Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1888, p. 4

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j ftfrjutoit3rmrffls thtibslutnovesibebe 1688 ji a zss w a canoe the toaiden ui iu ft litfit caaoo allot oa a mountain uko and nud wejoiot wildly tbroacu j tbcbrin of bcr locrbol lhtloofc that he in that tclfmanolifiwcuxx a atolcn kiss iroaldtako kotbc maiden tat there iroaarc 01 the plot tint be had hatched and the- moo mala hrecxw flared k k and fiodl bcr chocks and tier brow sa fair as the tat there nill qntt unaware 01 tic viz toon ta unmatched tbea the later awaited a real good chance to carter th loafed cr iofk wtwo pitching toe vinipling vitelcls dance she turned licr head with a quiet thy glance aad loafcinr haej lie gave liiai cbaaoc thai waireailj too gl to miss so bebeat to meet her aai tried q steal tlefllisshc bcrncdto get bat be ncl eo qnick in his ardent teal that ice craft upset lie a whirling ahocl aad he dsissod the iiss that he tried to ileal and uicwboj pot vcrv wtt j it bills jikgiiesand jokelets half an hoar with tli avue men ihc wlu andthparncrtpbioctlic day why will you coagh whea sullou a care wiuftirt immediate relief price 10 ctt 50 eta and u james u gilmoar o t gltnour t co wholesale grocer brookvillov laya i hare atcd tamarac elitr or a wvcre cold anicoaftu wliicli it itnmodialy rcjl ed aad cared for more thott twentyfive yoin hai hazards yellow oil been gold by drag rislt and it mpevpr failed to fiivo oatii- faeliou as a lioatcbotj rtmody for patn unicucu aud bortiicis o iho doih for ox- lentil and otcrnil aaa to all painful com plaiolb acullbucksstrnt first class ilotveshocs made by firtwnccax- um attain bole i sbiloha catarrh remedy a positive core or catarrh diphtheria auddankcrleonth geclltmcn kindly call and examine kelly l3ros prinfi anilines and panting thr xadat operandi the modeof opcrattoj o bardk blood bitten it thai it acta at one and the same time opoa ibe slomadi liver bowcix kid- ny and the plood to clcantc regulauiaiid itrcogtheu iletlccit it almost universal in clircuic complaints prompt patenll and permanent result always cornel troth the use o ililbsrna aromatic quinine wine there is no iorc fruitful source of dis ease tha vitiated blood it inrolvesctery organ and f cncliou of the body and if not immediately corrected bythc use of ayera saxsaparilla sooner or later leads to fatal results be warned ia time among the exhibite at the mechanics institute fair few havp more intercatthaa the dozen horecshoes the rihl of the main fnlxance those ljorsehoes perfect ly thapedhtiidsomejy polished and withal scientifically correct are the work of iusa agnie bale aged fifteen years miss bole tsthe danghter o a teamster and lives in the rear ofa hlacksmith shop at 911 battery street kept by a man named r hvakh it was in this shop that an c- nuer reporter found her yesterday walsh said that the young lady hid been taaght by him and he ttis very proud of his pnpil pre eeen dzzezs that hare tried it he said but none cf em had the natural tal ent for making horkshoes that the young leddys got his huntington thats worth her forty millions made a- good offer at it but couldnt quite do it there aint a man this sie of luthcu that can make horseshoes like thalycang laidy at the blacksmiths request miss bole made a horseslioe then and there a piece of round iron was cut off hy mr walsh and miss bole rolled up hersueves thereby reveal- ing a rather small arm tied on a jeatfcer apron and plugged the iron into the fire the yooas lady is about five feet three inches high ahd rather fragile than strong she brcsifd her hair back from a laughing face and soon tie hammer was ringicg on the red iron with a true sound she made the crease in the shoe turned it inio shape like i veteran regardless of the riag sparks drove the nil holes and finally tcraed cut as fine a shoe as ever graced the foot cf a racehcre for iliss bole willhavft nothing to do with shoes for ordinary dray- horses 1ctcce fines hersell eicinsjvely to the finer shoes of composition or polished iron mss eojss eiii that she first became animated with the idea of mating horse- shoes by watching the blacksmith fin ally she asted him to let her try it and he was so much pleased with her first effort that he showed her all that he knew and the result was the exhibit at the hechan- icstnstitale- she says that she will not make any practical use cfheraccomplkhment though she seemed anxicus about her prhfhft and several times asked will i have to go octtothe fair and make a shoe there before i get anything v her instrncter confident- ly expects that she will take a premium the hcrseshoes were filed polished and finis in her cwn little vice which she keeps in her own room hr walsh de- dares that he is going to send one of the horseshoes to the qceen of england- give houoways cora cure a trial it removed ten corns from one pair of feet witboat any pain what it has danc once it will do again cwrett br jmc txicn alt eu failed hr samuel allan ol lisle ont states that ha tried all doctors in his locality while safferiaa for years with liver and kidney trouble nothing benefitted him until he took bardock blood bitters four bottles cf which cured him it is safe to ase freemans worm pow- ders as uieytct only on the worms and do not injure the child sick headache caused hy eicess of bile oradisorderedslomtchis promptly relieved byusing national pdk i hackmeiacfc a lasting and fragrant perfume price 23 and 50 cents valaatate i kmtt 1 nsumptionmayjijemoreeasilypretent- ed than cured the irritating and har- rassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use of hagyarda pectoral balsam that cures coughs colds bronchitis and all pul monary troahes shilohscure wqi immediately relieve croup whooping cough and bronchitk 4mflb ti adfam while ray husband wastradicg furs he came across an indian who is lakentohis lodge to die i he had inward pains and pains in all his limbs he gave some yellow oil i internally and applied it externally and cured him it also cured my hosbaad cf rheumatifm acd i find it valuable for coughs and colds sore throat etc ifrt a- beshaw cooks hois ser pent river onl for dyspepsia and iivec complaint you have a printed guarantas on every bottle of shilohs vitahxer it never fails to cure if you want to hay or cell a farm ad- ertise in the toronto ithjf jio tkat paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye cf someone who wants to pur chase advertisements cf this class are in serted in the toronto ktmy mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word orfiie insertions address the mail toronto canada tqcpnif even the snail affairs of domestic life bring their temptations trivial in aome bzt oliec mighty and showing according as they are yielded to or resisted thestuffef which cur characters are form ed here is a little confession taken from the lips of a school girl and set down in hex- own words jtre begun to nd7srich little mean streafcs in myself that fm quite frightened guess what i was tempted to do the other day i was washing the dishes for mam ma and when i cot to the tins and kettles z was discsuraged they did look so greasy and black and fve always been a little vain of my hands fm going to kitty merrills party lo- nignf i thought and i want to fceep my hands nice for that ill leave these for m ii wont make any difference with her hands because ehe cant keep them n anyway then something seemed to say o me oh you little coward 1 oh you little sneak tobewffimg to have whiter hands than your mother i arent you ashamed i was ashamed and i washed the kettles pretty hnmbiy i can tell yon i felt as if they werent half as black as i sajce then ive watched all my thoughts forfearl shall grow so wicked tpgm worttownine ive learned pretty tho roughly what lhe minister means when he talis about the little foxes that spoil the grapes of a fine character fwrftv com- the eer geo h thayer of bourbon end- say both myself and wife owe our lives toshilchs consumpicn cure are yea made miserable by indigestion constipation dimness loss of appetite yellow skin 7 shilohs vitalizer is a positive cure a nasal injector free with each bottle cf shillous catarrh kemedy price 50 coats the combination far ingredients found in ayers pills renders them tonic and cur ative as well as cathartic far this reason they are the best medicine for people of costive hahit as they restore the natural action of the bowels without debilitating ajuk ccllqul there is no other remedy for combina tion of medicines that meets so many re quirements as does bsrdoca klood bit ters in its whole range of power eversuch chronic diseases aa dispepsia liver and kidney complaint scrofula and all hum ors of the blood i uerftaais cecfiran sad itiae if you are languid and weak and your appetite poor my beef iran and wine is th tonic be cure as an invigorating tonic it is recognized by the profession aa the best strengthening nedee thus far produced it is icrjisble as a bloodandmusch mater epecilly in those cases where weafcc5 is the result cf imperfect or in food of wasting revere or eicess of any sort it contains the nutriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal- ca to build cp the emaciated system- ioincz zo moteew are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut- ting teeth 1 u so smd at once and net a bottle of sra winsioffssoothingsyrnp for children teething its valae is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- erer immediately depend opon it moh r there is no mistake about it itcutes dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowehtcures wind colic softens the gamsreduces inflammation and gives tone and jnergyto the whole fiystem mrs winilows bcothing sy- rnp for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is uie prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses urthe united states and u for sale byall drnggisu thronehont the world price twentyfive cents a bottle before aikl aak for mas whelows sootudto 8 raw and takeno other kind victoria carbolic salve is a wonderful healing compound for cats wounds bruises burns scalds boils piles pimples tc shilofas cough and consumption cure is sold by cs on aguaarntee it cures con sumption keitaidcomrartin the aorrcrtne firowns household panacea l has no quit far relieving piiuj both internal and xtrnal it cures pain in the side back or bowelf sore threat rheumatism toothache lambigo aud any kind of a paia or ache it will mast surely qcitrh- eathebloidand flezl as its acting power is wonderful browna household pxn- acej being acknowltdged as the great pain reliever and of djable the trenctb of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be iu every family hand y far ase when wanted asil really is the best remedy id the world for cramps in tim stomach aodpaiasandachesof allsiode and is for sale by all drnggist6atc5 a bottle the third page of the toronta dclhj ifail is noted for want advertisement if jou want to buy or sell anything it you want a sitaation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if you wiut to find out where unyone is advertise in the toronto daily atraudread the advertisements on fhe third page of that piper the charge is two centra word each insertion ad dress the maijytoronto canada try the innoeam photo only l00- per doz h barathawarfiit came and eflecc i many persons wonder at the tired worn aid wearyfeeingthal oppresses them with out any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular unci ions and with many persons they will follow a doll heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms tfiat precede a well developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using meachams mandrake mixfore prepared by 3 meacbani 183 tonga street a chemist of nineteen yean experience j ask for aprs sriljaiwrii ui u- mre ymi gvt jt wiku you want the kt bioklpuriti i with lis flirty j tars r o litciiiiictl mic- f tvs in ilie uiru uf woo liuxmybu ran make ik iclv tiiko in prcffrriiij ayers sarsaparilla to any other tl fniimumier uf uuku tll illtkkl ultilkit ajcrv saisaiirilli likiuihiuost vi- uar liclugin great er deiiiaiut than all others ccmuued ayers farwiiurilla u seliiiig filter llirn tvcr kfmv i ccvit li0iiae to rvftimtiuiiri it gatgc w whiluau druggist alkrny iial i ski ftr- itt fajiiic lluit my sales oc avcrs sarvaiarilta ut cxct1 tlo of aiivtitlut nnil ii gives tliunuiimri-rae- twu iit itnsli iva avcrs sjfvskiriua and ayitt- tills ari the ut tjlliig mtdicjut- in ufy store i caiircxiiintuil thera corcicti- timislv c kitklatif riiixijacit holland iii r liavt- km aytrfi parstjurilla here for over tliiriy cnrs and alwavs reeoitinhntl it wluu vu il in nsitic the lot iioodirifit v t mcuan druggist aiigiimnohio e liavo kd ycir imdlrlius fcr the lit scviutixu yrni iind shvays kwp them in sttxk ils tlc y an- sttplis tlifte is ihiltiu- w u for tli- muiiis- ful uhi cv ajrrs saisniciilla- ii l parki r vox ixkv wis avcrs farsaparilla givis tlc ixst fatisfartuu of iy iiktlirim- i have in flock i rxjiifiiil it or rs the ikktcrs say t iircvrrilu it nvtr ihr cotmtcr it never fails to mwi tkc cies for which i riouuuicihl it eui whore the lectors iocnithis ln p cu teen of no avail monmouth kanjas -cf- calhoun ayers sarsaparilla rceraeti or or j c ayer 5c co lovreh mass pricetlsiuiiict wcrfhituij sw will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia digestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin ana every species cf dln s frzn disordered liver kuj2feze stoiucs bowels or blood thmjmc0 issfens exhausted vitality rphe sciexce of life the rct ifciiictl wert of the ce on ifiriood kerrcas tii pljytical dctiility pre- natexe dlice errcrt cf roulh mi the calcld vzls- crits coafqceat ujcrcca ko poes 6 to li rrcicriptig for all usa ciqiblvll gilt cly l03 br tsiil iczd illsjtrstire tiernle tree to til youctairaiidlcegedccn stcd now the gild and jerell2 holil trtrded to the i by t kttioaal jijttl afiocutioa airt p o bcr 15s ilosloa iczsx cr dr w h pab- kek grtduaie of harvtrd lledical collcse 23 years predice in boston bo nsy be coacalted eoassentltlly sjiciiltr dimesos of iri olco xo bulfinch st authors cox sfanuiaciarers of trusses artificial limbs and appliances far all de fore u of the hccan body sptuil disease hip joint disease diseases of the knee ni ac tie kcoclc ecee bflw leclcbfmtet also cectche5 st toronto dr fowlers ext of immbimx cures jfiolera aholera mbrhus ramps ysertery and all summer complaints and fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable for children or adults castor i a far infante and children lt i torn hamtiup iu bo wart u bmurs s 1 i jnfsa ujortooi i tn conn ooxxr umtj street k t cijudlph clotti hall -it- newest fall arrivals overcoatings scotch tweed suitings canadian f tweed shaw crundy merchant tail0r8 cuelph suitings groceries drv cioods doots shoes fresh reliable season able cheap call at- j c kelsons acton h a stone georgetown ixterzqr decoratob house sign and ornamental fainting in the laiast styles lessoxs ik oil paixtixg otssis wednesday ercuiiyttcn4y and sturdy aluraooo orders left at free press 0c acton or ad dressed ta bor is georgetotu rill receive prospt attention h g- stone worcesters unabridged qirto dictionary willi or without den sous patent index edition of 888 enlarged by th addition of a keir procouacicff biographical dicionary of nearly lioq personacef and a new pro- councins gazeteer of the world notiflg and locative orcr 8000 puces containing also over 12500 new words reecctly tided together with a table of 5000 wordsin gener al use with their synonymes itxckthxtedtitkirood cuts axd rtllpagc flxtex tue xatlonal standard of american literature erery edition of lonsfeuot holdfis bryent irving whittier and ether enlnect american acthort follows worckr lt jiroeiia the the t tc usage at all great english writcrc it is authority of the leading magazines and nexs- ptpcri of the country end cf the keuocei d- partnicatj at waabingtoa roa bxij bt anr booeeecxeec jbiippikcotr coepakt pulillshcrt t15 acd 717 ifarkct street fhilidelphia the warm weather has come but clothing clothing is still necessary joking st east- mtor0kto fe sendf0rprlces m brennaii msrchan tailor hasjuit iiut in a tpeeial line of cloths v lotne dftr suits which he bought at unusa ally farorable prices and with the purpofec o giving his customers the benefit lie will sacrifice them for the uexi four woeas at tmhcsrdof low iirc for cash s3 to ii less than can be purchase elsewhere 1000ft presents nsrr amnsc wn thzt list wc wit send br mail as p- prtyrutcciauj cadi nuijci witricioier or cook ooeu a zinuywha will trr ulc 4urxakfl5 ejucko powotb il liw red drefc from the iaw arl rod i ia kllcr rtiliiy honcit opinimi after 7 ml eitiicr bg ioot25 axl ytut will tnre li e rift any pocct tirttottkrcpcr luiotts where utrntituumked prby yaaad2t rhtrefjffni 00tokobw beautiful black worsted salts at 17 to 18 which cost else- where 22 to 23 call and examine the stock for it always give pleasure to show them brennaji ajwaralteeps prices right for hhrcui tomen and will be found the cheapest man in iowa mbrennan kelly biotheve i merchant tailors having just passed info slock the finest assortment o imported and pomeatio suitings paatinga aad overdpatinga hit hva ver bwn thown io the coonly we ire now in position to mil any penon reqn nng anything in clothinj oar priom ut right aaid wo will guarantee every garment to be perfect both in fit and fin ah lo fit no aale hnns dreda o patteml to aeloct from we alio carry the fioeat itock oi kecktiea collara cnffa ajid sturtj to be oona m any honae weat o toronto j ii aakingor a ihare p your patronage we remain sincerely kelly bros butter and eigs wanted kejlly bros the hardest is completed and money will 600n be plentiful kenney brqs acton ark aware that at this time of year the farmers especially i begikto select their footwear for fall and winter axd to meet j the demand have filled their shelves with a large stock of boots and shoes of all kinds t 1ot everybody and the public ia well aware that for cash we can supply raperior goods at vlry low prices ourordere4 workalwiya pleaaes and repairing m neatly and promptly exeentpt we have a nice assortment of trunks and valises direct from the factory at satisfactory- prices give us a call i call and tee ox when yon corns to acton s big exhibition kinney bbos wool wool twool limehouse woollen mills are now prepared to pay the highest marketprices for all wool offered in cash or goods f we have a large awe ndllassorted stock of blankets tweeds flannels stocking yarns knitted goods etc ingreat selected expressi- supply jhe requirements of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving and in fact ail kinds ol custom work dons in oar asnal erompt and satiafa tory ilanner magnificent display milliner mantles- dress goods carpetsj curtaifljs etc v mckay brothers railway tutt grand trunk rwm mtux jlfflani iiprxiit eiprem 1 1 am fim pin hamro am tbro throngb kxpg 00 tjn 1 aji accom 10 00 pm fiai chicago expreiidoe not aoa brampton tnfeorclosnrok ooln weat 9 15 ata tod ftsoiub qoing eaat 10 30 ajn and s flhjjnl pmpouni ginttith- tffxou this farorittiatdieirtei rw up in oval hotilct folding forte tachf xcith ihi name bfovn tki i and the nam of lhe ijiwrterj scrjl bell in red ini acroi onaft qftjip a bevrare of imitations rtfitte au jfafi tuusj and yvit vrilf net be disappoint i fcjjtalccoisw jditwjmalilljoiil axiaiug from a disordcredetate of the fatt stomach and dowels aucnai dyrpffpaaa or indigertlotl bilqoi aitectlona headache acidity of tho fitomach 3 loai of appetite orarel- dobility haaaea or n price 29 centa per pottfi ntzrutca oir j j avis lawsehob c0cqal ml ntnml thc relteny fox ccuirg cohsohptioh coughs go asthma cboup all diseas5of the thhcat luha puluonasy organs i r rtitnrri ri oohbualptioh habbeehtjuto- enait5ttiilef lij pbtsctisimiyitilbi 1 scktc ialtct breterrfxtlrslaohttc m iticdodtial it ttrrrjaiitmrimf ri l vs an expectorant rc htamo it contains noopumin anyi irat pcicc ze 50c lsd lb ra isomi ea7is lawbztc3 co ohfidad general agcuii sioxtueju the princjpue treatment tl wfm sj- j- ib jtss h washingtdnmdgr eminent throat and lung snrgi un will ererrbody tbii nloaaod witii tida clcgint diaplaj- sew stripe drea goods u15c kew cboclc droai goods ti 10 aojsc vcirclianibnyi w 11 1530c nvfrinu 5p4 u4- newtapeatry cariwtb 15 30 s5 40sot5c ketbniaaala caxpeta t5c- ij tuo ain dresa gooda 10 u txy kew kct wool carpeta s7i m 6u t5c t loo u0 doth 10 13i 15 t rr curtain pola5 xem- jertey jackets extra value mj0 nt blylca in df ccurfaiaa taped u0lfi5 pl50 f00 uu sev scrim haircloth 10 13i 15 soe jer cuctainpola50t5clj0 tl506ua xevuillineryrcrr cheap v l mckay bros 46 48 king street east hamilton to farmers and threshers tjss on yourmachinertonly tte wellknown peerless oil 9 gold medals have been awarded it during the last three yean try also onr peotljss alio orohb tor yonr wacgons and horse powers these oils are used and highly recommended at themodel form gaeiph farmers ask for them use no other j itanafactnred at qeoaoityoil t7or3ts ij samuel rogers i co toronto olivet college rolivbt mich for both mxcb expcawa low bcxeu dc- pertinent able inatructon lrgfl librajt fine ucmuml fall term openi scpti3th winter knn jan 3rd bend lor catalogue furniture undertakingr furniture department undertaking department coupletr ottli a be1ctfcl 1 fixe bklecten 6tocx of parlor bedroom suites spring j beds attresses i tables chairs etc etc etc a full lino of goods from the best makers always on hand femes beasonable i j speight sjon heaese coflrnbca8ketsat burial gobes of all sizes in stock oedees pbohptlt frlled j speight son drhodders burdock compouno cures lifter complain dyspepsia i sjulionanesfl sick headache kidney troubles btin dtaeaaea i and all impuritlea of the blood from wnaterer can e ariamg the great spring medicine pricot5c with poia91 try dr hodders little livett pills trr imall and asyto take no qripinq no nausea boldereryrherb priceaacta the ttniok medicine co iroprleton toronto ont the largest scale wobks in canada ovbr 100 styles of hait scales ghaip scales frm scales tea scales showcases money dra1 htchi no birrejiw wwtt asoasas jjr rcix iwrite ferterma- c wiiaon alsojn l 60 eiunadi sxpirr east toronto ont kcatloa 4a paper nerj uwjwwrlta next visit acijon dominion hotbi friday november 6th in the afternoon one day 6niy catarrh thboat duhed a fo ooit of the hnfldreda of ronderfil by dr waahinstoua sew siethod halation r ohronlo bronchitia cored ln ecgliah church clergyman cpeala rectobt coaprall da wiahwgtos deui sin i am glad to bo able to io that my daughter i qnke well again ia the teeocd time abo has btka cared broocbial trouble antler jour trotmea the oitul remedies failed i wish to expr a pratitade ploam acceirt hit aiabere yours truly c bpetitt irajno mceelry eiagstoa ont and coasnmpioo john uckeltj kiasston oct catarrh lira a hopping kiursion onu codsnmptioq hr e- scott kin55o out caurrl and throat lirajiro di2tram harratsmiihost tbrot james ilatihew p hasier actob tarrah head aad throat f fraaciaj berlin ofat catarrh tkroat t hisasellloebtilerliiaoat- f win p m coruana ont caurrh henry ficott berlin oat asthnla mrs p warmer near berlin onl head and throat letikerchcx bfcjacoba oat catarrl and throat colin cam pbelltt edward ont aa james stacev datton cit catanb errors of youfh kerroci debilitr seminal losses and lure decay pronipur aai permanently ei spermozone- does not ioerfcr hh dial or ninil occu and fully restore igor and inawl manhood scat to xnv adiesv ralf rocoirtot price onedoalsriwrbor pole schofllrj dbuli stohe elm ronto pottli id ataiiur riatenlfel v b jof m olt beiia enlarsrf ton j tlm iwfaet x tattatmtdrtr1 kr ir vlil wato tmt mj 5lr ss mm mrall vlmbltkbd nry wil noaemoijj w awaif ttmb yog tow br b wa5acotytrfuitrcfcnjj tiiiismliin t t m aiiiwiiic tr twiwwil5as kawvmjaautetaordvtbaicwmstpkas lttttiitoimwcwbrfc iwteitt wmi rnnt ia wwtoj tmnwafwhhhtttes f t 3 t-

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