Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1888, p. 4

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alooi ncr u 11 help wjc another the anowflake mid a ibt coddled dotn la ukit flew y bed one ot ct bcr would be ml on of u hcrevonlfl quickly melt bat 111 btlpvouaad ycallbeipme ilid then irhal a big white drift usee help oae aaooicrr ihe mantt iiyl bii tola tctlotrlftavxa one day tbosaa wcumwjlhcrbiehcrc aloof long cnoofii ortbe day is pone r ba iii lu oa aiiju heln mi t and thcn wbal isnleadldihade thcti be i help oae anslta the dewdrop crini seeing another drop cloec to it tde tu tooth brecxrawwlddriw tiio away ani isuouldbe gone cr noon to-days- and iv kelp yen and yon help me 1 aadtematcabrooijandrunwtheiea fielpoac aaothcrtagraini suitf- siidto another grain jost at hand thetriiid mar carry me orcr iho ica i and then 0 what trill bocijtno of mc f hat come hit brother give me your haiad well lnim a mountain and uimjcwcu and jingles amd jokelets hftltib how wuhf wlif men jtu witt rd4 thctar of tfw iy itilbarni beeflron and wine u prtpar- 6d irom the ireu bwf totaablc- iron and pare cherry vine ioomblnod with choico nomatica the rer gcoi h tlftyer ot boorbon ind uy both mytclf and vita owe our kvw to shibus co u sump en care hilbarna aromatic quinine wine forli fiesthe lyalcm afiiiou atlacfar otajae cluubnioai feycr dumb ague and like trouble are jou made miserable by indigestion coniupilion dirziaew losa of appoulc jollwikin t suiloha vital zer ian positive enre victoria carbolic salve is a wonderful heajinfioonipoadd forcals wound bruises barni icalda boja piles pimplci ac two brave ltttle gieisj ot the aiked jiny and trip the litue cousin were ap iu the baccy in tiny ytrd playing with their doilies it wu a splend d place to play l like to be up here so high osl vayot every thing dont you trip a yet- replied tiny iu ever s3 nice nothing cant get ap here i aint afraid o nothing a kor 1 said trip ili bearahoajd come in at the fyue i ahocld just sit here and look t him and ucgh so woold l added tiny and i an eiephant corned in here z would take the whip fast to and enap it lit uimjiut to and say go 1ongaway yon preal jold eie phant titnd woaldnt he jasl go otpering down the road then both little girl langbed load and long they felt so sale and happy a few minutes alter two cows came roo ting along thejoad and turned at the cate the gentle old mooley cows had foondlhe bars down when they came into the yard at sight and so had pome into the raid to see whal they coold find vvhea those two brxre little girls saw those rwocbw coming into their yard they just went tq screaming os load as they coold eow they did shriek yoa wooidhate segpesed that a bear and an elephant were bothaiter tbtmitonce tinys mother ran to her door and trips mother ran to her door and all the neigh bors ran to ihtii doorsi t 1 i and then they saw thd two little scream ing pirk i the boggr andaman driving ont the twogectle old cows that hadfiright- medthem so j when the cows were gone trip and tiny climbed doxc azt of the bogey with very red faces and went home rottjftct apax- ielsrxjytterit why will yoa coagh when sii3ohfi cnre wiilgiro immediate relief price 10 cte 60ctfiind h j wormi caaso mach etdeness amoisf children frecmana worm rordcra prc- tenl this and make the child bright and healthy shqohs catarrh remedy r positive care for catarrh diphthcriaam cackcritoth gire eollowaya corn care trial it remored ten corns from one pair ol feel withoat any pain what it has done oacc it will do again eackmctack a lasucg and fragrant pcriame price 2j and 50 ccnu shilohaccre will immediately relieve cfoap whooping coagh tui bronchitis a severe atuck hiss bella elhot o 1onlypool ont trites- my broiler and i were both takea ill with a tevece attack of diarrho having tried othr remedies wc tried dr fowlcrseitractoiwiustrawberrywhich give taimediite reliet fordyspepsit and liver complaint vera have a printed guarantee an every bottle of shjous vitalikc itncverailsto cure a nasal injector iree with eich bottle of bhiliovs catarrh kemedy price 50 coats mr henry graham wiagham writes as for ften yeart i have saffered with indigestion and daring that time i coold get nothing to give me relief although i tried a great many diferent kiais cf medicine rceommecded for that coronliict e cow feel like a new man aad this won derful change has een accomplishci by the use of foar bottles of korthrop i ly mans vegetable discover to me it his bjerrto valcahle medicise t a terrible tea tear mxstuomas acres of ilctitjy oat safferedall the tcrmeatc of liver ccmpltiat for ten y four battles of b b b entirely cared her crakig her like a new woman again after pihfcr medicine hid failed to relieve her if yon want to bay or ul i ertlu in the toronto paper reach oi 100000 overy week and your adverjlmmi meet the eye of someone chase advertisement of scrtod in tlio toronto ii ceuta a word oach cents a word for five inscr the mail toronto canada wklly 3 fffc 0 uccii farm ad- mail thai attnira homes icnt ihould wauu to pars jill data ara in- mail for five i or twenty loan address we read ia a paper a few days ago ol the inlmage of si lovely girl with a suany dis position and a heart overflowing with ion to a fiissf piled yoong fellow shfe married lim to rtf rm him she said- girls dont try it icic that fhin more of liquor than he does cf a sweet and amiable girl will never reform we have seen it tried and we have eeeh it fail stick to the good old socg gisls and never marry a man if he ttrmks its better not to have icred at all than too marry a tmtp who i drinks there are plenty of sober big j hearted bays lying loose all about the connijy who will be glad to tatch on and make yoa good hnsbands neefcamf beer in sad wiaej if yoa are languid and weak and yoar appetite poor my beef iron and wine is the tonic be sure- as an invigorating tonic ife is recognized by the medical profession as the best strengthening medicine thos far pruaced- it id inviaable as a blobandinnscle especially ia thoae cases where wea is the result ol imperfect or ill- food of seating ferers ot excess o any sort it contains the nutriment ol beef the stimulant propertiesi of wine and the tonic- powers of iron and is admirably cal culated to build up the ejcc system- icsxitblkgltxl we have made arrangements with the great agricultural weekly farm ana fire side by which we arc able to supply oar subscribers with that piper to the end of is32andthereckiy hall to the eai of of iss3 and our own pzparfcr oae year for two dollars tanz cja fire id is a large 7 colcmn i page weekly tsvo pis being devoted to agricultural matters and two pages to stories by the beat authors it is well illustrated throaghovt and has a large circalitiaa at 75 cent a yeir the low price ai wtikh ere give it aud the ifoclh mail is a special arrangement tried ani proved i have used dr fowlers ertra of wild strawberry for summer cam have proved it after fair trial a sure cure both in my own case sad other of of the family lacratta wing kew dan- dee waterloo co oct aiiticeto monrrts are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by sick child smteriog and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if sosndat once and get a bottle of ifo winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is faeal- culables- it will reheve the poor little suf- erer immedlalely depend upoa it moth- rs there is no mistake about ft- it cures dysentery and diarrhasa- regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole kystem mrs winslows soothing sy rup for chiidxea teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of f be oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggxria throacboat the world price twenty live centsa bottle be sure and ask for 2ias- wntsrows sootmia srcr aid take no other kind illeainl comfart lie safterlat- panacea has no qoaj for relievinc pain both internal and rtirnal it cure pain in the side back 6rbowels sore throat hheamatisui toothache lumbago and any kind of a rinor ache it wilimostnirejytjnfcfc ea the biod and uealas itsactfog povef is woairfi brownyhousehoidpan- ttceafjeing ackaowiejged as the great pafnft5litvcrando doable the strength of an other elixir or lfoiment in the world iboalu he in every familyhandyfor use when kctcd it really fj the best remedy in the woril for craaps in the stomach and fains and aches of all kinds nd is for sale by all draggists at 25 exc abottfc the third page p tbe toronto dailff v is noted for want advertisement tlf joa wut to bay or sell anything if yon want a sitaatioo a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if you want to find oal fcwhere anjoue is advertise in the toronto daily ifaiiiai read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents e word each insertion -ad- dross the mail toronto canada messers- mccaaalaod 4 son toronto the weliknowji makers of fancy guasjor baddiogs have an exquisitely arranged room for the display o paper haogjom their trade in this department has been so gooduiat not a roll of kat years stock fs left on band and their assortment today is beyond a doubttbe tmeat in canada we onierstiod the firm mail samples with prices aitadiod when the hair ehosjs signs of failing begiaat once to use ayers hair vigor thisprepiration etrcagthenshe scalp pfo- moies the growth of cer hair restores the natural color to gray and faded hair and renders it soft- pliant and glossy t catarrh is ia the blood ko cure for this loathsome aad daageroos disease is possible until the pooa is tharocghly eradicated from the system for this pur pose ayers sarssparilla is the best and most economical medicine price i six bottles 5 wrth j a bottle crottfpauen if nearly always induced by ceglactiag to keep the bowels regular aad h also a fre- guant seqeel to dyspepsia or indigestion begulate the stomach aad bowels by using burdock blood bitters vhich is certain to promptly relieve and cltrmitefv tare the worst cases of constipation j never allrnr the towels to remain con stipated lest serious evil ensue nsliiaril pills are aasarpaised as a remedy for cos stipation t a plalu slafiaitat- all poisooflus waste and worn cat mat ter oaght to escape from thesytiem through the secretions of the bowels kidneys and sfcin b b b cleanses opens andvregu- lates these natural outlets for the removal of disease acowtyefghlwr late last fall i was laid ap in bed three days with a very severe attack of diarrhoea and vomiting xoibing benefited me an- tii my neighbor mrs danning recommend ed dr fowlers extract ofnvhd siraw- berry and lrocght me a half bottle which she had in lerhoae in three hours the vomiting jvas stopped aud i was able to tit up by nisbt i would not cow think of using any other medicine columbus hopkins hamilton oat after years of seffering persons who jiave vainly sought remedial help frcm othersonrces have obtained the long desir ed relief from northrop fe lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care which putsa stop to the torment of dyspepsia renews actirity of the bowels and liver relieved miladies incident to the gentler sex and builds ap filiug health and etrentb gives purity to the blood and tone to the whole system caosc anil efleei utcy pcrsoqs woader at the tired worn and weary feefiag that op presses them with oat any apparent cause it msy be poverty of the blood or a disordered elomacb in either case the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular fnnttons and with many personi they will folio y a dall heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia porify the mood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by rising meachanis mandrake iciitare prepared by j bmeacham 133 canidmpdoii tuietl an old physician retired from practice hiving had pucci in hia hands by an east india missionary tho formula of a sfmple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat aod lung affection also a potitivc and radical care- for nervous debility aud all ncrvoaicoru- plaihls ailnr having tested its wonderful curative xwcra in thousalida of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to hia saffcring fellows aclcmes by this motive and a desire to relieve humau i a bering i will seud free of charge to all who desire il this recipe in german freach or eng lish with falljdiroctioas for preparing aad usiug benl by mail by addressing with stamp mauug this paper w ajnctts ullfowcre block kochester k y children cry for pitchers castoria wa ry tfej vrc pare her coxtcria vthea ilo v a ciiu j tlc cried for castcria weu the iccace hiss the claj to castoria to rvrhsi children the raw them cast orta beauty is ikiirivl ajd admired by all among the things whih way best be done to enhance pcrsoaal itauty is the daily te cf ayers hair vigor xo matter vhat the color c the hair this prepa ration gives it a lus tre and pliancy that aids grlatly itl thanu should the hair bo thin bars jtf dry or turning gray ayers hair vigor will restore the color bring oat a new growth and render the old toit and shiny for keopng the sraip dean ccil and healthy tjoe is no letter preparation iu the laarkot i am free to rotif ess ihit a trial ci avcrs ifair iz lis convinced me that i is a renjiasarttce its ti has not only ciul the hair of lay wilt and liahler ta be abundant and glossy bat i has pinai my rather stunted ms tirhr a njwetable lenrth and ajipcar- aacc ii briton oaklaad ohij mv hair was coairg oat withoat anv aitjnci frora lav wife cither i tried avcrs hair vigor usmz only ona blttui irai i ujv hqve ai tne a head nf hair is aar cn eoli wish fur itt ijjhmitua dibfia tenu i iiivc ned ayrs hair vignr in my familrfjr a uaxjr ct year aul rfi gird it as the lt iur preparation i hnorof it heep the flp clean the liair soft and livtlr and ircserres the oruiiiil foor my wife his um it for a tivz tim wiihintjt atisfactory re- enh- lrjitgiii m juhuvja m u thjas hiiliu myiiairnskfinngliihandilry 1 iii adcr uiug half a bottle of ayers ildr vior it grew black and glossy i cantu tsrtfs tho jov aid anititnilet fe1 mabl c hardy delavan ul ayers hair vigor rr cv dr j c ayer b cj lowe mlsi sd by ipnikjh i ivriaa trc weeklvempire omahas leadffipapee ecitliljic- r in ihc rnii v- orcvuruias lai dine ontii- inl la cir mpucc ltd tejelv edltioxtn tlu- iithi if cferr kunntrin tho dora2 ihi fail pamlmrx lite lud prepare a hatdic ad lfciilc bust o sibjohn macdoitald vo be civen iocvrrrlacribcr to llio weekly oirmr rxriso oe veie isr wisas ojmi2 si eek ajisrix address thf empfre toronto ittigpei nclirpnjo 10000 presents to rrt aitlvrjre whue rarr ust- wciij jcrd hyraailan ap- prjifoicjjid to tacfi mjijcn ivv v10 wijj trv the isyaxibsbaxmpjhju i red circle itcxti ihs si usvd li in c jrtlcr rii- iioiict opnirn j after ivrh nitiicr a 5 loiir 25 tt i wul ncs t a uiit iiy pmat nr finnltcpcr ftwrwivm wti if iitfid csr turrr- cofnuhym yongtfjstreefa experience msik cbemiit o nineteen yean torohto steam u1m0by ra 106 viorlc t torojki j bhirts collars anol oufp o vi0 pranpurmrtesdeitoam v pef inat gpshaepb proprietor fen door tpatoer bum eudr tounla depot h g stone georqkiwn k ilfterloh decorator house btga and ornamental palnthag in the latest styles lksaoxs iv oil 1alsnvg classes awnptdar kvcaiiig tharsdiy nudlfl f4tjrdajaftj0s orders left avfrcetrcif oftice acton or ad tlrcucd a uor is gcorsctown will receive iiroinnt tiumtiou k q stone exhausted vitality the bc1exck ok life the great medical work of he age on manhood scrvoos and tbytuai debility tro raataro decline errcn of voath and the untold mfc oric cacicivut thctecc x paes 6 to 123 pmcriptiam for all diicates octlij full gilt only eiiiy iniil icaled illtirtrstire umiile free to all yosnffjvadmidilleaeediuca seed cor the gold and jctccllcd ifedfil awarded to the author byt kilioaki ifcrflc atsocistist addrecs t o boriyj5 kastfic ifxxs or dr w h iait- kek cradtttc of ilamnj hcilcal colleec s3 jcan prictice i hoitca vlo riy lc ccnssjtm eocadeciiallj sk3cialiy lus cl iftn office xotlelcncl st dricnase hrt s trorld vide repctfttlca ts a ihjticjta tad tcuar hi uodruc dtndelicc eiver csre f t a trisciruof modical liill curias ail itc dis- tiii ot the kidtey and litct evuztous of kidlveycoltplilkt ditrcsicg tcicr- icd pairs is the back a dull piia cr weight ia the blidier and baeo ti the ilxiriatc tcaming arise oftea obctrscti frciat desire a cric- ato crci3f u ciht ruonp ajcd pcrfoss hot dry dac pale coczilttioarodasl lito de- jif droykiuzces tcr riccach consola tion jiiles uvtruial tkeiliri ic fcyiiptojisor livee complaint iiia uicr ihorldtr tladeaj4andicc uow cotcjiciica a weary tired feeling no life cr cccrjry lcadachc dj e- vrsiaiaditticarotarlcs i- now cvkcd ifacdnltc icd dandelion arc nttrt liver crcs aid tlifcs eolcbincdwiili tidier reme dies as jn dr cbay liver cere vill mc rititeiy tare all kidneyliver trccblcs it aets liie a ciann ttiicalaiinf tbe cofged liver axcgilccinc the tidseyf aud iviroratic- ite rtolelody soi livaiidealcnat l itli ij- reirl iook hich ajo is vorth lie nioncy kh5ey dr oiant pijii are ilc enly kid- ltves neylfrcr 1111s made thet act pills- gently yet egeeicaljy way be taken during ctrrloyiscat they cre ki-lrcy- ltvtr rosbies headache liliocscces eoctive- cceie oa pih a doie eoli uy all dealers price 25 cents t edjlandson co- eeadroildonl ifi worcesters u qvrto dictionary with or withcat da ioui patent lidcr edition of 1888 enlarged by the addiiica cf a kctt prccoaacirfi biographical dtcionary ct nearly i2c0 pconasef and a nor pro- notjneics gazeteer of the world noting and locaticg ever zjxg iliccc cocuicins alio over12500 kew words rcctnuy tdded tepcther rilh a table ofsooowordsirj gener al use with their synonrmes ttjuroutia with wood tvrs asd rvllrritsu plxtcs the kauonal 6tanrlflrd of americau lllenitarc every edition of leo jrfellcw ifolnic irytet ime wlitjer and other cisinenl american acthcrffollowi worcwtcr it jircaeata tho tuaceof ali preat enchah uriteri it is the aouioritycf the leadiiif mtcazlae ond ncark- paperactrfceeosntrv and gc ih xauoaj dc- partraenuat waahinicn for eilxuv alxeo0klxixlis jblippiscott compaxv publiiherr t15 aad 71t market street philadeiiihla authors g0x jtariafacttirera of trusses artificial limbs aad ajijihaacea for ail dc furisitiescrtuc human body sj cal oiicate hip joint disease discamanftfieknck and ankl kcock knee liovr lesscicbfoft ute also oiltches h7 ghurgh st toronto dr foyleks ext of wild trjoteery cures holers hoieramorbus oltlc-ra- ramps iahrhgea and all summereompuikt3 and fluxes of the bowels it is safe amd reliable for jwilobefjbjmftta l- rgold pekts vi v- i m vvtm aold silver and bute pehcils xew axd lovely stock just opered b say age auelph milliiaery openmg we take great pleasure in announcing to our many friends and patrons that our millinery sho rooms will be open for inspection on saturday sept 29tf whena large assortment of the newest gooda in tffimrhed stock trimmings and shapes will be displayed i- miss smith whose ability is so well known ant appre ciated will again be in charge this season ladies we invite your inspection believing we aln give you entire satisfaction -oj- oup full stock of dress goods ladies an dchi ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of the novelties of the season is new complete mpurniag goods a specialty- drehs all we are showiftg something ven shawls and caps fine and cheap in boating we also invite special attention to our very full stock of staple goods special drives in grey flannels h defies our- stock of boots and shoes is now complete an comparison ge0ceeies fresh and cheap in short ladies and gentlemen we are show ing the largest most carefully bought and cheapest stock of dry goods millinery boots and shoes and groceriesever jprought into acton come and see for yourselves we are always pleased to show you through i remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae fc co 1 grand display of nev goods at the right house uaria the week an immense stock of new goods has been received at the right house tue largely aaaorted with aaiuble cooda for the season bayiug in lare quantities direct from the m od the spot for them eoabes watkin to place hia roods before bis castomer at very reasonable meat il packed with kew goods see the allwool grey flanoelsj they are lower in price than ment ia crowded with kew goods see the special lot of uew allwool dress goods at 15c per other lot of allwool jeraey clotk 8eree aod fancy ureas gooda l 20c worth 25c and 30c desirable abodes see the kew all wool amascn cloth in single aad double width kew fanay novelties ia cottames an immense stock of new silk dress pluib see thesoc 6ilk insb a qualities are very special value flashes from 55c to 13 per yard see the mantle plash iu striped silk velvets and other rich uantling come and see theikew mantle boom itu one of the beat lighted roomi in the city bsceral cases of the keweat styles ol mantles short cases of hmtling and ulster cloths have been received also vecj special valoe iu bilk and 5 aasortmentof novelties in mantle and dress ornaments gimps baches and braided bets also two oases of the newest style in milliuery birds feathers aigrettes and fancy trimmings felt and straw hats also pattern dennett and hats they are nbw on exhibition a large a wear for ladies childrens and mens ose to behad ia all desirable sixes bee the combination kew blank pastimere hosiery ip ladies and childrens sizea now hosiery extra lieavy and several cases of knitted bhawls clouds and fascinators in connection with the kew mantle iiios are tb befbaad remember the ourtatns have been removed frora upsuira and are now on the new mantle boom here yon will see choice designs in chenille dagestan persian lace 8 foraitorsooveriubsfriniia ind other jhouselnrnishing goods the carpet boom is now folly urasseutapestrywnol anaunloh oarpetf curtain poles painleq window shades stair bo also see uie famous farnltnrepreinctor carpet sweeper every tat sold it guaranteed to do miss armllage has chkotaof she will be pleased tb show you the li to take onr order lor styhab hnunery mas henderson is at tbi head of the mantle order ed man orders mlas bwhamaon raaoagea the dressmaking department and havlngioat ra latest ideu of american fashions before entering the bight hodse look on the windows or mistakes jud get into the wring st jjoter the bight hani end door west no hnghson rjhtaiup4i thhsciw 5itiej3ss sii umerous depaztmenta are now nufactarera paying cash down prices the flannel depart- ver j the drew goods depart- yl rd houestly worth 20c aa- tl ae goods are to be had in all itriped dress goods see the k the 11 flush both these bis and brawn and 3rooadas situa 3d on the ground floor and ia j cketa and dolmans also many mc iair bealeuea jl very large lack steel beaded ornaments 1 sveral eases of new 8bapes ih assayed stock of new wool under- aiu tor boys and girls wear ne soluble fof boys wear b om the curtains and cover- be grcnodiiaoxatone end of ias and irish point curtains asorted with kew patterns of rods vestibule end curtain rod sa iaf antory work bee them iah it novelties of the season and de irtmelit arid has alreadv book- retan sd from new tor ha ihf toepsjda timm comeri btakf 6ahwa grand trunk jfral ooisqejbt iooj kj ttrn exprctl l orj m eiin pau uiil 10 xa i turo throngb eipg ff p jq mj1 j accoml 10 otpjn jliied chicago eirrciidoeincttioiil and brampton a mmi nz tttcloiisa going wtit0 15 m j saouj1 going eait 10 maui w- tbi catidai ftfrewn j1ie se1iedv fcr j coibuhptioi cobffhl asthlvlaxrbl cv lik all diseases of the thrct pulwtsaay oflgw rr it r i inirif l x 00h8tjmpti0h has bei 7beu aiirr rwn intl tbf finl tofltet i cani iucftoisienijdl l tmm ml xitr in fcl 7 ti trj 1uiuj1 ti trr rjniiti q ak expectorant rr uiiivltt itctte it contains no opiutu is ptut eci3- ivu fto rc ujkc tvf im cut 0- icpd erxtle thts fdntritc met idm fttil vp in vral fcltlcs hcldituj t rat taeh inia the ramc lloitz ii and uunanu of vm in renter bellya red ifil- acrcsi the face beware ef imitations refute faemtl- tvlcs ara yvv vill not u ii pels d cnrtsq jostitm aid ab i irisiiig from a disordf redaie c the ips stomati and bowels ucka3 dyarpepaia or indigeatik s1i0m- aifecuona headache aejditt of the stomach 3 loss of appetite crrarel hwrctti debility naiea or vomlh si9at ig price 25 cento 0cr sc ttl fri7aru out t satis lawss1t0s 00 mojtbflati the principli of treatment r -cj- idjrj t r hwashihgtohmd ir i eminent throat andean orgon will next visit dominion soiel monday october alter arrival of afternoon train i oip t maul 530 pm 1 one day only catahkh theoat cufied a fat onlvoi the bnnlrali oi by dr waahlqjtoua netv me halatloa oironic bronchitis cilred a a enghih church ciargrnifia ij iif ulxtoutcoiutitaurajoxr du wlsnpigton deaji suii am gud to be 1u0 that mydaachtcr is quito well is the mccqj time the has been bronchial troubles under yoor t the nxuai rcmedloi ailed i visb v rratitntle please accept my yuri truly c b petitt- llr jno ilcktilvy kingston and cojjsuinption john atckelry kingston ont ci ur a hopping kicgston conssmption mr e scott kiajstoa onl c and throat mnjuobetram harrotiniilbc throat jameillatihows piiabtjr ac tarrahhea4 and throat f franci lierlia on cftiai throat miss sellio eby berua oct f wine v romnna oa c henry scott berlin oct vlsihnii lira p wagacr intjarl licrlin o head and throat leri kcrcuer btjacubi ontl and throat colin campbell pt einrj jaineses taper dultcui oat c errors of yoiuilhr nervotisnabilitjseal 1obcsj r tort dociy pranpiiy aad pancane tly tnpo bpermozoni does not interfere villi dietorcsas and folly rentoros lost vigor rial im manhood tqt to nv bojdres receipt ef price onedrllarixrboi bchofield dkuu stoke eln ran to salibt m aaibi ttcii r- kuluif mialu 01s slnlnw jat iocmiiu fpcc a toalatulu hkoeiwjij iir tfttammvtobtll ttwltlblivllil wl i tngttsyip bit tm ibca tn jtrar trat tr k mu h u mmu4 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