Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1888, p. 4

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tm fre jtrtcit jrrre flriess tnirrluy october 18 i8ss 5ljf ijoung sfolljs f old settoasawswis be- tsttna grai4icdd soxton t id 1 wbtw tn thfa field are thr viecl folkt isld hate wondered ttjc ijaiti ou cbmthyud tbrottpl j and ittxuca tit epitaphs cm ami new sat on inoolufrrau omial pclar or ctooc i read of no i til uut ffitaavc dcaie ttrthcsloti mid lja craw icly inade with hii chin eu ils hied- hand on lilt spade i knew by the cleim ii hr el oa nl t5 that bis bocnvs icstructiy iiit iiis vo reply who is jtf3j whd lie oci ulre lu flight who u to judft twist uievivfc and the right r whlcho ciojunlialulrjvtoty thitonrdcsfjlityc vtuncvcvlwliodjcdlodbjf lo our journey lhrui uf tho fattier ire td j the botlcr e leant that lsuauii- e need li charity spini uitt itviw is to tad lulber vixtac thi ttv lu li-rtivi- of cur kind thcpemt good tkeds v- rvvrd oa these theerii ueaudlciuditf wiuiticirlkaic i tun- laboured u rila tn is fiasy a year tjot i never haw barkd a lad iashrrc rv- fe- l lt 4v iffr ff in ii- we wonder if my of our readers have hid the erpericn of the reader who own ed ap in praycrtneeuaj lately tint he 14 knew whit it mu to rive iinndrod slinkx dollars and tea ceojroiis cecls m why cannot women mite good law yers asks an cichano vte never gavj the subject much thought btii we suppose itisbeciuthettnthoilthe small of their backs ptfc their fccl oa a table spit 3iaiiiay arjsitceroon into box foil of aawdost and charce 1j minute- fcr it tbere may be toae wince reason tat these appear to us- to be the ipcindpal ob stacles in the way ci hersiiccess at the bar there is jcertainly some coasideratioaj due compositors- tbey are aot oterpaid- and erery piece olpoor mtncscnpt naiaa difference an article written so riuain- oosly as wtaie twicc as long to let it up uitooght to take jost doubles the work or ditides the earnings- u this is dot atari robbery it is fens at imposition which teaches it rery closely write plain ly and use paper ireeiy will yoa tuner nrith dyepepsia and liter complaint gbilchs vitajizer is guaran- teed to core yon j sleepless eights made miserable by thai tetrible coufihj ehilchs care is the jam- dy lot yoa- jtaioes h ghaoar of x gilmoor tt co wsjofceile g rocers brpcfcrille saytr- haft osed tamarac elixir for a setere cold and cough which it is mediately reii ed and cored liyoa want tobay or sell a farav d- ertise in the toronto ifky mail that paper reaches kc000 farmers homes ejery week acd yooraivertlsecerit thoald meet the eye of eocecne cfao xints to pur chase ad-erii3c3- tris cf ikis ciaas are in- aerted in the toronto itvehy sail for fire cento a word each insenioa or twenty cents a wonifornse insertions address the mail toronto canada after years of siteri- penocs who have vainly scapht reiaedial help from ciher 6oar5hate obtained tlie long dssir- edrelief from xorthrop i- iymxai vegetable discotcryand dyjpe tic care which pataa stop to the torments of dyspepsia- renews actitity of the boirels and liver relieted- maladies incsdeato the gentler seav and bailda op failing health and strength gitos parity to the blood and tcce to the whole system j the third pae ct the toronto daily jfau is noted for want adrerttsement uot want to bay or ee3 anything ixyoa want a sitaxticn a mechanic a basiness machinpry lodgings if yoa har lost or 4 anything or if yea want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto dailf mail and read the advertisements on tbe third pge of that paper the charge ii two cents a word each insertion ad ore the jlafl toronto cinada ifccacsland son toronto tbc-wn-knowi- makers of fancy glass for bondings have an eqaisitely arranged roam for the display o paper haxtgings f their trade in this department has been so good that not a roil of list years stock unj left on hand and thtjir assortment iodsy is beyond a doabt the finest in csnad weondezrtand the firra cail samples- with ioes attached annatio itornrcs arbyoadistarbed at night and broken of yonr rest by a sick child safferg and crying with pain of cat ting teeth if so snd at once and get a bottle of mrs windows soothing symp for children teethisg its jalne- is incal culable it wilirelieye the poor liiua sof- erer iinraediately depend upon it nioth- rthere is no roistake aboat it it cares eysentery and diarrhoia regalates the stomach and bcnreis cures wind colic softens thegorcf reduces inflamnation and givefi tontr and cacrpy to the whole system mrs windows soothing 8y- rap for children eetbing is pleasant to the tajrte idjs the prescription- of one of j the oldest and bat female physicians and naraes in tbevnjted stales and is for sale by ad tnroshoat the world- price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mns wrsstows soonaxo stbcf and take no ouicr kind m half an hotuj with titer wi men the w1u aad the tr ofthft uftj milbarnsufcf trot and wiuo it prqiar- ed from tbe froih beef lolaaboiron and purecherry wtae combined with choice aromatic croup whooping ooafih and btonchlui iramllsleiyrelietoabybhilohaoare llubarn wine forti fies the system again t atucki of agne chilli btliouk feverj damb ague and like troawos shiloha vilailieris what jua nocd foflj coqstipliou loss olajipolitc dicztqess and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 ccnla per bottle never allow the bowels to remain eon- itipatcd lest scrioas oni ensue national fills arc ancrpissed as a remedy lor con stipation shiloha coagh and consumption care is sold by us on a gcaarnteo it cares cod suuiftioa vicuna carbolic halve is a wonderful healingooaipoandforcct woadsbcuisea barns- scalds boils piles pimples ac for lame back side or dies use shllohs porous ulasjcr price 2j cents worms caaso- much siefcaess among children freemans worm powders pre- tenl this and make the child bright and healthy catarrh cared health and- eweet breath secured by bhilohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents- kara injector frcc that hacking couh can be so quickly cared by shilahs cure we guarantee it give hotldways corn care a triah it removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain what it has done once it will do again i jt sctf rr atuck ifias bella elliot of pontypool ont writes jfy brother and- i were both taken ill with a severe attack of diarrhea baring tried other remedies we tried dr fowlers eitract otwildstiawberrywhich gave immediate relief mrsenry graham wingham writes us for years t hive suffered with indigestion and during that time i coold get nothing to give me relief although i tried a great many different kinds of medicine recommended for that complaint i nowteel like a new man and this won derful change his been accomplished by the use of foar bottles of northrop ly mans vegetable discovery to me it has been to ralaable medicine c4kupaua if nearly always induced by neglcctiog to keep the bowels regular acd is sjdo a fre- i quant sequel to dyspepsia or indigestion regulate the stomach and bowels by uring bordock blood bitters which is certain to promptly relieve andiiltimatcly care the worst cases of constipaiian when yoa need a good jafe laxative ask ypor druggist for a boxof ayers pulc and yon will end that they give perfect satis faction for indigestion torpid liver and tick headache there is nothing superiorj leading physicians recommend them tried lad proved i have used jr fowlers extract of wild strawberry fcr summer complaint hive proved it after a fair trial a sure care both in my own case and otheu of of th family lauratta wing new dun dee wterieo co 0i professor pacthierof pans states- that certain vital processes of the body develop putrefying substances in the tissues which if not speedily ellmateo prodaee disease ayers earupsrilli effects the removal of these substances and thereby preserves health a terrible ten teatx lifrs thomas acres of hontly ooi- soffered ih the torments of liver complaint for ten years four bottles of b b b entirely cared her milking her like a new woman again after other medicines had failed to relieve her those intolerably painful and constant ly harassing things called piles which trouble so many people are soon healed by dr thomas electric oil the great extern al remedy for physical sneering and means of rehevicg pains a very small quantity achieves results of the most gratinog kind- ictxmteflilmr late last fall i was laid np in bed three days with a very severe attack of diarrka and vomiting nothing benefited me un til my neighbor sirs dunning recommend ed dr fowlers eitract of wild straw berry and brought me a half bottle which she had in her house in three hours ihc vomififlg was stopped and i was able to sit op by night i woald not now lh7k of anng any other medicine colcmhcs hopkins hamilton onf a pulii uatawwt all polsotuoi wuto ud worn loot mat ter ought to escape from the iyttea through tho socrelloni of the bowcli kldoeye iaod skin b b b cleaniea opens ajid rofiu- latea thno natural outlets for tbej removal ol dlicate ask for ayers saraaparille til be sure you pvt it when you want tlm iwat blijodpuriflir with its forty wars ifot fliiuxamplqit sue if cww in 1h aire u imchk olseahcti you utu make iiu mis take in prefcrriug amors sarsaparilla tn any other tha ocntiiiicr ut nio- iriiliqotliiodlcij-t- ay its irsaparilla is rll uie uiixl ioi- tlar uiij in gtvat- cr tlniiaiul tlian all olcsoaibinil aycrnifarwmatilla is outnsr faster tliau evcrj licfyn i icvir hemiuc to nctcuiuctiti it t- itoruw whitiuwu dntgrlst albany iml i am wife in saying thai my mile of ayetv satviiarilla far cmv vl ativ other and irgivcilkiriuiiixtnruc- till if limb jliijues laua avcrr satiaiiarilliaml ajctv iills are id lnst killng innliciikjlu uiy itore f can rvoouiuicnd them couwieii- titnisly liickbau iharmaciat loscliud iii wo have sold ayers sariirila iicrc far over tliirty years cud alvms tvcomiueiul it when akcdld naute tfie lct broodiitirificr w t mclean dnirgift auguxollq i have fold yfiur idmnes fur the lxt fevecittn vcar and ahvay ktep llitiu in ktckic as they ore vtajik there is nvthluz zwl fijr u tk fcl bloo1 as avcrv sintaitartlla u l parker fox ukf ws ayerv taiaiarini prrs thftlyit saufaciou ct riy medk-jai- i lave iu stock i ntfitniiiend itjoras c doctors kiy i prwmliclit over to counter it tuvcr jalu to linct 1 1 eaes foe which i roimiiemlit even where the doctors irvscrintiony 1iiti itoeu of no avail c i calliotm motimouth icauxox ayers sarsaparilla or j c ayer k co lowed mils prlceliiutijats fcrth ti a leuie mfwwwwm weekly empire oahabis leadm papee ilcsttlliaelic tht hspihe tlrro fls cftaliijiiracat has net frith neprecrfert ed ecess xodalreadj tiands in the prnnd pntinrt of canada leadior jocruu bet ia crdcr tnpucc the ttejekll edttiov tn thcbsarlicif every tarmer in the domiaicn ihu fall the iabslicrs have had- prcparol a handsale and lifclitc best of ses john sl4cdonald to be pi rra ti pvrry nb5crivr la the wtqtlt ehfiiie pinxc oin vcut rx iotixce onx5t si fsb ansttju i0w is see ctcei eijbecsibi wrjress the empire toronto thej warm weather has come but clothing clothing i is still necessary ctfiuciiiptlaa cared an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hsnis by an east india missionary tle formula of a simple vegetable really for tiie speedy and per- maneot cure of cossa rapt ion bronchitis catarrh asthma and ail throat acd long affections alsoa rxxitive and radical core fornervoas dtbiiiiy zu i ail ncrvoai cora- painf afurhavig lasted its wonderful earative powers in ihassini of cases has felt it his duty to mike it known to bis suneriogfelj3w actrtts by tain motive and a desire to relieve hasan snfferjtug i will send free of charge to all whutdeeire it this recips in german ireuca or eng lish with fall dircricns for prqiiring and using sent by niail lo addreihing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 143 powers block eochester n y gilbert laird st margarets hope orkney scotland writes i am requested by several friends to order escther parcel of dr thomas electric oil the last i got from you having been tested in several cases of rheumatism has given relief when doctors medicines have failed to have any effect the excellent qaahties of this medicine nhould be made known that the millions of- sufferers throsghoat he world may benefit by its providential dis- coverj i m breibiaii merchan tailor allr ftvoraljlc prises and cib the pzrpok o givirs his caatoeiers itc lceit ho will sacrifice them forlheneitfoartectsetcoheardof low price for cah z lo ti les than can be puixhue cmwherc vi for infants and children otorta u nn adaptod to cifldnn hat i oartoru mm oolte oaaufum i rtw it aa tapcrioc to any pracrlptioa i fltomiduiharrtioja znutattoa u18ooited6urootl7iiiit wttesttjnrkmj t tna corrint oootaxt tt uumr fitroot it y s- llftl u- aueipli clbl newest fall arrivals overcoatings scotch tweed sittings ganadiaii tweed suitings shaw acrlndy merchant tailors cuetph ballwat oodio 1as7 juxlii57 am t fc eiprwi i co an g paamalllj9ajnr tdtobgbexpoopioll aojom 00 pm iffihl- qhlcaboeiprtmlottidja andbrampteu t7v niojottxoiuio i gl ooiojwmtrnjmdaodsn i 5 oolof eat10s0ajdao4ba jrv qlokes wood engffavei 10 kjng st- east sendfor- prices- kelly brothers merchant tailors having jail paascd into biock uio fiocat asortmcut of imported and domestio suitings pantin and ove oatinjs exhausted vitality the sciexce op life the great itcdica work cf the ago on manhood xcrvouj and iirtical dcbilitr 1rc- mttcro docuno krrorta cf losth aad tho oatom mil- cries conseqaenttlicrcch a paeasvo iis rrrctiitia for ill dimaaes cloth full gilt cclr 6100 hf mail eajcd niustratirc lamiie fwe o jill yoanfiicii2miieafftlle2 feral cow ten gold ml jewclcd ifeda avar4ci to the aalher byt kllioaal sfcdicaiaociaioa address oior 1933 ilostot uui cr dr ii iajt- kekgrtdaauiot earrard lccdical colcg3 13 yearf iraetfee in tfoctca jrho way bo czzt alted cocfidcnuauy siicciajty dlrcwcs of ifaa omcokotb dr chase has a world vile rcpaiatijii as a jth yslciaa tsl aatiior kit ifandrits dci3ioa liver cere it alrianipaof medical sidll curij j1 the dis eases of ihc kidacy acd liver svafptous of ktdnet complaint partrccslcf ich indraif in thehact adallpaitter kcj la ihc ijujjcracllaic otthc toaca ccaiiiac enco of tea obetrccxl rci2 dtiirc la cria- at eipcctally at cifiiit tcj tei penoaa hot dry tfcis- pajecoiiiiciioridaii white 1c- poiit lrdplxiac wr soach conip-i- uoa pflci uvcratcdlircjil5 i c sylittolkof 1 liver complaiktpala tmlrihodicr bajtciicc nailowcc-ilcrfs- a wcury tirl feehciao life cr cacny licaliclc lyt- pcrriaiadi5estioafiou pajplesde howcuied vfardxaic acd dandclioa arc catnc liver icrcatndwhea ccabicod nrjih illjcv rtuce- dies aa fn dr chaws liver czn viil isort pontivcljr urn all kidneyli vcr trouble it sets liko a chaxa iccaifnj lb closed hrcr itweglhcniag the kfdeeys and iavcartlin the vhoiobody sold bviii deajcraat ft rilh k- ccift doc t which aloae is worth the ajolcy etonet oalr kid- ltveh ncylitvr 1ill- cide they act cnily yet cecaiy mav be curu ki-fney- pills laica durinr era povucst liver trouhlea headache bllic a dose somlyejl icacn t edhaktjson co i bradford ost jiaac worcester jbrjdged qvartq dictionary thai have ever been shown in the county we are cow in a position to suit any person reopiring anything n clothing our prices are right and we will guarantee every garment to be perfect both in fit and fpiah no fit no sale hun dreds of patterns to select from house west of toronto wa also carry the finest stock of xeckties collars cuus asking for a ihare of your patronage we remain sincerely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted tod shirts to be found in an kelly bros the haryest is completed and money will soon be plentifu kenneyi bros actonj a aware that at this timeofteab the farmers bspeclillv begix to select theirfootwear for fall and winter afd to meet the ueiiaicd have filled their shelves with a large stock of boots and shoes of all kinds for everybody and the public is veil anare that or cash we can inpply superior rood at wry low prices oar ordered work alwayt pleaiea and repairing is neatly and promptly executed we hate a nice assortment of trunks and valises direct fromthe fafltory at satisfactory prices give us a call call and see ui when you coma to acton s big eihioluon klejnney bros wool wool wool crohiisr isrbttonsr limehouse woollen millis are now prepared to pay the highest market prices for allwool offered in cash or goods we have a large a we ndll assorted stock of blankets tweeds flannels stocking yarns knitted etc i in great variet selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers with or without vvu jai pittt izzcl edition of 888 enlarged by the additiaa of a xtw prgasancias biographical dicionary of acarly hxqb pcrsoaacs cad a cct rro- cacncics gazeteer of the world cotfae and locajss over 2ccc0 places contairigaiso over 12500 new words recently addd tesctber ritii a table ofsooowordaidgener al use with their synonymes tlicsttutel- tiric wood cits ixj rcllpice platile the xatioaal standard of aicericanlitcratcfc evirteioraolbociiow eoec iirjast ernfng villittiar and other erirs auicricaa aclhcrt follows vorcer it patstbe cme cf all great eclish wrlin- it is th aathorityof the ieadlas cjaciscs 2d news- paper of the ccaaut and of tlo xtiioail do- partccutaat wnshiactca ron saxj et ixr boozzllzz j b uppxc0tt 09jpat pnhllelirt 7l5 tad 711 ifartet street thilajcphii roll carding spinning weaving and in fact all kinds of custom work done in our usual prompt and satisfactory manger magnificent display milliner- mantles dress goods carpets curtaiiis etc mckay brothers everybody well nleuod cith this elegant diplay 15 80 iic xev theck dresagoodi t ifl oc xe xev stripe dress goods so es 90c xc plain dreu goodi 10 is er chamtinji 10 li 15 0c sew prints il 10 uic xextaiieitry carpet js ao 53 0 so t5c xcirbniasels carpets tic 100 u0 xew wool carpeu 57 40 to75e had 1j0 new lacc curtaiai uned lid zl33 tu0 i00 wj3 xcw serial haircloth 10 li 1580c new curtain fot50t5cm00 kermiufm euoeuo lliliiiicry very cheap new jersey jackets extra valaa 63j0xew styles in dressmaking mckay bros 46 6i48 king street east hamilton carina effect many persocs wonder at the tircd worn s4direary bowels sore thrs1 oat any apptrrent cause it may be poverty ci the blood or a disordered stomach in either cue the stomach blood and liver are not forniinj heir regolar ftmctioss d with many persojm they will follow a dalj hetty headache neusea itnd many othes smptoma that precede a well developed cue of dyspepsia partf the w000v cjesnw the eystem of pjod teereitonebi tfewciham rmsajniku 4 prepared by j b mmrhitmj xoigf9tree a chemist of ninpt jt jtcrham df iron anil ttlnc- i you are laogdi and weak and your appetite poor my bfecf iron and wine is the tonie be sure as an in vigors tinff tonic it is rocogiazcd by tho medical professien as the best sixenguieatngmedjcino that far prodacecl it- is invuable as a hloodandmasclf tracer wpecially in those cases where weakness isthe result of imperfect or-in- fopd of wastinji fevers of excess of any sort it contains the notriflkat of beef the btimuiaot propcrticfl of wine- and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cai- calatodto bnildnp the emaciated system beautiful black worsted suits at sl7 to 18 which cost else- where 22 to 23 calllcd cxanlic the tl picaisre to ihtnr tiles t for it always gicos rtlti i mefttud comfort i uit uf fcr lag browns household panacea has no qnal for relievjnc pain both internal end xternal it cures piti in tbe bidtlback rbcatcal toothache cambv sad any kind of s psloor aehi it will most lurelyqnick en the blooa aod ileal as it acting power tiwonderfol broiru acet beint acksowledged as tbe great paidhelieterjiddof dmble tbe itrenetb of any other eluir or lluiment in tbe world boa id lie tb eviery 7s nty bandy for tue when waoted a it really is ibe besi remedy 30 the world jfor crsropf in tbe stonu aodfailapdxhsofllkird od is for aala by ill draggstf at 25 ce rt firennan alfrsjttccps prices right for his cui teviktx and wtu bo found the cheapen man ia awn mbrennan x 10000 pr6elit to rnct ainriyc r unj tnrr us- y nmt ir c t v -iv- wto nil rv i- lit f af nd tin lfrj- 1 ra-f-mcnm-iuii- ml tflrop 8tmm labsbby a lof turk s tonpte authors cox manafaciurers cf trusses artificial- limbs eancoi fci if tohjtnaiihody kal appiancoi fcr all do ttijutlof soai ditcasc hip joint diiae diseai nf te kcp and ackjckcoeic knee how legs ciubtml ec al50cectc1tes 117 ghorgh st toronto dr fqyilek extpf vld olivet college olivet mich for both cies expecsei low seven de- partmeat able inattuctori large library vine ifuaeem fall tcna opens sept 13th talogue fine iftiaecm fall tcna openi sepl winter term jan 3rd send lor cai burdock rlood will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia dizziness dropsy fluttbtlng acidity of k the stomach dryness of the skin cures hofcera holeramophus plficasp ramps indigestion jaundice erysipelas i salt rheum heartburn headache anil every species of djs a rom disordered l1vkx fwjsts stomacbbowxls or blood tffllbtjrnco prois yeliiiffii i cure rheumatism preemaits worm powders t am pletsoni to tola contain their own tnrcivo ia atajanro tud effcercsf destroyer et worsts in ciillinm or adnln breadmakers yeast itileatj rrjuc of thli vcort trirk 1 ij ftri lriaja al ontario ialislacvshst ivllit t7jcaiy jvat fevcrcijlivunt it irur vu lightest vrhiust kwcrtt- 1 ifixnd rn irauf ajid lbchimi cr junta vs jbjicrs iancarlv every totvti ia cauaila an uing price five cents drhodders burdock compound cures jtbt oomjmlot bflioaimeis sidtsbtatthtr bdattio4bjts khsuiiiitislifi bkinslmiw sndaubnpnntlea of the blood from whatevr i viang the great 8prlng edlclpe ftictc with puis tit j db hodders littte ltveb pllls frery unall and easy to take no dfrukno nokause4 hold everywhere price s3 cts the tkion medicine 30- prlatora toronto out iyop the ar u 1amo aubummercom h6wjee-of- itjsisw5ndri ifflt to farmers and thresherjs 1 tjbbonvourmaobmervonly the wallkno tn be21les oil- 9 qqld med ailfi l i g y y try ajao our pmtuii a 8rouotaror wagons and hona pawns this ollsue usod uxi highly teeaamaadad at tbehodal faringiielph rarmartaakfortlmm ownoothor iatarrftiantefflbmsiiy jt v ji vih tssbgjws tortmi pl vi ampec tpmpounii sithtittj tirkquthuftfxarue vitdidi up in cralirftki hotdijujmru and vu nam eftu hwierlgji kll in red ink aeroat oupidtm bcieare of imitations rtfu 0 tutctt and yoa xeill not btdi cnresflwccwtgi npstiteness ani ab srogfiumatiisorderedstst otbi stomach and bowelr such a dftpepsis or ind i i w 3w- ftari 7 u an aflbctlons headache aclditr of the stomaeli price 85 catrta per iottit noasatrnxmc bivis t utoescs tuj lcirai ftjotkpiitlejtaap 1 1 uaw aiaf tue kxmedt 01 c ciitj cohsdbptioliuopp- asthmairpjp i- au dlsusis of the toso tk imf pjjlu0sa1w obgjfs 8t it riiinrfl cia ooksukpti05eabb i wira odetjrar atinl latent neoracemlfd i17 pnvxin iv 1 x r- ci in lie bj tirrybftt ua fckj tral hmrtjchiiai as in expctorrit it till it it ilannltu lo lit jtfdtf italp it contains so opium j psirt zc5x- ixd toq riitdrixii da7is f utozsc3 catlstidli general agrtht jfatftcij the principlebfc treathkeit m nwashif6r0lijd eminacl throat andlinq bugs m will next vjit aettni domanonaork u 10nday octob r ltvi jlfter arrival of atlernoon tain from iffp anttl530lvm oni day onlti calarbh thboatci ed a fer onlv of the hundreds of lodsrfitlciai by dr vashlngtous new mb houlo haiaiioi j chronio bronchitis an engliah cinrch clergyman bectobt cqbnttauirx1 dawashisgtos din su i am glad to be abal tbj i thajiiv daughter itqulto well shf tstht second time the baa teen eprwj of bronchial troablol andor joar bt8hbt the atnal remedici failed i wish tt exprm crtltnde please- aecopl yonrs truly pb petttt mrsjno ijekrivy elotonjjtot and consumption fl john mckeltyklnsston oovc rtaif itrs a hoppiag kinsstoa nubn mb connjmptlon sir e scott kjnsstoa ont datanb and throat tirsjnobotramhaitotimithpntca iff throat xi james ilatthowt p uastex act in ont 1 w tarrah bead and throat f 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