Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1888, p. 2

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ortf kjjcihaw it kattcl bull ou lli snd lalu u c wife of ittak lunula of a dtoghter camjr to tcrnisou tiic igih ituuuie fife o ur j coruu t uie apv xritu ot tuufclcr tcjlrrixd britetwsumt u lie wjcicc ct ile indcthuict lljiforl mutirkaoa the 1 tu nt lrtukcct c ifiiw kt btrdgjiik w o toroc o to i oq c cidctl diut cr 01 vir win smriu foncprtro c on iritviv vivv wtclnt cl ircl he lcvillc iri cr t rcccet jola fcvattin o totvcu lo tm e lot m ttica cf ile sino r iuvtvtkmioalkhtiisov l3iclili ks denec ct tlo i njc cither ij ilc list j iteleax a lojuu t kcsuit to frclpi lo eut vt cuo o coo sd lb ct wsjor of uloc ucctuvi tctwrwu uclevtiand 0 ttlhe dc u tie bijc t filu oa tle iitb ut k vtruecncc owbecvc c tad tea ot ur c jccrtncv ctul of oklti e irtj r tku tcrolitr alct ccjv- to j w k diet drvr ic c or oa tho i lct ctlittnnl eitj la fne c ca u o tl intt clnt tici liu ti crclitrt l suji nin hosc in cgt pb a tlo 21 orc nbc- kc hofc ln hcc lie utc jo n k03 fcm c5 retur ecrr la tssic ratio lt sotwuik jclc t iict aa c ilc un hcgb l lxsd caadjlatulttviocoltul irnt irrt- j hj tot jm rcss thursday 0vlmbeb20 js84 votes and co 1cetv the tw prinmets viti open iboatthe loie le ihas rrir the 2lh or ihfi 31st of jiaairr is icnoanced u the date of the opetuagof tha docaciioa plainect tai the oiiujuo lepsktve tii probably be called to meet ibout the former die the ttoru sute ihtt the senttor kic donald of toronto his pne to birbidaes with the intention f gtthqnng teformtuon regtrdingthetnjecf the west indies- he vul moft iitely be heird in the sestte next session oa ocr comraerctl reutiocs cith these islands snl setfoandluid which le tisitod last summer the indiacipohi meetu of the gecenl tssemblir of the knhts of laba- hu been notable for the franisess with which tila officers of the body have pet its tcition before its represectaures asd the pilhc ther sav it has feat eotne 300 000 members that its income no lander tasces ta pay expeaes and that its fowth was too rxp d to bevpermacent dl uejt iw ilou or 1 0 auilc iuctusdlsriojrm dcrc iped mid an devtloped the fied the forwl the fihcrjr the mine raau ifa lures and commerce all occap no md piscc it is however uo dcprccit on of ll 0 htr tesojrec to n u at both in alusl rculu ani iu tatarc promi tie firs nimej elude li li l in in postal w oarcrpotts arc an ill tlra uon of uus fact iu 17 cur 1 cricnuural ctpou ainonled to iro c tha11 hall o fio total ciportf tic induttn whict h nrtoe of ciporu it eco id in importance is that of tl c forest wd uic export of tl 0 litter were leas than 1 all thoso of the geld in roand irilhousol bllar our toil ex ptfrt ai ifc7 were as fouotts n cu ti ui0 tle drt to 01 lue- 0 u j tx k v iufkctjrc lutv 2ilu iu to al wl 1 j in this claf fication 1 1 no uiuc a de parure from that of the tnde and na tioa ubv in tl e i dd wpnculiurc i hie included auimuls aid ihtir 1 0 dects exoept tars d id ihucckw ed ecparatch tl ese cure strtfcint as thc an donot felly eics the relative importance ol ajicolture ajaosc tl 0 eoi id rations wh ca emphts ze that cxptrssio l are the following 1 the forest poducts export ed are moe ucarlj in arawtlate hkedcili plinks e c ad do not represent the cm plovment afforded that field prodc s do the iattc- incladmfi each prodec sascattte theew batter grain c c m foct pro dact loag onlj to the new base or the cocintit and mct wane with its dadop ment while the field is the present back bone and th- fatcre promise of the cajnty and oar hibcsi popentj in the fature will be conucfrnt cpoa its uit and cant n ooas expanion and improvement uhich bo h are possibc ow ananaktisof the export of ojr most important and valaabli an altaral resoarts ill slow there is one epcial bran h of indas rj which overtops the othe- ltjichcs even as agriculture it elf fitanas hihe than or o her resources weexpoted m l in roand million del hers it u intend to nm a stnc ly temper woe ticket forerery osos at the approach icgmamcpal elections in elnston some thing of the fcxd is necessary if the condi tioa of the town be fjujifaliy recordai bv the local pres acccrdine to the vnr ome of the streets are eo infested by row doee after night that thy are impassifce unless a peraoc is well armed on jaccxry lst the new law rektm to public execctiq is to com into force in thestatenf new ick when tne jectns part wgi be empyed to destroy life in stead of the barbaroaa and nncertsji rape some canosty is fel jj respect to the first execution by txst means criminals epeafc of it with bated breath as beji sometfcjig mrstenoas as well as terrble the fame of the cinaaan pao5c rail- wavhasenreai toainca andthe gonial general for fthera at torccta has re- cered a despatch from the lbenan gor erairent isbcg fa- ptrtiralirs as to th construction cf the canadian faa c eau way and u is not imphhaue that th same parties msy have an opportunity o sendenn far the coasicactioa of th- st- fancal lbenan railway ceed two eiones ni heint are reqaired to erect aa iron stairwar or tmr tfrfirj to the wall of the bazhinp and eommem catrn with erery floor atcre th first cine xhev hare also to pnnd in ca sleeping ippaxtmcat a j inch rope which will reach the groand and a noace mesi be pecied m etch room wtjlrrg attentioa to the fire es ape keglectof these pnstilons entails a fine of from f 20 to 209 his excellency the governor general has personally interested himself in a scheme for taxiing to the public 0 0 tawa t free coarse of winter iectares oa f sab tectr treaied from a popnlir point cf view cmhar to the ecyal insfatnuon c led eres va england they will really be on the science of common thmcs the object being to place matters of ereryiay life be fore the pubac m such tmanner that every one caar nnderstand withoat the cecescty of a scientific training beforehand drowned utiile fclaticj witeeloo oct or 2i i cad drown tog ac occared here this morning three or faar yonngmn were tkltmg oa the pond when the ice bejg thin one o them bobt schram went tlroagn his body was recorered with great discclty after remaining ender waer twenty mm dtes hat life wis titnet cho tl at t a on hoo xi lc c ton 1 j karjct ojjow hts t omu icu 0 w t 0 flo r n brci orow fs 1 ot j sacdrie tji1 1 1 yt m10x xu the dtirv exports h 1 and higl e t of ill tcdeed they eiccesfed oar combined exports of shep froit b con hij oat hides pokitoea and 0o tnv were near iv j per cen of all the sgricahnral ex pots and ov c 10 pe cent of onr tol ex pots these facts indicate bo far as exports have auv meaning that tl edirj isifa 0- m oar industrial economi wl cj i econd to no o he it is snch a factor in a sen not indicated bj ues for mill p oinc uon rather than bmg nndalv cxhanstive to the e 1 is fav oabe to 2 ev c of calti ration whi h will help to renew th fe tlity of so 1 alreair lirpoteri bed bj cram cropp n it is the canadian expen that the in tllint j odnc ion o mill and th ehilfnl ctnuft ture of its proatkts bings propentv to th sr caltori the maciest dvanacsofdtirvidg ud th- iat p ac it ha in oar indn trial ecodomj lepcia a coad t en cf th ng ftrotb to the fctnre pt3 p tj and pro- grtia of th co- lnhapplv t funhr tniu of oar dxirj expoi riii greitlv modify env e t conrataltion wbile in a general eplen did expansion and rap d growth of cr ex smcelhelstqqraocotdingtoinew p oar dam podnvs as a who- have iiw all hotelheepcrs whose inildmgs ex p- p klth th important of oar votonogi banv tldevc canrlt toeono sot 23 hecrj hnnter and we alexander the two confidence men and bsnfc sneaks captured by thedetectires on or 1j were w the pnlice coart today and were remanded icr another week for a hearing deeciive inspecto- stark and his men have eacceeded jhey thick in jd the pair aa err bad criminala recterday s mad boght isfotnitioa from sereral tnited feies cites o their oper ationso er there they bo fa had a long string of aliases and a romantic record of crime as clerc- back eneaks and confidence opentorr the ds ec ires hope to convict themcrconfidenadgh 51 chalmers the yotmg eootth toanst oat c 67j on a train coming from loneal last noah ulisteolfe fiee at oleuil taeearnsattlielfodeiraruiukiitwj stt gzzttz ov 20 th- ontano govern ment has sustained a senoas loss hy the detraction o their barns at the sfode farm to niglf the refiecioa was first noticed from the aty sbcrat cjzo and al most i after the flames shot high m the air the haras were the largest tnostcompleleacd best appointed in the province the plans bemgonly resolved oa after prolonged ainsideratioa the mnn tern wis burned to the ground also the two urge wings attached to it for the horse table and eheep pens the boll shed was alia completely cestrojed the live stock were all saved the fire started ra tne opper part of the main barn all the students and attend ant had left only a short time before for their supper prof shaw was utthe bam i minutes before it was discovered and everything was all right- the opinion of the officials is that the tie originated from a lamp or from a spark from a pipe tiie total loss is estimated at 30000 other expol oj o these dairv prolacs has been s eadilj fallcg beh nd m s mo marled degree th jeira isj to lt7 whch increased oar to 1 exp3- fron ci to 78 millioj dhars o- pe cent in creased ftar cheese and batter exports from n0 0o0 to ooofrtt o- 3 per cent while oar batter expo tsin6ijohowing thej- share of increase have actually fallen o5from tnre and a half millions to oj million dollars or no less than 73 percent it o coarse follows that th expots of chsese mast have had an almost phenom eaal expan on n cde to have given th combined eipos eogood a shoring as thej have mafe and th a nal mrease of oar cheese expets have indeed been om thong striking from icsa thin two million dollars m 167j th have grown to over s mclioa dollars in i57 an expia ion o abogt 2s0 per cent tha actual repatation abroad of cana diaa cheese compared with vht it was hefoe th trad began to asnm pcpotioae is a flattering confirmation cf the concln ons which naturally follow from a stcdv of the above fignres at one t me canadisn cheese vts exported under an american brand to giv it a b r hold opoo the ecghh mtrke today it is tobe feared that sbrewd amencana know too well that amtican cheete will kii b tcr m england if pot npon th marte as cin adian the repatat oj of canadian cheese is cow secona to uone and the tnc- s of the dominion in clee prodo tion hia already awalened coneidtab e eaonir a to rar methods amon oar cmpc irs bo h m unmark the present batter coantryrar-yvi- rr and m holland th premier coantrj for milk product an and dairy export i sir- mdicit ois of a dis position to ad th resos of canada s enccess incidentally i might remark that for foar yesra ti e wnthvrem coantiea of scojand have been 6eadilj improving the goaht of tbar che tmdr the persoual insroction of canadian ch4 malcrs rho are tetrodemg the canaaic system tire first season the capnj so vse content with th lmpotation o one in traco but now they ar not 6its5cd with 1 than two of oar bca men whom thj eeure in the most prat cal business hi wa by hbet1 remnnraion for what the find to be exceedingly racab service on the o her hand the acted repata oa abroad o caiadian ba ter to day compar edto wnat it was at on- time is of a less flattenng character indj it is a rjcea tioa whieh has fallen off the most- oar ex potofialter whi j we have szu has gone dowo 73 per cent or oar repattoi for mtfcina it i so much for the past of oar da ry in dasry t hat is its pcxible and pobable fature to myclf m sp te of th- dis coarsging aspects of o e branu of oar en qciry the oatloo is hoprfnl first the country is reraarabl well adapted for dairying tie eceeis of the cheese mdutry ie abundant oof of adspta tioa fortfaeprodacionof mils and oneoat least of the rails product oar failure in bntfer eiportat on is not necesirily proof thettle coccfry is not adapd fo- batter production the quantity of butter which we export is small in proportion to what we consume at home the canadian peo ple are light consamersof cheese batbeary consumers of baiter ourbatterconsump turn is to a- very considerable extent of an exacting character and it absorbs a larger propirliqt if not near sll ol the cr best portion of cur whlfl make local pn cs rtf the bct of our butter are niaally safj icnclj ih to fot the exporter to handle quantities of cheaper aid inferior butte- 0 e l ittcr raascc with d a mile of m writ g i ix od uo bitter fo- jears at less t kc tne it cc its xr poald itc el ms his 1 r ce at d a fciv jcars ao 1 i r cc v twcit five cents per i juiid tt s butler lias tiaallj ben sold lirctlv to toni of ihoanj cousamers ahvavs o 1 1 o lookout fo rood batter at ai j rta able ncc- djjbtkes not ft s i ji lul of it ever fojnd its vvaj into tho ctjtorls for the rcakii ihit it was alwavs fjwi u for ai d ue iillv at litres which for f i j it export llrn k to i referred to has j e t uic tub to a montreal fsm ly who c 1 u 1 uritts that u n fine baiter oit tub his rojb to knijlon oi t oi oocs to ouvva and the balance is fpol enf rua mo itreal rciilcr there ibiotlut o al iu th s instance it is nercly illu lrative of acoadit on of things v 1 1 li bats upon tl e juc ioj of ti e grade tf our while butler podu ion aja i tl o fiiut c3 iditiou of batter m a fo l 11 unrktt is not alwjvs a troof that ii l b ittcr was devoid or qaal tj when first n ade it n av no have ben picked to i ivide fort a trviii couditiont o its ub ecucnt hu dlmg it maj hive been unfair lv tested in its transportation orbysiwula uve holdup ak a matter of faet in every province of the doii mou and very likely in evey cojntry more or less buttcrhu beeaandis beinj made luch would becoai deed fine man mtrfcc itisunhkch that in ire iand itself lkticr butter can be made than in oar own prince i dward island equally lc a aui beau iful guilt edged bat ter may b n ale almost anywhere in the mint me nova scot a and new brunswick with the r r ch marshes and grassy sopes utwl by atl utic eabroexe quebec has its lastcra tornehipa the vey name o which is synonymous with tho best batter of tl country it has too its karaoaras ka district rh ch though it has shitped enough bal butt r to spoil the best repata tio i did it in spite of catie grasses and atmophre which have prodacd eotne and m ght have produced more olthe finest milk and butter in tho woij ontario be nip moe of a wheat growing coantry has had lets of the advantage of having made batter msljig in tom degree a speciality but it is no to be doab ed that in every one o il rich counties erccllaat batte- has been rude tl ojjh tons of it have been spoiled by ld m xiu and store packing ai fo- oar rlonoaa cateu hentace the preines there ma b torn parts of it 1clicg tl o tb jndnce of pare water essea ti1 to th podntion of fins batter bat ther are jobby onh a emill popotion cf the riiol and where there is water tlcre are the aajj advantages of eapcb oa rv cittl rich sv cct pairie grasses natures pare t sir col wramer nights and let it b added a peop e of enterprise and mtell gece the p ck of every where if canada aoe no tak lrtt rank as a dairv coantv it v ih uo be b use ch- is not favored by ntnre v th all eaejtial coj atoasofgra r water climate ec doab its hecared c be cao of natural condit ons o- carcametan cc not so w ii dap cd for but er as fo ci cee p od ct on this may be true of c of oar vhct qrowin water scant oojirio count e oreomcof oar rich low cl v ilds of our queb parishes hat tl dcrs rill coagn thaise res moe c oah to cbe- odn t oa s a pnntable efx jjtv mkn ffcntt onh inasupplcmen tar vay minlv fo- ccaamp on more or ks icvil ond the s mc of th peep e of canada i cjual to ti o speij needs oaa- c fal dairm hce i have cached upon an i npo tu factor o sacces naural advanup- tho hcce arv to compe e eaesj are almost than half the bttl q erccoirmg morennd more into dtva of stiff ccmpctition in chtcb mtelh gene eateprie d ski 1 will play the full e pir h- c nnc t gat on to dis cover nature s eere s etrximental work esdin to perfe tioa of method ingenious inieutmns to peret necessary appliances oiginality and pn i in enterprise all are nee arv to eca in the strong compc i t on already upon n en puhing to the front m chee c m- ling canaaa has shown hrlf peopled nth a race possessed of the ncwdsary quahfictions for spcoess th- grovtfa of the cheese industry if carefully etna ed will be ccn to be no u accident norfcepart bat a real growth due to the intelligent ent rprieeof the people mostm t ma e y connected with tin growth it is the united auonoth- pojseerscf tndas try iu ontario in ssociatioj asisted in a moderate decree only ly government vhich gave tl e hr impe ns to what is now our great factory system of cheese making qaebec followed closely npon onttio end now other provinces are oa t e move the che e industry is now so rell in hand that th e can belittle doabt of suchtcdyprugrcs that th- dominion rill lead all comtctitora in the race th- good judgement of the canadian checsemilprs is well indicated by their temper on the qas jot cf the adultcratioa o chese ul the plausible argaracnts to grtcdilv reao to the imp rg po5ts of robb ng th- mill of its creim and snbsti tu iiif son thing chapcr are always met by a cnanimoas even irapat nt opposit on bv oar asoui c se nakes the wisdom of this a fposi cecomes raoe and non apparent in the ever improving reputation o oar cheese in great bntaon in a receit csic al exarainat on cf i think near y t03 sample of canaoiaa cheese m lniaiid not on was found to be adalter ated in batter r roduc oi ihil there are no evidence of maked success while thee are rari evidences offeilore the genius of oar people- niu becul to h needs o the t uat oj even as it was in t4tase of cheev pndac ion but the peep e should st t enifcves at once and heartily to the u v hat has btcn do le already in this cj nect on will tl ov that th- tempe- of the iop e is o improvement and progress bu no ccoupli hs been done and cot euongh tttcrai tei i do no claim that the ta is a light ue i cairn onlv tha- the genius of the pop is eoaal to i the need if it will c itsc f here as it has done e erhc e 1 at acti u must needs be tticjrit s not v uhin t e scope of the pre tint writing to dis a 1 th agei cica which are already working for improv emnt of cairj tng m canada are mainly the following the wesern and jlaslern dairymen s associations of ontario and the da ry mens ataocist on of quebec have been more than all else jue nimntal inihnildinp cp our great cheese indestry and making it what it is the ontario creameries association of recent cganization is promsing of much lep to the batter tndastn the l0va scota uammens assocatioa is a he organixat on aadfor about ave years has done good p oneer work there is an association m manitoba of whose practical wok i cam ot epeak from personal know ledge the ontario agricultural college at guelph lias mode a good beginning with its working creamery but it doubtfeaa hu its best work yet to do it is now dain good experimental work ard perhaps better lecture work outside aniotg lhcfarracrt aud he hoadof llm depart mci i has abill lies o the highest order vv lici til hiri well to do a great work for gcucral caundian durjing ihe donuia i cxpenn oalal farm at otawx las not e jut ite f on tha record ot thing acom ul cd ij it may benadetodoa mo impoc nit and nu h ecd ecnice ia ll e li o o cipci me it and cdlcilion ir da 1 is an ex eelleat agricultural rt v h cli hs dme and is do ug a grand work educating its readers the o diuarv i cspapcr itf is keenly alive to its on o vc- to reach and impress the masse in tl e duolion of in irovenjent tin dominion ai i home of the proviijc al goverumt its lave made a bcginim g by c rcukti l d irv hlcrature specially rcpirvd ac thj writer of some of tl e paraihlcvi uhu d i am glad to have euhstaut al evidei co that if litis do o good work in vie of our ntturl advant ge the geaius of oui people vvhath s nlrcalv been attained and an aw k i 1 tlicjk itua througl oat u o coui trv 1 tuk greater i ro s thec ibcuielv u w to hope for the lairy in luttry ii cxi u a grnd futuie w h lynch danville i y nov i lb fill s old tie following farms arc oily a few o thoe recently sold hy the well known firm of john j dales i co real cstto agent oi this city seme of tho purcl ascrs take posseision on the firct of december next month and others oa tl o first of larch next 1 k acres iu the lon hip of lgre raont grey county forltoht suelto5irs alterdunn of cassarca fo- 000 all ctah 7 u acres in guelph township for wm vsatson to james aldcreou of siult st sfarc for 5t030 g acres in peel township for henry ii newton to ifrs john newsteid of ga towi hip for 3100 all cab 103 ats in et luther townthii for mr wm hellers to mr henry s itoebuck of toronto for 0g0 all cih co acres in irenont town for i dward inn erman to jtme i black of hmt nglon for 000 all cash 100 acres in town hip of fps hnch part unimproved for mrs j c v cod to mr wm haltbv of sandhill tor s3 200 all cash oq acres in gucinh township tooneur honey v ell of cea treon forcuoo 100 acres in i eel town ehip for mr john co tin to mr tl oisls ward of durham countv fo- v 1 0 daricg the present fall a great raai o fers from buyers tl rouh jol n j daley i co for farm property- have boeu a i ttle lower than last year and the fro la ab- mitted a finit many of such ctero to own ers who rcfa uie offers exptingal ttje mire and thus lost the c of the r p ces this year as the firm is nnab to far this fall to get any higher cffee i ii ls i or ii t mr john j daley of j j d ley v co has recently pjrehased a 103 a re farm b- mg lot y in concei- on 3 w g i o d iu bat ck town hip grej coantv 2 mils from durl am from mrthon s fctmfoa atjjo mr daly has itl in a little over one year purchsd in hu on ime nice farms as follows 103 ec c in guelph township at ck 2 0 c es in i eel township at mo v 100 tcr siul ilkn g ton townjip at mtoo 10 acrr in i us hnch townh pat fiooo lotcres n i gre- monttownsb p grey count v at u00 00 ares in w ateloo coan y at mo a3 100 acres m grey coai ty 7 mile from dur ham at t3000 100 acre in w est luther at 003 and the above fa m ho has only one of tlce farms on h s 1 ands now hav ing aifpced of all th- others guelph jffrr rj ail th 00 hav eg farms to sell shoald rnteto john j dajy dco gaelph dr v ii i will ullji c lri1 or ga no tve i thocs- ind peoi c witnc s d a bsllooa scension at exposition part yesterdav by irof i ii andergnft when th balloon reached en alt tade of 1 alf a rrile it eudd nly haret end began to dend to the round rapidlv andc cat tl o repe tht k id the parachute and for atirreit ee ncd that he would escape death the pra hute fell car tne centre of the cl attahoocliic i ivcr and nde ws druwl jiuhpita of thecots of tsro rcea in a lo to save him he was 2j crt old and unraarr ed i painesii celery compound acts af the same time oh the serves the liver the bowels ancfthekidners tlii ccrb od iuu t c res it wca dsrfilpowcrtoarc lid why are we sick ilec i re iioa the nercs to rcna rejerid ail n ucd and tes great eg is to bcccne clogged c- tcq j rod pc o s 1 m s re tl refee forced i o tl 1 xtd toi 1 ii l- epplled r ixlly y compound will ctrebiirottstes- fiic coust1patio kidker cos plalxts tjeisaerdrseaes fexixewtjlees hhcuzu tis1c jfeutlitgii aid all jtxetock disoeeees by qui- ng rrd rcntlcr g i dttc ndcau nfcct cfth- 1 vcr ix cl i jktd c r ire cr u g lb r jo er to tb o c d wttji ire i i ti j ii artylt itif cic ocl wijfnfxaeiarirduc iteuejd wkje rckirrcuc t i hciitciitl wijbirei ep cue r li- pit i ccic la rud tsd tr erah b i e ue ca- b tr j tn i u j at s six ur jsa wells pckafd uottkfar p q last winters 0cods all dovn to half jfrice the larqesf sale wj11ks k cakadp over 00 styles of hav scales grain scales farm scales tea scales imffqyedsf3wc i dflawehs mt ciicppers mb bjtcrfeps supplies accirsf tr rrll yn u tt c wil80m son 0 esplanade street east toronto oni ilamoa ihii paper ctt un c ycu vriite vr- the right house lu tt liitt i ooodi down lo htl prices it ilo hiriji hoom abojt jlintlu mue lul retf ill in fuhionible ifjlw in lldlel m urn nd chlldxta it which rk miiilr o2 it lilt pnr a kret lot or onna l md glrli cciotti woollen block inif from indnu iit op lo vt omen i ire pot don to lull pr cei children colored cuhmea how l hlpn ladia mlu down from tic to 5c ind iron 30c to 10 lidiei grej ucrmo drwen down from l87j loll from l to sc from mc to we men socli from jl to cc from 7uc to m lir lou of lut winter r drew goodi in frtfeot btrle i gnully bedoced in pnee joit im the ah v ximtf clotlit md beree it 15c wellworthsoe the cortome cloth it lie li inrpriunit tlloe bed comforten greilh redacei ciriton flinnel down from 23 lo 20c from so lo sce kibboni le tbin hiuprloe biw silk tible ceri 110 lo j5 from from 13 to 6 vice vock fnllinir down lo 5c i toflel mil down from 20c lose cuhmert qloyei immeniely rednced w irrnili th rweek a lirie ihipment ofcuhmere ind ailricingiotei in the iilmt ilrlel direct from the miker jxitm coo- cusi funnoli hit shipe etc jul m lu onr flunl it 12jc the ail wool grey flinnel it i8fc mdlhe rj loncnor grej hmnelii soc the mulineryj ihe mintle the cloth ind carina depirtmenl i crowded with piles of new it lisli cheip md fuhionlble goodi enormous blockl of ibe liklt itylel otdreagoodi silki bltim rairveillear elmhen slkelve labroidenet uoaruiok guodi etc be iar ind lee the underweuof ill kinki for ill irm ind both leiei ii u eheip new ind ierieeible eiln rood rilae in tielungi grej- ind while cottoni dnlll shmltnrf bhirthinri blmketi tweed etc the cirpetlod window blind boome ire oiled with ew ltd slyliih goodi of neirlf wery kind reqmrod it the vet bwett possible pncei oilcloth store jmifl jnit in mind ind enter but of the cirpet window itmy mike muliies ind do cot ret inio the right hoase kin itreel ewt one door wt of haghion street f eioiilon oct jtlfc 1853 thomas c witeflts the glasgoisr house thcton we take great pleasure in announcing to our man friends and patrons that our millinery show has a large assortment of the newest goods in trimmed stock trimmings and shapes will be displaj ed -m- miss smith whose ability is so veil known and appre ciated will again be in charge this season ladies we mute your inspection believing we can give 5 ou entire satisfaction our full stock of drsss gooas ladies and childrens ulstenngs trimmings and a full stock of all the novelties of the season is new complete i motirniao aods a specialty we are showing something er fine and cheap in boating shawls and caps -m- wa also invite special attention to our very full stock of staple gooas special drives in grey flannels hon our stock of boots and shoes is now complete and defies comparison groceries fresh axd cheap in short ladies and gentlemen we are showing the largest most carefull bought and cheapest stock of dr goods milliner boots and shoes and groceries e er brought into acton come and see for ourselves we are alwas pleased to show ou through remember oar famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co kelly brotliere merchant tailors hayingjtttt passed into stock the finest assortment of- imported and domesticsuitings parsings aad overcoatings thit hire ever been shown in the oountj we ire now in i position to sait an person repairing inytiung in clothing oar pricei in right ind we will cnirinf every rirmsnt lo be perfect boti in fit met tinish no nt no uie han dreds of pattertu to select from tve ilso arry the inest stock of veckties colliw cafli md shirti to be foand in inj hoase west of toronto asking for l shire of oar pitronige we bemun sincerely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros 1 best of all vrofh eden alk jc t4 itsjr lonl is 1 ho j icia a trcjl f i a ca c vj t c n i i i ll lr i cold r aid 7 i rwiai i i easel oi4 corner 1 hotacl- v ttoaljus 1 i al i c- kr c 1 111 i i c r 1 i c t r l x cl r i i c sa ig u bw dc i rt f n 1 n pa i t i c v i l i 1 1 0 i uetl 4 1 c and ja- ro o i as wlilej 11 cciau ton i 1 el a i ue uatll i e le i 1 oslelss a- ei md ttisi clra i i i lo 1- cnjii 1 1b u mx t i ir yicr uri lc1 an l jilt icrniiioliorlj me aters c ax i c oral iloof and tie c irat ct i sectus lo nllv ir i l t ihe of usj ire 1 ire a- i after u ng 0 un lotiic lairt la 1 our i sj erer kojntv jcl spnnsntlj hi ayers cherry p resfiaed er dr j c ayer tt co loefl mita h a stone gnoigetov mjzsio dsloti tos houit- sign and onanen s psinun jtie laes st ea keorj le 0sis 0ilrumtg- ordes le a trc r os drcsd t b r g a rrcr i c n h g the e mhterbliry bloifs i ber v tbarhl series cc t tlsfdul 1 ie 3lr il ft j ol stock jlst opened li bu vm- uollili burdock r lqop dyspepsia indigestlf jaundice ierysipeus salt rheum heartburn headache bropsyt p- will cure or relieve i biliousness dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the- stomach dryness oe thdsk1n sad ersrr 5pec s cf disease uisisr ircm lsardrej upe kipsxy5 stomach bovels 0 blood tifjlbubhco otssirk mmirup destroys amd removes worms of all kinds in children oh adults sweet as syrup and cannot harm the most dettcatg child 8u cj- roeiu0une3 ccnitirfttioh indioestion dizjir ess slclt headache 3 clcaca of tmc stobiach u zi a d rousts twit anciiilotnccojtla 0 pzsuft in aenon atttj rosrrn iawjasli aid to dunsocr duioo cmcro m the thiatbckt 4 cu r or cnrorilc ahd ocstiflatc piecaces

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