Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1888, p. 2

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gair la hilton ctffavcdnwuiit oct- ltui the wife ot hittr u m rnblic school of a daughter clxhk- h 0jruirn on rah october the wife of mr m clark head tutslcr high school btorrx in kipaticv ont october 5th the wtfo j ol ii c swtjl of the kxtilksx ot sou t oer ljwm4nlwidirontrte ttth ulu the rife c- w lawtcn d the would ot ardaajhtcr wrttletln nssagawevv on oct- tui wife ot ilr wou wbltlcf ot a daughter boakfi of education mlswih e ctrliou onlmlw kaic utdlaw eajiprd tn fill the vacancies in the taint and fourth jiepartnicnts the boarder truileei at acton public school diet ou monday gtcuujr29ui octa kajuusd hobrmnrrciiuitnntrs u kuot church toronto on tued v the j3rd ckl by the her drlarboat the toupcr kobihellc ica- l lix of 0tfdi lull barristcraalaw to atcantc luaeklock second daughter or john crnitbcc eidvplylvitniwtcr toronto duurr urnus oti oct 15th lv kov v urvat the rcsmaw ot the brides father wm hdarbr to jauc houd daughter ot wm uylnuiti all oc the to uship of nassaga- wcyi- tinuaxn mjiiali vor wccclv the jtlk ocult use icv jai3cswsllcrit the metho dist iufouajjc klwvd mrjimestheakcr ot enunoss to ir miry elks masalcs o tsqaciicc vied cukv at the txidentj ot thomas burton nasaaprwcvu ca esrdoctobersoinsah relict of the hue vjsscif gsv of itiizmch in hfr 8xh vtar c5 tij rtan jf rtss -l- thursday x0ye5tber t 16ss membcrt proacnu mr l tttuicis chair- miaand xccssrsgcorrofiljijdiurlotcryi thomm ebbac and a e kicklir minute cflasl moetfug roidaud con firmed thcnutncroas applications o teachers for the positions of tcichcct ot tli third and fourth denarlmcati 6 the school wens read and considered moved by georjje hynds scceuded by tliomaa eubage hit tbc application cf miss m e carlton ot crccmoro is teach er for the third department for the year 16s0 it the mjatv ottwo handnid md fifty dollirs be icplod carried moved by dr lowry scoqndcd by a e kickiia out ibu kle k liidltw ot gflorgctown be and is hereby euried aa teichtr for the foarth department tor isso it the salary of two ttcudrcd and twenty five dollars carried i moved by george kynds seconded by dr lowry thit hmcdoogills lender for thirty cords ot soand beech and minis wood at 350 per cord be accepted car ried the board tlien adjoarned uanvau bovd eleabd no kymcucc to connect her with the gait vououiu tssca beaux oct 90 haunih boyd who hu been confined in the oottnty jail daring the past ten days on the charge of being implicated in the sending of the poisoaod candies which caused the deitlr of mot cherry at gait was released to day thef beiuc noltuoc la warrant holding her long cr 1 the general impression prevails here that her arrest and dc ten lion were dnoto an ex- pectitiou tliat she micbt be frightened into makiur atatmcnlh in the nitarc ot a eon- fessioa vhich would clear up the dark m-s- terj thit surroandi the auo miis boyd is now in charge of ner fricudi md left for her home in hamilton lodiy 1 votes at txhuiests- dr wiuouphbv is the eacccsstal cadid- atein east xortfiamberiand after ajl the returning oeccr alter ihepedaxrccooat last week declared lutu elected by a major ity o 3- beerboiaifi mercantiie agency estimates that the stocfot cocr and wheat in rst hands ii the cci ted kingdom on october 1st wai eqalvilect to lcoo00oo bushels sgusi20gooq00 bcshels same time hut one hundred asd tirty mountad police will form a patrol along the une in south ern manitoba beginning the middle o 5sov- eanber the force will be on the lookoat or timber stealers from dakota eiparters of ipplcs are discooxigei it the low prices ruling in the coanlry the aterae prices being qaotod at2perbirrel the freight alone to liverpoolis f l per bar- tel the jjrcts will at this rate be inc- ileioully small or swept away entirely the tatest estimate c the wheat crop makes it riidaced tofionr abocf seveti sjsd a half million barrels shorter thin that ot list year from this beginning yoa can fignre ont for yanrtell why cecis ahoald be charged for a5ccnt loaf bet it yoa cant do it ask yesr biker ecjilpoxl xortk gwillikbuev r- a new lonnggg law his come into force jost too lite for the village of artoa there was a trunk factory at acton and the ber- lineneet co vetoss eyes cpon it the re sult was the effer of x hecos of o000 and da loan of2c00 to thd proprietors to move to berlin jfcil eleven xcxt cases dttcovercd tn tint town- suiii carried from torouto- toeoxto oct 2g dr bryce chairman of the provincial board of health return ed home from the townships c gwilhm- bary yesterday attemocn where he has been orcaniricg botrds of health enforcing vaccination andm iking- all neccsiary pre caution agaioet ihe epread of smajipox- dr bryce said i i hive been thcocgh west east and korth gwiliimbary and georginatownehips in korth gwillim- bcry i fotind elcvea cases i fosnd one case in east gwilhmbnry and two in gearpna two ot the cases in korth gwiilimbury hive folly developed while others axe only in progress thrie or four days a farmer earned spncrt and his son who live in the centre of korth gwillim- bcxy returned hoile from the toronto in dustrial erhibition wkeresm doubt they contraciel the disease tjjey both became ill ahortly after their retnrn suffering ap parently from congestion ot the lacgs a doctor was cailed and he treated them for that disease while they were sick their grain wax threshed a great many ot the neighbors assisted at the threshing and visited the aiofc men daring their illness many o the threshen slept in the infected house and afterwards elcpt in other houses while continuing their wort it is stated that no less- than one hundred neighbors visited the snrignet while the filherand ecu were surtering in an advanced etage of smallpox bythismcanelhecisoiseeprcid and it is impossible to tell how micy cues may yet develop flle new ntl cjikaua college tie ontario government has came to an agreement with the baldwin estate re- spcclipg the site for the new upper canada colle fourleeu acre ot land facing on st cltir avenue belouging to the govern ment was traded for so acres to the back of it facing on clictou avenue the govern ment reserve the right to extend avenue- rod through the baldwin property to the front ot the hew building the new college will be built on an era in once which commands a view of the country and city for many miles around the structure will be a creditable piece ot architecture and will cost about 8120000 aitdtfr to hlow lt tife czifc powder absolutely pure tuiipordernovar varies a marvel of parity ttreaglh and vholceomcncif more economical than liia ordinary kinda ini cancot be toli jn eocinctittos wui the lauhlitlc oilow tcttthorl wotgutalnni or phorhac fowdcrir soil orlr in cam horn uiiixa pawuci co icc will fit s y the principle of treatment the remaiks cf some cewspapers about anexatioa and what canada could do in case of a wss vdlh this country sound al most as ridicclcis as clevelands retalia- turn message thoh we believe anneia- itioo would be a fcenest to cinadietill there will be no waraboitir thfitwocouatriestj are too doaef y allied byfclood and eommori intarets to thihlriouily of righting each other st clair ilich hipalueajt it is estimated that 75 per cent of the lady school teichsrs gc married after they have tiughtfor three years so pec cent at the cxniritioz cf ve years 95 per cent at the end ct tea years and 5 per cent re main free from martial cares to the end of the chapter probably no other profession contributes so largely towards hfrnipg oat the ranks cf the bacheiors a fact that rtflecis credit on all ebneerced long may they cqnfmaefo conquer or be conqaered as the case may be another step toward the solution ot the question of college federation has jatefy been take through s vote in its favor by the board oteegcnts of victoria univer- att and tlis members of the itjeihodif general coafereze advisory board the methodists hivealready subscribed nearly 200000 tofrird the erection of the pro posed- fauildinsr in all prohahility the erection cf the methodist university in the queene paxt in toronto will be com menced next spring on tcesdaypreiident cleveland actm on a rtport from secretary bayard asked lord sackviile british minister at wash- ingtoi to elep down and out as the u s gotermeiit could co longer resard him aa proper diplomaif representafrve this is owing to his connection with the max- chison letter in answer to which be undertook to advise a citizen of the united states how to exercise the franchise of suf- inge in ah election close at hand for the presidency and vicepresidency of the united stales and throcgh him as the letter suggested to insuence the votes of 1 others- the eaqilrr aays berlin hiving voted a bonus audi loan to the trunk factory at present carrying on business in acton this egtablishmenf will therefore transfer its operations to the former place there is fery little timt left for cmiliar transfer for the provincial legislature last session adopted an amendment to the ifanidpal act providing that xo lonas shall be granted by a municipality to secure the re moval thereto of aa industry already established elsewhere ia the province the amendment comes into force on the first c november eoihst in fufore the town which looks with longing eyes upon the man factoring inastrie of a neighbor vlll have to echsist oo desire sr petixcbciu oct vi the miniiier of the interior today received a telegram from the minister cf the imperial coart stating that five minutes before the crars train arrived at kutaii ehroole fromtiflis to the black sea a keubcossackdisguised as an osicer wis arrested at the sution for hiving bi his person several handy ex plosives and eomc poison in gelatine cap sules when arrested the man attempted to poifoa himself he was ooe ot the founders cf the soath russian revolution- ary society other members ot the so ciety have been arrested at siaifcropol fieeatciutsworth the rnhuc jhooi euimlng coapfetely dc- ttroyedijf jo00 j ceirsoia oct 20 this afternoon about 310 the chatsworth pubhc school i house was discovered to be on fire the builaiiig was totally destroyed it was a two story brick containing four rooms built last yeir at a cost of sjooo about 1c0 children were in the ichccl at the time and all acipcd unhurt the cause of the lire if as yet unknown the building was insured in the sydenham mutcil for sgo00 tueoxtothe alldf ccitixg into parkdxlc has consented to comi toronto she has followed the cxtmpls of tork- ville rosedtle staton village todmordcn and oyer the daa dovcrcbart high prk the lilicu woodbine eew bescli in a ft- months the enmpleof all lhee will be fallowed by winjcrmre west tor onto junction lambton davenport carl- ton brxconaale deerpark divisville eglinton doncaster chester etit tor onto little york korway victoria- park toronto the allembracing as walt whitman would eiy today ehe has a water froht on the lake and bay cf 1q miles and a cear extension of 2 miles and more when the above eubsrbs afetiken in the will occupy the whole of the front of the township of york over 12 miles and ex tending back to eglintonavecue i miles about j0 square miles in all enough for a popuhuioa of 1000000 to which figure the city will attain before boys now in petti coats will hive quit wearing pants whit will hamilton and kingston and ottawa and london eiytheo what do they tiy now when toronto is bigger in area and popojxrjoa than all of them pzt togethef hesh toronto- itorld tbc xortlmet lediiture wixmrnioct so thekorthwest lecis- lalure oxns its session at reg tea- tomor row the principal batincss to be consid ered is the tcmpcriucc question which will ineutrbly ntult in a memorial being sent to the dominion government favoring vote of the cjjlcon the questicn the consolidation of the eriiuiccca will take up tlo mfjur sjciixi cf the csiioa noted millinery dry goods house acton j worth style strength thr itculuttiuu art kev yone ostk tte lltrahn wash- ington cottcspbndciit says president cleveland is about to issue a proclamation puttmg into force the realutioo act against canada it is tzli timely tcarcic will be given to the canadian government that unless a due recard is had for our commercial rhjbti the law will be enforced as strictly as the privileges of the act will allow ruettc school lxtllvations the siaudins of the popfn at the monthly uctinatfcilfi riesr tojxtnrr fianoe eimatl laird 2t1 annie stephenson 2m john perkins 240 itteile zu zitc bella stephenson 231 anson smith 2h j j pesrko 232 joaos milton henderson 270 lewis orr 204 clara moore 223 marks pos sible 300 t t moore teacher secosu iepirmxct eekms willie gifford 211 fredryder 150 jennie amsey 170 lrmarrlhin charlie moore 253 mabel ecss 200 bessie cameron 236 jcsio- allie henderson 253 edna thurston 232 maggie ramsey 217 marks possible 300 s mcphail teacher nrni bxsrzext scor on jennie brennan 20 minnie edwards 375 robert mcpuerson 207 lvrnarnjun sandy law 205 hettie mcconn 2 ada fracas 200 jcxioe- john mcdonald 253 artie moore 250 roy mcintosh 2gf marks possible 300 d corriran teacher rortrrn murnsr hcrion efli axderson 20 lena holmes ibuzzic storey 27l i lttcmxetiir maud ryder 250 alice lowry 2fo mbel grant stq charhe towers 2i0 jrnoe mabel craine 225reoilicxick iin 200 sofa hilderbrand 175 marks possible 300 lena dorland teacher ftn ciw in firnlx silma oct 23 a case cf email par has been found here and the board of health his gone actively to work in the matter of precautions a pesthouse has been built todsy outside the town hmits and the patient a little girl will be removed there tonigh t- tlxekuoxe extexsioy with the exception cf a new hue between toronto hamilton and leaden tnbe worfc- ed on the long distiuce system the bell telephone company his nearly completed an nnussally heavy seasons work in the way of extensions to the eystcmy and thc osters report having used this jear in the ontcrio department alone over f 3000 poles and 1500 mil of wire most of which is copper the principxl new lines built were from toronto to arthur via orangevile orillit to waubausheneandbarrieto mid land and pesctanguishene owen sound to hanover windham to eiccardine teeewater totondca via wingham clinton and luoan with branch to parkhill and ia the province cf quebec montreal to three rivers additional wires hive also been pat between toronto and oihawa berlin and stratford and ljsiowel and harriston and thefollowing oew exchanges and agencies opened vis in ontario ailsa craig bolton calccon chesley coldwater elmvtle elm wood exeter fesserton grand valley lucan luckuow parkhiil phelpston tara tecswater tottenham and woodfcridge and in quebec bedford berthier charlemagne dorvai jalliette knowitod lassompiion lonsviile stan- bridge east stanhope and yalois con necting o5iccs have also been opened at centrenlle croydon gratton kfugstcn milk and roblin in ontario heeeavdtheke at tbelaat session of the provincial legis lature the following subsection was added to the tranrienl traders act or for f e- quiringall trarisient traders who occupy fffemiees intheinuuicipality and are not entered upon the assesomcofroll la respect of income or personal property and who may offer goods or merclimdise of any de scription for sale by auction or in any other r m conducted by themselves or by t licenced auctioneer cf by their agent or ofherwiie to nay before commencing ia trade ft sum in cities aoffo exceed 1100 and in other municipaiiiie not to exceed 50 by way of license and providing that the sum paid as license shall be credited to the trader paying uib same upon tod oo ftcoount gl taxea for the ancxpired portion of the then current year as well a any ioheeqaeot taxc should such trader re- main in the municipality a sufficient time foriaxeiiflrjecomedccandpayablbbfhim nd in any otlxr event to be taken and nsedbyibcmunicpality ts a portion of tjbe license fund of tho rdanicjpality ac thi ia deatrahle ameiidment u it tceeti the case of any trawfeot trader tfboeoten fttovo and get a bogus lease of somo prem- itet for cay i year and otter he ha plied hif trade for t few months picks up and faitw ujos depriving the corporatian of to egitimatc uoeose foe eockwpod xews frcci ocr ova corrocdet james black son o mrs- donald black has secured the situation ot teacher in school section no ieramosx mrs jas barry had the misfortune oa sitorday nfternocn to falf on some steps at her door and break her wrist the rev james argoi of komi preach- ed in the presbyterian church last sunday hi the absence of rev dstrachic mr p kelly of acfou has opened out and will rush the eiic of a bankrupt stock of readymade clothing tc ui part of the store occupied by b sims we regret to learn that mr 3 sinclair the principal of the pubhc school has ro- igned his poaitfon mr sinclair wias de servedly popular both 0t a teacher and a citizen 1 wm hymauof the firm of c hyman co loudon out who has been spend- ing the summer in hockwood takes his de- partare for home oh6atarday the did f rienjs of mr david horn of wionjp2g formerly of hock wood will be glad to learn that he was married on the 15th lost to mimwqocu ot halifax meganiic conoly qaebec x y z eockwopd oct 30th i8s8 it is rumored that mayor stewart of ottawa his sold the banff coal mice to an english syndicate for 61000000 the sentence efdeaih passed upon farley for tbc murder of an indian named elijah at peterborough has been ccmrnuied into imprisos meat for life the vote oa saturday of the property- owners of parkdale on the question of annexation to toronto resulted in a ma jority of 127 for the annexationists president pullman stated at the annaal meeting of his car company that the 4 523 persous employed in the companys ehops at pullman hi earn an average of tooaq each per mouth a much higher average per person than exists in any com- mtmity where similar work is performed the first twin heated by steam on fho michigan central railway canada south em division arrived at windsor from st thomas on friday it is rumored that sir john macdooald will proceed to england iliortly to have a cocsultation with members of tho imperial goverflmcnt on the fishery question there i a rumor that mr s ix blke qc is shortly to chtcr the ontario ad ministration us altoroeygeneral h washington mdcr lps eminent throat and lung surgeon will next visit acton domtkion hotel friday november 6th in the afternoon one day okly cataiuihthkoatcueed a fcttcnlvof the hniilrfrliictwanjcrtul cure or dr wishing- shw jiutkod of ia fellatios chronic bronchitis cured an ncsliah cicrch cicrc ynan iclb ilnciour conif iix ont dn wwntyaros dnxa fiia ltnfltolicillctohronayau tbalciydiurliicrlc tiij ell aain at lns ia the mcond liais she has been cana of grave branchial trouble under your trcirett when ihc nmalrecjiesfaiiec 1 wiib ti cstc4 my rnlitugc- plea acceltt my tinctno iltnti cars truly v ll vuti rr ifajco wcktlry iiailaa ont catarrh zi ccniamitin john uckeivy kinzttn ont citirrli hn a kojiin kliioa ont lroneho conatcntioc ur e bsott kiajilvj out catarrh lcid and ttroai lrtjcobtrainnirrdtili0tcurrh ihroal jaac atiflex v isr actus cat ca- tarrafc hcalaai tlroit i f kncci berlin ort citlrrti lie ad and throat i i mimkcihekbrtlcriijsoat enlmmtontil f win v ii ccncnjl on cittnh leti henry beott imrlin oat asthma ltrxi near berlis oct catarrh head and throat lerikcrchcr stjaobt ontcaurrh head and throat colin campl- pt edttari onl asthma jainea staccr dtittoa out caianh choice sc cheapness is the combination offer ed in our great stock of new and fashionable goods and includes all things new and desirable for fall and win ter wear i deess goods we hr boofiht larger la tfci line than eve beore too besxye thought al first but tho very lovprie are and aul continae mdtinff thcitactiof uieaagoodf doira when wo iiy low price that means from 15 to m ctwfcpor than other hooscc in thia riciuity all tho latest coloringf and maioa with reliable trtm- mlnnnisy b fouod on our daunters and ire dll be ileaaod to ihow yoa these lonely soodi- headquajttei8 for hardwar4 1 have now in itoek valla canadian and american patturn all tlmt in cut also fitool and chisel palutod wrought cloatplnbjhiag and taca all iltei hiiifop strap t and screw hook hutu serw colicky spoona aica fiaw hammcrt wrcnclim llauca jaek imlveiguna luflcs ucvolfun rowdor shot fibclls caps jtazon uarn door rollers radtlncjuubbcrhckip boap ilonc and atbcstoi hacbitwoulac l glass alt siil aad cut to order free lijittylwtow ac paints fc oils v a fttocfc of piacheui priiiarcd and gutta parcha paints alwayi on hand in all pocjar bhadca alio wlift 1ad dry and in oil ltod ladjy jid yellow ochre and all dry colors hoiledacd haw oil toriwrliae vkraiih8jcajibliojla ic machine oils larjiao glycerine amber blict and catcr groceries afeinfneocfinetca cczee ssara tohacco ilaiinsccmnu luccuarlcytapica flax ccd aliicltosncrcini tartar pickles plieeae lard haeon ujccklnc tstorctt hooti btarch soap bine yeast cake lakinit powder soda cocoa- ctcocoihefrrie spices oraofieanj lmon jeel oauncal syrup uolaaaea viaeean whiw win and cider in fai everything tamally found ia a tirn class grocery lampsji a fclllicc all fcbaics sires iiidmi shades glob chfcaacyt lantemi 4c cheap crockery claf sware inilnir tea dinner and toilc sctu ia 3ain colored and china alabastirie acothcrlotcf tli juitlypopclar kajaonilci jast tohandin ailihalca wallpapibr alarsc ftocicn hind cf fcich tnlkqjbyyiottcma fro j 5c a roll op aiarjc loiot rtai- cau frti on rcll to ttn at your own face to be cleared out j daxforft our 5c teas lea t them all and cur rare cfcccfreih ground is saxary you cant veil do withodi sole ageni for j byims cowman scnss sath nalanee gravity saih ixfk and curtaia ilollen also huur- csccii perfected feicctcle qtb ab tfisflnktat- monejt ll a bioujknd dollm on rn aunjavfat house i lotfo t1ik boco lot on ii j 1 ocion cittp tl onct cun pir to liwix hum j 1 notice j b pearson ii j i rich and poor prince and peasant the ifillionaireand day laborer by their common use cf this remedy attest the worldwide rep utation of ayevs fihi leading- phy- siciaas recouiicend these pilhs for stomach and liver troubles cos tire- ness ililiousccssi and sick rieadachc also for rheumatism jaucdici and xecralgia theyureiigaroaedccn- tain no calomel arc prompt hut mild in operation andtlfrerore the very best medicine for family xste as well as for travelers and touriis i hare derived pxtat relief from ayers pills five years sjo e was taken so ill with rheumatism that e wax unable to do any worfc i took three lyxes of ayers pilli and was entirely cured since that time i am never without a uor of the pills peter cbristeuseii sherwood wis ayers puis have been in jtse in my family upwards cf twenty years and have completely verified all that is claimed fcr thea in attacks of piles rom which i suffered many years they afford greater relief thart any other medicine i ever tried t f adams holly spring texas r have u1 ayers pills for a noin- ber of ycark and have never found any- thin cjual to them fcr giving me an appetite- and iinpartii energj- and streusth to tlte yiteor e always keep them in the hotiie k d jackson wilmington del two hoxci of ayers pills cured me of severe headachej from which i was lon a euftercr emma keyes hubbardston ifass whenever iam troubled with con- stipationor suffer front loss of appetite ayers pills setuie rif ht aain a j kiser jr kotk kouej va ayers pills are in general demand among oar customers onr sales of them exceed thoe of all other pilli com bined we have never known them fail to pre entire satisfaction jtright hannciiy san uiego texas ayers pills millinery wc arc rushed in thta deparuneot aad we woold advuc all wutinfraally choice goods to cotne ia early our stock titery choice and a penooaj inspection most convince ycc that una k the leading honse in thecannly in this line ofcoods uaxtle akd ulsteit cloths in great variety staples flannels shirting sheeting linens cot- tooc couonades denims winccyc ticking crttcnaes prints xiniios totcijs towelling tc itlanketstrcmi85perpirop ladies ofi adton your special attention is called to the exceptionally fine range of mahfcles and- mantle cloths at the l haberdashery i 130 doeen ladies handkerchief fancy edge at 5e rcrth ioc x dozen ladies collin at 5c each 100 dozen ladies wool hoae from lie to t5c per pair icsaoc bt wool eok ursa ixc and heavy 22 and jc childrens from 13c up ladie caahnicre qlores croci 15c up ladies kid gloves i bniwna s3c and up ail to ice the ajpinc the latest wool hat for ladie j dr j c ayer k co loweifr mist bold by all dealers in slcdicms sunbeam photos the lateat tiu f loo per iqz at ibt metropoiitanstadio awn the plate glass trade lias become an im- portaat fcainrc in canada no basitieis houm would now urea m of having the old sheet filftss windows no only the dcin of the ba ildiu is vtuliy imurived baf the ffoods djspiayts1 id tlio windxs are mors iuvjtion when juiogli it ued ml-caus- land sju torontoj supply by far the largest ijuaotity in canada mcnabeo ferchaxt tailors have assamed possession of the business of that wellknown fitacd the east end tailor shop and will continue the business with a desire to pletue and aatisfy all custo- mers both as to quality style and prices of goods a fair shire of public patronage is respect fully solicited xabco a n tobohto 8team uumdby ra nlorork8t toronto 0hirt8 couars and cuff 01 j aipcdaitr out ot town woo v ill prompt attmdod to acd retame 1 pflf idetruouoasr o p sharpe proprietor heztdoortofalaur houm handy tavala mpct ftjes pues- foes boots and shoes ladie dont fail to see oar elegant km boota at i00 also a line of fine goods with toe- capa which u the raga in kew tork and toronto felt boots very low this year groceries always cheap rbjermyn butter and egga wanted quelph cfc gblasgow our mantles you will find worthy of your inspection never before had we such value r variety jin dolmans jackets wraps and paletots in ladies and children t en- stjiei of cloth for our milliner- this season has pjoved a remarkable suc cess the beauty of our showroomjis a current topic of re- mark and our values are unequalled tn the trade i dress departaient in this department we excel miss todd onexif the most fashionsjpl dressmakers in the country we claim to have in e and- perfect fitting our range of dress goods and trimmings is most com plete we show a magnificent assortment of combinations and plain goods with braid and trimmings j j d williambon i co -ladies- gg upper windham trejit guelph ron voui- dry goods evcryuiiieijitlkce5c jud clcai iirci rr ia la cy elgl u rucns gextlemeh ii llixliyhzgoc tcl ranger d iiiorlcd suitings worsteds and pantapgs in the city qz sies are ccrroct oar prices ar the cheapest- oar fit ad scrimanship are c lscrpasscd kcmculkr the place sc uir wyndham slrcci l re nelson x blaurance4co wholesale oyticians m0246st james steeeo montreal gilletts r powdered 99percent purest 9tronoist but ksadr cor wo ia mar makltv soap softabiw reefing and a baafttaa l a can aqiuli fo potw4 floldbyauoiooanmd iwaaijn raananaisiiq whose oevbrated pebble and other spectacle ain every town in the dorqinion they are recommendedw received from the president vice president exprea the medioal atsoeiatiou of canada the president of burgeons of quebec lba dean of the medical fcaltubt laval univtmty i dent and expresidentk of the medical council of noti 5ootia ment ot hese axcellert goods will be found at the etor of eyeglaaseaarflto be found in by and testimpmalai hare been ient and ex vioepresident of the college ofj fbyiioiana and jbperson iii i tha- prtaii ftc a icommbto assort aent acton ii ut t it mi5d i ilelnii lftrn is irnaua juitcacc i iil uo liolil m lor iiy dcliu j may ccstrm accc octa lw psnf mhiub house 4- lot f0t m tyocsl and lot ca church ll home in goodi condition soft water good car cfin wil r per cent on iarebsse money apply to nhendbftwxact geogaitkett gli salesmen w4rlb pnrifuvzstposilions and cxpenes paid aaydl can inccecd with us vccaltar cinnen stock com selling specialtrps address at once terymen itocbtvter x i us rccaiiar u w mjmijliteiaciud n t uumi free a house lot fo sail tee subscriber hereby offei hotise and lot on the tontb liill and john streets this ii t sbie corner for bcddidg cpon portion of oar enterprising town built with a bcavv umber frami readily removed tenai re j apply on ths premises to ale1a house lot fffi- switi in acton i that comforublo siiro arthor 6 aoccp8 and cistern the house is having been bnllt bet two frame liable oa the premiscaj known upon application to w w comiiiatltyy tess i3ai twiji frait trees smatpeaits and ornamental shiqbbery rev ebcook aetonbaa sole agent for this- aectioi known old bocbester vnraerr s prietor andis prepared to take ot the frait trees small fruits o an shown in the illustrated ca1 darery the prodocu of the nnascry are known tobe general corwctly nmcljnd i can pn rcanlts to all who purchaao price reasonable bev it 4 menu m crders lor afatdl i ifirallt t proifdh nutjbli sod latlactey fck lamns cool lal ontario jlgricnltmil cdllege will eeopca on 1st olooei course of stndrieeialiy a tap i of rounc uiea wbo intend to ie i excellent opportunity for ac ntricg each knowledge of live stock ialrbaai veterinary bcieccc for circujar apply to jas mills ma preadiit gouiph sept 1m sault- ste marirm notice to contr4oto j fcioiaw i feylvrodder sii 1 m mm- artbe tbyo of fl a tobs nrt4chvy the works for the constinciiojil canal abovo mentioned aarertiae let on the- 23rd of october nt afe postponed to the following dates tenders will be received until wednesday uie 7th day of n 7emtr plans anil specifications will t ready sminationat this office and at st aft on and after wednesday the 24th day of jctobej py order- department of railways a- canail ottawa tth sepmmber 1668 voters list w- silxicifality of he village qkho ecjiireirtf de ivcredf j it all affessai tts said a ths towns atsoo irolsjb- voticeis bcrsby cittii that i hayd trams 1 inittodordoliverwlto the tioned in the third and forth e voters list act the edtta i section to be so transmitted or de list made pursuant to sua acl appearing by the last revised of the said innnicinclitt to be the said moniciittflty at elections to tho legislative aisenibry and kloctiona and that said list was at my office at acton ontho23nl is md romatcs there jo r inspeeiii electors are called npon to cxi list and u any omissions or any c found therein to take immediate have the said errors corretrtodji clerk of the saidmonicpeiilj dated this 23rd day of oct iss st lawren6eiuut galop8 divisipk notice to contractor the tinder- so st u- t this offlcs sbled thdeua addressed 1 siffnim sail endqrsed tender rence canal sj will be rurcivodf nntil the arrital of the eastern mails on cbs- day the t ii da v of octobimess ant for the construction of two lock and lfic doep- cniug and cnlargcnieut of the unpir eatrs ice of the galoiw canal i i a map of tiie locality tosctbefciithpla saad spoeiaeations will be readv for rxrfliu sr a this office and at tho lockjuippcts loose gslopeson and afor tceslfttf the ifith dai of octohek instant wttere for n of tender may be obtained by contraitors a per- lj fearmory4m twwsiling i in pn a i btldt ihayei for rapt it lirwpal rt pwj jn- j ino tie said erenbrsara dint lo u tonal application inthecasoof firms there innstl the actual signature of the tai n jne toe na tnrg of the occupation and resid r n member of iho same uj fnrthcr jxsit receipt for the sura of 60qp unst abcom- jwjjytho tenderfor theworkt p i the respoctivo deposit rtreiptsfiirquef j- be accepted ui list be endorsed minister o ltailways and -cana- ovcr ths forfeited if the party teiidjfingdechaescnfcib into contract for tbc works st the tfli the torms stated in the efftr satipttee i t deposit roceiptj ihns sent in will hi the resiwctivo parties ulijic tcafii accepted this department doc not hwif self to accept tho lswcs cr any tenfer luorjer l ikuajdlt dejiiruneat of iliiltras an j cni ottawa llth october lssi manho0d pt how lost how rei jast pcblished new edition ot wells celebrated xtsar cm tha of siwrniatoithcta or incapacity caccmor early in discretion the celebrated author fa this eiiayclcarly detnoostratcs from a successful practice thattno atari queacos of early error may bo radii pointing out m mode of core at a certain and eflectoal by rucaus of uffertr no matter what his cor miiy caro himself cheaply r ealfy ttbis lecture ahoold be in tl yoath and every man tn the land flnsandltfautn a plain evgpf addresonrecciptofloorcej3l umpa ddraw ivatefj 14 allit ww toftk haliottt msmm- retortisd art not 7 biid i ibccnjtart ktbrtai lodieako iodnef 1 bjl admiitda diirttjbars nlajt io i adrrcired jacesii iple rhidnrery i m and r thehisdadf jtm7 iia4 fes tadl- i im

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