Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1888, p. 2

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born- wife oltr robert biorcf o wn j akdcboslaktwfljtott the tttfl ml the wife of mr j ohn anderson of a fcotv in the luitirt church m woodstock bv the ker j v barber of dlxltl stww lux vwtiirir e- t daaotsof montreal to uis tittle strinchani ot woodstock jutu3thuuusox at milton cafuiektb r fast at the residence of the brides iftther bj- 1 kcv go curtr ci k- applcbr ic htttie youngmt dsaghtvrof william harrison q died qjlunoai hie ltlo rcidiiitc wiltoh 6auon vciaejar october ittti john caula la us itrijpii rtiiw at praia ptca pradcr october uti coccgc ulic etnialii tvthjttr iviuairr la trmfiljar oi wh october thot vvricfct brother of mr etchlsa gnat jooneeicuu aej i years j scjtt av lie- sio3tiahai in tie towa- thipo suaca mocdtv hud iajt aaie hcadcnoo tvlovwl sie iif vtliaua x scott etj afcd j3 years and 5 inoatha 1 ostbiwirn at itivkwood oa tec tut last- v itlvhrsdirioctoneet 25 lss6 i votes itj co ttlcexk si thccias ntai ia nearly 5200 lut treefc in scott act sacs ani coslsj til the twenty foor hotel keepers pleading guilty iml ail bat one to a seoohd osencc referring to the protest the brampton cyfrtofr tayrlt hey can mtablififa their ease before the court then john wal- die will be aaked to siepdown and oat once stin md litltori kiu atic be open when it will be darid hendersons tarn to be elected the death o hen james paltoa collect- la office lirely or o customs if toronto netted for which there will co doubt be race it teas stated some lime ao that hrl pattoa was to be aaperannaited and bis place given to hr john smalt 1l p for east toronto who was to be sacceeded ia lh house of ccazmons by mr e f clarke the present mayor of tcrcnto- ice report is sent cut that cxrecterfeit tea dollar bills of the bask of commerce are in circclalioa it docs cot take the counterfeiters bag to gst hold of a new bill and mate a copy of it xhey find that it is eascr to pass d a bill of a new issue than a bill of an eld one as people hare cot become use ta the loot of jhe new issae and are mere earijy deceired by it since the cotton eonbxatioa piecesa ocople of months o thl price of canadian cotton has fallea from tweaty- three to sixtsea zni threequarter cectx per pound a decline cf aboot twer tyseren per cent which is scixhat less 1 han the cateoftheproctiveddynpon these ffjods the dieree in prices represents the diff- ereace between prices determined by com petition and thoe fired by comhinatiaa tfcp in viceroy ird dc5erin hzs been iiaised a the peerage fee his services as acdapparently especially for harir added bsrmah to the britiahindiaa empire this is iniicaied by hii second title which is earl of asa ihe ancient and moat re- nowced of the capitals cf burma kni one after which the whole empire ofj boxma waa once named he will be lord duffer- ta still as his fistfctlets ifarjaisocdafi- r erin the adnnce in wheat has in some parts bat not everywhere afeced the price of the bakers loaf in eome placei fil tat has been taken of it to pat on one or two cenls and there is a load oatcry there at imang that class of the people who have to ginch and eiteip order to rnjfr both eads meet in acton no advance has br maoe fcrr ihe bakers the twq poend loaf issuh sold for sir cents mid tkisjanpears ttobcjoontt inh ensash cor the recent advance of wheat the bank statement for september has jast been issced the paid cp capital has been increased 33991 being all present koos the dank notes in circulation reached i2132g an rn- ot2 til since last mnth the dcmimoa gor- emment deposits increased 5 1013919 an in crease of atcui 00000 theamoane dne from americaa banks is 231206774 te- dacticn of 190550 a redactioa is shown fa onjrdae bills not specially secured total assets 25lf2t3f 1 tnkrkmovalofamaxtfactory dutittr the put two or thrw yeiri oar readeri have become well acquainted with th client- tfld importaco ot ths ttonk aad tatchel manalactoryot mostta j e mc- gattin co ot lull place aad ol it iuq- ccstia oompetiuoc with other m malic torici in the same lines until lately this basinets with iit thirty orfortyemployeea has boca looked upon by our citizens as one of the fiied industries of the town and to it waa generally coniidered to be bat wc rcrtt to have to announce that the baaincasit likely in a short time if be re- mo ed bcuce for some lime the town ot tlecliu hive regarded the hiiijcess refecrol to with very envious eyes and at lastdelecmiool to sccare it it a financial consideration would effect any such result with this purpose in view they apptoachcduessh j e mo- garvin co ihd made thca the offer of a booas ol 5000 and in adiition a loan ot if they would arrcc to remove their business to that town and employ fifty hands atter the first year such an offer la any young businets would nitarally be uunptibp and after cjasiiecatioa of the matter the firm decided to accept it it rati fied by the ratepayer the vote cpoa the bylaw authorising the council to late such eitpo was ttkca oa monday and resulted in a majority ot 0t in ftvor cf the aetioa proposed thus actoa will loso an im portant iudestry which his for soine years circalalcd a large amouat of mcaey for labor ttc ia oar midst we are sorrj- to losa messrs mcgsrvin t cch and their business from actoa both mxhcgirvin and mr craine have been residents for many years and pos sess the respect of all oar citirens while their business has been of considerable nice to aa as a municipality however if they deem the change to be t3 their aancal advantage and convenience withstanding the fact that the conditions imposed will to some extent compromise their personal iuiependeuce and franchise aidtizeni ia the town of their proposed adoption we wish them all passible suc- oeas concerning berlins coanectioa with the matter we have little to say bit it will be generally conceded that the spirit which iadwx that town to virtually rob a weak er neighbor of an industry which contrib utes to a considerable extent to its support will not be credited to the big towns super ior business enterprise but to an inordintte and unfair greed for the centralization of of manufacturing estiblishmeuu for the purpose of forestalling this unfair spirit the leislxtare in their wisdom at the ltst session saw st to piss the foltotrin amend ment to the municipil act xo bocre tbtll be printed by t rjuciciiniity to secure the remoytl thereto cf ta icacftrj- ej- reaiy estihziihpi eltcvhtrc in the province unfortunately this amendment does not come intoforce until next month some may sxy why did acton nrt give a bonus to retain the industry for sev- era reasons the principal cf whichis that oar municipality and ratepayers do not approve of the principle of bonuses con- aidering it unfair to the people and to busi ness generally another that wecocld not isbrd to compete wilh a town like berlin tathe extent of the bones osered aciba harnever granted a bonus to any penon or firm and is no likely ever to take rach a step we have no doafct however that a reasonable loan could have been effected if our municpalconccil had teen ap proached notwithstanding the removal c the manufactory above referred to the public mast cot conclude that acton will safer any ereat calamity as a result- tne place grew and prospered before this binttss was boateinplited at all and though it his during its existence somewhat added to our progress our town will continue to prosper after the truck factorys removal for with in our borders we hare the elements which legitimate enterprise wjll reward with con stant advancement and increased import ance old residents bevgudkbed on monday evening of list week the friends and neighbors of mr joseph brawtlhdga met at hia residence near hornby to the ndmbcr of about one han dred and thirty they cmo ptoiidod with wellfilled baskets and after a inert timo ipcut in jeueral grcetingi and plouant conversation the company sal down to tea after the iucer man had been well sap- plied mr c l preston was called to the chair he made a few opeuing remarks and then calledupon mr j a howiou who read the following address to mr aah ifiis huovsiitixic dtit fitirkwlt u with fceknffs cf iiuccrcat flcasare tlt vc a few of your celfiibon sad friends ire assvaibiwi licro tocigut for lha pur pose of expressing curfricadihfp to 7011 and the citdeni a which j oa are hcm by m during joar lang reildosco wnonit joa htvo becouio cajcared to in bj your aianj- colilcqutlitiee of cilad tad heart tad whllet it if cpeitaro thnt to iiify our affectlca sad the cicoai fa shich ycu treheld by usasacih barf frieadi sl chriitiias ivi a tastier cf kecatst regret to tbhiklhu joarc 10 oou to rcaoffl frcai our uitdtt as neighbors year ailliug tad gcaerouk tsiiuaco aad yoar cheer ful aeourafcaeat ia diirculty u bo ilaeercly reacajbcred by is at fricadi we ui ud the klad scd iyniiithcue hcrtc which were tlayi ia rcidy to replead to the cl cf thoe la tick acts or distress tad as christian those vhoce niftiest lici tad joy is to tec the work of ho cc- titemcr cdvtaclaf in our mi jet wc dctiro further to ciprces our feelings ia soaicthicg mjr taaiblo thin vrordi tad we ihcrtxcro ik you to tcccpt these two easy chilis g t reminder cf car ntjo2 for yuc hoiiiug thtt they city ia waie eaitil degree tdi to your conzfort tadcjojceat ia the well caraed ret from tctive bualarts which yoa hire in procxkct catit yoattttiathtf ret of the better country where tnins ihtjl be no laorc mr browaridge mido a suitable reply referring to his bag residence in halloa and while thankful that a rest from the active and busy cares which have thus far ia life chiraclerized his career was aboat to be enjoyed he regretted hit removal from the midst of so many kind friends and neighbors a number of those present followed in short and- timely addresses expressive of regret at the departcro of mr and mrs browuridge the proceedings were enlivened with music by members of mr broworidges family and others the presentiembraced a couple of very handsome easy chairs and a hit rack all of whith were mida to order mr brownridfic and his fsmify remove to brampton this week 1 1 it is reported that halton is notartisflfid with the treatment she has received at the policial polls yet and a second attempt u to be made- to unseat her lately elected member mr jco waldie on the old score of bribery and corruption one waah be inelined to think hilton has had election strife enough and rather than plunge into soother lagoon of ancerfainty she woald allow her repretenfafive to retain his seat even supposing it was gaml in a way not satisfactorily acco2nted for fergus adn- caic 1 an extensive fire in toronto um ramiiel llenflinla i cob wholcwde nnrdware6tor6 and stock dostrojcd- tlic lost estfiuftlcd nl 98500q tonoxto oct 24 au exlcatfve flro broke out ihortlyfter eight oclock last ovening in the pwtnliea occupied bytho welhkiiown wholesale hardware firm of mourt samuel benjamin cv co 66 vouge alreet the first intimation of its prosecco waa conveyed lo i c mckee who wai doing daty 00 the corner of yonge and king atrceu by a young man who happened to bo coming past the warehoaia and noticed smoke iisa- iog from the basement window the policeman loat no tim in sounding the alarm which ooa brought hie fire brigade to the icene when they arrived the lite however had mado coasiderabla headway it appeared to have originated in the base ment which was atorcd with manilla and hemp rope and cordage tarred atd aatar red and this class of goods being of a high ly inflammable chuaclsr nclines o the theory that the fire was caused byspoalan- eoascomtiuttioa the fire soon reached the hoitt aniin a few minutes it was raging ia iho oppcr flats the ground floor is principally devoted to metals but in the second and third flats which are stored with an immense stock cf ihelf hardware and house faruithiegs the damage is very serious lthe firemen worked hard to get the flames nnder control bat were haiidi- capped cbesiderably with the wires strong alocg the front of ihc building when the fire communicated to the second storey a quantity of cartridges stored there began to explode and for a time it was feared that there was gunpowder in the building and the crowd gathered alocg the street stampeded fur safe- after about three hours hard work the firemen finally man aged to extinguish all traces of fire the damage is very heavy and is esti mated at fully 5000 to stock and about 110000 to the building a portion of the ground floor rented to the canadian pacific as a ticket ofnee was flooded and damaged to the extent of about 5330 the stock and buildings are insured for fuo000 in all the leading com panics doing bniiness in canada mr samuel was seen by a reporter and said that the business would be continued as if nothing had happened the firm has now heen doing business for thirty three years and this is the first mishap that has occurred to it selung eaeler to jrake beee the last of the season tteerln show u favored with fine weather and li the lcual sarcess commenting upon our county election troubles the 0akrilla teray it would appear to be an imposeibiiity to elect a member for hal ton without giving aa op portunity cf petitioning against the re turn the candidate generally so con ducts himself that everything is fair and above board bat unfbrtnnately eome over xealous supporter or supporters blunder and the result is calamitous to all concern ed there is not a county in the domin ion where the electors are more thoroughly schooled in voticg or where fewer mistakes are made in marking the ballot taielvg 800 ariles sftsf ol tot of tdiiioaifl from uafialo vi lionize and yew ygrk the baffajo eecntxj icozx reports that lhe new long distance telephone which is soaaio be pat into operation there was teat- t edhjthe officers anldirectorstif the bell company on the hlh inst the cotmee- tiooe had been put in at 5 p m and com- mudjcation wasat once opened between boston springfield new york troy and buffalo r wires worked well and con versations between the most distant poiats could be as easily cirried oa as if both parties were within a block or two of each other ia the city the line belongs to the american telephone and telegraph co of new york add 1 600 miles- in length going throagh troy down lo new york tcnce to boston via springfield mass this test shows that ihe problem of long distance felenhouinghas been solved and all inter- est were congratulated on its success puiy 011 canadian ittjrsif wishisctos d c- oct- 22 acting- secretary thompson has informed a cor- respoodesjt in canada that there is nolair aathonnog the free entry of horses import d into the united states for working pur poses daring the winter or any other sea- the final exhibition for the season that of erin township was held last wednesday and thursday aad ia keeping with its rep utation it waa a great success the at tendance was immense and inclaaeda large number of actons citizens the weather as usast was finein fart there has not been a bad day for this exhi bition for nearly a dozen years ana this waa iustrumsatal in bringing out a large number j taking everything as a whole the exhibi tion was aheadof last year there may hare been a slight falling off in some de partments hut these were more than over balanced in others the ladies work was very fine and the exhibit large especially ia the fancydepartment nor was the do mestic manufactures behindhand a finer lot of home made blankets mits stockings etc could not be desired and the matrons and young women of tfie township hare to be congratulated and justly too ia this re- epeci there efforts in a great degree sup- plied the adornment of the half as re gards erain on the whole it was good there werewrce fine samples of cats peas and barley while the exhibit cf whext was large thecpes fine exhibit of grain from manitoba occupied quite a sgc and drew considerable attention the field roots were extraordiniry no finer pots- toes were ever eeea thin those exhibited butter was shown in any quantitv espec ially in tubs the quality was good the exhibit of home made bread baas aad icones was also good hut cot better than before in the canned fruit lice etc tha exhibit was large and the quality choice they coasisted otaumerous varieties the outside show of horses battle sheep pigs etc was very good indeed perhaps the light horses predominated in number batas regarded th fuility in the other classes compared with them it is a ques tion which class would tafce the lead pure bred dnrhaas and grade cattle were well represented i bulls ni hull carves were there in abundance and a finer lot of cattle- never graced tlie erin exhibition the same remark nil apply to sheep the leiccsfers were remarkably good and so were the bhropshircs cud the southdowns the shoiy ot nsf w superior but that of fowls was ouly fair although there were a few fine birds exhibited in some clasies to the editor of the fiua ptxss j dcia sm there is oce kide of the liquor question that is not much spoken of except as a sabjsc of derision qf the tem perance people by the hjuor party i re fer ta the growing aad selling of barley for liqaormakius purpose in press and on phufirrn the evils of the hqaor curse and oar duty iu relation thereto if discuedin burning larcugt yet who ever tees or hers a word in condemnation ol farmers tcmiwrate or intemperate charing in t the profits ofthe liquor trifac by disposing of their grain for lienor inaunfactare it osy bz argued thtt barley pays well to risc and sell in this way and it is follyfi rcfcbc- the price offered fer it simply hcl caue it is aiierwsrds ratnefactsred into uqnor but this principle a mm would be justified in engaging in the liquor business pure zjiz simple cither as brewer tavernl keeper or hartenir if thereby he could increase his income yet there are wer may say hundreds of men who would scorn to be considered connected with the liqeor business who derive quite a revenue every year- directly therefrom by selling their barley to the maltster borne at tempt to let themsehes off with the plea lhat they do cot deliver their grain at th malthouse or brewery bat simply sell it to a dealer at a storehouse who is respon sible for what is done with it and it it no difference to them where he eeads it but let any cne reasoning thus consider what barley u worth at mills as feed and he will cd lha the difference ia the price that can he afforded to be paid rhakes it almast absolutely certain that what u sold to the dealerlt the higher price goes to the brewery it his been thrown ia the teeth of temperance men again and again that they arc hat consistent with their proles sloes when they send their grain to the brewer there is a good deal cf weight in the charge there is lo law of right and wrong which excludes an aati any more than a temperance man bat the lat ter especially should be careful to see that their professions end their practices agree the thoughts of the tears and sighs of wives and mothers the hanger and distress of children the eflimef life and awf al death and more awful eternity of the drunk ard which is so often mentioned surely cannot be pleasant company- for the tern peracce farmer who rides home in his empty waggon with tea or twelve doilars extra ia his pocket because he was not fool enough to refase a good price when he could get it trxrtsascc facitce aaidiacd of ijndlartjn xrt week before udga miller joseph chisbblm of acton was up for trial on the charge of having set fire to certain woods a the baah of alexander b wright the crown failed to establish a case- and cbuholm was accordingly acquitted mr w a mclean of guclph appeared for the accused the galt poisoylyg case a ycuu z woman named rrnnrah boyd arrest- tdatthorold j tfioaom oat oct 20 detective mur ray of toronto arrested shus hannah boyd here today in coanectioa with the gait poisoning esse and took her to gait this evening she has been living as a ser- vant with a family here for the past three months it is reported that she formerly lived with the lowell family in gait ax omctix stirriaxxt the provincial authorities furnished the following official statement last night de tective murray on saturday afternoon ar rested a girl named hannah boyd on a charge of being implicated in the gait poisoning case at the time of the arrest she was passing under the name of anna bona she was broaht to berlin and taken before d spiers jp and remanded for a week she is now in the btrliu jail when arrested she was employed as a ser vant at the boose of a prominent citizen in tiorold where she had been working for some months post mr- murray returned to toronto dn sunday morcing i no far ther facts can be obtained at present as the authorities consider it mobt important that the knowledge ia their possession should in the interest of justice be with held for a fewdays otherwise tie inves tigation may be matecally obstructed a rortion of oar cocatrylh titrated the lower st lswrcnce will he- came well known to the world if the be taliation business shoal j presently force canadian commerce lo ue her own bays and gplf i is shipping- points for europe meanwhile any one whodetirestocet ear licr in form ali oil ebouij tern to llarptrt hngnzbie for november where c h farn- ham his an article 03 this subject mr faruhtin was chiefly after points of pictnr csque interest but his discription of the great gulf and the jower ilivtr is wide and cives not only an idea of the wild scenery of the estuary but suggests its commercial resources and possibilities tha illustra tions represent careally selected subjects and views and add to the strong impress ion made by the article the if cd ely accident the emiiloyees of the rasfecjrer traia arrct cd for criminal carceacis mattch cstkcfaoct 23 the district- attorney of carbon co shortly before mid- night issued warraots for the arrest of the engineers lookoots fiagraea ni conduc tors concerned ia the recent accident charg ing them with gross negligence and wilful misconduct and for fsilisg to observe the precautioes and rules which it was their duty to obey and observe while ihey were employed in the conveyance cf piaseogers for the lehigh valley eailroad company causing the great accident at mud ban which resulted in killing and injuring many persons st clair tunnel poet hrcos mich oct 16 work on the railroad tunnel cuder the st clair river has now fairly begun the company have bought 30 ton lots at sarnia at cost of 9500 and id acres of land known as the conger property on this side of the river the contract for excavating the ap proach has been let and the work will be begun at oace there are in north america 300000 per sons keeping bee the annual home pro duct iz about 100000060 pounds aad its valneneariybiooooooo the annual wai product it 500c00 pounds and its value more thaa 100000 canada holds the nellt nest yce 01 21 the lurtld today devotes iwood a half columns ofj enice to a series of arliclwon cicadas grip showing that the only navigable channel in detroit river is in canadian territory and all ihe cost of improving hat channel his beeo paid by the united states the ifdld also publishes a map cf thejlime ruins crossing the herald sayh froflv the standpoint ot a retaliation policjr the feature of chief importance is foand in ibn fact that the only channel natiitble for i large vessels lies in canadian territory and j if the channels are lo be closed by anybody cnuada holds the winning crd montreal it to have another ice carnival and ice palaoe this wiater vv powder absolutely pure this powder never varies a marrelof parity strength and whole someaess wore economual ttaathc ordinary loads aad cacao t be 10m in corapeiitiou with the mahitnde of jtfw test short weight aicai or phosphate powders sold ocly ujcaar iot1x bxacrc powdskco 106 wau st k t r b jours noted millineey dry goods house acton ihea for hardware i i have now la stoclc ksiu ctnsdlan and american rattern all u in oat alto steel and chiiol pomtdvroabhtctctnnfchngaadtmkiautlae j hiapw strap t and screw hook buiu 8criwt caucry bpooat axes bsn bjunraen vnoc4ie plane jck kclvei gaaiufle koivort powder fib ot shell cp utaors barn door rollers iadcinjt fllubbcrf hemp 8oti itoos tad atbestoij babbit weul ac i glass 1 j allsiictlcdcnttoorderfrtorottriofouic paints oils a stock cflvjejiejs prepared aad gatta percjt paints alstyi on hand la all popular bhtdct also wliite bead idry and la othtd lead v bod yellow ochre tnd all drycoicrt bouod aad btw oils tarpcntlai vtraiihctjtpaushcntcae worth style strength choice cheapness s the combination offer ed in our great 8tock of new and fashionable goods and includes all things new and desirable for fall and win ter wear dress goods we hxve boofifct larger in thil line ihaji brer before too hearj- we choncht tt lint bot the very o price re uid will ccntlsse mejtisc the cueki of thote cood don vfaea nt law prictc that mean front is to s3 eheaicr hlz oliicr looie in tiii tieinitj- ui tile liteti coloring ind mate ltii intublc tritn- mismnaj be foccd on oar coanierx wtd we wul be pleamd to tar oo ihek jorelj- goodi machine oils lardicc glycerine amberj black tad ctator ries croce a flllice of fine ten coffee bgart tctwcotjlufjitai ctnttntsitlce baheytrioet flat seed alum kosiacrcam tartar pick cheet lard liaoon hlsckwur svc boot 1 starch soap blae veast caic tkl2 powdftr sodt cocoa- nutchocoaceitrcts sitices oraogtitnd leaioa peel ottneal 1 sjixis hcames viaegtrr white jrtae acd cider ia ftt j cverj-jiiagasuall- found la ticrst cliit grocery lampl a full lino all shapes sic ad dofiigas shiset gsobet chiiaaeyt laiai ac theap crockery clbssware icclcilag teadacer aad tcilei eettela puia colored tnd chia alabasune aaothcr lot of this j tally popalar ealtoifiiae fast to hand la all shadea wall pajper a urge stock 03 hand of pjch tad sobby patterns from 5c a roll up a large iot c urn- cants from cue roll to tea at your own price to be cleared oat j dcat fcrget our 30c tecs beat them all and oar per caat well do sole agent for coffee fresh ground is a icaay ycu out 1 saahllock and curtain koucrr aio ulsur- jl bl pearson the xion ol auelph iuxuneey 1 we are rushed a this department aad we would idtuki all wanting really choice goods to come in early our tock is very choice tad a personal inspection tottat eootiace yoa that thia u the rifd home in the county la this liae ocgoodt majctle axd clastes cloths la great 1 variety staples flaanels shlrtfncs eheefiaca linens cot- 1 toes cottonade deafen wtacey ti cretoaaea prints xtnkaaa toweha towelhng ic buakeu froca sass per pair ap we have just received thejfollowlng letterrom our resident buyer in glasgow j d williamson co haberdashery ifd doiea ladies haadiercaiefsfaacy edge at 5c wcrth 10c 90 desen ladies cotlarc at 5c each 100 doiea ladies uool hose from 15c to tjc per pair aflsacs black wool hose large site aad heavy 22 tad 13c i childreai from 12c up- ladies cstiaacre gloves from 15c cp- ladies kid gloves i battocs jsc tad op atfc to tee the alpine the latest wool hat for ladies furs- ftje furs we trs selling pertfaa lamb taps 0 less thaa asisctsac kots tha time boots and shoes ladies doat fail to see onr elegant kid boots at iisq also a line of fine gbodi with toe- cat which it tharaga lakew yorktndtoronto felt boots very low this year groceries always cheap rbjermyn batter and egga wanted glasgow aug j7th 18ss messrs j d williamson- si co gujlph ont dear sirs i haver just retimed from a trip to the continent in jour interest and lave succeeded in com pleting 3our order for frencl dress goods silks satins and trimmings i secured some of the most exquisite suit patterns in french dressgoods rang ing from 40 to 75 francs vhichiaremajrvels of beauty i also bought some novelties in the vay of buttons and trimmings such as other houses in your city sill not have as they are not in the pnglish jrarket i visited a number 0 cerroan manufacturers and purchased a full range of mantles and fur goods on my return i visited london andjcomplettd tqwn order in leeds purchased a large litje of tweeds and cloths and also a job lot of dress gootls wkich i cleared at 15s in the if there are morr 30u can no doubtsell a portion chants in guelph on monda- i shall run over and complete our linen order ls there are many lines i can get better there than in manchester i was glid to hear of your good seasons trade and hope it will continue j-ou- cannot fail to do a good busi ness this fall with the splendid values you will have yours very faithfully williamson s4 oswald st giassow than you can handle f them to other mer- belfast for a week mcnabco merchant tailors have asgdtned posaeasioii oe thebasinessof that wejiknovrn eland the east end ta1xorshop and will cootliiae tha basiflcfls with a desire tpease and satisfy all cos to me rs both as to quality style and price of goods a fair share of pablic patronage is respect ally solicited ladies- ccue directto 99 upper wyndhamtfeet guelph foe tons dry gooi s everylhiag eaticlr ker cboifb aad cheap fiaet priats ia the city ejspfi tatmras gentlemejn i era ihowiag the rarest raagei cf caipcrtfld suitings worsteds and pantings m the city oar styles are correct our prices ua tha chmpest oar fit aad workaitaship aejtasarpaiied kearearbcr the place 99 upixir wradiaai strei r bjlaurance wholesale e nelson a ppsp tneboasc sod lotot thoa c uoofea n- caje pcemloiieiteattdii calari apply to junes buma owner steer stilavbd frcinthe berlot 36 con 4 erni a rod twoy carold tcr totberoeotciyoithff aimt rewarded house fc lot hotse and lot os chn eh hiiua in pood opaditi a wm ol water good caiiea wl i root rr cent oa ircha tuoaej dhedebsox oeogaiuiett for ictoa salesmen vi pffjiavetpostioosgas inteet wibj aad eipeasei pail an j can succeed with us pccalii giaacn stock cocplete iadodiar tellia speciaue outfit ire namfi address at once itliown beo ljrymeahoche5terv v house lot lor 6 jfe the tabscrlbcr hereby t lers bouse tad lot oa tbe soi th ktill tad joha streets this s t tbi corner for baudinj tipt a in pcrtioiif oar enterpriamg ti wn ladt with a bcavt umber fr readilj- removea terms apply on the pieaaises to ale is a srtii glorn nfliij aw br ussesqutt house a- lotobsaiie in agto r in actp r that eomfortablesiiroctt arttiar ii ia yoaogfs s aad cistern tbe boase ise bariag bhea bailt bat two frame stable on the premi kaowa apoo tpplicatieii to fruit trees- sniall fefits and ornmngqal s irobrj 7 rev h- b cook arfoa sole kcent far tbit 1 kaowa old lioehefitcr norterj pnetortnd is prepared to of the frait tree small fniil are shows in the illastjtl nanery- the prodocu ol knrtcrj- ce known tojluj gen correctly named and i can rcsnlu to all who ixircha prices reascnable ket ontario agricolti will reopen onlii octol jt coarse of stady speciallj ofyonnc men who intend to excellent epportnnity for ongb knowiedg ol live veterinary sciebee forclkalai tppljto jas mllils gaeiphfeepcls8s sault- ste miiie adrai tusttu 1 ww j- ral lowedt 3lanoi tntaw na 0sltat- i adtrti- pi thaniigf jooayetl atloojft aeqolr 9 a hi di rjriflf a notice to cont iicti 88- j um ojtoidlttr taev works for tfao ce sfr cul above mentiosbd r 3et on the 13rd of october nex postponed to the folloirine da ea tender ait be reeeired an 3 wednesday lie 7li day 0 ntei ilwait plans and specifications ril berea 7 for o- aminatioa at thia office and saolt ia ifuis oa and after wednesday the 24th dayif oetojar i bjonler deparuuent of railnts ca als ottawa ttb sepmniber is l voters ilishc ctstald otherlenort are iproc edisto 1 ecordi m us ftus ip4-t- st galo diy notice to conti actc re 2ealedtenberssddrse0 l o aimed andndorsedtenct for 3t reneecanalsfflrii be receiv i at t osioo- onahearrioftheeoaternndliir da v the jot day of octo for tha constmoon of two loci cninc and enlargament of the oaper the tiaops canii a mapdf the lalitj toeethe jlwineiuons w bo ready lor p tii bfflc and at the t-oct- hpo wgjjl glopa on and ier tlead jkj3 day o october isstant a ah 1ckictpal1ty o the f village ok terp jcorvty of hai tok notice l hereby gittn th it 1 milted r daurered to the eroaj tiooed in tbfc third and forth jctiom voters lirtuett tbs copies eqaire i section iomio tranamstted or otrn list made pqrratat to said ac appoarins by the last rflrised i of the said tsnnicipality w be cttitlsd the said maaicipality at electh m for to the legiuative aaoembly a id at electjona tad tbatjssid list wt firrt at my office ttactoa oa the 23i iday is8 and remains there forws eetioa electors tfts called spoa to e aiain list and if aa j oinissfcns or an other loaad therein to take immedia a proc hste tie said errors corrected i e thos clerk ol the said dtod this 23rd day of dct 1 bba lfit rhere ittached thep7 kcv ticians gilletts powdered lye 99 percent h mnofst mtt bmdjrfot dm la mar amalli hm rectlna- and htaadkaf oizjfim a cam ajnala to imaiimmav told or u onnrt aaa tkhbaja itcubt mmsum wboae oeltbcat4 pebble and other spectaolf every town in the dominion they are recommend received from thepreeident- vicefreaident expi tbe uedical aeioeiation of cauada the preeldent bnrreoni of qaebeo tbe deao of the medical faeol f deofr tod expra idenu of tha medical cooncll of kor- ment of thcao eioellent goodt will be fonnd at tbe tc eyegjataei ate to be foand in by and teatimonlall have been prtjldent and el vice- preaident of tbo collefee of pbyiioiaa and of laval unlvcreity tbe preal- scotia 4ej a complete asaort of j bp arson agent acton lender may be obtained by coat actor aonal application in the case of nrms there mtitba the ctnal ujnatnte of tha full name tar of the occupation aafn siember of the same and font er a mj pout receiyfi j or the sum o e uw pany the tender tor the worts jij tie npctite deposit reeoipthtj kj not bo ccevtedimist fceodorm 0 srj jlitiisterot llailwys and canam an lac forfeited if tho party tenserinbdjcdm wmj into contract for the hiis l jh the terms stated in the oflar i- j w deposit receipu thns sent in tc tho respective lnies abose tjnders accepted i this department dec nou ho self to accept the ieiv eat erany f naei ityoicr ilpbioay nsstsosy tatotebr kivfctedjih sjllwffoian kna i deep er lanasoi lsnx tsxih ttion t oribs departmcnt of kailwtys and ca ottawa hth october ls manhopl how lost how i jatt pablished a now edltif n waus celebrated essay da u s of fipermstorrhcea or ecpa t eacess or early indiscretion the celebrated tothor in eauy eltarly demoastratci from qocbtafal practice that tbo quencet of early error mty b pointing out a node of core a certain and efftetul by nent ultersrnotnutwbtfc cood l may flaro bimtslf eheaplyr pnta sjy afip w cslfy fcithil lectais fiboald bs in i yoata and etery man in th land bent dodst seal ids plain ea address oojpoaipi of fonr eeata i tamps address u 4jts it msw tobs i t iereuji- l1

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