Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1888, p. 3

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v jffibmetrlodrstcaxjkch acton aiv o a onrord ha phjo pastor j ptrtoaagr bower awnnc r mxeg i rood coodittcfe s3 j raj comi tree k5j lrtrr x f tuaber tr 3 p actor walue taweeaed a ymrt 1 at tot two eirj lrrih rmmbn reaiicaao vmol ltw ajn and fcm audaj- bihle cio conducted by the altcordiallr tnrued fres small imdsnai tnimlili lv aetoahalea air u- mesial faris- ncaeitb sff trred to tike oaal r3d hiimzt i paodcrt of tb- dlffl2j ri to be jo rurehue uoekwi rev tkijoabeji iticaltakrlob jet jea en in october 3t0 ot lire stoe ihuws thjmiii i be received mvtfl ja 7ji chrjr offtoraistf jjt fceaiiesa win be ready ttrjm- a bsre aad u seam saa sari jaz4ltds7oocsolant i srorder vv i apbbadlkiir leauvarticacals isstrlcbbe listl88x inctpautt op the y lje of acton l of haitos j gm oaaid act ot ill hbgeg i uft reeited aagff u iictalilt to be entitled to iilr i fa ge iacmmi 4jsihs t said list wa 4 ssssc ietto on the 3rd daresosasjsvr itiete tor inspection -5- i trpeo to 5ftfikb- rioea orebt j itttmoiitf 3esf5- v i corrected eccowilijj thos x- gsiofr i sir of oct 198s i5 wberjs2 ttreetoei ops divi8i0h i o contractors i ddu iddneaed w iciorkj teofcr to j irjl be recrfred jfcfl 6dm0foctobebs t ioo of to locke jti fccriifo of tle oppef vd the oeiefe tr cstast ijidioed bf coatractw i trjss therecrbst lide ad fortsjr- uts fiiiiillofo ff wrtdhimdiciffl2f lo j tile oler m3sa tii4ent fc s31 ssv t does not 1i 5s ijiee or urn- f order jtfcodcmb bqctofacrls 4- hoqli how he jstar it the door btww d4tat plli t0 i- r m pewbmwtrd xoni hall iactou coubsb of iiectraes for 18889 cndecjuo auspioot of knox church acton il trttrf j hojm ratoa ui meadftt srfrloui- sktit libocn in uie slittflui c i kentuckyr ifclibctci brmcli hotte-moadtj- ju lstt oxhrtne d d- uoodtv fettlsui itscou4a4hcpo mir- ti jilcuis girllikt ucodv newtr ror jsaurv coar 60 cents fjrtoit thcrsdai october so 188s maxy jidiofl locals ofliltj br lie etcrtuoastlfal tad alert fr prc eeporterr oristrcis comes on tucsdiv tbintagivtss on thurxdir totli xo- umber j the brdo edacstioa ichl meet next hoodij eniafi dr giffords ieclcra sucasslnlife net toesif j- erening msioa las waterworks ind hot it nnttfc tloo fire knn sttem serrioea tll be held in st joscpitf cfattrchoert saccur rer father gote riloffidite brbridtsje is credited vrith hitiof i tbe remirkibl j- hffiu tax rl this ytar o nhiltoteea ot wednesday evoninf i eeiil pease ot police will uke aamly boyi to tbe eooler mr joha hsrhas disposed o his jriry baslcess loitr boniid jmc mr hy intendx removing to uie xortii west it the ttrp irritfrt from i uoly varfen 3l append their nimti to their ittert aboet bear the feet pics will con- wder their corrkspcndence the rite oxtaxtiioaia lltltoa is nine- teen mills on an assessment of fgttlls ie town pays as much for c v r bonas i for waterworks ddbeilares mr tallm a aiuieat froei knor col lege toronto preached ic the presbyteriaii ehardriast sabbath morcia and etenin ha esccaxses were both terr acoeptiblei i f oeorgetowna greit battalion bind caps oat 1 points benind at the contest in v ffiltan and prol blojircirxh o gait an able and unbiased jndge rendered this ted1ct i 5 the editor of the markdale sioadard is apparently getting along well with his w wife he says afl other goods by fortune e hand is grren a wife is pecalfar gtet of heaven j tmr thomas easton is i ircprovicg his bakery and residence connected therewith in tbe east end we ondentaad that mr t btatham wih take possetsion when the improreineal are completed sheep i stealers xre working around fergus these cightk two of them were datnrbed the other nlht while endearorin to corral sorne of mr jaiceb gordansocfc oo the fergns and guelph- road ex aid john tnrner toronto has pnrcliased mrs hagexman property oa first street oaknhe adjoining latriisrfit for the sam of f500 pethaps mr turn er thinks he may bare a shy for haltoc i the nominations fr ia cconcillor in gaelph township in the room of the lite katthiftg eerby took place monday the names are george s axmetrong henry carter and k conner the latter with drew j credit shonld iirgely rest on a know- ledge of amans financial history and coa- r ditkin- it shonld not be rafnsed a man who all his life has met every engagement sot should it be extended to one who lias regularly failed therein there are aboat50itadenis attending the 0 jl college this fall the majority of thex are farmers sons ranging from ib to 23 years thereire also seven third- j jear men etudyinx for the degree of bja ia the prorincial universiy we witched the earth we watched the skies but dothinf skw bai rain and then we asked with tearful eyes when will it dear again they said wed have s glor- toos fill but tbougbt not to explain the fall they meant war what it is a glorious tall of rain thetrtt priie for wax wotk flowers andthe fcondforoapaintirfgwereavard t ed to eas bella llhniactoa at acfbn ttnion exhibition andnot lo miss kettie if beli as stated in out report lasijeeefc the similarity in tbe names seems to have confused ocr compositors j homr gleaning vfeitfum hosth- or a loral jcumcter and ailluuresuug de th ot one of iltoas pioneer mr johncoutne oncot haiton oldest inbabitauts dieu at his homo in liilton ou tbei7ihiosu jears mr colling has becu a resident of thd county or upwards of 00 yean and dariuglthe greater part ot this lime dented uls atten tion to fartmn ife wii a quiet unattum iufi man id politic he wu apronoaaced ubcrtl rcy j 8 couiiib who tor some time was putorof tho methodist church here is a son ot the deooucd anottter- visit from burglws man early hour last baudaymorniujj kelly bros store was iaitcd by burglars who helped themeckes liberally to ontflta of clothinc an eutranoo was effected at tide window the sash being removed with the aid of an axe overcoats vesta and locks and half a dozen of the best caps in the store were taken to the amoaul of about ig0 s tufjiciou rests upon a coupic ot hard looking strangers who were in the shop the evening bofore jl worn out vest was left in lieu of the goods stolen tie caimtyatf isociclrs dititculues the rcceipia at the gate on friday last were only about iim l number ot ex hibitors are kicking because their prise money is uot forthcoming they tally er- pectodthe directors to be personally respon athle and to pay them up forthwith one enterprising exhibitor called at the trcaa- crcrs house on friday evening at 110 p m cut of bed and demanded his prize money mlot muchl asked uie official fitly cents and be quick as i am bold and wct was the reply- wc believe the window w shut down in quick time and the exhibitor asked to call again ckamphit ffecrcetowti praxjenaacattrcfl the fine new presbyterian chamh budt by the presbyterian congregation of george town was formally dedicated to the wor ship of god on sunday whea sermons were preached morning and evening by the key dr cochrane of brantford and the rev w g wallace m l b d ot tor onto who was formally pastor o the con- cregaliou ccosded audiences attended all the services dr cochrane chose for hu text in the opening service geneses rm is and issac digged again tbe cli of water whith they hd digged in the davsof abraham hl fathsr the phllis- tices had slopped them after the death of abraham aiid he called their names after the namcrby which his- father had called them parapaphi bespcettcj visitors to and prom actou with whom free press eeaflcri are mo re- or less arquaiated mr and mrs an hall visited riendi a berlin hut week mrjbunllntf ot iho parkdalo timet office wuifttown yesterday ir d wlittuuo ot kauagaweya has jait roooered from a sovere illness mrs connor ot oraogevihe spent sever al days this wk with friends in acton mrs m speight ot markham has been the guest ot her son mr c c speight dar ing the week miioaau muleau teacher ot lome school lovers her connection therewith at the end ot the year mr l h snyder of parkdale a former acton boy left last veek to assume a ppii- lion in the traders bank al elmira mr dan grant foreman of the ensign brighton relumed home an thursday sflcr 6pendinf a week in actoa under the paternal roof a tew weeks aco mr d henderson ex m p was called to motrn the death of bis mother and yesterday he followed to the tomb his sister mrs w x scott of kel- boa who contracted typhoid ever while narsing her mother mr henderson and hitfimily have the sympathy of the entire community in the doubly heavy affliction acton jfcxtctpal coijxcil ac teas ke w presb t erxu ch orei tiie rcruelph sftrczru rsyr charches jive the credit of never foreltinj the col- leitinu but z the 0win of thekeiv pres- blcrin church at acioa its the pcters thecominiftecf rtinaeracat cnited to stale that aspeciil comcctioa woald betak- eaatwch 6f tiie sibbith servii which overtitit wis rcrasdied howevcr by an- nounik it through the paper ko doubt rainy of the trenhippers in the old bjiil ing on main etreej who sincerely wish it waa capsncatiited and a new one erected ia lis stead will be rcrprised at the jcr- ttrg icf ormatioa- whea the kewpres byterian charch ia acton is opened the collection wont be fcrscttea the her- csry man was evidently dreaming about georgetowns new chcrch when he wrote the above item the meanest 2sa caitrt an exchange cnbosams its pentup indig nation ia this feeing micner a man liv ing in the ccactry whooes neirry four yearx subscription put his piper back in the post osce last week and marked it refused we hive heard of many mean met there ts the man who usd the wxrt oa his neckf5r a collar button tnl the cue who pastured a goat on his gnadmgthcrc grave the one whosicle the coppers from a dead mans eyes the one who gat rich by giving his children a nickel each to go lo bed without their supper and then stealing the nickels after the children were asleep hut for- pure downright cussedness the man who will take a paper for four years mark it refused and then stick it back in the post ofsc is entitled to the first premium- please send us your- picture we vant to stick it op in the oce to keep the mice from eatins the paste the first a tie course i if all the lectcres in the course arranged for by the seseioa of knox chcrch are as ttccessf cl as the first which wis given by mrd w campbell last monday eveainfi both the public and the church will have cause for eoagntclitiox this lecture the world was civen in the town hall and wis illustrated by over a hundred beautiful stereoscopic visws and was a pro- lacnoed sacegs sfrctcipbeirstiek were- ixstii interesticg and instructive while his lesenptian of places people scenes and in- ients of the trip around the world across the continent to sin friucisco thence to australia and home via asia africa and europe wts very- entertaining the lec turer was greeted by a fall hosse the next inj the course will be given by prof j hcyes pact in sla- fg-e- of the ontario agricoitoral college guelpb whose sabject will be twelve hoars in the mammoth cave of eentacky- his date is nov 10th tuhuuamitmumwted at uie lattlfcetla council met last wednesday eveningltth iust the reeve in the chair and messrs smith and kcnney present the minutes of last meeting were read and coa firmed the amended report ot the aaditon wu presented moved by w e smiih seconded by jchn kenney that the auditors report of the examination ot the aecoanu books pipers etc ot the corporation be received and adopted and that the treasurer be in structed to pay over to the late treasurer the sum of eight hundred and fiftyfour dollars and ninetyfour cents of overdrawn account carried the committee oa finance presented ihflir eleventh report recommendicg pay ment of accounts ufollows ths c itoore trorfc on streets 11 k botffilltt hatcluioo lulioacrj- 5 51 adiin coot work at ocactery 5 50 hart t co aioccrr 23 tuos brunt rtrts aad tliexijts 3 t3 ji j taylor rviwiirin vict 2 co tidies ilclim ccm4ry t 03 tiiost iiooreiaiitor t n jl e kictlla do t qo castor i a i for infants and children omtoruiikwebtuptedtoohlldraitlut i outam mm oolio cbhtrsmos freoommerumcrpbriottouyrreecrlotfan i boar btonucb dlarrhce inictfttion tamtams iaomiid i js- p uibooiiordst broouriiht wlieotl fijoiiooj auditatloa ta cnnicm ooxrur 7 mutnj street k t quelpli cloth hall newest fall arrivals overcoatings scotch tweed canadian suitings tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph i milton has lost its town dark r they dont know how messrs joshua allison johngalbnilh its hume and w a spedding are applicants for uie vacant position j the editor was the recipient last week of a can of the finest maple syrnp we have sampled this season from mrs william jackson of xaasagiweyi the tyrup was u genoine ad the kindness ot heart which prompted mrs jackson lo remember the farx press editor groceries dry- goods boots shoes fresh reliable season able cheap report adopted moved by w e saith seconded by john kenney lint the sura of twenty dollarsbe paid the reeve as cooipensatian for charities and disbursements by him dar ing the year carried council adjquracd to meet oa wednes day evening oct 31st the jtdgl and tite regtstiue one orthe most interest ug exhibits at tbe late exhibition here ras the nest of emu egs shown by mrsj c- t hill they were brought from australia p few- months by mr henry fhili they are very dirfcincofer the isarface of the shell is an ancient looking- postcard bearing date georgetown jelly 9 but without signature and address was picked up on a muddy crossing mcnday thewritereays dwe dear its aweful wett and i am quite well escept a bad pane in me ear and mary has a miih vrith red hare lies a van man from the prictiu ons ccd jane pots another a boy these time and mother 4s sort of fiickly and the retof us is bally good and rite toon andall well good bay i t i i dots of news on thit postcard beeton rough and they are oboet the sue of an i mfnvti pira tt pmn iit fri nrpict lird rti an fevwtizauaa to be held fato lfr zsser cbar aaln judjt lfiller in a short tims an investigation will be hejdby a commissioner appointed by the provincial government into the charges mide by mr w l p eager registrar of this high court of justice for thecounfy of hilton against judge miller of the county court at the nomination held at miltoo ou tbe 15th of august last mr eaer in a speech made against tht jaige serious charges to the eftectthat he was partial in his rulings had taken illegal fees and quar relled with mr exger because the latter would not assist him in so doing when judge miller mad the statements made he went immediately to mr e f b john- eiondepaty attorney- general and asked for an investigation the milter was brought cp in the executive and a decision arrived at that an investigation should be made mr johnston at dace entered into correspondence with both jaogc miller and mr eager regarding what shape the inves- ligilion would k- this correspondence delayed the inquiry materially bat final arrangements are now mde and the com missioner who it is believed will be mr johnston will commence his work in ehort lime it is nuderstood that hon e h blake will appear for mr- eager and b b osier q c for judge miller the in vestigation will not be into the condncl ot judge miller the provincial government having no authority to investigate the con duct o a county court jadge it will take the form of an inquiry into the charges mule by hr eager against jnjre- miller for the purpose of finding out what grounds there axe for making inch charges call at- j c nelsons ax eiaxlext recoed eijlit firt prizw one second a silver medal aild diploma sad j2q7 hi cash won thli fall by aa aftou ttam ostrich egg the emu is the largest wrd in australia stands six or evea feet high and is very fleet footed the cliampioz complains tliat milton horse ting in the exhibiian gronnds there ittoo small and that it is onlybya miracle that numerous accidents do not occur the tame paper also complains that come ot the directors appointed take lio interest in the show only to be directors and that it is time that the towuspeopie were iking ome interest in the fsiror in a few years they will bave none bring youtfair np to acton andhave a good time mr champion xoa know we do things op in good shape nete tajd o early everybody work with a a- the canadian uaimfacurn weejd joorjul deroied to the aacuficiarinfiitiiet otcadjrabuhe4vitoronio iiooe of the fint prodnctioni repfekuuuve 0 u7frtieauuckssocli busioeu com- mimitj op the cbntijxnt it u oily jlfe otte inurert oriu cohftitneiit irfva a nfal roninio of efratji concerning mibp- bctlirenanti tbtii product ad it excel a gilerr o the cptain of cuidiw jjidotry u vay aaartble iifcrertinji faunrei ko jnnoictmer ioold di to hive hu nimo on th cwi- three loroly frjoin wtxtfigmillo tttiolaejttahi fcr alt slrjoe wxoslie c eric his sold hi fivemoutlisom swajlotr oit which took rrt prize in the roadster class at icton iwcknood and erin to mr john itcrriseld of eairaersion far 200 thii ioit is hytbe well known clear grit stal lion sis-ados- owned by itri john wil- liarbs of acian aad had for its dam the old trotticg mare lottie b aa has bean proven at iha fairs tins fail swal lows colts are doing well and the price paid mr leslie for his shows- hat horse man consider them valuable stocir oa saturday october 27th we shall offer a great special indaceroent fn oar mantle department by takinfi off a straight cash discount of jo per cent from the jrioe ofall doth silk plnah and for hantles dolmans jackets paletots and wraps in ladies and childrens sizes our goods are imported direct from the maierrin germany and are without doubt ths grandest collection of really choice msotlm erer shown in guelph your bill will read thus 1 tadles ctethdolmhiy 12 00 ixn m discount i 40 m wsi pay the readers of the tniivm to taie advatitogo ot this special tale e b bollbbt 37iofff wyn4hm bt it isjio rniall honor to our townsman hr jacjea slatthewe v oatmaafer to be the possessor of a team of horses which lare this far proved ihemsflres to be one of the finest pairs of matched roadsters in canada mr matthews wellknown span of eoyal george mares niton queen and lady george have tsken prizes whererec shown commeccing the campaign with the great international exposition at badalo wfcere they secored first prize and flqo andf ending the season at erin last thursday they have netted him i07 cash for prizes foreidit firsts and one sec ond while folloa qin woh the silver medal and diploma or ibeit ralrc ot any age at toronto referring to their success st buffalo the canauhnnuzrslirijoaraautyii buffalo in addition to ife enormous wealth has the reputation of being one of the greatest centres for roadster horses ontbe continent consequently it was no small honor for mr james matthews of acton to go over with his spanking chestnuts and take first the horses are matched almost to a hair and are a beautiful rich dark chestnut color stand 15j hands high each both weigh exactly 1065 pounds are each six years old and both are fine travellers mr matthews does uot claim to possess the f istest team but he does claim to have one of the beat road teams in canada and he would like to bear of any other team which has won more honors and money prizes this fall ha hashad several fancy offers for the team and they will be a rare prize to the man who secures them for they are periectlylound kind and gentle and sale for a lady lo drive mr- m has also a nutnbor of other fine horse of golddast stock the teacher vii alucl her iiiils to strengthen liuir iniinls iiy ihj ic of ayera sar- jiiria hinircriaud the trulh thii unliiy licalili i istntial to mental vicr lmiriujrvjiioriltjifuleand feeble cintiiiii rintjut young- or om this uitdidiil- is rtiiarkjfiy leiefcah be m re yon ajcrs sarsaparilla ivrrv prin- rva fall i late a nnia- litf iiilis ii aycrs strsaiarilkand 3ui stviiili 1fuimitsl jlrs jailiea hi laliuaii toiklaima i have taken ajcrs sarfapariila vriicrii uiipf ttnungirtralheallli mlvitjiiia i- crerir laluynt jfd l ilansbier twelve years of age iit hiilterctl krr ibe pat ytar from general debility a fciv weehs tincc ve iiopin in give luc avcrs srxrpirilla her health lias fjnaifv iiiiiirnvt- mrs harriet k lbtlfs south chclmyfurd maas ltt aytirflgo i liepmvirp aycrs ai a renndy fur debilitj rml ihuralpi rrmiltin- from ujalarial ccrvnre in tli army i tvas in a very ladokliuon lint six battles cflbesar- m i tori i la with ticiiscnavtlw es cf ayers iilu isve greatly iuiirtvexl my liellh i am now alile lo work and feel that i taiiiiot fay toci imci fnr year exwllent reiiwdie f a pintliam stmlh sloliinctu fe my dattsbtcr sietrfn years old is rsii2averssarsapariua with gorl ef- fttt kev 6 j grnliaiu tnitcd urctliren clmrcli bnckliannon wva suffered from nervous prostration with lame tack and beaiache and have liecii mnett benefit l by tbeiiio of ayers sars3parilla 1 nm now k years of age and am wtwfiett that my present heauh and prolonged life are due to the use cf a ver sarsa pari ha lncy sfofiitt killiiislj- conn mrs ann ii fams worth a latly 79 years old so woodstock vt writes after several weeks suffering from nervons prostration i procured a bottle of aycr s saras parila and icfare i had taken halt of it my usual health returned ayers sarsaparilla o r7 xeq st dr j c ayer k co lowell mass niij lxlios5 wojui 13 fictile- a kex0rul wlvdow oniwi oct 23 lady macdonald has given a handsome memorial window to the church of jt alban martyr if ha ar rived from england and will be put ih next week tb window whl be dedioaiad on all bajnto dy by ireohij ervioe t which thpreacherwfll be the bishop of hiagaru the wlnrkrr memory of mrs burdock blood will cure or relieve biuouskess dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion flutterrnfi jaundice of the heart fjiysipelas acidjy of salt rheum the stomach heartburn dryness headache of the skin and orvry spoces o dis visin tram disordered liv bjdnkys stoxjicb bowtls os blood t ifllblm co mmssm yellowqit icures rheumatjsm rbeejjlhs woeu ppwders anpleaaanttotcootamthelrows dcmtrow dt worm is children ot adults kelly brotliere merchant tailor having jait passed into stock the finest assortment o imported aad domestio suitings rantinga and oyercoftings warm weather has com ebit r clothing cloth is still kecessarv m brerlitxl merchan taito i witj line ott hasjucputia a pci iome fifty luiu which be btjcshti ally tivorable irriecs and with tbepdn giving hia easterners liie bcaefil be will that have ever been shown u the county wc are now in a position to suit any person retjairu g anything in clothing i our prices are right and we will guarantee every garment to be perfect both in fit and finish so fit no sale urn- dreds of patterns to select from we also carry the finest stock of neckties collars caffs and fhirts tobe found in any i house west of toronto asking for a share ot yoor patronage we remain sincerely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kedly bros the harvest is completed and money will 800n be plentiful kenney bros acton ark awake that at this time of tear the farmers especial begix to select their footwear for fall- and winter and the demand have filled their shelves with a la boots and shoes of all kikds i ior cverylody and the public is well aware that for cash re can supply superior roods at vcr work always pleases and repairing is neatly and promptly executed tu meet e stock of lov prices our ordered t at satisfactory prices we have a nice assortment of trunis and tallaea- direct from the foctoj give us a call call and see us when yon come to actons big exhibition j kenney bros wool wool wool limehouse woollen mills are now prepared to pa the highest market prices for all ol offered in 1 cash or goods we have a large a we ndllassorted stock of blankets tweeds flannels stocking yarns knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly to supply the requireraenti of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving c usual prompt and satisfactory maimer sacrifice thejtj for the nn four veess at unbeardof j w ei than cia bo beautiful black worsted 6 ilta s17 to 818 which cost iso where 822 to 23 cjj and rjiniiuk thonock orit jrfyi cl plcasarc toilicirthcid uroanin iita toracn tij town vecps rricth righfl rhlf i us iule found- ile cheapef man in i m brendan nts urchi t it fall winter 1888 mammoth house georta wm mcleod 30 bee to annohnceltha have received target pi rtib is q1 tlieir fall and winter ii nth mjii ir- aud in fact all kinds of custom work done in our magiiilicent display milliner mantles dress goods carpets curtains etc mckay brothers evarrbod-j- veil nloasad villi this elegant displa i5t5c kcir check dreeagoodatilo so tic cuixu 45 so is 40 50 t5c sow bmuel oarpeu la cnrtaici ud 6ld0 6ub 1 1j0 s100 ei j flsp sj0 xev muliueri- rczy tbea xovjcne- jietou extra value w50 v xerstrlpedregoiisoat svrjlm- tie sl00 euo xewwooicarpetip w5jelj0 rao er xr styles indresknajdng mckay bros 46 48 king street easty hamilton to farmers and threshers tjifl on vourmaohinenronly the wellknown feebless oil 9 nnrlvirenalk have been awarded it during the last three years gold mujdalb t tiu mt p aii totuttotjcm afrgons and eorte powers these oik are used aad h ifihly recommended al themodel rarmguclph faroiera ask for them ose noother j ifanufactured at quctn oltrou verkll7 1 samuel rocer8 co toronto stc ck act ve thrm iter at tiont to bbois oois aaris e m tk- tfel tss corn- d t ith rtm nt large go ds r iti quelpb out bmtvjy m mthjwt- brfadmakehs yeast jiju ij milo of this yea- took 1 1 first prla ot oatarjo fallsiewaliiiss ovet ioco ladles dare wrlttea to aj hat it birpdsk anyt5ut ertru brthon ltm hcatae uiditcst wall sweet tjbrcad jblwtau bodm iestwxao jtaljrt i avarirrol tow jpricsflve cei4t8 olivet college fl uliiui wwilstj tonnjul art send lor eataiojue furniture undertaking furniture department j undertaking department coutletji with a bbartfcl 1 itxe sflictei stock or parlor bedroom suites spring bedsattressea tables chairs etc etc eto a full lino of goods from the best makers always on hand j pbi0ebkeasonable j speight son hbaese cofrins casketsndbarialllobea ofall size in stock obdebs fltollptlt fllxbj j speight sph cures liver oomplsint dyspepels butousnesa sick headache kidney troubles bhentnatlsm sltln tjiaeasea arjdjdltnrpailties of the blood from whatever caue arunnj the great spring medicine price lie with puli i fry j dr hodders lrijtle livee pills i tverv imall and eaiy to take njoripino nonacsea j boldeverjwherepriee2jcts thej union mbdtoine co- proprietors toronto ont- autif j g ods iihi- of cheap and that we can sljisw yoij is ply manelloms wmwlclfcdco mammoth iti ue- qeokoefown 1 tations lrom the foreign ai4 domestic markets an 1 tlat they are daily recervin fresh goods from foreign fa id domestic markets tbreilnsh their stock making the afways fresh and att the public can relyupoi catering to their best i and presenting to the n j ohe of the largest cheape t and most attractive stock tl at qan be seen anuvhere we call special attei our millinery mantles r dress silks dress fancy goods- small staples flannels bl inkdts tweeds carpet boo s and shoes our dress and mant ing department isn fir working order under peteot arid efficent hti proper assistance our tailoring dep is no i we hiv t stock of the- newest for overcoatings and s litir gs excellent white c pttc ns for 5 cts per yard f ac tor cotton 3 cts pe 1 yi rd- grey flannel 20 cts er yd tweeds for 25 cts pe y rd black and colored satin meneieauxand grc giain silks 50ctsi per yard wc rtb si 00 colored silks f r 25 ts mprth socts dress g ods lor 5cts sets per ya d worth i2kjs andi5cts ptr yird large pilfis of otner coods in in proportion we most respectfvlly oli- cit a visit of inspect on and we can convince you of the extent beauty goodn as and cheapness of our stoc c our grand milliner y- open ing on thursdayt friday and saturday serjt 27 j8 and tie absolute sjsta ned v p and uninterupted piqcessicm fvj rv is i- vv it- 1 4 largest scale w08ks i in canada ojjer ioo styuesof hay scales igr in scales j arm scales xct scales li0ydslt0wckeo tloiff rawfrs uuii j k- sbliglhrt matojloma hk- tupuelj lajsawruvsrl wriitenm c wilson sqri 6 espiamade street east jrorpntoi ont ilea xitldsiaittrttaf7aiesobwrqa f tts r0re8t 3tr0k0e8t i e8t contains ho alum ammonia lime ph0s or ea j intnheci eatarisii ewgillett tct kiat rfti rhi25atib7alieikjcai js- royal ya is caaaasi pritorlte xeat i m omahlallii inarkcswitkoati fca loreaeritn lb iniarkcs witkoat pldblt cl aar klnil wnkb ho atod tbe mtrer mu trtti uscrccacul hbuisjbtj lutaraiirfrarioibju r i ve rmmi

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