oh taipiolcm ot robbing the store rf hesars youiig keater ihameaford oame upjtoay for trial ha was identified u the tbameaford burglar and confessed to be connected with over twenty rolierim committed daring the year hewu dsteotcd iu a robbery tt btreeuuie peel county and fired three hots at his ponaers mrfbraydou of that place being seriously 4 art sarnla belmont and other places were also sceues of his exploits tbe magistrate- committ ed him o stand his trial for attempted murder at btreetenlle whither he will be taken iu tho morning diuiutox oct 15 jndgo bcott on fri day ioqiaboed beid to fourteen years in the penitentiary beid confesses to- thirty seven burglaries iu three years aod says he is tired of the baaiuess and hopes to come out a reformed man he is only ii years of ago and gires toronto as his home frigirrra railway accident flflyflvt persoiu killed snd lluadreds bad ly wounded kockwoqd ncws in the sbicncc of itev d slrachan the key mr tait of berlin preached iu the presbyterian cfcurchon sunday mormngl james hamilton a brother of mrs s duseld who recently returned to this wastry after thirty- five years sojoarn in australia left tuis morning for- south africa ec evidently thinks this climate too coid far his tropical coast i tut ion the s a hive held special meetings in their barracks daring the last three days a number of visitors taking part the army in rcckwooifhas the good of the village at heart and we wish it all success mrs magee frife of edward magee g t p baggageman while feeding a cow last wednesday evening was hooked in the face and although seriously injured it the time ix now rapidly recovering the bev wen walker of the methodist church preached a most impressive fun eral sermon on the death of the late willie bichardson in the presbyterian church on sunday evening the church was crowded td the doors numbers hiving fo return home being unable to find seats xorris black eldest sou of mr hagh black while assisting at a barn raising orv thnrsday afternoon for john mckinnou everton was struck ty a falling comgiaiid- er and knocked senseless receiving a bad cat on the head however we are glad to seed kod around again wearing his old time smile on his good humored face whdeifessrs fulton and eocg at edea mills were driving home ou saturday even ing from threshing at jos fletchers near mjcioccs hotel york bead the neckyoke broke -and- ha horses running away uhrew the occupants autot the boggy fulton escaped unhurt bul hung had his hp cut so severely as to require several stitches to bring it together s y z bcciwood oct 19th 1888 i wiuttsiuee pa oct it the fifth di vision of the father matthew excursion train on tbe lehigh valley railroad retain- iog from hazel ton was wrecked above poociylvania haven this oiorning and the cars piled in one shspeleas mass all the cars were crowded and the fatalities will tun into a- woeful figure all the physic- fansfrom whitehaven and nearly all points are at the wreck u are also all the lehigh valley officials from this city the cam ber killed is variously reported from 50 to m persons the only fnformaticu is from passengers on the central iruu at the de pot here handreds of people arc gathered in the wrecked train fibe ik soctiuultos socruaurrok out oct ii a disss- trous fire occured here today through which the woollen mills owned and oc cupied by routh brothers were entirely destroyed it appears that the fire origin ated in the dyeing room shortly after twelve oclock the cry of fire was raised and la a few inmates the entire bonding wu enveloped ic flames rendering it im possible to remove aoy of the tocfcor plant from the burning building routh bros sueceededui saving their books thcbaild ing was insured and a email insurance wax hed oa tbe stock loss about fscol the following kpa1 for wood from the arthur ivtvrrmc ii tie most affecting thihgwfl have icon fur souettai those whotiive wood to bhed prepare to shed it now particularly who last winter premised ns woxl on sab3cription and forgot to de liver it the harvest is over the summer ii past the road are good and still wc are without wood woold yoa bring us home wool wsoden woody a certain local paper says today the liger does not cow as freely as a moirth ago and wheres the man who it content in these mild days with three per cent j a whiskey straight at early morn has now become the favarite horn just so this is the programme with those who drink at all the liberal temperance union jeo- tucrs ales lagers and light wines are lotaliv forgotten ast about this lime of the year i the young ladies ot a western town says one of ourtruthful exchanges at a re cent gathering passed the following licn that we will not marry any man who is not a patron of home newspapers for it is not only a strong evidence of the want of intelligence but that he will prove too stin- gy to provide for his familredacate his chil dren or encourage institutions of learning in his community the shooting season has fully com menced and sundry ardeut sports are to be seen leaving for the woods of this vicinity daily judging from the game brought home we should say the canadian squirrel is hkely to become extinct at no- distant date but to all appearance duck and partridge are still safe to pursae their ac customed vocation coxcekt at beookmxle mm llev iljr gfffords lecture how to get ooij the woria r be delivered iu tbe mclbodjit cbnrcli 00 taeadij ccuing adtb jnftifiooki toward to witli inter- est by 604 citizens a literary treat ja antlciuatedjaud tbt qoctorj will oertaiuly fulill eapajutlons ii on monday night a number of the musi cal people in connection with the metho dist churches here and a few others drove to brookville and gave a concert in aid of the parsonage fund it was a most suc- cesiful meeting bev mr birfci pastor occupied the chair and gave a short and interesting address which was listened to with interest in the musical programme the bock of ages was considered the favorite piece of the evening the solo st mr c w knowlcj was also greatly ad mired it was this young mans first ap pearance in this role and ha acquitted him self well giving promise t being a fine soloist with practice the following is the programme god save the queen chairmans address bev mr birks ciiams happy on the way reading mri john thompson trio miss savage miss goodfcllow and miss schofield address bev mr couch my dim fireside mr brydon duct mrs savage and miss schofield recitation mr toompson solo oar jacks come home today mr c w knowles buartette bock of ages mrs town- send and mrs savage misses harrison and schofield solo thefisherman audjhis child mr harrison recitation mr j thompion duet a b c mrs savage and- mr erydoa double quartette ifiss harrison mrs savage miss schofield miss joodfellqw mrbrydon mr knowles anil mri savage after the concert the visitors from gaelph were entertained to a sumptuous lunch at the residence of mr 3 taylor mercury another terrible flood in china six fiuxoco oct 15 the china hail just received says a disastrous flood has occurred near fangbbanhaien in the vicinity of pekin on the night of august 13th seven and a half jiijches of rain fell in pekin and immense volumes of water collected in the ravine abof t bhanli- ho and suddenly broke in upon twenty villages more than 10000 people ware drowned together with a large amount pi draught animals the villages in the val leys near jtotrin are in danger eve j season r as the hifls are destitute of tree and the waters flow together in fearful tc tents un impeded by tho vegetation n of the catastrophe was hroogbt by nuttfonarioi who have been living near the aoeae of tbe disaster i after years of saffering persons who have vainly sought remedial help from other sources have obtained the long desir ed relief from northrop fc lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure which putsa stop to the torments of dyspepsia renews activity of the bowels and liver relieved maladies incident to the gentler sex aud builds up failing health and strength gives purity to the blood and tone to the whole bjstem never allow the bowels to remain con stipated lest serious evil ensae national pills are unsurpassed as remedyiac con stipation xcelth jcahkets flosr eciicr hoar stone while clawon scot wheat dclsocrtt wheat spring wheat hodgcr wheat bran barley oau rye c peas sera wood per 4 eggt pcraoicn battardalitpwited bntterrolls cheese potatooser bag apples pork lambskins pelu hides timothjlwedpor bush scticib i5ss 2 0 w s g5 i w to 8 15 i 00 to i co 1 co w 1 00 i co to 1 00 0 98 to 0 96 to 0 1 00 wh 00 0 55 to 0 63 0 so to 0 x 0 60 uj 0 65 0 60 to 0 gl 15 00 to 16 co 3 00 to i 00 co to i so 0 h to 0 15 0 16 to 0 it 0 la to 0 2d 012 w 0 15 0 40 to 0 0 0 io to 0 50 i 85 to t 50 0 30 tofl 0 0 15 to 0 25 3 50 to 00 1 wo s3 a t to s 75 h g stone georgetown ottebioudsahutor bouse sign and ornamental pointing in the latest styles bhiloha cbojb and conanm tion cure i iaaoiaiiy m oniuaarntee jpmor1 lintfon vrt- zmi leskoxb ix oavusraio ggolb r peftts rrfwi gold silver and hubbor pencils xew aifd lovely stocr just opexed b sayaglj axtelph r the warm weather hascoirji clothing dfichmg is still necessary i v ivischrarttailoii ill lice ct ehkbi t ally favorable prices and nith the ptnfcot bj has just put hi a svacitl liac of cm bomo city ails which h bought 44 millinery operiiijig friends we take great pleasure in announcing to our many and patrons that our millinery show rooms will be open for inspection on saturday sept whena large assortment of the newest goods in trifnmed stock trimmings and shapes will be displayed sacrifice them forbonoltfoar wottiatanbesrdef lor pqc torcmh3to than canibo rtjrcnaul plsqirbcr beautifnl black worat4d sijlta b 17 to s15 whioli post ee- where s22 to i23 call and examine the stock ot it alwa i giro pltmuure to thow them ltrcnoan always koops prices right fox if is cv liners and will be found the cheapest toan i m miss smith whose ability is so well known and dated will again be in charge this season ii ladies we invite your inspection believing we can you entire satisfaction jjippre- fall fc wihte 1888 mammoth house georgtotti j wmmfleodcjo beg to announce that they have received large potior s oftheirfall andwnteriupp tations lrom thetforeigr and domestic markets and thitv they are daily refceivinjjj fresa- goods frojii foreign ah i domestic markets to replenish their stock- making thel stbf k always fresh arid aftrsetie the publiccan rely upbh the n catering to their best iuj and presenting to tbenj of the largest cheaes our full stock of dress goods ladies an dchildrene ulsteringstrirnrnings and a full stock of all the novelties of the season is new complete m w v ete t 01 e and that can mourning oods a specialty 1 we are showing something very fine and cheap shawls and caps in boating we also invite special attention to our very full of staple goods special drives in grey flannels stock our stock of boots and shoes is now complete and comparison groceries fresh am cheap defies in short ladies and gentlemen we are showing the largest most carefully bought aind cheapest stock pf dry goods millinery boots and shoes and groceries ever brought into acton come and see for yourselves we arejalways pleased to show you through remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co roost attractive stock i be seen anywhere we call special attention to ourmilhnerymantlesjlitbo dress silks dreb fancy goods smaij wardsi staples fiamlels jblaikeffi tweeds carpet boejts arid shoes our dress arid mantle ffiak ing department is in firs claps wdrkitlg order- under a com petent and efficent heac with proper assistance our tauoring depactmebt is no i we have allajge stock of the newest poops for overcoatings and suitings excellent -white- i gottohs for 5 cts per yarajjfac- tory cotton 3 cts per yai i grey flannel 20cts ptr ji tweeds for 25- cts perjyai 4 black and colored jsat n merveleaux and grb jgra in silks 5octs per yardwoitja 100 c olored silks for 25e s- worth socts dress gojjds 1 6r 5cts and8cts per yarcfwoih i2jcts and i5cts per ysud large piles of other gqots in in proportion ji wetmost resppctfifllytsc i cit a visit of inspection idi we can convince jyoti f t hie extent beauty gdodneis iaid- cheapnessf our fetock- our grand millinery pptjn- ing on thursday fridlya ii saturday sept 27 2iiapi 29 j the absolute su jtair pd and uninterupted probesson of cheap and beautiful gbc ds that we can show you is sipi- ply marvellous i wm mcleod gb mammoth hotjsr aeobqetqk u jfxaid display of nev goods at she bight souse f tha nameroas departmaiu arotjow zfsgx and j largely assorted with suitable goods for the seaaou buying in large quantities airecs irom tudi ion the spot for taiem enables watkins to place his goods before his customers at very reasonable prices tbe fjannel depiru imeut u paoked with new goods bee the all wool qrsy flannels they are lower in price tbinver tbe dreu goods dopart- ment la crowded with new goods bee the special lot otoew allwool dress goods at 15c pehard honestly worth 80a o other lot of allwool jeraey cloth bergea and fancy drew gooda at 40c worth 35c aod 80c ae goods are tp be had in j all desirable shades see the new all wool amazon cloth in single and double width new fancy striped dress goods bee the jnoveltes in costumes an immense stock of new silk dreu plash bee the 55a silk plash sa plush both these qualities are very special value plashes from 65c to 98 per yard bee the mantle plash hi bkoltsaaa brown and brocades jbtripcltsijk velvet and other blch mantunga come and see the new mantis boom it is situated on tbe ground floor anc is one of the best lighted rooms in the city several oases of the newest styles of miotic shnrt jacket and dolmans also roajiy cases of mmntlinjr nd ulster cloth have been received also very special value in bilk anibujhair seoiettes a very 1 assort meat of noveltjesio uahtle and dreu ornament gimps baehea and braided bats aisulbuok beel beaded oroaml two oaaea of the newest style io millinery birds feathers aigrettes sod faooy trimmings jbeveral cases ot new bo felt aod straw hats also patterobonneta and hata they are now on axbiottiou a large asforteovitock of new wool wear for ladies children aod mens ate to be bad in all desirable sioea see- the oombtnatio bait fo boys and girls w tiniiatirfmlilisimiib4chndrtn new hosiery extra heavy anjtfine suitable lot boyi n s t- ifc i i m m m m mm wear luc amww wuhvh noblmkoubrmrehoeieryliiidleaaii4chflaren on several eaaea of knitted 8hawls oosdand faaoinators in connection with the new mantle boom the cnrtaini aid incs are to be found bemeinber tie gtirtaini bave beea removed from npaulra and are now ai tbe fiosnd floor it ode the new mantle boom here jou will aw onoice deaijrna in cbenille dtseatao persian laoay bwlaaand wah olnt i an wi wui n t every one sold ia noaranteed to dowfafaotofy wo tmui from braaaela tapestry wi alio aw tbe famou fai mitsarmllajteliasoh to take your otder for 81 ed man oriera mlaa mi sb will be plaaed to show joothe litwtnoveltlmofu uatthelrftha7tloildlpirtrnovrfb la4eatldeuofaarioanpahlbetoreentrimu rniriajuandlntowttogator enter the bight i dmartoitnt andtoim juat taomotbolf opuw fwo urest 8tflokfie8t bej8t cowtftrns ko i i mumamm0nu limeiphcjsprulres 0kll5jctcjlulllfct ew giluht isp vbyi cit5meiiriajutr

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