Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1888, p. 3

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mkn i- jakes ai fi potsp v-i- jthe methodist chuhch acton bx7- o a- qutorb ma phd pato tmooibejbpwm avenue pabile berrfms img ajh and fc sander mhoolttx bible oe conducted by uio pastor all rrdiauv lurittd streaem tod milion always vclcomo at- mvttt usher at th door tftlttlafs ire desired arplr w h p mooro fnsunrd e jlotfoig m- wui rate- t money 5j or vseetr aj5j3 men ootatfat2i rxt ixtfrisli llonuiojuts town jgali acton 0q0e8e of- ijfctums for 1868 9 tjnder ihe auspices 6t knox chpjtbhj acton red ton itlft class bl icqw la opttattabm w tar- 33x003 wickj tutzl t iqoiud ttfw mffit gtvkbssfc frees small l x rtoe has 1 jt this secttj ttder voaej b 1 jwrpared to tafct t jeavgaall train 1 v iirodcca at the 1 ftib w be 1 laricultural cr fjvcu2t irastjbwwi i vsn iwad u vnftnmn 1 wof for cb ire of live suck mills ilai stl make i erf ocsobs next r i the fohovincdus llie7tidiyofhff yec5tinnfin ba g 1 lias cce and a4 st f the 24th day of ocbs byords i i ra van it its ir ljst1 irsarizitt or the ige 0ac 0cyttof halt03 so i-prol- j pra tanton v1afgs jlonijxotltjsawi- in the kuudoth car of tcatacky si rg bitach hotdf jtfondav jin hm bbhjoet-orieiitlbcnoi- xoivuer wmlcochruie u d uoudar fb xttfc 8uhtbcoundhoro mir- 65rct j mclmji oirftnerr mondir uotui bnhict tvo jt ia luulefont tiekta rar eatizv coors 50 cents loctarw commcao it s oclock ftt ttiri xtixtss ttthrstiat kovember 8 ts8s iwevf siren ua i j rdilirerwiui the v i ihini ifld forth 1 otszsmiadord tct to wat rfuj i list imt ttil ajbmm llliitml glecriom wj i thsl mid btt risi there for inr l dccd cpooto t ctsisksss or uj i cttutl cuii octq w thosti cnioltbem bd4roocisb teto cont jceffi njdiobed tol d eudoaea trod ml iria bo raedredj j of toe n m- fcif daiot octop- ttonof toioti cement of ute a eloojbr l5 kjd d to ua cl fartcbsoa tdkek rsetast j tjtew riore vtsroof ho jo sad 1 cmice sod fr fertile sofflof f-w- xtartnoiav iredepocit rao jdist lo bdorjeo w5 imliortobcru 8t how led 1ianyhik0r locals colllwl liy ln ettrthonjlitfttl nd alert frppsriortrs 1 thiabsiyinj next thursday oiirilles ntjdc uxaiion is 19j milk the fiu assizu vere held tx mdtoa ooscondtf mr leri s iillioaliis boea ippoint- ri goctmuter it knilchbuii u yoor fill tride is not is brisk is yoa wtnldliktittq be idnctiee in thefuo to 1 two drunk md disorietly rflntiemn ven fined 2 jxj cdi ind costs it george town list week j tht next ixulbgof ths focrlli duvis- ion coirt till be thnrsdiy 1 5th icjl iwkisitinj djy tninfcigirin day vill fcei peblic bolidir the public schools md bqsicess pkret will be closed j on fridiy list jisr ilorley tcis lined 3 ind costs for beinj drank ini disorder ly on fxir diy it stilton jlr robert kxnniwin hxs rjarchised 1 firm ra the tfctnuy of shelbnraej he will not remove there until tpring jiclton bind hirt offered prof hind- rnarsii 400 1 year to lead the toxc bind his ittactions in gilt tre fitronerjhox- fw 1 isociil will be held ic the hintist church georgetown tomorrow evening u 1 welcome o est d b gordon and fim2y j la the case o oar late town clerjc it is om of gone hat not forgotten iheegh lost to sigutrto memory afzlk3n aji lodioa sale o harcesf is will ttiepkceit hilasds iumess tbop oa satardty tftercoon wn hemstrcei aoctioaeer a fire dolur note i more vajoalle than iitb fpld dollars because when you put it in your pocket you double it and when jou take it out agxin yos ui it in- oreiset two new volumes a gallant fight by llariou hariand and cnder cur- nnt author of icoiiybia areo hand from the pnblkler mr brjce xofoqto the bridge oa mxia ktreit creek u fairriea- place has been it reboill the rahincs hare renewed and it is now in safe factory condition bex itr haddcnr of xora recexted a unanimous p church hilton the salary is hiinie kr haddow will be 01 inducted on the nd inst uestcra jno kewtoc and wooden manafactorers ire doing an on usually bus fall their mill is running lii hoars per day and has been for some tlmi this 3tworthy ot emalation i wal lacebttrg girl who refused an iffer of mar- riafie roma yonng man recemly sent him 1 a cheque lor the amount shejsupposed he had spent wlnle he was couzlingfaer- j ttessira h aldons and thos speisht came home from afoikoki tins week where they spent some days in adetrhant thej- siv four deee and shot as many partridges j fferald why didnt thjr ihoot the deanioo the next lectore in the icaorse fiia by knox church will take piioe on honday uthinst it will be delirered by prof j soyet panton lill fgsj whose sub- 1 jactis twelve hours in the mammoth careof kentucky the iddiins prophesy a raild and open winter and base their prediciaoas- oa the action of bird and beast they state that all furred animals have paid tery little at tention tb their coats while tl e fowl of the air are quite sparse in feather f the latest scheme in newspaper pre- mtuna ia ihivof the ranxt bladel at boston which offers to supply all new afacribers with a superiormike of chcur initkuniat half price the bladct sub criptionrljst williiave a so jerabondacce of ladies names the ber mr mildmay thoughtfully contemplated the ruins after lithe donation party had left for home finally he re marked to his spouse myjdear i think may safely say that sojoraoti in all his glory had not a raid iie one of these tirri haute ezprat j sacrameatal services ware held both in the methodist and baptist jjchdrches last sunday ber itr gifforui preached er- ceuent sermons to urce co igregations in connection with the ierviwa eer mr gordon also delivered an iiterestio dis- eourse tohis copregation j 7messrs b e kelson jas person md b scott of guelph can fl to town pn thorsoaylon a hunting exjedition they spent the day h the swamb at the gore md witir the usistaoce aporumen they succeeded rfbbits and two pheasants the board of- trustees ware diaap- pointed in the engagement of uin if- carleton for the third department miss csrteton was reengaged i jiticreetoore hiss ida mortou of oak bs wiu per- farm the duties of teacher flf that depart- went bhe cotues very highly recommend of three local n bagging six m the modern coal siove nothing if ioot active and one presenting the jttijesv appearanoe that oonld be oeaiced is 00 w on exhibition in the show modenr of 31 qr huls stove depot it is khe art xhriand of 16s9 which is ccmiwahly fmpnnc0 fomerjiatterna dhaart gmrlsads weh are fo tue in aetoijaro iiil giflng tbert iatistaetioo and biuww ftjl l 1 iottd to twvmiiifr imif au tntrrcittut spcctajthinkstfvinfservicet neit sunday the serticcs in fit albans church will partake of more than ordinary interest revarchdeaooncixonof qasjnb wql preach raomiug and jcveoluj the wnlug turvtee will coumt largely of siug- 4ng of a uvauasciving character the choir of st john church rocktood will aaaiit the choir oltlic church the evening wrv vice will commence at 7 oclock wile beaters ui georgetown tea paria the put few months ccriaia citizeus of georfieiown hive indulged to a considerable eitent m wifebeating in somecascit hat been carried on under stugulady dtsgraccfal circumstances the male brute goes down town and gets drunk and when pretty welfxrazed goes home md beau his wife who has worked hard all day to keep him aud a halt dozen or more chilirco rroai statving htrald proztialtanstaefsjpenss falford i codf brockruic minafaelor crs of kmii liajrc and other proprietory remedies have cutercd an action against laveou jones a firm of printers and boa makers atlaudon onu for an alleged iu- fruiscment of thcr kasal balm package the damages arc placed at 510030 a similar aition his been entered again tt a letboroaih drcist for tcuing the inu- talioarreparatiortcf kasal creitn preserve for the future every subscriber to the local paper thoald mike it a point to sle every number received in after years the pleasure of perusing the accounts of happenings that in many caeca pissed from memory will be creator than reading events fresh in local history old lss of locil newspapers posses an inestimable vrjae providing as iey do the means of supplying missing inks in the chain of his tor v as the pub- lications of ago are eagerly scanned by people today in search of interesting history so will the papers o the present be invalu able years hence detii of in aed cituen last wednesday night ilr james mor ton an old gentleman vho reslaed oa bor- cr avenue departed this life in a peaceful sleep mr morton had never eucered from any ulnc but hiving passed his 61th fvear the spark of life went oat after a ipeaceful industrious and worthy career deoeasil came to acton some years ago jfrom eramosa where he lived for many ycars and during his residence here won lhe esteem and friendship of our citizens ihis reraainswere interred in the cemetery at evertoa oa saturday ic the presence of 1 large number o friends and former neighbors who hid met to piy this list tribute of respect to his memory heeriztooichzrzczr thi kna adcyak says a lev of the ispeeiil friends of mr john mitthewf spa and lits miaizcr of- councillor matthews iharcess lotineis here tendered him an cystcrsuppeclt niht oa the eve of his iremoval fiom ocr village to that of actqa jvrbere licpcrposes ttartiog huriness for jhimtelf iasiuielitie- tne people of acton zwi vicinity ih flsi him a yeans uisa of more ibii ordiaaryuusjncss abilities and one who wfliaci in basiness and oat fa a way taj only to gan bat ilo to retain the cociecce of the public wc anticipate for hissacccu in every irayai he deserves enepuratcaeat ke regret his removal bat believe il will be foe bis benefit ravritwaris a comprehrsive re vie k of the working crooks act wilh pxtticulir refsreua to its operation in ha ton appears in last issue of the casw cicai reports are given from acloa burlington georgetown mil- toa and oukvihe aad thee the cifbrru states are frooi ieczj wijo are knonrn reli able and ohsemnt and whose unvarnished statements are given juitn- received from these reports the cic3 conduits that the crooks act torks as was predicted it works ruin degteuatioa and death that dmsitmcessu bcosiing diricefclly pre- valent and that rainy who voted fee repeal are now sorry ther did so the above are facta vrhicc nous can fail to recognise and admit azsther serenade by tiejbaai on monday eveuing about nice oclock after the rain had eubsided acton comet band marched out ofrue tjiwn hall where they hid hen practiangand proceeded np tvillow street along west boer avenue andep main street to lakeside farm the home of mr- and mrs l l hemstreet on tte spaciocs groonds in front of he residence they spent some time in disoourt- ing sweet and melodious selectious for the edification of this newly- tredaed couple the band beys were invited in and not withstanding that their visit was notanti- cipated they were most hospitably enter tained so pleisani was their visit that it was about eleven oclock before the pro ceedings broke cp and adieu was- said to the esteemed host and hostess azozher bustle incident thejatcst about the irrepessifala bustle comes from cobourga ttylishyoucgady had occasion to mike a hasty itoilct to do some shopping in an euiergeucy and hur riedly strapped the posterior appendage over her dress covering all with the inevitable nlsler which ft is said often like charity covert a multitude of shortcomings the shoppinc dene the lady returned home and some time later had occasion to go down town again this time she sallied forth without her ulster and tripped gayjf along entirely forgetful of the fact that that newfangled contrivance shaped like- a triplet ofbologna eausage was carried as tern 1 in view of all men the best part of the fun was that many accepted the new departure as tbejatest fashion and some staid people waxed righteossly wrathful over the outrageous length to which the fickle goddess was leading her votaries an esteemed citizens deth the death of mr peter m mccann car penter and bailjer lasr friday morning cast a gloom over tbis community mr mcginn was taken ill the previous satur day with inflamatioa o the laogs and hia constitution being weak ever rince be suff ered from a severe at lack of typbofd fever several years ago he gradually succumbed by the death of mr mccacn the town loses an industrious bard nctking and highly esteemed citizen fie was the soli of the late matthew mccano one of the eirliest teitlczt of this vicinity and was born on the homestead on the lit concess ion esauesing in 183p twenty years ago last mooday mr mccanu was married to the partner m life who survives him shortly afterwards be removed to chicago where he did well he returned w acton some 13 cr u years pco where ho hassincc resided a devoted wife and four children 1 moarutheloss of a hasbaod and lather who was ever kind and considerate the funeral last sunday ftfternoba was very largely attended in fact bt r josephs church was totally fawjeqtiaio to rccoot- modajq the crowd which thronged there after asbort service by ilov father cote tse pastor of deceased the renulob were iilterrekat the b c cemetery in the pree- eeceof a iare concourse of friends and neighbors r promotion jcxaminatvona the mmlannuil promotiob examlna tions in ronuocuoo with aetoa publio boliooli wore held last friday by principal moore the following popili were promoted from tho second to the flnt depirtmout ieuulo raratcy curlilena mopherson ag gie creech wili gifford fred ryder robt bioolair tad james moore from third to secood edward kioklin ailis cameron george maun robt mcphcrson goorgo clark berlio maun minnio ed- wirdajeunicbreunan from fourth to third russell cameionfloreuce camp bell fennclfsmyth lorua mooro charlie mclam charlie ryder maggie laird buizie btorcy fred nicklio minnie eolmes bella mcmuur eddio gamble angus johostou joseph stewart ella andertoq lena iloloica aj1 bjluow een hallow een was more quiejjy ob- bened last wednesday dycoiug than usual except for the malicious trick perpetrated 00 mrs 8 a seoords properly at the corn- er of mill aad main streets here a num ber of onlnabjy thoughtless or else naturally vicious persons tpro down the fence sur rounding mrs secorda garden hvyingit flat for over ahunarod feel the fence was not 1 particularly artistic one but it cost money and labor and answered very well the parpose for which it was erected the outrage suffered by mrs seoqrd last year a the desructioa of property should have sufficed for a life time bat again it is repeated these things can of course be remedied but they show the malicious dis position of the perpetrators who will thus snoak around and destroy the property of a defecoeless woman the entire community froiccs upon such wanton work canada first an this point a good story is told it the expense of one of our local manafactaring firms which re calls the old saw firofffieldsaregreec er than those at home it seems that this firm- some weeks ago had considerable j out side painting to do and seeing the adver tisement of a superior mineral pain t for sale by a prominent philadelphia dealer dead- cd to secure the required quantity from him several barrels of the paint were or dered the freight and daty paid thereon but oar readers may judge of the surprise experienced when it was found tbat the barrel heads gave this information ivcticrra0 av james kewtok u qst the ptiut was raanuficturedby mr kew- ton litnehoase three miles from acton and we doot believe the above firm found it to be a whit better thin if it hadnt travelled sixteen hundred miles and cost 20 per cent duty to bring it home again a good nun rem tins it sii post it hariug been rumarcdthat mr w h riddell the able and popular secretary of the ontario mutual life had accepted a similar position in toronto c are eulhar- tiei to aiy that the position ot secetary of the manufactures life assurance com pany and manager ot its heid office was offered to him but tor reasons not necess ary to state here he refused at present to become an applicant notwithstanding the fact that the salary would be very hand- some and that other very lemptiug induce ments were held oat to him while we would be pleased to annoauce his prefer ment we but voice the uaanamoas feelings of our citireni when we say hii departare from waterloo woaldwsiacerelyregretted not only by the gompanv he baa to long and efficiently served bat by a host of frienisaad acquaiatanies to whom he haa endeared himself during a residence of seven years in their midst by his genial and obliging disposition and other quilities which go to mate cp the eaccessfcl busi- cess man and worthy citirea waterloo chrortkje accidents by whslestle on monday eveuics last an unfortunate mishap occurred from which very serious consequences might hive resulted mr raber waiaca afrs watsca with two children mrs perry man et and mr and mrs ja price were returning from georgetown abot nine oclock when en the road from the 7th to the glh line while jogging along very carefully as they sup posed on account of the darkness the wheel of their democrat came la contact with a projecting rock which upset the vehicle aud threw all the occupants out upon the road mr watson was first to recover himself and succeeded in stopping his horses and securing them to the fence he then ran back and found mrs ferry man lying ceconacioas who with mrs price were left in charge of mr price while mr watson hastened to a neighbors for a hght oa his return he found that mrs ferryman and mrs price were bleed- ins profusely from woaada cpoa the head and face a messenger wis despatched to acton for dr- lowry who upon examina tion found that mrs ferryman who is somewhat advanced in yffsrs was severely injured though not ukely to prove serious mrs price aud mrs watson escaped with minor injuries mr price had received a rather harithlow upon the forehead which for a time rather dared him but most for tunately the little ones escaped entirely mrs watsons baby locking as contented on bring unwrapped as if nothing more than ordinary had transpired- more than usual care i needful there very dark nights in order to travel with safety we understand that a short time ago two young men had jmt got fairly started for acton most probably to see their true loves when the animal which they supposed was squarely pointed west suddenly pointed east a horse may do this with safety bat a top buggy is not built that way in this instance we are glad to say the ycang men were not hart thoagh they were thrown clear out of the buggy but the vehicle was rather badly sed up pebsonal mention parajriphi vesper unj visitors to aud from acton with whom free press beaaen areksre orlesjacjiuslotcd mrs g h browu is visitinc friends 10 toronto mrisuil dowdy of jordon is vlsltlog friends in acton and vicinity mr and mrs f j taihinrhim of tor onto tisftcd friandf hero this weer mr and mrs jfeathersou of nelson wcroguests at lakeside oa sunday mr john canoubarriatqrtoroutowas a guest of fairvlew place this week mr rdlaodpf qrauseville wasthegnest- of mr j e mcgirviu over sunday mrs christie of actou hat beau visiting it mr j s deacons p 8 lxtfama mr and mrs james aglovcrolorange- ville were guests of mr dau graham last week mrw young ef california is visiting hit pareuta mraud mr w h young of oakvihe rev dr hockbridge rector of christs church cathedral hamilton has resigned because the congregation will not make tho pews free miss aunie williams returned home nn saturday after spendiug a mouth or so very pleasantly with friends in bowtcanville and vicinity miss h e uemttreet ct trafalgar who has been spending several weeks with her brother mr a l honstreet returned home oa tuesday bay d b gordon the new pastor of the baptist church arrived with his family at the parsonage at georgetown on saturday moraine mrs gordon was here with her husband at the sunday services rev lachlan cameron of thameaford formerly of actou preached a gaelic ser- mon last sunday afternoon to a large coc- gregitioa of highlanders at knox churcu hamilton he also preached at the regu lar services ot the church the landoa frtt prttx says mr cameron is one of the most eloqaent gaelic preachers in canada mr ii h worden left on tuesday to as- same coutrol of a barberinj basiuess recent ly purchased by him at is queen street farkdale mr worden is oae of oar yoanu men who by faithful attention to basiuess has been successful we have no doubt he will succeed in his new location and we join in wishing him all possible prosperity the severance of his connection with actou cornet band is re gretted for he has taken 1 lively interest in hand matters for years mr jas keough one of the early pioneers of guelph gection died last week at the advanced age of 95 he was a native of wickfow ireland and went to guelph township in 1s23 and and resided there ever riace rev father keoagh chancel lor of the diocese of hamilton is one of his sons and so is exala keocgh of guelph rev a g e westmacolt has kindly favored cs with copies cf facts and fic tions in irish history a reply to mr gladstone by lord drtboarne ind pir- nellisra md crime reprinted from the london tina there is considerable in- tccestiog matter in both these pamphlets but limited epacc forbids insertion in these columns guelph jurcets so 7thus flour eoller 3 10 to 2 z3 i ho to 2 15 white cmnoc 1 15 io 1 u scot wheal- 1 15 to 1 is 1 15 to i 11 1 13 lo 1 u 1 13 w 1 13 11 03 10 u 03 0 5 to 0 to 0 u la a s hpt q 6qto 0 5 pp 060 toca 15 00 to 15 so 300 to 500 i co to i to ecj peraosea 0 is to 0 15 batter tlrr riea 0 17 to 0 33 better rolls 0 1 to 0 15 potatoes pr btg 0 40 to 0 5 0 io to 0 50 porll 6 5 to 7 03 033 to065 petti 0 5 to 0 0 hide 3 50 to 50 wool 0 20 to 023 better than ever the western urnnorn n 11 commemorates its quarter of a cextury byappcariesinanentiniy new aiitt ta prcficctiag a macaisoat socvcair iicicrc to each subscriber tar 138 catillcd i the falls of niagara tu beacllfal picraiani which is a largo alabim olops not be diilinjtcished from tho llthograiih then placed beside it it is acknavlcdged jby art critie all over canada to be the chest cimeu of photolithocraphycver jirodaced ia the do- tiiaioa will be mailed in dcccmlier l it will oblige zs very much if subscrib ers and others who areowing us will pay as soon as possible this is the season when we require to make larger outlay than at other seasons of the year our patrons have always obliged us in the past and we know they will do so agaia ths kincardine ifrricirmmmencedlhe fourth volume of ths new series under mr joseph larjr the present editor and pro prietor lait week the raiev is a wide awake local journal and mr lang appears to have tho faculty of attracting a contin ually increaeiog constituency of readers mr birks of london eldest son of kcv w birks of kassagaweya has made a five years engagement as organist with the dnndos street methodist churchtlou- dou he receives 000 the first year 1000 tho second 1100 the thirdsud slftw tho fourth and fifth years of hia en gagement a concert ander the direction of miss baker of toronto will be gven in- the town hall this evening among lie artiste wbowillappear are 1 the following mraud mrs byam belfonntain min herring rotheiy mr james maitland tortoto mus baker toronto and mr w s ark acton- aoion cornet band will be pre eqt laibr owing to the ilhifim of several of ihejlderf tlip concert bw boon poat tjie largest- stock of eeliable alarm clocks in guelph is at groce ob- mm mcnabjviffii merchant tailors dry ctoods boots shoes preshf reliable season able cheap call at- j c nelsons aoton- the- glasgow hoiisje kgton we tate great pleasure in announcing to our many friends and patrons that our millinery show has a large assortment of thejiewest goods in trimmed stock trimmings and shapes will be displayed have assumed posioi of that wellknown stand thoboilmurf v i the east end tailoese0p f l i jl and will coutijue the business wiuft desire to pleuee and satisfy ell cr mors bothfs to quality btyle and a fair shac of public patronage fully solieittd mxab c 6 rri 1 jlits r in 1 re eot- fall o winter 1888 mammoth house georgetiwd wm wcleod co miss smith whose ability is so well known an ciated will again be in charge this season i ladies we invite ydur inspection believing we can give you entire satisfaction -0- appre- our full stock of dress goods ladies and cnildrens ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of all the novelties of jhe season is new complete mourning soodsa speciality we are showing something very fine and cheap in shawls andcaps r -w- we also invite special attention to our very fi of staple goods special drives in g flannels re 1 new type throughout 1 j illustrated departments beautiful free premium balance of 1888 free to til now ordorfag for the jeer 1383 at the low rate of or pj for focr copfea for the term uieuticncl agcnta wanted everywhere hsistercd letters oomo at oar ridc jbor tree saciple pa pers terms to ageotb etc address advertiser prihtinc co london ont the freepressmmmng offer you can have the western advertiser andita beautiful premium together wluv the free press for 1889 for only 6190 by addressing ua as follows h p mooee free press office acton ont boating ii stock our stock of boots and shoes is now complete ajid defies comparison grocebles fresh and cheap in short ladles and gentlemen we are shving the largest most carefully bought arid cheapest stod of dry goods milliner boots and shoes and groceries eydrbrought into acton come and see for yourselves we a e always pleased to show you through remember pur panlons 50o tea henderson mcrae i go gyards ifcuhejsr u m at 1 5 m zhxebea2ts woem powders an pleasant to take contain their own farjatlvo is s ate nn kdi ettectnl deetrajnr of wwmi chodrea or adolt 3ahoy baa oarp tob sale rjib an4exslgned has m domber of ftnvlam x ragcarrtoufor sa as msonablo urie s csuiawwejttiom cajesjwrehaaa e iast winters creeds all down to half i nee l at the riht house rt wintos good down to half prices at the kicbthouay about 5 uanues made i if yeaf still in fashionable stylet in rmndchualhix selling off at halfirioea a larue lot o womenw oiru colored woollen stock- minusr7rowornenre pot domi to flalf pri- children colorfil cuhmre hose at half prices iu tow to5c andlrom 80c to 10 l4 gr merincdrwer do lrol tol f rom m to 150 zsau e bocksfrom l to ooc from too utk urse lou t1 uat wliitmjfbwe oooda in premnfstyle are ssutjwjcrf u iriis jrt ta atwooi jrv cleft and bere at 15o well wjth joc ttto omjoto ai 17i fsrl brcomfo ffists s snrprif inf 1 sstofc jhseoro aw to 00 uasninere uociuwi j r t irlnl trtqhmjlta joat ten tbe rw vunnl 1- half pci btw8ikfabte fjoveraflvto 16 rom from 13jto w nice nook friuina dowji to 8o- toilit mats downirpm mihrit itylm rlireo from ui mkere mittens boole cn6s flannd hjt sha mjc the allwool grey flannel at 18jt and the wry anpei or grey haiiwd mo the curtam deparim crowded with pile ol new styluh hp m curtain department of drea gooairgllks satins marveiueuj pluahee buk vej eu embroidarltfc mouniluc hawltaiiol7l66 m mm nzrrjrkhkior jimandbnthaaeituohiip new and sertleeahle eit t gent valuein hckinm grey na sss dm bhrbhwhltoh iankeu t s to the carpet and win ow blio4boom nkj jliiew ebrtottarprtwinooi mawaluimiuaiil4uliotlgma hoiwwamml ooedoorw oi hntiibn troh v oj3e izam 6 1 watsceri v the grey flannd 1 kuiinery the mantle the cloth and cnormon stocks of the uteat style goods etc be sure aod ate the i- r j beg to announce that t lev have received large pprti sns- ol their fall and winter impor tations from the foreign md domestic markets and that they are daily receiving ft fish- goods from foreign ind ddmestic markets to replei lish their stock making the st oclr always fresh and atirac ive the public can relyupontliefn catering- to their best inte rest and presenting to them one of the largest cheapest md most attractive stock that can be seen anywhere we call special attentio rt to ourmilhnerymantlesribb jns dress silks efressgoads fancy goods small wrev staples flannels blankets tweeds boots and- shoes j our dress and mantle leak ing department is infifst- lass working order under a com petent arid efficent head yith proper assistance our tailoring depart tent is no i ve have a lirge stock of the newest g rods for overcoatings and suit fjs- excellent coti 6ris7 for 5 cts per yard fac tory cotton 3 cts per ard grey fiarinel 20 cts per yd tweeds for 2 cts per jard black and colote sitin meneleaux and- gro grain silks socts per yaijd worth sioou colored silks for 2 jets- worth jccts dress feooc s lot 5cts and sets per yard v orth i2icts and i5cts per avd large piles of other goo is irf i 51 in proportion we most respectfully cit a visit of inspection we can convince ydu ol the- extent beautv goodness and i 1 cheapness of our stock our grand millineiy pen- ing on thursday frida and saturday sept27 28 nd- 29- the absolute sustuned and aninterupted procession of cheap and beautiful oods that- we cart show ydu is sim ply manellous t wmncleodc do mammoth hotj3- qeoaetowfir squ- and 3est iatc purest strongest contains ko aluh ammokli limtiphosfha or aetlnjorious astern e w gtllr1 1 1 cmcaxmu itafrcitsinitaitaiisiitiiqiwni royal yeait is caniidaa fntorltciyrast loyears in tbe irnxkct vriiboa plaint oi ar hlaiu tfcc onl wtuei fans ur3d rtc red of tt ncr- nuu3 kccrasjiojubcinc allcnrtrs icii ir ltaftiuittlt3 ytcta 184 toronto steam ids torlt 8t 1 i aunobvs ewp lown wor q- i 6h1rt8 coluahs 1 aipetiaitr out or v j 111 pronujtiy aiteudod to v ser sstrncuolitl g p shabpe jrof fecrtparoeihou90i fiaauvtdtmia txrxnrii ivlvklitw hi i- 7 tcc mi ijl 5rct- i b frlvl 1vb 1

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