Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1888, p. 2

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pipa 8rose in ironxttvain til novmrtxr the wiloolllrhtimoccu dime married birtutunnth o- m liiilvilcvwm brjer mtiotcu lav v s kl v ti uic methodist jiroiii lea v- iwrue cfuhter tt hit i ivv in- nf niagara kalis to eu viblurc llc -qlcnt- infimintucr tr tv in act margaret kcasodv w mann aged pj 5 1 ar- uatitctcr jdu tiij tjtv t ixti kovctnbcr b the ntc j tin knliiin fti it 0ir sourc aged qijc rtct jrrcc- rrss w thgrsuiv xoatmisu j isss sotes axbrtimkems 1 tii deputy atciv gthtrxl his noti fied the rl cosulj courcil tint ucless ome actios t tiscu i vc uiucr ci b-ild- tcg a new- iiclry otc the present one baring bees cog jcioily til- irirrclor the government vdu til o th rittit ia its otra hnis a the pest os w impart cictit tall toon issue new style o pasirl cinl it is nuch ukfi the double cari cf the prijcnl pattern the back folds ire split dismally and open like a poiclel star the four earners an folded and 3iled in tec centre when the cud is ready fcr taiiliiv rith a piece of gammed piper the card vechhs less than hail an ounce and trill contain do more irriun than the pressnt card the onlj advantage belj create- privacy i the dairying interest ischeioflcttcn addrcikcd to the affrtrul- tnrml public of canada belnt n crc- folstod of fatry methods and tractices la great uritain and europe iuiryisgits fitubk ix canada this letter is eoxiyrtgulci tad republished u this paper br permission of the author the aclcn fffi tr telb ts a jofceon lh importer olacancfacturxrwbolaufat ral barrels cf zricl paint ia fhila- delphia trhich be lad ten civcrtiiel and after paying freight and duty found the paint vas mrde not three milts firm acton by i man he knee- well the jaks was properlr not oa the ipcrter bt ca the f conference- the ultimite oc main purpose muiafacttirer who wis so hini to the bad bess vajne cf adrcrtisin e3 tosaoimating ft good article and let an american eell it tat bim to ccsioeers rurht si his doer the amoant of basinets that js not done baasse proper publicity is cot gircn it is eacomoas when yoi hve c pood article w bell dtcrtie duniis uzr thanhiprin- day sccas to hsve been rery ecnendly cbicrvcj tbtennhct the dominion canada las a sreat cal to be thinkfnl for and it i riht that people should nctailowthotights of brines affairs to posh all ether lohtscjt c their minds itisnetbnir in regard to irhat hu been jtoehci to cr prle in the bhipe of i bunlifd hrvcit that they should be thantfi fcrba inrcfrd to the afflictions tvhih lisey hirj beca fpared thus tiere sk clzliq cie frr ihsukfcl- iwss for uhile cticr cocri have been afflicied inciters- cecsda his leen sebjectei to 20 cmcsil frror nor hive wars or pkrees iiividcd hr hosndiries in rjcwof the iut cs to luicesand eeneral cistnrbaucs a tirj c rtry icsideut fa preadental tie cilaa m the states the akitauonie rtnered forknctentioa cfthe termofnie to six yiirs cr oir it is taidbrthiiec-rnzpete- tj frm tn et- oitetiiaithehrintp intb- international commerce and jnceiririea cf itc united stales in the cse fczr ccnths uhch caa tie traced to apprehicaix excitement and other cause dependent upon lbs presiden tial campaign amonnls to uzt less thin 30 000000 tlii caress b i an esti mate made by several eminent observers one of whom is chacscy ji dcper ilr beper rechpns the intemid fcnsircs of the eounitryfcrfncrinsnths it abont 30000 0000dandijntrjl tuw has beea a fcasof lopertent- dnrirrtbe fonr menths of the national content that is trbil it costs to held a fresidental election onide of the immense gums epen direztlr in poli- a e qnestien is flelsd on nany hands whether it vcgh ns be to the fiea- eral ioieresis to mike these costly itmfles leas frejaent- thtsjellec it the firttot a eerics which the writer u aboat to address lo the dairy- ntcn of canada ai one outcome of a four monlht study o ttie dairyqacilioa abroad by a ctndiati from a cauidiaa staud- point and wilh canadtau interctts in view thai the letters will bo read by ail can- adian dairymen the writer has a right lo askand a reasonlo expect the right to ask comes of what the letters hae cost the writer the reason to 01 pec t comes of the fact that the work done baa been done in the interest of those addressed that the opportunity ofrcading will come toall who wuh it we havcau aasamnce in the alii lode of the canadian preas ou this subject the intelligent interest taken by tha news paper editors of canada for icveral years past in the question of the ntrcoveuext of on duet rxdrsnty leaves little to be desired the experience of the writer has been such that he feels warranted in the belief that if the most is not made of his own humble efforts in this direction it will not be the fault of his fel low countrymen on the press it is due to myself and my subject to say at the oatset that the work which i did un dertake was cot the original intention of my visit- abroad there was no lack of suggestion of the need of some such action and its targe possible value to canadian agriculturebutit didcot seem on the one hand a work to devolve upon any tingle individual to attempt to accomplish while on the other hand whatever agency was the proper one did not appear alive to its responsibility themare immediate object of the visit was in response to an invjta- tioa from the british dairy farmers as- sociation to give an address at their annual ealtov agulv ix coifihlion daring the sir veers while the exit act was in force ha this cennty th banescial effects reselling therefrom vrcre centincally commented and the- control between scott act in halton and lizxize elsewhere were referred ta in alt pcrti of the dominion kow that iicenfic- has triumphed and the open esje of whiskey is aain in fell swing haltons condition with its fencer eiperi- aues are again being generally ccnpare the fpllowing letttt afpesr ia the gudph jferany last eck to the editor ctice izzzczur fiiz tfceliqsfectrecjs ciirtje crerykccre where if is tcietlic3 t errie cz tfc county of eaitcn itiin to ixstomix rrrrris laaioc and a cuare ill the e jvrcnie me by the advofates cf rttii to eatcb teles that the croott art coj i lc xzicr erfcrced tian the beat act are beis uiiej and thrown to ibe ttnds tie uiense zci tz t3vsv did and always w2 cliii woris miedeniluan and death belfike tectimm fraa uijtcngc-ore- town acton oairills end urriiirtcn alls cs th resultsof thf refii ol ths jczi let tie erifbnjy tru ccziiz-zim- lrjeitts kers boys get dntnt tnj hzv bccs tre t7e desolate eidltpzcevizzh tnsht u- wrirtea rf the ad result cf the rcjil o tie ecoit ist la hajion bet as c7 tit cons ty a majority cf the votes ccr ttctc art f cr tzil the whole connty nctt fcr the ct three yezxi reap th terrible rszlt c tii ro ta innm- iu atneniatfoc en j trcri as icn wr they icoatreap letgnelihcn tttllnista vnlc i vila the soot t id repeal tie vin lc rrmz ca ns we are not yet infercei cir tiijl we te t is as it is potsilre to tecjt cs in tie isrfc ccnnnon sense teaches thii the peftnei oi ch cnetsles as the scott jlct his eil tour cities thojil sftand prcrrei to tiiie nntliiie ktlsa etctjlhic dear to cj ii ti cnjle tint tcrrilrfe hoioch the iiiiar trr hdha pities cor fpcres if wan onr o csi dilure lzs wuigethcail ve da ct relit it it kmie our proper j- tci irillhitf it jo douotrtft k- tobeforlanlcdlstobifcirtcri if we do cat bettirosrtelvee the tt4 fttc of fuiiou wiulobc the ciu- of tle cif o ccelpljasl ceunlyof weyiin goeljihkov- js oxelpif higuuaiiftv t grenphxov 1c tbe mt delibtrats and farntal aseault that hts iocccrred in ooelphor many a cay too pjace wednes- i dty night about eleven ocloct at hzt hour mr william miitbe tiilor ote of our bklest and niosl highly refpcied citi- reos was returning home vrlnrn uear bilhouse on liverpool fetreet be wts ft opon by a eoripfc of roughs jiretumtblyfcr the purpose of robbery v bo pummelled tod horribly cut him argeuj the head with tome huge bludgeon or siiej happily for ht mitchell a yoang min came along in time causing the scccndrels to take alarm md flee without procuring any raluawesor dve place to ft swedish buttermaker u of the visit was to make the opportunity an occasion for acquiring information of enough valae to justify the necessary out lay cf time tend money which outlay could not be ailcrdcd otherwise the actual it of work followed oat therefore was quite different from what had been intended ana was a line of workthat appeared to oed tp or trus a natural sequence practically of some years of work that preceded it immediately the fact of the proposed visit having become publicly known from varions quarters there came spoutaneous- ifi suggestions of the pressing needs which the opportunity might be expected lo serve ifembers of parliament and other public men more or less enthcstlcally in favor of improvement made personal suggestions as to what might or oaght to be done the fouawicjj extracts frcss a letter written me on tbe first or hy last by professor e aj barnard then dirertor of agriculture for province of quebec will illustrate the expectations entertained of my visit prof barnard wrote delighted to hear cf your- being called to england on such a complimentary mission i bepe you will take iine to look into dairy mat ters there bomewhat carefully what we need most for the eniisli mirfcet i thinfc is ij an arginitatiiin rach as the domin iotr immigration agent at liverpool pro moted for the sale cf live etocfc i2 a pick- age or system by which onr fresh but ter properly preserved can be liiioa the english consumers table i hive been studying the question for some time and i have come to the conclusion that we caii press our butter into i h squares nicely stamped pack each pound in parchmen paper box say 2 iih together or even 12 t it boxes putting up ey eight 12 lti boxes into a large shippn case the whole must be so arranged with a preservative against great changes cf temperature as to reach the retailer in the best shape if that aa be done and an active honest agent focud to take care of our shipments we shall exve 05x 1 gixlt ie1l zoz ozz cocstzt i am prepared to help yon or any one else wilh all ray might for the realization- cf such an object i with ocrpromised new era of fast steamers competing lines etc with our proximity to the seaboirdj with coot stor age and with care in making and shipping our butter should reach the consumer -is- great eritiaa in as good condition as the bast of konnandy of course our butter is longeron board ship but cool storage and the richt package excluding air or nearly so from the moment the butter comes in the churn to the time it is put on the table even in england makes this possible for us as well ax for kormandy makers if we organise and go properly to work about it try bj all means to study this matter out thoroughly i wish the department of agriculture at ottawa would help you in this matter efaoold yoa sec 5fr lowe no doubt they would give you full uistvice ni enable you to obtain from this voyage rax rcurjc ixrciarxnox we soirees i eeqctsf a trip to copenhsgen and a j visit to sirs hacna keilsons dairy school would also he most usifub wishing you every prosperty and es- j pecially all advkatages for the f uthetance of the objects yoa sia at in this impbr- tant voyage etc prof- barnard is well and favorably known for his ereat interest in this question not only in quebec on hht official ground bat in other provinces which he has fre quently visited newspaper comments might be given here to show similar expectations entertained regarding the intended visit bat space for- bids the public ihtrodgction to british agri culturists through an honorary connection with the british dairy farmers associa tion was host oppoetcxe fc2 kr ptetofs and paved the way for me by bringing me letters of introduction even more of them than i could oie not only in the british fslea bat on the continent the time of my visit itself was opportaue especially in the matter of exhibitions i had an oppor tunity to attend the dairy contest at ips wich the glasgow exhibition the irish ex- hibition in jlondon the bcandinvian ex- 1 hibitioh in copenhagen the eoyal exhib- 1 lion at nottingham and thej3egain exhi bition at brussels there were special dairy features in all these exhibitions ex cept that at brussels at the glasgow- ex- hibition the working dairy wig carrisi on under a diiferent system each two reeks there were employed in succession en glish lriiyswedisbjand other dairymaids to afford comparison of methods at the time o mytisit the irish dairy maid the head dairymaid at the glasuevja dairy schoof cork was about to leave and held only onoo in flvo yoars and its work infl dairy and exhimuou of product was one b the great loaaoul of my trip the countries visited wore england ireland and wales denmark bwcden germany hol land belgium and france i made it a icatotfl to interview leading dealers io liver pool loudon ghugotr dublin cork and bristol i visited batter and margarine factories private dairies butter marketa and consulted wilh all liio leading agriout- turiits dealers and ex peril i coold meet oao way tu which l hope to make the most of ray euq aires and the iqggeiuons which arc the oalcomo of ray studiei a by tjiviug to the agncuunriata of canada ibrough tx irruncutlte tkti ufiirrrl rutss the icrioot of letters of which i laid in the beginning tbis is the tint one and of which this letter is practically ouly au tntrodac- tion i may here assure the reader that thoagh i spent four long months in care ful investigation my letters will not bo u voluminous as the abundance of material would have made possible i propom giv ing mainly only the conclusions of mature study along wilh facts enough to justify such conclmiocs in writing my letters now with all my raatcrisun hand i am able lo dispenie with much detailed work which led up to those conclusions the subjects of letters lo follow will be some of them canada as a dairy coun try canadas status in the english market among the british dairy far- mer among the british importers batter packages for export trade lines cf possible improvement what the danes have done a ifodel system of ifilk sapply dairy schools the normandy system of marketing new ideas learned front foreign practices a dominion organization needed govern ments ilaca in the work need of pri vate enterprixe england as a fat are market 1 bomethinn abrtat uniqae hol land etc the above is as close a sug gestion of what is to come as caa be made at this stage of writing if these let ters shall not possess enough of interest to my toiling countryman who are the back- bone of bur splendid nationally to be acted upon to made their jaboc mote easy and re munerative it will not be because i have spared every possible effort to make them interesting and valuable w h lynch dinvillep q nov 19th lss ictos if fkkipal coiwcil council met monday evening if th icst at 615 oclock the reeve inthc chair members all present minutes of last meeting read and con firmed the committee en finance presented their thirteenth report recommending pay ment of the account of luther lyman of i2t 17 for two months salary ac as lamp lighter the report wts adapted councillor kcnney repartcd that ucnier oascorpphuuts had been made to him re- spooling the location of the fence on the main street iie of mrs scorda property as it was claimed that it ws esveralinches on the street ifoved by jab kniey seconded by w p brown that mrs s a seccrd be in strayed to have the fecee in fronl of her vteant property on main street the locality or tbe ixte hreplaced on the line and that en the event of noncrraplimce within eight days the committee on streets end tile walks uke euch steps ts are necessary to have the same removed at her expense carried council then adjourned oxe scggesttqx to the editor d the fuzz panec drjj sin your village is one of suffi cient importance as a centre for surround ing country to warrant a lively interest be ing taken in its welfare in any department whatever evenby those outside its bounds as an outsider but intimately interested in its doings as a neighbor would you kindly allow one suggestion re municipal matters actia is whit may be called atemper ance village that ii in scott act con tests it has given a majority in favor of the act why- fihaald cot this majority be given to a prohibition council as at present constituted the council wc be lieve does not contain a prohibition ma jority as witness for instance the recom mendation jastsammer for the granting of a ihird license ifter the croaks act had commenced to work and the unsatisfactory position taken by members of the council in connection with the last scott act contest jsornfl may poohpooh ihe idea of a moni- paj election being run on a prohibition ticket and claim that in acton licenses will be about so at any rate andthatolher matters are of more importince- but are there not in the villre enough men with a well known temperance record who are quite capable of conducting all the muni cipal business 7 this may be considered meddlesome but if there is any possibility of restricting in any legitimate way the sale of liquor in your our village there are very many outside of acton who will be deeply thank ful to have it accomplished tor personal relative and neighborly reasons yours truly a ndcieboc kxatchblutitkms prom our own corrctondpnt bert it wis held in the ebeuczer methodist charcli on the morning of thanksgiving quito a number of iporumea from neigh boring towns paid a viilt to tbo country on thsukagivinx day and the reports of the guns would lead ohe fo imagine some sharp ikirmfihlug somewhere butlatest aconautt itate that mr game ihet enemy escaped wilh alight loasea and a bad scare about an inch of snow fell at knalch- ball sunday evening but by next day al uoon it had almost all disappeared again shootxq accidents at gleuh oa thsnkigiving day a yoang nun named patrick collins while coatiug at a pigeon match on bleemarts hats had bis right eye destroyed ho was using an old rifle which had been converted into breechloader ia the harry 0 shoot a stray pigoou be did not properly shut the breech and a portion of the charge it rack him ia the face a local physician re moved the eye while geo nichols a youth of eighteen and wo belson a companion of he sitae age were oat shooting the same day through the carelessness of other hunters they re ceived a baddose of ahol belson got tbe worst of it having grains in his head right arm and leg the arm and band are quite badly riddled some cf b shot being in if inches nichols got shot ia his heck breast arm thigh and knee they fill not be seriously affected it is thought bal they will carry most of the shot with them lo their graves bold kobbery of grain beany nov 15dcteclive klipper sr- reitcd a man by the name of john baling cf this town this morning on the charge cf entering ihe barn of mr wm foster near linwood and itcaling about q bushels of barley fifteen bushels of peas and five bushels of wheat he was seen aboat uc premise daring the day at night it is alleged he drove up audearried off he staff lc heidelbarg and in the morning disposed of the peas al the mill and then came en to berlin and sold the remainder to mr moffat of the berfin elevator co cliauuccy if depcw secretary of stalc nnr yocx nov 1 a correspondent of tha herald at indianapolis met a gen- llemsn last evening who etanda very close to gen harrison socially and politically who says that although he has received no intimation froahcadqusrtdre he think that chauncey m depew will be notnln ated for secretary of state tbtl he is 1 born diplomat and would be a credit lo the nation and to the president h driukand died netfvinttr oat nov 15 this after noon a man named john aifcey after get ting is drank ts tbe money kg bd woum allow deliberately mixed five crams at strychnine in wbiifcey drank the same and died drink and domestic troubles were lheai3eged causes of tbis suicide he has nocliitdren acrafokchgiatjias there is always a christmas ilirorabout the dcparlcietiu of harare sfcjzzlct ffr december bat it is irapoeible to avoid ute suspicion this year that tbe editor is tryifig hard to shove his easy cbair under tfce mistletoe for purposes best known to him self at any rate he writes nost chari tably of kissing games and kindred things and finds a good word for the society reporter ou tha dailf newspapers mr howells in the stedy is also in a christmis mood and discusses christmas literature amiably the draircr invariably in ia merry frame of mind is merrier than usual yet ifr warner expresses the hope that the presentgiving business will not be al lowed to grow so large that it will present ly have to be organized as a trust than there are many amusing itorics verses and sketches both wilh pen and pencil men tion mast be made of the capital fullpage sketch by da ifacrier which shows how times change and women change with them a eon of mr j ferier at campbellville aged about 13 years was fooling with a bottle containing gunpowder on sunday lat and exploded it by applying a match the broken glass flew into the boys face and it is feared that the eight of oneeye is completely destroyed gentlemen kindly call and examine kelly bros spring suitings and panttngs sunbeam photos the latest dze slo per dor at the metropolitan studio atoni sivage attack ttr a beak ix toeovto l touexio nor 13 a bear owned by mr jclapp of parkdale which was kept in the yard of j mxcleary broke loose last night ahd attacked john shaw df foxley street who had accompanied a young lady home from church knocking him down and clawing him fearfully one of his legs and- his arm were badly lacerated and the flesh of tbe shoulder torn policeman scolt who witnessed the attack fired three shot into the bear bat this did not prevent the continuance of the attack another con stable named wright came up and fired five shots into the brnte the raeq from the parkdale fire hall then appealed on the scene and killed the bear with au axe the injured man was taken to the fire hall and medical attendance procured- the safferer ia in a serious condition s guelpk ifakeets noted millinery a dry goods house acton worth wear style 6c strength choice 8c cheapness is the cdmfafnatlon offer ed fn our great stock of new and fashionable goods and includes all things new and desirable for fall and win ter wear dress goods we hare bought larger la this line than ever before too hearj- we thoucht at first bat the tctjiow prices arc ind wul continne melting the tticti of these coodi dam when we r low- prices tht mouu from 15 to so cfaeaper ifcta other h era ice in this vicinity ail the utcit colcriags ud ma with suitable trim- chizstnir be found on our counters and we will be tcascd to how yoa these level r coeds millinery wcsxcrnsbod in this department tad we weald dvis til wmtlne rosilj- choice good to cotnc inesxls our stock is very chafe tnd pertocr inipcctioa mast conrinee you that thii u tiie leading house is the coanty in this lice ofjoods itaxtle axd ulstek cloths in crest vxrictj- staples fuanelt shlrtincs sheeting tiaartt cot tons cottonsdec denims wueeys ticking cretonnes prints ksnfciostoweils towelling ic bunteti trotn eiss per pair ap hardware i have n on- la ttock naili caoadiao and ameruan ilttcra alj sizes ia cat also 8tel tod cbltei iomusd uroaght clout finishing and ficas all iliet hincei fctript sad screw hooshatts 8erew cutlery hivjpm axes sawi namtnen wrcncligs ilines jack koiin ouai juflk horolvori powder shot sblf caps kiorr usru door rollers packing haacr hemp sokj itoue and asbestos i i rsbllt xjiuuc t i cla all fiiiw sud cu ta ordc froc rntty pdlots dtc paints j oils aiiockci pctrchoni trcpaxcd sad gnua icrdls psint slwiii on liatid fa all popalar sbadas iso 1iftlcad dry sad in oil i lld load v kedt yellow ochre and til dry colors hoiled and icaw oijitnqitiac vtrniihcjtpnetiellodc machirie oils ltrdine glycerine asjberblmk and groceries atamlinffof fise teas coffco bugars tobatsiof raisins cnrrants rico uariyttiioc flaxseed ajnm kosincroaui tartar pintles cheese lrd bton ulackiog fclovo k boot 6tarcb 6oap ijioe veastcake baking ijowder 6od cocoa- cnt chocoltte eitrtetispicct orahge and lemoj pel ottmesl stui lioltates viaegtn white wtao tad older in ftct i evcrytfcbikuiaallj- touadjin a fini class grocerr i latrlps afollhua- all 616 sizes and desci shadjt globes chimhers laaterus ic cheap i icrockeryfiasswafe including tea dianex sad toilet tts ia plaia colored and china alabajbtine acatler oi ot thj jzicj popultr ksomine jait to hand fa tu ihades wall papery a urge etixkrci litni of kici tsi kobbr rtrh from 5c a ros an a lirga lot of rean cants frcci clc rcc to ten at yotr ou price to ue cleared out jl i dont fcrgot car xc teas bcai titin all and onrjjicrc coff frcji ground is a laxary you ritbont cant well do sole a ent for 13 lode icd ciiruin roller also blaar- spcclicie pearson ladies ojfgton yoiir special atte the exceptionall mantles ahd atth e tioii b called to fihe iantle lion range of qloths fa ai money v few thaahnd i mini ot 41000 tns hojlsefc lteor t3elinoe sd lot tin- c hootil islel poswfjon gireu cnltntpply tojnatt owner hons6 4 x housatnd jotoa hill and jdha itrceu bie corner for bnlldi tigrffi y6u2 rcaidaita y sot i tsk sabkribct heicby oflen for fc j housettadloton h iti m be kuti v1 this it o built with s betvr tfinjer fraoa sil readily rcmored iexnu apply on tbe tcmiteto i alexaxdj fruit trees- small and ornamental sbjabby rev rb cook ole scant for known old hochesxer prietot and u pteparei of the iruit trees imall are thowa la the illuiv nartery the prodoct nurtery are known to q correatly ntmed and ij resalu to til wh prices reasonable acjon b mi been ectiqnfqf surserjrs to taka c e generau the old bem f eta promws mfa pbrthate toek2r thti tbore reward w furnishing inforta the arrest tad conricti dstroyad tbe fence uin tad main meets itetkbcooiiii- s500 rwasfj towk hall friday 30f pe0bqbt6wttj the wol jubilee diged from fisituniyf have been e their liiiniitkble this is the oetijlxal coipatt that deroted orer pi 1c00- of its mxaaik thtrbuddingol fltkcr iteriitriinatf woflderfnlly snecessfal ea alroalb p of kings and qaeenj to 1 prucs m thttsang by special i hayes garfield admuiistratjofs cbed1tors op berli ad siatbtcs ot ostaa 110 tbe creditor of kde ucnoir ute of the tdfrashi ta erin is tfa i pursuant to 1367 cht4iur 110 cmyw welfingtoajfeof f the taibe place farm r i s i iiritatian for j ad arthur i never to enjoyed n asie llz r crtsg sztvgfeos that nntfc tonche it takes boliv caow- pnrscstorcibpiurl th eir soygs open th rrv thzo l tuiniaitul lleh mdhalb dectdabedj about thsllth day of ftl p attelph fc jfela8gow habeedasheey s dozen ladies couan at 5c- each 100 dozen ladies wool bote from 15e to 75c per pair s uinet black wool hose urge sixe and heavy a and jsc childreas from 13c up ladies cashmere glorea from 15c up ladies kid g fores i battens 35c and up atfcta igc the alpine the latest wool hat for ladies- our mantles younl find korth oil never before had we such valjje or van jackets wraps and paletots hi ever ladies and children i our milliner this season has proved a remarkable suc cess the beaut of our shoutopm is a ciirrent topic of re mark and our values are unequalled in the trade flour eoucr flourstoce white cla wboc scot wheat democrat wheat spring wheat kodger wheat bran barley oats eye peas har straw wood per rcti z eggs per aoren butterdafrypaciod batierrous cheese potatoes pex bag apples porfc lambskins pelu hides- wool z av tih i56e 3 10 to s3 1 90 to 1 15 1 ij to i 1 1 is to 1 u i 15 to 1 15 i 13 to 1 u 1 13 to 1 l3 if to hot 0 55 to 0 to qu to 0 35 0 go to 065 0 60 to 0 61 16 03 to 15 50 3 00 to 5 00 00 to m 0 15 to 0 1 0 17 to 0 33 0 22 to 0 u 0 12 to 0 is o a to o s 0 0 to 0 50 6 65 to 7 co 0 30 to 0 65 0251o00 3 50 to 50 0 20 to 023 hkwy hr mitchell was carried into his botue where he cow lies in a precarious eoocbtioo hopes areenlertaiued however taut his rigorous conslitation vill prove rtroog euongh to poll ijfm through his imtilintieo far iiave not been arrested fsbd there ia vecy little likelihood that they jriube i the insh exhibition i found the wellknown canon bafiot full of bosiness and path with his company of good looking clear complexioned irish maids ma king batter and idppfriag the n angry viaitori wilh milk cream and battermilkajoojj with cakes trait soda ic the exhibition at copenhagen was ptie word accidentally shot toimsto kov 15 an accident occurred this morning on the sandbar skirting ash- bridges bsy which resulted in tbe death of james edward beswick a well known most promising and mach respected young man of tbis city wednesday evening ifr beswick went on a shooting expedition edward anted of tbe firm of apted bros printers col borne street one of his most intimate friends tbe two spent tbe night in a slianty on the sandbar and yes cerday morning started out lo hontfor game- aboat 11 oclock they sighted a flock of snowbirds and while mr apted was closl bis rifle after inierting a couple of cartridges the goo went off tbe charge entering mr beswicka side a little below the heart and fcfllusg him almost iniunuy he fell oo bis back and did ndi otter a j ftjes ftjrs- fqr3 we tre teuing persian lamb caps 40 less than last letsatx kowi the time boots and shoes ladies dont fail to see our elegant kid boots st 4200 also a line of one foods with toe- etps whfen ia the rage in kew yorfcandtaronto felt boots very low this year groceries alwiya cheap rbjermyn butter and eggs wanted dress depart your inspection ety in dblmaris tyle of cloth for ent in this department ve excel we claim to have in jliss todd one of the most fashionable and perfect fittin dressmakers in the country ig31 thecuifrvato ix u- codxtfiy 6extd the hes1 op the agricultural weddjes devoted to farm crops and i rbcesses horticulture fnukgrpwini livestock and dalryfe while it also includes al 1 minor dep of rnral interest sneh u he pootay 1 tomology bm keeping g ifcenhouas ant veterinary repliea fane questions rwerv fireaido beading domestic and a summary of the evt of tbe kaxket reports are danbothtcompae bruary ad iflhti hereby notified and reqi tred to tebdfbwa before lioadaythe sere teeuth day deea ber lfbb by port prcjiai or otherwi4 fleuwa to dtniraa ucgibbou t the town of ifio solicitor fcr john millar the tdjabjwtrtitraj pointed by the shrrogati court efthc ctratt of wehington thelx el ristiau snd- iurnaihi addresses and dcscriptk it the fnh partiealai of their accounts or turi hi and the caturre the security if tay held by them l and farther taie notic thirthe saiasdam trator wil proceed aftei the aaijl tereatscra day of december kt tt distributeljie t of the said deceased amc qj the paities b thereto haxicg regard u lie claimtcf vhk he thea shall hto had i otiee and bewjt be responsible for tbe t id imu otur jari thereof ta distributed to any person qy wm of whose claims ho may tot hire receiredasfc at the tune of the dumb ition of sochatsi duxcak mc hbbox j solicitor far the admhiiitisiot- al ellen jckairdocemd- dated at uiltou this it 1 kcreaubeniaci ttjq l much attention it paid to the 1 crops as throwincligbt ebon one offttif iben it cl matter than eyer befert- the 8u important of all qaeitioot when wj whento sell it is uberalyilloj when m r illotttaief i recent enlargemenl coifaau matter than eyer befert- 1rice is fijo per year but tf oiler m v our range of dress goods aid trimmings is most com plete we show a magnificent a sortment jof combinations and plain goods with braid and trimmings j d williamson s co powder absolutely pure this powder never tories a marvel of parity onomlcal strenftnudwholeaotaflueai jforo economic ihi than ibe ordinary kinds and cannot be told in competition vith the- multitude of low test abort walnut alms or phosphate powders sold only in cans boxu baxino powdeu co 100 wall fancy sao c for sale thti qdderslgoed lit a nnmbor of flirtclast a nueaxpfltgfot sale at reosoaablo prlpa call and tea tbom pairrtrffarched timothy mitcheiil ladies gg upper wyhdham treet gulph for yoct 1 dry goods evcrythiuc entirely sew chcice and cheap rictst prints in the city elegant pattern suitin gentleil li hotisg the icestraics of imported j gs orsteds and pitings in he city en our styles arc correct oorprifc are the chearlt i orfit and workmaashlp aio uusurpassed abcr he place 99 upper wyndham street b lauranc1 wholesale no 46 st james stre e ndson beducuon to our i i fj cltjb rates fob 1889 tt two gobscrjiitlonsj la oik reinittajiceii4 six subseriptlonj do i do u 10 1 twelve subseripuon m do j 18 tto all mrur 66mjer for 1889 paying ui advance noic ikt8 and at paper uceiy row our rtxeiplhf the mmiusnct t0 january 1st lss9 irithvut charge t6pecifcawi5 fuee address lujiee tuckeu i son puhluhert i aibantkt he free press ai counter gentle man forone year for 93 pp jjh3 st xljcholaror k co ipticans montjbbal woodemgkaverfi it is riijipfyfae tdmtwuntj people dmagfi- journal m jin auanmndel world fswi ft this worldrenowned nfagaxine foryoiing people and their eldcrb is to bttt a reat programme tar the new tolhrae berfnhing witn november uffi theedltokurs llaryuapejl dodge calls it an sjlazoindthihiona year 7 of course the hulk of the extents- as aesatofoc will relate 10 american subjecta bucyoviif america is always clad to itaru whasfoi w fa the world oauide aud thest stories ana djocfin- live papers tre uot of tl3 dry geo order and they will be strikingly utastrated we bavo sptrfo here for only a few protaiseuf aanooaeemeats j amerkja l litue saint elisabeth by mrs bora author of little lord fauirtleroy j the bm tine of the jlcpublie howl the covernnient carried on college aialetict- aiiatem photography boys and the national quart the girls crusade indian stories pehot stories etc tbe ueuiaf st anno aiferls about canada south american stori9t m ltailroad in tbe eloudt indians of the an loc by ifr frank b stockton etc life in kornty by h h boyeseot aqd the dutch bv mrs ktrv mape u h smith n the wlachester school eagriah way trtins ferdinand jde letsepii man italian iartj andliunlin papcn etc as1aj van phou l writes of alloys add gtlj china and there is a description df- 8ot john chinamaai intntioji mrs h hnnt dtaeribes homo lilin thecatt on slam japan and other e4sutries africa the white pasha hji noah brook i tkotchof henry ilstaaieyrrhowaa fmily urcd in egypt stilor box a itoryof tho siege of aleaaijdria atjstraiila a lerietof interettiniiartioeaimparthwpiophjj novel and ainnthig iaformaaon coaeeraisa history the animal and pfeat life mcj of tf wonderful land jj arotiqreaioha akdths 8tm sow wmade thofarsest north fcy uj a w greely of the greelv expedition a j dash tith dogs tor lift or death by titnt schwatka amodcra middv a suba bamble etc etc t t bbteription price 830 f year pejir b ij- whota celpbritefl pebble nd other bpwtaclejuid eglaei m to be found in every town iu tbe dominion they ire recom mealed by ud t timoniil be been reeelred from the erf lident vieefreaident exaendeot and ei yittprerideatol uibmdioi amoctitonof oiuida the prwidenlloi the colle e of puytioialii tod i8nnwmdf qoedeo the dean of tbe medical feeijlty of ll inivertity jbe preai- deot ud expreaiden a of tbe medical connoil of ntya seotia 4c a comprtm aaaort- ttantol heao exoelle it gooda will be fooid at theitbreof j 8peah8oi1 agent acton jlbyjo l cheek drift or reguteied letter j volame biainiiritb xo ember the great tjdriatoaa jfamber thicnoticoeutlttisa if nit prim ofjtdxlui aallfjitio catftfrai ohe mglosaxcn warlf w ru id leader sttghuttt st nlah0ts8 and the fbxl fbf ss forcm real for 350 is

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