Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1888, p. 2

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jlt ot william lrwlfio of son rcmthucilo tboftxton wife of t ttri tost ute dausbttrj tfctsersoir berlbe bontf uio acton on thetaddniberlhe k thoaiaa ivrrpuaii jr of a sou lai aahsww on lbli sov the ikp iituorutou of twiniboy and jin arthur towphh thc jcifetfmrorffaauciwwu of a in brtawinf oo h h korem- i of lout mcfhonoo ot a datnjo- majuuzd clmokatiix at fairdrr place acton oa the wi december br bet j ajexander ujl af sartml aaaistedby iter j w uae kem f daughter ui col w allan actoo to john aoarwdbcxjttrtlt una iudfitro carron tanjalo foazlcs caxrexll at the iratdeuce of the bride i fiiiicr by kev drguiord ur william forbw to uary dauculcr ot ur p cainp- wl all k aetou biaci-rnci- st the retidenc of the bridcuthabr elder t l fowler william c wick ot jnstt hoj to alios u iaughter ot gears ia loycc ol ca toosa amx bote at xt itoc avemi6 toronto oti fridar xjvju liary strwt beloved wife ot tbe hetsuaaeluotedjlntlietk jrer of icr aylhtj xtint jtm fress txihrsdit december g 18881 kotes axdfooxnts- the effort to in trod ace into kew yolk state the marriage license system prevail ing in a number o other states and in on tario wll be renewed tx the ipproachinc of the legislature no clae hiring been fotfnd to the author of the mysterious gait poisoning ease of october a the inquest wu closed but week aferdictof cuflty of murder being retained against some party or parties unknown tbe law o new hampshire requires the makers ot oleomargarine to color in pick so thai it cannot by any posatbilt yhe mistaken jot batter the supreme court of the sute has just affirmed tha constitutionality of the law the most of the bad butter in canada iaabout the color of kxlsocutne the latest railway rumor is that the can adian pacific bailwsy is negotiating for the purchase of the porthoroa and north western railway including the terminal facilities at fort huron which ire the pre sent property of the toledo saginaw and mackinac rajxvay and that there is a strong probability of a deal being made serator sherman says- to say that harrison ia going to start rat on avtgpronx policy of annexation wooh be the sheerest folly and nonsense ko man and no party rn bpngihoqt it can only be done by negotiation canada as well u the united states most be willing i woold not give a penny- for canada take a by conquest- r willingness of canadian peo- pfa to come into the union would be the only thing that would make annexation desirable 1 germany as a result of her excellent system of forest preservation and replant ing dfnnded districts has not only enough wood and timber to satisfy all the demands for home consumption bat the- export of forest products from a source of national wealth there are also climatic adran- tagesm greater freedom front drouth and floods as a consequence of her wise and canflerratite treatment of forest lands germany in this respect has set an ex ample which it woold he wise copy es pecially on this continent president cleveland sent down his mes sage to congress on monday it is a lengthy document and like his previous one deals rery fully with the tariff issue he heddf that all unnecessary taxation is unjost and that the frffi protective system so jong enforced in the states is an injury fo the great body of the people he re peats his former opinion that the rejected fisheries treaty was just and honorable to ttnit fifaf the other references to maiteni affecting canada are the bea ring b fisheries question the deimiia tion of the boundary between alaska and british columbia and the wrecking ques- a windsor han eflletl wrxsoe dec sed wird giles one of the oldest and bestknown residents of windsor instantly killed this after- ncctt while returning from waliertjlie he wu riding on a load of cornstalks and slipped off onto the horses backs and from jthere down between them where he was kicked ii the head and afterwards the wh ran over his head he was 55 years old lord lnsdo kite at eoailar boicait dec l lord lansdowne vice roy of india vras received with cnusnal enthusiasm on i andiag yesterday in re plying to the municipal committee he con trasted canada and india the former was only recently settled sad was self goremed india was art ancient and his- tone carihxation where modern institutions were being tried continuously and by ten- tatite steps he promised to increase the defences of bombay j inasmuch ax he re cognized ft to be his first defy to render india secure av0tece tatal eailwar accdixyt- ifemifas ont dec 3 utiile an en gine was taking wafer at tank in the grand trunk railway yardhere this morn ing it was ran into by a jgoai tfin fire man iqcksei eherfy drirer jts iillumt and hrakasmsn allan of coal train were killed and it if said that the body of a tramp is in the debris the accident wu caused by a coal train getting beyond con trol while descending an extremely steep grade of the western dirisioa leading into thyardl the h0xtu1a examination the toiilu of acton pnhhc school who klood litshesuuuc sqttmber liittulnatlods the folio wiafi is the result otlhccxarain- atioqi l the public schools laal friday rast ieribtikkr btxioa int wm fortune 2s0 bam laird 576 jerb heudcrson 2o jcxiol iru bella sicphenfou 2g2 anson muh 2g0 j j pearson 2g0 scsiit suk milton henderson 2s ernest ebbage 278 lewis orr 2tk jnctoe 8 m robert sinclair 26 chris tina ifcphcrson 252 william gifford 21 marks possible in each cite 300 t t ifoorfl teacher sccoxd itticntnct scxioas bessie cameron 251 eva williams 217 charlie moore 20s ivmiueplltes- aliie henderson 201 edna thurston 231 arthur pearson 223 jcvioas minnie edwards 233 robert mcpherson 252 geotre clark 20 marks possible in eacu case 300 sarah mcphail teacher ttuei urrurrupcr sexickis sandy law 275 john ed- wardf2u ellen steward 2w ixmiufeputts kelliemcpherson 2c3 allan campbeli 221 millie law 223 boy mcintosh 223 jcxiobs minnie holme 253 bella mcmaster 212 fred storey 231 maria possible in each case 300 d corrigan teacher rocum icrixtuext sextoes mable grant 275 edwin francis 275 eddie moore 2u5 alice lowry 203 tsteitirniutes mjcia kennedy 223 mable crainc ko johnnfe mooru 2co tirrie creech 200 jrsroes era matthcwe 12o lulie halsted 123 clifton gifford 100 minnie harding 100 marks possible in each else 300 lena dorland teacher u0ckw00d xkwff tee pig model faeiffhe the cflwnwiynt to eciiofld the barns earlr nc it siirlc- hon mr drcry minuter of agricalture the advisory boird of the college and the college- tuff were incoreultilioaallfriday afternoon in regard to the ttite oe affairs resulting from the recent barnicg of th barns at gnelph it was decided to rebntld th barns on the same general plan as the last bailding with same slight improvements which tx periecce his ehown to be more convenient the old walls will be used with the ercep- tiaa of the wnth wait of the barn which it so much damaged tha it will have to be torn down and replaced the admitted defects in the old floors will be remedied in the new plans plans and specifications aretobe got oct at once and tenders are to be asked fcr after the meeting cf the eegis latere in january the re-building- will be gone on with thereafter just as soon in the spring asjcau be foscd practicable all the stock is to be sold off with the exception of a few dairy cows and the thoroughbreds and tenders are asked for feed neceseary for them for the winter two epan of horses are also to fee disposed- of with resard to the origin of the fire the impres that it was due to inrendiarism seems to be deepened by further investiga lionandmr drcry informed the advisory boanl that the executivecouncil at tor- onto had recommended to the lieutenant governor the uscing of a royal commis sion to investigste the matter dcneix act ix richji0vd the art sustained by a ixtec xajarity eicejcan qce kov 30 the dentin act was sustained in this county yesterday fay a vote of c23 against 113 the many repeals of the scott act of late encouraged the liquor men te think thtt a confessedly inferior act would undoubtedly be repealed and induced the temperance party to hope only for a narrow majority in two polling divisions only- however were majorities given for repeal the result considering the history of the iduokin act ia rich mond for the last twelve jears has its les sons for prohibitionists everywhere the act was obtained here twelve years ago by a majority of over ko- votes during this time however the practical benefits of the act have experienced cps and downs of popularity owing ta constitutional ques tions which entailed expeniivelegialatian the act was only well enforced by fits and starts on the first of last may however these consiitctionil points were set at rest and a vigorous enforcement followed with the result firstly of precipitating ademand for repeal and secondly of showing the electors what the act ctn do when it is properly enforced ittesdtsk sirse kvatrhbcllkewsi from our pwn correspondent whle leonard george and freeman wilson wre catting wood oa their faaer arm knafohboll they came across the tracks ofj an animal which they traced for qoite i distance through the woods till tbey camj to a urge elm tree where the tracks ceased on catting the tree down tbey disctwered the tree to be inhabited by a large ratjeocra which tbey captured alive the ro4ds have been fairly good this week j i e rery body is anxious for sleighing the christmas turkeys are fattening and samel fine birds are shown fn tbii neighborhood mrisrael dowdy is a visitor with friends bfris the school teachers and thsir scholars are potting in their best licks now in view ot tb app caching examinations kttftiah oils new pcrunaatfr fills his of- flee to tbe general satisfaction of bis pat- mmisii mosteeu dec 3 mrs michael light- atone left her home aa saturday evening to make acall the hired woman bnd get hogan was left alcne with mrs light stones infant boy when mrsvligbtsione came in she sawbridget stooping over the cradle with her right hand deep in the childs throat the blood was pouring out of the childs mouth mrs lightstone shrieked and fainted when people from the store came cp they found theuurte try ing to wipe the blood from her hand and arm she was secured and a physician called who found that the child had beeh throttled as there were finger marks on its throat its little mouth and throat were all lacerated and a hot flat iron had been pressed on its faceieanng one entire side with a blister over a quarter of an inch in height there were also burns on her fore head the woman was found to be in a drunken rtupor she was arrested the child may recover momreixdccx in the court of special sessions lodai bridget hogan t wife of lonirlaiose pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting to murder the child of mrs lightstooe she sail the child bothered her and being herself drank she did not know what she was doing sentence was posponed for eight days to see whether the child will live or not caxaduk live ktock axd fajjk jouhsal front our own oorrotjiondeut tbe a 0 u w a most successful or gaaiiation tu rock wood has rented for a year and furulilicd the new hall lately boill by mr wm mccarthy the rockwooi advanct after a three weeks rest has taken lease of life under another management and although start tng under dinic tildes it looks quite familiar and we hope it will perform as we like all lhat is included in its salutation apparently he skating rink has out- lived its uicfulncst as the proprietors strange and hewat are arranging it with lie purpose of converting it i a to a stable and barn for thctr lime teams waggons etc the salvation army still fires ahead and although apparently killing thfl old oca ia some poor sinner now and then yst the evil one seems very tenacious of life as ha has repossessed himielf of a large number of backsliders iu several cues once and in some twice a year the methodist church after being brick veneered and remodelled generally will be rcopened for divine service next sunday and on the monday evening following a tea meeting will be held which considering the numerous attractions held out prormses to be a great success a song service which is a now de parture in rockwood was given in the presbyterian church last saoday eve ning although tbe chief attractions were- solos by mrs schclts and mr john blrachan yet all the choruses were beautifully ren dered campbell slrachina splendid bus voice haying a very telling effect the church was crowded to the doors and all present seemed to cojoy the service and to think with mr strichia the pastor that god can be worshipped as effectually and revereully by mesas of singing as by the soporific germans frequently discoursed to church audiences x y z our townsrlian mr john strachan went to actoi on monday evening to give some of his excellent readings at the 1 p u entertainment in the methodist church report reaches tis that he delighted his audience as weal anumberof our fast youths copied the example set by some ot your acton young men as reported in last issue of the fern penis and speot sunday afternoon last in playing shinney on the ice the game was noisy and disturbing to those anxious to have the tecond commandment respect ed ko casualties are reported here but retribution is sure to fouaw rt the methodist church vvhicli for the part two months hss been undergoing re pairs improvements and transformation is to be reopened next sunruy tha ad- re forgot to tell its readers this last week tbe church now presents a hand some appearance and the changes effected have improved both interior and exterior very much the pastors and the congre gation are to be congratulated cpoa the welcome change mr jas hill has exchanged bis fine farm next rockwood consisting of 100 acres well fenced has frame barn and a large frame house nearly new on the premises for the falmer livery stable guelph mr palmer pays a slight differ ence in money mr alexander hill father of the late vendor was one of the pioneers of this section cleared up his farm and took great pride in his place and claimed he had one c the best farms in the toweship the other day squire strange met with a painful accident he was walking on the ice with a couple of newlysbarpened stone hammers on his shoulder when he had the misfortune to slip and fall in doing so one hammer struck him over the eye in sitting an ugly wound and the other struck him on theback of the head stunning him it took mr strange about half an hour to sufficiently recover to be able to walk home he is able to be about again however azxuf rockwood dec 5h i63s ax expexsive cliaeivari fihtn yocnrlffa taken into court the case sctued by their payment of tuecostr last wednesday eighteen yoang men living in and about crewwos- garners were summoned to appear before squire strange afhockwcod to answer fctlhe charged dis turbing the peace at a charivari some time previoas the facts of the case are as fol lows the purties who wire being chiv areed by the yoang feilows lived next door to mr william crewsoo of crew- sons comers whose wife was very ill and in a precarious condition the unlawful doings did not cease with one night bat were continued for several evenings mrs crewsons health was very serioasly af fected by the unearthly din which was kept up and her friends exhorted the auth- orttherfcof to derist they did hot and as a result were summoned before squire strange at the time appointed they ap peared 16 in number and the people crowded from afar to hear the result the latter were to some eitent disappointed however as after theeose was callad the solicitors for the ycung men conferred with mrjlasby who entered the case and agree ing to pay the costs amounting to between s20 and f 30 managed to arrange matters amicably for all concerned and the matter dropped without any trial the general impression seemed to be however that this arrangement was ay moet sensible thing a uig scheie thero have been few more marked suc cesses in jocrnalism than have been achieted by the ccjicuiian lice slock and farm journal of hamilton ont thocgfa devoted especially to stock raising it in cludes the farm the diiry tbe apiary podtry horticulture and the home so that for the general farm erf or such farm ers as make livestock breeding in any of its departments a leading feature cf their business we do not know where to and its equal in canada we lieartilyrecommend it ia our patrons as the leading agricultural paper in the dominion price 100 per aanam a beautiful lithograph of he on tario agricultural college and experiment al farm guelph is given fo every sub scriber for ls33 we can famish it and bar own paper together from now to de- 1 eeuber 1s69 for 185 call at oar office and see sample copy also lithograph stock journal co 48 john sl south hamilton oou orrtwi dec 2 the scheme of cana dian and american capitalists to develop brazils resources is a vast one it is pro posed to establish a railway and steam boat service extending from para at he moath of the amazon to a point on a tri butary in he interior over 1500 miles dis tant two steamboat lines it u proposed will traverse tlie amazon and its tributar ies in conjunction- with this scheme to develop- the interior ot the empire it is the intention of the promoters to establish a line of steamers between para and montre al and new york the scheme of coarse is only in perspective m ll- a poulir c e of ottawa who returned from bra- ril recently is here making put the plans whicbi will be forwarded shortly for the ap proval of the brazilian government should bey be accepted t government will grant aid towards the project the third pago of the toronto ddllg mail is noted for lw ant advertisement if you want to bay or icil anything ujoa want ailtaattou amochtnl a business machinery lodgings if jou have lost or found anything or it you want to find oat where anyoue is advertise in the toronto daiii aa iv and read the ad vortfsc incuts on the third page of tbat paper the cliarg is two cents a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada tbe canada stained glass works of toronto have sgain incrcisod their staff department the church and lipase oro araeatai glass turned oat by tins firm svd be relied oa both for durability and excell ence of design persons requiring glass 1 f n in every style or quantity whatever should address the makers mccaoiiand son toronto if yoa want to bay or seii a farm ad- ertise in the toronto irvewy ifaiv that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoaredertiiemeat should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto n x7y slall for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada mr henry marshall recvo of dupn writes some time ago i got a bottle of icorthrop lymans vegetable discovery from mr harrison and i consider it the very best medicine cxtaut for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvellous cures in liver complaint dyspepsia etc in nurifyicg the blood and restoring cianhood w full vigor children cry for pitchers casior when eaby was aicfc we jrac ber caorii when she was a chd ifce cried for cistcrla wnea tha became if is tbe else to oulcrii wieashehadcii31reiaectlheraotjiorta rich and poqk prince and peasant themillionaite and day laborer by their common we cf this remedy attest the worldwide rep utation of ayers pills lcadin j phy sicians recommend these pill for stomach and liver troubles ccstive- ness biliousness and sick headache also for rheumatism jaundice and neuralgia they are s tigarcoaled con tain no calomel are prompt but mild in operation and therefore the verj beat medlcice for family lsc as well as for travelers and tourists j i have derived great relief from avers pills irc years ago i was ukcn so ill with rheumatism that i was unahle to do any work i toot three boxes ot ayers pills and was entirely cured since lint tirneje am never without a box of tese lulls peter chriatenientiherrood wh ayers pills have heeniu use ia mv family upwards of twenty years shd have completely verified all tbat is claimed for theia lo attacks of pilef rom which i suffered- many years they afford gtrater relief jhan any other medicine i ever tried t f adams holly springs texasi i have csel ayerspllls fcr a nnm- lerof years anil havaever foyud anj thing equal to ihcra for giving me an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the systein i always keep them in the house d jackson wilmington del i two boxes of ayers pills cured me of severe headache j from which i was long a sufferer emma keyes hubbanljtoa jiasa whenever i am troubled with con- stipatioa oc suffer from loss of appetite ayers pills set me right again a- j kiser jr eock house va- ayers pills are in general demand amons our customer our sales of them exceed those of all other pi i la com bined we have nevcr known them fail to give eatire satisfaction wright a hannelly san diego texas ayers pills i rgxpxnp sr of j c ayef co lowe masit bold by alldeilers in hecidn new harness sliop j h matthewsprop lateofeinvi i wish to inform the public i have opened a harness shop oppocte jtcganinls drug store i cm supply any wants la tle lice o light and heavy harness blankets bells hrctlies coujik acd harness oil crcrytbiiy in tbe harcet- lint kept in otoct ucjiairin rromptly attended to collars warranted not to hart 7 h jfatthews actou exhausted vitality the5ciekce of life the crest itodicaj work c the s3 oa uaahood kervoss and physical dcmity pre- niature decline errors af teeth and tha untold mis eries consequent thereon sb pages 6 to 115 rrescrfptib for all diseases cloth full gilt only l0o by mail scaled olcsintire samije free w all roursasdmldileagdnicu scad eos tha gold and levelled ileisl awarded to tbe acthor by xatlonal jfedical associatios address p o box iss5 boston hiss or dr v k pak- kekcradcatecf harvard siedicalc0 is years practice fa boston wfco may be corralled connientially sicoialty dcics of i an oscekobulncht alma ladies college et thokjw okt i has a fully equipped commercial ifspart- ment iu which a complete i graduating coarse u given with diplomas and certifi cates to successful studeols bookkeeping phonography type- writing ac thoroagli ly uagbi rates from f 0 to50 perterm inch ding hoard and tuitiou for 66 pp calender address principal austin b d flefclicrum taanery burned flexiizxtox dec 8 soiotrjondamades tannery was totally destroyed by fire be tween one and four oclock yesterday morn ing loss about 10000 insurance 13500 close unknown authors cox manufacturers of trusses artificial limbs and appliances for all de formiuflt ot tlie unman body spiaal disease hip joint diseaxe diseaes ot the eqoe and ankle kxock knee bow legclgbftem also cbctches st toronto hacmsss cures rheumatism issebfalts wqjeth powpehs tojilmwtttofalm ctdatnthtlr ora wy japuioitutitau aflivi22x t for infante and children caitoruuionstiliptedtoeulaaiil i owwru comi coll oomuiiioii inrommradlturpatetouriraafpuas i ssp an jtfiis taowi to u- atliciii jl i p u16aoifoidtlsmu7ikt j wues injmtou ocjiriili furniture undertaking furniture department undertaking department cosumte with a i1eautflx l nve klxecteij fitoce or parlor bedroom suites spring bedbjtttlresses tables chairs etc etc etc a full line of gaods from the best makers always on hand mices eeasoxable j speight son hhaese cosins caskets audbhrialeobes of all size j in stock oeiieks promptly filled j speight son j a speight mljnage it cuelph cloth hall christmas goods ix great yah1ety i deifrf tolatonn mv unmertjo cinuien luai tbavc jtirchaud fla vflieivo iooda for tbe xfflti trareomp nji vlendld lot ot toliet arvities m hair tooth and kill brushes the finest perfumes in the idvket i ue also tje fiae ioct in ladies satchels ever ihotu jj aewn for xmas preieau i have a vcintifut mlec of albums booklets kc- we alwkeepsl 1ae auloiri sc lacl and bciiool fine h ji j kooit lej peiicii se jjt fic veker a ure ieecvi c cc to ailtiii give n atalilkifore fhjaas dviit fc druo store better than ever tee western advertisefl commemorates its quarter of a cextury by appearing in arj entirely new- oata and presenting a raagniflcent bourenir picture to each rebacriber lor 18ffl entitiod natural otter beaver south sea seal andl tj p tbi beaotirul vrenjum which i a larue irersiail lvamd cads i lphotoiithorpiliu isxu iachaaiidis beinir -v-j- i jneciallr eiecatm for ui on plate paywr a j photograph of this size sells for h50 and can- rv it t ant be distinguished from the lithograph ben choice collars and cuffs to match above caps stsffiksfes i of nfaotohthocraphr btbt prodaced in the do- d fur gauntlets i astrican raccoon siberian lamb bulg overcoats i shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph rs upiooipaii at pii0dlltho6rphr tct prodaced miifnn will bfl milled ia dwffinl new type throughout- illustrated departments beautiful free premium balance of 1888 free to all now ordering for tbe year 13 at the low rateot w or j3 for four copies or the term mentioned iz he only high class illustrated canadian weekly gircs p its readers the best of literature accompanied by 33325 engravings of he highest order the press through out the dotuiuiou has declared it to be worthy ot canada and deserving uuireisal support but its best kcommeu- dation lies in its steadily iscressikg cmculatwx a a subscription 4- a year 10 cents a number son publishers enable us to offer the dominion illustrated with j the acton free press for 400 per year to farmers and threshers rjaeonvourilaciiinertoniythe wellknown i peebless oil qolfld medaxjs have been awarded ii during the last three years t trj- also our pflsrltss axld jrossfl for vour wagons and horse powers these oils arc csedand highly recommeodeaatthemodel farm guelph farmers ask for them use no other j itanufacturedatquflflucityoil vorfcsby j samuel rogers co toronto amenta woted terrwberc- begutertyl letters come at our rialc for free umple pa pers terms to uenti etc- address advertiser printinc coa london ont tfiefreeprewubbhig offer ton can hra tbe weitini advertiser and its beautiful pmrrinm totfeuier irltli the free press or 1889 for only 1180 by addieesing ua u followi h p moore n free pres3 office acton xjnt iviansood how lost how restored jost pobliabed new edition of brculter- wtus cletmted euay on the baaieal core of gpernatorrfacea or incapacity indnced bj- exeenor early iodiacretion tbe celebrited aathor ia this admirable euay elsarly demoastratei rom a thirty rears laeeekful practice that tbe alarming conae- quecce of early error may be radically cured pointing oar a mode of enre at once simple certain mad effectual by means of which every sufferer no matterwhathis condition may be may cure himself cheaply jirirately and radi cally i 1sttbis lectoris should be in the hands erf erery youth and erery man in the land i sent undepeah in a plain envelope to any addreu on receipt ot four cents or two postage tamp address j tis quivered helical co if axk st- kxw toex po box us rfgfl toronto steam tauhdby shutra collars aftd cufp ql ls aspedartr out of town war vi uj prornptiy attended to and roturne 9 per instructloaa q p sharpe proprietor text door to palmer house handy to uniof ptpot the dominion boot shoe store fall wi 1888 mammoth house 61 wm rvlcleodt hft beg to annourice have- received large o their fall andwinterjimtis tations irom the fore domestic marketsjal they are daily receivin goods from- foreii domestic markets tpri their stock making thi always fresh and ati the public caa rely u cateringto their best and presenting to thaikqai of largest cheapesflanj most attractivestock tnlfs be seen anywhere we call special attejirjttti p ourmillmerymantldsribhoa dress silks- dress igoddj fancy goods small jwarei- staples flannels blanket tweeds carpet- boots in shoes i ur dress andmantlemali- int department isinfirsfcclais working order under acoii petent and efficentheidafeit i proper assistance y t our tailoring departeit is o 1 we have alijs stock of the newest gijoc it for overcoatings and suiting u excellent white cojton for 5 cts pf ard ifaif ton- cotton 3 cts pesjanl gre flannel 20 cts- perl jyil- tweeds for 25 cts per black and colored- meneleaux and gro silks 5octs per yard 8 1 06 colored silks for worth socts dress g 5cts and sets per yard 12 j cts and i5ctsper large piles of other go in proportion we most respectfully soil- j cit a piisit of -inspecrjonaiai- 7 we can convince ydul ojhej extent beaut- gpodnessasji cheapness of out stock oiir grand millinery jpa ing on thursday friday ail- saturday sept 27 28 kfip 29 i the absolute siisafi and uninterupted proqessic if of cheap and beautiful- gooi i that we can show you jjs pur ply rriarellous wnj mcleod i ccj iimitoth hqiusb qeokgeto-wn- ij ciual clottlli at low prig having boopbl the stock oc m chant tailor at a rale i the dollar detiring to give the people oiael thebenefitl wijlscliata great eelcctl0fj for the next six wa h owpctl 1 u kbnney bros 5caix- street actox i itre uov ao kev toct of hoots ind shoss tjr cje ciics riur tirtcl3iii ill lciad o felt in all iizs aad ityiei ht long boots in all sizes- j i gaiters arlcf high laced boots j rubbers oversboesc k spl6ndid sssohtment op trunks knd vklises a neiartdtja i j yftijiisi been invented and ire la re ttcsred the ccaclcf it fcr actca and vicinity we have reference to the dpney slip never heel plates i which with a special machine we put oukctitwrs 1123 overshoe fcr a trisin ciinse and they tender it impossible to ihp no i miitcrliov much ice there is en ndcwalt or roid ther also make the rebbers more durable by 13 per cent and every man woman and ahild shoald have a pair on their rnuben come ssd ice the machine and watch us put them on j our custom woefc and repairiss vil reccivt the uiual careful attention kbihney bros wew goods this wk -at- the right hoiise yjjjmts woodencpe 10kingsteas j fesendtorpriol l ttet pa- wm li w lg3i the cultivatokm colxtey gextlsjii i the best op th j ascriciilfural weeklies devoted to farm crops and processes u horticulture fntforoww livestock anddaiiyia while it also includes all minor itjaitnr of rural interest such as the ponltrj law 1 ij rnlintauiitflru 01 kurai interest snen uun umj toreolopvhee keerdufrgrknboubeiriagrjisw veterinary licplies varm qoeatiwu 1 iwcn fireside lu tvmtiei ebisjttt and nuaimarvollj uarkot reports hi much ttteutiqn is u crops as thrwrius 1 important of ill qui vhen to leil jtlilj recent eiilsjvtnient more 4 tie tic offerj a i jersey jackets gimp trimmings jet trimmings qailted satins collars coriets bustles cactoo flnels dress- shiejds hose supporters elastic corset laces etc jost pee the new german mantles direct from the best berlin makers examiue the charming millinery rot np in the best french istyles inspect the dress goods they are the latest french and german designs the coraeta have an amaxiur sale in french german british and canadian makes remember wstkins entire stock has been boajjbt for prompt cash h the lowest possible prices and are sold at small profits bee the grey cottons white couqnb cotton and flannel sheetings villow cottons blankets ot all kinds flannels denims cotfonadea docks canadian tweeds battinjpi waddings cotton and woollen yarns cnderclothjiig of all kinds for all age and sexe canton flannels etc we selling oft veiy cheap handsogfl striped dress gcoda down from s6jto 20c other lines down equally low the following goods are reduced to half price many of them less than half price ostrich feathers in buck white aod newoiors astrachan cashmere aod kid gloves ladies satctysis and parses several lines of dress goods grey flannels mantles and mantle clotbs shot and watered silk flashes boys jwiejs table covers feather trimmings down trimmings for trimmings of various kinds bs sere to see the cnruin mantle and mane cloth departments xhe carpet department is filled with oemntiful goods tn almost eery article req aired lor furniahing hpaees mind and enter the doors bast ol the carpet window many make mistakes and dont get into tbe bight house corner juhg and hoghson streets k hamilton doo ut 1889 jbioivras a wactrrtsrg etennary iciiiw rum iwcn fireside leading doni and a luaimarv oiue nevs ot ewes rj jjarkct bepona are anusnalltcasjpjeja sw much atteutiqu is laid to the oap crops as thrwiug light upon eiie of tw fl f is liberally iiiustrtw a biaent rconuin r matter tbau ever before- tbe price ii t50 per year but we reduction in oar club rates for 18s9 two subsc ration in on rerautane six subscti pilous do tncfre snuerlpuons do- do tjsto all eic sblaertixnftir 18 ityinij ia wsra noir tec trif eif j trceiy roiniwr receipt vl the nmu january lii 1ss0 tclihut charyu 1 myg tsspecnrcs corirs free aaareaa w lltheetlcker a son rahhlhfrs j albany rhe free press and countijrc man for one year lor 63 breadmakers yeas hbsad cao olji faliflcmii-iis-j- v- tottohdslc 1 auu the tfjjfrs nrcvli-t- bid nut rtfttj bcewfccst rmgy uacrslaricorrrcrtry pricefiver a s

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